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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No: 106/2006/QD-BNN

Hanoi, November 27, 2006





Pursuant to the 2004 Law on Forest Protection and Development Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 23/2006/ND-CP of March 3, 2006, on enforcement of the Law on Forest Protection and Development;
At the proposal of the director of the Forestry Department,


Article 1.- To promulgate together with this Decision the Instruction on Management of Village Community Forests for experimental application to 40 communes selected for the implementation of Decision No. 1641/QD/BNN-HTQT of June 5, 2006, of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, approving the Project on "2006-2007 pilot community forestry program";

Communes not specified in Decision No. 1641/QD/BNN-HTQT but provided with financial assistance by other international projects may apply articles and provisions of this Instruction in organizing the management of community forests in their respective localities.

Article 2.- To assign the director of the Forestry Department to guide in detail the specialized methods and techniques in managing community forests according to his/her functions and assigned tasks.




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Article 4.- The director of the Ministry's Office, the Forestry Department director, directors of provincial/municipal Services of Agriculture and Rural Development that implement the project on "2006-2007 pilot community forestry program" and other internationally funded projects, and heads of concerned units shall implement this Decision.




Hua Duc Nhi



ON MANAGEMENT OF VILLAGE COMMUNITY (Promulgated together with Decision No. 106/2006/QD-BNN of November 27, 2006, of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development)

Chapter I





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This document guides the allocation of forests; the elaboration of forest management plans; rights and obligations of village communities (hereinafter referred to as communities for short); and responsibilities of concerned agencies and organizations in the course of management of village community forests (hereinafter referred to as community forests for short).

Article 2

1. The village communities in 40 communes of 10 provinces that experiment community forestry under Decision No. 1641/QD-BNN-HTQT of June 5, 2006, of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, approving the Project on "2006-2007 pilot community forestry program" funded by the Forestry Sector Trust Fund (called Decision No. 1641/QD-BNN for short).

2. Localities, agencies, organizations and individuals involved in the course of management of community forests defined in this Instruction.

Article 3

In this Instruction, the terms below are construed as follows:

1. Community forests means forests allocated by the State to village communities for stable and long-term use for forestry purposes.

2. Allocation of forests to village communities means the allocation by the State of the right to use forests to communities under administrative decisions of competent state bodies.

3. Management of community forests is a form of forest management whereby the village communities, in their capacity as forest owners, participate in activities of forest allocation, elaboration of forest management plans and organization of the implementation of those plans, performance of obligations and exercise of rights, supervision and assessment of forests allocated to communities by the State.




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5. Five-year forest management plan means a plan on forestry activities on the forest area allocated by the State to a village community, which is elaborated by that community and implemented within 5 years.

6. Annual forest management plan means a plan on a community's forestry activities in a year on the basis of the five-year forest management plan.

7. Forest resource assessment means activities of quantitatively and qualitatively assessing the current status of community forests with the participation of communities.

8. Forest protection and development convention of a community means a convention formulated by a village community for forest protection and development through the combination of the community's traditions and customary practice with the State's policies in the management of natural resources.

Chapter II


Article 4 Grounds and conditions for allocation of forests to communities

1. The allocation of forests to communities must be based on the following grounds:

For communes that do not yet have land use plannings or forest protection and development plannings, the allocation of forests must be based on reports of the commune-level People's Committees on orientations or schemes for forest protection and development already adopted by the People's Councils of the same level.




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a/ The village communities share the same customs, practices and have the traditional attachment to forests in production, life, culture and belief; have the capacity to manage forests; have the demand for forests and file applications for forest allocation.

- Forest areas currently managed by the concerned commune-level People's Committee and not yet allocated to organizations, households or individuals.

- Forest areas recovered from state-run forestry and agricultural farms after the review of forest areas in the course of reorganization and renewal of state-run agro-forestry farms.

- Forest areas recovered by the State from organizations, households and individuals under the provisions of Clause 1, Article 26 of the Law on Forest Protection and Development.

