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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 03/2018/TT-BGTVT

Hanoi, January 10, 2018




Pursuant to the Law on Road traffic dated November 13, 2008;

Pursuant to the Law on product quality dated November 21, 2007;

Pursuant to the Law on Environment protection dated June 23, 2014;

Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 132/2008/ND-CP dated December 31, 2008, elaborating some Articles of the Law on Product and goods quality;

Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 187/2013/ND-CP dated November 20, 2013 elaborating Articles on international trade of the Law on Commerce;

Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 116/2017/ND-CP dated October 17, 2017 on conditions for manufacturing, assembly, import of motor vehicles and provision of maintenance services for motor vehicles (hereinafter referred to as “Decree No. 116/2017/ND-CP”);

Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 12/2017/ND-CP dated February 10, 2017 defining functions, tasks, entitlements and organizational structure of the Ministry of Transport;

At the request of Director of Science and Technology Department and Director of the Vietnam Register;

The Minister of Transport promulgates a Circular on technical and environmental safety inspection of imported motor vehicles regulated by Decree No. 116/2017/ND-CP .

Chapter I


Article 1. Scope

1. This Circular provides for technical and environmental safety inspection of imported motor vehicles regulated by Decree No. 116/2017/ND-CP .

2. This Circular does not apply to imported motor vehicles specified in Point b Clause 2 Article 2 of Decree No. 116/2017/ND-CP .

Article 2. Regulated entities

This Circular applies to enterprises that import motor vehicles into Vietnam, other organizations and individuals involved in management and inspection of motor vehicles.

Article 3. Definitions

For the purposes of this Circular, the terms below are construed as follows:

1. “foreign authority” means a foreign organization that has the power to issuer the Certificate of Type approval, documents about results of quality inspection of foreign manufacturers or assemblers of the motor vehicles; certificate of registration and equivalent documents.

2. “motor vehicles of the same type” are motor vehicles that satisfy the criteria specified in Appendix II hereof.

3. “exhaust test report” means a document issued by a Vietnamese testing facility to a motor vehicle or engine prototype.

4. “safety inspection report” means a document issued by a Vietnamese testing facility to a motor vehicle prototype.

5. “manufacturer’s certificate of quality inspection” means a document that is issued by the foreign manufacturer to each motor vehicle and contains the following information: vehicle identification number (VIN), engine number, specifications in Appendix V hereof; type according to the Certificate of Type approval.

6. “electronic registration” means the provision, receipt and processing of information about registration and exchange of information between relevant parties through an electronic registration system.

7. “electronic registration system” means a system with which the inspecting authority carries out electronic registration procedures.

8. “electronic declaration system” means a system with which importers provide information and receive feedbacks from the inspecting authority during the electronic registration process.

9. “electronic registration form” means an electronic document which contains information provided by the importer.

10. “system error” means the situation in which the electronic registration system or declaration system is not functional.

11. “certificate of quality” means any of the documents specified in Appendix V, VI and VII hereof.

12. “Certificate of Type approval” means the certificate of technical safety and environmental safety of a type of motor vehicle or certificate of technical safety of a type of motor vehicle and certificate of environmental safety of a type of motor vehicle or engine.

13. “results of assessment of quality assurance conditions” means results of assessment of the foreign manufacturer’s or assembler’s quality assurance conditions regarding the type of imported motor vehicles according to ISO 9001, ASSETS 16949, UNECE, EC, EEC or relevant documents issued by foreign authorities.

14. “inspecting authority” means the Vietnam Register, which is responsible for inspection and certification of technical safety and environmental safety of imported motor vehicles specified in this Circular.

Chapter II


Article 4. Physical and electronic application for inspection

1. An application for inspection of used vehicles consists of:

a) The application form in Appendix I hereof;

b) A copy of the certificate of registration which is still unexpired by the date of export and issued by a foreign authority or equivalent documents;

c) A copy of the invoice;

d) A copy of the VIN decoder (for first type approval);

dd) The original copy of the Information sheet of imported motor vehicle in Appendix III hereof;

e) A copy of the manufacturer’s technical manual;

g) A copy of the import declaration (for physical application) or declaration number and date (for electronic application).

