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Independence - Freedom – Happiness

No: 75/2000/TT-BNN-KHCN

Hanoi , July  17, 2000




In order to well implement Clause 2, Article 19, Chapter V of the Prime Ministers Decision No.178/1999/QD-TTg of August 30, 1999 regarding the Regulation on labeling domestically circulated goods as well as export and import goods and the Trade Ministrys Circular N0.34/1999/TT-BTM of December 15, 1999 guiding the implementation of Decision No.178/1999/QD-TTg. Apart from implementing the general provisions on goods labeling in the above-said Decision and Circular, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development hereby provides more detailed guidance on the additional specific labeling of distinct commodities of the specialized agriculture and rural development sector as follows:

Part I


1. The list of distinct commodities of the specialized agriculture and rural development sector subject to goods labeling prescribed in this Circular shall include:

- Plant protection drugs;

- Veterinary drugs;




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- Fertilizers;

- Animal breeds;

- Animal feeds and raw materials for the production thereof.

(Excluding the part for the Ministry of Aquatic Resources, defined in the Governments Decree No.86/CP of December 8, 1996 on assignment of State management responsibility for goods quality).

2. For other commodities not governed by this Circular, the provisions in Decision No. 178/1999/QD-TTg of August 30, 1999 of the Prime Minister and guiding Circular No. 34/1999/TT-BTM of December 15, 1999 of the Trade Ministry shall be complied with.

Part II



Plant protection drug labels include:




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- Two-column labels;

- Three-column labels;

- Leaflet labels.

The dispositions and contents of assorted labels are stipulated in Sections A, B, C, D, E and F as follows:


1. The name and form of the drug (Section E, Point 1).

2. Composition:

+ Active substance

+ Solvent (if necessary) (Section E, Point 2).




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4. Information on toxicity (Section E, Point 4.2.1).

5. Color stripe (Section E, Point 4.2.2).

6. Technical instructions on drug use and preservation (Section E, Point 4.1).

7. Instructions on avoidance of intoxication (Section E, Point 4.2.3).

8. Instructions on intoxication emergency (Section E, Point 4.2.4).

9. The names and addresses of merchants responsible for plant protection drugs (Section E, Point 6).

10. The date of manufacture, the expiry date (Section E, Point 7).


The principal column (to the left of the label).




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2. Composition:

+ Active substance.

+ Solvent (if necessary) (Section E, Point 2).

3. Goods quantification: The capacity or net volume of the pack calculated in kg, gr (for drugs in form of powder or grain), or liter, ml for drug in liquid form.

4. Information on the toxicity (Section E, Point 3.2.1).

5. Utility (Section E, Point 5).

6. Cautions and instructions on avoidance of intoxication (Section E, Point 4.2.3).

7. Instructions on intoxication emergency (Section E, Point 4.2.4).

8. The isolation duration (Section E, Point 4.2.3).




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8. Color stripe (for both column) (Section E, Point 4.2.2).

9. Technical guidance on drug use (Section E, Point 4.1).

10. The names and addresses of the merchants responsible for the plant protection drugs (Section E, Point 6).

11. The date of manufacture, the expiry date (Section E, Point 7).


The principal column (in the middle)

1. The drug name and form (Section E, point 1).

2. Composition:

+ Active substance.




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3. Goods quantification: Inscribing clearly the capacity or volume of the pack calculated in kg, gr (for drugs in form of powder or grain) or liter, ml for drug in liquid form.

4. Information on toxicity (Section E, point 4.2.1).

5. Utility (Section E, point 5).

6. Name and address of the merchant responsible for the plant protection drug (Section E, point 6).

7. The date of manufacture, the date of expiry (Section E, point 7).

Auxiliary column 1: (to the left of the principal column)

8. Technical instructions on drug use (Section E, point 4.1).

9. The isolation duration (Section E, point 4.2.3).

Auxiliary column 2: (to the right of the principal column)




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10. Cautions and instructions on avoidance of intoxication (Section E, point 4.2.3).

11. Instructions on emergency in case of intoxication (Section E, point 4.2.4).


When the volume of to be- passed information on drug is too great while the label area on the pack is limited and not large enough to carry the information, such information volume shall be printed on another label attached thereto, which is called the leaflet label.

When the leaflet label is used, in the principal column of the label on the pack, the following words must be printed: "Reading the attached leaflet label carefully before using the drug".

