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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 01/2003/QD-BGDĐT

Hanoi, January 2, 2003





Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 86/2002/NĐ-CP dated November 5, 2002 defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of Ministries and ministerial agencies;

Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 29/CP dated March 30, 1994 defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Education and Training;

At the request of the Director of the Department of Political Affairs,


Article 1. The regulation on the standard of libraries in schools that belong to the basic education system.

Article 2. This Decision shall come into force after 15 days from the signature date and replace the Decision No. 659/QĐ-NXBCD of the Minister of Education and Training dated July 19, 1990 on the standard of libraries in schools that belong to the basic education system.

Article 3. The Chief Officer, the Director of related departments as well as the Deputy Ministers, Directors of Departments of Education and Training shall be responsible for implementing this Decision./.




Le Vu Hung



(Issued together with the Decision No. 01/2003/QĐ-BGDĐT of the Minister of Education and Training)

Chapter 1:


Article 1. Scope of application and applicable entities

1. This Decision shall stipulate standards and processes for accreditation of libraries in schools that belong to the basic education system such as primary schools, secondary schools and high schools (hereinafter referred to as basic education schools).

2. The library of a basic education school which is considered to grant accreditation must meet the standards stipulated by Chapter II, III, IV, V, VI hereof:

Chapter II


Article 2. Books, including 3 parts:

1. School books: Before an academic year begins, the school must have “a storage cabinet of commonly-used schoolbooks” in order to ensure that each student shall be provided with 01 schoolbook set under a purchase, renting or borrowing arrangement.

All students entitled to the social policy, and poor students, can have access to schoolbooks under a renting or borrowing arrangement.

2. Teaching books:

a) Documents, resolutions of the Communist Party, legislative documents introduced by the Government, regulatory agencies, inter-ministry or inter-agency, and guides which are intended for specific educational grades, levels and basic education administration activities.

b) Books used for improving teaching skill and developing teaching career.

c) Books used for improving competence in teaching, foreign language, computer science, and materials designed for regular improvement over a specific period.

Each book must be made sufficient enough so that one copy will be kept by teachers and 3 copies will be stored in the library. As for libraries in secondary schools or high schools, the number of books shall be calculated with reference to the subject group where teachers are hired.

3. Reference books

a) Books used as instruments or for look-up purposes: dictionaries, classical works (each type of book shall have 3 copies or more).

b) Reference books for academic subjects (each type of book must have 5 copies or more available).

c) Books used for enhancing knowledge background or capability of learning academic subjects must be designed to meet the demand of each education program in a specific grade or level (each type of book must have 3 copies or more).

d) Books used for meeting the demand for enhancing and improving the general knowledge; materials about competitions which are designed according to the specific theme, topic; tests in excellent student contests (each type of book must have 5 copies or more).

dd) Basic education schools must refer to the list of required books in libraries of basic education schools annually issued by the Ministry of Education and Training on an annual basis (from 2000 onwards) in order to set a plan to add more reference books for their libraries.

The library shall add more reference books depending on the budget of each unit and under the guidelines of the Department of educational grades and levels affiliated to the Ministry on choosing book titles. Books, newspapers and magazines that serve the purpose of entertainment or do not support the teaching and learning activities in a school must be restricted.

The average number of reference books in a library must be specified as follows:

Primary schools located in cities, urban areas or plains: at least 2 books per a student; those located in mountainous, remote and underprivileged regions or those that face socio-economic difficulty or extreme difficulty: at least 1 book per 2 students. The book reference must have full title according to the list of required books used in libraries of basic education schools annually issued by the Ministry of Education and Training.

Secondary schools located in cities, urban areas or plains: at least 3 books per a student. Those located in mountainous, remote and underprivileged regions or those that face socio-economic difficulty or extreme difficulty: at least 1 book per 1 student. The book reference must have full title according to the list of required books used in libraries of basic education schools annually issued by the Ministry of Education and Training. High schools:

Those located in cities, urban areas or plains: at least 4 books per a student. Those located in mountainous, remote and underprivileged regions or those that face socio-economic difficulty or extreme difficulty: at least 1 book per 2 student. The book reference must have full title according to the list of required books used in libraries of basic education schools annually issued by the Ministry of Education and Training.

Article 3. Newspapers, magazines, maps, photos, pictures, tapes and discs for education

1. Newspapers and magazines: Nhan Dan, Giao Duc va Thoi Dai, Giao Duc, The Gioi Moi and other newspapers, magazines or journals which suit specific academic sectors or levels.

Additionally, there shall be other types of newspaper and magazine which suit student’s age or academic level.

2. Maps, photos, pictures, tapes and discs for education must be published by the Education Publishing House after 1998.

The number of maps, photos or pictures shall be calculated on the basis of each class. Two classes in the same grade shall have 1 copy.

Chapter III


Article 4. Library room

1. The library room must be put in the centre or any other location which is convenient for teachers, students and educators of the school, and facilitate their reading and renting activities

2. Each library must cover a minimum area of 50 m2 used for building reading room and book storage facility (maybe one or several room(s)), and must be provided with sufficient conditions for its operation.

Article 5. Dedicated built-in equipment

1. Dedicated cabinets, shelving used for storing and keeping books, newspapers, magazines, maps, photos, pictures, tapes and videos for education.

2. A sufficient amount of desks and chairs, lights used for reading rooms and workplaces of library staff members.

3. Index cabinets, boxes, books and boards used for introducing books to readers.

4. Schools that have an accepted economic conditions must gradually install computers and audio-visual media tools, vacuum cleaners, dehumidifiers, electric fans, air conditioners or photocopiers, etc, in order to facilitate the work of managing assets, books, newspapers, materials or documents of the library and serve its readers.