2. An application for inspection of new vehicles consists of:

a) The application form in Appendix I hereof;

b) A copy of the certificate of registration issued by a foreign authority;

c) A copy of the certificate of type approval of the tire, rearview mirrors, front lamps and windshield issued by a competent authority;

d) The original copy of the certificate of quality inspection issued by the foreign manufacturer to each vehicle;

dd) Copies of documents about assessment of the foreign manufacturer’s quality assurance conditions issued by foreign authorities;

e) A copy of the invoice;

g) A copy of the VIN decoder (for first type approval);

h) The original copy of the Information sheet of imported motor vehicle in Appendix III hereof;

i) A copy of the manufacturer’s technical manual;

k) A copy of the import declaration (for physical application) or declaration number and date (for electronic application);

l) A copy of the emission test report;

m) A copy of the safety test report.

Article 5. Inspection contents

1. Every used motor vehicle must undergo technical and environmental safety inspection as follows:

a) Inspect the consistency of documents in the application of inspection.

b) Inspect the vehicle if it is registered in an EU country, G7 country or any nation whose emission standards are equal to or higher than that of Vietnam. Inspection contents are specified in Appendix IV hereof.

2. Every shipment of new motor vehicles must undergo inspection by a quality control authority. The sample vehicles of each motor vehicle type in the shipment must undergo emission test and technical safety inspection as follows:

a) Inspect the consistency of the manufacturer’s certificates of quality inspection; consistency between the manufacturer’s certificate of quality inspection and the Certificate of Type approval of the same motor vehicle type in the shipment.

b) Compare the chassis number, engine number of each vehicle in the shipment with those in the application for inspection; inspect the consistency of vehicles of the same type in the shipment; select random vehicles of each type in the shipment and compare their specifications with those in the application.

c) The inspecting authority will randomly choose 1 or 2 sample vehicles (if the importer wishes to have 1 vehicle undergoing safety inspection and 1 vehicle undergoing emission test) of each type in the shipment and the importer will deliver them to the testing facility. The sampling must be recorded using the form in Appendix VIII hereof, which will be presented to the testing facility.

d) Emission test shall be carried out in accordance with QCVN 86: 2015/BGTVT (except evaporation test).

dd) Technical safety test shall be carried out in accordance with QCVN 09:2015/BGTVT, QCVN 10:2015/BGTVT, QCVN 82:2014/BGTVT and effective regulations of law (except for rearview mirrors, windshield, front lamps, tires, rims, flameproof materials and structures).

Article 6. Inspection procedures

1. Submission of the application for inspection

a) The importer shall submit an application specified in Article 4 of this Circular to the inspecting authority, whether directly or electronically. The importer must provide the documents mentioned in Point a through e of Clause 1 Article 4 (for used vehicles), or the documents from Point a through i of Clause 2 Article 4 (for new vehicles). The copy of the import declaration must be submitted when applying for inspection; the other documents must be submitted before the certificate of quality is issued.

b) An electronic copy of the manufacturer’s certificate of quality inspection shall be submitted online, and the physical copy shall be submitted to the inspecting authority before the inspection.

2. Receipt of application

The inspecting authority shall receive and check the application within 1 working day. If the application is satisfactory, the inspection authority shall give a confirmation in the application form. If the application is not satisfactory, the inspecting authority shall request the importer to complete it.

3. Vehicle inspection

a) The importer shall deliver the vehicles to the inspection site at the registered time.

b) The inspection shall be carried out in accordance with Clause 1 Article 5 or Point a through c of Clause 2 Article 5 of this Circular.

c) If the importer fails to deliver the vehicles within 10 days from the application date, the inspecting authority shall suspend the certification process, in which case the importer must apply from the beginning.

4. Testing sample vehicles.

For new vehicles, the importer shall deliver the sample vehicles to the testing facility for testing. The testing result is the basis for issuance of the certificate of quality.