The contents of a leaflet label include:

1. The drug name and form (Section E, point 1).

2. The information on toxicity (Section E, point 4.1.1).

3. Technical instructions on drug use (Section E, point 4.1).




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5. Instructions on emergency in case of intoxication (Section E, point 4.2.4).

6. The isolation duration (Section E, point 4.2.3).


1. Drug names and forms:

- Commercial names.

- Active substance content and drug form (Vietnamese or international sign).

For example: Insecticide Padan 95SP.

Disease killer Vanicide 3 DD.

Weed killer Vidiu 80 BTN.




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- Active substances: Names and contents of all principal active substances in the drug (unit g/kg or %).

- Solvent: When the solvent increases the toxicity or increase the physical properties of the drug like Section F, the name and content of such solvent must be inscribed on the label.

3. Goods quantification:

The label must clearly inscribe the capacity or volume of the pack calculated in kg, gr (for drug in form of powder or grain) or liter or ml for drug in liquid form.

The inscription of this information shall comply with the circular guiding the implementation of the Trade Ministrys Decision No.34/TT-BTM of December 15, 1999.

4. Use instructions

4.1. Technical instruction on drug use:

To clearly inscribe the disease, epidemics, the use duration and method to ensure safety and highest efficiency. The use instruction must contain:

- All information needed to prevent wrong or improper use.




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+ Not for use when it is going to rain.

+ Only use in the 2- to 5- leaf stage.

- Dose, concentration, time and method applicable to epidemics.

- Instructions on preparation for drug admixture, method of drug admixture, drug spraying method, drug preservation method, way of destroying surplus drug and packings.

- Possibility of mixing with other kinds of drug.

4.2. Instructions on safety caution.

4.2.1. Information on toxicity

- The information on the drug toxicity such as "Extremely toxic", "Highly toxic", "Dangerous", "With Care" and symbols indicating the toxicity for each kind of drug (skull and cross bones for group I drugs and the cross in slanted square for group II drugs) must be placed above the principal column in the label;

- The phrase "Keep away from children" must be placed right below the toxicity information and symbols.




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The symbols indicating the toxicity and physical properties of the drug are printed within the slanted squares in prescribed colors and the symbol size is equal to 1/10 of the principal column area.

4.2.2. Color stripes

The colors of the color stripes are determined on the basis of the drug classification table of the World Health Organization (WHO).

- For group I drugs, it is the red stripe (pantone red 199-C)

- For group II drugs, it is the yellow stripe (pantone yellow- C).

- For group III drugs, it is the blue stripe (pantone blue- 239-C).

- Such stripe is placed at the bottom of the label, with the length being equal to the length of the label, the height being equal to 15% of the height of the label.

- The colors of the color stripes must be durable, non-smudgy or non-fading.

4.2.3. Warnings and instructions on avoidance of intoxication.




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+ Intoxicated if inhaling them.

+ Intoxicated if drinking them.

+ Intoxicated if they contact skin.

+ Causing allergy to skin, eyes, respiratory system.

- When using drugs:

+ Not to inhale drugs.

+ Not to let drug contact skin, mouth, eyes and nose.

+ Not to smoke, eat, drink.

+ Using protective devices (clothing, glasses, hats, gloves, boots).




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- After-use:

+ Washing hand and feet or taking a shower or bath.

+ Cleaning protective devices.

- Isolation duration:

To clearly inscribe the isolation duration for each object of use such as:

+ Not to use drug before harvest (day, week).

+ Not to treat reared animals before slaughter (day, week).

+ Hazardous (poisonous) for reared animals. Not to ranch animals in treated areas (hour, date).

+ Those who fail to wear protection devices shall not be allowed to enter the treatment areas (hours/day)




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Such information must be distinctively inscribed in capital letters in order to ensure safety for the drug users.

4.2.4. Instructions on emergency in case of intoxication.

To inscribe clearly the first-aid method when intoxicated.

- What to do when the drug contacts skin or eyes.

- What to do when inhaling drug vapour.

- What to do when mistakenly drinking the drug.

- What to do when drug sticks to clothing.

- What to do if during or after the use of drug the symptoms of intoxication are detected.

- What are the symptoms of intoxication.




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5. Drug utility:

To clearly inscribe that the drug is used to kill which disease on which inflicted objects (insecticide, disease killer or weed killer).

For example: Used for killing weeds on planted trees.

Used for killing one-year budding weed on sown rice.

