Số: 4030/TĐC-TBT | Hà Nội, ngày 04 tháng 12 năm 2023 |
Kính gửi: | - Cục Xuất nhập khẩu - Bộ Công Thương; |
Nhằm thực hiện cảnh báo sớm cho Hiệp hội, doanh nghiệp và các cơ quan quản lý có liên quan về các hàng rào kỹ thuật trong thương mại (TBT) của các nước thành viên WTO, Tổng cục Tiêu chuẩn đo lường Chất lượng (TCĐLCL) xin gửi thông tin liên quan tới dự thảo Tiêu chuẩn của các Tiểu vương quốc Ả rập Thống nhất (UAE) đối với vỏ lon dùng đóng hộp thực phẩm như sau:
1. Ngày 15/11/2023, các tiểu vương quốc Ả rập (UAE) đã gửi thông báo số G/TBT/N/ARE/597, G/TBT/N/BHR/683, G/TBT/N/KWT/659, G/TBT/N/OMN/511, G/TBT/N/QAT/661, G/TBT/N/SAU/1316, G/TBT/N/YEM/268 về tiêu chuẩn áp dụng cho vỏ lon bằng thép (mạ hoặc không mạ thiếc) sử dụng trong đóng hộp thực phẩm. Dự thảo đưa ra các yêu cầu kỹ thuật đối với loại thép sử dụng để sản xuất ra vỏ lon thiếc dùng đóng hộp thực phẩm, các yêu cầu về ghi nhãn, quy trình thử nghiệm, phương pháp thử nghiệm và lấy mẫu.
Theo UAE, Dự thảo này được xây dựng nhằm mục tiêu bảo vệ môi trường, ngăn chặn các hành vi gian lận và bảo vệ người tiêu dùng. UAE sẽ tiếp nhận ý kiến góp ý từ các nước Thành viên WTO đến hết ngày 14/01/2024.
Văn bản đầy đủ của Dự thảo đề nghị tìm hiểu tại đường dẫn https://members.wto.org/cmatlachments/2023/TBT/ARE/23_13450_00_e.pdf hoặc tại Phụ lục Công văn.
2. Tổng cục TCĐLCL gửi Quý Cơ quan, đơn vị thông tin và đề nghị phản hồi cho Tổng cục TCĐLCL trước ngày 31/12/2023 trong trường hợp có góp ý đối với Dự thảo nêu trên của UAE. Ý kiến của Quý cơ quan sẽ được Tổng cục TCĐLCL tổng hợp gửi cho cơ quan liên quan của UAE để xem xét, tiếp thu.
Thông tin góp ý xin gửi về Tổng cục Tiêu chuẩn Đo lường Chất lượng qua Văn phòng TBT Việt Nam, số 8 Hoàng Quốc Việt, Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội, điện thoại 02437912145, email: tbtvn@tcvn.gov.vn./.
GSO STANDARD | GSO 1791/2022 |
This standard is concerned with the single & double reduced three piece round steel cans (tin coated or tin free steel) used for canning food stuffs.
2.1 GSO 1797 “Round Metal Cans Used for Canning Food stuffs Definitions, Construciton, Dimensions and Capacities”.
2.2 GSO 1795 “Methods of Test for the Three Piece Round Steel Cans Used for Canning Food stuffs”.
2.3. GSO ISO 11949: Cold-reduced tinmill products -Electrolytic tinplate
For the purpose of this standard, all definitions mentioned in the Gulf Standard specified in items (2.1 & 2.3) shall apply.
3.1 Food tin cans: They are cans made of laminated steel and covered with tin, chrome or aluminum and its alloys with magnesium and manganese and may be covered with a layer of paint or without a layer of paint.
3.2 The tinning process: It is the process of covering the tin with a layer of tin to prevent corrosion resulting from chemical reactions with food components or preservative solutions (salt, acidic or sugary) in packaging operations.
3.3 The chromium process: It is the process of covering the tin with a layer of chromium and electrically precipitated chromium oxide as an alternative to the tinning process.
3.4 Sealing: It is the process of double sealing the top cover of metal containers after the filling process to ensure the safety of food inside the package.
3.5 Single cold-reduced : description of product in which the black plate has been reduced to the desired thickness in a cold reduction mill and subsequently annealed and temper rolled
3.6 Double cold-reduced : description of product in which the black plate has had a second major reduction after annealing
The hermetically sealed round steel cans used for canning food stuffs shall have the following:
4.1 Plate
4.1.1 Tin Plates Tin plates used in the manufacturing tin cans shall be made from steel sheets with 0.12 maximum carbon percent and galvanized either by hot tin dipping or electrolytic process with a coating layer. Appendix (1) gives the analysis of some types of steel used in food can manufacture and the class of food according to corrosivity. Plate thickness should not be less than 0.10 mm for double reduced and less than 0.15 mm for single reduced. The tin layer weight grams per meter square shall be as shown in Appendix (2).
