- 1 Law No. 08/2012/QH13 of June 18, 2012, on higher education
- 2 Law No. 34/2018/QH14 dated November 19, 2018 on amendments to the Law on Higher Education
- 3 Law No. 43/2019/QH14 dated June 14, 2019 Education
- 4 Decree No. 99/2019/ND-CP dated December 30, 2019 elaborating and providing guidelines for a number of Articles of the Law on amendments to the Law on Higher Education
- 5 Law No. 29/2013/QH13 dated June 18, 2013, science and technology
- 6 Decree No. 111/2017/ND-CP dated October 05, 2017 on provisions of practical training in the field of healthcare service
- 7 Law No. 45/2019/QH14 dated November 20, 2019 Labor Code
No. 03/2022/TT-BGDDT | Hanoi, January 18, 2022 |
Pursuant to Education Law dated June 14, 2019;
Pursuant to Law on Higher Education dated June 18, 2012; Law on amendments to Law on Higher Education dated November 19, 2018;
Pursuant to Decree 69/2017/ND-CP dated May 25, 2017 of the Government on functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Education and Training;
Pursuant to Decree No. 99/2019/ND-CP dated December 30, 2019 of the Government on elaborating to Law on amendments to Law on Higher Education;
At the request of the Director of the Higher Education Department;
The Minister of Education and Training promulgates Circular determining university, master, doctoral education enrolment target and college majoring in preschool education enrolment target
1. This Circular prescribes the determination of university, master, doctoral education enrolment target and college majoring in preschool education enrolment target.
2. This Circular applies to higher education institutions; other education institutions allowed to provide university, master, doctoral education; academies, institutes established by the Prime Minister in accordance with the Law on Science and Technology and allowed to provide doctoral education; colleges allowed to provide college-level education majoring in preschool education (hereinafter referred to as “education institutions”); relevant organizations and individuals.
Article 2. Objectives
1. Education institutions shall rely on training quality conditions and socio-economic development requirements, exercise autonomy, and ensure accountability in determining and adhering to annual enrolment targets.
2. Ensure publicity and transparency of training quality conditions, the basis for determining enrolment targets, percentage of students employed after graduation of education institutions in order to enable state authorities to inspect, society to supervise, and learners to choose.
Article 3. Definition
In this Circular, terms below are construed as follows:
1. “List of training majors” refers to the List of level 4 education promulgated by Ministry of Education and Training.
2. “training majors” refer to a combination of professional knowledge and skills within occupational, science, and technology operations, are listed and classified in the List of training majors.
4. “fields” refer to a combination of disciplines what share professional knowledge and skills in occupational, science, and technology operations, are listed and classified in the List of level 2 education.
5. “full-time lecturers” for determining enrolment targets include core lecturers and lecturers entering to termed employment contracts for 12 months or more and working full-time in education institutions, to be specific:
a) Core lecturers are determined in accordance with Point e Clause 1 Article 10 of Decree No. 99/2019/ND-CP dated December 30, 2019 of the Government;
b) Lecturers entering to termed employment contracts for 12 months or more and working full-time in education institutions are determined in accordance with applicable regulations of Ministry of Education and Training, including regulations on work of university lecturers in the year whose enrolment target is to be determined (including lecturers guiding practice and experiments) and must not simultaneously be under termed employment contracts of at least 3 months with other employers.
6. “visiting lecturers” referred to when determining enrolment target are individuals not mentioned under Clause 5 of this Article, lecturing, instructing learners of education institutions under visiting lecturer contracts signed with education institutions in accordance with the law in the year in which enrolment target is to be determined.
7. “graduating students, learners, researchers” used when determining enrolment target are students, learners, and researchers who will graduate in the year in which enrolment target is to be determined and are calculated on the basis of training scale of each training major/field/training method divided by duration of training in years for that training major/field/training method.
Article 4. Rules for determining enrolment target
1. Education institutions shall determine enrolment target of college education for preschool education major, enrolment target of university education, master, doctoral education under this Circular and applicable of the laws; disclose, assume legal responsibilities, and accountability for determination of enrolment target, training quality conditions, and graduation standard commitment of education institutions, and stay under supervision of authorities and the society.
