No. 1216/QĐ-TTg | Hanoi, September 05th 2012 |
Pursuant to the Law on Government organization dated December 25th 2001;
Pursuant to the Law on Environment protection dated November 29th 2005;
Pursuant to the Socio-economic development strategy 2011 – 2020;
At the proposal of the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment,
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
- Environment protection is a vital task of mankind; the environment protection strategy is an integral part of the socio-economic development strategy, the sustainable development strategy; the environment protection towards sustainable development will satisfy the requirements of the current generations and sustain the potential and prospect for future generations; investment in environment protection is the investment in sustainable development.
- The development must follow the law of natures, be harmonious with the nature and eco-friendly; the economy is encouraged to be developed compatibly with the ecological characteristics of each area, with little waste, low carbon dioxide, towards a green economy.
- Prioritize the pollution prevention and control; value the efficiency and sustainability in the extraction and utilization of natural resources; focus on conserving the bio-diversity; gradually restore and improve the environment quality; enhancing the capability to deal with climate change.
- Environment protection is the responsibility of the entire society and every one; it must be uniformly fulfilled on the basis of determining the responsibilities of Ministers and sectors, the decentralization between the Central and the local authorities; intensifying the role of the community, the public organizations, and cooperation with regional countries and other countries in the world.
- Intensify the application of administrative measures, step by step applying the criminal sanctions, and utilizing flexibly the market mechanism in order to enhance the efficiency and effect of the State management, ensuring the implementation of laws, requirements, regulations, and standards relevant to the environment.
- The organizations and individuals must pay for the benefit from the resources and value of the environment; organizations and individuals that cause environmental pollution or degradation of the resources or biodiversity declines must pay compensation for the damage, and pay the cost of restoration.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Basically control and restrict the increase of environmental pollution, the degradation of resources, and the biodiversity declines; keep improving the living environment; improving the capability to deal with climate change, towards the sustainable development of the country.
b) Specific targets
- Basically reduce the sources of environmental pollution.
- Restore and improve the environment at the polluted and degraded areas; improving people's life.
- Mitigate the degradation and depletion of natural resources; control biodiversity declines.
- Enhance the capability to deal with climate change and decelerate the emission of greenhouse gas.
(The criteria for supervising and assessing the environment protection by 2020 are specified I the Annex enclosed with this Decision)
3. The orientation towards 2030
Prevent and stop the increase of environmental pollution, resources degradation, and biodiversity declines, improve the living environment; actively deal with climate change, constitute the fundamental conditions for a green economy with few wastes and low carbon dioxide, for the prosperity and sustainable development of the country.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
1. The prevention and control of the sources of environmental pollution
a) The group of measures towards preventing the establishment of new premises that cause environmental pollution
- Encourage the shift of the economic structure towards benefiting the eco-friendly industries, halt the development of the industries likely to cause environmental pollution and degradation; step by step build the infrastructure and a legal environment that favors the green economy; study, develop, and apply the criteria for determining green economy industries and areas; adopt policies on encouraging and supporting the development of green economy areas.
- Develope and build an environmental criteria applicable to the planning for the sectoral, regional, and socio-economic development; study and try partitioning functional areas according to the ecosystems in order to serve the development planning, towards determining the prioritized areas, restricted areas, or areas banned from industrial development and mineral extraction in order to reduce the conflict between the environment protection and socio-economic development.
- Enhance the quality of strategic environment assessment, satisfying the requirements for environment protection included in the strategies, plannings, plans, the programs and schemes for socio-economic development.
- Enhance the efficiency of the assessment of the environmental impact in the filtration and prevention of the obsolete technologies that cause environmental pollution in the project of investment and development.
- Strictly implement the measures for preventing the use of obsolete machinery and equipment that cause environment; and the import of wastes.
a) The group of measures towards reducing the existing sources of environmental pollution
- Classify the producing and service-providing premises, warehouses, and landfills, according to the level of environmental pollution, in order to take measures for effective inspection and supervision.
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- Promptly issue and boost the progress of the Plan for thoroughly settling the premises that cause severe environmental pollution 2012 – 2020.
- Encourage the application of the environmental management model according to ISO 14000, cleaner production, waste audit, estimate of product life cycle, and the advanced environmental management to the production and business.
