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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 23/2017/TT-BGTVT

Hanoi, July 28, 2017




Pursuant to the Vietnam Maritime Code dated November 25, 2015;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 12/20177ND-CP dated February 10, 2017 on functions, tasks, power and organizational structures of the Ministry of Transport;

Pursuant to the 1978 International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Crew members amended in 2010 to which Vietnam is a signatory;

At the request of the Director of the Department of Personnel and Organization and Director of the Vietnam Maritime Department;

The Minister of Transport promulgates a Circular on ranks and duties of crew members and registration of crew members working on Vietnamese ships.

Chapter I




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

Article 1. Scope

This Circular provides for ranks and duties of crew members and registration of crew members working on Vietnamese ships.

Article 2. Regulated entities

This Circular applies to crew members working on Vietnamese ships and relevant authorities, organizations and individuals. Vietnamese crew members working on foreign ships only apply to specific provisions stated herein.

Chapter II



Article 3. Ranks of crew members

1. Ranks of crew member on a Vietnamese ship are composed of a master, chief officer, chief engineer, second engineer, deck officer (second officer, third officer), engineering officer (third engineer, fourth engineer), chief steward, radio officer, electro-technical officer, ship security officer, cooling system officer, bosun, bosun’s mate, watchstanding able seaman (AB), ordinary seaman (OS), main engine machinist, oiler, electro-technical engineer, assistant radio officer, chief purser, naval surgeon or naval surgeon’s mate, chief cook, kitchen worker, service staff, refrigeration and air-conditioning technician and pump operator.




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

2. For the ranks that are not specified in Clause 1 this Article, the ship-owner shall rely on the technical specifications and purposes of use of the ship to divide crew member’s ranks and corresponding rank-based duties.


Article 4. Master’s duties

The master is the ship's highest responsible officer. The master shall perform the following duties:

1. Master’s duties during ship assignment:

a) The ship assignment shall be made directly between the transferring master and the receiving master;

b) During ship assignment, the transferring master shall provide information the general conditions of the ship, quantity of fuel, fresh water, materials, equipment, property and all documents, records or cash amounts related to the ship and shall prepare statistics for each item;

c) The receiving master shall require the transferring master to provide information about special structure, technical specifications, capacity and continuing completion plans of the ship. The receiving master shall request the officers responsible for each department to submit a status report and a written declaration on the ship’s property. The receiving master shall cooperate with the chief officer, chief engineer and second engineer in inspecting the condition of the ship;

d) The duration of the ship assignment shall be specified in a minutes signed by both parties and recorded in a nautical logbook. A ship assignment record shall be made into 4 copies (1 copy sent to the ship-owner, 1 copy kept for the ship and 2 copies for each party;




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

2. Master’s duties when commencing or ceasing ship operation:

a) Follow the order of the ship-owner to put the ship into operation, cease the ship’s operation, repair or dispose of the ship;

b) Before every voyage, the master shall make response to ensure security and safety for passengers, the ship and its cargoes, including technical materials, fuel, fresh water and food on the ship;

c) Assign the chief officer and the chief engineer to make necessary preparations for the ship’s safe departure on time;

d) Check the availability of the nautical chart and other nautical documents related to the whole itinerary;

dd) Update the weather condition of the zone where the ship is going to pass through, formulate the itinerary and set a course by using the nautical chart in which nautical factors such as geographical, meteorological – hydrographical conditions and others that may create adverse impacts on the itinerary;

e) Check whether the material handling conforms to the cargo diagram to ensure that the quantity and quality of cargos will remain unchanged.  Especially, the bulk cargo or dangerous cargo handling and shipping are taken into particular consideration. The ship capacity and tonnage shall be optimized but the stability and safety of the ship shall be guaranteed;

g) At least 2 hours before the ship leaves the port, the master shall make all necessary preparations under control and check the presence of crew members and others on the ship;

h) If there is any absence of crew member, in order to make sure that the ship will depart on time, the master shall promptly report to the provincial Maritime Administration and the ship-owner when the ship is domestically moored, or notify an agent or a diplomatic representative authority when the ship is moored at a port of another country of full name, rank and the time for going ashore of such crew member. At the same time, the master shall take all necessary measures to call this absent crew member to come back to the ship in time or require him/her to embark on the ship at the next port provided that such absence makes no impact on the ship safety;




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

3. Master’s duties when the ship is underway:

a) Guarantee the adequate and accurate number of crew members and passengers declared in the crew member and passenger list;

b) Inspect the implementation of the itinerary formulated before departure; carry out regular inspections of the crew member’s shift work at the bridge in order to ensure that the ship is following the right route according to the itinerary and issue orders to the officer of the watch if necessary;

c) Except for the master, no one has the right to change the specified course. In the cases where there is a threat of crash or unpredictable dangers, or if a person is seen falling overboard, the watchstanding deck officer shall be entitled to change the course and then immediately report the issue to the master;

d) Promptly turn up at the bridge when the watchstanding deck officer in the bridge demands their presence and be regularly present at the bridge when the ship is sailing into the narrow navigable channels, straits, canals or near the coast, or when the ship is entering or leaving the port, or in dangerous zones, unfavorable weather conditions with restricted vision or passing zones where a large number of ships are underway. In the abovementioned circumstances, the master shall impose appropriate measures and cast the anchor at the ready position an notify the bridge of these circumstances to get ready to take actions upon requests;

dd) If the ship is heading towards any iceberg, obstacle and is likely to face the direct danger or sailing into the tropical cyclone, the zone struck by the temperature of below zero degree Celsius along with the strong wind freezing the ship superstructure, or sailing against the wind force on the 9th or above-9th scale without receiving any information about such condition, the master shall take necessary measure to cope with it in an appropriate manner with the aim of protecting passengers, the ship and cargos; concurrently, promptly inform ships operating nearby, the ship-owner and the competent authority that the ship may contact in the first attempt of this situation;

e) In case the ship is led by an ice-breaking ship to get underway into the zone covered by icebergs, the master shall follow instructions given by the master of such ice-breaking ship and send a prompt report on any related issue to ensure the safety for their ship voyage;

g) Carry out daily inspections and append their countersignature to authenticate the content written in logbooks;

h) Regularly perform the task of maintaining the occupational safety, maritime security, fire safety and response to environmental pollution.




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

a) The ship entering the compulsory piloting waters shall be guided by the regulated piloting. If the master obtains the certificate of eligibility for piloting and the appropriate certificate of piloting waters, he/she shall be entitled to pilot the ship. In the waters where the piloting is not compulsory, the master shall still have the right to use the piloting to ensure the ship safety if necessary;

b) Ensure the safety for the embarkment and disembarkment of pilots, arrange accommodations and meals for them and create favorable conditions for pilots to perform their tasks;

c) Before pilots perform their tasks, the master shall notify them of the ship maneuvering characteristics, engine and equipment conditions and other necessary information in order to create the best conditions for pilots to act on their own initiative in guiding the ship;

d) Get ready to be present at the bridge to punctually deal with any situation, keep a sharper lookout and prepare the ship anchorage in the permitted casting position.

If leaving the ship bridge is inevitable, the ship master shall introduce his authorized officer to pilots;

dd) The use of piloting guiding the ship shall not lead to any exemption or exclusion of the master’s liability for operating the ship. The master shall take measure to promptly and accurately prevent and deal with any situation that may happen in order to ensure the absolute safety for the ship;

e) In the cases where pilots make an inaccurate or unreasonable decision on dealing with such situation, the master shall suspend such pilots’ actions and require them to take appropriate actions in order for their ship to sail at sea in a safe and sound manner. The master shall be entitled to replace any of such pilots if necessary.

5. Master’s duties when a person is seen falling overboard:

If there is a person seen falling overboard, the master shall take actions in an immediate and efficient manner to search for this person, concurrently notify the ship-owner, manager or charterer, coastal radio station, marine search and rescue center, maritime administration and the nearest competent authority and call for help with the search and rescue from other ships operating nearby; only make a decision to steer the ship away from the area where that person is falling off the ship when there is no hope for looking for that person though all attempts have been made, except when this decision may result in severe dangers posed to the ship and people aboard that ship. Time and measures which have been taken to search and rescue the victim shall be recorded into the nautical logbook.




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

a) When receiving the distress signal or discovering a ship in distress, the master shall be responsible for quickly maneuvering his/her ship to assist in the search and rescue and avoid causing serious danger to the ship in distress and its crew. Time and position of the ship in distress along with reasons for agreeing or refusing to assist in the search and rescue shall be recorded into the nautical logbook;

b) When deciding to participate in a ship rescue, the master shall impose all safe and effective measures to rescue people. The rescue of a ship, its cargos and other property shall only be carried out under a rescue agreement with the master of the ship in distress. If the master of the ship in distress is not able to sign the rescue agreement, an agreement sent by transmitting oral message, radio or visible message by the master of the ship in distress shall be acceptable. All of these agreement forms shall be recorded into the nautical logbook;

c) When discovering an abandoned ship, if possible, the master is obliged to tow such ship toward the nearest port and notify the local port operating authority or the Maritime Administration, the ship-owner, manager or charterer and diplomatic missions of Vietnam in the country where such port is located. In case it is impossible to tow the ship, the position of that ship shall be recorded in the nautical logbook, reasons for failure to tow that ship, and the nearest local port operating authority or the Maritime Administration shall be notified.