5. Issuance of certificate of quality

Within 04 working days from the end of the inspection and receipt of adequate documents, the inspecting authority shall issue the physical or electronic certificate of quality as follows:

a) Issue the certificate of technical safety and environmental safety to each vehicle in the shipment using the template in Appendix V hereof. The certificate of technical safety and environmental safety issued to the sample vehicle shall have the text “Chiếc xe này đã dùng để thử nghiệm tại Việt Nam” (“This vehicle was used for testing in Vietnam”).

b) Issue a notice of non-conformity using the template in Appendix VI hereof and send it to the customs authority if either the emission test or safety test fails, the used vehicle fails to pass the test or is not registered in a EU country, G7 country or a country whose emission standards are equivalent to or higher than those of Vietnam.

c) Issue a notice of vehicle on the list of vehicles banned from import using the template in Appendix VII hereof and send it to the customs authority.

Article 7. Inspection process

1. If a used vehicle has been modified, the importer must submit documents about the modified vehicle issued by a foreign vehicle management authority. The gross vehicle weight must not exceed the value specified in the documents issued by the foreign authority.

2. If an imported vehicle is damage en route, the importer may makes repair to certain parts such as body, paintjob, battery, etc.

3. If it is suspected that the chassis number, VIN (if chassis number is not available) or engine number has been tampered with, the inspecting authority shall request a competent agency to perform an inspection. The infection cost shall be paid by the inspecting authority.

4. During the inspection, if a vehicle is founded to be on the list of vehicles banned from import specified in Decree No. 187/2013/ND-CP , the inspecting authority shall collect evidence and issue a notice using the template in Appendix VII hereof. The inspection, classification and sampling of other vehicles in the shipment shall be carried out as usual.

Chapter III


Article 8. Recall of defective vehicles

1. Vehicles will be recalled when:

a) The recall is announced by the manufacturer;

b) The recall is requested by the investigating authority. Request for recall shall be made by the investigating authority on the basis of evidence and verification of reports about technical safety and environmental safety of the imported vehicles.

2. Responsibilities of the importer:

In case of defective vehicles that have to be recall, the importer shall:

a) Within 05 working days from the receipt of the request announcement from the manufacturer, send written notifications to retail agents so that they do not sell the recalled vehicles;

b) Within 10 working days from the receipt of the request announcement from the manufacturer, send a written report to the inspecting authority on causes of the defects, solutions, quantity of recalled vehicles and a recall plan;

c) Comply with the recall plan; post the recall plan on the websites of the importers and retail agents in a timely manner;

d) Send a written report to the inspecting authority every 03 months and upon the end of the recall period;

dd) For recalled vehicles without the certificate of quality, provide evidence that the defects have been eliminated by the manufacturer, which is the basis for proceeding certification of imported vehicles.

3. Responsibilities of the inspecting authority:

a) Send a written notice of receipt of the recall plan to the importer.

b) Request the importer to carry out the recall.

c) Post information about recalled vehicles on the website of the investigating authority.

d) Monitor and inspect the recall according to plan.

dd) Suspend the certification process if the importer fails to fulfill its responsibilities specified in Point a through d Clause 2 of this Article.

e) The investigating authority will consider suspending the process of certification of other vehicles of the manufacturer if the importer provides evidence that such manufacturer does not cooperate in implementing the recall plan.

Chapter IV


Article 9. Rules for issuance of the certificate of quality

1. There are 3 copies of a physical certificate of qualities, which are used for archiving, following customs procedures, payment of registration fee and vehicle registration.

2. A physical certificate of quality shall be issued if relevant authorities are not connected to the electronic data system of the inspecting authority.

3. The physical or electronic certificate of quality of imported motor vehicles shall be used for following customs procedures, payment of registration fee, vehicle registration, first inspection or other procedures requested by competent authorities.

Article 10. Reissuance of certificate of quality

1. The certificate of quality will be reissued if it is lost or damaged.

2. The importer shall send directly, by post or otherwise send 01 application for reissuance of the certificate of quality to the inspecting authority. Such an application consists of:

a) The application form;

b) The original copy of the certificate of quality in case it is damaged.

3. Reissuance of a lost certificate

a) If the application is satisfactory, the inspecting authority shall send a written notification to the importer, the customs, tax and police authorities. If the application is not satisfactory, the inspecting authority shall instruct the importer to complete it.

b) If no feedbacks are received from relevant parties within 30 days from the day on which the notification mentioned in Point a of this Clause is sent, the inspecting authority shall issue a physical or electronic copy of the certificate of quality. If the application is reject, the inspecting authority shall respond and explain in writing.