2. Enrolment target is determined on an annual basis and independently for each training level. Based on enrolment target determined for each training level, education institutions must publicize the enrolment target determined for majors/disciplines in enrolment schemes and plans, and be held accountable to the society and supervisory authorities.
4. Enrolment target is determined on the basis of training capacity of education establishments, human resource demand, percentage of students are employed within 12 months from the date of graduation (for full-time college and university education), enrolment results of the year preceding the year in which enrolment target is to be determined, and organization of enrolment of education institutions, to be specific:
a) Enrolment targets of education institutions are determined depending on training capacity of education institutions in accordance with Article 7 to Article 12 hereof;
b) Enrolment target of education institutions shall not be increased in the following cases:
- Total enrolment targets of education institutions for each training level and field (for university enrolment target) or major (for master, doctoral enrolment target) must not be increased past the previous year’s enrolment target of education institutions if the institutions suffice the time requirements for quality control but have not obtained quality control accreditation as per applicable laws;
- Enrolment target of fields must not be increased past the previous year’s enrolment target of the same fields if less than 80% of graduates are employed within 12 months of graduation or less than 80% of previous year’s enrolment target of those fields is fulfilled (applicable for university enrolment target, except for university majors with training programs accredited for quality control as per the law).
5. Education institutions violating regulations on enrolment eligibility, requirements, and targets under Point c Clause 1 Article 34 of the Law on Higher Education (amended in 2018) are not allowed to determine enrolment target by themselves for 5 years from the date on which competent state authorities produce conclusion regarding violations of educations institutions. If this is such a case, Ministry of Education and Training shall determine and notify education institutions of enrolment target as follows:
a) Education institutions shall register enrolment target in a manner that complies with rules under Clauses 1, 2, 3, and 4 of this Article minus enrolment targets involved in violations of regulations regarding enrolment eligibility, requirements, and target of education institutions;
b) Ministry of Education and Training shall determine and notify education institutions of enrolment target in accordance with Clauses 1, 2, 3, and 4 and Point a Clause 5 of this Article.
6. For college majors in preschool education and university majors opened in the enrolment year, enrolment target of those majors must be within capacity of respective fields and not exceed 30% of capacity of the majors.
8. For training majors in national security and defense, supervisory authorities of education institutions shall determine and notify enrolment targets for all levels and training methods based on training capacity of education institutions and demands in a manner that complies with this Circular, regulations of supervisory authorities, and other relevant regulations.
9. Percentage of employed college and university graduates under Clause 4 of this Article is determined for every training major and surveyed prior to enrolment year with the surveyees being graduates of the year before the year that precedes the enrolment year and equals total number of graduates of full-time education program employed within 12 months of graduation dividing the total number of full-time graduates of the same majors and training level of the same year.
Article 5. Regulations on lecturers in determination of enrolment target
1. Each lecturer of an education institution shall be placed under a primary field of lecture in university level (other than teacher training disciplines and preschool education college levels where each lecturer is placed under a primary lecturing major); be placed under a primary training major in master, doctoral training in order to determine enrolment target. The placement of lecturers in specific majors/fields must match specialty of the lecturers and fit training capacity of the majors/fields.
