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Independence - Freedom – Happiness

No. 1764/QD-BGTVT

Hanoi, August 03, 2011





Pursuant to the November 26, 2003 Construction Law; Pursuant to the June 14, 2005 Maritime Code of Vietnam;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 51/2008/ND-CP of April 22, 2008, defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Transport;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 92/2006/ND-CP of September 7, 2006, on elaboration, appraisal, approval and management of socio- economic development master plans, and Decree No. 04/2008/ND-CP of January 11, 2008, amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 92/2006/ND-CP;

Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 2190/QD-TTg of December 24, 2009, approving the master plan on development of Vietnam’s seaport system through 2020, with orientations toward 2030;

Considering Report No. 1623/TTr-CHHVN-KHDT of July 21, 2011, of the Vietnam Maritime Administration, and the minutes of the meeting of the Appraisal Council in June 2011, on the detailed master plan on the seaport group in Southern Central Vietnam (Group 4) through 2020, with orientations toward 2030;




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66


Article 1. To approve the detailed master plan on the seaport group in Southern Central Vietnam seaports (Group 4) through 2020, with orientations toward 2030, with the following principal contents:

1. Scope of the master plan

The master plan covers seaports in coastal provinces in Southern Central Vietnam, including Binh Dinh, Phu Yen, Khanh Hoa, Ninh Thuan and Binh Thuan. The scope of service of these seaports embraces all these provinces and meets the shipping need of some Central Highlands provinces (Gia Lai, Kon Tum, Dac Lac and part of Lam Dong province), some southern provinces of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic and the northern region of the Kingdom of Cambodia.

2. Development viewpoints and objectives a/ Development viewpoints:

- To develop this seaport group in line with the master plan on development of Vietnam’s seaport system, in close combination with the local transport sector development, construction and socio-economic development master plans and other relevant master plans.

- To utilize and bring into the fullest play the advantages in geographical locations and natural conditions in favorable locations for developing seaports in the southern Central Vietnam and related infrastructure facilities in a balanced and synchronous manner; to concentrate investment and adopt plans on effective operation of Van Phong international transshipment seaport, making technology - management - operation breakthroughs toward modernity for assumption of the role as a regional international transshipment seaport.

- To rationally develop national and regional major general seaports, special-use seaports and local seaports in order to assure harmony in the entire group; to attach importance to development of general and special- use seaports for large-tonnage seagoing ships in Quy Nhon, Van Phong and Cam Ranh areas; to develop special-use seaports associated with economic zones, industrial parks, and large coal-fired and nuclear thermal power plants and bauxite-aluminum plants; to attach importance to the maintenance and regular repair of existing wharves to assure synchronous and effective operation.

- To synchronously develop seaports and navigable channels as well as seaport infrastructure facilities and public infrastructure linked with seaports; to develop goods distribution and logistics centers.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

- To closely combine seaport development with sanitation and environmental management and protection, assuring sustainable develop- ment in the context of climate change and meeting requirements of national defense and security.

b/ Development objectives and orientations:

- General objectives:

+ To form local general seaports in the region to meet cargo shipping needs of regional localities and link with major seaports in the region and the national international gateway and international transshipment seaports; to ensure balanced and synchronous development of seaports and related infrastructure facilities linked with seaports’ zones of attraction; and the seaports group will serve as a driving force for socio-economic development and maintenance of security and national defense in each locality, the whole Central Vietnam key economic region and related regions.

+ To meet the need for transportation of imported raw materials, materials and fuels and exported products of metallurgical, petrochemical and mining establishments in the region; and facilitate the development of seaport urban centers with a view to accelerating the regional industrialization and modernization through 2020, with orientations toward 2030.

- Specific targets:

+ The port throughput at different points of planning periods will be as follows:

·64.5 ÷ 94.5 million tons/year by 2015;

·144 ÷ 198 million tons/year by 2020;




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

+ To accommodate the following types of seagoing ships: General cargo ships of 10,000 -50,000 DWT, container cargo ships of an equivalent tonnage of 10,000 - 50,000 DWT and a loading capacity of 12,000 - 15,000 TEU (for container wharves for international transshipment), bulky cargo ships of 50,000 - 200,000 DWT, crude oil tankers of up to 400,000 DWT, oil product- carrying ships of 10,000 - 150,000 DWT, and passenger ships of 50,000 - 100,000 GRT;

3. Contents of the master plan

a/ Detailed planning of seaports in the group

The seaport group in southern Central Vietnam (Group 4) consists of 7 seaports of Quy Nhon, Vung Ro, Van Phong, Nha Trang - Cam Ranh, Ninh Thuan, Vinh Tan and Ke Ga, specifically as follows:

- Van Phong seaport - Khanh Hoa: This is a national general and international transshipment seaport (class IA), which consists of the main functional wharf areas of Dam Mon, Doc Let - Ninh Thuy and My Giang, of which:

+ Dam Mon wharf area: This is a main wharf area of the seaport which consists of special-use wharves for international container transshipment and special-use wharves for industrial parks and international tourists.

