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Independence – Freedom - Happiness


Hanoi, October 12, 2012




Pursuant to the Law on Education of June 14, 2005; Law on amending and supplementing a number of Articles of the Law on Education of November 25, 2009;

Pursuant to the Decree No.36/2012/ND-CP of April 18, 2012 of the Government defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the ministries and ministerial-level agencies;

Pursuant to the Decree No.32/2008/ND-CP of March 19, 2008 of the Government defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Education and Training;

Pursuant to the Decision No.911/QD-TTg dated June 17, 2010 of the Prime Minister, approving the scheme on doctoral training for the universities and colleges lecturers during period 2010-2020;

At the request of the Director of University Education Department;

The Minister of Education and Training issues the Circular regulating doctoral-level training under the scheme on "doctoral training for universities and colleges lecturers during the period 2010-2020" approved by the Prime Minister in the Decision No.911/QD-TTG of June 17, 2010.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

Article 2. This Circular takes effect from November 26, 2012.

Article 3. Chief of Ministry’s office, Director of Planning - Finance, Director of University Education, Director of the Vietnam International Education Development, the heads of the relevant units of the Ministry of Education and Training and the heads of the tertiary institutions are responsible for the implementation of this Circular.




Bui Van Ga



(Issued together the Circular No.35/2012/TT-BGDDT dated October 12, 2012 of the Minister of Education and Training)

Chapter I




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

Article 1. Scope of governing and subjects of application

1. This document provides the doctoral-level training under the scheme on "Doctoral training for universities and colleges lecturers during the period 2010-2020" approved in the Decision No.911/QD-TTg dated June 17, 2010 by the Prime Minister (hereinafter referred to as the Scheme 911), including: doctoral-level training in foreign countries; domestic doctoral-level training; doctoral-level training under the coordination method; training, retraining of foreign language and knowledge, research skills (hereinafter referred to as pre-doctoral training).

2. This document applies to the institutes, universities, colleges, scientific research institutes that are allowed to train doctoral degree (hereinafter referred to as the tertiary institutions), the concerned organizations and individuals.

Article 2. Subjects of enrolment

1. Tenured lecturers, contractual lecturers working in an indefinite or definite term of the universities, institutes which provide tertiary education, the universities and colleges (hereinafter referred to as the schools).

2. Those who have desire and commitment to become a lecturer at the schools including:

a) Those who have just graduated from university or got master degree (within 12 months up to the date of application);

b) Researchers working at the Scientific Research Institutes;

c) Those who have the capacity and good professional skills working in organizations apart from schools.




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Article 3. Duration of implementation, training methods

1. Duration of implementation: perform the enrolment to the end of 2020.

2. Training methods:

a) Training abroad: Doctoral researching students (DRS) are sent for full-time training at the foreign training institutions;

b) Domestic training: DRS are trained mainly at home, including a period of overseas practice.

c) Training by the coordination method: DRS are trained part of time domestically and part of time in overseas in collaboration of training between the domestic doctoral training institutions and overseas doctoral training institutions.

Article 4. Responsibilities, rights and duties of doctoral researching students

1. Responsibilities of doctoral researching students:

a) To complete the enrolled training program;




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c) To perform in accordance with the commitments signed with the schools sent DRS to study;

d) DRS trained full time overseas, DRS trained in accordance with the coordination method who are in the duration trained abroad and DRS who are trained domestically and are in the duration trained overseas must comply with the regulations on students learning abroad in the current Management Regulation of Vietnamese citizens who are being trained abroad; every 6 months and at the end of the oversea training period, DRS shall send report on the situation, results of learning and research, via mail, email or in person to the VIED and the Embassy of Vietnam in foreign countries. Report form is in Appendix I attached hereto;

đ) For DRS trained full time overseas: after graduation, they must complete the procedures specified in the Regulation on the procedures to send people for tertiary education and post-graduate abroad, the procedures to extend the oversea study duration abroad and procedures to receive students learning abroad to go back home issued together with the Decision No.740/QD-BGDDT dated 21/02/2012 of the Minister of Education and Training.

e) Within a maximum period of 3 months from the end of the training course, DRS must go back school where sent them to study for conducting procedures of receiving them again (for those specified in clause 1 of Article 2 of this Regulation) or conducting the procedures of recruitment (for those specified in clause 2 of Article 2 of this Regulation).

g) To make payment for training costs in the extended study duration (if any).

2. Rights of DRS:

a) To be provided scholarships and training costs during the training course;

b) To be created conditions, arranged time to follow the training programs as prescribed by the school sent for training;

c) Be received back for work or recruited to work as lecturers after graduation according to their trained professionals by the schools sent for training.