5. Libraries of national accredited schools, or schools newly developed at the national standard, or those located at urban or municipal areas must have the reading room for teachers with at least 20 seats, and the one for students with at least 25 seats and the workplace for all of library staff members as well as book storage facilities.

6. Schools stipulated at Point 4 of this Article must have their libraries connected to the internet to make most use of its database.

Chapter IV


Article 6. Professional activities

All publications available in a library must be registered, detailed, classified, indexed and arranged in conformity with the library professional principle.

Article 7. User’s guide

There must be operational rules, regulations and guides so that teachers, students and educators can properly use all resources available in the library.

Library staff members must compile 1 – 2 directories used for teaching and learning activities in the school.

Chapter V


Article 8. Organization, management

The headmaster of a school shall be responsible for assigning a member of school leadership to take direct control of library activities, and a work group or an officer in charge of library activities. The headmaster of a school must direct and report the possibility of mobilization of foreign or domestic funds used for providing additional books for libraries.

Article 9. Library staff members

1. Each school must assign administrative officers or teachers to work as library staff member. If teachers are working for the library under the dual employment arrangement, they must have opportunities to take part in refresher courses about school libraries, be entitled to salary or wage as well as other benefits like in-class teachers. The library staff members who are not teachers but hold a degree in library profession shall be entitled to salary, wage and allowances stipulated by the regulators in the culture and information sector.

2. In each academic term or the end of an academic year, administrative officers or teachers working as library staff members must report to the Headmaster on organization and operation of the library and shall be held accountable to the headmaster for all of library professional activities in their schools.

Article 10. Collaboration in library professional activities

The library must organize a group of coordinators who are teachers, students or those from student parent associations in order to assist the work group (or staff members) of the library in operating the library as well as developing the programs for reading books, newspapers and educational materials in the school.

Article 11. Operating plan and budget

1. The library must draw up the annual action plan, program for investment, improvement and development of the library, implement the plan to place the order of purchasing domestic or foreign books (if any) provided by agencies inside or outside of the education and training sector within the regulated time and approved by the school leadership.

2. The library must ensure that the percentage of teachers and students who regularly use books and newspapers in the library is 100% and over 70% respectively. The percentage in the following year must be higher than in the previous year.

3. All funds coming from the non-state budget shall be mobilized to add more books and newspapers as well as improve the library activities.

4. The library’s budget and funds must be used and managed according to the statutory principle.

Article 12. Library’s activities

1. The school library must direct their activities toward the comprehensive education and such activities must conform to the work nature of teachers as well as psychological characteristics of students at different ages. The library must give the best support to extracurricular activities of the school and have a proper form of activities, depending on each school condition, such as book launch, highlighting, new book and picture notice, fair, exhibition events, etc., collaborate with relevant divisions in organizing book-based story telling contests, library professional competitions and encouraging students to follow meaningful guidelines from books under the direction of the headmaster and all competent authority in charge of education.

2. Lending and borrowing school books must adhere to the effective policies of the Government, regulatory agencies and local authorities as well as align with the payment capability and the demand of students. The cooperation with all agencies outside of the school must be created to enhance the professional capability and efficiency in the library's activities under the direction of the school headmaster.

Chapter VI


Article 13. Preservation

Maps, photos, pictures, tapes and discs for education available in the library must be strictly controlled, bound, covered and restored on a regular basis in order to ensure that they look more beautiful, durable and convenient for use.

The school library must be provided with books and records used for monitoring and tracking everyday activities, including registration, book-renting, book-leasing records, etc.

Article 14. Tallying and liquidation

The school must tally assets and follow procedure for liquidating those that have been worn-out, changed in terms of contents or ended the life cycle in conformity with library professional requirements on a yearly basis. As for the library that stores more than 10,000 books, the tallying of books shall be carried out twice a year, unless otherwise spontaneously decided by the school headmaster.

Chapter VII


Article 15. Library titles

1. The accredited school libraries must be the ones that meet 5 above-mentioned standards. The Department of Education and Training shall confer the accreditation certificate on accredited libraries located within the locality.

2. The school libraries accredited as good libraries must be the accredited ones and achieve higher standard in comparison with at least 3 abovementioned standards. The Department of Education and Training shall confer the accreditation certificate of good library on those located within the locality.

3. The school libraries accredited as excellent libraries must be the ones that keep the accreditation certificate of good library, gain extremely excellent achievements in their activities and prove the high efficiency as well as develop many initiatives recognized by the regulators in the same operating field and communities. The Department of Education and Training shall report to the Ministry of Education and Training to consider, examine and grant the accreditation certification of excellent library to the libraries of local basic education schools at the request of such Department.

Article 16. Accreditation procedure

1. The school shall refer to standards set out in this Decision to make their self-assessment and apply for such accreditation to the direct management agency.

2. The direct management agency for basic education schools shall check and consider this application and then request the Department of Education and Training to conduct their appraisal.

3. The Department of Education and Training shall refer to the request of the education management agency and basic education schools affiliated to the Department of Education and Training to conduct their appraisal and make their accreditation decision

The library title shall serve as the necessary requirement for considering the recognition of competition-winning titles in each academic year.

Article 17. Implementation

1. The Department of Political Affairs affiliated to the Ministry of Education and Training shall preside over and collaborate with other relevant departments, depending on their assigned tasks, in assisting the Minister in guiding and directing Departments of Education and Training to implement this Decision.

2. The education publishing house shall be responsible for collaborating with the school book and supplies of centrally-affiliated cities or provinces in implementing activities relating to the library’s activities under the provisions of this Decision.

The Department of Education and Training shall be responsible for instructing schools to build and improve the library that meets the Ministry's statutory standards./.

