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Independence Freedom Happiness


No. 04/2008/QD-BGDDT

Hanoi, February 4, 2008




Pursuant to the Governments Decree No. 178/2007/ND-CP of December 3, 2007, defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structures of ministries and ministerial-level agencies;
Pursuant to the Governments Decree No. 85/2003/ND-CP of July 18, 2003, defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Education and Training;
Pursuant to the Governments Decree No. 75/2006/ND-CP of August 2, 2006, detailing and guiding the implementation of a number of articles of the Education Law;
Pursuant to the Education and Training Ministers Decision No. 51/2007/QD-BGDDTof August 31, 2007, promulgating the Primary School Charter;
At the proposal of the director of the Examination and Education Quality Evaluation Department,


Article 1. To promulgate together with this Decision the Regulation on criteria for evaluating the education quality of primary schools.

Article 2. This Decision takes effect 15 days after its publication in CONG BAO.

Article 3. The director of the Office, the director of the Examination and Education Quality Evaluation Department, the director of the Primary Education Department, the heads of concerned units under the Ministry of Education and Training, the presidents of provincial/municipal Peoples Committees and the directors of provincial/municipal Education and Training Services shall implement this Decision.





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(Promulgated together with the Education and Training Ministers Decision No. 04/2008/QD-BGDDT of February 4, 2008)

Chapter I


Article 1. Scope of regulation and subjects of application

1. This Document provides for criteria for evaluating the education quality of primary schools.

2. This Document applies to public and private primary schools within the national education system.

Article 2. Education quality and criteria for evaluating the education quality of primary schools




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2. Criteria for evaluating the education quality of primary schools are the degree of requirements and conditions which primary schools must satisfy to be recognized as being up to education quality standards.

Article 3. Purposes of promulgation of criteria for evaluating the education quality of primary schools

Criteria for evaluating the education quality of primary schools are promulgated to serve as a tool for primary schools to make self-evaluation so as to unceasingly raise their education quality and to explain to functional agencies and the society about their primary education quality, for functional agencies to evaluate and recognize primary schools as being up to education quality standards, and for pupils parents to select schools for their children.

Chapter II


Article 4. Criterion 1: Organization and management of schools

1. A school is structured with an organizational apparatus prescribed in the Primary School Charter, comprising:

a/ A principal, vice-principal(s) and councils (a school council, for public schools or a managing council, for private schools; an emulation and commendation council; a discipline council and an advisory council);

b/ Organizations of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the Trade Union, the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, the Ho Chi Minh Young Pioneers Brigade, the Ho Chi Minh Little Star Brigade and other social organizations;




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2. A school must have classes, grades and school-pilots of appropriate sizes.

a/ Each class is assigned to a head-teacher, who teaches one or several subjects; for semi-boarding classes, there must be sufficient full-time teachers for such subjects as fine arts, music, physical training and optical subjects;

b/ Each class has a monitor and two deputy-monitors and is divided into several groups; the number of pupils in each class does not exceed 30, for rural areas or 35, for urban areas; and each school has no more than 30 classes from 1st to 5th grades;

c/ School-pilots comply with Clause 4, Article 14, of the Primary School Charter.

3. The school council, for public schools, or managing council, for private schools, is organized and operates according to the Primary School Charter.

a/ Adopting a specific plan on educational activities and meeting at least twice in a school-year;

b/ Being able to propose measures for improving the administration and direction work and organizing the performance of tasks of the school;

c/ Effectively performing the task of supervising the principal, deputy-principal(s) and functional sections in organizing the implementation of the councils resolutions or conclusions.

4. The schools professional teams effectively carry out educational activities and provide professional retraining to their members.




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b/ Conducting regular inspection and evaluation of the effectiveness of their members educational activities;

c/ Providing professional retraining to their members according to the schools plans and well performing the tasks of proposing forms of commending and disciplining teachers.