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3. Obligations of DRS:

a) After graduation, DRS must return to serve at the schools where sent them for training. Minimum time to serve at the schools where sent them for training shall comply with the current regulations of the State;

b) To reimburse scholarships and training costs if they do not complete the training program (except for reasons of force majeure that DRS cannot continue learning, such as: serious illness, natural disasters, war, accidents, death, etc.), or have graduated but do not serve enough time for work as specified at Point a, this Clause. Reimbursement of scholarships and training costs shall comply with the current regulations of the State.

Article 5. Responsibilities of the schools where sent lecturers for training

1. To identify the recruitment needs, make plan to train lecturers by scheme 911 under every year and every stage, including training plans by each discipline, group of the professional branches or fields need to be focused in development of each school.

2. To make report of plan and the number of lecturers sent for training by each discipline and each training method, together with the names of the domestic or oversea doctoral training institutions that the lecturers expect to apply for admission, number of lecturers sent for pre-doctoral training by each training method, send to the Ministry of Education and Training before March 31 each year. Report form is in Appendix II attached.

3. The schools need to recruit the subjects specified in Clause 2, Article 2 of this Regulation to be lecturers after being trained shall:

a) To sign contract of commitment to recruit these persons to work as lecturers after graduation; send these persons for training under the scheme 911;

b) To take measures to ensure for DRS to implement the obligations referred to in Clause 3 of Article 4 of this Regulation.




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5. To create conditions for the lecturers to be trained doctoral degree under the scheme 911; receive (for those specified in clause 1 Article 2 of this Regulation) or recruit them to work as lecturers (for those specified in Clause 2 Article 2 of this Regulation) and arrange works for these persons for a period within 6 months after the persons completed the post-graduation procedures specified at Point e, Clause 1 Article 4 of this Regulation. Over this time limit, if the schools do not make decisions to receive or recruit them to be lecturers and do not arrange work for the lecturers, the schools shall refund scholarships and costs for training such lecturers to state budget.

Chapter II


Article 6. Subjects of application for oversea training admission

Applicants for oversea training admission are the subjects provided in Clause 1 and Point a, Clause 2, Article 2 of this Regulation.

Article 7. Conditions for admission

1. On qualifications:

a) The applicants who are the subjects provided in Clause 1, Article 2 of this Regulation: must have BA or MA degrees;

b) The applicants who are the subjects provided in point a Clause 2, Article 2 of this Regulation:




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2. To register the discipline in conformity with the discipline graduated from BA or MA level.

3. To be signed contract of commitment for recruitment to work as lecturer after graduation.

4. To have official dispatch issued by the school where applicant is working for the assignment for application (for those specified in clause 1 Article 2 of this Regulation), or place where signed the contract of commitment to recruit for work as lecturer after graduation (for those specified in point a clause 2 Article 2 of this Regulation).

5. Applicants, their father/mother or sponsor (for those specified in point a clause 2  Article 2 of this Regulation) have committed to fulfill their responsibilities and obligations to the schools sent the applicants for application as provided in Clauses 1, 3, Article 4 and clause 5 Article 5 of this Regulation.

6. For foreign language proficiency: must have one of the following certificates, diplomas:

a) A foreign language certificate of level B2 or grade 4/6 or higher according to the general European Reference Framework of foreign language granted by a competent international institution within 2 years up to the date of application, in accordance with the requirements of the oversea training institutions;

b) An MA or BA degree from foreign country coming back that country for learning or the language used in study abroad in accordance with the language that will be used to follow the doctoral training program;

7. Possessing good moral quality, good health to learn, commit to fulfill the responsibilities and obligations of DRS as defined in Clauses 1 and 3 Article 4 of this Regulation.

Article 8. Time and form of training




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2. Forms of training: On-campus (DRS shall use the entire time for study, research at the training institutions).

Article 9. Oversea training institutions

1. Oversea training institutions that are selected to send DRS for training full time or in the method of coordination are the prestigious doctoral-level training institutions in the world, are accredited by the professional associations, educational accrediting organizations possessing national or international reputation.

2. The list of orientation of the doctoral training institutions in each country are published annually on the website of the Ministry of Education and Training (address www.moet.gov.vn) and VIED - Ministry Education and Training (address: www.vied.vn).