7. Master’s duties when the ship has an accident or collision:

a) In case the ship collides with the other ship, the master shall require the master of the latter to provide information about name, serial number, IMO number, registration port, departure port, port of call, arrival port and name of the ship-owner. Simultaneously, the master shall take turn to provide such information for the master of the latter and report to the nearest ship-owner, charterer and maritime administration. Within the permitted capability and condition, the ship shall be liable to rescue the ship in distress over which the rescue of people trapped on board the ship shall be prioritized;

b) After any accident, crash or collision occurs, the master shall immediately keep a record of what have happened in which any loss or damage caused for both ships shall be validated by both ship masters and interested parties. Concurrently, they are required to proceed to improve their documentation about such event in accordance with regulations of law;

c) When the ship meets with accidents, if there is no likelihood of being rescued and it is inevitable that the ship shall be abandoned, the master shall take all possible measures to save people and find the way to carry the nautical logbook, engine logbook, radio communications logbook and nautical chart indicating the accident area, cash and other necessary documents and records of the ship;

d) On seeing that the ship needs assistance from other ships, the master of the stricken ship is required to impose all possible measures to call for such assistance in which any assistance offered by ships flying the national ensign of Vietnam shall be considered the top priority;

dd) While receiving assistance from other ships, the master shall be responsible for commanding ship crew members, passengers to strictly comply with regulations of the assistance-offering ship;




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

8. Master’s duties when the ship is abandoned:

a) When abandoning the ship, the master is obliged to help passengers clamber down to lifeboats in order of priority like children, pregnant women, the sick, elderly, women and the disabled;

b) When abandoning the ship, the master shall be still charged with search and rescue of passengers (if any), missing crew members and impose necessary measures to take the remaining people to the safe place and repatriate them if the ship met with an accident abroad;

c) The master shall be the last one to leave the ship.

9. Master’s duties when there is a patient aboard the ship:

a) If it is impossible to cure the patient on board the ship, the master shall be responsible for finding all necessary measures to call for the naval surgeon’s mate, even navigate their ship in the nearest port and immediately report to the local port operating authority and ship-owner, manager or charterer;

b) In case the master is seriously ill or is suffered from a sudden accident, the command of the ship shall be assigned to the chief officer and the ship-owner, manager or charterer shall be notified to take prompt action; concurrently, the master shall report to the competent diplomatic mission of Vietnam at the host country if the ship is sailing abroad, and record this into the nautical logbook.

10. Master’s duties during arrival, departure or anchoring:

a) When the ship is operating within the territorial waters or anchoring within a port or a anchorage in Vietnam or a foreign country, the master shall comply with regulations of Vietnam law, international agreements to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a signatory and law of the foreign country;




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

c) In case there is any dispute pertaining to the ship or any crew member is arrested, the master shall promptly file a nautical appeal and immediately report to the competent diplomatic mission of Vietnam in that host country and ship-owner, manager or charterer so that they may find possible solutions to this;

d) When the ship lies at anchor in the port, the master shall order crew members to use all methods of fire fighting and prevention in order to ensure the safety of passengers, ship and cargos;

dd) When the ship is operating in unfamiliar areas or restricted visibility or near the area full of obstacles, the master shall order other officers to be in place for their assigned tasks;

e) The master shall appear at the bridge when maneuvering the ship to enter or leave the port, or tying or untying the ship at the dock or the anchorage. When the ship is anchoring in the area where nautical safety requirements are not met, the master’s presence onboard the ship is required. If the master has to be absent from the ship, the master shall order the chief officer to act on his/her behalf;

g) Prior to this absence, the master shall provide specific instructions on tasks that the chief officer or the deck officer of the watch is assigned to perform; as for important issues, the master shall clearly record them into the nautical logbook and notify the deck officer of the watch of his address, telephone number (if available) during his absence from the ship;

h) Carry out daily inspections and append their countersignature to authenticate the content recorded in the logbook in accordance with regulations;

i) Upon completion of voyage, the master shall submit the report to the ship-owner, manager or charterer on the voyage and the result of implementing the plan on the ship operation.

11. Master’s duties when the ship is carrying passengers:

Take necessary measures to ensure the absolute safety of passengers, crew members, cargos, luggage and ship's property; give on-board training in life-saving, firefighting and anti-flooding practices to crew members and provide the safety drills for passengers in using life-saving and fire-fighting equipment and other safety devices.




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

When receiving the new ship, the master shall be responsible for taking the delivery of this ship by keeping a record of the ship hull, machinery, entire technical equipment, technical documentation, records, ship’s property, catering apparatus and supplies. When transferring the ship, a record on such transfer shall be created with countersignatures appended by the transferring party and the ship master of the receiving party. The master shall provide crew members with opportunities to get familiar with the ship in order to early bring the ship into operation.

13. Master’s duties when the ship is repaired:

a) Consider approving ship repair tasks proposed by the chief officer, chief engineer and report to the ship-owner;

b) Submit a report to ask for permission from the ship-owner for any change or supplementation to such items if necessary and carry out such change or supplementation only if receiving the written consent from the ship-owner;

During the repair period, the master shall take necessary measures to ensure the safety of the ship and comply with rules and regulations set out by the ship repair service facility; work with the chief officer, chief engineer and other interested party to inspect the ship's hull, seacock system, propeller, rudder and create a document confirming the current condition of these ones. Such inspection shall be repeated before the ship leaves the ship repair service facility and this shall be verified by the class society;

d) Check and monitor the progress of repair work and quality of repair service, ensure the labour safety and facilitate crew members’ best practice of ship repair and preservation in the process of ship repair;

dd) Upon completion of ship repair, the master shall conduct the commissioning testing on specific repair items in order to ensure the accepted quality and avoid causing any damage or loss for the ship-owner.

14. Master's watchstanding duties:

a) If no one holds the third officer rank, the master shall be charged with standing watch as a third officer;




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

Article 5. Duties of the chief officer

1. The chief officer is second-in-command after the master and shall work under supervision of the master. The chief officer shall perform the following duties:

a) Directly manage, operate the ship, human life activities and ensure the security for the ship; directly manage and oversee the deck, steward and medical department on board the ship, and assist the master in directing the work of the deck officer when the ship is stopped and making no way through the water. If the master is absent, the chief officer shall act on behalf of the master to take charge of general work aboard the ship; by order of the master, issue orders relating to crew members’ resumption of duties in accordance with regulations of this Circular;

b) Stand watch from 4 a.m. to 8 a.m. and from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. When maneuvering the ship to enter, leave the port or operate in the narrow channel, reach the anchorage, the chief officer shall appear at the ship’s bow to command the execution of the master’s order;

c) Conduct inspections and control the compliance with the process and rule of technical and occupational safety within their department on a regular basis;

d) Operate and preserve the ship’s hull, deck, derrick, superstructure, stateroom, work room, warehouse, machinery system and deck equipment items such as cargo hold system, anchor, rudder, winch, derrick, lashing, fire safety system, water-level measurement system, ventilation, anti-flooding instrument and life-saving equipment in conformity with the technical operation procedure and rule; submit a timely report to the master on any damage or loss and recommend remedial measures; as for equipment items in the engineering department, inform the chief engineer of such damage or loss in order to find solutions;

dd) Monitor working time and schedule the compensated rest hours for the deck crew members; arrange meals, accommodations, work, study, rest and recreation period for crew members;

e) Collaborate with the chief engineer to prepare and submit the chart of crew members’ assigned tasks to the master when receiving fire, life-saving, ship flood and abandoning alarms; hold at least one safety drill on a monthly basis to train crew members in fire-fighting, life-saving and anti-flooding practices; directly command all of crew members’ actions to be taken to save the ship when receiving alarms; check the number of crew members and passengers, and supervise, guide and help them to clamber down to lifeboats whenever there is any ship-abandoning alarm, and by all means, assist the master in protecting the nautical logbook, radio logbook, nautical chart, cash and other important papers; carry out periodic inspections of life-saving, fire-fighting and anti-flooding equipment and report to the master to find solutions; carry out the periodical survey of the ship's hull and deck equipment;

g) Create the deck equipment repair logbook and check the result of such repair; prepare the plan to provide technical spares, materials and equipment, fresh water, food and provisions and manage and utilize these ones;




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

i) Carry out inspections and supervision of hygiene and control aboard the ship; provide health care for crew members according to regulations of law, international agreements to which Vietnam is a signatory and the ship-owners policies;

k) Before the ship leaves the port, the chief officer shall check, review and report to the master on issues relating to the voyage such as tight closing of cargo hatch, water-tight door, lashing or fastening of deck equipment and cargos, the number of crew members aboard the ship and checking whether there are any stowaway; check the navigation system, anchor equipment, radio, sound and light signal transmitter, side light, bell and intercom equipment on board the ship. At least 2 hours prior to departure from the port, the chief officer shall send a detailed report on preparations for the voyage to the master;

l) Manage the handling of cargoes, mails, packages or parcels and prepare necessary cargo documents for submission to the master; send a daily report to the master on cargo handling and the volume of cargos handled on board the ship; before the handling of cargos, the chief officer shall be charged with setting up the cargo stowage plan upon the request of the master so as to take the most advantage of the ship's cargo carrying capacity and tonnage, conform to onboard cargo handling and shipping regulations; In particular, pay much attention to the handling of consolidated cargos, deconsolidated cargos unloaded at different ports of discharge, dangerous freight, break-bulk cargos, deck cargos and others. The cargo handling and stowage plan shall be approved by the master before handling of cargos;

m) In the process of handling cargos, the chief officer shall appear all the time aboard the ship so as to control the cargo handling progress; prevent any damage, loss or wastage in order to guarantee a sufficient number and quality of cargos on delivery; if the chief officer's absence is needed, the chief officer is required to notify the master of this and assign the task of monitoring the cargo handling to the deck officer of the watch and elaborate on significant requirements and notice;

n) When handling cargos, the chief officer shall check the cargo dunnage, partitioning and air conditioning; comply with the process and rule of cargo shipping, especially for dangerous cargos, bulk-break cargos and deck cargos; guarantee the labor, engine and equipment safety for the cargo handling staff aboard the ship;

o) Control the closing and opening of cargo hold hatch in conformity with the technical regulations; directly monitor the sealing of the cargo hold and check all seals as agreed upon in the shipping agreement;

p) If there is any impact on cargos, the chief officer shall take all necessary measures to save cargos and immediately report to the master; carry out the regular inspection of lashing and fastening of cargos and cargo hatch; impose all appropriate measures to ensure the safety of cargos when the ship is getting underway in the bad weather condition; carefully check the cargo hold before cargo stowage and impose all proper measures to ensure the safety of the ship and cargos;

q) Ensure that the handling and shipping of dangerous, break bulk, deck, oversized, heavy and other special cargos shall conform to statutory standards;

r) Take care of the passenger service aboard the cruise ship without the chief steward;




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

t) Provide professional guidance for cadets and train and instruct crew members who newly work aboard the ship in using life-saving and fire-fighting equipment;

u) Fulfill other duties assigned by the master.

