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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

 No. 109/2006/QD-TTg

Hanoi, May 19, 2006





Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
At the proposal of the Planning and Investment Minister in Document No. 8696/BKH/TD&GSDT of December 14, 2005; and of the People's Committee of Nam Dinh province in Report No. 269/TTr-UB of August 22, 2005, and Document No. 423/UBND-VP5 of November 16, 2005, on approval of the scheme on the master plan on development of Nam Dinh city into an economic, cultural and social center of the southern Red River delta,


Article 1.- To approve the scheme on the master plan on development of Nam Dinh city into an economic, cultural and social center of the southern Red River delta, with the following principal contents:


1. A center of a number of industries.




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3. A scientific and technological center.

4. A medical, healthcare and medical research center.

5. A cultural and tourist center.

6. A sport center.


1. Development viewpoint and objectives:

a/ Development viewpoint:

- To develop Nam Dinh city in order to ensure its higher and higher position and role to the southern Red River delta, and its greater contributions to the economic growth of the region.

- To develop Nam Dinh city with a long-term vision toward a civilized and modern city which will, however, preserve its particularities. To associate economic development with urban embellishment and expansion and infrastructure development.




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- To develop Nam Dinh city on the basis of its internal resources and advantages, especially the geographical and human resource advantages, making the best use of the central government's supports for regional projects and attracting investment from outside.

- To associate economic development with social domains and training of human resources for the city, the province and the region.

- To associate economic development with defense and security maintenance in the city, which acts as a strategic geographical area for defense and security maintenance for the entire region and Hanoi capital.

b/ Development objectives:

- Overall objectives: To build Nam Dinh city into a developed and modern one which still preserves its particularities and plays more and more important role in socio-economic development of Nam Dinh province and the southern Red River delta.

- A number of specific targets:

+ Economic targets: To strive for the city's annual GDP growth rate of 14% in the 2005-2010 period, 13.8% in the 2011-2015 period and 13.6% in the 2016-2020 period (1.3 - 1.4 times higher than the average growth rate of the southern Red River delta and Nam Dinh province).

To increase the city's GDP proportion to the GDP of the southern Red River delta from 8.35% in 2004 to 10.2% in 2010, 12.2% in 2015 and 14.4% in 2020.

To increase the city's contribution to the economic growth of the southern Red River delta to 12.5% in the 2005-2010 period, around 15.5% in the 2010-2015 period and 18.2% in the 2016-2020 period.




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+ Social targets: To expand the scale and raise the comprehensive quality of the city's social domains of education-training, science-technology, healthcare, sport, satisfying requirements of a grade-l city. To preserve and bring into full play the traditional cultural values in the socio-economic development of the province and the region.

+ Security and defense targets: To build the city into a firm defensive zone, which may contribute to firmly maintaining security and defense in the whole region.

+ Eco-environmental protection targets: To build the city into a green, clean and beautiful one; to protect both traditional and modern landscapes.

2. Forecasts on the size of the city:

a/ Population size:

- The population of Nam Dinh city in 2005:241,100.

- The population of Nam Dinh city (expanded) in 2010:511,000.

- The population of Nam Dinh city (expanded) after 2020: 955,000.

b/ Land size:




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- By 2020, the city's land area shall be 45,127 hectares, an increase of some 23,811 hectares over 2010.

c/ Urban development directions:

- The urban space of Nam Dinh city shall be expanded to match its economic and population growth and functions as the region's central city and in the following directions:

- To the other bank of Dao river north of the city's bypass, covering Nam Van commune and communes of Nam True and True Ninh districts.

- To the city's northwestern area covering Loc Hoa commune, Loc Vuong and Loc Ha wards and communes of My Loc district.

- To the city's western and southwestern areas covering communes of Vu Ban district.

3. Domains where major breakthroughs shall be made:

a/ Industry:

- To build and expand fruit processing, beverage production, meat processing and export aquatic and marine product processing factories for the purpose of attracting raw material sources in the province and the region, and promoting the development of the region's agriculture, forestry and fishery.




