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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 05/2009/QD-TTg

Hanoi, January 13, 2009





Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 92/ 2006/ND-CP of September 7, 2006, on the formulation, approval and management of socioeconomic development master plans; and Decree No. 04/2008/ND-CP of January 11, 2008, amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 92/2006/ND-CP of September 7, 2006;
At the proposal of the president of Bac Giang province People's Committee in Report No. 42/TTr-UBND of August 18, 2006, and the Minister of Planning and Investment in Document No. 4022/BKH-TD&GSDT of June 4, 2008,


Article 1. To approve the master plan on socio-economic development of Bac Giang province till 2020 (below referred to as the master plan), with the following principal contents:


1. Development viewpoints




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b/ To highly concentrate on the development of industries, cottage industries, handicrafts and rural trades; to prioritize the development of key products with advantage and hi-tech content value, step by step strongly directing towards export, raising the efficiency and competitiveness of commodities and the entire economy;

c/ To develop agriculture and rural areas towards industrialization and modernization; to strongly restructure the agricultural economy, developing commodity production in association with the processing industry and meeting the market demands; to raise the productivity, quality and production value per unit of cultivated area; to restructure labor towards reducing agricultural labor while increasing industrial and service labor;

d/ To associate economic development with social development, eliminate hunger, reduce poverty, create jobs, narrow the living-standard gaps between regions, constantly raise the material and spiritual life of people; to pay attention to cultural development, environmental protection and maintenance of security and defense as well as social order and safety.

2. Major objectives

a/ Economically:

- The average annual economic growth rate will reach 10-11% in the 2006-2010 period; 12% in the 2011-2015 period; and 12% in the 2016-2020 period;

- By 2010, the industry-construction proportion will be 35%; services, 34.5%; agriculture, forestry and fishery, 30.5%; which will be 44.7%, 35.1% and 20.3% by 2015, then 49.2%, 37.1% and 13.7% respectively by 2020;

- To strive to gradually reduce the per-capita GDP gap with the national average and surpass the targets set in Resolution No. 37-NQ/TW of July 1. 2004, of the Political Bureau, for the northern midland and mountainous region.

b/ Culturally and socially:




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- The secondary education universalization rate will reach 80% by 2010 and 100% by 2015. The number of permanently built schools will represent 90% by 2010 and 100% by 2015;

- To reduce the urban unemployment rate to about 4.5% by 2010; 4.3% by 2015 and 4% by 2020. To increase the working time in rural areas to 90% by 2010 and 93-95% by 2020; to increase the rate of trained laborers to over 30% by 2010 and over 50% by 2020;

- To strive for the targets that by 2010, 82% of local households will reach the cultured family standards; 60% of villages, hamlets and street quarters will be recognized by district authorities as having reached the cultural standards, which will correspondingly rise to 87%, 70% by 2015, then 90%, 80% by 2020; and 85% of agencies and units reach the cultural standards by 2010. which will reach over 90% by 2020.

c/ Environmentally:

- To create substantive improvement in people's awareness about environmental protection, step by step establishing habits and a life style for a green, clean and beautiful environment. To prevent and restrict environ-mental pollution, degeneration and incidents. To increase the forest coverage to 40.5% by 2010 and 43% by 2020 (including fruit tree areas on forest land);

- To protect and sustainably exploit natural resources, to conserve bio-diversity, environmental beauty and ecological balance;

- Urban and industrial-park wastes must be treated up to Vietnam's environmental quality standards;

- To strive for the targets that by 2010, 95% of urban population and 85% of rural population will have access to clean water, which will rise to 99.5% and 95% by 2020; and 75% of families will have hygienic latrines, which will rise to 85% by 2015 and 100% by 2020.

d/ Defense and security




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- To consolidate the political system at all levels, raising the capacity to detect and handle law violations, fully meeting the requirements set in the administrative reform program and the legal system building and improvement strategy already promulgated by competent authorities.