2. Regulations on lecturers in determining enrolment target in university, college level:
a) Total number of lecturers in a training field (except for university-level majors that involve teacher training and college-level majors for preschool education) serving the determination of enrolment target of education institutions include full-time lecturers and visiting lecturers of that training major or field;
b) Number of visiting lecturers for the purpose of determining enrolment target shall equal up to 10% of total number of full-time lecturers of education institutions in respective fields. With respect to specific majors in the field of Arts and majors that have high demand for university-level personnel (under Appendix 2 attached hereto), number of visiting lecturers for the purpose of determining enrolment target shall equal up to 40% of full-time lecturers of education institutions; visiting lecturers of majors in teacher training discipline are not included for the purpose of determining enrolment target;
c) Multipliers serving the purpose of calculating number of full-time lecturers and visiting lecturers who provide lecture in preschool education in college level and university level of education institutions and hold different titles are specified under Schedule 1, Appendix 1 attached hereto; each lecture shall only be counted once using the highest multiplier;
d) With respect to specific majors with high university-level personnel demands, including: majors in the field of Computer and information technology, the field of Tourism, hospitality, sports and personal services (under Appendix 2 attached hereto) and majors under schemes approved by the Prime Minister (publicized and amended by Ministry of Education and Training from time to time on the basis of personnel demand in order to meet Vietnam’s socio-economic development requirements in accordance with regulations and policies of the Government), visiting lectures shall include experts, technicians, and managerial officials who are employees with university degree of the same majors or disciplines, have at least 5 years of experience of working in enterprises and professional associations related to the majors and fields which they act as lecturers and shall have their multipliers determined in accordance with Point c of this Clause.
a) Total number of lecturers in a major of an education institution includes both full-time lecturers and visiting lecturers of the institution who have adequate education levels/titles to deliver lectures in master, doctoral training programs of the major;
b) Number of visiting lecturers for the purpose of determining enrolment target shall equal 10% of total number of full-time lecturers of education institutions in respective fields. With respect to specific majors in the field of Arts, number of visiting lecturers for the purpose of determining enrolment target shall equal up to 40% of full-time lecturers of education institutions; visiting lecturers of majors in teacher training discipline are not included for the purpose of determining enrolment target.
4. Regarding majors that train teachers speaking Vietnamese ethnic minority tongue, Vietnamese Language and Culture major, Foreign Language and Culture major, Sports major (according to the List of majors), specific majors in the field of Arts, lecturers for the purpose of determining enrolment target shall conform to Clause 2 and Clause 3 of this Article and the following regulations:
a) Associate lecturers who hold titles such as “Nghệ sĩ ưu tú”, “Nghệ sĩ Nhân dân”, “Nghệ nhân ưu tú”, “Nghệ nhân Nhân dân”, “Nhà giáo ưu tú”, “Nhà giáo Nhân dân” accredited or awarded by the Government and hold university degrees of the same majors or disciplines shall be counted using the same multipliers applicable to master-level lecturers (for associate lecturers when determining university enrolment target);
b) Lecturers who hold titles such as “Nghệ sĩ Nhân dân”, “Nghệ nhân Nhân dân”, “Nhà giáo Nhân dân” accredited and awarded by the Government and hold master degrees of the same majors and/or disciplines shall be counted using the same multipliers applicable to doctoral-level lecturers (when determining university enrolment target) and be counted using the same multipliers applicable to master-level lecturers (when determining enrolment target of master, doctoral education level);
c) Lecturers who hold titles such as “Nghệ sĩ Nhân dân”, “Nghệ nhân Nhân dân”, “Nhà giáo Nhân dân” accredited and awarded by the Government and hold doctoral degrees of the same majors and/or disciplines shall be counted using the same multipliers applicable to lecturers with associate professor title (when determining university enrolment target) and be counted using the same multipliers applicable to lecturers with associate professor title (when determining enrolment target of master, doctoral education level);
d) Lecturers who hold titles such as “Nghệ sĩ Nhân dân”, “Nghệ nhân Nhân dân”, “Nhà giáo Nhân dân” accredited and awarded by the Government and hold both doctoral degrees and associate professor title of the same majors and/or disciplines shall be counted using the same multipliers applicable to lecturers with professor title (when determining university enrolment target) and be counted using the same multipliers applicable to lecturers with professor title (when determining enrolment target of master, doctoral education level).