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- To upgrade, expand and modernize textile and garment factories.

- To develop electronic industry step by step into a spearhead economic branch of the province and the region.

b/ Service:

- To execute the project on conservation, embellishment and promotion of the Tran dynasty's cultural values; to build high-class hotels and entertainment and recreation centers in order to develop the city into the region's tourist and cultural center.

- To build a regional commercial-trade fair-exhibition center and a network of wholesale markets and department stores for the purpose of promoting the trade development.

c/ Social affairs:

To build a regional infrastructure system: A general hospital of 700 patient beds, a gyneco-obstetrical hospital, universities, colleges and job-training centers, and a sport complex for training of national sport teams' athletes.

4. Orientations for development of branches and domains:

a/ Industry and industrial parks and clusters:




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- To combine the investment in renewal of equipment and technologies of existing establishments with the building of new ones which have advantages in raw materials, labor and high technologies. To strongly promote export and restructuring of rural economy.

- To build industrial parks and clusters; to invest in infrastructures in anticipation of domestic and foreign investment; to relocate production establishments currently located in population quarters.

- To develop the following industries:

+ To develop the mechanical, electric and electronic industries into spearhead ones, attaching importance to the development of mechanical engineering in service of agriculture, building and repair of ships and boats, assembly and manufacture of automobile and motorcycle spare parts, manufacture of textile and garment machine parts and equipment, mechanical engineering in service of production of fine-art articles for export, etc.

+ Hi-tech industries: To invest in the development of electronic-informatics industry, new-material technology and bio-technology; to build a regional information technology center.

+ Textile and garment industry: To develop key enterprises, such as: Nam Dinh Textile Company, Nam Dinh Silk Textile Company, Nam Son Textile and Garment Joint Stock Company, Nam Dinh Garment Joint Stock Company, Song Hong Garment Joint Stock Company, Nam Ha Garment Joint Stock Company, etc. To create conditions for attracting foreign investment capital for textile and garment industry to procure modern equipment and technologies; to facilitate the development of people-founded production establishments.

+ Food processing industry: To vigorously develop food processing and beverage industry. To establish some key enterprises in this industry. To invest in building, expansion and technological renewal of production enterprises and establishments.

+ Building material production industry: Building-material production enterprises shall be furnished with modern equipment; and at the same time conduct research into production of a number of new building materials.

+ Some other industries: To maintain existing production establishments; to encourage people-founded establishments to develop the production of packing materials, paper, cleansing substances, and process products from timber, bamboo of various species. To develop the industry of production of pharmaceuticals, especially traditional medicaments.




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b/ Trade, service and tourism:

- To develop trade and service establishments. To build commercial, trade fair and exhibition centers, and department stores; to build and upgrade the network of markets.

- To develop various forms of service, such as: transport, post and telecommunications, finance, banking, audit, insurance, etc.

- To expand and diversify forms of service provision, raise the quality of the system of material-technical foundations for tourism up to international standards. To associate tourist development with the embellishment and conservation of historical and cultural relics; to restore and develop rituals and festivals. To diversify tourist activities. To build and upgrade regional sight-seeing and tourist spots and entertainment and recreation centers, the system of tourist accommodations up to international standards, exhibition centers and showrooms.

c/ Education and training:

- To build the training system up to the set standards, ensuring that there is at least one prominent high-quality school for each educational level. To prioritize investment in building a number of multi-branch training establishments in farm and aquatic product processing, handicraft and production of fine-art articles for export.

- To rearrange and re-plan the training system in the city in a rational manner, ensuring sufficient supply of material facilities and a contingent of teachers, that are up to standards, synchronous and of high quality.

- To associate training with scientific research and technology transfer.

- To consolidate material foundations of existing universities. To found a number of new training establishments and upgrade existing ones in line with the general planning.