Used for killing sheath blight on rice plants.

6. Names and addresses of the merchants responsible for plant protection drugs.

- Names and addresses of the producers of raw materials or active substances (to be compatible with the application for use registration and the registration permit);

- Names and addresses of the processing and supplying units;

7. The date of manufacture, the plant protection drug expiry date.




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- The expiry time (year).

- The use registration number;

- The KCS number;

- Other information (if any).



- Black symbols on white background





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- Black symbol on yellow or orange background

Reaction to water (inflammable):

- Black symbol on sky blue background

Highly inflammable:

- Black symbol on half white background and half red background




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- Black symbol on red background.

- Black symbol on white background with red stripes


- Black symbol on yellow or orange background.





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1.1. Label of raw materials for veterinary drug production.

1.2. Label of finished products.

The finished product labels include the following types:

1.2.1. Direct label is the label containing necessary and major information printed on the smallest packing units of the product (on medicinal tablets, tabloids, ampoules, packs, bottles.);

1.2.2. Indirect label is the label stuck or printed on or attached to a packing which contains a certain quantity of smallest packing units (on boxes of medicinal tablets, tabloids, ampoules, bottles);

1.2.3. Preservation and transport label is the label printed or stuck on casks, trunks or bales in the course of preservation and transportation.

2. The provisions on labeling veterinary drugs:

2.1. Compulsory contents on veterinary drug label include:

2.1.1. The drug appellations.




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2.1.3. The packing specification: Clearly inscribing the volume, amount, quantity in a packing unit.

2.1.4. Composition: Inscribing the names of raw materials, auxiliary materials being the components of the products; the content or percentage of active substances.

2.1.5. Utility: Inscribing clearly the effect of drugs.

- Principal effect.

- Side effects.

2.1.6. The use instructions include:

- Animal species on which the drug shall be used.

- Drug conducting channels (underskin injection, intradermal injection, muscular injection, venous injection, oral drops, mixture with feed, bathing, drug application or rubbing, or other particular drug channels).

- Dose and therapeutic process.




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- Necessary cautions when drug is used.

2.1.7. The numerals inscribed on a label include:

- The registration number (manufacture or import)

- The manufacture lot number.

- The expiry date.

2.1.8. Instructions on preservation conditions.

2.1.9. The inscription "For veterinary use only".

2.1.10. The time of drug use cessation when necessary.

2.2. The veterinary drug labels that must be fully inscribed with the compulsory contents include:




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2.2.2. Direct labels on smallest packing units of the product with area large enough for containing all the information volume prescribed at 2.1.

2.3. The veterinary drug labels that need not to be fully inscribed with compulsory contents include:

2.3.1. Direct labels on medicinal tablets, tabloids, ampoules, small pots or on the smallest packing units of the product with area not enough for containing all information as prescribed;

2.3.2. Preservation and transportation labels need to be inscribed only with the full name of the product, content, percentage, packing specification of the product, the quantity of small packs inside, the numerals to be inscribed on the labels as stated at Item 2.1.7, the name and address of the manufacturer.

2.4. Particular symbols of poisonous materials or poison labels:

2.4.1. For poisonous raw materials of Table A: The label frame is black, in the upper right corner there is a white circle with words "Poison A" in black, in the upper left corner, there is a white-background circle carrying the symbol of "a skull placed above two crossbones", with the radius being equal to 1/6 of the short side of the label.

2.4.2. For poisonous raw materials of Table B: The label frame is red, in the left corner there is a white-background circle carrying the words "Poison B" in red. The circle has the radius being equal to 1/6 of the short side of the label.

2.4.3. For assorted finished product labels of poisons (On intermediate labels and preservation and transportation labels, the inscription "Not use in excess of prescribed dose" must be boldly printed).

- Black color for poisons of Table A.




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2.4.4. For drug to be applied to skin, there must be another bold inscription "For use on skin only".

2.5. Other necessary instructions for finished product labels of veterinary drugs:

2.5.1. Names of home-made drugs shall be inscribed in Vietnamese or international names, Roman names, scientific names, original names, proprietary medicine names. Where the drug names are inscribed in proprietary medicine names, the common names of the drugs must be additionally inscribed immediately under the proprietary medicine names with letters sizing 2/3 of the proprietary medicine names.

2.5.2. The drug formula or composition; drug form and packing specification shall be inscribed in strict accordance with the registered dossiers already approved.