2. In the absence of the master, if there is any emergency case which may pose a risk to the safety of the ship, or when receiving an order given by the Director of Maritime Administration or ship-owner, the chief officer shall be responsible for requesting the pilot to maneuver the ship in conformity with the accepted safety standard.

Article 6. Duties of the chief engineer

The chief engineer is the person working under supervision of the master. The chief engineer shall perform the following duties:

1. Manage and control work activities and compliance of crew members of the engine and electrical department with regulations on work, watchstanding and rest.

2. Manage and control the safe and cost-effective operation of all machinery and devices such as main engine, boiler, cooler, auxiliary engine, electrical machine, electrical appliances and other propelling devices and systems in uniformity with current procedure and regulations; ensure the technical safety in use, preservation, maintenance and repair of machinery, system or devices under the control of other departments such as anchoring equipment, mechanical components of steering machine, cargo handling gear, mooring, piping, ventilation and other systems, and guide this department's crew members through the correct operational procedures.

3. Carry out inspections and control the compliance with the process and rule of technical and occupational safety within their department on a regular basis.

4. Supervise, monitor the compliance with the fire and explosive fighting and prevention practice in the engine room, power generation station, factory, warehouse, work room, stateroom and other areas managed by the engine and electrical engineering department on a regular basis.




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

6. Carry out the daily inspection of recording and append the countersignature on the engine, oil logbook and record books of operation of ship machinery and devices managed by the engine and electrical engineering department.

7. Promptly charge crew members of the engine and electrical engineering department with fixing up mechanical errors or breakdowns; sustain the correct practice of the regular, occasional and periodical maintenance and preservation of onboard machines and devices; set the plan for periodical repair of machines and devices within their management and carry out the inspection of the repair result; approve the estimate budget for technical supplies, fuel proposed by engine and electrical engineering officer; concurrently, keep control of use and preservation of distributed technical supplies and fuel.

8. Directly operate the ship engine when maneuvering the ship to enter or leave the port, through the sea straits, narrow channels and dangerous areas or restricted visibility zones or by order of the master, and only if the master agrees, the chief engineer shall be allowed to leave the engine room or navigation room (if any) and assign the second engineer to act on his behalf to operate the engine.

9. Execute the ship maneuvering order of the master in a timely and accurate manner; if the chief engineer fails to execute or delay executing such order for some reasons, the chief engineer shall promptly report to the master to find solutions. Under certain special circumstances, if executing the master's order poses a risk to crew members’ life or causes any damage to ship machines or devices, the chief engineer shall immediately report to the master and the master's order shall be implemented provided that the master makes a decision to allow the chief master to continue executing this order. The master’s order and execution of this order shall be recorded in the nautical logbook and engine logbook.

10. Inspect preparations of the engine and electrical engineering department for the voyage and report to the master on his department’s preparations in at least 2 hours before the ship’s leaving the port.

11. Send a report to the ship-owner and charterer on the machinery and device condition in accordance with the reporting regulation.

12. While maneuvering the ship in the port, narrow channels or underway at sea, if the chief engineer wishes to change the operational rule of machines or other technical devices or adjust fuel, fresh water or ballast, the master's consent shall be obtained.

13. Anticipate difficulties or breakdowns that may happen to machines or devices, and plan proper measures to be taken to deal with these ones in an effective manner when these situations actually happen; concurrently, report to the master to find solutions when these unexpected situations arise.

14. If there is any failure or breakdown that may happen to machines or devices, the chief engineer shall take advantage of his assigned duties and experience to deal with these ones and promptly report to the master on measures that have been taken and the next actions to be taken.




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

16. When the ship is at anchor in the port, if the master agrees, the chief engineer may be absent from the ship but he shall assign his duties to the second engineer and clearly state the contact address and telephone number (if any).

17. From the day on which the chief engineer takes on his duties on board the ship, the chief engineer shall take delivery of and manage all of machines, devices, fuel, oil, grease, instruments, property, technical materials, documents or records in the engine and electrical engineering department; the number of crew members and professional skills or capability of crew members of the engine and electrical engineering department. The transfer memo shall be made into 4 copies with countersignature appended by the master: 1 copy sent to the ship-owner, 1 copy sent to the master, and 1 copy sent to each of the transferring and receiving party.

18. When taking delivery of the ship newly built, ship newly purchased or ship which has been completely repaired, the chief engineer shall conduct the commissioning testing and accept mechanical and electrical components when these components successfully pass such testing.

19. Formulate, implement and inspect the implementation of the engineering preservation and maintenance plan;

20. The chief engineer shall perform the watchstanding duty under the following circumstances:

a) If there is no second engineer rank aboard the ship, the watchstanding duty shall be assumed by the chief engineer;

b) If there is none of the third officer aboard the ship, these rank-based duties shall be assumed by the chief engineer and second engineer under the assignment of the chief engineer;

c) If no one holds the fourth engineer rank aboard the ship, the chief engineer shall be charged with standing watch as a fourth officer;

21. Fulfill other duties assigned by the master.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

The second engineer is the person next in rank to the chief engineer and shall work under supervision of the chief engineer. The second engineer shall perform the following duties:

1. Directly manage and operate the main engine, other machines or devices in conformity with technical standards, procedure or regulations; carry out the periodical maintenance and repair if there is any damage to machines under their management.

2. Ensure the normal technical condition and operation of the main engine, propeller shaft system, emergency diesel generator, freshwater distiller, mechanical component of the steering engine, machine used for towing firefighting machines and devices in the engine room and air compressor tank used for starting the engine; deck machines or devices such as winch, anchor; cargo handling gear, oily water separator, sewage treatment equipment and ballast treatment system; automated equipment, inspection, measurement and test devices or instruments and other equipment used for machines or devices under the second engineer’s management.

3. Draw up the work plan of the engineering department; set up the watch system and record working hours, man days, and arrange leave and compensated time-off of crew members in the engine and electrical engineering department.

4. Be present when starting the main engine, and close the propeller drive and other important machinery items.

5. Formulate and provide the chief engineer with the repair, maintenance plan, bill of supplies, spare parts used for the main engine and machinery or devices put under their control and implement the approved repair plan.

6. Receive, store, distribute and calculate the volume of lubricating oil.

7. Monitor, record technical specifications, or items upon completion of repair and maintenance; manage different technical records, documents and machinery logbooks.

8. Directly provide professional training and instruction for crew members of the engine and electrical engineering department.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

10. Provide professional instructions for the second engineer cadet.

11. Substitute the chief engineer upon the master’s approval if necessary.

12. The second engineer shall be tasked with standing watch from 4 a.m. to 8 a.m. and from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m..

13. Fulfill other duties assigned by the chief engineer.

Article 8. Duties of the second officer

The second officer shall work under supervision of the master when the ship is getting underway, and of the chief officer when the ship is stopped or making no way through the water. The second officer shall perform the following duties:

1. Directly manage and control the preservation and maintenance of nautical machinery and appliances, nautical chart and nautical documents or records or instruments on board the ship.

2. Manage the bridge, nautical chart room and nautical logbook; preserve and amend the nautical chart and other documents according to the incoming notification.

3. Set up the itinerary and prepare the nautical chart, documents useful for the voyage; check the side light, nautical machinery, appliances and devices within his scope of operation.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

5. Preserve, check the tolerance and calibrate marine machinery and appliances on board the ship; manage components and spare parts of nautical machinery and appliances; directly turn on and off the gyro compass by order of the master.

6. Set up the plan for spare stores and items that require periodical and occasional repair; ensure that nautical machinery is always in a normal manner, has the high accuracy and manage and use distributed items or equipment in an appropriate manner.

7. Assist the chief officer in receiving, delivering and handling cargos in conformity with the cargo stowage plan approved by the master.

8. When steering the inward or outward ship in the port, the second officer shall be present in the aft-most part of the ship or in the position designated by the master in order to command crew members to execute the master’s order and take charge of several duties of the chief officer.

9. At least 3 hours before the ship leaves the port, the second officer is obliged to send a detailed report on preparations for the voyage to the chief officer.

10. Take over the duties assigned to the third officer if there is no third officer rank aboard the ship, except for the watchstanding duty assumed by the master.

11. Provide professional instructions for the second officer cadet.

12. Stand watch from 12 a.m. to 4 a.m. and from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m..

13. Fulfill other duties assigned by the master.




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

The third officer shall work under supervision of the master when the ship is getting underway, and of the chief officer when the ship is stopped or making no way through the water. The third officer shall perform the following duties:

1. Directly take charge of and manage the preservation and maintenance of lifesaving and firefighting equipment and appliances such as lifeboat, life raft, ring buoy, life jacket, fire extinguisher, fire hose and ensure that these equipment items and appliances shall be in place for use in a safe and convenient manner when the emergency case takes place.

2. Regularly check appliances aboard the lifeboat, formulate the plan and periodically replace and add appliances, fresh water, food and emergency medicine after obtaining the master’s approval.

3. Directly take charge of administrative and managerial work aboard the ship if there is no chief purser.

4. Assist the master in preparing documents in order to apply for the ship's entering and leaving the port.

5. Assist the chief officer in inspecting and preserving ship anti-flooding equipment and appliances.

6. Assist the second officer in preserving and calibrating nautical instruments and appliances and adapt the nautical chart and other nautical guides.

7. At least 3 hours prior to departure from the port, the third officer shall send a detailed report on preparations for the voyage to the chief officer.