- Forest areas voluntarily returned to the State by households and individuals for allocation to village communities for management and use.

Article 5 Forest blocks, quotas and duration of allocation of forests to communities

1. Communities are allocated the following forest blocks:

a/ Forest blocks which have been traditionally managed by communities for many years and have so far been efficiently managed and used by communities in conformity with the communes' forest protection and development plannings or orientations.

Forest blocks which have been allocated to communities under decisions of provincial- or district-level People's Committees.




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2. Quotas and duration of allocation of forests to communities:

Article 6 Order and procedures for allocation of forests to communities

1. Preparatory work:

- A commune-level forest allocation council is composed of its chairman being the president or vice-president of the commune-level People's Committee; vice-chairman being a commune-level official in charge of agriculture and forestry or a cadastral official; other members being representatives of the People's Council, the Peasants' Association, the Women's Union and chiefs of villages or hamlets (hereinafter referred to as village chiefs), and a communal forest ranger official.

If a commune has set up a land allocation council, this council shall be added with forestry members and also undertake the forest allocation.

- Commune-level forest allocation councils have the tasks of elaborating, and organizing the implementation of, forest allocation plans; organizing the study of the State's forest allocation guidelines and policies; directing the commune forest allocation working groups in settling disputes over land boundaries between villages in their respective communes; reviewing forest allocation schemes of villages and compiling forest allocation dossiers for submission to commune-level People's Committees.

b/ Establishment of forest allocation working groups of communes (hereinafter referred to as working groups), each composed of the group leader being the commune official in charge of agriculture and forestry; the deputy-leader being a forestry official dispatched from the district or the commune forestry official in charge of technical operations; its members being a cadastral official, a statistical official and village chiefs. The working groups are tasked to directly participate and support villages in organizing forest allocation activities specified at Point c of Clause 1, Clauses 2 and 3 of this Article.

2. Gathering of information and comments on the status of forests of communes:

The working groups shall coordinate with village chiefs in performing the following tasks:




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- Assorted maps of communes (if any): maps on current forest resources; land use planning maps; administrative boundary maps.

- If a commune already has a land use planning or forest protection and development planning with adequate documents on the current status of the forest block to be allocated to the communities, the working group shall join the village chiefs and other representatives of communities in re-examining the current status of that forest block.

- If a commune has not yet had a land use planning or forest protection and development planning, the working group, the village chiefs and between 3 and 5 household heads representing the village communities who have prestige, experience and profound knowledge of the village situation shall conduct field examination and assess the current status of forest blocks to be allocated to communities on the basis of the drawings on locations of the forest blocks to be allocated to communities; the forest boundaries, areas, types, conditions, reserves, the possible growth and development of these forest blocks.

3. Formulation of schemes on forest allocation to communities:

a/ Draft forest allocation schemes: The working groups, village chiefs, representatives of mass organizations in villages and between 3 and 5 household heads representing the households in the villages shall draft schemes on allocation of forests to communities. Such a scheme must clearly state the current status of the to be-allocated forest blocks regarding the forest locations, boundaries, types and conditions and reserves; the forest allocation plan and schedule; the plan on post-allocation forest management, protection and development; the maps or plans the to be-allocated forest blocks.

- The location of the forest blocks to be allocated to communities (enclosed with plans).

- The current areas, boundaries, types, conditions and reserves of be-allocated forests.

- The management objectives and forest use plans of communities after they are allocated forests by the State.

- Steps of allocating forests to communities.




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4. Compiling dossiers, submitting and receiving dossiers on allocation of forests to communities:

- The community's application for forest allocation, clearly stating the position, boundaries, areas and current status of the forest blocks and the forest use purposes.

- The scheme on allocation of forests to communities; the plan on the allocation of forests to communities (enclosed with maps or plans).

b/ The commune-level People's Committees, after receiving the communities' dossiers of application for forest allocation, shall direct the forest allocation councils to review and examine the dossiers, then give certifications and transfer the dossiers to the district-level sections for agriculture and rural development (hereinafter referred to as the functional sections).