·Van Phong international container transshipment wharf area: This is a major international container transshipment special-use wharf area for Vietnam’s exports and imports and internationally transshipped containers.

By 2015, to concentrate resources on accelerating the construction and completion of two starting wharves for ships of up to 12,000 TEU. By 2020, to build between 2 and 4 additional wharves for ships of 9,000 -15,000 TEU and between 2 and 4 wharves for feeder ships of 500 - 1,500 TEU. By 2015 and 2020, the annual throughput will be 0.9 - 1.05 million TEU and between 3.1 and 4.5 million TEU, respectively. After 2020, this area will develop in line with the growth rate of Vietnam’s volume of exports and imports shipped on trans-ocean shipping routes and transshipped to neighboring countries, with an annual total throughput of 14.5 - 17 million TEU. The seaport system’s physical and technical foundations will be built with complete and modern management and loading/unloading equipment, facilities and technologies up to international standards.

·Dam Mon sand wharf: This is a special-use wharf for sand export. Its existing size will be maintained with a percussive pier for ships of 30,000 DWT and an annual throughput of 0.1 million tons. This wharf will be relocated for building international container transshipment wharves whenever necessary.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

·Van Phong oil transshipment wharf: This is a special-use petrol and oil wharf serving oil transshipment and transportation for Vietnam and the region. By 2015, to maintain the existing size with two anchoring places for oil tankers of 400,000 DWT. By 2020, to gradually reduce its capacity and then stop its operation. The whole transshipped oil volume will be handled by Van Phong bonded petrol and oil wharf.

+ Doc Let - Ninh Thuy wharf area: This is a special-use wharf area for bulky cargoes, other types of cargoes and also serves as a local general seaport for Ninh Thuy industrial park.

·Hon Khoi wharf: This is a special-use wharf for salt import and export and local general cargoes. To upgrade and renovate the existing pier to accommodate ships of 600 - 1,000 DWT with an annual throughput of 0.1 - 0.2 million tons.

·Wharves of Van Phong petroleum industry service base: These are special-use wharves for Van Phong petroleum industry service base and can be developed to accommodate ships of 30,000 - 40,000 DWT and the petroleum service ship fleet and concurrently for handling general cargoes, equipment and facilities and liquid cargoes being exported and imported petrol, oil, LPG, chemicals carried by ships of up to 50,000 DWT. This wharf area will be developed on conditions and expanded according to needs and capabilities of investors.

·Nghi Son - Van Phong cement wharf: This is a special-use wharf serving Nghi Son - Van Phong cement grinding station for ships of 21,000 DWT and with an annual throughput of 0.5 - 1 million tons.

·Other general and special-use wharves in service of Ninh Thuy industrial park.

+ My Giang wharf area: This is a special-use wharf area for oil and oil products and having a bulky cargo wharf for the coal-fired thermal power plant.

·Wharves of the Southern Van Phong Petrochemical Complex: These include one wharf (of hard or SPM structure) for imported-crude oil tankers of 320,000 DWT, wharves for exported-liquid cargo ships of 10,000 - 50,000 DWT, one wharf for ships of 10,000 DWT carrying imported or exported dry cargoes. The annual total throughput is around 18.8 million tons, including 10 million tons of crude oil, 7.8 million tons of oil products and 1 million tons of dry cargoes. The size and development of these wharf areas will depend on the progress of construction of the Southern Van Phong Petrochemical Complex.

·Wharves for the Van Phong bonded petrol and oil depot: These are special-use wharves for petrol and oil of the Van Phong bonded petrol and oil depot, and include an import wharf for ships of 320,000 DWT (of hard or SPM structure), an import wharf for ships of up to 150,000 DWT and five export wharves for ships of 10,000 - 50,000 DWT. The annual total cargo throughput of this wharf area is around 20 million tons. By 2015, its annual throughput will be 10 million tons.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

- Quy Nhon seaport: This is a national general and regional major seaport of class I which consists of the functional wharf areas of Quy Nhon - Thi Nai and Nhon Hoi and wharves of Tam Quan, De Gi and a wharf of the Binh Dinh coal-fired thermal power plant.