1. Industry-construction development orientations

- To strive for the industry-construction production value growth rate of 21% in the 2006-

2010 period: 18% in the 2011-2015 period and about 14.5% in the 2016-2020 period, turning Bac Giang from a largely agricultural province into one with an economic structure of mainly industries and services;

- To concentrate great efforts on the development of industries, cottage industries and handicrafts, boost the economic growth and restructuring and create prerequisites for labor restructuring. To determine industrial parks and complexes as important economic zones, focusing on the development of industrial parks and complexes as motive forces for economic growth and urban center and service development;

- The export value will reach some USD 350-500 million by 2020; the industry-construction labor will rise from 8.86% to nearly 22% by


- Industrial parks will be arranged in association with services and urban development along key development spatial axes, including the North-South axis linked with national highway IA. the Southwest-Northeastern axis with national highway 31, the West-South axis with national highway 37 and the Northwest-Southeastern axis with provincial road 398 linking to Noi Bai-Ha Long expressway corridor.




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a/ Agriculture:

- To strive for the average production value growth rate of around 4%/year in the 2006-2010 period; 3.8%/year in the 2011-2015 period and 3.5%/year in the 2016-2020 period;

- To ensure food security, boosting the commodity production on the basis of development of advantageous plants and animals, including 4 kinds of plants (fruit tree, food plant, foodstuff plant and industrial plant) and 2 kinds of animals (pig and cow); to raise the production value per cultivated land area unit, striving to earn around VND 45 million by 2020; the agricultural commodity proportion will reach around 40% in the 2006-2010 period and around 50% in the 2011-2020 period;

- To form ecologically clean and hi-tech agricultural commodity production zones to serve domestic consumption and export. To expand areas under winter crops, intensifying the application of bio-technology and technical advances to production, developing the growing of safe vegetables, flowers and ornamental trees in outlying areas of urban cities, townships and townlets;

- To quickly raise the husbandry proportion to around 45% of the agricultural production value, to reduce the cultivation proportion to around 49% and raise the agricultural service proportion to 6% during the planning period;

- The average agricultural labor productivity will rise about 5.5%/year in the 2006-2020 period; to stably maintain the areas under fruit trees and raise the quality of fruit trees, with around 45.000 ha. including some 35.000 ha of excellent-quality litchi. To practice intensive farming, raise the quality and restructure plant varieties in order to spread out the harvesting; at the same time, to apply bio-technology to safe and high-quality litchi for processing and export.

b/ Forestry:

- To develop forestland with three types of forests, striving to raise the forestry proportion to about 3% of the GDP by the end of the planning period;

- It is expected that by 2020, the total forestland area will be 145.974.5 ha, including 15.411.3 ha of special-purpose forests: 18.803 ha of protection forests and 111,760.4 ha of production forests.




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To strive for the target that by 2020, 90% of the total aquaculture area will be tapped (nearly 13,000 ha). To apply new technologies in order to raise the aquaculture productivity to 2.5-3 tons/ ha through industrial and semi-industrial rearing; to raise the province's reared fish output to 25,000-30,000 tons by 2010 and 38,000-40,000 tons by 2020; the average fishery growth rate will approximate 15%/year.

3. Service development orientations

- To strive for the annual service growth rate of about 9.9% in the 2006-2010 period; over 12% in the 2011-2015 period and some 13.6% in the 2016-2020 period. To focus on the development of service trade and tourism into important economic branches; to prioritize the development of trade, transport, store houses and yards, post and telecommunications, banking, finance and credit, insurance, real estate and tourist sectors, strongly directing the economy towards export for the target that the export turnover will averagely rise 15-16%/year in the 2006-2020 period;

- The service labor force will represent 18% by 2010 and 27% by 2020; to step by step invest in building civilized and modern service and trade infrastructure.

4. Cultural and social development orientations

a/ Education-training and vocational training:

- To create substantively qualitative improvements in education towards approaching the advanced level. To build and develop contingents of teachers and educational administrators, sufficient in quantity and rational in structure; 100% of teachers will meet the prescribed standards and raise the percentage of higher-standard teachers;

- To intensify investment in school material foundations, striving for the target that by 2020. 100% of general education classrooms will be permanently built; 100% of general education schools will reach the national standards; and the secondary education universalization will be completed by 2015;

- To encourage the development of various forms of vocational training towards socialization. To build modern and high-quality vocational-training universities and schools meeting the labor demands of the province and the region; to intensify on-spot training and raise the percentage of trained laborers to 50% by 2020.




