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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No.: 17/2015/TT-BGDDT

Hanoi, 01 September  2015




Pursuant to Decree No. 36/2012 / ND-CP dated April 18, 2012 of the Government defining the functions, duties, powers and organizational structures of Ministries and Ministerial-level agencies;

Pursuant to Decree No. 32/2008 / ND-CP dated March 19, 2008 of the Government defining the functions, duties, powers and organizational structures the Ministry of Education and Training;

At the request of Directot of Department of Testing and Auditing Education Quality;

The Minister of Education and Training issues this Circular on the Vietnamese language ability framework for foreigners;

Article 1. Issuing with this Circular the Vietnamese language ability framework for foreigners;

Article 2. This Circular takes effect from 16/10/2015;

Article 3. The Chief of Office, Directot of Department of Testing and Auditing Education Quality, Heads of relevant units of the Ministry of Education and Training; Chairman of People’s Committee of provinces and centrally-run cities; Director of Departments of Education and Training; Director of National University and egional University; Director of Institutes; Principal of University, Colleges and Vocational School and Head of Vietnamese training establisment are liable to execute this Circular/./





Nguyen Vinh Hien



 (Issued with Circular No. 17/2015/TT-BGDDT dated 01/09/2015 of the Minister of Education and Training)

I. Purpose

The Vietnamese language ability framework for foreigners (hereafter referred to as Vietnamese language ability framework, abbreviated as VLCF) is used:

1. As a basis for uniform assessment of Vietnamese language ability of foreigners;

2. As a basis for developing the teaching program and plan, writing or selecting learning materials; formulating criteria for inspection and assessment at each learning level and training level;

3. As a basis for teachers and lecturers to select and implement the contents, method of teaching, inspection and assessment in order to assist the learners to meet the requirements of training program;

4. To help the learners to understand the contents and requirements for each Vietnamese language level and ability and assess their ability by themselves;

5. To facilitate the educational cooperation and exchange and accreditation of diploma and certificate with the countries using the Common European Framework of Reference (abbreviated as CEFR).

II. Compatibility between the Vietnamese language ability framework (VLAF) and the Common European Framework of Reference

VLAF is developed on the basis of reference and application of CEFR in combination with the reality and practical conditions of teaching, learning and use of Vietnamese for foreigners. VLAF is divided into 03 stages (Primary, Intermediate and Advanced) and 6 levels (from level 1 to level 6 and in correlation with grade A1 to A2 in CEFR) as follows:




Level 1


Level 2



Level 3


Level 4



Level 5


Level 6


III. Content of Vietnamese language ability framework

1. General description



General description


Level 1

Understanding and using familiar language structures; knowing how to use basic words to meet the basic communication needs: introducing oneself and others; expressing information about oneself: residence, relatives/friends and others; being able to communicate with simple sentences if the interlocutor speaks slowly, clearly and is willing to cooperate and help.

Level 2

Understanding sentences and language structure regularly used and related to the basic communication needs such as: giving information about family, oneself, go shopping,  asking for direction, work; being able to talk about simple and familiar subjects in daily life; simply describing about oneself, surrounding environment and issues of basic needs.


Level 3

Understanding the main idea of a paragraph or standard and clear speech, clearly on familiar topics in work, school, entertainment. Being able to handle almost all situations that occur when coming the places using Vietnamese language; writing simple paragraph related to familiar subjects or interested individuals; describing experiences, events, wishes and briefing reasons and explaining opinions and plans by themselves. 

Level 4

Understanding main idea of a relative complex paragraph about various subjects, including talking about the contents of professional fields of oneself; being able to talk fluently and naturally with the Vietnamese; writing clear and detailed texts with various subjects and expressing their viewpoint about one issue, pointing out strong points and weak points of different options.


Level 5

Recognizing and undertanding the implication of long texts with broad range of content; being able to fluently, immediately expressing opinions without difficulty in finding words to express; flexibly and effectively using language for purposes of social relationship, learning and profession; clearly and closely and in detail writing complex subjects, showing text organization ability; well using words to connect sentences and linking instruments in texts; 

Level 6

Easily understanding almost all written and spoken texts; being able to summarize the spoken and written information sources; arranging and expressing in a logical way; very fluently and correctly expressing opinions; differentiating subtle differences in meaning in complex situations.

2. Description of skills

2.1. Listening skill

2.1.1. General description of listening skill


Specific description

Level 1

Following very slow words with long pause for information processing.

Level 2

- Understanding quite enough information to carry out a specific requirement after listening a slow and clear statement.

- Understanding simple phrases and words related to fields such as basic information on individual, family, shopping, local geography and work when the speaker slowly and clearly expresses opinions

Level 3

- Understanding practical simple information about general subjects related to daily life or specific work, general and detailed news of speech clearly made by familiar voice.

- Understanding main points of clear speech about familiar issues often encountered in work, school, entertainment area, including short and simple stories;

Level 4

- Listening and understanding speeches with standard language made directly broadcast on radio and television about different subjects usually encountered in personal daily life, society, science, education and training; only meeting difficulty upon surrounding interference, noise, incomplete structure of text or use of idioms affecting the listening comprehension.

- Listening and understanding main ideas of speech (presented with common dialect) with complex words, specific or abstract subjects, including the discussions with contents of professional fields of the learner.