+ Quy Nhon - Thi Nai wharf area: This is general wharf area having special-use wharves for container cargoes and petrol and oil products. This is the main wharf area of the seaport.

·Quy Nhon wharf: Its size will be maintained with six existing piers for general cargo ships of 30,000 DWT with a total length of 866 meters. Intensive investment will be made in equipment, facilities and technologies to raise the annual throughput to 3.5 - 4 million tons.

· Quy Nhon new port wharf: To invest in completing a wharf for container ships of 30,000 DWT with an annual throughput of 1.5 – 3 million tons (150,000 - 290,000 TEU/year). By 2020, to study and make additional investment in a downstream pier for ships of 30,000 DWT.

·Thi Nai wharf: This is a local satellite general wharf. By 2015, to upgrade two existing piers for ships of 7,000 - 10,000 DWT. Its annual cargo throughput is between 0.5 and 1 million tons.

·The Central Vietnam new port wharf: To upgrade the existing wharf for ships of 10,000 - 15,000 tons with an annual throughput of 0.5 million tons.

·Dong Da wharf: This is a local satellite wharf which will be developed after other wharves in the region are fully developed. It may be developed into two with a total length of 310 meters for ships of 5,000 - 10,000 DWT with an annual cargo throughput of 0.5 - 1 million tons.

·Quy Nhon petrol and oil wharf: To upgrade the existing buoyed wharf for oil tankers of 20,000 DWT with an annual throughput of 0.5 million tons.

·An Phu petrol and oil wharf: Its existing size will be maintained for ships of 1,000 DWT.




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

+ The wharf of the Binh Dinh coal-fired thermal power plant: This is a special-use wharf for imported coal for the Binh Dinh coal-fired thermal power plant, consisting of between 1 and 4 piers for ships of 10,000 -100,000 DWT. Its annual cargo throughput is between 3.6 and 21 million tons.

- Nha Trang - Cam Ranh seaport: This is a national general and local major seaport of class I, consisting of the main functional wharf areas of Nha Trang and Cam Ranh and Truong Sa island wharf.

+ Nha Trang wharf area: This is a major passenger wharf for tourist services and having a general cargo wharf. By 2015, to renovate the existing infrastructure with two landing stages (wharf with two landing sides) with a total length of 552 meters for ships of 20,000 DWT and passenger ships of 70,000 GRT. By 2015, the annual throughput will be around 1.5 million tons and 100,000 passenger arrivals. By 2020, to gradually reduce the annual cargo throughput to 0.5 million tons for clean general and container cargoes. To build the passenger wharf into a modern wharf for ships of up to 100,000 GRT with an annual throughput of 250,000 passenger arrivals.

+ Mui Chut petrol and oil wharf: To gradually reduce this wharf’s capacity before stopping its operation. The whole imported petrol and oil volume for Nha Trang city will be handled by Van Phong and Ba Ngoi wharf areas.

+ Cam Ranh wharf area: This is a general and container cargo wharf area for ships of 30,000 - 50,000 DWT and having a special-use wharf for construction materials, petrol and oil. This area may be developed to have four wharves (including one existing wharf) for ships of 30,000 - 50,000 DWT. By 2015, to invest in completing a 300-m wharf for ships of 50,000 DWT. By 2020, to build an additional wharf. This area’s annual cargo throughput will be 4.5 million tons by 2015 and 7.5 million tons by 2020.

+ New special-use petrol and oil and construction material wharves will be built to meet the needs of the market and enterprises and in line with local construction master plans.

+ Truong Sa island wharf: To build one or two wharves for ships of 1,000 -2,000 DWT in Sinh Ton and Truong Sa Lon islands to serve people’s life, national defense and security.

- Vung Ro seaport: This is a local general seaport of class II having a special-use wharf and consisting of the functional wharf areas of western Vung Ro and eastern Vung Ro.

+ Western Vung Ro wharf area: This is a general wharf area having a special-use wharf for oil products.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

· Bai Chua general wharf: This wharf area may be developed to have three wharves for ships of 10,000 - 20,000 DWT with a land area of 16.5 ha and an annual cargo throughput of 2 - 3 million tons. This is for future development of Vung Ro general wharf.

· Vung Ro oil wharf: To maintain its existing size with one buoyed wharf for ships of 10,000 - 40,000 DWT with an annual throughput of around 0.1 million tons.

+ Eastern Vung Ro wharf area: This is a special-use wharf area for petrochemical purpose having a general wharf.