4. Reissuance of a damaged certificate: If the application is satisfactory, the inspecting authority shall issue a physical or electronic copy of the certificate of quality within 04 working days. If the application is reject, the inspecting authority shall respond and explain in writing.

Chapter V


Article 11. Responsibilities of the importer

1. Take responsibility for the accuracy and legitimacy of the documents provided for the inspecting authority.

2. Maintain the status quo of the imported vehicles for inspection.

3. Cooperate with the inspecting authority and testing facility during the inspection and testing.

4. Inform the supervisory authority in case of system error.

5. Pay fees and charges prescribed by law.

Article 12. Responsibilities of the inspecting authority

1. Uniformly issue and manage certificates of quality; take responsibility for the results of inspection and certification; ensure consistency of vehicles in the shipment with the tested vehicles and engines.

2. Post a notice on the website of the inspecting authority within 04 hours after the system error occurs (if the error occurs during office hours) or within 04 first hours of the next working days (if the error occurs during outside of office hours.

3. Collect fees and charges related to inspection and issuance of the certificate of quality as prescribed by law.

4. Retain electronic documents and physical documents that have been digitalized for 05 years for documents about imported vehicles that have been inspected.

5. Submit reports on results of technical and environmental safety inspection of imported motor vehicles to the Ministry of Transport.

Article 13. Responsibilities of the testing facility

1. The testing facilities shall perform emission test and technical safety test in accordance with applicable regulations and at the request of importers.

2. Instruct importers to prepare sample vehicles and sample engines for testing.

Chapter VI


Article 14. Effect

This Circular comes into force from March 01, 2018.

Article 15. Transition clauses

1. Imported motor vehicles that arrive at Vietnam’s ports or checkpoints before January 01, 2018 or whose import declarations are made before January 01, 2018 shall apply regulations on inspection and issuance of the certificate of quality of Circular No. 31/2011/TT-BGTVT and Circular No. 55/2014/TT-BGTVT .

2. Inspection of quality of motor vehicles that are imported during the period from January 01, 2018 to the effective date of this Circular shall apply Clause 2 Article 6 of Decree No. 116/2017/ND-CP , Circular No. 31/2011/TT-BGTVT and Circular No. 55/2014/TT-BGTVT.

3. Certificates of quality that are issued under Circular No. 31/2011/TT-BGTVT and Circular No. 55/2014/TT-BGTVT are still valid when following customs procedures, paying registration fee, applying for vehicle registration, first inspection or other procedures requested by competent authorities.

Article 16. Responsibility for implementation

1. Chief of the Ministry Office, Ministerial Chief Inspector, Directors of Vietnam Register, Director of other Departments, heads of relevant organizations are responsible for implementation of this Circular.

2. In the cases where any of the legislative documents referred to in this Circular is amended or replaced, the newest one shall apply.

3. Difficulties that arise during the implementation of this Circular should be reported to the Ministry of Transport for consideration./.




Le Dinh Tho






1. Overall inspection


Operational condition

The vehicle must be operational with all functions; its shape and structure are conformable with the document registered with the inspecting authority.


Chassis number, engine number

The engine number and chassis number (or VIN) is not tampered with and consistent with that written in the application for inspection


Dimensions, weight, weight distribution

a) Dimensions, weight, weight distributed on the axles are conformable with the manufacturer’s documents;

b) Dimensions, weight, weight distributed on the axles are conformable with Vietnam’s standards and corresponding regulations.

2. Chassis and parts attached thereto

2.1. Chassis and links


Overall condition

a) Correct model;

b) No observable cracking, breaking, deformation or bending;

c) Sturdy links;

d) Not rusted affecting the structure.


Side and rear bumpers


a) Fully and correctly installed

b) Firmly installed

c) Not cracked or broken.



a) Correct models, fully and firmly installed;

b) Not cracked, broken, deformed or overly worn;

c) Bolts and pins do not open themselves;

d) Chains and cables are firmly installed;

dd) Bolts and pins are not stuck.

2.2. Chassis, cabin, cargo box


Overall condition

a) Correct models, firmly and correctly installed;

b) Not cracked, damaged, broken, rusted or deformed;

c) No leak of air from the engine, exhaust gas into the cabin.