- Following speeches with expansion in addition to main contents and discussions with rational, familiar and clearly-structured subjects;

Level 5

- Following and understanding long speecthes about complex and abstracts subjects when the structure of such speeches is not clear and the relationship between ideas are implicit.

- Following and understanding natural and flexible talks between Vietnamese people.

- Following and understanding abstract discussions or arguments.

- Understanding necessary information upon listening to announcements on mass media.

Level 6

- Following and understanding the specialized lectures or presentations using colloquial parlance with cultural factors or unfamiliar terminologies.

- Understanding the issues which are subtle and complex or prone to argument (like regulations, finance); even reaching the level of understanding of experts.

- Listening and understanding everything easily at the speaking rate of Vietnamese people.

2.1.2. Listening dialogues between Vietnamese people


Specific description

Level 1

Understanding dialogues which are very short with very simple structure, very slow and clear speaking rate about basic personal or school issues and essential needs.

Level 2

Listening and defining the subject of discussions slowly and clearly spoken;

Level 3

Understanding main ideas of expanded dialogues spoken with standard language.

Level 4

- Being able to follow and take part in dialogue between Vietnamese people.

- Being able to grasp much of what heard but still meeting difficulty in understanding the whole of details of some dialogues or monologues when the speaker does not adjust language accordingly.

- Following and understanding natural and flexible dialogue or monologue of Vietnamese people.

Level 5

Easily following complex discussions in Vietnamese groups on difficult, abstract or unfamiliar subjects.

Level 6

Understanding almost all dialogues of Vietnamese people, including the ones with trained professional contents;

2.1.3. Listening to presentation and discussion


Specific description

Level 1

Ability to follow presentation in Vietnamese is not required.

Level 2

Beginning to understand a part of main contents of short and simple speeches.

Level 3

- Following and understanding main contents of simple and short speeches about familiar subject in clear common dialect.

- Following and understanding lectures or discussions about familiar subject or within their professional scope when simply presented with clear structure.

Level 4

- Following main contents of lectures, dialogues and reports on professional learning contents with rather complex language.

Level 5

- Following with relative ease most lectures and discussions.

Level 6

- Following the specialized lectures and reports with a lot of words in the field of profound or  unfamiliar expertise

2.1.4. Listening to announcement and instructions


Specific description

Level 1

Understanding and following short and simple instructions slowly and carefully spoken.

Level 2

- Grasping main points in short, clear and simple announcement.

- Understanding simple instructions (ex: instruction on walking or driving from X to Y).

Level 3

- Understanding and following simple technical information (ex: instruction on use of general equipment).

- Understanding details (ex: traffic instructions).

Level 4

- Understanding announcements of a specific or abstract matter spoken by a common dialect at a normal speaking rate.

Level 5

- Understanding specific information from public announcements with interference of sound (such as at gas station and airport).

- Understanding complex technical information such as operational instruction, technical parameters of familiar products services.

Level 6

- Understanding most contents of announcement, instruction, including contents of trained expertise.

2.1.5. Listening to radio and watching TV


Specific description

Level 1

Ability to listen to radio, television and sound recording tape is not required

Level 2

Understanding and grasping necessary information from short recorded passages; processing daily information (such as weather, event); predicting the contents when the interlocutor speaks slowly and clearly.

Level 3

- Understanding main ideas of news briefing program on radio and television programs such as newsreel, interview, reportage with illustrative images with contents expressed with clear and simple language.

- Grasping main ideas in radio and television programs on familiar subjects expressed relatively slowly and clearly.

Level 4

- Understanding the recordings played with common dialect on issues regularly met in social life, occupation or learning, identifying the contents of information, viewpoint and attitude of the speaker.

- Understanding most speeches on radio and recordings with common dialect and identifying the speaker’s attitude.

Level 5

- Understanding the sequences of recording to be broadcast, including some non-standard parlance; identifying details, including the attitude and relationship between speakers.

Level 6

- Understanding most contents broadcast on radio and television station, including the contents of trained expertise.

2.2. Speaking skills

2.2.1. Monologue General description about monologue skill


Specific description

Level 1

- Speaking in a simple way at slow rate, still re-expressing and correcting. Asking and answering simple questions, introducing and answering with simple declarative sentences within the very simple scope and subject (ex: self, family, school).

Level 2

- Speaking with ease and acceptable way in specific contexts and short dialogues with the help of others if needed.

- Being able to process the simple dialogue usually encountered trying too much.

- Being able to ask and answer questions and exchange information on familiar subjects in daily life.

- Speaking in a simple way in working activities.

- Processing very short dialogues but rarely fully understanding to maintain dialogue in their way.

Level 3

- Speaking confidently about familiar and unfamiliar issues related to the interests, learning and work.

- Exchanging, checking and confirming information and processing situations rarely met and explaining reasons of issues.

- Expressing thoughts about abstract subjects and cultural subjects (such as movies, books, newspapers, music).

- Using simple language to process situations arising in daily life

- Participating in dialogues about familiar subjects without prior preparation, expressing personal ideas and interests

Level 4

- Proficiently and effectively speaking about general subjects, learning, occupation or entertainment subjects.

- Speaking relatively fluently, coherently, naturally with good grammatical control without signs of restriction on what to be said.