5. The clerical team well performs its assigned tasks.

a/ Working out a specific plan on the performance of its assigned tasks;

b/ Efficiently fulfilling all its assigned tasks;

c/ For each semester, reviewing and evaluating measures for performing its assigned tasks.

6. The principal, deputy-principal(s), teachers and staff members perform tasks of administering educational activities and managing pupils.

a/ Working out specific plans on the performance of administration tasks and assigning in writing the tasks of administering educational activities and managing pupils to each teacher or staff member;

b/ The principal regularly supervises the effectiveness of educational and managerial activities of each teacher or staff member;




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7. The school properly observes the regulations on information and reporting.

a/ Having books for monitoring and recording documents on the schools activities issued by the Party Committee, administration and mass organizations;

b/ Observing regulations on regular and irregular reporting on educational activities to competent functional agencies;

c/ For each semester, reviewing measures for implementing regulations on information and reporting at the request of competent functional agencies.

8. The school provides retraining to teachers and staff members to improve their professional qualifications, education administration skills and political knowledge.

a/ Working out specific plans on professional retraining for teachers to raise their professional qualifications and education administration skills;

b/ Teachers and staff members attend all courses of professional and political training to improve their qualification and skills as provided for by the Party Committee;

c/ For each semester, reviewing measures for improving professional qualifications, education administration skills and political knowledge of teachers and staff members.

Article 5. Criterion 2: Administrators, teachers, and staff members




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a/ Being physically fit and gaining the confidence of the school staff in their political and moral qualities, lifestyle and professional qualifications; possessing the intermediate or higher degree in pedagogy or the collegial or higher degree in, and obtaining a certificate of, pedagogic skills as prescribed;

b/ Having at least three years teaching experiences, for principals, and two years teaching experiences, for deputy-principals, (excluding the probation duration) at the primary or higher education level, and being appointed for no more than two consecutive terms at a school;

c/ Being retrained in education administration and effectively performing their tasks and exercising their powers specified in Articles 17 and 18 of the Primary School Charter.

2. Teachers:

a/ Being quantitatively sufficient and assigned to teach subjects in which they have been trained; possessing the intermediate or higher degree in pedagogy with at least 50% of teachers possessing the collegial or higher degree;

b/ Annually, all teachers participate in professional activities and practice self-training to raise their professional qualifications and skills as required by competent management agencies; each teacher teaches at least six sessions in an internal teaching contest and attends I8 teaching-sessions of their colleagues inside or outside the school; there are teachers who are awarded the title of good teacher of district or higher level and have initiatives or share experiences in educational activities, recognized by competent authorities;

c/ Having their rights assured as provided for in Article 32 of the Primary School Charter.

3. Staff members:

a/ Being quantitatively sufficient and satisfying quality requirements as prescribed in Article 16 of the Primary School Charter;




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c/ Enjoying all the current entitlements and preferential policies.

4. The school has been successful in promoting solidarity within its internal collective as well as with the local administration and people in the last five years.

a/ No administrator, teacher or staff member is disciplined for violations related to professional activities or morality;

b/ The school staff shows a sense of solidarity and makes no complaint or denunciation to central authorities:

c/ The solidarity between the school and local people and administrations is maintained.

Article 6. Criterion 3: Educational programs and activities

1. The school fully implements educational programs and adopts plans on the performance of school-years tasks; effectively organizes the attendance of teaching sessions as well as teaching contests in order to renovate teaching methods and organizes collective activities for pupils. Specifically:

a/ Fulfilling the educational programs and adopting plans on the implementation of school-years tasks in accordance with the Education and Training Ministrys regulations;

b/ Organizing teaching contests for teachers to raise the education quality and organizing collective activities for pupils at least twice in a school-year;




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2. The school has worked out and effectively implemented a plan on universalization of primary education for children within the prescribed age bracket.

a/ Working out an appropriate plan on primary education universalization;

b/ Coordinating with the local administration and people in effectively realizing the primary education universalization;

c/ For each school-year, reviewing measures for realizing the primary education universalization.