Horizontal and vertical beams

a) Fully, firmly and correctly installed;

b) Not cracked, rusted or deformed.


Doors, locks and door handles

a) Fully and firmly installed;

b) Adequate, firm and intact hinges and pins;

c) Doors open and close easily;

d) Locked doors do not open themselves.


Cabin locking and opening mechanism; trunk; container lock

a) Fully and firmly installed;

c) Unlocked easily;

c) Do not unlock themselves;

d) Effective.



a) Firmly installed;

b) Not damaged or torn.


Seats (including driver’s seat), beds

a) Conformable with manual; positions and dimensions of seats and beds are conformable:

b) Firmly installed;

c) Working adjustment system (if any);

d) Cushion is not damaged.



a) Fully, firmly and correctly installed; not cracked or broken;

b) Not rusted or damaged.


Handles, supports

a) Fully, firmly and correctly installed; not cracked or broken;

b) Not rusted.


Cargo rack, trunk

a) Fully, firmly and correctly installed; not cracked or broken;

b) Not rusted or damaged.



a) Fully and firmly installed;

b) Not rusted, damaged or broken.

2.3. Fifth wheel and coupling mechanism


Overall condition

a) Correct models, firmly installed;

b) Parts are not deformed, damaged, cracked or overly worn.



The uncoupling mechanism is functional.

3. Driver’s visibility



No objects blocking the driver’s front and rear view.



a) Fully and firmly installed;

b) Made of safety glass;

c) Not damaged or cracked in a manner that affects driver’s vision;

d) The windshield does not distort the view.


Rearview mirrors

a) Fully and firmly installed;

b) The reflection is clear and not distorted;

c) Not cracked or damaged; adjustable.



a) Fully and firmly installed;

b) The blades are not overly worn;

c) Driver’s view is not blocked;

dd) Functional.


Windshield washer

a) Fully and firmly installed;

b) Functional; water is spray where the wipers work.

4. Electricity, lighting and signaling systems

4.1. Electricity system


Electric wires

a) Firmly installed;

b) Insulation is not damaged;

c) The wire do not touch moving parts;



a) Fully, firmly and correctly installed;

b) No leakage.

4.2. Headlamps


Condition and functionality

a) Adequate, correct models, not damaged;

b) Firmly and correctly installed;

c) Activated when the switch is turned on;

d) Lens and mirrors are not blurred or cracked;

dd) The light color is white, bluish white or bright yellow.


High-beam lamps

a) The light shape of the high beam is conformable;

b) Luminous intensity > 10.000 cd.


Low-beam lamps

 The light shape of the low beam is conformable;

4.3. Front, rear and side markers


Condition and functionality

a) Adequate, correct models, no damage;

b) Firmly and correctly installed;

c) Activated when the switch is turned on;

d) The mirrors and reflectors are not blurred or cracked;

dd) The color is white or bright yellow for front markers and red for rear markers;

e) The switch must activate the markers in pairs with the same shape and size.



Luminous intensity and lighting area must ensure visibility at a distance of 10 m in daylight.

4.4. Turn signals and hazard lamps


Condition and functionality

a) Adequate, correct models, no damage;

b) Firmly and correctly installed;

c) Activated when the switch is turned on;

d) The mirrors and reflectors are not blurred or cracked;

dd) The light color is yellow for front signals, yellow or red for rear signals;

e) The switch must activate the markers in pairs with the same color, shape, size and frequency.



Luminous intensity and lighting area must ensure visibility at a distance of 20 m in daylight.


Latency and frequency

a) The turn signals are turned on within 3 seconds after the switch is flipped;

b) The frequency is 60 – 120 blinks per minute.

4.5. Brake lights


Condition and functionality

a) Adequate, correct models, no damage;

b) Firmly and correctly installed;

c) Activated when braking;

d) The mirrors and reflectors are not blurred or cracked;

dd) Color: red only;

e) The brake must activate on the brake lights in pairs with the same color and size.



Luminous intensity and lighting area must ensure visibility at a distance of 20 m in daylight.