8. When navigating the ship to leave or enter the port, the third officer shall be present at the bridge to execute the master’s order to operate the bell, write the ship maneuvering logbook, and identify the ship's position and perform other nautical tasks.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

10. Stand watch from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 8 p.m. to 12 a.m..

11. Fulfill other duties assigned by the master.

Article 10. Duties of the third engineer

The third engineer shall work under supervision of the chief engineer. The third engineer shall perform the following duties:

1. Directly manage and operate the machine towing the power generator, independent air compressor, fuel oil, lubricant purifier, fuel oil pump, fuel heater and other equipment items. Upon working aboard the steam ship, the third engineer shall be charged with operating the boiler and its peripheral equipment; directly take charge of the boiler engineer’s tasks if there is no chief boiler engineer aboard the ship.

2. Operate and manipulate the main engine, machinery and other appliances to ensure that they operate in conformity with the accepted technical standard, process and regulations.

3. Receive, store, distribute, adjust and calculate the fuel volume.

4. Formulate and provide the chief engineer with the plan for repair, maintenance of machinery and appliances within his scope of operation and carry out the approved repair plan.

5. Create the bill of technical materials used for machinery and appliances within his scope of operation, and manage, use such technical materials in accordance with current regulations.




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

7. At least 3 hours prior to departure from the port, the third engineer shall send a detailed report on preparations for the voyage to the chief engineer.

8. Take over the fourth engineer's tasks if there is no fourth engineer rank on board the ship, except for the watch standing duty assumed by the chief engineer.

9. Provide professional instructions for the third engineer cadet.

10. Stand watch from 12 a.m. to 4 a.m. and from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m..

11. Fulfill other duties assigned by the chief engineer.

Article 11. Duties of the fourth engineer

The fourth engineer shall work under supervision of the chief engineer. The fourth engineer shall perform the following duties:

1. Directly manage and operate the piping system, ballast system, bilge pump, drainage pump and other equipment supporting such systems; engine-room ventilation system, sanitary water supply system, auxiliary boiler, engine of the lifeboat, independent pumps and sound signaling system.

2. Ensure that machines or appliances are operated in an appropriate manner, and in conformity with current operational procedure and regulations.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

4. Prepare the bill of technical materials used for machinery and appliances within his scope of operation, and manage, use such technical materials in accordance with current regulations.

5. Collaborate with the chief officer to check the cargo hold, ballast and piping before and while the cargo handling.

6. Monitor and record technical specifications, and manage documents or records about machinery within his scope of operation.

7. At least 3 hours prior to the ship’s departure from the port, the fourth engineer is obliged to send a detailed report on preparations for the voyage to the chief engineer.

8. Provide professional instructions for the fourth engineer cadet on board the ship.

9. Stand watch from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 8 p.m. to 12 a.m..

10. Fulfill other duties assigned by the chief engineer.

Article 12. Duties of the chief steward

The chief steward shall work under supervision of the master. The chief steward shall perform the following duties:




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

2. Guarantee that passenger room, club, recreational facility, galley and rooms used for storing passenger servicing appliances and equipment and accommodation room for crew members of the steward’s department are kept tidy and clean; before welcoming passengers aboard, the chief steward shall work with the naval surgeon to check the passenger room.

3. Manage the passenger embarkation, disembarkation, arrange accommodations and take care of physical and mental health of passengers; sell and manage ship tickets; report to the master on a number of tickets available for sale in the arrival port.

4. Manage property of the department under his management, formulate the plan to additionally provide or replace instruments or appliances in order to ensure that they are sufficient enough and achieve the specified quality standard.

5. Carry out inspections and control the ship security, hygiene, technical, labor and fire safety within the department that falls within his jurisdiction on a regular basis.

6. Before passenger embarkation, the chief steward is required to check closing of water-tight doors, lashing, fastening and fixation of items of the department that falls within his jurisdiction.

7. Check, inspect and supervise the passenger service provided by the department that falls within his jurisdiction.

8. Supervise the meal preparation so as to ensure that meals shall conform to food safety and hygiene standard and meet the requirement for an amount of food in a meal set per each passenger.

9. Work with the naval surgeon to provide medical examination for crew members in the department under his jurisdiction; promptly detect and report to the master on any crew member failing to meet the health requirements to work in the steward’s department.

10. Collect opinions from passengers and report to the master in order to find timely solutions.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

12. Regularly check the preservation of the warehouse, property and items used for passenger services.

13. Set the rules for departments within his jurisdiction and complete the assignment of tasks to steward crew members for submission to the master for approval. Manage the compliance with the rule approved by the master.

14. After 24 hours from the end of the voyage, the chief steward is required to submit the financial statement on receipts and expenses to the master for approval and then forward it to the ship-owner.

Article 13. Duties of the radio officer

1. The radio officer shall work under supervision of the master. The radio officer shall perform the following duties:

a) Directly manage and operate the machinery system, radio communications equipment aboard the ship in conformity with specified procedure and regulations; manage and supervise the work activities of the assistant radio officer;

Ensure that radio communications machinery and appliances aboard the ship conform to technical standards and operate in a normal condition; carry out inspections the technical condition and conformity certificate of radio communications machinery and appliances and send a prompt report to the master; deal with breakdowns that may happen to radio communications machinery and appliances and ensure that such machinery and appliances properly work;

c) Ensure that the radio communication system shall be thorough in conformity with the nautical information rule; comply with regulations on receipt of weather forecast bulletins and nautical notifications;

d) Thoroughly grasp the condition of machinery and appliances in the radio communication system aboard the ship; formulate and provide the master with the plan for repair and maintenance of machinery, radio communications facilities and implement the approved plan;




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

e) In case the ship has an accident or a distress signal is received by the automated alert equipment, the officer shall immediately report to the master;

g) Monitor and write different radio communications logbooks; set up the watch system and work and rest plan for assistant radio officers;

h) When being assigned duties aboard the ship, the officer shall receive the detailed report on radio communications equipment, telephone and radio communications machine on board the lifeboat, technical materials, records and documentation, radio communications logbooks and memos;

i) Radio officer shall stand watch depending on the operation of the radio communications system.

2. If there is no manning level applied to radio officers, assistant radio officer shall take over the duties of a radio officer; if there is none of radio officer rank or assistant radio officer rank, the radio communication duties aboard the ship shall be assigned to crew members who have gained the respective certificate of professional qualification.

Article 14. Duties of the electro-technical officer

1. The electro-technical officer shall work under supervision of the chief engineer. The electro-technical officer shall perform the following duties:

a) Manage and operate the work of the electro-technical engineer;

b) Directly manage and operate all of electrical systems and appliances aboard the ship in conformity with current procedure and regulations such as power generator, automatic remote control system, intercom system, signal system and electrical source of nautical electrical machines and other equipment; operate the computer network; directly control electrical engine, converter, emergency generator, side light and battery;




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

d) Create and provide the chief engineer with the plan for repair and maintenance of electrical machinery and appliances aboard the ship and implement such plan;

dd) Create the bill of technical materials used for the electrical system aboard the ship and bear responsibility to manage and use such technical materials;

e) Supervise the operation of electrical machinery and appliances aboard the ship;

g) Be present at the main distribution panel when the ship enters or leaves the port or operates through narrow channels or in restricted visibility areas, operating pumps, or pre-operating cargo gear or choose the running mode of the power generator;

h) Monitor and record technical specifications, and manage documents or records about machinery within his scope of operation;

i) Carry out the work assignment, set up the plan for work and rest of electro-technical engineers;

k) At least 3 hours prior to the ship’s departure from the port, the electro-technical officer shall send a detailed report on preparations for the voyage to the chief engineer;

2. If there is electro-technical officer rank aboard the ship, all duties to electrical work aboard the ship shall be performed by the electro-technical officer. If there is only electro-technical engineer rank aboard the ship, all duties relating to electrical work shall be assumed by the electro-technical engineer. If there is neither of electro-technical officer nor electro-technical engineer, all duties relating to electrical work aboard the ship shall be assigned by the chief engineer.

Article 15. Duties of the ship security officer




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

1. Carry out inspections of ship security according to the approved ship security plan; supervise the implementation of the ship security plan, inclusive of any amendment or supplementation to such plan.

2. Collaborate with other crew members and onshore security officers so as to ensure the security for cargo shipping activities and supplies or stores aboard the ship.

3. Propose any revision to the ship security plan.

4. Whenever detecting any defect and unsuitability of the ship security plan, the ship security officer shall report to the security officer of the shipping company and take remedial measures.

5. Always raise awareness of the ship security; train people on board the ship for security tasks; report to the shipping company's security officer on any security risk that may occur aboard the ship.

6. Cooperate with security officers of the shipping company and the seaport where the ship arrives to implement the ship security plan.

7. Carry out inspections so as to ensure that all security equipment aboard the ship work, maintained and calibrated in an appropriate manner.

Article 16. Duties of the cooling system officer

1. The cooling system officer shall work under supervision of the chief engineer. The cooling system officer shall perform the following duties:




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

b) Directly manage and take advantage of the engine capacity and ensure that cooling machinery, appliances, air cooling and conditioning system aboard the ship shall be operated in conformity with current procedure and regulations;

c) Take charge and control of the work of a cooling system engineer;

d) Create and provide the chief engineer with the plan for repair and maintenance of cooling equipment on the ship and implement such plan;

dd) Create the bill of technical stores and take responsibility to manage and use such technical stores and spares;

e) Monitor and write the logbook of cooling equipment operation; set up the watch system and the plan for work and rest of cooling system engineer;

g) Manage technical records or documents of the cooling system aboard the ship;

2. If there is no cooling system officer aboard the ship, duties of a cooling system officer shall be assumed by the second engineer.

Article 17. Bosun’s duties

The bosun shall work under supervision of the chief officer and shall perform the following duties:




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

2. Monitor and supervise the preservation of the ship’s hull, different types of rope and equipment used for the anchor system, derrick, life-saving, fire-fighting and anti-flooding equipment, stores of technical spares and other property of the ship that fall under the management of the deck department.

3. Inspect the ship deck security and hygiene; guide seamen through the safety procedure aboard the ship with particular attention paid to work at height, alongside the ship, inside the cargo hold, ballast hold, tanks and when the ship is entering or leaving the port.