Article 10. Enrolment notice

1. Pursuant to the provisions of this document, each year, the Ministry of Education and Training shall make enrolment notice, in which states the specific criteria, duration of enrolment; country where lecturers shall be sent out for training; conditions for application for each educational program of each country; conditions to be admitted; conditions to have decision for going to study abroad;

2. Enrolment notice is posted publicly on the website of the Ministry of Education and Training (www.moet.gov.vn) and VIED (www.vied. vn).

Article 11. Making a list of those nominated for admission

Every year, on the basis of the enrolment notice of the Ministry of Education and Training, the schools organize the review and selection according to the conditions specified in Article 7 of this Regulation and the lecturer training plan of the schools referred to in Clause 2 Article 5 of this Regulation; make a list of those sent for admission by group or in order of preference, for each educational program (if any);




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1. Dossier applying for admission: Applicant for learning abroad shall submit to the VIED 01 set of dossier in writing in Vietnamese consisting of the following papers:

a) A written registration for admission certified by the school sent for admission (form in Appendix IV);

b) An official dispatch issued by the school where applicant is working for the assignment for application (for those specified in clause 1 Article 2 of this Regulation), or by school which signed the contract of commitment to recruit for work as lecturer after graduation (for those specified in point a clause 2 Article 2 of this Regulation).

c) A duly copy of work contracts, recruitment decisions and written consent for work transfer (if any); contract of commitment for recruitment to work as lecturer of the school sent for study;

d) A written commitment to fulfill the responsibilities and obligations between DRS, parents or sponsor and the school sent DRS for doctoral-level training in foreign countries according to Scheme 911. Forms of commitment in Appendix III (a) attached.

đ) A duly copy of BA, MA degrees (if any) or temporary certificate of graduation for cases pending degree (supplement copy of official degree after being admitted);

e) A duly copy of transcripts of BA, MA level;

g) Copies of documents on receipt of training, written consent to grant a full or partial scholarship granted by the training institutions, foreign agencies, organizations or individuals (if any);

h) A duly copy of a valid foreign language certificate as prescribed;




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k) Other documents, if any (merit, priority papers, etc);

l) Copies of invoice and documents of payment for the fee of application.

2. Online registration for admission

At the same time with the filing of paper dossier, the applicants must scan documents in the application dossier specified in Clause 1 of this Article into PDF files and register for online admission at http:/ /tuyensinh.vied.vn /.

Article 13. Process of selection and sending of DRS for training abroad

1. Expiration of receiving dossier applying for admission, VIED presides over and makes a brief list of the applicants according to subjects and conditions for admission; expects a list of applicants eligible for admission; coordinates and agrees with the Department of University Education to approve the list of applicants admitted to submit to the Minister of Education and Training for consideration and decision;

2. The Minister of Education and Training decides the list of applicants admitted to study abroad. Before having decisions to study abroad, DRS must meet the foreign language level C1 or grade 5/6 or higher according to the general European Reference Framework on foreign language, except for otherwise required by the oversea training institutions;

3. Results of selection shall be effective within 12 months from the date of signing the decision to approve admission for those who are eligible of foreign language and be effective within 18 months, for those who are not eligible of foreign language provided in point b of this Clause;

4. Contacting to the training institutions for the applicants is done in the following ways:




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b) The schools that have applicants shall contact with the oversea partner universities to send their lecturers to train by group of lecturers, by the branches on which schools need focus for development;

c) Applicants can self-contact, but not through the abroad-study consulting centers with the doctoral training institutions abroad in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of this Regulation to be received;

5. When applicants possess acceptance notices of doctoral-level training institutions abroad and reach foreign language qualification of level C1 or grade 5/6 or higher according to the general European Reference Framework on foreign language, director of VIED is responsible for making a decision to appoint lecturers for training and carry out the procedures for lecturers to study abroad.

Chapter III


Article 14. Conditions for admission

1. Conditions for admission for training domestically, for the applicants specified in Clause 1, Article 2 of this Regulation shall comply with the provisions of current Regulation of doctoral-level training.

2. Conditions for admission for the subjects specified in Clause 2, Article 2 of this Regulation:

a) For qualifications: to meet one of the following cases




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- Having a formal BA degree of excellent or more excellent grade; being students graduating the advanced programs, high-quality engineers, talented bachelor with BA degree of good or better grade.

In case of graduating from universities in foreign countries, the assessment of classes of graduation, learning outcomes is in accordance with the provisions on evaluation and point scale of oversea training institutions or the equivalent by the evaluation of classification of Vietnam;

b) Having signed contract of commitment for recruitment to work as lecturer after graduation by a school;

c) Having official dispatch issued by the school where signed the contract of commitment to recruit for work as lecturer after graduation (for those specified in point a clause 2 Article 2 of this Regulation);

d) Other conditions for admission as defined in the current Regulation of doctoral training.