2.5.3. Registration number: inscribed according to the registration number granted by the Veterinary Department.

2.5.4. The words "For veterinary use only" shall be inscribed in a place easily to be spotted on the label.

2.6. Labels of export veterinary drugs: Designed with contents at the requests of the importing countries.


1. The agricultural cultivars and the forest plant varieties (called cultivars for short) domestically manufactured or exported and/or imported by organizations and individuals licensed to manufacture and trade in plant varieties, when being circulated, traded on the markets, must bear labels and the labeling of cultivars shall comply with the Regulation on goods labeling.




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For cultivars contained in packs, their labels must be fully inscribed with the compulsory contents under the Regulation (the goods appellation, the name and address of merchant responsible for the goods, the goods quantification, composition, major quality norms, date of manufacture, expiry date, preservation duration, preservation instructions, use instruction and goods origin).

For cultivars without packs, at least the name of the varieties, the date of manufacture, the name and address of the unit which produces or import such varieties must be inscribed on the labels. Other compulsory contents shall be inscribed in a document enclosed with the varieties when they are sold to the buyers.

3. The compulsory contents

3.1. The names of the cultivars

3.1.1. The name of the ordinary plant variety must be inscribed with the name of the plant family and the name of the cultivar.

For example:

Family name

Variety name

- Rice




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- Corn

Q5; TSB2

3.1.2. For cultivars with hybridization superiority, genetic modification, tissue culture, layering, grafting, etc., such characteristics shall be inscribed in front of the variety names.

For example:

Family name


Variety name

- Rice

3- generation hybrid




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- Corn

single hybrid


- Cotton



3.1.3. For the name of the forest cultivar, it must be inscribed with the name of the family, the name of the species and the name of the variety.

3.2. The name and address of the merchant responsible for the varieties and the names and addresses of organizations and/or individuals that produce the cultivars.

If they are imported cultivars, the names and addresses of the importing organizations and/or individuals shall be inscribed.




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- For plant seeds, tubers and strains, which can be measured in volume, the variety volume shall be inscribed in kilogram (kg), gram (g) or miligram (mg).

- For other cultivars, the goods quantity is calculated in number of branches, saplings, cuttings, fruits. For example: 100 branches; 100 cuttings.

3.4. Major quality norms

3.4.1. For varieties with their grades and quality criteria being prescribed, the variety grades and all quality criteria must be inscribed together with their code numbers on the goods labels.

3.4.2. For varieties without grading, only the quality criteria shall be inscribed for each kind of variety.

3.4.3. For varieties without the States prescription of quality criteria, the quality criteria announced by producing organizations or individuals shall be inscribed.

3.5. Date of manufacture:

Date of manufacture: For plants with seeds, tubers or fruits gathered for use as strains, the day, month and year shall be inscribed. For plants produced by clonal methods (grafting, layering, budding), the day, month and year shall be inscribed.

3.6. Instructions on preservation and use:




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- Use instructions: To inscribe clearly the planting season, major technical methods of production, attentions when carrying out the production. For imported cultivars, the importing merchants shall have to provide instructions on use suitable to the climatic and soil conditions of each ecological region for the plants to be grown.

The use instructions and preservation instructions can be made into a separate document attached to the varieties supplied to the buyers.

3.7. Origins of cultivars

For cultivars imported for use in Vietnam, the importers shall inscribe the above-mentioned compulsory contents together with the names of countries producing such cultivars.

For export cultivars: The goods labels shall be inscribed with the above contents or the contents requested by the importing countries.


1. Fertilizer appellation:

Where fertilizers bear no names prescribed in Clauses 1, 2 and 3 of Article 6 of Decision No.178/1999/QD-TTg, the fertilizer appellation shall be the name on the list of assorted fertilizers allowed for use and circulation in Vietnam, which is announced by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

- For special-use fertilizers, their names shall be inscribed before inscribing the names of specific fertilizers:




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Type of fertilizer: Leaf fertilizer

Name of fertilizer: Komix- Rc

2. The name and address of the merchant responsible for the fertilizers: Inscribing the names and addresses of establishments producing such fertilizers.

For imported fertilizers, the names and addressed of the organizations or individuals importing such fertilizers shall be inscribed.

3. Quantification of fertilizers: Inscribing the quantity or volume of fertilizers contained in packs, which is calculated in kg, g, mg or liter or ml.