5. With respect to majors of Vietnamese ethnic minority tongue within the discipline of Vietnamese Language, Literature, and Culture, the lecturers must be ethnic minorities or understanding the languages and culture of the ethnic minorities in the majors; and must have university degree of the same majors or disciplines in order to be counted for enrolment target using multipliers applicable to lecturers holding master degrees (for associate lecturers when determining university enrolment target); and must hold master degrees of the same majors or disciplines in order to be counted for enrolment target using multipliers applicable to lecturers holding doctoral degrees (when determining university enrolment target), and counted using multipliers applicable to lecturers holding doctoral degrees (when determining enrolment target of master, doctoral education; and must hold doctoral degrees of the same majors or disciplines in order to be counted towards enrolment target using multipliers applicable to lecturers holding doctoral degree (when determining university enrolment target), and counted using multipliers applicable to lecturers holding professor title (when determining enrolment target of master, doctoral education; and must hold doctoral degrees and associate professor title of the same majors or disciplines in order to be counted towards enrolment target using multipliers applicable to lecturers holding professor title (when determining university enrolment target), and counted using multipliers applicable to lecturers holding professor title (when determining enrolment target of master, doctoral education);
6. Regarding majors in the field of Healthcare (according to the List of majors), for the purpose of determining enrolment target, lecturers shall conform to Clause 2 and Clause 3 of this Article and the following regulations:
b) Lecturers having inpatient physician degrees, level 1 specialist degrees of the appropriate majors shall be counted towards enrolment target using multipliers applicable to lecturers having master degree (when determining university enrolment target); lecturers having level 2 specialist degrees of the appropriate majors shall be counted towards enrolment target using multipliers applicable to lecturers holding doctoral degree (when determining university enrolment target), counted towards enrolment target using multipliers applicable to lecturers holding doctoral degree (when determining enrolment target of master, doctoral education).
Article 6. Criteria and calculation methods of enrolment target of full-time college and university education
1. The criterion of number of full-time students per lecturer of education institutions for every field:
a) Full-time students, for the purpose of determining enrolment target, include: Full-time university students, full-time college students majoring in preschool education, full-time students of bridging programs (including students taking bridge programs from intermediate level, college level to full-time university level; from intermediate level of teacher training majors to college level of preschool education; persons having college graduate degrees for other teacher training majors and pursuing preschool education in college; persons having university degree or higher and pursuing different majors in university); excluding students admitted via nomination at education institutions;
b) Maximum number of students pursuing full-time higher education per lecturer shall be determined in accordance with Schedule 2 Appendix 1 attached hereto;
c) Number of full-time college students pursuing preschool education per lecturer must not exceed 25 students;
d) Calculation methods:
Divide total number of full-time students in a field by total number of lecturers in that field.
2. The criterion of floor area of work items serving training of education institutions per full-time student and minimum category, quantity, equipment and learning objects of scientific research and training programs:
b) Work items whose floor area is calculated, serving training, and subject to requirements of minimum category, quantity, equipment and learning objects include:
- Lecture halls, conferences, classrooms of all kinds, multipurpose rooms, offices of professors, associate professors, lecturers;
- Libraries, learning object center;
- Research centers, laboratories, practice facilities, drill facilities, training facilities;
c) Calculation methods:
Divide total floor area of work items under Point b of this Clause by total number of full-time students of education institutions.
3. With respect to majors that primarily utilize online training and/or apply modern scientific and technology achievements in training in accordance with the schemes of training facilities in order to fulfill university-level personnel demands of provinces/majors/country and are approved by the Ministry of Education and Training from time to time, criteria under Clause 1 and Clause 2 of this Article shall be decided by Minister of Education and Training.
4. Criterion of market employee demand, requirements for socio-economic development: Education institutions when determining enrolment target must rely on employee demand of the market, nationwide, provincial, and sector-wide socio-economic development demands.
Article 7. Enrolment target of full-time college and university
2. Enrolment target for full-time university bridge programs is included in total full-time university enrolment target, in which, percentages of enrolment targets for bridge programs from intermediate level, college level to university level shall comply with applicable regulations of the Government and Prime Minister. College enrolment target for full-time bridge programs in preschool education major is included in total full-time college enrolment target of education institutions.