Level 5

- Speaking relatively fluently and naturally, almost no difficulty.

- Well using a large vocabulary and complex grammatical structures, so no need to evade or beat about the bush or speak wordily.

Level 6

- Well using language structures and understanding meaning levels of special idiom and proverbs.

- Speaking very easily and changing parlance naturally upon monologue, including the contents of trained expertise. Description of experiences


Specific description

Level 1

-Knowing how to describe someone, their living place and job.

Level 2

- Knowing how to describe family, living condition, educational background, current job and the last job of himself/herself.

- Knowing how to describe activities in daily life such as people, location and job.

- Knowing how to describe plans, daily habits and activities in the past, hobbies and personal experiences.

Level 3

- Describing familiar subjects in the fields of interest in a simple way.

- Describing with a simple parlance about a short story with close contents of familiar subjects.

- Telling in a quite detailed manner about self experience, content of a book, movie and expressing their emotion.

- Telling wishes, hopes and true or imaginary events.

Level 4

Describing clearly and in detail the relevant subjects or fields of interest with relatively difficult structures.

Level 5

- Describing clearly and in detail the complex subjects.

- Describing and narrating meticulously, integrating small subjects and specific ideas into consistent contents.

Level 6

- Being able to describe clearly, in detail, naturally and fluently all experiences helping listeners easily understand and remember. Argument in discussion


Specific description

Level 1

- Ability of discussion is not required.

Level 2

- Identifying subjects of attended discussion spoken slowly and clearly.

- Implementing and meeting the proposals.

- Expressing the agreement and disagreement with others;

- Discussing the daily practical issues in a simple way if directly, slowly and clearly spoken.

- Discussing what to be done and making arrangement to complete them.

Level 3

- Discussing in a clear way and strengthening their viewpoint with appropriate arguments and illustrative examples.

- Expressing their thoughts about abstract or cultural subjects (such as music, movies).

- Knowing how to explain reasons for an issue.

- Giving out short remarks about others’ viewpoint.

- Expressing belief, opinion, agreement and disagreement in a polite way.

Level 4

- Expressing their opinions with high accuracy, expressing and answering with argued verbal response.

- Actively participating in discussions in familiar context; expressing opinion, assessment and recommendation.

Level 5

- Being able to explain and protect their opinions in discussions by giving out explanations, arguments and opinions in a persuasive way for purposes of social relationship, learning and expertise.

Level 6

- Being able to explain and protect their opinions in discussions by giving out relevant explanations, arguments and opinions in a persuasive way. Presentation before the audiences


Specific description

Level 1

- Presenting short passages with prior preparation (ex: introduction, simple proposal and request).

Level 2

- Briefly presenting information with prior preparation about a daily  familiar subject, reasons and briefly explaining viewpoints, plan and action.

- Answering direct questions and sometimes ask back with the support of way of answering from audience.

Level 3

- Presenting in a clear way the simple speeches with prior preparation about a familiar subject or field of interest so that the audience can easily follow; explaining main points with reasonable accuracy.

- Being able to answer questions about the presentation.However, sometimes still have to ask again when not understand.

Level 4

- Presenting in a clear way the speeches with prior preparation, expressing reasons for agreement or disagreement with a specific viewpoint, giving out advantages and disadvantages of different options.

- Being able to answer questions after fluent and natural presentation without tension or causing tension to the audience.

- Being able to present complex presentations emphasizing main points with clear illustrative details.

Level 5

- Presenting in a clear way presentations scientifically organized about a complex subject; expanding and strengthening their own opinions with relevant arguments and illustrative examples.

- Well controlling emotion when speaking, expressing ideas naturally and almost no need of effort.

Level 6

- Making very fluent and correct presentation, distinguish the subtle differences in meaning in complex situations, including the contents of trained expertise.

2.2.2. Speaking with interaction General description about speaking skill with interaction


Specific description

Level 1

- Being able to communication at simple level, with slow speaking rate and frequently asking the interlocutor to repeat or expressing their ideas again.

- Being able to ask questions and answer simple questions, speaking and responding to simple imperative sentences in the field of interest and about familiar subjects.

Level 2

- Being able to communicate about simple issues, exchanging simple information directly about familiar issues related to work and daily life but unable to maintain the dialogue by their own way.

- Being able to easily communicate with short dialogues in a certain communication situations without much effort.

Level 3

- Being able to use simple language to deal with most situations commonly arising while traveling.

- Being able to begin a dialogue about familiar subject without prior preparation; expressing personal viewpoints and exchanging information about familiar subject in daily life.

- Communicating relatively confidently about familiar or unfamiliar issues related to the fields of expertise or fields of interest.

- Exchanging, checking and confirming information and processing rare situations.

- Expressing thoughts about abstract cultural subjects such as movies and music.

Level 4

- Communicating quite fluently and naturally with Vietnamese people.

- Being able to explain important contents through personal experiences, clearly explaining and maintaining viewpoint with relevant arguments and demonstrations.

- Using language proficiently, correctly and effectively about general subjects, entertainment, occupation and learning subjects with connection between ideas.

- Communicating naturally and well using grammatical structures without difficulty in expression to be consistent with situation.

Level 5

- Communicating fluently and naturally with the Vietnamese people without much effort.

- Mastering a large vocabulary easily processing complex situations of language without trying to find way of expression or evading questions.