4. Prepare and submit the daily work plan of the deck department to the chief officer and implement such plan in an effective manner.

5. Monitor and check the piping system on the ship deck, hold bilge soundings, hawse pipe and valve system.

6. Prepare and submit the bill of technical materials, spares or stores used in the deck department to the chief officer, and manage and use such items.

7. Prepare and submit the plan for repair and maintenance of winch, derrick, chain hoist, chain block, swivel or shackle, cargo handling cable, lashing and other deck equipment.

8. Manage and use machinery, appliances and instruments in the department that fall under his jurisdiction in conformity with technical procedures.

9. Before the ship leaves the port, the bosun is required to tightly lash or fasten shipboard instruments, equipment and cargos, close cargo holds, watertight doors, cover cargo holds, and hammer the chock and turn the rigging screw to secure cargos in accordance with regulations.

10. Regularly check the technical condition of the life-saving, fire-fighting and anti-flooding equipment and others.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

12. When handling the oversized or heavy cargos, the bosun shall prepare the lifting equipment and directly take control of the cargo lifting activities of the chief officer or the deck officer of the watch.

13. When the ship is made fast or unfastened to the dock to reach the anchorage or when the ship is operating in the hazardous area, the bosun shall be present in the ship's foredeck to perform his duties.

14. Take over the duties of a bosun’s mate if there is no bosun’s mate aboard the ship.

15. The bosun may take charge of standing watch or supervise the watch as assigned by the chief officer if necessary.

Article 18. Duties of the bosun’s mate

1. The bosun’s mate shall work under supervision of the bosun. The bosun’s mate shall perform the following duties:

a) Manage stores, preserve cargo hold covers, deck machinery and appliance covers, other instruments and property in the deck department; receive, preserve, dispense and retrieve materials;

b) Preserve fire-fighting equipment and instruments, except for fire-fighting equipment in the engine room;

c) Manage ropes or wires, prepare paints, and operate ship deck machinery, such as winch, derrick, and monitor the flood light, masthead light and side light;




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

dd) Directly receive fresh water, check and take the soundings of fresh water, ballast, cargo hold bilge and record data and figures on a daily basis;

e) When the ship enters or leaves the port, the bosun’s mate shall be present in the back deck in order to perform their duties;

g) The bosun’s mate may stand watch and supervise the watchstanding activities according to the assignment of the bosun's mate if necessary.

2. If there is none of the bosun’s mate aboard the ship, these rank-based duties shall be assumed by another seaman in accordance with the assignment of the chief officer.

Article 19. Seamen’s duties

Seamen include able seamen (AB) and ordinary seamen (OS). They shall work under supervision of the bosun and assigned by the deck officer.

1. The OS shall perform the following duties:

a) Preserve, maintain the ship’s hull, deck and other equipment as assigned by the bosun or the bosun's mate;

b) Keep track of cargo handling, and find out any torn, wet or mishandled package and report to the deck officer of the watch to seek any possible solution. Grasp his assigned tasks as the ship is entering or leaving the port, do the rope work, life and lower the derrick, take the soundings of water level, preserve and help pilots embark on or disembark from the ship, and have a good command of messages conveyed by signal flags and lights;




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

d) Strictly comply with the rules of working, eating, living, security, order and hygiene aboard the ship;

dd) If the AB or OS have been trained in diving, when working underwater as assigned by the chief officer or the bosun, the able or ordinary crew member shall ensure the safety and fulfillment of his assigned task;

e) Fulfill other duties assigned by the bosun.

2. The AB shall perform the same duties as those of the OS and the following duties:

a) Stand watch and execute the order of the deck officer of the watch;

b) Steer the ship if required.

Article 20. Duties of the main engine machinist

The main engine machinist shall work under supervision of the second engineer. The main engine machinist shall perform the following duties:

1. Preserve, repair machinery and equipment upon the request and instruction of the chief engineer and engineering officers.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

3. Carry out the industrial cleaning of machinery and equipment in the engineering department.

4. The main engine machinist may stand watch as a machinist as assigned by the chief engineer if necessary.

Article 21. Duties of the machinist’s mate

Machinist's mates shall be divided into able machinist’s mates and oilers. They shall work under supervision of the second engineer and assigned by the watchstanding engineering officer.

The oiler shall perform the following duties:

a) Carry out the work of preserving, maintaining and repairing machinery and equipment, clean the engine room, work room, receive spare components or materials as assigned by the second engineer;

b) Operate fire-fighting, life-saving, detoxification, heat and smoke prevention equipment, seawater, oil and grease filter and environmental pollution prevention system in conformity with technical procedures and regulations;

c) Fulfill other duties assigned by the second engineer.

2. Apart from performing the same duties as those of the oiler, the able machinist’s mate shall stand watch and execute the order of the engineering officer of the watch.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

The electro-technical engineer shall work under supervision of the electro-technical officer or the engineering officer of the watch if there is no electro-technical officer aboard the ship. The electro-technical engineer shall perform the following duties:

1. Ensure the conformity with the technical procedures for operating electricity-driven engine and other electrical equipment. Guarantee the continual supply of electricity to the entire ship. Whenever the power generator and other equipment are not working properly, the electro-technical engineer shall send a timely report to the engineering officer of the watch or the electro-technical officer to be advised on possible remedial measures to be taken.

2. Ensure the conformity with technical procedures for operating the power generator, emergency power generator, power-driven engine of the derrick, windlass, auxiliary electrical engine of the diesel machine, emergency battery, automated electrical engine of the boiler, electrical fans, and other electrical equipment items and lighting systems aboard the ship.

3. Preserve electrical equipment such as automatic steering system, telephone communication system, and repair and replace household electrical equipment under the instruction of the electro-technical officer.

Article 23. Duties of the assistant radio officer

The assistant radio officer shall work under supervision of the radio officer. The assistant radio officer shall perform the following duties:

1. Ensure the thorough communication with other ships and shore-based stations; receive information, distress signal, nautical notification and weather forecast bulletins.

2. Manage the communications system, radio, television and film projector aboard the ship.

Article 24. Duties of the chief purser




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

a) Manage and operate the activities of the steward’s department aboard the ship. Draw up the plan for work and rest of crew members in the steward’s department, and receive and pay salary to crew members;

b) Prepare and provide the chief officer with the plan for procurement of food and provisions aboard the ship, and manage the sale, preservation and proper use of such food and provisions;

c) Check, monitor and establish the plan reported to the chief officer for replacement or addition of appliances and equipment for the galley, dining room, accommodation room, work room and club. Manage and use instruments and equipment and other property aboard the ship that fall within his duties;

d) Undertake financial tasks aboard the ship and perform financial transactions in conformity with current laws;

dd) Assist the master with transactions, and hold the guest welcome and party aboard the ship;

e) Assist the third officer in carrying out tasks relating to application for permission for the ship's entry into or exit from the port;

g) After each voyage, prepare the general financial report on receipts and expenses for submission to the master;

h) At least 3 hours before the ship leaves the port, the chief purser is obliged to send a detailed report on preparations of his department for the voyage to the chief officer.

2. If there is no chief purser rank aboard the ship, the chief purser's duties shall be assumed by the third officer.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

1. The naval surgeon or naval surgeon’s mate shall work under supervision of the chief officer and shall perform the following duties:

a) Undertake the healthcare and hygiene tasks aboard the ship, monitor health condition, give emergency aid to crew members, passengers and other people on board the ship; the naval surgeon or naval surgeon’s mate may prescribe patients a rest or take them to hospital for medical treatment if necessary;

b) Receive and provide medical treatment for patients aboard the ship; directly check and report to the chief officer on hygiene of accommodation rooms of crew members and passengers, dining room, club and other mess rooms; report to the chief officer on the patient treatment progress;

c) Carry out the quality control of food, provisions and fresh water aboard the ship, and check the hygienic condition of the galley, dining room and hotel; Get involved in choosing the daily menu offered to crew members and passengers;

d) Provide periodical health care for crew members, report to the master on those who contract infectious diseases, use additive substances; check and supervise the environmental pollution prevention;

dd) Manage the immunization record of crew members;

e) Prepare the bill of stores used for supplementing and replacing medical equipment and supplies; carry out the stocktaking of medicine cabinet on a monthly or quarterly basis, and report to the master; store and preserve medicines and medical equipment in conformity with regulations;

g) Guide crewmembers through the method of giving emergency aid when accident happens, and common knowledge about hygiene practices to prevent diseases in summer, winter, tropical and frigid zones;

h) Before each voyage, the naval surgeon and naval surgeon’s mate shall check the health certificate, immunization record of crew members, hygiene control exemption certificate of the ship, and animal vaccination certificate (if any);




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

k) At least 3 hours before the ship leaves the port, the naval surgeon and naval surgeon’s mate shall send a detailed report on preparations of the medical department for the voyage to the chief officer;

g) After each voyage, compile a report on health conditions of crew members. Prepare the list and report to the master and ship-owner on those required to undergo medical tests if necessary;

m) Manage the health check room, surgery room, quarantine room, patient room and other medical equipment and medicines;

n) Ensure that healthcare and labor protection aboard the ship shall conform to Vietnam law and international agreements.

2. If there is no naval surgeon or naval surgeon’s mate rank aboard the ship, healthcare duties shall be assigned by the master.

Article 26. Duties of the chief cook

The chief cook shall work under supervision of the chief purser and shall perform the following duties:

1. Manage activities performed in the galley and directly prepare daily meals for crew members and passengers.

2. Manage the storage and use of food, provisions supplied to crew members and passengers.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

4. Manage the food store, instruments and equipment used in the galley. Supervise the repair of damaged items and prepare the bill of spares used for replacing and supplementing such items.

5. Keep the galley, appliances and equipment in the dining room clean.

Article 27. Duties of the assistant chief cook

1. The assistant chief cook shall work under supervision of the chief cook and shall perform duties in the galley and ensure the regimen for crew members.

2. If there is no chief cook rank aboard the ship, the chief cook's duties shall be assumed by the assistant chief cook. If there is neither chief cook nor assistant chief cook aboard the ship, the chief officer shall assign other crew members to undertake such steward’s duties.