- Promote the development of the models of industrial complexes, industrial parks, export processing zones, producing and processing premises, breeding farms, warehouses, depots, and markets that are eco-friendly.
c) The group of measures towards basically resolving the environmental issues at industrial parks, river basins, trade villages, and rural areas.
- Check and request the industrial parks and industrial complexes that fail to satisfy the requirements for environment protection to rectify, improve, and upgrade the environment protection works; shut down the industrial parks that fail to rectify and improve; do not allow new industrial parks that have not yet satisfied the requirements for environment protection to receive projects of investment.
- Check, enumerate, and thoroughly settle the premises that cause severe environmental pollution along the basins of Nhue – Day river, Cau river, Dong Nai river system, and other rivers that show a sign of pollution; prioritizing the construction of concentrated sewage treatment system for the urban areas to discharge sewage directly to rivers; limit the new establishment of industrial parks and premises that pose a risk of severe environmental pollution along the river basins.
- Make and implement the plan for converting the trade villages into industrial parks and industrial complexes of trade villages of which the technical infrastructure satisfies the requirements for environment protection. Applying new and advanced technologies to trade villages, especially eco-friendly ones; establish the organizations that provide environmental treatment services in the trade villages.
- Establish the autonomous organizations of environment protection in trade villages, and issue the regulations on the responsibility and obligation to protect the environment, to pay tax, fees, and money for fighting, reducing the pollution, and improve the environment.
- Promptly make plans and settle the pressing issue about garbage in rural area recently; intensify the movement for hygienic households and internal roads; take practical measures for reducing environmental pollution cause by breeding in the rural areas.
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d) The group of measures towards the chemical safety, nuclear and radiation safety.
- Increase the capability to actively prevent and avoid nuclear and radiation accidents through selecting the technologies that optimize the safety when building nuclear power generation works.
- Strictly implement the regime for registering the chemical works, especially toxic chemicals; control the use of machinery and equipment relevant to radioactive substances.
- Increase the capability to prevent and deal with chemical accidents, nuclear and radiation accidents in research institutes, premises, and warehouses that produce or store chemicals and radioactive substance.
- Quickly supplement, complete, and put into use the technical regulations and standards and the requirements for chemical safety, nuclear and radiation safety, and concurrently carry out inspection and handling of violation in order to ensure the conformity to law.
dd) The group of measures towards increasing the proportion of urban areas, industrial parks, industrial complexes, and export processing zones that have qualified concentrated sewage treatment systems.
- Intensifying the implementation of the targets and solutions in the Orientation of the development of urban drainage system and industrial parks in Vietnam by 2025, and the orientation towards 2050.
- Include the plan of land area for building the concentrated sewage treatment systems in the plannings, the plan for using land at all levels, the plan for improving and developing urban areas, concentrated residential areas, industrial parks industrial complexes, and export processing zones.
- Make plannings, gradually build and operate the concentrated system of sewage collection and treatment in urban areas of class IV and above.
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- Change and raise the progressive environment protection fees levied on the domestic sewage and industrial sewage according to the level of environmental pollution, in order to gradually defray the cost of treating domestic sewage, and boosting the private sector involvement in the investment in sewage treatment.
e) The group of measures towards reducing the existing sources of environmental pollution
- Ensure the strict compliance with the requirements of the decision on approving the environmental impact assessment report, especially the requirement s for preventing and treating the sewage, wastes, and negative impacts on the environment during the mineral extraction.
- Intensify the environmental inspection of the projects of mineral extraction that pose a threat to cause environmental pollution and affect the environment from many aspects.
- Assess and forecast the requirements and content of restoring the environment, regarding the projects of mineral extraction; strictly comply with the regulations on the deposit on the environmental restoration in mineral extraction.
- Provide a mechanism that compel the investor in the mineral extraction to invest in the infrastructural development, supporting the poverty reduction, creating employments, providing health care service for people in the localities where they conduct mineral extraction.
g) The group of measures towards increasing the proportion of solid wastes being collected, recycled and reused; reducing the production and use of non-biodegradable packages.
- Intensify the implementation or the National strategy for the management of solid wastes by 2025, and the orientation towards 2050.
- Study, test, and apply on a large scale the fee collection according to the weight and form of garbage and solid wastes; gradually increase the fees towards completely cover the cost of collecting, transporting, and burying solid wastes; create a market for recyclable and reusable wastes.