4. Composition and quality criteria of fertilizers

- The composition and quality criteria of fertilizers shall be inscribed in symbols of nutrients in the fertilizers and each nutrients content calculated in %, gram/liter; ppm or CPU/g (ml).

- For microbiological fertilizers: Inscribing the type of microorganism and volume thereof in the fertilizers.

5. Date of manufacture, expiry date, preservation duration.




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- For fertilizers which can only be used or preserved within a given period of time, the expiry date and the preservation duration shall be inscribed.

- For some kinds of imported fertilizers the producing countries fail to inscribe the date of manufacture, this may not be inscribed in the goods labels in Vietnamese.

6. Preservation instructions, use instructions.

- Use instructions: Inscribing clearly the fertilizer is used for which kind of plant, the fertilizers utility, using method and use duration applied specifically for each kind of plant.

- For fertilizers which need special attentions to ensure the quality, raise the efficiency, avoid hazards caused to plants and environment, such special attentions shall be specifically inscribed.

- Instructions on preservation, conditions therefor.

- Preservation instructions and use instructions may be inscribed into a separate document attached to the fertilizers supplied to the buyers.

7. Inscribing the goods origins

For imported fertilizers, the names of countries producing such fertilizers must be inscribed on the fertilizers labels.




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The scope of application shall cover all breed animals, breeding eggs, breeding sperms and germs produced at breeding establishments and farms licensed to produce and trade them in the country or import them, of all economic sectors (State-run, collective, private), which are sold on the market.

When being sold on the market, the breeds must have labels and documents fully inscribed with the following contents:

1. The name of the domesticated animal breed:

1.1. The name of the pure animal breed must be inscribed with the name of the species first, then the name of the breed.


Species name

Breed name


Mong cai, Thuoc nhieu




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Ri chicken, Mia chicken, Ho chicken


Co duck, Bau duck

1.2. For hybrids, the name of the animal species, form of hybridization or cross-breeding:


Species name

Hybridization form

Breed name





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Hybrid pig F1



Dai bach x Mong Cai


2 hybridization

Bach Tuyet duck

For breeding animals crossbred from many breeds, a number of main hybridized raw materials taken from other breeds to create such breeding animals must be clearly inscribed.

1.3. Inscribing clearly the full names and addresses of the producers:




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2. Goods quantification:

Units for quantification of breeding animals shall be animal, of germs shall be germ, of breeding eggs shall be egg, of sperms shall be sperm dose.

3. Inscribing main quality criteria

3.1. Breed grade: Great grandparents, grandparents or parents.

Example: Chicken breed ISA MPK of grandparent generation, chicken 882 of parent generation, great grandparent pig thorough breed

- Breed quality norms:

Clearly inscribing some major norms on yield, quality, characteristics.

Example: For poultry breeds producing eggs: Egg output/year.

For poultry breeds producing flesh: The volume achieved per a time unit.




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For swine: The fertility yield: The number of piglets/litter, the number of litters/year.

3.2. For domesticated animal breeds with their quality norms not yet prescribed, the quality norms announced by the producers shall be inscribed.

4. Date of production, expiry date, preservation duration:

For breeding sperms, germs, eggs, the date of production and the expiry date shall be clearly inscribed.

5. Preservation and use instructions:

Inscribing clearly the preservation requirements, concrete instructions on all conditions to ensure quality and on use, which may be inscribed in guiding documents.

Example: The sperms of thoroughbred Duroc pig are preserved at 18-20oC.

6. Origins of animal breeds:

- For animal breeds imported from foreign countries, the origins, quality and grade of the breeds must be clearly inscribed and accompanied with quarantine certificates issued by the veterinary offices according to the current regulations.




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Subjects of implementation: organizations and individuals that produce, trade in and/or import animal feeds and raw materials for their production by industrial methods, or serve the feed processing industry on the list announced by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

1. For goods produced in Vietnam:

1.1. The goods appellation:

The names of goods being animal feeds are specifically inscribed on the basis of the utility of the goods as well as the subjects and growth duration of the reared animals using such feeds.


- Compound feeds for porker weighing of 30 - 60 kg.

- Mineral-added feeds for chicken.

1.2. Composition:




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1.2.2. If one of the raw materials has already been radiated or is the product of genetic techniques, it must be inscribed in the goods labels according to the international provisions announced by Vietnam for application.