4.6. Reverse lights


Condition and functionality

a) Adequate, correct models;

b) Firmly and correctly installed;

c) Activated when switching to reverse gear;

d) The mirrors and reflectors are not blurred or cracked;

dd) Color: white only.



Luminous intensity and lighting area must ensure visibility at a distance of 10 m in daylight.

4.7. Registration plate light


Condition and functionality

a) Adequate, correct models;

b) Firmly and correctly installed;

c) Activated when turning on the switch;

d) The reflectors are not blurred or cracked;

dd) Color: white only.



Luminous intensity and lighting area must ensure visibility at a distance of 10 m in daylight.

4.8. Horn


Condition and functionality

a) Adequate, correct models;

b) The sound is continuous with stable loudness;

c) The controller is undamaged, easy to control and properly installed.



90 – 115 dB

5. Wheels


Overall condition

a) Fully installed, conformable with specifications in the manual;

b) Firmly installed; sufficient clamps and fasteners;

c) Tire pressure is conformable;

d) The rim and rim plate are not cracked or bent;

dd) The braking ring fits the rim;

e) The tires are not cracked or swollen in a manner that reveal the piles

g) The leading wheels have the same tread with even heights; no retreading.

h) The tires are evenly worn and have not reached the wear indicator;

i) The wheels turn smoothly without getting stuck or touching other parts;

k) Wheel hub is not loose


Spare tire and bracket thereof (if any)

a) The bracket is firmly installed, not cracked or broken;

b) The spare tire is safely installed;

c) The spare tire is not damaged, swollen or worn to the wear indicator.

6. Braking system

6.1. Brake actuator


Brake pedal shaft

a) Sufficient parts and fasteners,

b) The rotary shaft is not too tight or stuck;

c) The bearing and pivot are not overly worn.


Brake pedal and pedal travel

a) Correct model, firmly installed; not cracked;

b) Not bent;

c) The pedal returns to its initial position when released;


dd) The anti-slip surface if firmly installed and not overly worn.


Handbrake stick or pedal

a) Correct model, firmly installed; not cracked;

b) Not bent;

c) The brake pads are effective;

d) Pins and pads are not overly worn;

dd) The braking travel is conformable with manufacture’s specifications.


Hand-operated brake valve

a) Correct models, firmly installed;

b) The controller is not cracked, damaged or overly worn;

c) The valve is functional and stable; The connections are not loose; no leakage.


Hard pipes, soft pipes

a) Correct models, firmly and correctly installed;

b) Not touching other parts;

c) No leakage at the joints.

d) Hard pipes are not deformed, cracked or rusted; soft pipes are not cracked, swolen, tisted, overly worn or short;


Cables, levers, joints

a) Correct models, firmly and correctly installed;

b) Not touching other parts;

c) Not cracked, deformed, overly worn or rusted;

d) Sufficient clamps and fasteners;

dd) The cables are not shredded, knotted or loose.


Connectors for brakes of trailers and semi-trailers

a) Correct models, firmly installed;

b) Locks and automatic valves are not damaged;

c) Locks and valves are firmly and correctly installed;

d) No leakage.


Actuating mechanism (brake chamber or cylinder)

a) Correct models, firmly installed;

c) Not cracked, damaged or deformed;

c) No leakage;

d) Sufficient clamps and fasteners.

6.2. Vacuum pump, air compressor, valves and fluid containers


Vacuum pump, air compressor, safety valves, relief valves and fluid containers

a) Correct models, firmly and correctly installed;

b) No significant decrease in pressure, inaudible air leakage;

c) Containers are not cracked, deformed or rusted;

d) Safety valves and relief valves are functional.


Brake valves

a) Correct models, firmly and correctly installed;

b) No damage; no leakage.


Vacuum servo , primary brake cylinders

a) Correct models, firmly installed;

b) The vacuum servo is functional and not damaged;

c) The primary cylinders are not damaged or leaking;

d) Brake fluid is sufficient, brake fluid level warning light is off;

dd) The brake fluid reservoir cover is tight.

6.3. Functionality of primary brakes



The brake is effective.

6.4. Functionality and effectiveness of the parking brake (hand brake)




6.5. Functionality of other brakes


Engine brake



Anti-lock braking system (ABS)

a) The indicator is working;

b) The indicator shows no damage to the system.