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- Boost the private sector involvement, establish a network of enterprises, social organizations, and cooperatives that collect and transport solid wastes; collect the network with the recycling premises and the landfills; intensify the collection of domestic solid wastes at residential areas in the countryside and public places.
- Formulate and complete the policy and law on waste recycling in order to specialize the reuse and recycling of wastes; develop the eco-friendly recycling industry.
- Study, develop, and implement the programs of developing the capability of recycling wastes; support the establishment of major recycling enterprises on the basis of boosting the cooperation with households and small production models; establish concentrated recycling zones; develop and receive the transfer of advanced recycling technologies that suit the Vietnam's condition.
- Study and apply the mechanism and policy on credit support and subsidization for recyclable products; create and develop the market for recyclable, green, clean, and eco-friendly products.
- Study and produce the biodegradable packages in order to replace the non-biodegradable ones.
- Raise the responsibility of producers and importers for collecting and handling the packages, machinery and equipment after use, especially electronic devices; encourage people not to use non-biodegradable packages.
- Check, upgrade, improve, and build a network of solid waste landfills in different areas, and concurrently establish recycling premises based on the assessment and forecast of the local production of solid wastes, with regard to the demand of the localities in the area. Include the plan of land area for landfills of solid wastes, the points of gathering and transiting solid wastes in the plannings, the plan for using land at all levels, the plan for improving and developing urban areas, concentrated residential areas.
h) The group of measures towards raising the proportion of treated toxic wastes and medical wastes that meet the technical standards and are safely buried or destroyed after the treatment.
- Complete and ensure the strict compliance with the regulations on registering, classifying, storing, transporting, treating, destroying, and burying toxic wastes and medical wastes.
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- Check, complement, and complete the landfills for treated or destroyed toxic wastes and medical wastes that ensure the safety for human and the environment.
a) The group of measures towards the improvement and restoration of ponds, lakes, channels, canals, and river sections that have been polluted in urban areas and residential areas
- Focus on protecting, maintaining, and upgrading the lakes, ponds, channels, canals, and river sections in urban areas and residential areas; restrict the projects that level off and reduce the water surface area; boost the progress of embankments, determine the perimeter of ponds, lakes, channels, canals, and river sections in urban areas and residential areas, stop the illegal infringement and leveling.
- Make investment from the State budget, prioritize the ODA to implement the programs and projects of improvement and restoring ponds, lakes, channels, canals, and river sections in urban areas and residential areas, especially the projects in the National target program of reducing pollution and improving the environment.
- Combine the planning for embellishing the urban areas, upgrading and completing the sewage and rain water drainage system; build the concentrated sewage treatment systems with the programs and projects on improving and restoring the lakes, ponds, channels, canals, and river sections in urban areas and residential areas.
b) The group of measures towards treating and improving the lands that are contaminated with toxins, residue of dioxin, chemicals, pesticides, and other pollutants.
- Investigate, assess and identify the contaminated lands or lands showing signs of being contaminated with toxins, residue of chemicals, pesticides, pollutants, and dioxin left after war; draw maps of dangerous zones.
- Make plans and step by step improve and restore the environment; prioritize the lands in or near residential areas and river hears that directly affect people’s health.
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- Combine the mobilization of resources for improving and restoring the contaminated lands with the policy on prioritizing the allocation and lease of the improved and restored lands.
c) The group of measures towards the restoration and regeneration of the natural ecosystems that have been degraded, especially mangrove forests.
- Investigate and assess the degradation, and make plans for restoring the distinctive or representative natural ecosystems, especially the mangrove forests.
- The state shall implement the programs for mobilizing ODA and resources from economic sectors, Vietnamese and foreign organizations to invest in the restoration of natural ecosystems, together with raising the resistance of the ecology to the impacts of climate change; provide a mechanism for paying ecological services towards boosting the restoration, regeneration, and protection of natural ecologies.
d) The group of measures towards improving the air in urban areas and residential areas
- Keep tightening the regulations, requirements and measures for preventing pollutions from the construction works, from the transport of wastes and building materials in urban areas and residential areas; resolutely stop or prohibit the constructions that do not meet the requirements for environment protection.
