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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No: 12/2001/QD-TTg

Hanoi, January 18, 2001





Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government of September 30, 1992;
Pursuant to the Regulation on urban planning management, promulgated together with the Government’s Decree No.91/CP of August 17, 1994;
Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Decision No.10/1998/QD-TTg of January 23, 1998 ratifying the orientations of the overall planning for development of Vietnam’s urban centers till 2020;
At the proposals of the president of the People’s Committee of Hoa Binh province (in Official Dispatches No.424/UB-XDCB of May 15, 2000 and No.995/UB-XDCB of September 7, 2000) and the Construction Minister (in Official Dispatches No.977/BXD-KTQH of May 29, 2000 and No.2052/BXD-KTQH of November 2, 2000),


Article 1.- To ratify the readjusted general planning for construction of Hoa Binh provincial capital, Hoa Binh province, till the year 2020 with the following principal contents:

1. Objectives:

The readjustment of the general planning for construction of Hoa Binh provincial town aims to determine the position and function of Hoa Binh provincial capital as the development center of Hoa Binh province as well as the Northwestern region, being in line with the orientations of the overall planning for development of Vietnam’s urban center till the year 2020; ensures the sustainable urban development, with a view to step by step building Hoa Binh provincial capital into a modern urban center, preserving and promoting the national cultural tradition; and serves as basis for the execution of investment projects and management of urban construction according to the ratified planning.




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The study scope of the readjusted general planning of Hoa Binh provincial capital shall cover the whole land area of 14,027.70 hectares within the provincial capital’s boundaries, of which the inner town covers 1,263.74 hectares and the suburban area cover 12,763.96 hectares;

- To the north, it borders on Yen Mong and Trung Minh communes (Ky Son district);

- To the south, it borders on Thong Nhat commune (Ky Son district);

- To the east, it borders on the mountain range stretching through Trung Minh, Sui Ngoi and Dan Chu communes (Ky Son district);

- To the west, it borders on Binh Thanh commune (Ky Son district) and the mountain range in Toan Son commune (Da Bac district).

3. Characteristics:

- Being a national center for hydroelectric industry; the center for training and tourism-service and the communication hub of the Northwestern region;

- Being the provincial capital, with the role of an administrative-political, economic, cultural, scientific, technical, tourist-service center of Hoa Binh province;

- Occupying an important position in terms of national defense and security.




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- By the year 2020: The population in the inner provincial capital shall be around 150,000, of which around 70,000 shall live on the left bank and around 80,000 on the right bank of Da river.

In case of further urban development, the population shall be arranged in the vicinities of the provincial capital.

5. Size of land:

- By the year 2005, the urban construction land area shall be 1,231 hectares with the norm of 123 m2/person, of which the land area for civil use shall be 750 hectares with the norm of 75 m2/person;

- By the year 2020, the urban construction land area shall be 1,775 hectares with the norm of 118 m2/person, of which the land area for civil use shall be 1,200 hectares with the norm of 80 m2/person.

6. Planning on the land use and urban architecture and landscape:

a/ Directions of urban development:

- The left bank of Da river: shall be developed on the basis of using the whole existing material foundation, in combination with the unoccupied land plots within the inner provincial capital; and it shall be partially developed to the north;

- The right bank of Da river: shall be developed on the basis of using the whole existing material foundation, its land fund shall be partially expanded from Mo Set road to Sui Ngoi dike. To the south, it shall be developed from Cham-Mat area to Cun slope’s foot.




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- On the left bank of Da river, there shall be 5 urban quarters: The industrial park located to the southwest of Dung stream (on an area of around 80 hectares); the tourist, rest and convalescence resort; the Thinh Lang multi-functional center; the cultural, sports and physical training quarter to the east of Thinh Lang center; and residential quarters.

- On the right bank of Da river, there shall be 3 urban quarters: The Old Quarter; the New Quarter and the Cun Slope-Cham-Mat quarter.

They shall cover: the Quynh Lam central quarter, the university quarter in Mat, the quarter of traditional crafts and fine-art handicraft villages in Cham, the green-tree, sports and physical training parks in association with the university quarter in Mat, the urban residential quarters and clusters of ecological and cultural tourist villages in Thac Man.

c/ Landscape architecture:

In the course of carrying out the construction, the ground leveling and fill-up should be limited in order to keep intact the inherent natural terrain. Particularly, the New Quarter’s base shall be elevated to the base level of the Old Quarter. To encourage the development of local traditional architecture; to pay attention to the exploitation of sequential water surface areas, to preserve and embellish the natural landscape surrounding the provincial capital in combination with the urban construction planning structure; and to intensify the planting of forests on hills and mountains in the vicinity of the provincial capital.