Level 6

- Being able to use idioms, colloquial parlance and understanding figurative meanings.

- Being able to use means of expression of language modal to express correct and reasonable nuances of meaning.

- Expressing very fluently and correctly complex contents, including the ones of trained expertise. Dialogue


Specific description

Level 1

- Knowing how to introduce and greet in basic communication.

- Knowing how to exchange simple information with the interlocutor in general dialogues.

Level 2

- Processing short social communications but not yet maintaining the dialogue by their own way.

- Using way of polite and simple greetings in daily life.

- Making and responding to invitations, proposals, apology and thank.

- Telling what they like and dislike.

- Participating in short dialogues in familiar situations about subjects of interest.

Level 3

- Participating in dialogues about familiar subjects without prior preparation, sometimes still meeting difficulty in expressing exactly what they want to say.

- Being able to realize daily dialogues directly but sometimes still ask back the specific words and phrases.

- Expressing emotion and behaving before emotions like surprise, happiness, sadness, interest and indifference.

Level 4

- Participating in dialogues about most general subjects in a clear manner even when there are noises and interference.

- Maintaining relationship with the Vietnamese people without intentionally causing upset to them.

- Expressing emotional degrees highlighting events and personal experiences.

Level 5

- Using language flexibly and effectively for social purposes, including emotional expressions, joking.

Level 6

- Using language flexibly, comfortably and effectively about personal and social life, including emotional expression, innuendo, perisphrasis, joke. Trading, sale and services


Specific description

Level 1

- Simply doing trading of goods and services.

- Using numbers to do trading on price, quantity, cost and time.

Level 2

- Knowing to request the supply of daily goods and services such as travelling, accommodation, eating and drinking, shopping.

- Being able to get basic information about goods and services at stores, post office and bank.

- Being able to request the supply and understand information related to the number, quantity, price of goods and services.

- Processing situations on accommodation, eating and drinking, entertainment and shopping while travelling.

Level 3

- Processing most arising situations while travelling or organizing travels (reservation, paper procedures with relevant organs).

- Being able to deal with unusual situations at the stores, post offices, banks (like returning goods or making complaints about products).

- Knowing how to explain an arising issue and clarify causes for the services provider or customer to make concession.

Level 4

- Being able to negotiate about common things (like buying inappropriate train or bus ticket, ticket delay, compensation upon damages to house, fault related to accident, responsibility to pay for damages

- Being able to persuade to satisfy the relevant parties.

- Explaining the arising issues and requiring the concession from the services provider or customer.

Level 5

- Identifying and understanding the implication of the trading and services. Being able to express fluently, instantly without diffficulty in finding words to express; using language flexibly and effectively in trading and services.

Level 6

- Easily carrying out the trading and sale in most complex situations. Interview and interview response


Specific description

Level 1

- Being able to answer the direct and simple questions in interview spoken very slowly, clearly and directly about personal information without idioms.

Level 2

- Being able to respond to interview and confirming viewpoint by simple parlance.

- Being able to make the interviewer understand and exchanging opinions and information about familiar subjects, sometimes still needing to repeat the question or to express more understandably.

Level 3

- Being able to provide necessary and specific information in an interview or opinion consultation (ex: describing symptoms upon health examination) but with limited accuracy.

- Being able to interview others (with prior preparation), checking and confirming information, sometimes still needing to request the repeat from the speaker.

- Having some new or different ideas in an interview/opinion consultation (ex: giving out a new subject) but much depended on the interlocutor.

- Being able to use the questionaire prepared for easy implementation of an interview with structure available.

Level 4

- Implementing an interview/discussion fluently and effectively, starting naturally with prepared questions and answering them creatively.

- Giving out opinions, expanding and developing subject during interview if any assistance or encouragement from the interviwer.

Level 5

- Fully participating in an interview as the questioner or the respondent; expanding and developing viewpoints, discussing fluently without any assistance; well processing the expressions of modal of Vietnamese language.

Level 6

- Following long dialogues, participating as the role of interviewer or respondent naturally; fluently speaking the contents of trained expertise.

2.2.3. Accuracy of speaking skills Pronunciation and fluency


Specific description

Level 1

- Making relatively clear and accurate pronunciation of tone of short words/sentences at very slow rate.

- Using very short and separate sentences, mainly learnt simple structures, still confusing about the pitch of the tone in pronunciation  and hesitating upon expression.

Level 2

- Making clear and relatively accurate pronunciation of tones when using short sentences, sometimes the interlocutor still requests repeat.

- Being able to make the interlocutor undertand their opinions by adding small details but still hesitating, truncating ideas and meeting difficulty when finding way to re-express.

Level 3

- Making clear pronunciation with correct tone, distinguishing difficult consonants such as: g, t, th, kh, ng and dipthongs, prevocalic sounds, syllables, sometimes accents are not natural and incorrect pronunciation.

- Expressing with easy understanding long sentences, sometimes making mistakes of pronunciation/word/structure use.

Level 4

- Pronouncing clearly with correct pitch and relatively natural intonation.

- Communicating easily and relatively fluently even when speaking complex and long passages.

Level 5

- Being able to change intonation naturally almost like Vietnamese people to express the subtle nuances of meaning.

- Fluently and naturally expressing ideas, almost no difficulty, except for some subjects with difficult concepts.

