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Independence- Freedom- Happiness


Hanoi, September 20, 1999





Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government of September 30, 1992;
Pursuant the Regulation on urban planning management promulgated together with the Government
’s Decree No.91/CP of August 17, 1994;
At the proposals of the People
’s Committee of the Quang Tri province (in Official Dispatch No.833/TT-UB of July 10, 1999) and the Ministry of Construction (in Official Dispatch No.29/TTr-BXD of August 30, 1999),


Article 1.- To ratify the overall orientation planning for the construction of Lao Bao economic and trade development promotion area (hereafter referred to as the Lao Bao trade area), Quang Tri province, till the year 2020 with the following principal contents:

1. Objectives:

To concretize the content of the Regulation on the Lao Bao economic and trade development promotion area, Quang Tri province, promulgated together with the Prime Minister’s Decision No.219/1998/QD-TTg of November 12, 1998; to constitute a base for the land use management, the elaboration of investment and development plan, the management of the construction of urban centers and rural population quarters, infrastructure, and environmental protection; and to accelerate the economic development in association with the safeguarding of security and national defense.




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The Lao Bao trade area is situated close to the border with Savanakhet province (the People’s Democratic Republic of Laos), on National Highway No.9, west of Quang Tri province, embrassing the administrative territories of Lao Bao and Khe Sang district townships, and Tan Thanh, Tan Long, Tan Lap, Tan Lien and Tan Hop communes (Huong Hoa district), Quang Tri province. The Land acreage of planning study area is 15,804 hectares.

3. Characteristics:

- Being an economic and trade promotion area and an important international border-gate, with a role of promoting the economic and trade ties of cooperation between Vietnam and Laos, as well as with other countries;

- Being an important domestic and international land-road traffic hub;

- Being one of the economic centers of Quang Tri province;

- Having an extremely important position for national security and defense.

4. Size of population:

- By the year 2010: Around 40,000 people;

- By the year 2020: Around 55,000 people, of which:




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+ Khe Sanh district township: around 15,000;

+ Rural population of the above-said 5 communes: around 20,000.

5. Spatial development orientations:

a/ Urban system and rural population quarters:

- Lao Bao district township has an urban construction land area of around 550 hectares including Lao Bao township and the Lao Bao service and trade quarter;

- Khe Sanh township is the district capital of Huong Hoa district, with an urban construction land area of around 420 hectares;

- The centers of the above-said 5 communes shall be largely situated on National Highway No.9, with a total land area for construction of rural population quarter of around 250 hectares.

b/ Disposition of functional quarters:

- The Lao Bao service and trade quarter (with a land area of 100 hectares): shall be situated in Lao Bao district township and composed of an international trade fair and exhibition center, a clean industry park, the Lao Bao trade center, product showrooms, processing and recycling establishments and bonded warehouses.




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+ To locate a joint inspection station, the border-gate managing bodies, service works and bonded warehouses at the Lao Bao border-gate;

+ To locate an inter-branch inspection station in Tan Hop commune with the functions of export and import control, tax collection, joint inspection and border-gate management.

- Industrial parks shall include:

+ A clean industry park in Lao Bao district township (around 21 hectares);

+ An industrial park in Khe Sanh district township (around 10 hectares).

+ A industrial park in Tan Thanh commune (around 50 hectares).

- The administrative center of Huong Hoa district, which is concurrently the administrative center of the Lao Bao trade area, shall be located in Khe Sanh district township.

- The cultural, physical training and sport, tourist, service, educational, training and medical centers of Huong Hoa district and the Lao Bao trade area shall be located in Khe Sanh district township.

- Land for national defense: To reserve land for the task of safeguarding the national security and defense at the requests of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Public Security.




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6. Technical infrastructure system development orientations:

a/ On traffic: To synchronously and sequentially arrange the outbound traffic network and key traffic works; as well as traffic networks within Khe Sanh and Lao Bao district townships and rural population quarters.

b/ On water supply: The water resources for production and daily life activities in the area shall be taken from Se Pol river and A Chum and Khe Sanh lakes, and added by Rao Quan hydroelectric reservoir in the future.

c/ On electric power supply: The electric power shall be supplied from the national grid; and the Dong Ha-Lao Bao 110 KV power lines shall be built.

d/ On waste water drainage and environmental hygiene: To organize networks for waste water drainage and treatment in the district townships and industrial parks, in order to ensure the environmental hygiene in the area.

7. First-phase construction till the year 2010:

The priority shall be given to the construction of Lao Bao trade area�s infrastructure system, including:

- The project for resettlement of some 100 households, in order to clear the ground for construction of the Lao Bao service and trade quarter;

- The projects for investment in the key technical infrastructure projects for the whole area, as well as the technical infrastructure projects for the Lao Bao service and trade quarter;




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- The project for investment in the Lao Bao service and trade quarter;

- The investment project for construction of dwelling houses and social welfare projects.

8. The main solutions:

To materialize the content of the overall planning orientations already formulated, the People’s Committee of Quang Tri province shall have to organize the implementation and study of synchronous mechanisms and policies suitable to the area’s specific conditions as specified in the Prime Minister’s Decision No.219/1998/QD-TTg of November 12, 1998, in order to mobilize domestic and foreign resource; concretize the planning through land use planning projects, detail planning of functional quarters and investment projects and formulate long-, medium- and short-term plans for administration and management.

Article 2.- The People’s Committee of Quang Tri province shall closely inspect and monitor the implementation of the planning. The ministries and central-level branches shall have to coordinate with and support localities in the implementation course in order to ensure that the overall orientation planning for the construction of Lao Bao trade area is consistent with the strategy and planning for development of economic-technical-social branches, and in line with the socio-economic development plannings of the province, the Northern Central Vietnam and the whole country.

To assign the President of the People’s Committee of Quang Tri province to ratify the dossier of planning design and promulgate the Regulation on construction management under the overall orientation planning for the construction of Lao Bao trade area till the year 2020 after consulting the Ministry of Construction; and organize the publicization of the overall orientation planning among the population for their inspection and implementation.

Article 3.- This Decision takes effect 15 days after its signing. The President of the People’s Committee of Quang Tri province, the ministers, the heads of the ministerial-level agencies and the heads of the agencies attached to the Government shall have to implement this Decision.






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