5. Appraising and deciding on the allocation of forests to communities:

6. Executing the district-level People's Committees' decisions on allocation of forests to communities:

- The commune-level People's Committees, the functional sections, the village chiefs, representatives of mass organizations in villages, 3 to 5 households representing the households in the villages and the working groups shall scrutinize the boundaries and current status of the forest blocks on the field and compare them with the maps to allocate forests to communities strictly within the forest blocks stated in the forest allocation decisions.

- The communities shall set the boundaries and implant boundary markers of the allocated forest blocks.

c/ Making records on forest allocation: A record on forest allocation between a commune-level People's Committee and a community shall be made immediately after the forest handover on the field and must contain signatures of the representative of the commune-level People's Committee, the village chief, the representatives of mass organizations in the village, 3 to 5 households representing the households in the village, the working group and the owners of the forests bordering on the forest block allocated to the community.




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1. District-level People's Committees are state bodies competent to allocate forests to and recover forests from communities.

2. The recovery of community forests is carried out in the following cases:

c/ The communities use forests for improper purposes, let forests be destroyed due to subjective causes, deliberately decline to fulfill the obligations towards the State or seriously violate the law on forest protection and development;

Chapter III


Article 8

The elaboration of plans for community forest management must comply with the following principles:

1. Being in line with the planning on forest use purposes (special-use forests, protection forests or production forests) and with commune-level forest protection and development plannings; being suitable to the socio-economic conditions and environment of villages and the capacity of communities; satisfying to the utmost the people's needs for forest benefits.

2. Being




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Article 9 Steps of elaborating a plan for community forest management

Plans for community forest management are elaborated according to the following steps:

1. Surveying and assessing forest resources.

2. Identifying the management and use purposes for each type of forest.

3. Assessing the needs for forest products.

4. Synthesizing and analyzing data (balancing supply and demand, analyzing the ability to protect, build and develop forests').

5. Making five-year and annual plans.

6. Adopting, submitting and approving the plans.

Article 10




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- To grasp forest resources and land resources for use as a basis for identifying interests and obligations of communities.

- To identify the use purpose for each forest plot and land plot.

- To identify measures of intervention (exploitation, protection, zoning off for regeneration, rearing and forestation) for each forest plot and land plot.

2. Principles for survey and assessment

- Being simple, easy to understand and at low cost so that communities can conduct by themselves with the support of forestry officials.

- Being accurate enough for elaboration of plans for community forest management and adequate for communities to be able to manage forests.

- If a community forest block has been surveyed and assessed upon its allocation, re-survey and re-assessment are not required and the documents of such survey can be used for elaboration of the management plan.

- If a community forest block has not been surveyed and assessed upon its allocation, when elaborating a management plan, the survey and assessment of that forest block must be carried out with the following contents: survey and measurement of every forest plot on the field with regard to forests subject to non-exploitation and exploitation.

Article 11




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2. Forests for timber production and forest product exploitation

- Natural forests with reserves.

- Plantation forests reaching the technological exploitation age.

- Impoverished natural forests, young forests and forests zoned off for regeneration.

- Forests not yet reaching the technological exploitation age.

Article 12

1. Needs to be identified include:

2. Methods of identification: To comply with the regulations in Appendix I to this Instruction.

Article 13 Data synthesis and analysis




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2. Determining forest plots and total areas requiring forestation.

3. Determining forest plots and total areas which can be zoned off for rearing into forests.

4. Determining forest plots and total forest areas to be reared.

5. Balancing the needs for timber and forest products with forest capacity.

6. Determining the use purposes and specific measures of intervention for each forest plot.

Article 14

1. Elaborating plans for forestation, forest rehabilitation and forest protection

The plans on forestation, forest rehabilitation (zoning off for rearing, forest rearing for enrichment, improvement of impoverished forests) and forest protection should clearly state the positions (of forest plots); total areas requiring measures of intervention, areas to be intervened annually and major technical measures to be applied.

