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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 1353/QD-TTg

Hanoi, September 23, 2008





Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government dated 25 December 2001;
Pursuant to Decree 29-2008-ND-CP of the Government dated 14 March 2008 on industrial zones, export processing zones and economic zones ["Decree 29"];
Having considered the proposals of the Minister of Planning and Investment in Submissions 7237-BKH-CLPT dated 3 October 2006, 8921-BKH-CLPT dated 31 November 2006, and 5530-TTr-BKH dated 30 July, 2008;


Article 1

To approve the project "Master Plan on development of costal economic zones of Vietnam up to Year 2020", with the following main items:

1. Objective of forming costal economic zones




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(b) To create the foundation for attracting large investment capital sources, especially foreign owned capital.

2. Conditions for establishing and expanding coastal economic zones

Article 7 of Decree 29, which stipulates the conditions for establishment and expansion of coastal economic zones, shall apply.

3. Standpoint

(a) Development of coastal economic zones must be associated with economic restructuring and industrialization and modernization of the local area, with the two key criteria being socio-economic effectiveness and sustainable development.

(b) Development of coastal economic zones must ensure that they become modern areas effectively using the land, water surface and aerial space funds of the area.

(c) The development of each coastal economic zone must involve establishment of strong grassroots functional bodies, closely associated with development of the whole surrounding area.

(d) The development of coastal economic zones shall be implemented on a phase-by-phase basis consistent with specific conditions and the general socio-economic developmental direction of the country.

(dd) The State shall, in accordance with the Law on State Budget, provide State budget funding for construction of technical and social infrastructure in coastal economic zones.




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(g) The regimes, policies and scale of management of development of coastal economic zones must be uniform and must comply with the provisions in Decree 29.

4. Developmental direction

(a) General direction

- Formulation of a system of 15 coastal economic zones as follows:

+ Van Don economic zone (in Quang Ninh province);

+ Dinh Vu - Cat Hai economic zone (in Hai Phong province);

+ Nghi Son economic zone (in Thanh Hoa province);

+ Dong Nam Nghe An economic zone (in Nghe An province);

+ Vung Ang economic zone (in Ha Tinh province);




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+ Chan May Lang Co economic zone (in Thua Thien Hue province);

+ Chu Lai economic zone (in Quang Nam province);

+ Dung Quat economic zone (in Quang Ngai province);

+ Nhon Hoi economic zone (in Binh Dinh province);

+ Nam Phu Yen economic zone (in Phu Yen province);

+ Van Phong economic zone (in Khanh Hoa province);

+ Phu Quoc economic zone (in Kien Giang province);

+ Dinh An economic zone (in Tra Vinh province);

+ Nam Can economic zone (in Ca Mau province).




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- Construction of coastal economic zones in Central Vietnam: First and foremost, Vung Ang economic zone in Ha Tinh province and Van Phong economic zone in Khanh Hoa province will become a gateway to the sea aimed at developing East-West and North-South economic corridors.

- Construction of coastal economic zones in the South: First and foremost, Phu Quoc economic zone in Kien Giang province will be constructed to become a gateway to the sea aimed at economic integration with the ASEAN zone.

(b) Developmental direction to year 2010

- To quickly develop the 13 coastal economic zones which have already been established, namely: Van Don, Dinh Vu - Cat Hai, Nghi Son, Dong Nam Nghe An, Vung Ang, Hon La, Chan May - Lang Co, Chu Lai, Dung Quat, Nhon Hoi, Nam Phu Yen, Van Phong and Phu Quoc.

- In the immediate future, to concentrate on the following important tasks:

+ To formulate a plan for investment in each economic zone in accordance with important, national projects and construction works on an appropriate phase-by-phase basis. To propose a financial regime for each group of projects and particularly for infrastructure construction projects; and to prepare a clear budget [or forecast] of the need for State budget assistance funding.

+ To intensify investment and to expand international co-operation in order to speed up the schedule of construction of coastal economic zones.

+ To continue to invest in development of technical and social infrastructure for each coastal economic zone.

- To establish the combined economic zone of Dinh An in Tra Vinh province in accordance with the conditions, order and procedures for establishment stipulated in Decree 29.




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(c) Developmental direction after year 2010

- To establish the Nam Can economic zone in Ca Mau province in accordance with the procedures stipulated in Decree 29.

- To continue investment in development in accordance with developmental zoning and detailed plans which have been amended and supplemented, in the 14 coastal economic zones established prior to year 2010.

- To aim for coastal economic zones by year 2020 to be contributing between 15% to 20% of the total GDP of Vietnam and to have created non-agricultural jobs for between 1.3 to 1.5 million people.

5. Regimes and policies on development and on State administration of coastal economic zones

(a) The regimes and policies on development of coastal economic zones shall be implemented in accordance with articles 16 to 21 inclusive of Decree 29 and in accordance with Operational Rules issued with establishment decisions and/or decisions issuing such Operational Rules of the Prime Minister of the Government for each economic zone.

(b) Article 22 of Decree 29 stipulating the contents of State administration shall also apply to coastal economic zones.

(c) Powers and responsibilities of various ministries and People's Committees for State administration as stipulated in articles 23 to 35 inclusive of Decree 29 shall also apply to State administration of coastal economic zones.

(d) The functions, duties and powers, and organizational apparatus and personnel of Management Committees as stipulated in articles 36 to 39 inclusive of Decree 29 shall also apply to Management Committees of coastal economic zones.




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1. Announcement and dissemination of zoning [master plan] and detailed plans

Ministries, branches and localities shall urgently formulate their own plans detailing this master plan after the Prime Minister of the Government has issued a decision approving it.

2. Delegation of responsibilities

(a) The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall activate and monitor implementation of this master plan, and shall inspect and supervise creation of developmental plans for each coastal economic zone and for investment in their construction.

The Ministry shall preside over co-ordination with the Ministry of Finance and other relevant ministries to formulate a regime, in accordance with the Law on State Budget, for assistance with central State budget funding for investment in the development of technical and social infrastructure of coastal economic zones.

The Ministry shall hold conferences to collate and supply overall information on coastal economic zones.

(b) Other ministries and branches shall, depending on their respective functions, co-ordinate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment to instruct local entities which they manage to conduct the work of monitoring, guiding and supervising implementation of developmental plans for coastal economic zones.

(c) Local authorities, Management Committees of economic zones, and owners of investing enterprises shall be responsible to disseminate information on, and to have their own plans for, promoting investment in the development of coastal economic zones.

(d) Annually, after an assessment of the actual status of implementation of zoning [the master plan], amendments and adjustments shall be made to it for consistency with the actual status and conditions in each area with coastal economic zones.




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This decision shall be of full force and effect fifteen (15) days after the date on which it is published in the Official Gazette.

Article 4. Responsibility for implementation

Ministers, heads of ministerial equivalent bodies, heads of Government bodies and chairmen of provincial People's Committees shall be responsible for implementation of this decision.



Prime Minister of the Government

Nguyen Tan Dung