3. The applicants defined in Article 2 of this Regulation must have commitments to fulfill their responsibilities and obligations between DRS, their parents or the sponsors (for those specified in point a clause 2 Article 2 of this Regulation) and the schools sent applicants for admission prescribed in Clauses 1 and 3 of Article 4 of this Regulation when the applicants are admitted to be DRS. Form of commitment is in Appendix III (b) attached.

Article 15. Time and form of training

1. Training duration: as required by the educational program, but not more than four years, including a maximum period of 06 months to practice abroad.

2. Forms of training: On-campus (DRS shall use their full-time of study and research of the courses at the training institutions, not including the time to practice abroad).




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Article 16. Conditions and registration scheme for domestic doctoral training task under the Scheme 911

1. Conditions to be assigned the domestic doctoral training task under the scheme 911:

a) To be the domestic doctoral training institutions, with training experience of at least 5 years with the stable training scale;

b) To have a team of scientists and material facilities, library to ensure the domestic DRS training to meet the requirements of the current Regulation of doctoral-level training and the requirements of the Scheme 911;

c) To have registration scheme for receiving domestic doctoral training task under the scheme 911 built in accordance with provisions in clause 2 of this Article.

2. Scheme of registration to receive domestic doctoral training task under the scheme 911 is built with assurance of the main contents and requirements as follows:

a) Introduction on the training institutions, training experience;

b) Registration of educational programs; annual number of enrolment; training plan; training methods;

c) Conditions applying for admission; tuition and funding for the implementation;




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đ) Plan to organize training: appropriate, to ensure support for DRS to implement scientific research in the quality practice, laboratory facilities; travel to practice abroad; attend international conferences, seminars; post articles on the prestigious scientific journals of Vietnam and the world;

e) The duties and responsibilities of lecturers, instructors, DRS during the training process include the support of DRS to attend international conferences and seminar, conduct experiment, testing, survey, post international newspaper articles and other scientific activities;

g) Commitment in the organization and management of DRS, to ensure the training process effectively and DRS graduated with high-quality which is shown in one of the following cases:

- There are at least 03 scientific articles published domestically in the specialized journals counted up to 01 point defined by the state council of professor title or in the prestigious, leading journals of each branch/field regulated by schools;

- There is at least 01 report related to the subject of thesis being published full-text in the national-level scientific conference and in the international conference/seminar.

- There is at least 01 scientific article published abroad (ISI international journal or reputable magazines).

The form of scheme outline is in Appendix V attached.

Article 17. Records, processes to assign domestic doctoral training task under the Scheme 911

1. Registration dossier for receiving domestic doctoral training task under the scheme 911 includes:




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b) Scheme of registration to receive domestic doctoral training task under the scheme 911;

c) Minutes of ratification of the scheme of the Council of Science and Training of the training institutions;

d) The decision on assigning the task of domestic doctoral training of the competent authority.

2. Review process on assigning task of domestic doctoral training under the scheme 911:

a) The Ministry of Education and Training receives 01 set of dossier sent by the training institution by mail or by person at the Office of the Ministry of Education and Training;

b) Within 30 working days after receiving valid dossier, the Ministry of Education and Training shall evaluate dossier.

- If the dossiers of the training institutions meet the conditions, the requirements as defined and the training needs of DRS according to the Scheme 911, the Minister of Education and Training makes decisions to assign the training task of domestic doctoral training under the scheme 911 for the training institutions;

- If the dossiers of the training institutions meet the conditions as defined, but there are still some items need to be improved, the Ministry of Education and Training announces in writing to the training institutions the evaluation results and the items need to be improved;

- If the dossiers of the training institutions do not meet the conditions, the Ministry of Education and Training announces in writing on the status of dossier and requests the training institutions to continue to prepare the conditions;




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Article 18. Enrolment and training organization


Every year, heads of the training institutions make announcement of enrolment, dossier for admission, organization of enrolment, calling DRS admitted under the provisions of the current Regulation of doctoral-level training and regulations, requirements mentioned in the scheme of receiving domestic doctoral training task of the training institutions that have been approved by the Ministry of Education and Training.

2. Training organizations

a) The organizations of domestically training DRS comply with the provisions of the current Regulation of doctoral training; DRS trained under the scheme 911 will be held to learn the additional credits, the credits at doctoral level, doctoral themes and general overview essays with DRS of the training institutions;

b) While the DRS perform and protect their theses, the training institutions support DRS to attend the international conferences and seminars; conduct the researches and experiments; publish the international articles; invite the foreign scientists to participate in the co-guidance, criticism of thesis and the thesis assessment Council at all levels;

c) The training institutions shall fulfill the report regime as prescribed at the current Regulation of doctoral training.