- Implement the plan for applying the advanced standards of emissions to vehicles; implement the regime for registering and controlling the emissions; strictly handle the violating vehicles; restrict towards eliminating the vehicles that cause severe air pollution and noise pollution; change the structure of traffic participation towards environmentally sustainable development of traffic; disperse the traffic to avoid partial congestion and pollution; take measures for minimizing noise pollution in urban areas.
- Study and apply the plan for adjusting the standards of fuel towards eco-friendliness that are congruent to the progress of international integration and the development of the country.
- Complete the stations for observing the air quality in urban areas, ensure the sufficient, accurate, and prompt information about the air pollution on the road and hot spots of traffic to promptly make intervention.
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dd) The group of measures towards improving environmental hygiene condition in urban areas and residential areas
- Boosting the implementation of the Plan for water supply in urban areas and industrial parks in Vietnam by 2025, and the orientation towards 2050.
- Carry out comprehensive investigation and assessment of the demand for clean water and the water supply, including the technical infrastructure, amount, and quality of water; make water supply plans to ensure that all people are provided with clean water to serve their everyday life.
- Keep efficiently implementing the National target program of clean water and environmental hygiene in rural areas, focus on the areas of which the proportion of people provided with clean water is low, and the water sources to substitute clean water is lacking; prioritize the ODA investment in upgrading, improving, and building the clean water supply works in rural areas, especially remote areas.
- Intensify the research, receive the transfer of clean water supply technologies; ensure that people are adequately and promptly served, especially in situations such as flooding, storm, and other emergencies.
- Step by step reduce the distance between the quality of the tap water in urban area and that in rural area, towards a uniform application of technical standards of tap water to both areas.
a) The group of tasks and measures towards the efficient and sustainable use of land; minimizing the loss of agricultural land due to the conversion of the use purpose, soil degradation, exhaustion, and desertification.
- Balance and harmonize the demand for land with land potential; promote the grouping and exchanging of land plot, combination of land plots in agricultural production and urban embellishment.
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- Minimize the conversion of specialized forests, protective forests, watershed forests, and paddy field into other use purposes; check, consider, and allocate the investment in developing the projects of golf, hydroelectricity, and mineral extraction.
- Encourage the application of sustainable cultivation methods and land use in agriculture, limit the use of chemicals and inorganic fertilizer in agricultural production, prevent the soil erosion and degradation.
- Promote the development of the model of ecological economic villages on degraded, exhausted, and deserted land in order to improve the soil, reduce the scale and level of degradation and exhaustion.
b) The group of measures towards raising the efficiency of the use of water resources, minimize the seasonal and local water shortages
- Expedite the general management of water resources in river basins; combine the development planning of various industries, especially the industries that use a lot of water, with the planning for searching and extracting water resources. Enhance the control over the water pollution, focus on controlling the pollution at river basins and trans-boundary water sources.
- Strictly control the premises that extract surface water and underground water, especially in dry seasons; study and apply the limits on the extraction of underground water to teach area; review and adjust the planning for socio-economic development and industrial plant development within the supply of surface water and underground water in each area
- Study the innovation of the mechanism for irrigation in order to raise the efficiency in the extraction and use of water serving the agricultural production; expand the model for paying for forest environment services and ecological services in order to protect the water sources.
c) The group of measures towards limiting the reduction of aquatic resources
- Carry out investigations, assessments, and take radical measures for eradicating the destructive methods of collecting aquatic organisms.
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- Formulate and implement the programs an projects of protecting and restoring the biological productivity and the ability of to supply nutrition sources, the places for regenerating and cultivating the aquatic resources of oceanic ecosystems in order to restore the inshore aquatic resources.
d) The group of tasks and measures towards increasing the coverage and quality of forests.
- Keep intensifying the afforestation, and forest protection together with the sustainable silviculture; strictly control the lease of forest land, especially protective forests and watershed forests.
- Investigate and assess the condition of primeval forests, take effective measures for preventing the illegal extraction, infringement, or degradation of primeval forests; improve the resistance of natural forests to climate change.
- Cultivate and protect natural forests, especially mangrove forests specialized forests, protective forests, and watershed forests, together with taking measures to prevent the illegal extraction and deforestation; intensify the prevention of forest fire, and improve the capability to deal with forest fire.
dd) The group of measures towards protecting the natural wetlands, coral reef, and other typical natural ecosystems.