3. Regarding enrolment target for full-time bridge programs that conforms to Decree No. 71/2020/ND-CP dated March 30, 2020 of the Government, Minister of Education and Training shall review, decide, and notify education institutions based on demands of provinces and training capacity of education institutions.
Article 8. College and university enrolment target for full-time teacher training majors
1. Education institutions allowed to provide teacher training majors shall determine college enrolment target for preschool education major, university enrolment target for teacher training majors in accordance with this Circular and applicable laws, and report to the Ministry of Education and Training in order to register enrolment target for teacher training majors of education institutions.
2. Ministry of Education and Training shall determine and notify each education institution of college enrolment target for preschool education major and university enrolment target for full-time teacher training majors based on the institution’s training capacity, local and national demands, this Circular, and applicable laws.
Article 9. College and university enrolment target for co-op education model
1. College enrolment target for preschool education major in co-op model (including training provided for individual who have graduated high schools or individuals who have graduated college and college-level bridge education provided for individuals who have obtained intermediate degree) must not exceed 50% of total full-time college enrolment target.
2. University enrolment target for co-op model (including training provided for individuals who have graduated high school or individuals who hold university degree and bridge education from intermediate education level, college level to university level) must not exceed 30% of full-time enrolment target of each field in university education of education institutions. Regarding the field of Arts and teacher training disciplines, university enrolment target for co-op model must not exceed 50% of full-time university enrolment target of each field of training (or each major in case of teacher training disciplines) in university education of education institutions.
3. Enrolment target for university bridge education in co-op model is included in total university enrolment target in co-op model of education institutions, in which, percentage of enrolment target for bridge education from intermediate education level, college level to university in co-op model shall conform to applicable regulations of the Government and Prime Minister. Enrolment target for college bridge education in preschool education major in co-op model is included in total college enrolment target in co-op model of education institutions.
Article 10. University enrolment target for distance education model
1. Education institutions that meet all minimum requirements for implementing distance education, satisfy information technology requirements in managing, organizing online training, including: courseware in combination with primary learning objects, online lectures, and learning management systems (LMS) for learners and other applicable regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training are allowed to determine enrolment target for distance education model of majors that they are allowed to provide via full-time university education in accordance with Clauses 2, 3, and 4 of this Article and relevant law provisions and shall be held accountable for decision on distance education for every major.
2. Annual university enrolment target for distance education of education institutions shall be determined for every field of distance education and up to total capacity of distance education which is determined based on training capacity of each field, satisfy criteria under Clause 3 and Clause 4 of this Article, minus total students who are currently pursuing distance university education at education institutions and distance education stations in respective fields, plus number of students who pursue distance university education in said fields and are expected to graduate in that year.
3. Criterion of number of students pursuing distance university education per lecturer in a field:
a) Lecturers for the purpose of determining enrolment target for distance education are full-time lecturers and visiting lecturers who lecture and provide instructions in correspondence courses of education institutions for an average of 8 hours or more in a week; individuals who lecture and provide instructions in correspondence courses for less than 8 hours in a week on average shall be counted based on their working time;
b) Multipliers based on academic levels and titles of lecturers attending correspondence courses, including visiting lecturers shall equal those applicable to full-time lecturers for the purpose of determining enrolment target under Article 5 hereof;
c) The maximum number of students pursuing distance education per lecturers attending correspondence courses in a field shall equal that applicable to students pursuing full-time education per lecturer in accordance with Point b Clause 1 Article 6 hereof.
4. The criterion of students pursuing distance university education per managerial official, employee in charge of distance education (per education institution):
a) Managerial officials, employees in charge of distance education are officials and employees who have entered to termed employment contracts for 12 months or more in the year and are working full-time (as per applicable Labor Code on working hour and resting hour of employees) to manage, assist distance education of education institutions and distance education stations thereof; persons working other than full-time for distance education purposes shall be counted based on the time which they spend serving management and assistance of distance education;
c) Number of students pursuing distance education per managerial official, employee in charge of distance education must not exceed 200 students.