1.3. Major quality norms:

- The goods quality norms which must be inscribed on animal feed labels include:

1.3.1. For goods being compound and complete feeds and condensed feeds:

- Humidity (Max %);

- Protein (Min %);

- Exchanged calory ME (Min Kcal/kg);

- Crude fiber (Max %);

- Ca (Min and Max %);




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- NaCl (Min and Max %);

- Name and content of antibiotics or pharmaceuticals (Max mg/kg).

1.3.2. For goods being feed raw materials, feeds added with vitamins, minerals or additives:

- The contents of basic elements decisive to the use value of goods (Max for minerals, Min for vitamins).

- The names and contents of antibiotics or pharmaceuticals (Max mg/kg).

1.4. Use and preservation instructions:

- For goods being complete compound feeds, condensed feeds, feeds added with minerals or additives, their labels must be inscribed with the use instructions, preservation instructions, cautions against harms if the goods are used improperly. If the goods contains antibiotics, the time of ceasing the feeding before slaughter must be inscribed together with other necessary information.

- Where goods labels are not large enough for inscribing the contents of use and preservation instructions, such contents shall be guided and explained in a document attached to the goods for supply to the users.





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The front side of the packing


Symbol and code of company (drawing, advertisement)


Net weight:

The back side of the packing


- Humidity (Max %);




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- Exchanged calory ME (Min Kcal/kg);

- Crude fiber (Max %);

- Ca (Min and Max %);

- P (Min%);

- NaCl (Min and Max %);

- Names and contents of antibiotics of pharmaceuticals (Max mg/kg).

- No hormone or anti-hormone.

RAW MATERIALS: Corn flour, corn gluten, cabbage seed oil-cake, soya bean powder, fish powder, milk cream powder, bone meat flour, vegetable oil, shell powder, L-Lisin, copper sulphate, ferroussul-phate, calcium carbonate, manganese oxide, folic acid, chlotetracycline.

Names of radiated raw materials or products of genetic techniques (if any).




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Feeding chicken freely without adding any other kind of feed beside drinking water

Name, address, telephone number of the factory;

Registration number: Lot number:

Date of manufacture:

Preservation conditions:

Expiry date:

2. For export, import goods:

2.1. Goods being export animal feeds, raw materials for feed production: The language on goods labels shall be inscribed according to sale-purchase contracts with information in the compulsory contents, enclosed with the original labels for supply to the buyers.

2.2. Goods being import animal feeds, raw materials for feed production:




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- In case of failure to reach agreement, there must be auxiliary labels in Vietnamese language containing information in the compulsory contents for supply to the buyers.

Part III


1. Organizations and individuals producing and/or trading in plant protection drugs, veterinary drugs, animal feeds and/or fertilizers with assorted goods labels being permitted for circulation and use in Vietnam shall have to revise by themselves the labeling of their products according to the Prime Ministers Decision No. 178/1999/QD-TTg, the Trade Ministrys Circular No. 34/1999/TT-BTM and the guidance in this Circular. Where the old product labels and packing still exist in great volumes which should continue to be circulated, the concerned organizations or individuals shall have to report such to and ask for the permission from, the specialized management agencies currently assigned to manage such products, but the extended time must not go beyond December 31, 2000.

2. Organizations and individuals importing raw materials and finished products regarding plant protection drugs, veterinary drugs, animal feeds, fertilizers, cultivars and animal breeds from foreign countries should notify the contents to be compulsorily inscribed on the labels of import goods for reaching agreement on implementation measures.

3. Organizations and individuals wishing to change their goods labels shall have to register the new label samples with the specialized management agencies according to current regulations. The printing of new labels is valid only when it is permitted by the specialized management agencies.

4. The Plant Protection Department, the Veterinary Department, the Agricultural and Forestry Promotion Department, the Agriculture and Rural Development Services of the provinces and centrally-run cities shall have to organize, inspect and examine the labeling of assigned goods and biannually report to the Ministry (the Department for Science, Technology and Product Quality) the situation thereon. The Department for Science, Technology and Product Quality shall have to sum up the labeling of goods for report to the Ministry and coordinate with the concerned units in implementation of Decision No. 178/1999/QD-TTg, Circular No. 34/1999/TT-BTM of the Trade Ministry and this Circular.

5. This Circular takes effect 60 days after its signing.

The previous provisions on goods labeling, which are contrary to this Circular, shall all cease to be effective.




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Ngo The Dan