·Vung Ro oil refinery wharf: This is a special-use wharf directly serving the Vung Ro petrochemical plant. It may be developed to have a wharf for imported crude oil carried by tankers of 250,000 DWT; four or five wharves for export of oil products as well as dry cargoes and general cargoes carried by ships of 10.000 - 50,000 DWT. Its annual total throughout is between 4 and 7 million tons. It will be developed on conditions and its size and development pace depend on the progress of investment in the petrochemical plant.

·Bai Goc wharf area: This is a special-use wharf area serving the Hoa Tam petrochemical industry zone. It may be developed to have a wharf for tankers of 300,000 DWT carrying imported crude oil and several wharves for export of products and general cargoes carried by ships of 30,000 -50,000 DWT. This area will be developed on conditions and its construction size depends on the progress of construction and size of the petrochemical industry zone.

- Ninh Thuan seaport: This is a local general seaport of class II having a special-use wharves being satellite wharves of the general wharf area, and consisting of Ninh Chu wharf area, wharf area for Ninh Thuan nuclear power plants and Ca Na - Doc Ham wharf area.

+ Ninh Chu wharf area: This is a satellite local general wharf area which may be developed to have four wharves for ships of 5,000 - 10,000 DWT with a total length of 600 meters and an annual throughput of 1 - 1.5 million tons. By 2015, to build one or two new wharves for ships of 5,000 - 10,000 DWT. Its annual throughput by 2015 will be between 0.5 and 0.8 million tons.

+ A wharf for Ninh Thuan I nuclear power center: This is a special-use wharf directly serving the construction and operation of Ninh Thuan I nuclear thermal power plant in Phuoc Dinh district, and consisting a wharf for ships of up to 30,000 DWT.

+ A wharf for Ninh Thuan II nuclear power center: This is a special-use wharf directly serving the construction and operation of Ninh Thuan II nuclear thermal power plant in Vinh Hai district, and consisting one wharf for ships of up to 30,000 DWT.




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

Its annual throughput is around 25 million tons. This area will be developed on conditions with its size depending on the progress of investment in industrial parks.

- Ke Ga seaport: This is a local general seaport of class II having satellite special-use wharves of the general wharf area, and consisting of the functional wharf areas of Ke Ga, Phu Quy and Phan Thiet and the wharf area of the Son My thermal power plant.

+ Ke Ga wharf area: This is a special-use wharf area for bauxite and aluminum transportation, having general wharves and other special-use wharves. Its development size will depend on the exploitation and production of bauxite and aluminum;

+ Ke Ga petrol and oil wharf area: This is a special-use wharf area serving the southern Central Vietnam petrol and oil depots. It may be developed to have one or two wharves for ships of 30,000 - 80,000 DWT with an annual throughput of 1-2 million tons.

+ Phu Quy and Phan Thiet wharves: These are satellite local general wharves directly serving Phu Quy island district and Phan Thiet city.

+ Phu Quy wharf: By 2015, to maintain the existing wharf with a 51-m pier for ships of 1,000 - 2,000 DWT. By 2020, to upgrade and lengthen it to 190 meters. Its annual throughput is between 0.1 and 0.2 million tons;

+ Phan Thiet wharf: To build a new wharf for ships of 1,000 - 2,000 DWT on a land area of 2 ha and with an annual throughput of 0.1 - 0.2 million tons.

+ The wharf area of the Son My thermal power plant: This is a special-use wharf area serving the Son My thermal power plant. One or two wharves may be built for ships of 10,000 - 80,000 DWT with an annual throughput of around 4 million tons for the thermal power plant. It is planned as a potential major seaport for receiving liquefied natural gas and of a size suitable to investors’ needs and capacity.

- Vinh Tan seaport: This is a special-use seaport directly serving the Vinh Tan power center and for transshipment of coal for regional coal-fired thermal power plants. It may be developed to have six wharves for ships of 50,000 - 200,000 DWT with an annual throughput of 25 million tons, including 13.5 million tons for the Vinh Tan coal-fired thermal power plant. The remaining throughput is for transshipped cargoes of other plants.




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

b/ Planning of investment in, renovation and upgrading of navigable channels

- To build a new navigable channel from Quy Nhon - Thi Nai wharf area to Nhon Hoi wharf area for ships of 30,000 DWT upon the building of ports in Nhon Hoi area. In the first phase, to dredge the channel for fully loaded ships of 5,000 DWT and partially loaded ships of larger tonnage, later dredge the channel at a greater depth to suit the throughput cargo volume and the progress of building Nhon Hoi wharf area.