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- To renew and perfect the healthcare system towards equality, efficiency and development. To raise the operational quality of public healthcare networks and develop non-public healthcare services. To well implement social policies in the field of caring for and protection of people's health, with regard to medical examination and treatment for poor people and disadvantaged children;

- To step up the application of scientific and technical advances and combine traditional medicine with modern medicine; to further consolidate and develop grassroots healthcare, accelerating the formulation of national standards healthcare commune and striving for the target that by 2020. 100% of communes will reach the national healthcare standards;

- To fruitfully realize the population strategy, stabilizing the population at 1.840,000 by 2020 and trying to achieve and maintain the replacement birth rate. To attach importance to child care and protection, trying to reduce the malnutrition rate among under-five children to around 10% by 2020.

c/ Culture-information, physical training and sports:

- To raise the quality and efficiency of the movement "The entire population unites to build a cultured life". To strive for the targets that by 2020, 90% of households, 80% of villages, hamlets and wards and over 90% of agencies and units will be recognized as having reached the prescribed cultural standards. To further build and consolidate grassroots culture and information institutions. To preserve and promote the value of traditional culture of local inhabitants;

- To strongly step up the mass movement for physical training and sports in combination with socializing physical training and sport activities. To attach importance to comprehensive and synchronous investment in sports which the province has strengths, trying to obtain national achievements in a number of these sports.

d/ Science-technology and post-telecommunications:

- To prioritize research, application and development in technological renewal with a multi-level structure, approaching directly to modern technologies that help accelerate the industrialization and modernization process, ensuring high economic growth rates. To increase the receipt of suitable technologies for socioeconomic development; to be able to supply plant varieties and animal breeds of high yield and high quality;

- To speed up the development of post and telecommunication networks, ensuring non-interrupted communication, striving for the targets that by 2010, 80-90% of communal post and cultural spots will provide Internet services and an average of 35-40 telephone sets for every 100 inhabitants which will rise to 70 sets/100 inhabitants by 2020. To complete the subscriber optical fiber cable networks in the provincial city and most communes and townships, satisfying people's information needs.




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- To fruitfully realize the national target programs on employment while raising the quality of local labor. To try to annually create jobs for 18.000-20.000 laborers, including 3.000-4,000 to be sent abroad to work as guest workers:

- To further direct the materialization of poverty reduction programs, mobile resources through socialization, speed up hunger elimination and poverty alleviation activities: to properly carry out gratitude activities, assist social-policy beneficiaries and disadvantaged children;

- To strongly develop production, create more jobs and step by step raise the people's living standards.

f/ Defense and security:

- To closely combine socio-economic development with defense and security maintenance, firmly maintaining political stability, social order and safety, thus creating an environment conducive to socio-economic development;

- To build up the all-people defense, attach importance to building up strong, regular and incrementally modern local military forces. To build up zone-based defense, strategic mobility roads and military high positions and properly implement the defense education program.

g/ Environmental protection:

To protect and sustainably develop the environment and natural resources; to rationally tap and thriftily and efficiently use natural resources within permitted ecological and environmental protection limits; to efficiently treat and control environmental pollution and redress the environmental degeneration.

5. Urban spatial development orientations




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b/ The central urban centers will be developed along rational highway 1A from Nenh to Kep. This is the province's key economic zone embracing Bac Giang city as a politico-economic center to be built toward modernization, higher urban quality and broadened urban space after 2010; satellite industrial or service urban zones such as Dinh Tram, Song Khe-Noi Hoang, Quang Chau, Van Trung, Viet-Han; the urban centers of Kep, Voi, Bich Dong, Nenh and Que Nham; to develop a number of urban centers linked with industrial parks and upgrade a number of satellite urban centers to grade-IV;

c/ Eastern urban system: It will be developed mainly along national highway 31 from Doi Ngo to An Chau and secondarily along provincial roads 293 and 289. It comprises Chu. An Chau, Bien Dong, Kep II. Pho Lim. Tan Son. Long Son. Van Son and Thanh Son townships. Its center will be Chu township, which will be developed into a grade-IV urban center;

d/ Western urban system: It will be developed along national highways 37 and 398 and provincial road 292. comprising Thang. Cau Go. Bo Ha. Nha Nam and Cao Thuong and other townships in the region. Its center will be Thang township, which will be developed into a grade-IV urban center.