Level 6

- Although still having exotic accent but can change intonation, showing the subtle nuances of meaning as the Vietnamese people.

- Expressing ideas naturally, continuously without hesitation, except when choosing words, for example choosing the most appropriate explanation. Conformity with social language


Specific description

Level 1

- Using some relatively simple grammatical structures learnt.

- Using groups of word and way of simplest polite expression of daily life (like greetings, introduction, invitation, thank, apology)

Level 2

- Using a lot of simple grammatical structures learnt.

- Using some polite way of speaking with please, yes.

- Using some appropriate ways of expression related to daily subjects.

- Being able to communicate in accordance with simple situations in family, class and common work.

Level 3

- Using basic vocabulary and grammar with relative accuracy but still meeting difficulty when trying to express complex thoughts or unfamiliar subjects and situations.

- Communicating in many common situations and using language appropriately.

- Using with relative accuracy the ways of polite speaking and having way of response in accordance with daily communication situations at school and workplace.

Level 4

- Well using relatively complex vocabulary and grammatical structures in communication; sometimes still needing assistance to choose appropriate words.

- Expressing ideas naturally, clearly and politely with formal and informal language in accordance with communication situations.

Level 5

- Using the way of pronunciation, large vocabulary and complex grammatical structure in communication accurately, confidently and effectively; sometimes still pausing sentences, transferring and finding other ways of expression.

- Identifying many idiomatic or colloquial ways of expression, feeling changes of way of communication; sometimes still asking back details, especially when listening to unfamiliar accents or fast speaking rate.

Level 6

- Using way of pronunciation, very large vocabulary and difficult grammatical structures in communication by natural parlance of Vietnamese people accurately, appropriately and effectively.

- Using the idiomatic or colloquial ways of expression and know how to distinguish levels of meaning.

- Perceiving the effects in terms of language – society – culture and society of Vietnamese people.

- Understanding and grasping the differences in terms of language – society – culture and society of Vietnamese people.


2.3. Reading skills

2.3.1. General description of reading skills


Specific description

Level 1

- Understanding very short and simple text passages about learnt subjects such aas self, family, school, class, friends.

Level 2

- Understanding short and simple text passages about familiar and specific problems; Being able to use words usually encountered in work and daily life.

Level 3

- Reading and understanding texts containing clear information about subjects related to the fields of expertise and interest.

Level 4

- Reading in a relatively independent and adjusting the way of reading and reading rate according to each type of text, purpose of reading as well as optional use of appropriate reference sources. Having large vocabulary to actively serve the reading process but still meeting difficulty with idioms rarely appearing.

Level 5

- Understanding details of long and complex texts, including the ones not in their field of expertise provided that the difficult passages are re-read.

Level 6

- Understanding, choosing and using with comments and assessments of most types of texts, including the ones with complex structure and content or works of literature and other types.

- Understanding many types of complex and long texts, perceiving the differences between the literal and figurative meaning and different kinds of style.

2.3.2. Reading for information


Specific description

Level 1

- Recognizing proper name, familiar words and basic phrases on simple notes commonly encountered in daily communication situations.

Level 2

- Searching specific and easily guessed information in simple texts commonly encountered such as advertising, menu, reference lists and timetables.

- Identifying specific information in the lists and finding the needed information (ex: finding telephone number of a certain type of services in the phone directory).

- Understanding common symbols, signs, notices in public places (such as on the streets, in restaurants, bus stations, railway stations) or at workplace (eg signposts, instruction signs or warning signs).

Level 3

- Realizing and understanding relevant information in texts and materials used everyday such as mails, advertising information and short texts.

Level 4

- Identifying main information and conclusions in clear discourse texts without necessity of detail.

Level 5

- Undertanding articles and reports concerning current affairs in which the authors demonstrate their specific stance or pointview.

Level 6

- Understanding types of complex and long texts; Being able to read for information and argue the contents of trained expertise.

2.3.3. Contact mail and text reading


Specific description

Level 1

- Understanding short and simple messages on postcard.

- Understanding and following direction exactly of simple direction signs (ex going from X to Y).

Level 2

- Understanding types of basic electronic mail and texts (inquiry, order, confirmation) about familiar subjects.

- Understanding types of simple and short personal mail.

- Understanding regulations (ex: safety regulation) expressed with simple language.

- Understanding simple instructions using equipment in daily life such as public telephone.

Level 3

- Understanding description passages of events, emotions and wishes in personal mail sufficiently to respond to the writer.

- Understanding use instructions clearly and coherently written for a specific equipment.

Level 4

- Reading mail related to their hobbies and easily grasping main meaning.

- Understanding long and complex instruction texts in their field of expertise, including details of condition and warning if reading the difficult passages again.

Level 5

- Understanding types of mail written in Vietnamese language but sometimes needing to use dictionary.

- Understanding long and complex instructions about a new type of machine or procedure (even unrelated to their field of expertise) but still needing to re-read difficult passages.

Level 6

- Easily understanding most contact mails or texts including the ones in the field of trained expertise.

2.4. Writing skills

2.4.1. General description of writing skills


Specific description

Level 1

- Writing short phrases and simple sentences about self, family, school, class and workplace.

Level 2

- Writing simple clauses and sentences linked with each other by conjunctions such as: and, but, because.