3. The school effectively organizes extracurricular activities

a/ Working out a plan on organization of extracurricular activities during the school-year;

b/ Working out a plan on assignment and encouragement of teachers and staff members to participate in extracurricular activities;

c/ For each month, reviewing measures for enhancing extracurricular activities.

4. The schools study schedule is rationally elaborated and efficiently implemented.




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b/ Being suitable to psycho-physiological characteristics of pupils of each grade;

c/ Being efficiently implemented.

5. Information related to primary education activities must be fully updated in order to effectively serve the educational activities of teachers and staff members.

a/ Having enough textbooks, reference books, magazines and newspapers in service of teaching and learning activities of teachers, staff members and pupils;

b/ Having computers to effectively serve primary education activities and step by step carrying out the Internet connection;

c/ Teachers and staff members are trained and guided in searching information on the Internet.

6. In each school-year, the school works out plans and measures to renovate teaching and learning activities to raise the education quality.

a/ Working out plans on renovation of teaching and learning activities;

b/ Taking measures to effectively implement the plan on renovating teaching and learning activities;




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Article 7. Criterion 4: Education results

1. The performance results of pupils are stable and gradually improved.

a/ Having adequate statistical data on performance results of pupils in each class and the whole school for each semester in accordance with the Education and Training Ministrys regulations;

b/ At least 90% of pupils have their performance results evaluated as being of average or better (for subjects evaluated through marks) and satisfactory or better (for subjects evaluated through comments), of which 60% of pupils are classified as excellent and good, the annual school drop-out rate does not exceed 1%, and the rate of pupils with repeated class does not exceed 10%;

c/ Having set up a team of talented pupils and having pupils who win prizes in talented pupils examinations of district or higher levels.

2.The results of pupils ethical practice are stable and gradually improved.

a/ Having adequate statistical data on ethical practice of pupils in each class and the whole school in each semester in accordance with the Education and Training Ministrys regulations;

b/ Each school-year at least 95% of pupils are evaluated as having fulfilled four tasks of primary school pupils, of which the rate of pupils with excellent and good behavior reaches 80% or higher, no pupil is rated with bad behavior;

c/ Annually, having pupils awarded emulation titles by superior authorities.




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a/ All pupils are adequately and effectively provided with information on health education, food safety and hygiene, and disease and epidemic prevention;

b/ 100% of pupils are provided with regular health-checks and vaccinations;

c/ At least 80% of pupils are rated as average or better in physical training.

4. The results of extracurricular activities is stable and gradually improved.

a/ Fully and properly implementing the annual plan on extracurricular education activities;

b/ At least 95% of the pupils participate in extracurricular activities in a school-year;

c/ The schools extracurricular activities are highly appreciated and commended by superior authorities.

Article 8. Criterion 5: Finance and material foundations

1. The school uses its funds for each school-year in a rational and efficient manner and is able to mobilize other sources for educational activities.




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b/ Using budget funds in accordance with the approved cost estimate and under current regulations;

c/ Working out and being able to implement a plan on mobilization of lawful sources for increasing material foundations for educational activities.

2. Financial management activities comply with current regulations.

a/ Having an adequate system of documents on financial management as prescribed, of which the regulation on internal expenditure is approved by the school council;

b/ Making cost estimate, effecting revenues and expenditures, conducting finalization and making financial statements in accordance with the States accounting and financial regulations;

c/ Fully complying with regulation on management and archive of dossiers and vouchers.