3. Sending DRS to practice, research abroad:

a) Heads of the training institutions decide to send DRS to practice, research at the doctoral training institutions abroad to make a part of thesis; to participate and report at the scientific conferences and seminars for the issues related to the thesis; to collaborate with the lecturers of the oversea doctoral training institutions to publish articles in the prestigious international journals;




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c) Overseas training institutions receiving DRS to practice must be the institutions that are training, researching issues related to the thesis of the DRS, with a team of scientists, material facilities, laboratory, good conditions to do research for DRS to be able to proceed part of thesis as expected to improve the quality of the thesis; or to improve the scientific reports presented at the international conferences, publish in the reputable foreign scientific journals;

d) After the end of practicing time abroad, DRS must send report of learning outcomes, research to the domestic DRS training institutions. Report form is in Appendix I attached.

Article 19. Responsibilities and rights of lecturers teaching doctoral program, domestically-trained-DRS instructors under the Scheme 911

1. Lecturers teaching doctoral program under the scheme 911 and the instructors are responsible for full implementation of the provisions on the responsibilities and duties of lecturers, the instructors set out in the current Regulation of doctoral-level training and regulations, the requirements stated in the scheme of receiving domestic doctoral training task under the scheme 911 of the training institutions that have been approved by the Ministry of Education and Training.

2. Rights of lecturers teaching doctoral program and of the DRS instructors under the Scheme 911.

In addition to the rights of the lecturers, the instructors stipulated in the current charter of the university, current Regulation of doctoral-level training, lecturers and DRS instructors under the scheme 911 are also:

a) To be entitled to receive financial incentives, the conditions of teaching, research while participating in training under the scheme 911;

b) To be entitled to receive other rights as prescribed by law.

Article 20. Responsibilities of the specialized units and domestic doctoral training institutions




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2. The training institutions are responsible for allocation and management of funds during the time that DRS travel to practice abroad.

3. Specialized units and domestic doctoral training institutions training doctoral degree under the scheme 911 are responsible for those prescribed in the current Regulation of doctoral training and regulations, requirements set out in the Scheme of receiving domestic doctoral training task under the scheme 911 of the training institutions approved by the Ministry of Education and Training.

Chapter IV


Article 21. Conditions of application for admission

Conditions of application for admission of doctoral-level training under the coordination method shall comply with the provisions of Article 14 of this Regulation.

Article 22. Time and form of training

1. Training period is from 3 to 4 years, as agreed between domestic training institutions and oversea training institutions, but the total training period abroad does not exceed 50% of total training time of the entire course.

2. Forms of training: on-campus.




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1. Conditions for the training institutions tasked to train doctoral level by the method of coordination:

a) To be the institutions of doctoral-level training, with at least 5 years training experience with scale and stable training results.

b) To have a team of scientists to meet the provisions of the current Regulation of doctoral-level training and have language capability to participate in doctoral training under the coordination method.

c) To have an educational program mutually developed and agreed, in accordance with the conditions of both parties;

d) To have a cooperation agreement of doctoral training with oversea training institutions signed between the two parties to ensure the implementation of the basic contents stated in the scheme of receiving the task of training institutions specified in clause 2 of this Article.

đ) To have material facilities, library to ensure to perform doctoral educational program under the coordination method to meet the requirements of the oversea training institutions;

e) Domestic training institutions are coordinated for the doctoral-level training only with oversea training institutions specified in Article 9 of this Regulation;

g) To have registration scheme of receiving doctoral-level training task under the coordination method to construct as prescribed in clause 2 of this Article.

2. Doctoral-level training scheme under the coordination method is built according to the main contents and requirements as follows:




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b) Training branches, educational programs, training scale;

c) The subjects, conditions for admission;

d) The conditions to ensure the quality of training to make the coordination educational program including: scientific staffs; material facilities; training experience and scientific research activities of both parties; experience of international cooperation in doctoral training with partner schools; output commitments of DRS are as those specified in point (h) of this clause;