- dd) The group of measures towards protecting the natural wetlands, coral reef, and other typical natural ecosystems.
- Include the criteria of the area of land, water, and natural ecosystems in the plan for investigating, assessing, and inspecting land, assessing the annual and periodic land fluctuation in order to gradually form a database about this group of land.
- Investigate, assess, examine, and compare with the criteria for establishing wildlife sanctuaries as prescribed in the Law on Biological diversity and relevant laws, make a plan for conservation, step by step establish the wildlife sanctuaries on wetlands and on the sea.
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- Tightly cooperate with international organizations in requesting the recognition for wetlands of international importance, the recognition of wetlands of national importance and provincial importance; mobilize the domestic and foreign resources to protect and maintain the wetlands of international, national, and local importance.
e) The group of measures towards increasing the quantity, area, and quality of wildlife sanctuaries.
- Include the criteria of land area for wildlife sanctuaries in the planning and plan for using land at all level, satisfy the requirements for the development of wildlife sanctuaries.
- Review, assess, arrange the wildlife sanctuaries in accordance with the purposes, criteria, conditions, and resources as prescribed in the Law on Biological diversity and relevant laws.
- Formulate the programs and projects of investment in the restoration and development of ecosystems and organisms in wildlife sanctuaries; allocate budget from the environmental budget to mange the wildlife sanctuaries according to the form and level, satisfying the requirements for conserving the biodiversity therein.
- Utilize the values of the sanctuaries, combine the conservation with the development of ecological tourism, adopt the policy on paying for environmental services in order to generate incomes for the restoration and development of biodiversity in wildlife sanctuaries.
g) The group of measures towards decelerate the extinction and the quantity of wildlife, the degradation of rare and valuable genetic resources.
- Investigate, research, and enumerate the species protected, the species banned from collecting in nature and restricted from collecting in nature; issue regulations on the regime for controlling the extraction of species restricted from extraction.
- Formulate and implement the programs and projects of conserving wildlife, plants, and domestic animals in the list of protection; develop a system of biodiversity conservation centers that satisfy the requirements for moving conservation according to each area and nationwide.
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- Build a database system about genetic resources, develop the system of gene banks; preserve and sustain the genetic resources of protected species, rare and valuable genetic resources; promote the registration of property of local knowledge about the genetic resources.
- Enhance the capability to control the intrusion of alien pests; manage the risks of generically modified organisms and products thereof to the environment and human health.
a) The group of measures towards raising the people’s awareness and knowledge about the climate change and the adaptation to climate change
- Carry out investigation and summarize the models and experience in adapting, preventing, and dealing with natural disaster; complement such models and experience according to the progress of climate change to disseminate.
- Organize the competitions about the knowledge, photography, cinematography, etc. about climate change; Include the content about climate change in the activities of the community and organizations.
- Organize periodic disaster drills in the context of climate change according to groups of subjects and areas.
b) The group of measures towards including the methods of dealing with climate change in the development strategies, plannings, plans, programs, and projects; raise the resistance and adaptability of ecosystems and environment protection works to the to the impacts of climate change and sea level rise.
- Keep updating the researches and scientific achievement, make new discoveries and awareness of climate change in order to update the script on climate change and sea level rise.
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- Study and consider the impacts of climate change and sea level rise when building irrigation, drainage, concentrated sewage treatment works, and landfills, especially in coastal areas and in the planning for establishing wildlife sanctuaries.
- Design and spread the models of adaptation to climate changes.
c) The group of measures towards reducing the greenhouse gas emission
- Promote the efficient use of energy in construction, transportation, lighting, electrical appliances, productions, and services; encourage the investment in recovering energy and heat in production and consumption for reuse.
- Introduce the mechanisms and policies on investing, encouraging, and supporting the economic sectors to investment in researching and using wind energy, solar energy, geothermal energy, biological energy; generate power from biological gases, wastes, agricultural by-products; develop the model of small power plants serving local energy consumption.
- Study and experimentally apply and spread the models of low-carbondioxide development in sectoral, regional, and socio-economic development.
- Study the trend and new development models, the change in the regional and global economic structure in order to take the opportunity and limit the negative impacts of climate change on the Vietnam’s environment.
