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Independence - Freedom – Happiness


No: 105/1999/QD-TTg

Hanoi, April 16, 1999





Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government of September 30, 1992;
Pursuant to the Regulation on urban planning management issued together with Decree No.91-CP of August 17, 1994 of the Government;
At the proposals of the President of the People’s Committee of Tay Ninh province and of the Minister of Construction in Report No.314/UB-BXD of December 31, 1998,


Article 1.- To ratify the overall planning of Moc Bai border-gate economic area of Tay Ninh province in the period from now to the year 2020 with the following main contents:

1. Characteristics.

Moc Bai border-gate economic area of Tay Ninh province is an international border-gate area, embracing the main border-gate of Moc Bai and Phuoc Chi and Long Thuan secondary border-gates, which serve the economic and cultural exchange as well as political and diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Cambodia and the ASEAN countries. It is not only a commercial, tourist and service hub and a domestic and international traffic terminal, but also an important economic, cultural and technical-scientific center of Tay Ninh province and the Eastern South Vietnam with a vital position for national security and defense.




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The overall planning shall be studied and drawn up for an area of 21,292 hectares, including administrative territory of Long Thuan, Tien Thuan, Loi Thuan and An Thanh communes of Ben Cau district, and Phuoc Luu, Binh Thanh and Phuoc Chi communes of Trang Bang district, Tay Ninh province.

The area under the overall planning is determined as follows:

- On the North, it borders Long Khanh, Long Giang and Long Chu communes of Ben Cau district and a section of Vam Co Dong river;

- On the South, it borders Long An province;

- On the East, it is contiguous to Vam Co Dong river;

- On the West, it borders Cambodia.

3. The population size and distribution.

a) The population size:

- The 1998 population: 66,952;




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- The population forecast for the year 2020: 126,113, of which the urban population is 56,000;

b) The total population of 126,113 by the year 2020 shall be distributed as follows:

- In the border-gate urban area: 30,000;

- In the densely populated areas: 26,000;

- Rural population: 70,113.

4. The land use scale and planning.

a) The scale:

The natural land acreage of Moc Bai border-gate economic area: 21,283.95 hectares

- Of Ben Cau district: 13,156.02 hectares




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b) The land use planning:

- Residential land: 1,605 hectares, accounting for 7.54%;

- Special-use land: 64 hectares, accounting for 0.3%;

- Agricultural and forestrial land: 17,600 hectares, accounting for 82.69%;

- Other land: 2,019.95 hectares, accounting for 9.47%.

5. The space development orientation.

a) The urban system and rural population quarters:

- The Moc Bai border-gate urban area has a land acreage of some 600 hectares, encompassing Ben Cau district township and the Moc Bai border-gate commercial service area;

- The population centers cover some 305 hectares, including residential land in the hearts of Long Thuan, Tien Thuan, Loi Thuan, An Thanh, Phuoc Luu, Binh Thanh and Phuoc Chi communes and at two secondary border-gates of Long Thuan and Phuoc Chi;




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b) The border-gate system:

- The main border-gate of Moc Bai has an area of about 5 hectares, where offices of management agencies as border-guard, customs office, international quarantine and other management bodies, product showrooms and duty-free shops shall be built;

- Two secondary border-gates of Long Thuan and Phuoc Chi cover an area of about 2 hectares, where offices of such management agencies as border-guard, customs office, tax office and animal/plant quarantine shall be built.

c) The system of commercial centers:

- The international commercial center covers an area of about 25 hectares, including the international trade fair and exhibition center; services and transaction offices; representative offices, banks, product showrooms, hotels, restaurants and warehouses, which shall be built 380 m from the borderline;

- The bonded warehouses and border market cover an area of 10 hectares, which shall be built close to the borderline;

- The domestic commercial center is located on an area of 15 hectares at the cross-roads of national highway No.22 and provincial road No.786, including service and commercial shops, representative offices, hotels and restaurants.

d) The system of industrial establishments and storehouses shall be built on an area of about 25 hectares lying between Ben Cau district township and cross-roads of national highway No.22, including: transit, recycling and packing storehouses, industrial plants for processing of agricultural, forest and marine products. Besides, other industrial establishments for construction materials, organic fertilizers or peat processing shall be built in areas where the raw materials are available, with a total acreage of about 30 hectares.

e) The system of projects in service of political, cultural, educational, medical and physical training and sport activities shall be built in the border-gate urban area, with an acreage of about 109.4 hectares, and in population centers, with an acreage of about 61 hectares.




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- The agricultural area with an acreage of about 16,000 hectares shall be built on the existing cultivation land areas and the low-lying and alkaline land, shall be improved for agricultural production;

- The protection forests along the borderline, stretching on an area of about 1,000 hectares;

- The forests for ecological preservation and tourism with an acreage of about 600 hectares shall be marked off on the south of national highway No.22 in An Thanh commune, Ben Cau district.

6. The planning orientation for technical infrastructure development.

The technical infrastructure of Moc Bai border-gate economic area, Tay Ninh province, shall be synchronously and completely built and gradually modernized:

a) Regarding communications: To reserve land for the broadening and upgrading of national highway No.22 (the projected trans-Asian highway); upgrade and broaden provincial road No.786; construct roads along the borderline and Vam Co Dong river; construct two bridges linking national highway No.22 to Tay Ninh provincial capital and Go Dau district; construct a river port in Loi Thuan commune; and construct a traffic hub compatible to national highway No.22 and provincial road No.786.

b) Regarding the technical preparation: the designed height of the road base course and rain water drainage must satisfy the technical requirements.

c) Regarding the electricity supply:

The electricity shall be supplied from the national grid in service of economic and production activities in the area.




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e) Waste water treatment and environmental hygiene: All rubbish and waste shall be collected and transported to the treatment area in Long Chu commune. A cemetery shall be located in Long Thuan commune.

7. The first-phase construction planning.

The basic target of the first-phase construction planning is to give priority to the construction of the infrastructure system of Moc Bai border-gate, international commercial quarter and Ben Cau industrial park.

Article 2.- The People’s Committee of Tay Ninh province is assigned to:

1. Organize the publicization of the overall planning among organizations and individuals for implementation thereof; set dossiers of redline marks; elaborate and evaluate the detailed planning and investment projects in strict accordance with current regulations; promulgate the regulation on construction management under the overall planning of Moc Bai border-gate economic area, Tay Ninh province, after consulting the Ministry of Construction.

2. Coordinate with the concerned ministries and branches in studying policies and measures to mobilize capital from various sources for investment in the development of Moc Bai border-gate economic area according to the ratified overall planning.

Article 3.- This Decision takes effect 15 days after its signing.

The President of the People’s Committee of Tay Ninh province, the Minister of Construction and the ministers, the heads of the ministerial-level agencies and the heads of the agencies attached to the Government and the concerned organizations shall have to implement this Decision.





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