6. Orientations for socio-economic development of key zones

a/ The motive development zone:

The motive economic zone covers Bac Giang city and parts of Lang Giang, Yen Dung and Viet Yen districts with various industrial parks (Dinh Tram, Song Khe - Noi Hoang. Quang Chau, Van Trung, Viet-Han...). Railway, waterway and road systems will be constructed to facilitate the development of trade with northern big economic centers. Hanoi capital city. China and ASEAN countries.

b/ Luc Ngan agricultural, forestry and industrial economic zone:

With Chu township as its center, the zone embraces most of the land areas of Luc Ngan and Son Dong districts and the northeastern area of Luc Nam district. Its geographical position, terrain, climate and weather favor the development of forestry and agriculture in general and fruit trees in particular as well as the development of agricultural and forest raw-material zones in association with agricultural product processing and eco-tourism.

c/ Economic-cum-defense zone:




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d/ Hiep Hoa key economic zone:

Lying close to Hanoi capital with fairly favorable traffic routes, its trade with Hanoi and northern mountainous provinces will be facilitated. In the projected planning for Hanoi capital's spatial development, Hiep Hoa district will lie on belt road 4 within Hanoi territory. The construction of a number of industrial parks and complexes is planned in order to attract investors from Hanoi and accommodate a number of factories to be relocated from inner areas of Hanoi.

7. Development of socio-economic infrastructure

To concentrate investment on the construction of modem socio-economic infrastructure systems to meet the development requirements in the period of industrialization and modernization. Specifically:

- To upgrade new national highway 1A to the expressway standards and old national highway 1A to the grade-Ill delta road standards; to expand and upgrade national highways 31, 37 and 279 to grade-IV standards;

- To complete the upgrading and asphalting of the system of provincial roads of 390 km by 2015. In the immediate future, to prioritize the upgrading and expansion of provincial road 398, provincial road 296 linking to national highway 3 and the fish-bone road systems for 4 economic development spatial axes, helping accelerate agricultural and rural industrialization and modernization;

- To try to upgrade, asphalt or concrete 70-80% of commune roads; to upgrade and concrete rural roads, including bridges on commune roads, to ensure smooth traffic in both seasons by 2020;

- To upgrade the waterway and railway systems to national and international standards for convenient circulation of goods;

- To upgrade the systems of wharves, river ports, inland ports, cargo warehouses, petroleum depots and stations, post and telecommunications infrastructure and tourist infrastructure for economic development. To build Dong Son-Yen Dung container port, Kep-Lang Giang dry port and Quang Chau-Viet Yen port; to upgrade Bac Giang special-purpose port and the remaining river ports on 3 major rivers;




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- To build trade and tourist infrastructure, systems of department stores and shops; to upgrade rural marketplaces for boosting trade development; to upgrade roads leading to big tourist resorts and sites (Khuon Than, Suoi Mo, Tay Yen Tu);

- To upgrade hospitals, health stations and schools (including universities, colleges and vocational training schools), plant variety and animal breed research institutions, welfare facilities, cultural heritage preservation works and museums.

8. List of programs and projects prioritized for investment study (enclosed appendix).


In order to attain the objectives set in the master, efforts should be concentrated on the following groups of major solutions:

1. Development investment capital solutions

The total investment capital demand for the implementation of the master plan is estimated to be much greater than the province's resources and the central government's supports. Hence, to meet the investment capital demand, there should be solutions to raise capital, aiming to diversify the investment; including bringing into play as a major solution, mobilizing to the utmost capital sources from land funds, encouraging the attraction of investment capital from non-state economic sectors, and socializing investment in for healthcare, education, physical training and sports, specifically:

- State budget funds (central budget and local budget) will be concentrated on the development of social and economic infrastructure;

- To further create funding sources from land funds, hold land use right auctions to raise capital for the construction of infrastructure, new urban centers, industrial parks... To use land funds for raising capital for industrial development infrastructure. To survey and recover land areas left unused or used for improper purposes;




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- To materialize the policy of "the State and people join efforts" in embanking canals, building and concreting rural roads; to set up investment funds of the province in accordance with law;

- To step up administrative reform, creating favorable conditions for all economic sectors to set up new enterprises or expand the existing ones under the Enterprise Law; to actively promote investment so as to attract domestic and foreign investment projects;

- To take advantage of and efficiently use foreign official development assistance (ODA).