Level 3

- Writing simple and passages and articles linking with familiar subjects or field of interest in certain logical order.

Level 4

- Writing detailed and clear articles about familiar subjects and various fields of interest; knowing how to aggregate and assess information and argue from different sources.

Level 5

- Writing articles clearly and in detail with tight layout about complex subjects; knowing how to highlight important ideas, expand and consolidate viewpoint at some paragraphs with specific evidences and examples and ending the article with an appropriate conclusion.

Level 6

- Writing articles clearly with logical and close layout, fluent and harmonious style about complex fields, helping the readers to easily identify the important points in the article.

2.4.2. Essay writing


Specific description

Level 1

- Writing simple phrases and sentences about self and others; imagining their living place and work.

Level 2

- Writing sequences of phrase or simple sentences about themselves and their families, living conditions, learning process, current or last work.

- Writing short imaginary biography.

Level 3

- Describing in detail and easy to understand the familiar subjects in their fields of interest.

- Writing simple articles with linked experiences, describing their emotion and reaction.

- Describing an event or a last trip (true or imaginary).

- Writing to tell a story.

Level 4

- Describing in detail and clearly the imaginary or true events or experiences, expressing the logical link between ideas in the article following the convention of text category.

- Describing in detail and clearly the subjects of interest.

- Writing commentary about a movie, a book or a play.

Level 5

- Writing descriptive essays creatively, clearly, in detail with close structure, natural style, personality and in accordance with audience.

Level 6

- Writing descriptive essays of experience and stories clearly, apparently, profoundly, attractively with style consistently with the chosen category.

2.4.3. Report and essay writing


Specific description

Level 1

- Ability to write essay and report in Vietnamese language is not required.

Level 2

- Ability to write essay and report in Vietnamese language is not required.

Level 3

- Writing short and simple essays about subjects of interest.

- Briefing reports and presenting assessment opinions to the information collected from reality or accumulated about daily familiar issues.

- Writing short reports in standard format; providing practical information and stating the reasons for recommendations given out in the report.

Level 4

- Writing essays or reports in which the arguments are used systematically, indicating main ideas with consistent illustrations.

- Assessing different opinions and solutions of an issue.

- Writing essays or reports of argument type stating the reasons for agreement or disagreement with a certain viewpoint and explaining advantages and disadvantages of such solutions.

- Aggregating information and arguments from various sources.

Level 5

- Writing commentaries clearly with close structure about complex subjects highlighting the relevant important points.

- Being able to write, deploy ideas and consolidate their viewpoints at some passages with certain length of specific ideas, reasons and evidences.

Level 6

- Writing reports and essays with reasonable and effective structure helping readers to see the important points.

- Writing complext reports, articles or essays clearly and coherently with rich contents about a certain issue or giving out sharp assessements on recommendations or literary comments.

2.4.4. Writing for interaction General description about writing for interaction


Specific description

Level 1

- Presenting or providing personal information in writing.

Level 2

- Writing short notes, using forms about the fields of interest.

Level 3

- Communicating information and opinions about the specific or abstract subjects; checking information and explaining issues rationally.

- Being able to write letter and personal notes as required or communicating simple information directly related to the viewpoints considered important.

Level 4

- Communicating information and expressing their viewpoint and of others effectively in writing.

Level 5

- Expressing themselves clearly, correctly and flexibly to the information recipient.

Level 6

- Writing coherently and correctly and distinguishing subtle differences in meaning in the contents of trained expertise. Contact mail writing


Specific description

Level 1

- Writing to answer a postcard.

Level 2

- Writing simple personal mail for thank or apology.

Level 3

- Writing personal mail to describe in detail experience, emotion, event.

- Writing mail at level of providing personal information, expressing thought about subjects related to work, learning and cultural, music and movie subjects.

Level 4

- Writing mail to express emotion, attitude, personal ideas, answering and commenting about opinion and viewpoint of mail recipient.

Level 5

- Expressing themselves clearly and correctly in personal mails, using language flexibly and effectively (expressing emotional levels, innuendo or joke).

Level 6

- Writing mails coherently and correctly; distinguishing subtle differences in meaning in transactions, including ones about trained expertise. Recording, text messaging and form filling


Specific description

Level 1

- Writing and filling out numbers, date, proper name, nationality, address, age, date of birth (like filling out the Vietnam entry declaration form or hotel registration form).

Level 2

- Writing short and simple messages.

- Writing short and simple notes related to the issues of interest.

Level 3

- Writing simple notices related to friends, service employee, teacher and people frequently met and clarifying important points in notices.

- Writing notices to request or explain a specific issue.

Level 4

- Recording and writing notices with detailed and clear contents about various subjects, giving out viewpoint about an issue, strong point and weak point of plans in case of option.

Level 5

- Recording and writing clear, close and detailed notices about complex subjects, showing text organization ability, well using words, and linking instruments in texts.

Level 6

- Easily recording and writing types of notice. Being able to brief information sources written or spoken; arranging and re-presenting them in a logical way; expressing fluently and correctly; distinguishing subtle differences in meaning in complex information, including the one of trained expertise.

2.4.5. Text processing


Specific description

Level 1

- Writing simple words or short texts presented in the form of standard printing.