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To invest resources in scientific research and technological development in universities, colleges, professional and vocational secondary schools. To form a center for biotechnological application; to reorganize non-business centers.

e/ Medicine and healthcare:

To build a regional general hospital of 700 patient beds; to build a preventive medicine center capable of monitoring, analyzing and informing promptly epidemics and diseases throughout the region; to provide technical assistance in preventive medicine to provinces in the region. To develop the province's center for labor health and environment; to build a center for HIV/AIDS control, prevention and combat. To build new general and specialized hospitals, and upgrade and reorganize existing ones. To study the establishment of the Medical-Pharmaceutical Technique College. To build the material foundation of the city's medical center; to consolidate commune and ward health stations, making them up to national standards.

f/ Culture and information:

To attach importance to the promotion of traditional cultural values. To associate the embellishment and upgrading of historical and cultural relics with the organization of festivals for tourist development. To concentrate on building a number of large-sized cultural works which are able to serve the whole region, such as the historical relics of the Tran dynasty, a general museum, entertainment and recreation centers and a students' cinema center. To build a regional radio and television broadcasting center in Nam Dinh city.

g/ Physical training and sports:

To build Nam Dinh city into the region's center for training of young talented athletes and organization of tournaments, which shall have sufficient conditions for organizing domestic and international sport competitions, physical training and sport meets and mass cultural activities. To combine mass physical training and sport development with the high-achievement sport movement. To invest in building material foundations for physical training and sport, such as the sport complex for young sport talents, the national training center, the regional sport complex and the physical training and sport medical center.

h/ Agriculture and fishery:

To develop agriculture in the direction of investing in intensive farming and applying the biotechnology; to use high-yield and high-quality plant varieties and animal strains. To develop agriculture toward the commodity production. To continue the agricultural restructuring and the diversification of plants and animals; to associate with small- and medium-sized processing industries. To expand agricultural services. To expand lake and pond water areas for aquaculture. To develop the paddy-fish model in low-lying fields. To prioritize investment in production of freshwater aquatic breeds. To build fishery job-training establishments and aquatic product processing, service and trading establishments. To combine agricultural-fishery development and eco-tourism which aims to protect natural resources and ecological environment.




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a/ Communication network:

To develop in a comprehensive manner the communication and transport systems into a complete and interconnected network for various modes of transport ensuring smooth, fast, safe and convenient traffic in the city, the province and the southern Red River delta. Such a network consists of roads, railways and waterways.

a/ Post and telecommunications:

To develop the post and telecommunications network toward modernity and diversity of postal and telecommunications services. To increase the number of telephone sets per 100 people to 25 by 2010 and 35 by 2020. To build new post offices and postal-telecommunications service provision spots in newly-established wards, industrial parks and large population quarters.

c/ Power supply:

To further renovate the 6 kV and 35 kV power grids into 22 kV ones; to lay underground low-voltage power lines in the city center when conditions permit; to renovate existing transformer stations into 22/04 kV ones.

d/ Water supply:

To raise the daily output of Nam Dinh water plant to 75,000 m3; to build in the subsequent period a number of new water plants with a total daily output of 35,000 m3, so that by 2010 over 80% and by 2020 over 90% of the city's population shall be supplied with clean water; to install new systems of crude water pipelines and clean water supply and distribution pipelines, and renovate the existing ones.

e/ Water drainage and environmental hygiene:




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- To build, renovate and upgrade the system of parks and greeneries.

- To build a new crematory in Canh Phuong cemetery; to plan the building of new public cemeteries.

- To build Nam Dinh city into a green, clean and beautiful city; to protect landscapes where traditional and modern elements are harmonized.

f/ Irrigation:

To reinforce dikes, dams and culverts; to solidify Nam Phong dike; to further solidify canals and ditches; to build pumping stations in service of irrigation and drainage.

6. Orientations for the city's spatial development:

a/ Functional quarters:

By 2020, the city shall be divided into the following four functional quarters:

- The center (old streets), where the province's and the city's central political, administrative and cultural institutions shall be located.




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- The development quarter to be expanded to the west and southwest, where industrial parks,

warehouses, storing yards, serving as a road and railway communication hub.