Article 28. Service staff's duties

1. Service staff working on the ship include: a passenger service manager, steward, head waiter/head waitress, waiter/waitress, luggage storage facility manager, laundryman, accountant, cashier, salesperson, ticket seller, security guard and other titles (if any).

2. Specific duties of each service staff shall be regulated by the ship-owner and assigned by the master in accordance with the ship-owners regulations.

Article 29. Duties of the refrigeration and air-conditioning engineer




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

1. Preserve, maintain and operate cooling machinery, appliances in cargo holds, food stores, temperature controlling system, air-conditioning system, cooling system and others in accordance with procedures and regulations.

2. Repair machinery, cooling system aboard the ship as assigned and guided by the refrigeration and air-conditioning officer or the second engineer.

Article 30. Duties of the pump operator

The pump operator shall work under supervision of the chief officer and shall perform the following duties:

1. Pump oil or water into cargo holds by order of the chief officer and be subjected to the professional supervision and instructions of the engineering officer of the watch.

2. Clean and preserve the piping system and equipment supporting pumps in conformity with technical procedures, and masterly operate machine, equipment that fall within his jurisdiction; repair such machinery and equipment under the instruction of the chief engineer, second engineer and engineering officer.

3. Use the fire-fighting equipment in the pumping room, detect and deal with any breakdowns that may happen to machinery and equipment that fall within his jurisdiction so as to take timely action or report to the chief engineer, second engineer or engineering officer to seek any possible solution.


Article 31. Watch standing of crew members




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

2. Watch standing is considered the duty of crew members and shall be sustained in a proper and efficient manner so as to ensure the safety, security and environmental pollution prevention aboard the ship. The watch system applicable to each crew member shall be divided into the offshore and onshore watch:

a) Offshore watch period shall be 4 hours and each day is divided into 2 watches with 8-hour off-watch duration; in case there is any change to the time zone, the offshore watch period shall be decided by the master;

b) The onshore watch period shall be decided by the master, depending on the specific conditions when the ship is at anchor.

3. The watchstanding crew member shall take on the following duties:

a) Not leave the position or hand over the watch to others if there is no consent from the master, chief engineer or watchstanding officer;

b) When noticing the alert, keep on standing watch, and be allowed to leave the position only if the substitute watch stander comes in accordance with the regulation laid down in the emergency task assignment;

c) Write all of events that may happen in the watchstanding period into the logbook of the department where that crew member is working in accordance with regulations;

d) Strictly prohibit crew members from doing other work which is not within their assigned tasks in the watchstanding period.

4. Watch transfer shall be made at the watchstanding site. The watchstanding officer is required to take over watch at least 15 minutes prior to the commencement of watch. Other crew members are required to take over watch at least 5 minutes prior to the commencement of watch. The watch-transferring crew member is required to notify the watch-receiving crew member at least 15 minutes prior to the commencement of watch. The watch-receiving crew member shall accept watch duty only when the ship condition is entirely assessed. In case there is any action to be taken to prevent the ship from any danger, the transfer of watch duty shall occur only after such action is completed.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

5. Based on the technical condition and operational requirements of the ship, the master shall specify the watch system applicable to crew members who work in the radio communications, cooling system and electro-technical department aboard the ship.

Article 32. Watchstanding uniform

1. The watchstanding crew member is required to wear uniform. As for the onshore watch, the watch stander is required to wear the armband on the left hand and watch standing name. Watch armband shall include 3 horizontal stripes with a width of 45 mm and each stripe has 15 mm in width. The color of stripes shall be regulated as follows:

a) Armband of the watchstanding officer shall have the color pattern such as dark blue - white - dark blue;

b) Armband of other watchstanding crew members shall have the color pattern such as red - white - red.

2. The ship-owner shall take responsibility to provide uniform and armband.

Article 33. Authority to allow people to get on the ship

1. The master, deck officer of the watch and ship security officer shall have the authority to allow people to get on the ship.

2. The master shall have the authority to allow people to come inside the nautical bridge, chart room and radio room but this permission shall match the ship security plan.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

Article 34. Duties of the deck officer of the watch

1. The deck officer of the watch is put under the direct command of the master. When the ship is made fast to the port or is at anchor, if the master is absent, the deck officer of the watch shall be put under the command of the chief officer; except for the master, there is no one having the authority to cancel or change the watch duty of the deck officer of the watch; the deck officer of the watch shall not allow to leave his position at his own discretion without permission from the master or chief officer authorized by the master.

2. The deck officer of the watch shall take on the following general duties:

a) Manage watches in order to ensure the safety and security of onboard people, ship and cargos; the order and hygiene of the ship and environmental pollution prevention;

b) Carefully observe and monitor the condition around the ship; impose any necessary measure to ensure the safety, security and environmental pollution prevention of the ship;

c) Whenever any threat to the security, safety and environmental pollution prevention of the ship occurs, this officer shall act on his own to send alerts and impose proper measures to remove such threat; under any circumstance, the officer is required to report to the master or chief officer;

d) Keep the nautical chart of the voyage which consists of the ship course from the departure to the destination port; in case there is any nautical; accident that may happen to the ship, the officer shall take all necessary measures to protect it until the accident investigation is completed;

dd) Stand communications watch; keep track of and deal with the nautical notification in a timely manner so as to ensure the safety and security of the ship voyage.

3. The deck officer of the watch, when the ship is getting underway, shall take on the following duties:




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

b) When receiving watch, the officer shall check the ship position on the nautical chart, check indicators shown in the speedometer, direction shown on the compass, compass errors and side lights; check the navigational course shown on the gyro compass and magnetic compass, and compare these indicators with one another;

c) During the offshore watch period, the deck officer of the watch shall be present all the time in the nautical bridge, and only allow entering the chart room to serve the work purpose for a short time after having transferred the monitoring and observation in the ship foredeck to the watchstanding seamen; identify the ship position; regularly monitor the operation of nautical equipment and side lights;

d) After every hour and course change, the officer shall compare the indicator shown on the magnetic compass with the indicator shown on the gyro compass, and adapt the ship course for the identified ship route and reposition the ship;

dd) When facing with mist, downpour, snow rain and other weather conditions which cause low visibility, the officer shall report to the master in a timely manner and notify the engineering officer of the watch. Use nautical equipment, check mist signaling equipment, and assign one person to stand watch in the foredeck and calibrate meters in the nautical bridge and engine room; identify the ship position and take action by executing the master's order. If the visibility is suddenly restricted, when the master does not appear in the nautical bridge, the deck officer of the watch may reduce the ship speed and send the fog signal;

e) When underway at the turbulent sea, the deck officer shall take necessary measures to ensure the safety for the ship voyage;

g) Check the cargo hold bilge and record the result into the nautical logbook; if the level is not in a normal condition, the officer shall send a timely report to the master and chief officer; as for each offshore watch, the officer shall take soundings of cargo hold bilge at least once at the end of watch duty;

h) Ensure the absolute safety when helping pilots get on or get off the ship;

i) Pay particular attention to the safety of lifeboats, materials, equipment and cargos placed in the ship deck, cargo hold cover or cargo hold hatch;

k) In case there is a person falls overboard, the officer shall issue an alert in the entire ship and impose proper measures on his own initiative to save this person and inform the master;




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

m) Prepare the essential report, checklist of items need to be checked in the nautical bridge and record nautical operations in the nautical logbook. Keep track of and record meteorological and hydrographical conditions.

4. The deck officer of the watch, when standing onshore watch, shall assume the following duties:

a) Receive the report on general condition of the ship, cargo handling, repair work and the number of crew members present aboard the ship, other essential work activities relating to the ship safety; when the ship moors, this officer is required to keep track of weather conditions, ship surroundings and check the anchoring position by employing all necessary methods and take essential measures to prevent the ship anchor from slipping;

b) When the ship moors in the port, it is necessary to keep watch of the ship draught, lashing, mouse control sheet, accommodation ladder and strictly comply with the port regulations; monitor the cargo handling and report to the master of the chief officer on any event that may cause any damage to cargos and bad impact on the safety of the ship in a timely manner; ensure that the gangway and accommodation ladder shall have the safety net with lifebuoys placed nearby and are brightly illuminated at night; take charge of taking proper measures to maintain the ship security;

c) Before performing the test run of the main engine, the deck officer shall keep careful watch of any obstacle in the stern; when running the ship engine, the deck officer should pay attention to lashings or ropes;

d) When going underway in the bad weather conditions and receiving the warning of a storm, the officer is required to take proper measures to protect the ship from such storm;

dd) If there is any alert but the master or chief officer is away, the deck officer of the watch shall directly command crew members aboard the ship to take proper measures to respond to any emergency case. If there is any alert sent by other ship nearby, the officer shall try to contact that ship and give assistance to that ship upon request; then report to the master on what has happened to the ship during the period when the master is absent;

e) Supervise daily work and repair activities assigned to the department under his management; check and monitor the compliance with rules of the fire fighting and prevention and labor safety practice aboard the ship;

g) Carry out the night patrol and keep watch of ship surroundings;




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

i) During the time off, if there are a lot of crew members going ashore, the deck officer of the watch shall assign the remaining number of onboard crew members to protect the ship safety;

k) If there is any person getting on the ship to do his work, the deck officer of the watch shall monitor the working progress of that person;

l) When not handling cargos, the deck officer of the watch may rest at his own bedroom at night but is required to wear the watch uniform;

m) Keep track of closing and opening the cargo hold, covering the cargo hold or the ventilation system in the cargo hold, lashing and cargo handling.

Article 35. Duties of the engineering officer of the watch

1. The engineering officer of the watch is put under the direct command of the chief engineer; bear full responsibility for actions relating to operation of machinery and appliances in conformity with technical procedure, and ensure that all machinery and appliances shall be in normal condition. The engineering officer of the watch shall not be allowed to abandon his watch duty at his own discretion without consent from the chief engineer or second engineer authorized by the chief engineer.