7. Steering system

7.1. Steering wheel


Overall condition

a) Correct model, correctly installed;

b) The steering wheel is firmly fixed to the shaft;

c) The steering wheel is not cracked, damaged or deformed.


Looseness of the steering wheel

The steering wheel play must not exceed 1/5 of its diameter.

7.2. Steering column and shaft


Overall condition

a) Correct models, firmly installed;

b) There is not horizontal or vertical play

c) Not cracked, damaged or deformed.

d) Tilting and adjusting mechanism is secured.

7.3 Steering mechanism


Overall condition

a) Correct models, firmly installed;

b) Parts and fasteners are sufficient and not damaged;

c) Not cracked or damaged;

d) Dust covers are sufficient, not torn or damaged;

dd) No oil drips.

7.4. Steering shaft and steering mechanism



a) Not stuck when turned;

b) Continuous movement without stuttering;

c) The steering force is stable; no significant difference between left turn and right turn;

d) No significant difference between the left turn and right turn angles;

dd) No unusual noise.

7.5. Steering rod


Overall condition

a) Correct model;

b) Parts and fasteners are sufficient, not damaged and firmly installed;

c) Not touching other parts;

d) Not cracked, damaged or deformed.



a) Not touching other parts while moving;

b) Continuous movement without stuttering;

c) Not moving beyond limits.

7.6. Differential and steering links


Overall condition

a) Correct model;

b) Parts and fasteners are sufficient, not damaged and firmly installed;

c) Not cracked, damaged or deformed.

d) Dust covers are not torn or damaged.



a) Not stuck while moving;

v) The differential and steering links are not loose or stuttering.

7.7. Steering wheel hub


Overall condition

a) Correct model;

b) Parts and fasteners are sufficient, not damaged and firmly installed;

c) Not cracked, damaged or deformed.

d) Dust covers are not torn or damaged.

dd) The shaft and joints are not loose.



a) Not stuck when turned;

b) Continuous movement without stuttering;

7.8. Power steering system


Overall condition

a) Correct models, firmly installed;

c) Not cracked, or deformed;

c) No drips of hydraulic fluid.



a) Functional;

b) Effective assistance in steering;

c) No unusual noise.

8. Transmission system

8.1. Clutch


Overall condition

a) Correct models, firmly installed;

b) The clutch pedal has a free travel; the anti-slip surface is not overly worn;

c) Parts and fasteners are sufficient and not damaged;

d) No leakage;

dd) The parts are not cracked, damaged or deformed.



a) The clutch engages and disengages completely, smoothly and quietly;

b) No unusual noise.

8.2. Gearbox


Overall condition

a) Correct models, firmly installed;

b) Parts and fasteners are sufficient and not damaged;

c) No oil drips;

d) The parts are not cracked, damaged or deformed.



a) Gear shifting is easy;

b) The mechanical gear box does not switch itself.



a) Correct model, firmly installed; not cracked;

b) Not bent;

8.3. Drive shaft (Cardan shaft)


Condition and functionality

a) Correct model;

b) Parts and fasteners are sufficient, not damaged and firmly installed;

c) The parts are not cracked, damaged or deformed;

d) The pins, the spider and socket are not loose;

dd) Soft joints are not damaged;

e) The intermediate socket is sturdy and not cracked;

g) Not touching other parts;

8.4. Axles


Overall condition

a) Correct model;

b) Parts and fasteners are sufficient, not damaged and firmly installed;

c) No oil drips;

d) The parts are cracked, damaged or deformed;

dd) Axle caps are sufficient and not damaged.

9. Suspension system


Elastic parts (springs)

a) Correct models, firmly and correctly installed; sufficient quantity;

b) Static deflection is not significant;

c) The parts are cracked, damaged or deformed;

d) Parts and fasteners are sufficient and not damaged;



Shock absorbers

a) Sufficient quantity, correct models, firmly and correctly installed;

b) Effective;

c) No leakage of fluid;

d) The parts are cracked, damaged or deformed; rubber parts are not damaged.