2. Mechanism and policy solutions

- To promptly materialize the systems of laws, policies and renewal guidelines of the Party and State under the local conditions. To quickly review, amend and supplement the province's mechanisms and policies to meet the development requirements, creating a favorable and truly equitable investment, production and business environment for all economic sectors. To introduce incentive mechanisms and policies to encourage and attract investment in mountainous, rural and ethnic minority areas;

- To qualitatively improve the organization and operation of the state administrative system suited to the local conditions and meeting the development and international economic integration requirements;

- To step up the implementation of "one-stop-shop" mechanism, simplifying administrative procedures towards publicity and transparency in settling affairs for organizations, enterprises and citizens. To boost the legal reform, building the judicial service network in order to create conditions for organizations and individuals to access and promptly understand policies and laws and protect their lawful rights and interests;

- To further decentralize the management and organization of apparatuses and public servants in association with the arrangement, consolidation and raising of the executive capacity of administrations at all levels; to build the political system strong and clean; to enhance the activeness, creativeness and autonomy of organizations and individuals in the performance of their tasks;

- To step up the application of information technology after the e-government model and organize the application of ISO 9001-2001 quality standard management systems.




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- To formulate and properly realize a human resource development strategy of the province; to work out plans, mechanisms and policies to actively support the training and re-training of entrepreneurs and enterprise executives; at the same time, to adopt appropriate mechanisms and policies to attract cadres of high economic, scientific or technical qualifications, outstanding specialists, skilled workers and artisans to work in the province;

- To expand cooperation with training institutions inside and outside the province on training skilled technicians. To encourage enterprises to contribute capital and equipment to raising the training quality or to join in the training. To build training institutions suitable to the local practical conditions and requirements; to step up the socialization of education and training in order to mobilize all social resources for investment in education and training development;

- To rationally boost the process of land concentration and partial transfer of agricultural labor to the fields of cottage industry, handicrafts and services. To adopt mechanisms and policies to facilitate agricultural and rural industrialization and modernization.

4. Solutions to step up the development association and cooperation with Hanoi capital and other cities and provinces

To enhance association and cooperation with Hanoi capital and other cities and provinces in the region, aiming to bring into full play the competitive edges, particularly in the development of industries, agriculture, forestry, trade, tourism, healthcare, training, science and technology and environmental protection.

5. Cultural and social development solutions

- To concentrate resources on speeding up the hunger elimination and poverty reduction against relapse into poverty; to raise people's intellectual levels, getting rid of backward customs and practices;

- To further implement the policies and measures to support economic development and access to social services for the poor;

- To step up the implementation of policies to encourage the development of production and development of vocational training networks for raising the percentage of trained and vocationally trained laborers;




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- To step up the socialization in education and training, healthcare, culture and information, physical training and sports.

6. Defense and security enhancement solutions

- To further the strategy on defense and security maintenance; to launch mass movements for people to participate in the maintenance of national defense and security. To closely combine socio-economic development with defense and security maintenance;

- To intensify law propagation among cadres and people; to enhance the state management of security and order in the locality; resolutely suppress and punish crimes. To further enhance the grasp of the grassroots situation, the settlement of people's complaints and denunciations, aiming to build confidence and create a safe and clean social environment.

7. Organization of the master plan's implementation and supervision

a/ Promulgation and dissemination of the master plan:

- To promulgate and disseminate the socioeconomic development master plan of the province in various forms to Party Committees and administrations at all levels, various branches, mass organizations, enterprises and people in the province;

- To introduce and advertise priority projects to investors.

b/ Formulation of action programs and investment promotion:




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- To step up investment promotion activities, attaching importance to key projects which turn out leading products and play a decisive role in the attainment of the master plan's objectives;

- To formulate a number of programs on the province's leading products and properly implement them, creating a new motive force for production and business development. At the same time, to adopt incentive and preferential market, capital and land policies t o develop the production and trading of leading products;

- To step by step concretize the master plan into annual and 5-year plans for realization. Depending on the development of the socioeconomic situation in each period, to promptly review, adjust and supplement the master plan to suit the development process;

- Authorities at all levels, branches, social organizations and people of various ethnic groups in the province shall inspect and supervise the implementation of the master plan.

Article 2. The master plan serves as a basis for the formulation, submission for approval and implementation of specialized plans (construction planning, land use planning and plans and other specialized plans) and investment projects in Bac Giang province.