2. Elaborating plans for exploitation of timber from natural forests




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- Method 2: To apply the structure of numbers of trees according to diameter class.

3. Elaborating plans for bamboo exploitation

a/ Technical norms: To determine the exploitation cycles, exploitation frequency, the age of trees to be exploited, exploitable volume and the exploitation time in a year.

4. Elaborating plans for exploitation of timber from plantation forests: To identify the location (plot), area and exploitable volume, including thinning exploitation and principal exploitation.

5. Elaborating plans for full exploitation and full use of timber, exploitation of non-timber forest products: To identify the exploitation location, area and exploitable volume according to product types.

6. Other production plans

7. Phasing of forest management plans

8. Identifying resources and measures to mobilize resources for implementation of plans for community forest management, clarifying measures for maximum mobilization of resources within the community.

Article 15




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a/ Forest management plans shall be elaborated by communities, approved by commune-level People's Committees and reported to district-level People's Committees for implementation monitoring and assistance.

b/ Particularly for plans on exploitation of timber from natural forests: Commune-level People's Committees shall sum up the timber exploitation plans of communities in their respective communes and submit them to district-level People's Committees for approval.

2. Approving annual community forest management plans

Based on the approved five-year forest management plans, communities shall elaborate annual forest management plans and submit them to commune-level People's Committees for approval.

3. The exploitation of timber from natural forests for commercial purposes must comply with the provisions of Decision No. 40/2005/QD-BNN of July 7, 2005, of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, promulgating the Regulation on exploitation of timber and other forest products.

Chapter IV


Article 16

Article 17




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Article 18 Formulation of forest protection and development conventions

1. Step 1: Preparatory work

a/ The local forest ranger official may suggest and discuss with village chiefs, village patriarchs and representatives of mass organizations in the village to determine and select main contents of protection and development of the village's forests.

2. Step 2: Formulation of the convention

c/ Upon the appearance of disputes over, or violations of regulations on, forest protection and development within a community which have been provided for in its convention, the community shall repeatedly call the attention of the involved parties and settle them in the spirit of conciliation within the community; if, due to their severity, the acts of violation are subject to administrative sanction or penal liability examination as provided for by law, the village chief shall make records thereon and report them to the commune-level People's Committee and, at the same time, notify the local forest ranger thereof for handling.

Chapter V


Article 19

1. Product sharing mechanism: To enjoy the whole volumes of timber and non-timber forest products exploited on the forest areas allocated by the State to the communities (Appendix IV).




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2. To conduct other production activities on the forest areas allocated to communities by the State, specifically:

3. To receive money and supplies according to regulations of programs or projects if the community forest blocks are covered by those programs or projects. Concretely:

a/ Under the Project on planting of 5 million hectares of new forests, to be supported with money and supplies under the Prime Minister's Decision No. 661/QD-TTg of July 29, 1998, on the objectives, tasks, policies and organization of the implementation of the Project on planting of five million hectares of new forests.

b/ Under the Prime Minister's Decision No. 304/2005/QD-TTg of November 23, 2005, applicable to hamlet communities of ethnic minority people in the Central Highlands provinces, to be supported with forest tree varieties for forestation.

c/ Under such forestry programs or projects as the forestation project financed by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany; the project on forestry blocks and management of headwater forests in Thanh Hoa, Quang Tri, Phu Yen and Gia Lai; the project under Decision No. 1641/QD-BNN and other programs and projects on forestry, communities are provided with money and supplies according to regulations of those programs or projects.

4. Upon forest recovery by the State, to be compensated for labor fruits and investment results for forest protection and development according to the provisions of the Law on Forest Protection and Development and other relevant provisions of law.

Article 20 Obligations of communities

1. To formulate plans on forest management, formulate conventions on forest protection and development according to Articles 13, 14 and 20 of this Instruction and organize the implementation of those plans and conventions.

2. To use forests for proper purposes stated in the forest allocation decisions, to periodically report on developments of forest resources and activities related to the forest blocks under the guidance of commune-level People's Committees.




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4. To fulfill financial and other obligations as provided for by law.