Level 2

- Choosing and re-writing important words, phrases or short sentences in a moderate passages according to ability and experience.

- Re-writing short texts presented in the form of printing or hand-writing.

Level 3

- Gathering short information from some sources and briefing them for others.

- Re-expressing in a simple way the short passages but still styling and keeping the order of events as in original text.

Level 4

- Summarizing types of real or fictional texts, giving out comments and discussing opposing viewpoints and the main subjects.

- Summarizing excerpts from newspapers, interviews or viewpoints and opinions in materials related to argument and discussion.

- Summarizing plot or sequence of events in a film or a play.

Level 5

- Summarizing long and difficult texts.

Level 6

- Summarizing information from different sources, aggregating and writing it into a presentation with close, clear and coherent argument.

2.4.6. General language criteria


Specific description

Level 1

- Having basic knowledge about method of expression of personal information and specific needs.

Level 2

- Having basic language knowledge to deal with known situations occurring everyday, but sometimes the writer still has to modify the contents of message and find words.

- Shortly expressing simple needs in daily life such as: personal information, habits, wishes, hobbies, news exchange.

- Using these types of simple sentences, phrases, short phrases learnt by heart or the patterns of communication to present about themselves, others, work, place or a certain possession.


Level 3

- Having enough words to describe unexpected or unplanned situations.

- Having enough words to clearly explain and expressing thoughts about main and important points of abstract issues or cultural subjects like music and movies.

- Having enough words to express wishes but sometime feeling unconfident or expressing wordily (due to shortage of words) about subjects such as: family, interests, hobbies, work, travelling and occurring events;

Level 4

- Being able to express about themselves in a clear and coherent way.

- Having enough words to express viewpoint and making clear argument.

- Being able to use some type of complex sentence for expression.

Level 5

- Having large vocabulary enough to express about themselves clearly and comfortably and choosing words to present in the most appropriate way.

Level 6

- Being able to use language in a wide range, control words consistently to express thoughts correctly; knowing how to emphasize, distinguish and eliminate obscure elements.

- The writer’s expression ability is very diversified and profound.

2.4.7. Vocabulary


Specific description

Level 1

- Having basic knowledge of vocabulary including single words and phrases in specific situations.

Level 2

- Having enough vocabularies for daily communication about familiar subjects and situations.

- Having enough vocabularies to express basic communication needs and deal with the simplest needs.

Level 3

- Having enough vocabularies to express subjects related to themselves but still wordily such as family, habits, hobbies, work, daily life and occurring events.

Level 4

- Having quite large vocabularies to express most expertise contents and general subjects.

- Being able to replace words in a flexible way to avoid duplication, but still wordy and incoherent due to shortage of vocabulary.

Level 5

- Having large vocabularies to overcome the wordy expression or explanation due to shortage of vocabulary or use other ways of expression.

- Understanding idioms and proverbs.

Level 6

- Mastering a very large vocabulary, including idioms and proverbs.

- Identifying expressive meaning and implicit meaning.

2.4.8. Vocabulary control


Specific description

Level 1

- Poor control of vocabulary.

Level 2

- Being able to control a moderate number of vocabularies enough to express daily specific needs.

Level 3

- Being able to control well the vocabulary at primary level but still making big mistakes when expressing complex thoughts or strang or new subjects and situations.

Level 4

- Using words correctly at quite high level but still having misleading expression due to choosing incorrect words but not causing difficulty to the communication process.

Level 5

- Being able to control well the vocabulary, sometimes having small mistakes but no big mistake in using words.

Level 6

- Always using vocabulary correctly and rationally.

2.4.9. Grammatical correctness


Specific description

Level 1

- Using with a limit a number of grammatical structures and types of simple sentence learnt.

Level 2

- Using correctly a number of simple grammatical structures but still making basic mistakes systematically. However, the writers still try to express their opinions they wish to communicate.

Level 3

- Communicating in a quite correct way in familiar contexts.

- In general, having ability to control the grammar well but still significantly affected by the mother tongue; making mistakes but still clearly expressing opinions to be conveyed.

- Using quite correctly the types of sentence commonly used related to familiar situations.

Level 4

- Controlling grammar well, sometimes making minor mistakes in use of structures of sentence but seldom and usually correcting them by themselves upon review.

- Not making mistakes resulted in misleading

Level 5

- Always having high grammatical correctness, seldom making mistakes and hard to detect them  if any.

Level 6

- Always maintain the grammatical control to the complex language structures in all situations.

2.4.10. Accuracy in spelling


Specific description

Level 1

- Rewriting short and familiar words and phrases such as name of signboard or simple instructions, name of everyday objects, shops and phrases frequently used.

- Being able to write with correct spelling their address and nationality and other personal information.

Level 2

- Rewriting short sentences about everyday subjects (ex: words of way direction, instructions on accommodation rent).

- Rewriting with correct spelling (not necessarily absolutely correct) short words after listening pronunciation verbally.

Level 3

- Writing understandable passages from beginning to end in which the spelling, punctuation, paragraph layout are enough correct for the readers to easily follow.

Level 4

- Writing a passage which is coherent, understandable with standard layout and segment. However, the spelling and punctuation are not absolutely correct, still affected by mother tongue.

Level 5

- Layout, segment and use of punctuation are uniform and rational.

- Writing with correct spelling but with minor mistakes due to neglect.