3. The school complies with current regulations on financial transparency and inspection.

a/ Complying with regulations on financial transparency for administrators, teachers and staff members to know and participate in inspection and supervision activities.

b/ Carrying out the financial self-inspection on a regular basis;




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4. The school has a separate premises with gates, protection fences, play grounds and yards suitable to local conditions. Specifically:

a/ Ensuring the average construction area of at least 10 m2 per pupil in rural and mountainous areas and 6 m2 per pupil in cities, towns and townships;

b/ Having a gate, a signboard and protection fences (walls or green trees of a minimum height of 1.5 meters which satisfy the safety and aesthetic requirements);

c/ Having play grounds, physical-training grounds as well as trees; the area used as such grounds must account for at least 30% of the schools ground area.

5. The school has enough classrooms of specifications prescribed in Article 43 of the Primary School Charter; organizes classes in at most two shifts and step by step organize semi-boarding classes for pupils; has a system of functional rooms and works out specific measures for increasing material foundations as well as educational equipment and devices.

a/ Having adequate standard classrooms to organize classes in one or two shifts and ensure a seat for each pupil;

b/ Having working rooms for the principal and deputy-principal(s); having a teachers room, administrative room, a medical room and functional rooms as prescribed in the Primary School Charter;

c/ Working out and effectively implementing a plan on the mobilization of sources to enhance material foundations and educational equipment and devices in service of educational activities.

6. The schools library has books, newspapers, reference materials and reading rooms to serve study and research demands of teachers, staff members and pupils.




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b/ Annually, the library is provided with new books, newspapers and reference materials;

c/ Having enough books as prescribed for schools libraries.

7. The school has adequate educational equipment and teaching aids, encourages teachers to make teaching aids by themselves and effectively use them.

a/ Having adequate educational equipment, teaching aids and warehouses, satisfying the requirements of educational activities in the school as prescribed by the Ministry of Education and Training;

b/ Elaborating documents on the use of teaching equipment by teachers during their teaching sessions;

c/ Encouraging teachers to make teaching aids by themselves and fully abide by the regulations on the use of teaching equipment during their teaching sessions.

8. The schools water-closets, parking lots and clean water systems satisfy the requirements of educational activities, including:

a/ Separate standard water-closets for teachers and pupils;

b/ Having parking lots for teachers, staff members and pupils;




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9. The school adopts measures to maintain and increase the efficiency of the use of existing material foundations and educational equipment.

a/ Working out measures to effectively preserve the material foundations and educational equipment;

b/ Having books to monitor the process of using educational equipment and dossiers for supervising the borrowing and return of teaching aids by teachers and inspection dossiers of the principal;

c/ Having books on, and managing assets and teaching equipment according to current regulations.

Article 9. Criterion 6: Schools, families and the society

1. To ensure the effective coordination between the school and the representative board of pupils parents so as to improve the education quality.

a/ The representative boards of pupils parents of each class and the whole school are set up and operate according to the Primary School Charter;

b/ Monthly, the head-teachers and pupils parents exchange information on the results of study, ethical practice and other activities of each pupil;

c/ The school has worked out plans or programs on regular meetings with the representative boards of the whole school and of each class.




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a/ Working out plans or coordination with the local Party Committee, administration and mass organizations in organizing educational activities in order to improve its education quality;

b/ Selecting appropriate forms of coordination with the local organizations, mass organizations and people in developing a healthy educational environment inside and outside the school;

c/ Closely coordinating with local organizations, mass organizations and people in increasing the material resources for building material foundations of the school.

Chapter III


Article 10. Responsibilities of provincial/ municipal Education and Training Services

Provincial/municipal Education and Training Services shall advise provincial/municipal Peoples Committees on guiding, directing and inspecting the evaluation of education quality of primary schools by District Education and Training Bureaus.

Article 11. Responsibilities of District Education and Training Bureaus

District Education and Training Bureaus shall advise Peoples Committees of district, provincial capitals or cities on guiding, directing and inspecting the evaluation of education quality of primary schools.




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Primary schools shall elaborate plans on the roadmap to achieve the education quality standards. Schools shall assign cadres and teachers to take charge of education quality in order to implement these plans.



Banh Tien Long