4.1.2 Tin Free Steel (Chrome Coated and Oxide Chrome Electrolitically) The chemical analysis of some type of steel in cans manufacture shall be as shown in Appendix (1). Plate thickness shall not be less than 0.10 mm for double reduced and less than 0.15 mm for single reduced. The chrome weight should not be less than 50 milligram per meter square and chrome weight in oxide chrome as 7 milligram per meter square.
4.1.3 Plate shall neither alter the taste, odour or properties of the canned food nor form harmful compounds with it.
4.2 Lacquer (interior coating )
4.2.1 It shall neither affect the taste , odour of food nor form harmful compounds with it.
4.2.2 The lacquer shall be smooth and uniformly distributed on sheet surfaces, and it shall withstand the thermal treatment degree for sterilization and/or pasteurization for the food material, and also filling and storing condition.
4.2.3 The interior coating shall be one of these specified for use in food industry according to the nature of the food, as shown for example in Appendix 3.
4.2.4 The paint layer should completely cover all the internal parts of the can
4.3 Elastic matter
4.3.1 The elastic matter used in the double seaming shall be resistant to chemical changes and free from poisonous compounds, i.e. Sulphur & Antimony.
4.3.2 It shall not cause change in the taste or oder or properties of food, and shall withstand the temperature and pressure during filling, storing and handling.
4.4 Double seaming
4.4.1 The can shall be hermetically sealed by double seaming so as to prevent leakage into or from it.
4.4.2 It shall be regular in shape all around the can diameter.
4.4.3 It shall be free from sharp edges.
4.4.4 It shall be uniform in thickness
4.4.5 It is not allowed to use the gasket for side welding of cans that will be sterilized after filling with food.
4.5 The side seam for three pieces cans be formed by electric welding or any other regular method shall be free from defects causing leakage into or from it and side stripe varnish applied Permitted to be used in contact with food.
4.6 Covers
4.6.1 Covers used for bottom and top of three piece cans. It shall be suitable for double seaming with sealing compound on cover.
4.6.2 Common covers standards or easy open ends can be made of tin plates or tin free steel or aluminium. It shall be lacquered depending on the canned food stuffs and shall be resistant to internal pressure or vacuum and shall not impair food nor affect odour, taste, colour.
4.7 The can shall be internally and externally clean and free from swells or deformation (can bulged at both ends) or other defects.
4.8 Permitted wrinkle number in the cover hook shall be from 1 to 2.
4.9 The can shall be easily opened by any of the widely used can openers.
4.10 Dimensions and capacities
4.10.1 The preferred nominal internal diameters of cans and their tolerance in mm according to Gulf Standard mentioned in item 2.1
4.10.2 The preferred nominal capacities and their tolerance according to Gulf standard mentioned in item 2.1.
4.11 Performance Requirements
4.11.1 Pressure Test It shall be capable of withstanding air pressure as below :
Common Food Can with Common Lid | 0.1 N/mm2 (Mega Pascal) |
Common Food Can with Easy Open End | 0.05 N/mm2 (Mega Pascal ) |
Carbonated Drink Can | 0.655 N/mm2 (Mega Pascal) |
4.11.2 The average enamel rater level shall be less than 5 mA and not more than 15 mA.
5.1 The following information shall be declared on each pallet containing cans:
5.1.1 Manufacture’s name and/or his trade mark.
5.1.2 Country of origin
5.1.3 Can nominal capacity in ml
5.1.4 Production date
5.1.5 Number of cans
5.1.6 Storage and handling conditions when needed.
5.2 Each can shall be marked with the following:
5.2.1 Trade mark of the manufacturer.
5.2.2 Code number (this code shall trace the information needed about the can such as year, month and day of manufacture from the records of manufacturer) or the date of manufacture (year, month and day).
All necessary tests shall be carried out on samples taken according to item (7) to ensure their conformity to the requirements of this standard.
7.1 Samples necessary for visual inspection and air pressure tests shall be taken at random as shown in Table 1.
Table 1
No of cans in the consignment | Sample number | Sample size | Visual inspection | Air pressure test | ||
Acceptance No. | Rejection No. | Acceptance No. | Rejection No. | |||
Up to 3000 | First | 50 | 3 | 7 | 0 | 3 |
Second | 50 | 8 | 9 | 3 | 4 | |
From 3001 up to 10000 | First | 80 | 5 | 9 | 1 | 4 |
Second | 80 | 12 | 13 | 4 | 5 | |
From 10001 up to 35000 | First | 125 | 7 | 11 | 2 | 5 |
Second | 125 | 18 | 19 | 6 | 7 | |
Over 35000 | First | 200 | 11 | 16 | 3 | 7 |
Second | 200 | 26 | 27 | 8 | 9 |
7.2 The dimensions measurement test shall be carried out on 20 of the samples which have passed both the visual inspection and air pressure tests.