đ) The provisions of domestic doctoral training institutions and oversea doctoral training institutions on training under the coordination method, in which clearly stating the duties and responsibilities of each party in the organization of training, guiding thesis, defending thesis, supporting DRS to publish international articles, attending international conferences and seminars; applying the regulations on the organization of doctoral training of the oversea training institutions into the Vietnamese training institutions;

e) Training plan stating clearly the time, route to train in Vietnam and in overseas training institutions; responsibilities of both parties during the DRS training; co-guidance of DRS;

g) To organize training activities: apply the Regulation and requirements of training DRS of overseas training institutions in training DRS under the coordination method; to organize scientific research, specialized seminars ... in the training institutions in Vietnam with the participation of professors of overseas training institutions; organize thesis defense in the training institutions in Vietnam with the participation of foreign professors; thesis written and protected in foreign language;

h) The commitment of the training institutions: in addition to the commitment provided in Point g, Clause 2, Article 16, DRS defending their theses must have at least 01 report published in the summary records of the international seminars or conference or 01 scientific journal published abroad (ISI international journals or reputable magazines);

i) The organizational structure to implement the scheme, the risk treatment measures;

k) The responsibilities of the parties in the coordination of DRS selection, training and evaluation of thesis; Vietnamese lecturers, foreign lecturers to teach and guide; places of thesis defense, training institutions that are responsible for issuing degrees; other related contents;




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Scheme outline form is in Appendix VI attached.

Article 24. Records and processes to assign doctoral-level training task under the coordination method

1. Registration dossiers for receiving doctoral-level training task under the coordination method:

a) The statement on proposal to receive the doctoral-level training task under the coordination method;

b) Minutes of the training collaboration agreements between the domestic doctoral- level training institutions and the oversea doctoral-level training institutions;

c) Scheme of receiving doctoral-level training task under the coordination method;

d) Minutes of verification of the scheme of the Council of Science and Training of the training institutions;

đ) Documents proving the oversea training institutions or doctoral-level educational programs of the oversea training institutions inspected the quality of training;

2. Review process of the assignment of task of doctoral-level training under the coordination method.




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b) Within 30 days, the Department of University Education shall, preside over and collaborate with VIED to evaluate dossier.

- If the dossiers of the training institutions meet the conditions, the requirements as defined and meet the training needs of DRS under the Scheme 911, the Minister of Education and Training shall make a decision on assignment of doctoral-level training task by the method of coordination for the training institutions;

- If dossiers of the training institutions meet the conditions as prescribed, but there is still some items need to be improved, the Ministry of Education and Training announces in writing to the training institutions the evaluation results and the items need to be improved;

- If dossiers of the training institutions do not meet the conditions, the Ministry of Education and Training shall announce in writing the status of dossier and request the the training institutions to continue to improve the conditions;

c) Within 15 working days from the date of receiving the complete dossier of the training institutions (for the dossiers ensured the conditions as defined that need to be improved), if the dossiers meet the requirements as defined, the Minister of Education and Training makes a decision to assign the training task of doctoral degree under the method of coordination for the training institutions.

Article 25. Admission and training organization

1. Each year the training institutions tasked doctoral-level training under the method of coordination make the admission notice, in which state specifically targets, specialties, subjects, conditions for admission; records and admission fees, time of selection; admission organization and decision on recognizing DRS admitted.

2. The training organization shall comply with the provisions of the current Regulation of doctoral-level training, the provisions of the oversea training institutions and training plan stated in the Scheme of receiving doctoral-level training task under the coordination method approved by the Ministry of Education and Training.

3. Domestic training institutions are responsible for presiding over the determination of plan to send DRS for training in the oversea training institutions according to the educational program agreed between the two parties; VIED is responsible for presiding over and coordinating with the domestic training institutions to make decisions and solve procedures of sending DRS for training overseas as planned. Before going to study abroad, DRS must meet the foreign language level C1 or level 5/6 or higher according to the general European Reference Framework on foreign language, except oversea training institutions otherwise require.




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Article 26. Responsibility and right of the lecturers teaching doctoral program instructors of DRS under the coordination method

1. During DRS are trained domestically, lecturers teach doctoral educational programs and instructors (including foreign lecturers and instructors) are responsible for full implementation of the provisions on the tasks and responsibilities of lecturers and instructors specified in current Regulation on doctoral-level training and specified in the scheme of coordination training of the training institutions which has been approved by the Ministry of Education and Training.

2. During DRS are trained in the oversea training institutions, the instructors (including instructors of domestic training institutions) are responsible for full implementation of the provisions on the tasks and responsibilities of instructors of oversea training institutions and specifications of the scheme of coordination training which has been approved by the Ministry of Education and Training.

3. Rights of lecturers to teach doctoral programs and of the DRS instructors under the method of implementation coordination in accordance with clause 2 of Article 19 of this Regulation.