Article 3. To assign Bac Giang province People's Committee, based on the province's socio-economic development objectives, tasks and orientations set in the approved master plan, to coordinate with concerned ministries and branches in directing the formulation, submission for approval and implementation according to regulations of the following contents:

1. District-level master plans on socioeconomic development; plans on development of systems of urban centers and residential quarters; construction planning; land use planning and plans; branch and domain development planning so as to ensure synchronous development.

2. Annual and five-year plans; key programs on economic, cultural and social development; specific projects for rational investment concentration and priority.

3. A number of mechanisms and policies in response to the province's development requirements in each period to be promulgated by itself or submitted to competent state agencies for promulgation (if they fall beyond its competence), with a view to attracting and mobilizing resources for the implementation of the master plan.




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Article 5. This Decision takes effect 45 days after its promulgation.

Article 6. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies and the president of Bac Giang province People's Committee shall implement this Decision.-




Nguyen Tan Dung



(To the Prime Minister's Decision No. 05/ 2009/QD-TTg of January 13, 2009)





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2. Urban development program.

3. Human resource development program.

4. Agricultural and forestry production-restructuring program.

5. Program on development of industries, cottage industry and handicraft.

6. Service and tourism development program.

7. Transport development program.

8. Program on economic development cooperation on the Lang Son-Hanoi-Hai Phong-Quang Ninh economic corridor.

9. Environmental protection and sustainable development program.





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1. Upgrading of national highway 31.

2. Upgrading of national highway 37.

3. Hanoi-Lang Son expressway.

4. Systems of transmission lines and transformer stations of 110 kV and 220 kV.

5. Expansion and upgrading of Ha Bac nitrogenous fertilizer and chemicals plant to have a capacity of 480,000 tons/year.

6. Improvement and upgrading of Cau river main canal.

7. Bac Giang Agriculture and Forestry University.

8. Upgrading and renovation of information and communication infrastructure systems.





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2. Cam Ly bridge.

3. Dong Xuyen bridge.

4. A bridge spanning Cau river and a road linking provincial road 398 with national highway 18.

5. Spatial traffic junctions.

6. Hospital waste treatment.

7. Bac Giang pediatric hospital.

8. Bac Giang city general hospital.

9. Bac Giang obstetric hospital.

10. Cam Son lake eco-tourism resort.




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12. Khuon Than eco-tourism resort.

13. Tay Yen Tu eco-tourism resort.

14. Embelishment of historical and cultural relics.

15. Bac Giang water plant 2.

16. Industrial-park and urban water drainage projects.

17. New urban centers and residential quarters in Bac Giang city.

18. Construction of urban centers to serve industrial parks and complexes.

19. Municipal stadium (up to the national standards).

20. Cultural and sport center of Bac Giang city.




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22. High-quality vocational training schools.

23. Viet-Han (Vietnam-South Korea) technology college.

24. Medical college.

25. Art college.

26. Ngo Gia Tu university.

27. The urban center being the province's administrative-political center;

28. Construction of offices of Party organizations and state agencies at all levels, commune and district offices.

29. River and residential quarter embankment systems against landslides.

30. Improvement and upgrading of Song Soi lake irrigation systems.




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1. Van Trung industrial park infrastructure.

2. Viet-Han (Vietnam-South Korea) industrial park infrastructure.

3. Hiep Hoa industrial park.

4. Yen Dung industrial park (Yen Lu).

5. Lang Giang industrial park (Xuong Lam-Huong Son).

6. Tan Yen industrial park.

7. District and municipal industrial complexes.

8. Quang Chau port.




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10. Construction machinery manufacture and assembly factory.

11. Information and communication equipment plant.

12. Civil-use electronic equipment factories.

13. Car and motorbike manufacture factory.

14. Sea-going ship equipment manufacture plant.

15. Precision tools factory.

16. Plastic and composite materials factory.

17. Pharmaceutical plant.

18. Animal feed processing factory.




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20. Mining projects.

21. Factories producing equipment for the automobile industry.

22. High-grade interior decoration materials and roofing sheets.

23. Agricultural and forest product processing factories.

24. Construction rock, sand and gravel exploitation.

25. Hi-tech products factory.

26. Trade centers and supermarkets.

27. Development of hotels and restaurants.

Note: The locations, land areas and total investment of the above-said projects will be calculated, selected and specified in the period of project formulation and submission for approval, depending on the demands and capability to balance and mobilize investment capital in each period.-




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