7.3 The capacity test shall be carried out on 10 of the samples which have passed the dimensions measurement test.
7.4 The lacquer test shall be carried out on 5 cans which passed the dimensions and capacity test.
7.5 The wrinkling number test shall be carried out on 5 of the samples which have passed the capacity test.
7.6 To carry out the chemical analysis test, a number of samples shall be taken at random according to the equation.
n = number of cans in sample
N = number of cans in consignment
An area 1250 mm2 shall be taken from cans at a distance from edges and side seaming. Pieces of the same area shall be taken from covers and bottoms in case of large size cans. An area of 625 mm2 taken from covers and bottoms in case of small size cans, and a suitable quantity of elastic matter shall be taken from double seam.
The tests shall be carried out in accordance with Gulf standard mentioned in item 2.2.
9.1 Samples shall be examined in accordance with the test methods specified in Clause 8.
9.2 The consignment is deemed to be complying with the visual test, if the defectives are equal to or less than the acceptance number as shown in Table 1. If the defectives are more than or equal to rejection number as shown in Table 1, the consignment is deemed to be non-complying. If defectives are more than the acceptance number and less than the rejection number, a second sample shall be taken and retested. If the combined number of defectives of the first and the second samples is less than or equal to the corresponding acceptance number, the consignment shall be considered complying as regards to visual test, otherwise it shall be considered non-complying.
9.3 The consignment is deemed to be acceptable as regards other test (dimension - air pressure - ......etc.) if the sample passes the tests mentioned in the standard mentioned in item 2.2. If the sample does not pass any of the tests a second sample double the number of the first sample shall be taken. The consignment shall be considered complying if the second sample passes the repeated tests, otherwise it shall be considered non complying.
Class of food according to corrosivity | Type of steel | Food characteristics | Chemical analysis of steel elements in percent (maximum) | |||||||||
C | P | Cu | Si | Mn | S | Ni | Cr | Mo | As | |||
Most strongly corrosive | L | High acidic fruit products. Acidic, salty foods & dark coloured fruits | 0.12 | 0.015 | 0.06 | 0.01 | 0.25 to 0.60 | 0.05 | 0.04 | 0.06 | 0.05 | 0.02 |
Moderately corrosive | MR | Acidic vegetables and mildly acidic fruits | 0.12 | 0.015 | 0.1 | 0.01 | 0.25 to 0.60 | 0.05 | 0.04 | 0.06 | 0.05 | 0.02 |
0.12 | 0.02 | 0.2 | 0.01 | 0.25 to 0.60 | 0.05 | - | - | - | - | |||
Mildly or non - corrosive | D | Low acidity products, dry and non processed products | 0.12 | 0.07 | 0.2 | 0.01 | 0.25 to 0.60 | 0.05 | - | - | - | - |
Class of food according to corrosively | Food characteristics | Tin layer weight internal g/m2 | Tin layer weight external g/m2 |
Most strongly corrosive | High acidic fruit products. Acidic, salty foods & dark coloured fruits | + 0 8.4 - 0.65 | 2.8 + 0 - 0.35 |
Moderately corrosive | Acidic vegetables and mildly acidic fruits | 5.6 + 0 - 0.50 | 2.8 + 0 - 0.35 |
Mildly or noncorrosive | Low acidity products, dry and non processed products | 2.8 + 0 - 0.35 | 2.8 + 0 - 0.35 |
Examples of interior coating types used in cans
Type | Product resistance | Fabricability |
Epoxy amino | Excellent | Good |
Epoxy phenolics | Good | Good |
Epoxy acrylates | Excellent | Good |
Epoxy acrylates/phenolics | Excellent | Good |
Solution vinyls | Good to excellent | Excellent |
Dispersion vinyls | Excellent | Excellent |
Polyesters | Excellent | Excellent |
- 1 Công văn 3407/TĐC-HCHQ năm 2020 về hàng hóa không nhằm mục đích kinh doanh (loại hình phi mậu dịch) do Tổng cục Tiêu chuẩn Đo lường Chất lượng ban hành
- 2 Công văn 1493/TĐC-QLCL năm 2021 về nhập khẩu bao bì để đóng gói hàng hóa xuất khẩu do Tổng cục Tiêu chuẩn Đo lường chất lượng ban hành
- 3 Công văn 1705/TĐC-HCHQ năm 2022 vướng mắc khi triển khai Nghị định 13/2022/NĐ-CP do Tổng cục Tiêu chuẩn Đo lường Chất lượng ban hành