2. The engineering officer of the watch shall perform the following duties:

a) Manage the machinist, electro-technical officer and engineer; frequently monitor the operational mode of machines, equipment, steam furnace and boiler in accordance with technical procedures;

b) Manage the fulfillment of duties of watch standers in the engine room, furnace room, and ensure the security and industrial cleaning in the engine room;




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

d) Keep track of repair work of people ashore getting on the ship to work in the department that falls within his jurisdiction, ensure the labor safety, fire and explosive prevention, technical safety of the ship and environmental pollution control;

dd) Monitor the energy and technical material consumption of the ship;

e) Take soundings of oil, water contained in tanks; pump the bilge water in the engine room, ballast and fuel so as to make any adjustment upon the request of the deck officer of the watch; when pumping wastewater of all kinds, this officer shall adhere to the regulations;

g) When the ship is getting underway, the engineering officer of the watch shall be charged with strictly follow the order of the steering room of the master or the deck officer of the watch;

h) The engineering officer of the watch shall not be entitled to change the operational mode of the main engine or others. If there is any change to the operational mode or operational stop, the engineering officer of the watch may send a prior notification to the deck officer of the watch and the chief engineer if necessary;

i) When there is any breakdown or threat to human lives, the engineering officer of the watch shall be entitled to stop the main engine or other engines, and promptly report to the deck officer of the watch and the chief engineer. Since it is possible that stopping the main engine or other engines may pose the serious risk to the ship, the master shall have the power to order the engineering officer of the watch to continue operation and bear full responsibility for any potential consequence. In such case, the engineering officer of the watch shall record the order of the master into the engine logbook while the master shall also write this event in the nautical logbook;

k) When the chief engineer is absent, the engineering officer of the watch shall not be entitled to start the main engine, except when it is necessary upon receipt of the master's order;

l) Not allow to transfer, receive the watch duty without the consent from the chief engineer while the ship is maneuvering to be tied up to or unfastened from the dock or while the accident, problem is being prevented from taking place;

m) During the transfer of the watch duty, the watch-receiving officer shall be responsible for checking the operational principle of machinery and motorized equipment and the technical condition of these ones. The watch-transferring officer shall take responsibility for specific transfer and clarification of necessary recommendations to the watch-receiving officer;




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

Article 36. Duties of the watchstanding seamen

1. The watchstanding seamen shall be put under the command of the deck officer of the watch. The transfer of the watch duty of watchstanding crew member shall be decided by the deck officer of the watch.

2. A watchstanding seaman shall perform the following duties:

a) Not leave his position and fulfill the assigned tasks in an enthusiastic manner; verify what has happened in the watch before agreeing to receive the watch duty;

b) When receiving the navigation watch, the watchstanding seaman is required to be well informed of the steering course and keep the ship course unchanged in comparison with the specified route. While navigating the ship, the watchstanding crew member shall conduct inspections of the navigational direction and monitor operations of the steering system; send a timely report to the deck officer of the watch on any variation to the navigational direction and problems to the steering system;

c) When the ship is at anchor in the port, the watchstanding crew member shall be present in the position appointed by the deck officer of the watch and execute the orders of the deck officer of the watch;

d) When performing the watch duty, the watchstanding crew member shall check, hand out cards and write down the name of passengers getting on or off the ship into the watch logbook. Allowing anybody to get on the ship without the consent from the deck officer of the watch shall be prohibited. When any accident or problem happens, the watchstanding crew member shall send the warning signal in a timely manner and execute the order of the deck officer of the watch;

dd) Keep track of cargo handling, and punctually find out any torn, wet or mishandled package and report to the deck officer of the watch to seek any possible solution;

e) Turn on, off the lights, and those used for illuminating the ship’s emblem painted on the funnel at night during the time when the ship is at anchor in the port; raise and lower the flag in accordance with regulations; carry out the patrol upon the request of the deck officer of the watch.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

1. The watchstanding machinist shall be put under the direct command of the engineering officer of the watch; transfer of the watch duty shall be decided by the engineering officer of the watch.

2. The watchstanding machinist shall take on the following duties:

a) Grasp the technical condition and operational mode of machinery and appliances in the engine room;

Receive the report on the operational condition of machinery and appliances made by the previous watch stander and recommendations or orders that the previous watch stander has yet to complete; report to the engineering officer of the watch on the receipt of the watch duty;

c) When on watch duty, the machinist is required to ensure the normal operation of assigned machinery and appliances; adhere to procedures for operation of machinery, appliances and carrying out the industrial cleaning in the engine room;

d) When any abnormal operation or technical problem of machinery or appliances is detected, the watchstanding machinist shall take appropriate measures to deal with this and report to the engineering officer.

Article 38. Duties of the electro-technical engineer of the watch

1. The electro-technical engineer is put under the direct command of the engineering officer of the watch or the electro-technical officer if there is the electro-technical officer rank aboard the ship. If there is no electro-technical engineer rank aboard the ship, the electro-technical watch shall be stood by the electro-technical officer.

2. The electro-technical engineer of the watch shall assume the following duties:




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

b) Inform the engineering officer of the watch or the electro-technical officer of the receipt of the watch duty;

c) Ensure that the operational mode of electrical machine and other power-driven appliances shall conform to specified technical procedures;

d) Not switch on or off the main circuit breaker without the consent from the electro-technical officer or the engineering officer of the watch;

dd) Guarantee the continual supply of electricity to the ship; whenever any abnormal operation of electrical machines or other power-driven machines is detected, the electro-technical engineer shall send a timely notification to the engineering officer of the watch or the electro-technical officer.

Article 39. Duties of the assistant radio officer

1. The assistant radio officer shall work under supervision of the radio officer and shall stand watch in accordance with regulations on marine radio communications system. If there is insufficient number of assistant radio officers aboard the ship to meet the manning requirement, the radio officer shall be obliged to stand watch. If there is no one assigned as the assistant radio officer aboard the ship, the radio officer shall be responsible for standing watch.

2. The assistant radio officer of the watch shall assume the following duties:

a) Take care of the ship’s communication with other ships and the coast radio stations. Receive any emergency alerts, distress signals, nautical notifications and weather forecast bulletins;

b) When accepting the transfer of the watch duty, the assistant radio officer shall grasp the operational condition of the radio or wireless communications devices, especially automated distress signal receiver and transmitter;




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

d) When receiving any emergency message or signal, he shall promptly notify the deck officer of the watch and the radio officer; concurrently, execute the master’s order in conformity with the international nautical radio communications principle;

dd) Send the warning signal or distress signal only after obtaining the approval from the master or the master’s authorized person;

e) Adhere to regulations of distress or emergency signaling frequency when calling or responding to other radio stations. During the communication process, private talk or issue shall be prohibited;

g) Comply with regulations on use of radio frequencies upon the request of the coast radio stations or inspecting stations;

h) Check the radio and navigation room to calibrate the onboard time to make it align with the time specified by the time-telling radio stations at least once each day;

i) Not leave the watch position or do private work during the watch period. Allowing any person or crew member who does not undertake any duties in the radio room shall be strictly prohibited. The assistant radio officer shall be permitted to leave the watch when obtaining the consent from the master or radio officer;

k) All of outgoing messages shall be approved by the master;

l) If the ship has the radio station designed with high capacity or more convenient communication, this ship shall be ready to give assistance to other stations upon request;

m) The content of all radio messages or signals shall be treated with complete confidentiality. The master is the only person who has access to such content;




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o) At least 1 hour prior to the transfer of the watch duty, the assistant radio communication officer of the watch shall inspect the operational condition of the radio communications devices and record the inspection result into the radio communications watch logbook;

p) Write the radio communications logbook; carry out the checking and marking on the list of items required to be inspected.


Article 40. Duty assignment and instruction in the emergency situation

1. The duty assignment shall be available aboard the ship when any emergency situation happens (hereinafter referred to as “duty chart”).

2. The duty chart shall specify the followings:

a) General alarm and blast-silence alarms;

b) The general duties of each crew member and passenger after receiving the distress signal;

c) Positions and specific duties of each crew member, passenger in terms of specific warning signals aboard the ship;




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dd) Substitute persons standing watch in the key position and persons who operate lifesaving and firefighting equipment.

3. The duty chart shall be posted on the notice board placed along the balcony, nautical bridge, machinery space and positions of crewmembers and passengers.

Article 41. Personal emergency duty note

1. In each stateroom of crew member and passenger, the personal emergency duty note is posted in a conspicuous place and written in Vietnamese and English.

2. Personal emergency duty note shall include the following information:

a) Different distress signal types;

b) Positions and duties of each person in response to specific distress signals;

c) Lifeboat number and seating position within the lifeboat.

Article 42. Onboard distress signals




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2. Electrical alarms shall be stipulated as follows:

a) General alarm is recognized by 7 short blasts on the ship's horn followed by one long blast. This shall be repeated in several times (……..___);

b) Fire alarm shall be sounded like a continuous ringing of the ship’s bell prolonged from 15 to 20 seconds (_____).

3. The ringing of the ship’s bell shall be followed by the oral notification and the emergency position shall be located. If the electrical bell and sound transmitter system of the ship is out of order or is not available, any similar device can be used to sound to warn crew members and passengers.

Article 43. Emergency drills

1. In order to improve the emergency response practice, the master shall hold emergency drills for each type of alarm aboard the ship in accordance with regulations. As for the cruise ship, the master shall provide instructions for passengers to get familiar with different alarm types.

2. The master is the only person who may order the emergency drills. The emergency drills shall be written in the nautical logbook and record book aboard the ship.

Article 44. Use of lifeboats

1. Lifeboats shall only serve the purpose of guaranteeing the safety of onboard people, passengers, crew members and holding the man-overboard emergency or ship abandonment drills.




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3. The lifeboat shall be commanded by the chief officer or one deck officer. Crew members who are charged with navigating the lifeboat shall hold the lifeboat navigation certificate. Lifeboats shall only be launched by order of the master. When retrieving lifeboats, the deck officer-in-command shall report the result to the master.