Level 6

Writing without any mispelling.

IV. Table of Vietnamese language ability self-assessment

The Table of Vietnamese ability self-assessment is used for the learners to assess their Vietnamese language ability by themselves so that they could plan and develop roadmap and method of learning and self-learning of Vietnamese language.


Text receiving skills

Text forming skills

Interaction skills







Level 1

Identifying familiar words and groups of word about themselves, family and surrounding environment when the speaker speaks slowly and clearly

- Identifying familiar  words and groups of word and simple sentences related to themselves, family and close surrounding environment.

Understanding short advertising texts and notices

Using simple phrases and sentences to speak about familiar subjects such as about themselves, family, school...

Writing phrases or simple sentences.

Asking and answering simple questions concerning familiar subjects about themselves, family, school, when people speak slowly, clearly and sometimes repeat to help express what they want to speak.

Writing simple and short postcard.

Filling out forms with personal parameters (ex: filling name, nationality and address in the room reservation form).

Level 2

- Understanding groups of word usually used about direct relevant subjects like family, shopping, occupation...

- Understanding main ideas in short, clear and simple announcements

Understanding words usually encountered about the fields directly related to themselves(ex: basic information related to individuals and familiy, shopping, local geography, work)

Understanding main ideas of short and clear texts.

Using phrases and sentences learnt to simply describe their families and others; living conditions, learning process and current or last job.

Writing some phrases or simple sentence linking each other with conjunctions like: and, but, because

Being able to communicate in everyday simple situations about themselves, family and residence.

Implementing simple and familiar communications but not yet maintain dialogue.

Writing simple and short messages within the urgent scope and needs

Writing a very simple personal mail (ex: thank-you letter)

Level 3

- Understanding main ideas of standard, clear speeches about familiar issues usually encountered in work, school, entertainment, including simple and short stories

- Understanding main ideas of broadcasting or television programs about current affairs or subjects of interest  when the speech is relatively slow and clear.

Understanding main ideas of standard and clear texts about familiar issues usually encountered in work and learning.

Understanding events, emotions, wishes and personal mails.

Simply linking groups of word to tell a story, event, wishes and hopes.

Giving out reasons to explain about their viewpoints and plans.

Telling simple stories about a book or film and expressing their thoughts.

Writing a simple article with layout about a familiar subject or subject of interest

Being able to communicate without prior preparation about everyday familiar subjects related to personal hobbies, life, or general information (ex: family, hobbies, work, tourism and occurring events).

Writing article with simple layout about familiar subjects or personal interests.

Writing mail to describe experience or feeling.

Level 4

- Understanding long statements or lectures; following and understanding complex arguments about subjects of interest or relatively familiar subjects.

- Understanding most current affair programs on television and movies using standard language.

Understanding articles and reports related to current issues which the writers express their viewpoints

Understanding articles about contemporary literature.

Expressing in detail and clearly various subjects related to the subjects of interest.

Explaining a certain viewpoint about a current issue and pointing out advantages and disadvantages of different plans

Writing article about different issues of interest.

Writing an essay or report communicating information or giving out reasons for agree or disapprove a specific viewpoint.

Being able to communicate relatively fluently and naturally with Vietnamese people.

Actively participating in discussion about familiar subjects, explaining and protecting their viewpoints.

Writing mail to express the importance of event or experience for themselves.

Level 5

- Understanding long speeches, even when the structures of which are not clear.

- Understanding television programs and watching films without much effort.

Understanding long texts, complex works of literature and perceiving the style.

Understanding long articles of specialized contents or technical instructions even when no relation to their field of expertise.

Expressing in detail and clearly a complex subjects including minor subjects, delving into some specific issues and making appropriate conclusions.







Writing an essay expressing clearly with tight layout and presenting viewpoint with with a certain length.

Writing mail, essay or report on complex subjects highlighting problems in which the society is very interested.

Being able to choose style appropriate to the readers.

Expressing their opinions fluently, naturally without any difficulty when finding ways to express opinions.

Being able to use the language flexibly and effectively for social and professional purposes.

Giving out correct opinions and viewpoints and skillfully steered the story with others.

Writing a reply with clear, correct, flexible and effective expression and consistent style.

Level 6

- Absolutely having no difficulty in understanding all statements whether listening directly or through means of communication even when at the natural speaking rate of Vietnamese people but there must be  a period of time to become familiar with the accent.


Understanding and analyzing critically almost all types of text, including abstract and difficult ones in terms of structure and language and literary and non-literary works

Understanding many types of long and complex, perceiving the subtle differences about styles, discourse and explicit meaning.

Describing or discussing clearly and fluently and stylish in accordance with the context with logical structure and effectiveness, making the listeners interest and remember important points.

Writing a clear and coherent essay with consistent style.

Writing  complex mail, report to present complex events with logical structure, which helps the readers to realize and remember the important points.

Writing commentary about works of expertise as well as works of literature.

Participating in any dialogue or discussion; no difficulty in using idioms and colloquial language.

Express opinions fluently and conveying nuances of meaning subtly and correctly. In case of difficulty, being able to express another way skillfully and fluently to the extent that the interlocutor hardlly recognizes it

Reaching a writing level with interaction and ability to distinguish subtle differences in meaning in complex situations including the contents of trained expertise.