5. To return forests when the State issues decisions to recover the forests.

6. Not to divide forests to community members; not to exchange, assign, donate, lease, mortgage, use as guarantee or contribute business capital with the value of the rights to use the allocated forests.

7. Other obligations as specified by forestry programs or projects (Appendix IV).

8. Village chiefs, inspection teams and people in villages shall themselves supervise and evaluate the implementation of forest management plans; annually make reports on evaluation of the implementation results and matters to be settled in the subsequent year.

Article 21

1. Principles:

2. Supplies and money provided by the State, forestry programs or projects as supports for communities and forest products exploited from community forests are managed and used as follows:

b/ For money and food (if any): To be divided to households on the principle that those households contributing more workdays shall enjoy more and those households contributing less workdays shall enjoy less.




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3. The regulations mentioned in Clause 2 of this Article shall be agreed upon in village meetings and recorded in the communities' conventions or plans on sharing of benefits from forests.

Chapter VI


Article 22

Article 23

1. Funding from sources of support (if any).

2. State budget supports (if any).

3. Contributions of communities.

4. Revenues from other sources (revenue sources are detailed in Appendix III).




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1. Elaboration of annual plans on operations of funds: The elaboration of plans on operations of funds must be carried out simultaneously with the elaboration of plans on forest protection and development and common socio-economic plans of communities, which is considered as an important part of those plans. The elaboration of the plan of a fund must identify the following contents:

2. Presentation and approval of financial plans before communities.

3. In the course of implementing the plans, clear records must be kept. Funds are subject to inspection and supervision by community inspection teams, village chiefs and communal administrations.

4. Reporting on revenues and expenditures to communities on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis.

Article 25

1. The fund organization

a/ Establishment of a fund management board, community forest management boards may also act as fund management boards; if a fund is large, a separate fund management board may be set up. A fund management board is composed of 3-5 persons (a village leader acts as its head, 2-4 representatives of mass organizations, including one deputy-leader and one cashier) elected by villagers.

- To mobilize resources for and develop the fund;

- To make revenues and expenditures in accordance with the Regulation on fund management;




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- To organize the implementation of the plans;

- To coordinate credit and service activities;

periodically (monthly or quarterly and annually) report to communities on, and ensure transparency in, revenues and expenditures of the fund;

- To submit to the inspection and supervision by community inspection teams, local administrations and mass organizations.

2. Formulating the Regulation on fund management with the following contents: identification of revenue sources, permitted expenditures (Appendix III), responsibilities and interests of community members in contributing to the establishment and use of the fund, responsibilities of the fund management board, operation mechanisms and spending limits.

Article 26

1. Support in legal matters, policies, mechanisms and capital (if any).

2. Training to raise the financial management capacity of community cadres.

3. Assistance and creation of favorable conditions for operations of the funds, and supervision in the course of implementation.




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Article 27

1. The community forest management boards are set up by villages and reported to commune-level People's Committees for recognition. A forest management board is composed of a village leader and 3-5 members selected by the community from such organizations as the village Party organization, Youth Union, Peasants' Association, Women's Union, War Veterans' Society,'

2. Tasks of a community forest management board

4. Village chiefs or village patriarchs shall act as heads of community forest management boards. They shall administer and inspect forestry activities in their respective villages as provided for in the Regulation on community forest protection and development.

Article 28

1. Depending on their specific conditions, communities may set up full-time silviculture groups or silviculture hobby teams (for forest protection, planting, exploitation').

2. Establishment of forestry inspection teams, which have the following two tasks:

Article 29




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b/ The management of forest protection (fighting tree felling, forest fires, forest burning for milpa farming, forest fire prevention and fighting, forest pest prevention and control);

2. Supervision of the observance of forest protection and development conventions (violations, handling of violations and sharing of benefits').

3. Supervision of forest protection and development funds: Sources of revenue and expenditure, use efficiency of the funds (investment in forest protection, building and development; supports for production, production services, credit').