- The development quarter to be expanded to the south of Dao river, where old population quarters and villages shall be renovated and built into a group of ecological villages which grow flowers and ornamental plants. The western area near Dao river shall be reserved for industrial development.

b/ Orientations for spatial development by phase:

- Phase I: To concentrate on developing 7 new urban centers which have been approved, and embellishing and renovating the old ones.

- Phase II: To develop urban centers to the south of Dao river.

- Phase III: To further expand the urban development to the south of Dao river and to the west-southwest of the city.

c/ Orientations for architectural development:

- To build Nam Dinh city into one deeply imbued with particular characteristics of the southern Red River delta; to conserve old streets and build new urban centers after the model of garden town. To construct the city's entrance gates.




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7. Steps and investment priority programs and projects:

a/ Steps in the city development planning:

- Phase I (1-2 years) - Preparation: To work out a construction planning, a land use planning and detailed planning on functional quarters. To organize the municipal management apparatus. To formulate preferential policies to attract high-quality human resources and investment. To coordinate with concerned ministries and branches in incorporating regional projects in such ministries' and branches' investment planning and plans.

- Phase II (3-5 years) - Creation of basic prerequisites: To build material foundations, regional works and infrastructure network. To strongly attract investment in industrial parks in the city.

- Phase III (8-10 years) - Development: To complete regional works; and promote efficiency of works in the city.

b/ Programs with investment study priority:

- Development of infrastructures.

- Development of industries, cottage industries and handicrafts.

- Development of services.




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- Development of agriculture and fishery.

c/ Projects with investment study priority: (See the Appendix enclosed herewith).


1. Investment capital mobilization solutions:

- Investment capital from the state budget (the central budget, local budget and ODA sources) shall be concentrated on the development of the system of economic and social infrastructures.

- In order to increase investment capital source from the state budget, it is necessary to raise the ratio of capital accumulation from the city's economy, maintain a high growth rate and adopt measures to encourage saving for development investment. The central government and the province shall support investment in large infrastructures of regional scale and nature.

- To mobilize investment capital from enterprises and people; to further carry out the administrative reform and create an open investment environment; to adopt measures to attract domestic and foreign investment capital, and encourage enterprises and people to invest in production and business in the city. To continue applying the mechanism of auctioning the land use rights to attract investment capital for building infrastructures, new urban centers, industrial parks, etc.

- To mobilize credit, joint-venture and business cooperation capital as well as other lawful capital sources for investment.

2. Regarding mechanisms and policies:




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3. Policies on development of human resources:

To intensify investment in the domains of education-training, healthcare and culture in order to improve the people's health and intellectual level and increase the percentage of trained laborers. To rearrange and raise qualifications of the contingent of state management officials. To coordinate and cooperate with central and local training establishments and scientific and technological institutions in raising qualifications of municipal officials. To adopt policies on preferential treatment to attract science workers for the city's branches. To intensify the re-training of enterprise management personnel and expand job training.

4. Organization of the managerial apparatus:

To study the plan on organization of a managerial apparatus appropriate to the functions of the region's center; to strengthen the city's contingent of state management officials.

5. Enhancement of urban management:

- To enhance the urban planning and urban management under planning:

To conduct the urban designing and architectural management of the city's main thoroughfares in order to create a particular architectural style and appearance of Nam Dinh city - the center of the southern Red River delta.

To adopt mechanisms and policies to solve social problems arising from the urbanization process; to restructure occupations, create jobs and conduct resettlement.

To further decentralize the urban management and development, especially infrastructure construction and management to the city.




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Article 3.- To assign the People's Committee of Nam Dinh province to assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the concerned ministries and branches in directing the elaboration and submission of following documents for approval according to regulations:

- The adjusted and supplemented master plan on socio-economic development of Nam Dinh province, which is in line with the development objectives of Nam Dinh city.

- The scheme on adjustment and expansion of administrative boundaries of Nam Dinh city, which are suitable with each development period, to be submitted to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision.

- Land use planning and plans; the general planning on construction of Nam Dinh city.

- The detailed construction planning and other important branch plannings for application in Nam Dinh city.