7. On traffic and technical infrastructure planning:

a/ On traffic planning:

- On the land roads:

To study the relocation of national highway No.6 to the mountain foot to the east of the provincial capital and the construction of a fixed bridge and a suspension bridge linked to the existing tunnel of the Hoa Binh hydroelectric power plant’s dam as well as a fixed bridge being under construction, to create favorable conditions for the communications between the urban quarters on both banks of Da river and between the provincial capital and the neighboring areas.




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+ In service of passenger transport on Da river: To renovate and upgrade Hoa Binh ship wharf downstream to the hydroelectric power dam and Thai Thinh wharf upstream to the dam.

+ In service of cargo transport: To renovate and upgrade Ben Ngoc port downstream on the right bank of Da river into a multi-purpose port in service of the provincial capital; to renovate the special-use port downstream on the left bank of Da river to serve the Son La hydroelectric power project; to build Bich Ha port upstream on the right bank of Da river and Bich port upstream on the left bank of Da river into entrepot ports for supplies, equipment and commodities in service of Son La hydroelectric power project and transport in the Northwestern region.

b/ On the technical and land preparations:

- To elevate the surface of Da river dike and Quynh Lam dike to an appropriate height;

- To raise the capacity of Ngoi Dong water pumping station from 6,000 m3/h to 9,000 m3/h;

- To dredge the existing lakes on the left bank; to embank and reinforce both banks of Da river within the provincial capital’s boundary in order to combat erosion;

- To build the system of covered ditches and concrete sewers, linking to Quynh Lam, De and Thinh Minh lakes for drainage pumping to Da river.

- To step by step dismantle existing works in the flood diverging basin.

c/ On the water supply:




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+ Underground water sources: To exploit 13 drilled wells on the left bank of Da river to attain an output of 8,900 m3/day and 10 drilled wells on the right bank of Da river with an output of 7,200 m3/day.

+ Surface water sources: To use the surface water source of Hoa Binh reservoir.

- Treating stations:

+ On the left bank of Da river: Ba Vanh hill station with the capacity of 14,000 m3/day, treating surface water; Thinh Minh station with the capacity of 3,000 m3/day, treating underground water; and De mountain station capacity of 3,000 m3/day, treating underground water.

+ On the right bank of Da river: Station I with the capacity of 4,000 m3/day, treating surface and underground water; and station II with the capacity of 16,000 m3/day, treating surface water.

d/ On the electric power supply:

- The supply source: The national electric power grid through the 220KV/110KV station of Hoa Binh hydroelectric power plant.

- The transformer stations:

+ On the left bank: To keep intact the existing 110 KV station;




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e/ On the waste water drainage and environmental hygiene:

- The water drainage system of Hoa Binh provincial capital is the combined public and private water drainage system.

- The solid waste dumping site: shall cover an area of about 10 hectares in Yen Mong commune, Ky Son district. A solid waste treating plant with the capacity of 150 tons/day shall be built in the future.

- The cemetery: shall lie on the mountain slope in Yen Hoa hamlet, Yen Mong commune, Ky Son district with an area of about 10 hectares.

8. The first-phase planning till the year 2005:

Attention shall be paid to and efforts shall be concentrated on the execution of the following key projects:

- Projects for renovating, upgrading and developing the technical infrastructure system, elevating Da river dike�s surface, reinforcing both banks of Da river, dredging the existing lakes to combat water logging in the provincial capital;

- Projects for renovating and upgrading public facilities such as medical, cultural, educational and service establishments, parks and greenery, sport and physical training, rest and recreation centers.

- Other projects shall be formulated and executed according the development requirements, of which projects prioritized for construction investment, capital demand and mechanism, policies and measures for mobilizing urban development capital sources must be clarified.




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Article 3.- This Decision takes effect 15 days after its signing.

The president of the People’s Committee of Hoa Binh province, the ministers, the heads of the ministerial-level agencies and the heads of the agencies attached to the Government shall have to implement this Decision.



Nguyen Tan Dung