Article 30

1. The evaluation of community forest management is based on:

2. Depending on their capability and specific conditions, communities shall select suitable evaluation criteria (Appendix IV).

Chapter VIII


Article 31 Responsibilities of provincial-level People's Committees




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2. To direct district-level People's Committees and concerned agencies in their respective provinces to conduct forest allocation to communities and oversee the implementation of forest management plans by communities.

3. To direct the formulation of, or incorporation of community forest blocks into, forestry programs or projects.

Article 32

1. To consider and decide on the forest allocation to communities, to approve five-year plans on exploitation of timber from natural forests and community forest protection and development conventions.

2. To direct specialized land and forestry management bodies and relevant agencies of their districts to conduct the allocation of forests to communities and support communities in implementation of forest management plans.

3. To consider and decide on the addition or incorporation of community forest blocks into local forestry programs or projects and incorporate community activities on forestry into annual plans of such programs or projects.

4. To direct commune-level People's Committees and relevant agencies in supervising and evaluating community forest management.

Article 33

1. To disseminate and guide the state policies on forest allocation as well as regulations on forest protection and development to communities.




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3. To guide communities in setting up forest management boards; guide and monitor the sharing of forest products within communities according to the plans already approved by district-level People's Committees.

4. To organize the delivery of forests to communities; to urge communities to fulfill their financial obligations (if any); to manage and use money amounts paid by communities into the community budgets according to the provisions of the State Budget Law or paid into the communes' forest protection and development funds according to regulations.

5. To direct the commune forestry boards and commune forestry officials to guide and assist communities in forest management, protection and development.

6. To supervise and evaluate forest protection and development activities of communities.


Article 34

1. To advise provincial-level People's Committees on promulgating documents on community forest management; to formulate forestry programs or projects which communities may participate in.

2. To direct district-level forestry agencies to coordinate with commune-level People's Committees in assigning forests to communities.

3. To direct forestry and agricultural extension centers and guide and support communities in building forestry, agricultural or agro-forestry production and management models.




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Article 35 Responsibilities of Forest Ranger Sub-Departments

1. To coordinate with Forestry Sub-Departments in reporting to provincial/municipal Services of Agriculture and Rural Development in order to advise provincial-level People's Committees on forest allocation and promulgation of policies related to community forest management.

2. To direct Forest Ranger Divisions to coordinate with district-level functional sections and advise district-level People's Committees on guiding communities in formulating forest protection and development conventions; to guide, inspect and supervise the forest product exploitation by communities; to assign local forest ranger officials to conduct forest allocation to communities according to this Instruction.

Article 36 Responsibilities of district-level Sections for Agriculture and Rural Development

1. To advise district-level People's Committees on materializing the community forest management contents: appraising forest allocation schemes, submitting them to district-level People's Committees for allocation of forests to communities; guiding communities in formulating and implementing forest management plans, forest product management, use and sharing schemes and forest protection and development conventions.

2. To direct and assign local forestry and forest ranger officials to

3. To supervise and evaluate forest-related activities of communities:






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(Promulgated together with Decision No. 106/2006/QD-BNN of November 27, 2006, of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development)



1. Determination of timber needs for house construction: In a village, to select three typical houses (big, medium and small houses), then technical cadres and local people count the number of pillars, beams, rafters, lathes, planks and the average volume of timber needed for each house.

2. Determination of breeding facilities: In a village, to select three households with large-, medium- or small-scale husbandry, then calculate the average timber volume for each breeding facility.

3. Determination of the number of dams in a village and the volume of timber needed for each dam.

4. Determination of firewood needs: In a village, to select three typical households (large, medium and small households) for assessment of the daily use of firewood by each household.

5. Discussion with local people about five-year and annual needs for timber for repair and construction of houses, breeding facilities, schools and health stations.