Guiding rod, stabilizing rod

a) Correct models, firmly and correctly installed;

b) The parts are cracked, broken or deformed; rubber parts are not broken.



a) Sufficient quantity, correct models, firmly and correctly installed;

b) Dust covers are sufficient, not torn or broken;

c) The parts are cracked, broken or deformed;

d) Not loose.


Air suspension system

a) Sufficient quantity, correct models, firmly and correctly installed;

b) The system is functional;

c) The parts that affect the system functionality are not damaged.

10. Other parts


Seat belts

a) Sufficient quantity, firmly installed;

b) The belts are not damaged;

c) Locks are easily opened and closed;

d) Belts are not stuck, automatically retracted after pulled out;

dd) The locking retractor is effective.


Fire extinguisher

a) There is a fire extinguisher;

b) The fire extinguisher is unexpired.


Special equipment

a) Conformable with manual, firmly installed;

b) Functional.


Emergency hammer

a) Fully, and correctly installed.

11. Engine and emission

11.1. Engine and relevant systems


Overall condition

a) Correct models, firmly and correctly installed;

b) No oil drips;

c) Correct type of belt; the belt is not loose, cracked or damaged;

d) The parts are cracked, damaged or deformed;

dd) Parts and fasteners are sufficient and not damaged.



a) The engine is able to starts or the starting system is functional;

b) The engine works normally in various modes, no unusual clicking;

c) The brake pressure gauge and engine coolant temperature gauge are functional;

d) Other gauges, meters and indicators on the dashboard are functional.


Exhaust system and muffler

a) Fully and firmly installed;

b) Not rusted, tearing or gas leaking.


Fuel tanks and pipes

a) Firmly and correctly installed;

b) The tanks and pipes are not deformed, cracked, corroded, rusted or touching other parts;

c) The tanks have tight caps;

dd) The vapor lock (if any) is functional and does not open itself;

dd) No threat of fire from:

- The fuel tank or exhaust pipe that is not properly protected;

- Isolation from the engine;

e) For natural gas vehicles:

- The LPG/CNG tank is placed in a tight compartment which is isolated from the engine compartment and passenger compartment;

- The external LPG/CNG tank is properly protected covered to avoid being damaged in case of accident; the distance from the tank to the ground is over 200 mm.

- The tanks, pipes and other parts of the fuel system are placed at a distance of at least 100 mm from the exhaust pipe and any source of heat and are insulated;

- Apart from anchoring points, the tank does not touch other metal parts of the vehicle.


Gas pedal

a) Correct model, firmly installed; no cracking or bending;

b) The pedal returns to its initial position when released;

c) The anti-slip surface if firmly installed and not overly worn.

11.2. Exhaust gas from internal combustion engine


Toxin contents in exhaust gas

a) CO concentration ≤ 3% of volume;

b) Concentration of HC (C6H14 or equivalent):

- ≤ 600 parts-per-million (ppm) of volume for four-stroke engines;

- < 7800 ppm of volume for two-stroke engines;

- < 3300 ppm of volume for special engines.

c) No-load rotational speed of the engine does not exceed manufacturer’s limit or 1000 rpm.

11.3. Exhaust gas from compression-ignition (CI) engine


Smoke emission

a) The difference between the maximum value and minimum value of smoke opacity does not exceed 10% HSU;

b) The average result of 3 tests does not exceed 60% HSU;

c) No-load rotational speed of the engine does not exceed manufacturer’s limit or 1000 rpm;

d) The rotational speed reaches the maximum value within 02 seconds (or 05 seconds for special engines, whose maximum no-load rotational speed is smaller than 90% of that at maximum power and long acceleration time)

dd) The maximum rotational speed of the engine is not smaller than 90% of that during actual inspection;

e) The maximum rotational speed of the engine is not smaller than 90% of the rotational speed at maximum power defined by the manufacturer, except in special cases.

11.4. Noise


External noise

Average noise after calibration does not exceed the following limits:

- Sedans, trucks and light buses whose GVWR ≤ 3500 kg: 103 dB(A);

- Trucks and buses whose GVWR > 3500 kg and maximum effective engine power is ≤ 150 (kW): 105 dB(A);

- Trucks and buses whose GVWR > 3500 kg and maximum effective engine power is ≤ 150 (kW): 105 dB(A); 107 dB(A);