Article 11. Enrolment target for master, doctoral education
1. Maximum master enrolment target of education institutions shall be determined for each major and based on maximum master enrolment target, satisfy all requirements under Clause 3 of this Article, and ensure the percentage of students per thesis instructor qualifying thesis instructor standards under applicable regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training.
2. Maximum doctoral enrolment target of education institutions shall be determined for every major and based on maximum doctoral training capacity of the major, satisfy requirements under Clause 3 of this Article, minus students who are currently pursuing doctoral degree and plus researchers of the major expected to graduate in the year.
3. Criteria for determining master, doctoral enrolment target
a) The criterion of maximum number of researchers, higher education students per full-time lecturer and visiting lecturer within appropriate academic levels and titles and specialty for the purpose of determining enrolment target of education institutions shall conform to Schedule 3 (for full-time lecturers) and Schedule 4 (for visiting lecturers) under Appendix 1 attached hereto;
b) The criterion of equipment and amenity: Education institutions must have adequate amenities, laboratories, practice equipment, libraries, lecture halls, offices of lectures, instructors, researchers, and students depending on major and type of training program;
c) The criterion of market employee demand, requirements for socio-economic development: Education institutions when determining enrolment target must rely on employee demand of the market, nationwide, provincial, and sector-wide socio-economic development demands.
Article 12. Determining and publicizing enrolment target of education institutions
2. Education institutions shall update information, statistics, and criteria for determining enrolment target, determined enrolment target, and implementation results of enrolment target on management software of Ministry of Education and Training.
3. Education institutions shall publicize quality control conditions for training process, database, and criteria for determining enrolment target, enrolment target, enrolment schemes and plans, percentage of students employed within 12 months from the date of graduation, other necessary information of education institutions on their website and management software of Ministry of Education and Training. Regarding majors in the field of national defense and security, education institutions shall publicize quality control conditions for training process and other necessary information deemed by supervisory authorities and update on management software of Ministry of Education and Training.
4. Education institutions shall produce annual reports on determination of enrolment target using forms under Appendix 4 attached hereto and produce submit reports in accordance with guiding Official Dispatches of Ministry of Education and Training.
Article 13. Responsibilities of education institutions
1. Adhere to procedures for determining and publicizing enrolment target.
2. Ensure accuracy and veracity of report statistics and the basis for determining enrolment target, implementation results of annual enrolment target, and be accountable to state and social authorities.
3. Implement enrolment target for each field in case of university-level education (except for majors within university-level teacher training disciplines and college-level preschool education major), each major in case of master, doctoral education while adhering to enrolment target determined and publicized by education institutions and keeping within training capacity according to this Circular.
4. Provide adequate information regarding determination and implementation of enrolment target at request of Ministry of Education and Training and competent authorities.
5. Education institutions allowed to provide specific majors that supply university-level personnel for country's socio-economic development demands must develop and publicize information in their Enrolment scheme and proof of quality control on their website in accordance with applicable Enrolment scheme.
Article 14. Inspection, examination and penalty
1. Ministry of Education and Training shall organize inspections of determination of enrolment target of education institutions as per the law.
2. Education institutions violating regulations on determining enrolment target shall be penalized as per the law. Directors, directors of institutes, and principals of education institutions where violations regarding determining enrolment target and individuals committing such violations shall be met with legal actions.
Article 15. Entry into force
1. This Circular comes into force from March 4, 2022 and applies to enrolment for Preschool education major in college; university education, master, doctoral education from 2022.
2. This Circular replaces Circular No. 06/2018/TT-BGDDT dated February 28, 2018 of the Minister of Education and Training which is amended by Circular No. 01/2019/TT-BGDDT dated February 25, 2019 and Circular No. 07/2020/TT-BGDDT dated March 20, 2020.
3. Chief of Office, Director of Higher Education Department, heads of relevant entities affiliated to Ministry of Education and Training; relevant ministries and departments; principals of universities; principals of colleges providing preschool education major; directors of institutes allowed to provide doctoral education; heads of schools of state authorities, socio-political organizations, people’s armed forces allowed to provide higher education are responsible for implementing this Circular.