Article 45. Crew members’ daily routine aboard the Vietnamese ship

1. The daily routine aboard the ship shall be stipulated by the master. The master may be able to change this routine in order to adapt to work and weather conditions in specific seasons and climate zones if necessary.

2. Crew members shall strictly comply with the rules set on board and conform to the regulations on hygiene and disease prevention aboard the ship. Staterooms of the crew member, work rooms, club, balcony, gangways, bathrooms, restrooms and other mess rooms, shall be kept clean and tidy.

3. Gambling, illegal drug use and unhealthy ways of life shall be strictly prohibited aboard the ship.

4. Use of alcoholic substance is restricted. The blood alcohol content is not allowed to exceed 0.05% or the breath alcohol content is not allowed to exceed 0.25 mg/l.

5. All daily and recreation activities shall end at 10 p.m., unless otherwise stated by the master.

Article 46. Use of cabins and rooms aboard the ship

1. Based on the actual condition, the master shall provide regulations on management and use of onboard cabins and rooms. The chief officer shall be responsible for arranging staterooms for crew members.




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3. One room key shall be handed to the room dweller, the second room key shall be numbered and managed by the chief officer. Crew members and passengers shall not be allowed to change their room keys.

4. Crew members shall be assigned to manage work rooms, club and other mess rooms, and take responsibility for protecting property inside these rooms.

5. In case of emergencies, procedure completion or general inspection of the entire ship, staterooms and mess rooms shall be unlocked.

Article 47. Meal time and dining room aboard the ship

1. The daily meal time shall be decided by the master. All crew members are required to strictly adhere to the meal schedule, except for those who stand watch. All crew members coming to the dining room shall dress tidily and be prohibited from wearing short pants and singlets. During meal time, noisy talks are not allowed and crew members shall be aware of keeping the dining room clean. Sick crew members or those following instructions of the naval surgeon or naval surgeon’s mate shall be allowed to eat their meals in the stateroom.

2. The dining room shall be kept clean all the time.

Article 48. Compensated time-off, shore leave and leave of crew members

1. Compensated time-off and shore leave of the crew member shall be approved by the master provided that they are in line with regulations of law and international agreements to which Vietnam is a signatory. The master may exercise his right to designate any crew member to stay on board to perform their duties if necessary.

2. When the crew member is going ashore leave or returning to the ship, he shall report to the in-charge watchstanding officer.




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4. When the ship is at anchor, at least two-thirds of total crew members working in each ship department shall be present on board, including the master, chief officer and chief engineer or second engineer to direct ships or deals with emergency situations.

5. Each crew member, before leaving the ship to take their leaves or moving to other ships or transferring their ranks, shall carry out the handover of his duties to the substitute by giving the record with the endorsement of the in-charge officer on the followings:

a) Current duties;

b) Assigned machinery, appliances, instruments and any necessary remark;

c) Property and articles of the ship distributed for use, including the stateroom key.

Chapter III


Article 49. Registration of crew members and issuance of crew member’s books

1. Vietnamese crew members working aboard Vietnamese or foreign ships shall make registration with crew member registration authorities and shall be issued with the crew member’s book.




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2. The Vietnam Maritime Administration shall develop database on crew members to manage crew members, manage and provide guidelines for relevant entities to implement.

3. Crew member registration authorities shall consist of the Vietnam Maritime Administration, Maritime Administration of Hai Phong, Maritime Administration of Ho Chi Minh City and Maritime Administrations authorized by the Director of the Vietnam Maritime Administration.

The Director of Vietnam Maritime Administration shall manage the operation of crew member registration authorities and decide to allow more Maritime Administrations to process applications for seaman registration if necessary.

4. Crew member registration authorities shall:

a) Prepare and manage the crew member’s books;0}

b) Record the registration of crew members in crew member’s books;

c) Grant crew member’s books to crew members;

d) Conduct inspections of management and use of crew member's books.

Article 50. Responsibility of crew member’s book bearers




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Article 51. Responsibility of the ship-owner and master and organizations responsible for crew member support

1. Responsibility of the ship-owner:

a) Decide ranks of crew members working aboard the ship and provide sufficient and accurate confirmation of such ranks in the crew member’s book and take responsibility for such confirmation.

b) Declare the onboard and offboard time and designate ranks of crew members working on the ship under his/her management through electronic database on crew members updated by the Vietnam Maritime Administration and take responsibility for such declaration.

2. Responsibility of the master:

a) Confirm new ranks in crew member’s books of crew members working onboard according to the order or authorization of the company;

b) Authenticate the onboard and offboard time of each crew member in the crew member’s book and assume liability for such authentication.

3. Organizations responsible for crew member support when designating crew members working on foreign ships shall declare the onboard and offboard time and ranks of crew members under their management through electronic database of crew members updated by the Vietnam Maritime Administration and take responsibility for their declaration.

4. Declaration of designation of ranks, the onboard and offboard time of crew members specified in Clause 1 and Clause 3 this Article shall be made within 5 working days from the day on which crew members embark or disembark from the ship.




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1. The ship-owner and master shall have the power to revise information that has been confirmed in crew member's books if such information is wrong.

2. When detecting wrong information that has been confirmed in any crew member’s book, the ship-owner or master shall revise it promptly by crossing the whole page having wrong information; sign or stamp on such page to confirm its invalidity; confirm all prescribed information to the next page.

Article 53. Procedures for registration and issuance of crew member’s books

1. An organization or individual (applicant) shall be required to submit one (1) set of application for registration and issuance of the crew member’s book in person, by post or in any appropriate manner to one of the crew member registration authorities stipulated in Clause 3 Article 49 herein. The application for issuance of the crew member’s book shall include:

a) An application form specified in the specimen of Appendix II attached hereto;

b) Two color photos of size 4x6 cm which is the same one as used for the identity card and taken within six (6) months;

c) A copy together with the original or authenticated copy of the identity card or passport;

d) A copy together with the original or authenticated copy of the certificate of basic drill;

dd) Any certificate of corresponding to rank-based duties towards ranks of unlicensed crew members;




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2. The crew member registration authority shall receive and process the application as follows:

a) In case the application is submitted in person: the applicant-receiving authority shall either send the applicant a receipt and note of returning the result if the application is valid or return the invalid application to the applicant together with explanation in writing;

b) In case application is submitted by post or in any appropriate manner: within two (2) working days from the day on which the invalid application is received, the crew member registration authority shall provide the applicant explanation in writing.

3. Within two (2) working days from the day on which the application is received, the crew member registration authority shall record the crew member registration in the crew member’s book and issue it according to the specimen of Appendix I attached hereto. If the application is rejected, the crew member registration authority shall provide the applicant explanation in writing within the above-mentioned time limit.

4. The fees for issuance of the crew member’s book shall be subject to regulations of the Ministry of Finance.

Article 54. Procedures for reissue of crew member’s books

1. The crew member shall be reissued with the new crew member’s book if the old one has been lost, damaged or run out of pages or included wrong information.

2. The applicant shall be required to submit one (1) set of application for reissue of the crew member’s book in person, by post or in any appropriate manner to one of the crew member registration authorities. The application for reissue of the crew member’s book shall include:

a) An application form for reissue of the crew member's book specified in the specimen of Appendix II attached hereto;




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c) Any valid document proving that the crew member’s book has been revised due to wrong information;

c) A copy together with the original or authenticated copy of the identity card or passport;

dd) Two color photos of size 4x6 cm which is the same one as used for the identity card and taken within six (6) months;

3. The crew member registration authority shall receive and process the application as follows:

a) In case the application is submitted in person: the applicant-receiving authority shall either send the applicant a receipt and note of returning the result if the application is valid or return the invalid application to the applicant together with explanation in writing;

b) In case application is submitted by post or in any appropriate manner: within two (2) working days from the day on which the invalid application is received, the crew member registration authority shall provide the applicant explanation in writing.

4. Within two (2) working days from the day on which the application is received, the crew member registration authority shall notify the previous one of the reissue of the crew member’s book, record the crew member registration in the crew member’s book and issue it according to the specimen of Appendix I attached hereto, and return the old crew member’s book to the applicant (if any) after crossing blank pages, punching holes on the crew member's book and making a copy of it. If the application is rejected, the crew member registration authority shall provide the applicant explanation in writing within the above-mentioned time limit.

5. The fees for reissue of the crew member’s book shall be subject to regulations of the Ministry of Finance.

Article 55. Revocation of crew member’s books




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a) It is counterfeit or its contents have been changed, erased or falsified;

b) It is used for sale, lease or lending;

c) The crew member’s book bearer has declared false information or use modified or fake application for issuance of the crew member’s book.

2. The crew member registration authority shall have the power to revoke the crew member’s book. After revoking the crew member’s book, crew member registration authority shall send a report on such issue to the authority that has granted the crew member's book and the Vietnam Maritime Administration.

Chapter IV


Article 56. Effect

1. This Circular shall come into force from September 15, 2017 and replace the following Circulars:

a) The Circular No. 07/2012/TT-BGTVT dated March 21, 2012 by the Minister of Transport on ranks, rank-based duties of crew members and registration of crew members working on Vietnamese ships;




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2. This Circular shall enclose 2 Appendices:

a) Appendix I: the specimen of the crew member’s book;

b) Appendix II: the specimen of the application form for the crew member’s book.

3. The Vietnam Maritime Department shall print and issue crew member's books according to provisions specified herein.

4. The crew member’s book that is issued before the effective date of this Circular shall be continuously used until the day on which it is reissued. If the crew member's book is not reissued according to provisions of Clause 1 Article 54 herein but the crew member wishes to have his/her crew member's book reissued in accordance with the new specimen specified in Appendix I attached hereto, he/she shall comply with provisions of Article 54 herein.

Article 57. Implementation

1. The Vietnam Maritime Administration shall take charge and cooperate with relevant authorities in implementing this Circular.

2. The chief of ministerial secretariat, chief of ministerial inspectorate, directors of departments, director of the Vietnam Maritime Administration, heads of authorities, relevant organizations and individuals shall implement this Circular.





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Truong Quang Nghia