Chapter V


Article 27. Subjects to training, retraining of foreign language and knowledge, research skills.

1. The applicants admitted to doctoral training abroad or DRS trained under the coordination method, before going overseas for training, they have not reached foreign language level C1 or grade 5/6 or higher according to the general European Reference Framework on foreign language.

2. Those who planned to attend domestic educational program, coordination training, with foreign language achieved level A2 or grade 2/6 or higher, but not reached the B1 level or grade 3/6 according to general European Reference Frame on foreign language.




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Article 28. Time, form and content of training and retraining

1. Time and form of training, retraining

Pre-doctoral training is done in a maximum period of 9 months in the form of on campus.

2. Content of training, retraining

a) Training and retraining foreign language from level B2 to level C1 for the subjects specified in Clause 1, Article 27; from level A2 to level B1 for the subjects specified in Clause 2, Article 27 of this Regulation;

b) Retraining the knowledge, specialized skills for the subjects referred to in clause 1 and 2 of Article 27 of this Regulation;

c) Retraining orientation knowledge for the subjects referred to in clause 3 of Article 27 of this Regulation.

Article 29. Duties and responsibilities of the pre-doctoral training institutions

1. The duties of the pre-doctoral training institutions:




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b) Retraining students with the knowledge and professional skills; making a list of addresses of websites, the path to connect to the doctoral training programs according to branches of the doctoral training institutions in and out of country to help students to learn;

c) Fostering orientation knowledge for DRS before they go to study abroad.

2. Responsibilities of the pre-doctoral training institutions:

a) To ensure the conditions of program of training, retraining; team of lecturers, reporters; material facilities to organize the classes of training foreign language and knowledge, professional skills; issue certificates for students completed the contents of training and retraining;

b) To commit to train foreign language for students who meet the output requirements (level B1 for domestic DRS and level C1 or grade 5/6 or higher according to the general European Reference Framework on foreign language for DRS to study abroad) in accordance with the contract signed with the stakeholders;

c) To implement and liquidate contracts concluded on the basis of the provisions of the Circular guiding the management and use of finance for funding to implement the current Scheme 911.

d) To report to the Ministry of Education and Training the implementation and performance after each training and retraining course.

Article 30. Conditions and registration schemes for pre-doctoral training task

1. Conditions to be assigned task of pre-doctoral training:




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b) To have team of lecturers that are sufficient in quantity, ensure quality to organize to train pre-doctoral educational program, specifically:

- Lecturers teaching foreign languages, including native language lecturers, with experience in the field of teaching foreign language, trained post-graduate degree in foreign languages ​​at the oversea universities;

- Lecturers, reporters teaching knowledge and skills are those who have doctoral degree in educational administration, education, scientific research methodology; experience in training and retraining those who do scientific research, experience in retraining orientation knowledge for DRS before going to study abroad;

c) To have pre-doctoral educational program appropriately to carry out the tasks set out in Article 30 of this Regulation;

d) To have material facilities, equipment, library to ensure satisfaction of the pre-doctoral training requirements, namely:

- There are sufficient classrooms with modern equipment suitable for teaching foreign language with each class of 15-20 students, including projectors, DVD players, computers connected to the Internet, multimedia equipment and listening room.

- The library with center of documentation and self-study, sources of information and data, learning materials, tapes and various language learning software, adequate equipment and facilities (computers connected to the Internet, cassette player, multimedia audio-visual equipment, etc.);

đ) To ensure number of students appropriately, effectively;

e) To have registration schemes for receiving the task of pre-doctoral training built in accordance with clause 2 of this Article.




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a) The functions, duties and activities of educational institutions in training foreign language; scale, educational programs, plan to train foreign language and retrain knowledge, professional skills; method to organize the courses;

b) Regulation on conditions of participation and commitment of the students; conditions of the institutions to ensure implementation of commitment toward students; supervise the process of training and retraining; commit to fulfill the contract and liquidate the contract under agreement;

c) The conditions to ensure quality of training to perform the pre-doctoral training program: team of lecturers (including Vietnamese lecturers and native language lecturers teaching foreign language; lecturers, reporters teaching, retraining knowledge, professional skills, and orientation knowledge); material facilities, equipment, library; program of training and retraining; ability to organize training, retraining; experience to cooperate with the international universities, organizations in the field of foreign language teaching and professional training, the necessary skills for students preparing to be DRS;

d) To commit the output foreign language level of students for each doctoral-level training method and contents of retraining knowledge, professional skills, orientation knowledge.

Thesis form is in Appendix VII.