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- Keep enhancing the education in the environment and climate change in the education system; expand the disciplines related to the environment, prioritize the disciplines that are in demand.
- Propagate and encourage the eco-friendly lifestyle and sustainable consumption, raise the awareness of environment protection and hygiene practices among the community, towards developing a society of little wastes, low carbondioxide, and eco-friendliness.
- Identify the responsibility of the sectors and levels of authority for the severe environmental issues due to the non-compliance or improper implementation of the regulations on environment protection, or violations of the regulations on environment protection when approving and licensing the projects of investment. Incorporate the responsibility and environment protection results when rewarding an organization or its leader.
- Carry out the assessment and classification of sectors and central-affiliated cities and provinces according to the eco-friendliness, and announce it annually in order to adjust the policy and development planning to suit the actual condition of the sector or the locality.
2. Complete the law and management regime, enhance the enforcement of laws on environment protection
- Complete the mechanism and policies, incorporate the environment protection requirements in the strategies, plannings, plans, the policies on socio-economic development towards sustainable development. Promptly establish the criteria for supervising and assessing the efficiency and effect of State management of environment protection.
- Keep complementing the laws on environment protection, focusing on amending and supplementing the Law on Environment protection 2005, towards promulgating the Law on Environment. Promptly develop, and request the Government to promulgate, the Resolution on pressing concerns about environment protection 2012 – 2020, and the documents guiding the implementation of regulations on environmental crimes in the Criminal Code to bring the environmental criminals to trial. Develop and complete the laws on clean air, efficient use of resources, recycling wastes, and developing a low-carbondioxide economy.
- Boost the application of economic instruments suitable for the market economy in order to regulate the development in a macroscopic scale towards eco-friendliness, especially the instruments of taxes, fees, deposits, payments for environmental services, and natural capital accounts, etc. Provide a mechanism for resolving disputes and compensation for environmental damage. Complete the credit financial mechanism for environment protection; enhance the enforcement of the policies on incentives, subsidies, support for land, finance, and credit for environment protection.
- Keep strengthening and complementing the system of State management agencies in charge of environment protection from central to local authorities, especially the local authority of provinces, districts, and communes, towards enhancing the enforcement of laws on environment protection. Review, clarify, and completely resolve the tangle and confusion in the allocation of State management responsibility, concentrate the focal point of State management of environment protection. Study and suggest a model of State management agencies in charge of the environment that suite the new picture and the integration. Concentrate on developing the human resources, enhance the training in professional, managerial skills, and foreign languages, ensuring that the human resources satisfy the requirements for environment protection.
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- Based on the overall planning for the network of resource and environment observation, promptly strengthen and complement the overall planning for the national environmental observation system, gradually invest in the modernization of the facilities and equipment in order to raise the capability of observing and analyzing the environment; establish national, local, and sectoral environmental databases; quickly, correctly, and sufficiently provide the information serving the socio-economic development, the inspection and handling of violations of laws on the environment.
- Enhance the scientific research on the environment, develop and apply modern technologies or environment protection, improve the role of science and technology in promoting and raising the quality and efficiency of the economy, boosting the conversion into a green economy.
- Develop and receive transfers of new and advanced technologies for the prevention and control of pollution; efficiently extract and use the resources; conserve the nature and biodiversity; save energy; produce, use, clean and recyclable energy. Boost the progress innovation in the technologies for production and construction towards applying technologies that consume little materials, fuel, energy, and produce little waste and carbondioxide.
- Plan the development of key environmental economics, create a favorable legal environment, implement the policies on prioritizing and supporting the development of some industries that provide eco-friendly products, products that recycle and produce energy from wastes, together with stimulating the demand for these products in order to speed up the creation and development of the environmental economics.
- Provide the mechanisms and policies on enhancing the development of the environmental industry. Focus on developing the capability of providing environmental services, especially treating, recycling wastes, the technologies and solutions for environmental treatment, consider this as a green industry for resolving environmental issues, contributing in creating incomes and employments.
- The state shall implement the subsidy policy; encourage people to use the eco-friendly products, use clean, recyclable energy, and recyclable energy in order to facilitate the development of the environmental economics.