- To upgrade the 16-km access channel of Cam Ranh wharf area through Binh Ba bay for ships of 50,000 DWT.

- To upgrade Ninh Chu navigable channel through Tri Thuy river up to standards for ships of 10,000 DWT which can navigate on high tide. In the first phase, to dredge the channel for ships of 5,000 DWT.

- To conduct regular dredging and maintenance of other channels or use natural water depth of sea canals without dredging.

c/ Priority projects through 2015

- For access channels: To build an access channel of Van Phong international transshipment seaport.

- Wharves:

+ For general wharves: The starting phase of Van Phong international transshipment seaport; to add a container pier in Quy Nhon wharf area; to build pier No. 2 in Cam Ranh seaport; to build new Phan Thiet – Binh Thuan wharf to serve Phu Quy island district; to upgrade and renovate Nha Trang wharf to accommodate passenger ships of 70,000 GRT;




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

3. Policies, mechanisms and solutions for implementation

- To step up the mobilization of social resources for investment in developing seaport infrastructure in the forms of PPP, BOT, BT,… To intensify investment promotion, encourage and create favorable conditions for all economic sectors at home and abroad to invest in developing seaports in the prescribed forms.

- To concentrate state budget sources on investing in public infrastructure facilities (navigable channels and breakwaters for common use) connected to important seaports. Wharf infrastructure facilities will be largely built with funds lawfully mobilized from enterprises. All infrastructure and port- linking infrastructure facilities of seaport and wharves recommended by investors, including general wharves, will be built with capital raised by these investors themselves.

- To study and permit on a pilot basis foreign partners to invest in loading and unloading equipment and hire other entities to operate port infrastructure facilities invested with domestic capital (associated with transfer of advanced technologies).

- To further step up the administrative reform in the management of investment and operation of wharves toward simplicity and compliance with international standards.

- To enhance the state management in the course of implementation of the master plan on development of seaports in the group, paying attention to the master plan’s consistency and harmonious integration with regional transport network development master plans, construction master plans and socio-economic development general plans of localities and territorial areas having seaports.

- To step up the building of wharves and wharf areas for common use in economic zones and industrial parks so as to promote the investment effectiveness and use of the coastline as a natural resource for building seaports. To reserve appropriate land areas at the rear of seaports for building goods distribution centers with logistic functions.

- To further step up the administrative reform in the management of investment and operation of seaports toward simplicity and modernity; to study and apply on a pilot basis the model of “port management office” at seaports where conditions permit.

- To step up the implementation of the mechanism for development of Van Phong international transshipment seaport, covering study of plans on effective operation of wharves in the starting phase and the mechanism for management and mobilization of capital for development investment in the whole seaport area which is synchronous, modern and of the regional caliber.




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

1. The Vietnam Maritime Administration shall:

- Coordinate with provincial-level People’s Committees and related agencies in publicizing and managing the implementation of the approved master plan;

- Report the addition and adjustment of functions and sizes of seaports and wharves to the Ministry of Transport for consideration and decision;

- For potential seaports and wharves: Summarize and report on practical needs and proposals of investors and provincial-level People’s Committees to the Ministry of Transport for consideration and decision;

- Annually coordinate with local administrations and related agencies in inspecting the implementation of the master plan, reviewing and proposing measures to handle projects implemented not under the master plan, and reporting to the Ministry of Transport.

2. Ministries, sectors and provincial-level People’s Committees shall:

- Direct investors in formulating projects to build, renovate and upgrade seaports and navigable channels in line with the approved master plan and in accordance with current regulations on construction investment management.

- Provincial-level People’s Committees shall base themselves on the approved master plan to closely manage and use for proper purposes land areas reserved for building seaports; arrange land areas for synchronous development of seaports and infrastructure facilities linked with seaports, service areas at the rear of seaports and maritime service areas in order to assure favorable conditions for seaport operation.

- Regarding the updating of wharf areas and wharves not yet specified in this master plan:




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

+ For other wharf areas and wharves: Provincial-level People’s Committees shall direct investors or functional agencies in working out and sending detailed master plans to the Ministry of Transport and the Vietnam Maritime Administration for study and updating in the detailed master plan on the seaport group, and manage these master plans.

Article 3. This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.

Article 4. The director of the Office, the Chief Inspector of the Ministry of Transport, the directors of the departments, the director of the Vietnam Maritime Administration, and heads of related organizations and related individuals shall implement this Decision.-




Ho Nghia Dung