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Independence - Freedom Happiness


Hanoi, February 03, 2000





Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government of September 30, 1992;
Pursuant to Law on Enterprises No.13/1999/QH10 of June 12, 1999;
At the proposal of the Minister of Planning and Investment,


Article 1.- To cancel, for the immediate future, various types of business licenses, certificates of business qualifications, practice licenses, practice certificates and licenses or permits in other forms (hereinafter referred to as licenses and permits) specified in the list enclosed with this Decision.

Article 2.- Other business licenses, which are issued by the ministries, ministerial-level agencies, agencies attached to the Government and Peoples Committees of the provinces and centrally-run cities not pursuant to laws, ordinances and/or decrees, but are not on the list mentioned in Article 1 of this Decision, shall be invalidated as from July 1st, 2000

For business qualifications which are deemed necessary to be granted licenses or permits, the concerned agencies shall have to propose the Government to promulgate decree(s) for implementation in strict compliance with the provisions of Article 6 of the Law on Enterprises.




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Article 4.- The working team for enforcement of the Law on Enterprises shall have to inspect the implementation of this Decision.

The ministers, the heads of the ministerial-level agencies, the heads of the agencies attached to the Government and the presidents of the Peoples Committees of the provinces and centrally-run cities shall have to implement this Decision.




Phan Van Khai




(Issued together with the Prime Ministers Decision No.19/2000/QD-TTg of February 3, 2000)




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1. Certification of environmental pollution control

2. Certificate of qualifications for trading in information equipment

3. Certificate of qualifications for trading in discarded metal materials and scraps

2. Those issued by the trade branch:

4. Certificate of qualifications for inn business

5. Certificate of qualifications for pawn service business

6. License for property safe-keeping service

3. Those issued by the aquatic resource branch:

7. Permit for movement of exploitation forces




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9. License for fishery activities

10. License for domestication, hybridization and breeding

11. Certificate of registration of production of feeds for aquatic animals

12. Certificate of mollusk harvesting

13. Certificate of origin of mollusks

4. Those issued by the General Department of Customs:

14. Certificate of registration of hired customs declaration service

5. Those issued by the Ministry of Finance

15. License for financial consultancy




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16. Certificate for the practice of electric construction consultancy

17. License for the practice of industrial and handicraft product manufacture and processing

18. Industrial practice license

7. Those issued by the General Department of Post and Telecommunications:

19. License for postal and telecommunications equipment trading agency

20. License for the practice of postal and telecommunications service agency

21. License for agency for foreign express mail service companies

22. License for Internet connection, business or service agency

23. Registration of certificate for construction practice in the field of post and telecommunications (issued to organizations).




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24. License for domestic travel business

25. License for tourist transport business

26. Certificate of qualifications for tourist accommodation establishments or hotel business

9. Those issued by the Ministry of Health:

27. Certificate of food safety and hygiene standards

28. Certificate of qualifications and conditions for setting up of private medical equipment and instrument establishments

10. Those issued by the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs

29. License for labor service practice

11. Those issued by the information and culture branch:




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31. License for computer service

32. License for typewriting

33. License for photography and signboard designing

34. License for music shows

35. Permits for setting up package-printing establishments

36. License for wood relief-printing practice

37. License for gilding practice

38. License for mimeographic printing

39. License for photocopying practice




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41. License for printing supplies trading

42. License for the practice of printing mechanical engineering manufacture and repair

43. License for the practice of printing materials production

44. Certificate of qualifications for gallery activities

45. License for painting imitation

46. License for video game service business

47. License for music teaching

48. License for dancing teaching

49. License for audio equipment lease




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51. License for ritual and guest reception music activities

52. License for outdoor film shooting

53. License for portrait painting

54. License for musical instrument repair

55. License for photographic supplies trading

56. License for opening of minilabs

57. License for letter engraving

58. License for cinematographic and photographic film processing

59. License for model designing




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61. License for computer lease

62. License for translation

63. License for billiard service

64. License for sale of souvenir fine-art articles

12. Those issued by the communication and transport branch:

65. License for motorbike taxi

66. License for construction practice area expansion

67. License for traffic construction practice

68. License for waterway transport




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70. License for maritime activities

71. License for maritime service business activities

72. Practice license for repair and building of inland waterway transport means

73. License for cargo transport, license for passenger transport

74. License for business registration of inland waterway transport service

75. License for land-road transport

76. License for modification of land-road motor vehicles

77. License for use of inland navigable water areas

78. License for the practice of production of industrial products for communication and transport




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79. Certificate for construction practice

80. Certificate for construction consultancy practice

14. Those issued by the agriculture and rural development branch:

81. Certificate of qualifications for veterinary drug trading

82. License for wood and forest product processing

83. Certificate for food milling and processing practice

15. Those issued by the Ministry of Planning and Investment:

84. Certificate for foreign investment consultancy practice.