Article 31. Dossier and processes to assign task of pre-doctoral training

1. Dossier requesting for receiving the task of pre-doctoral training

a) A statement on requesting for receipt of pre-doctoral training task;

b) A registration scheme for receipt of pre-doctoral training task;




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a) The Ministry of Education and Training receives 01 set of dossier sent by the tertiary Institution via mail or in person at the Office of the Ministry of Education and Training;

b) Within 30 days, the tertiary Institution shall evaluate dossier;

- If the dossier of the tertiary Institution is shown sufficient conditions, satisfies the requirements as defined and meets the requirements of pre-doctoral training under the scheme 911, the Minister of Education and Training shall make a decision on assignment of pre-doctoral training task for the tertiary Institution;

- If dossier of the tertiary Institution is shown sufficient conditions as prescribed, but there is still some items need to be improved, the Ministry of Education and Training announces in writing to the tertiary Institution the evaluation results and the items need to be improved;

- If dossier of the tertiary Institution does not meet the conditions, the Ministry of Education and Training shall announce in writing the status of dossier and request the tertiary Institution to continue to improve the conditions;

c) Within 15 working days from the date of receiving the complete dossier of the tertiary Institution (for the dossiers need to be improved), the Minister of Education and Training makes a decision to assign the pre-doctoral training task for the tertiary Institution;

Article 32. Organization of the classes of training and retraining

1. The pre-doctoral training institutions should inform the public on the electronic information page of the training institutions on the plan to organize the classes of training and retraining: subjects, their training and retraining duration of each class of foreign language, content of training and retraining; tuition and financial regulations; the issue of certificates and other necessary contents.

2. Registration for list of students with the pre-doctoral training institution:




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b) For the DRS of the coordination educational programs: are conducted by the domestic doctoral-level training institutions;

c) For the subjects preparing to apply for admission for domestic DRS training or coordination training programs: individuals shall register directly with the pre-doctoral training institutions.

3. Based on the list of students registered by organizations or individuals specified in clause 2 of this Article, the institutions of pre-doctoral training arrange the classes, estimate funds by subjects and the parties being responsible for payment based on the current regulations on management and use of finance for funding for implementation of the Scheme 911.

4. On the basis of the number of students registered according to the provisions in clause 2 of this Article, the institutions of pre-doctoral training conduct the procedures to sign training contracts with the Ministry of Education and Training to get funds for training and liquidate contract after each training course.

5. At the end of each training course, the pre-doctoral training institutions report the University Education Department of the Ministry of Education and Training on the training results, financial settlement of the classes of such training course.

Chapter VI


Article 33. Responsibilities of the Department of University Education

1. To preside over and coordinate with the concerned units of the Ministry of Education and Training on the organization to implement the scheme to ensure quality and efficiency; make annual training plan and each stage; monitor, synthesize and evaluate the results of training and quality of the training methods; preliminarily review and summarize the implementation of the scheme; synthesize and evaluate of the use of those who have been trained according to scheme.




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3. To coordinate with the Department of Planning - Finance and VIED to make overall plan, annual plan and budget estimate for implementation of the scheme.

4. To coordinate with VIED in the issue of notice for admission of DRS to study abroad, review for approval of the list of applicants admitted to study abroad to submit to leader of the Ministry of Education and Training for decision.

Article 34. Responsibilities of VIED

1. To preside over the management, monitor and evaluate the implementation, training results and quality of the overseas training methods; synthesize and evaluate the use of those who have been trained abroad under the Scheme;

2. To preside over and coordinate with the Department of University Education in the notice issue of admission, selection and appointment of DRS for training abroad.

3. To coordinate with the Department of University Education and the Department of Planning - Finance to make overall plan, annual plan and budget estimate for implementation of the scheme;

4. To make documents and guide DRS to implement the procedures related to the admission, extension of study with commitments for self-making financial payment within the extension period, the reception procedures after DRS graduated and returned home; contact with the foreign training institutions to send DRS for training; contact with the contact point of foreign party for management of DRS’s study; sum up DRS to go abroad for training and periodically report to the Ministry of Education and Training.

5. To coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security and the Vietnamese representative agencies in foreign countries to protect domestic politics; support entry and exit procedures for students going to study abroad, for professors to be overseas-based Vietnamese and foreigners entering Vietnam to implement the coordination educational programs.

Article 35. Responsibilities of the Department of Planning - Finance




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2. To coordinate with the Ministry of Finance to build management mechanism, use financial resources; build spending norms, the annual budget estimates and budget allocation for the implementation of the Scheme.