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1. Benefit sharing mechanism

The benefit sharing mechanism is applied under the provisions of Clauses 1, 2 and 5 of Article 5 of the Prime Ministers Decision No. 304/2005/QD-TTg of November 23, 2005, on allocating forests and contracting forest protection to ethnic minority households, individual communities in villages and hamlets of the Central Highland provinces. Specifically:

1. To enjoy all products harvested from the allocated forest areas.

2. To be supported in forest tree varieties according to the process of planting production forests and supported in agricultural production under the States agricultural and forestry extension policies.

3. To be entitled to other preferential policies according to current regulations of the State.

2. Use and distribution of forest products and other benefits from forests

Depending on the supply capacity of forests, village or hamlet meetings shall provide a specific volume or number of forest products to be exploited by each household for use in a month, a harvest or a year (the number of bamboo trees, firewood bundles,




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Timber (or other forest products) exploited for commercial purposes: The village or hamlet communities shall themselves decide on customers and the selling prices of forest products. The proceeds from forest product sale, after the subtraction of costs (for exploitation, transportation, taxes, if any), are remitted into the community funds.

The volume of exploited timber must be based on the supply capacity of forests and needs of households. Timber covers timber for domestic use and house construction. For the exploitation of timber for house construction, depending on the management capacity of communities and economic capabilities of households, communities may themselves opt for one of the following forms of settlement:

First, to supply timber to households having needs for timber on the principle expressing their needs first shall be supplied first and in the following priority order: households hit by natural calamities, for house repair, for house construction due to separation of households.

Second, to sell timber to households in villages that have needs therefor; the volume, types and selling prices of timber are decided by communities themselves; the proceeds from timber sale are remitted into the community funds.

The village or hamlet meetings shall decide on the lists of households permitted to exploit timber in a year.

Forest products exploited for commercial purposes: If the volume of exploited forest products surpasses the needs of communities, the communities may sell the excessive volume and themselves decide on the buyers and selling prices of such forest products. The remainder of proceeds from forest product sale (after the subtraction of costs for management, exploitation, transportation, taxes (if any)) shall be remitted into the community funds for forest protection and development.

Products harvested from agro-fishery production, proceeds from tourist services..., after the subtraction of expenses, are remitted into the

The above regulations are agreed upon in village meetings and recorded in





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When the draft fund management regulations are available, village meetings will be convened for comments, finalization and adoption for observance by the entire communities.

- Revenues from within the communities: voluntary contributions by community members; fees paid for exploitation of forest products in community forests; compensations for damage caused by violations of forest protection within villages; proceeds from sale of forest products exploited in community forests, credit interests, service charges, etc.

- Revenues from outside the communities: deductions from investments of state projects and international projects; supports from domestic and foreign organizations and individuals, etc.

- Expenditures on forest protection and development: payment of remunerations to persons directly engaged in forest protection, forest fire prevention and fighting, forest pest prevention and control, forestation, additional forestation, forest enrichment and fostering.

- Expenditures on supplies, services, credit in support of production, income raising and difficulty alleviation for poor households,







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a/ Areas of forests already planted, protected, zoned off for rearing, additionally planted; quality of forests; total investments (with capital of communities, other capital sources)

2. Criteria for evaluation of forest environment and environmental protection, including:

- The increase of forest areas, forest coverage over the previous year and previous periods.

- Areas of forests protected, not destroyed.

- Technically proper exploitation, non-reduction of forest quality.

- Forest quality increase (many species of valuable trees are regenerated, the average reserve/ha of forest increases...).

- The effect of maintenance of sources of water of streams, ponds and lakes.

- Forest garden areas, the number of scattered trees in villages.

- The areas of land affected by erosion or landslide.




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- Areas and species of trees under agro-forestry production, helping protect land, diversify products and increase income.

3. Social criteria, including

- The number of workdays spent on forestry activities (increase or decrease over the previous periods and compared with other activities)

- The number of training courses, the number of people and women being trained in forest management, in agro-forestry farming techniques

- The observance of the forest protection and development convention, the number of violators and violations of the convention.

- Contributions to household incomes from forestry.

- The number of houses, schools, health stations, animal stables,

- Mitigation of difficulties in the supply of firewood and forest products for communities.