- The People's Committee of Nam Dinh city shall study and promulgate or submit to competent state agencies for promulgation specific mechanisms and policies to mobilize and efficiently use resources, promote and attract investment, in order to achieve the objectives, tasks and orientations for development of Nam Dinh city set forth in the scheme.

Article 4.- To assign concerned ministries and branches to coordinate with and assist the People's Committees of Nam Dinh province and of Nam Dinh city in studying, formulating, adjusting and supplementing the scheme, planning and plans as well as aforesaid mechanisms and policies; to accelerate the investment in and execution of projects of regional scale and nature in which the investment has been decided in the city. To study and consider the adjustment and supplementation of branch development plannings and investment plans on relevant works and projects in which the investment is expected to be made in Nam Dinh city.

Article 5.- This Decision takes effect 15 days after its publication in "CONG BAO."

Article 6.- Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of Government-attached agencies and the president of the People's Committee of Nam Dinh province shall have to implement this Decision.




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Phan Van Khai



(Promulgated together with the Prime Minister's Decision No. 109/2006/QD-TTg of May 19, 2006)


1. Upgrading and expansion of National Highway 21 from Nam Dinh city to Thinh Long, of a length of 60 km.

2. Building of the railway from Trinh Xuyen station to Nam Dinh port, of a length of around 15 km.

3. Upgrading of Nam Dinh city's main traffic axes of a total length of around 90 km.




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5. Upgrading Nam Dinh river port, of a length of around 800 m.

6. Building of the dike embankment of Dao river, of a length of around 6 km.

7. Building of My Trung new urban center (in My Loc district).

8. Building of Thong Nhat new urban center.

9. Building of a wastewater treatment plant of an output of 50,000 m3/day.

10. Upgrading of the city's existing water supply systems and building of new ones.

11. Upgrading and expansion of a garbage treatment plant of an output of 300 tons/shift.

12. Renovation of the city's power grid.





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2. Building of a new fruit processing plant (for tomato, cucumber, etc.).

3. Upgrading and expansion of the plant for production of frozen meat for export.

4. Upgrading and expansion of the plant for processing of aquatic and marine products for export (shrimp, crab, clam. etc.).

5. Upgrading and modernization of textile plants.

6. Upgrading and expansion of garment establishments.

7. Construction of infrastructures of My Trung and My Loc industrial parks.

8. Construction of infrastructures of An Xa industrial cluster.

9. Building of an information technology center.

10. Building of a mechanical engineering factory for manufacture of medium-sized agricultural machines.




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1. Building of a center for production of plant saplings and animal breeds.

2. Building of a zone for production of clean vegetables.

3. Building of an industrial husbandry system.


1. Project on promotion of cultural values of historical relics and construction of infrastructures for development of the Tran dynasty culture tourism.

2. Building of a regional commercial-trade fair-exhibition center.

3. Building of a four- or five-star international hotel.

4. Building of a spiritual tourist site in Phu Giay, Vu Ban district.




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6. Building of a system of cemeteries and crematories.

7. Building of a system of entertainment and recreation centers (water parks, new parks).

8. Building of a race course.


1. Building of the material foundation and upgrading of the Nam Dinh Teachers Training College into the Teachers Training University.

2. Building of the material foundations and upgrading of the Economic and Technical College into a university.

3. Consolidation of the material foundations of Luong The Vinh University.

4. Consolidation of the material foundations of the Convalescence University.

5. Establishment of a division of the VINASHIN University.




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7. Building of a regional sport complex and training center.

8. Building of a regional hospital of 700 patient beds.

9. Building of a regional gynecological and obstetrical hospital.

10. Building of schools up to national standards (primary education, lower secondary and upper secondary education).

11. Renovation of Tuc Mac park.

12. Building of the technical center for radio and television broadcasting and relay of VTV3 channel.

* Note: Positions, land areas to be occupied and total investment capital levels of the above-said projects shall be calculated, selected and specifically determined at the stage of formulation and submission for approval of investment projects, depending on demands and capability for balancing and mobilizing investment capital in each period.-