5. Increase and diversify the investment in environment protection
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- Focus on completing the mechanisms and policies on encouraging the economic sectors to invest in environment protection; apply the model of public - private partnership (PPP); attract and use the preferential loan capital and development aid capital from international organizations and other countries for environment protection, especially resolving the pollution, restoring and improving the environment, conserving the nature and biodiversity.
- Improve the role of the Vietnam Environment Protection Fund; strengthen and enhance the capability; supplement the capital from the State budget; provide a mechanism for mobilizing capital in Vietnam and from abroad; expand the scope and form of support in order to meet the diverse demands of organizations and individuals in environment protection. Step by step create a capital market for environment protection, encourage the establishment of funds to sponsor the community-based ideas and models, the movements and environment protection activities for the public interests.
- Enhance the involvement of the private sector in the environment protection, encourage the participation in the investment in environment protection from other economic sectors. Provide appropriate mechanisms and policies to raise the capital for environment protection, especially the extra-budgetary capital.
- Study and establish new sources of income; gradually increase the receipts proportional to the benefit from the environment or the level of pollution, environmental degradation, contribute in relieving the burden of investment in environment protection from the State budget; create sustainable financial sources for environment protection.
6. Facilitate the integration and enhance the international cooperation in environment protection
- Value the environmental issue in the negotiation and conclusion of bilateral and multilateral commercial agreements, especially trans-pacific cooperation; intensify the fulfillment of the commitments with the WTO relevant to environmental services; attract foreign investment in environment protection and concurrently improve the capability provide environmental services in order to meet the domestic demand and gradually extend to regional countries.
- Enhance the international cooperation in order to attract resources to the environment protection; actively and creatively suggest the international cooperation ideas; participate in and implement the International Agreements to which Vietnam is a signatory.
- Cooperate with other countries and international organizations in the inter-boundary prevention and control of environmental pollution, the conservation of the nature and biodiversity , and dealing with climate change.
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- The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment is in charge, and help the Prime Minister uniformly organize the implementation of the Strategy; formulate the submit the Plan for implementing the Strategy to the Prime Minister for approval in 02 period: 2012 – 2015, and 2016 – 2020.
- The Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Ministry of Finance shall balance and allocate the State budget and other capital sources to implement the Strategy.
- The Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, People’s Committees of central-affiliated cities and provinces, within the ambit of their responsibility and authority, shall organize the implementation of the targets, content, measures, and solutions of the Strategy.
- The socio-political organizations, socio-professional organizations, other public organizations, and the community are responsible for participating in the environment protection and supervising the environment protection activities of State agencies, enterprises, and the people.
2. Supervising and assessing the implementation of implementation of the Strategy
- The Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, People’s Committees of central-affiliated cities and provinces shall supervise and inspect the implementation of the targets, content, measures, and solutions of the Strategy within the sectors and areas for which they are responsible; annually assess the implementation and send it to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment for summarizing.
- The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment is responsible for expediting, supervising and inspecting the implementation of the Strategy; periodically assess, summarize, and report the implementation of the Strategy to the Prime Minister.
Article 2. This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.
Article 3. The Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, the Ministers, Heads of ministerial-level agencies, Heads of Governmental agencies, the Presidents of the People’s Committees, and Heads of relevant agencies are responsible for the implementation of this Decision./.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Nguyen Tan Dung
(Promulgated together with the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 1216/QĐ-TTg dated September 05th 2012)
The agency in charge
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Basically reduce the sources of pollutants
The proportion of new producing, services, and construction premises that meet the requirements for environment protection
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
The proportion of premises causing environmental pollution
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Reduce by 20% from 2010
Reduce by 50% from 2010
The proportion of industrial parks that satisfy the environment protection requirements
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
The proportion of trade villages that satisfy the environment protection requirements
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural development
The number of chemical, nuclear, or radiation accidents
The Ministry of Science and Technology
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
The proportion of urban areas of class IV and above that have qualified concentrated sewage treatment systems
The Ministry of Construction
The proportion of industrial complexes and export processing zones thathave qualified concentrated sewage treatment systems
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
The proportion of urban solid wasted being collected
The Ministry of Construction
80 - 82%
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural development
40 - 55%
The proportion of solid wastes being reused, recycled, or used for energy generation or fertilizer production
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
20 - 30%
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
The proportion of hazardous wastes being treated, destroyed, and safely buried after being treated and destroyed
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
The production and use of non-biodegradable packages
The Ministry of Industry and Trade
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Reduce by 10% from 2010
Reduce by 30% from 2010
The proportion of medical wastes being treated, destroyed, and safely buried after being treated and destroyed
The Ministry of Health
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Restore and improve the environment at the polluted and degraded areas; improving people's life.
The proportion of restored and improved area of ponds, lakes, channels, canals, and rivers in urban areas and residential areas
The Ministry of Construction
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Increase by 30% from 2010
Increase by 70% from 2010
The proportion of restored land that was contaminated with toxins, residue of dioxin, chemicals, pesticides, and pollutants
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
- 255,000 hectares of land contaminated with dioxin
- 335 points of pesticide residue
Reduce by 20% from 2010
Reduce by 50% from 2010
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
The proportion of degraded natural ecosystems that have been restored and regenerated
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Increase by 30% from 2010
Increase by 50% from 2010
The proportion of urban residents supplied with clean water
The Ministry of Construction
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
The proportion of rural residents supplied with clean water
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural development
The proportion of rural households that have qualified sanitation facilities
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
The propotion of public land with plants in urban areas and residential areas
The Ministry of Construction
1-4 m2/person
Increase by 15% from 2010
Increase by 30% from 2010
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
The amount of toxins in the air in urban areas and residential areas
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Reduce from 2010
Mitigate the degradation and depletion of natural resources; control biodiversity declines
The proportion of rural land being lost due to the conversion use purposes, degradation, exhaustion, and desertification
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Reduce by 20% than 2010
Reduce by 30% than 2010
The area for planting rice and crops
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural development
3.6 million hectares
3.6 million hectares
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
The area of ponds, lakes, channels, canals, and rivers in urban areas and residential areas
The Ministry of Construction
No reduction from 2010
No reduction from 2010
The area of land where water resources are depleted due to unreasonably exploitation
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
No increase from 2010
The use of water and land on each unit of GDP
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Reduce by 10% from 2010
Reduce by 30% from 2010
The coastal aquatic resources
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
No reduction from 2010
No reduction from 2010
The coverage of forests
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural development
42 - 43%
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
The area of primeval forests
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural development
0.57 million hectares
No reduction
No reduction
The area of mangrove forests
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural development
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
No reduction from 2010
The area of seaweed reef
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
18,500 hectares
No reduction from 2010
No reduction from 2010
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
The area of coral reef
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
110,000 hectares
No reduction from 2010
No reduction from 2010
The total area of wildlife sanctuaries
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
2.5 million hectares
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
3.0 million hectares
The number of rare and precious species threatened extinction
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
No increase from 2010
No increase from 2010
The number of extinct species
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
9 species (2001 – 2010)
The amount of rare and valuable genetic resources that have been lost
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
No increase from 2010
No increase from 2010
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
The natural heritage sites, the natural scenery
The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
No reduction from 2010
No reduction from 2010
The number of biohazard due to generically modified organisms
The Ministry of Health
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
The number of alien species and the damage caused by them
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
No increase from 2010
No increase from 2010
Enhance the capability to deal with climate change and decelerate the emission of greenhouse gas.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
The proportion of people having knowledge about dealing with and adapting to climate change
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
The proportion of strategies, plannings, plans, programs, and projects that consider the impacts of climate change and sea level rise
The Ministry of Science and Technology
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
The proportion of the area of natural ecosystems of international and national importance of which the resistance and adaptability to climate change have been improved
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Increase by 20% from 2010
Increase by 60% from 2010
The proportion of villages, hamlets, and neighborhoods capable of actively dealing with climate change and natural disaster
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
Increase by 30% from 2010
Increase by 90% from 2010
The emission of greenhouse gas on a unit of GDP
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Reduce by 3% from 2010
Reduce by 7-8% from 2010
- 1 Law No. 20/2008/QH12 of November 13, 2008, on biodiversity
- 2 Law No.52/2005/QH11 on environmental protection, passed by the National Assembly
- 3 Decision No. 256/2003/QD-TTg of December 2 , 2003, approving the national strategy on environmental protection till 2010 and orientations towards 2020
- 4 Law No. 32/2001/QH10 of December 25, 2001 on organization of the Government