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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No: 19/2003/QD-TTg

Hanoi , Day 28 month 01 year 2003





Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government of December 25, 2001;
Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 71/2001/QD-TTg of May 4, 2001 on the national target programs in the 2001-2005 period;
At the proposals of the Minister of Culture and Information (Official Dispatch No. 2831/VHTT-KH of July 25, 2001) and the Minister of Planning and Investment (Official Dispatch No. 7114 BKH/VPTD of October 22, 2001),


Article 1.- To approve the national target program on culture till 2005 with the following principal contents:

1. The program’s objectives:

a/ General objectives:




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- To build and develop the cultural life at the grassroots level (wards, communes, townships, towns, villages, hamlets,...).

- To modernize the film production, archival and dissemination technologies.

b/ Specific objectives:

- To efficiently preclude dangers of degradation and disappearance of cultural heritages. To invest in reparation, replenishment, restoration and building of monuments and beauty spots, and develop non-material cultural heritages into valuable cultural products in the work of education of historical and old-age cultural traditions in service of the demands for cultural activities of the whole society in general and the tourist development demands in particular.

To continue promoting the results achieved in the building and development of grassroots information and culture, especially in highland, deep-lying, remote, mountainous, border, island and ethnic minority areas. Not to allow the existence of places where cultural activities are not organized; to build bright spots of cultural activities in all fields of the social life.

- To create harmony between cultural conservation and development in building an advanced Vietnamese culture strong with national identity.

- To modernize the film production and dissemination techniques. To improve the skills to use modern film production and dissemination equipment and techniques for cinematographic professionals in order to raise the quality of cinematographic works, meet the people’s increasing demands for cultural enjoyment, and export Vietnamese films to foreign countries.

2. The program’s contents:

Including the following 3 major tasks:




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a/ The project for degradation combat and replenishment of historical, revolutionary and resistance war relics, including the following contents:

- To continue conserving and replenishing historical, revolutionary and resistance war monuments, especially those relics of particularly important value.

- To study and preserve monuments by modern technologies.

- To train managerial officials, protect and organize activities at relics.

b/ The project for collection and conservation of typical non-material cultural values and building of a data bank on the non-material culture, including the following contents:

- To systemize non-material cultural heritages in localities.

- To collect in a comprehensive manner the typical non-material cultural heritages of some localities and of ethnic minority groups.

- To study for restoration and dissemination of a number of types of typical traditional cultural and artistic activities.

- To establish a data bank on the non-material culture.




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c/ The project for survey and conservation of a number of typical villages and hamlets (hereafter referred collectively to as villages) and unique traditional rituals of ethnic minority groups, including the following contents:

- Surveys and compilation of dossiers of a number of typical villages of ethnic minority groups, which have still maintained many traditional cultural particularities. Selection of villages for project formulation and experimental conservation of 2 or 3 particularly typical villages.

- Support for the organization of unique traditional rituals of ethnic minority groups.

2. The task of building the cultural life at the grassroots level, including the following 4 projects:

a/ The project for building grassroots cultural and information institutions, building models of culture and information activities in villages and communes (with priority given first to highland, deep-lying, remote and mountainous and ethnic minority areas in order to narrow the cultural enjoyment gap between regions), including the following contents:

- To provide equipment in service of activities of cultural houses, cultured villages and mobile information teams.

- To equip transport means used exclusively for mobile cultured and information activities (special-use automobiles and culture boats).

- To build a number of information clusters at border gates.

- To train officials who shall perform the work of grassroots culture and information.




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- To perfect the cultural standards applicable to each type of grassroots unit.

- To work out the commendation regimes for families, villages, communes and wards, which have satisfied the standards of cultured families, villages, communes and wards.

- To work out mechanisms and policies towards culture and information officials in highland, deep-lying and remote areas.

c/ To continue implementing the project on supply of cultural and information products to the grassroots level, including the following contents:

- To supply cultural and information products to communes meeting with special difficulties and boarding schools for ethnic minority pupils.

- To supply books to libraries of highland, deep-lying and remote districts, to experimentally build mobile book-cases for the provincial/municipal libraries for further transfer to grassroots libraries.

d/ The project for coordination with the Border Guard Command in promoting cultural and information activities in the border areas and islands, including the following contents:

- To provide cultural and information equipment to border-guard posts.

- To supply cultural and information products to, and organize cultural and information festivals for, border guard posts.




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a/ The project for modernization of the film production, including:

To provide modern and synchronous equipment and techniques to a number of central large film firms, ensuring the successful production of stereo-sound films.

b/ The project for provision of modern equipment and techniques for film dissemination.

To equip stereo-sound film projectors for a number of large cinemas; to continue additionally supplying appropriate film projectors to mobile film projection teams operating in highland, deep-lying, remote and border areas and islands.

c/ The project for training and raising the skills to use modern equipment in film production and dissemination, including the following contents:

- To send professional and technical officials who use modern equipment in film production and archival for training abroad.

- To hire foreign specialists to teach and raise the skills to use modern cinematographic equipment for technical workers.

d/ The project for provision of a number of modern special-use equipment for film preservation and archival at Vietnam Arts and Cinematographic Archival Institute.

4. Norms to be achieved by 2005:




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- To collect and archive in a comprehensive manner the typical non-material cultural values of ethnic groups, as well as valuable traditional cultural values which are in danger of disappearance.

- 80% of families shall meet the standards of culture families.

- 50% of villages and population groups shall meet the standards of cultured villages or population groups.

- To experimentally build 2-3 cultural and sport centers in each mountainous, highland, deep-lying and remote province.

- 100% of border guard posts shall be equipped with audio-visual facilities, a number of books for cultural and information activities, and 50% of border-guard posts shall become cultural bright spots.

- The central film firms shall be synchronously invested with modern film-production techniques and technologies.

- Cinemas in large cities, tourist centers and provinces where cinemas have already existed and been capable of operating with profits shall be equipped with film projectors and stereo-sound 300-inch videos. To equip a number of 100-inch videos for mobile film projection teams in highland, deep-lying and remote areas.

- Professional and technical officials of the cinematographic sector shall be able to proficiently use modern cinematographic equipment in film production and dissemination.

3. Program implementation duration:




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4. Regarding capital sources for the program:

- The State budget capital, including capital construction investment capital and non-business capital.

- Capital mobilized from local budget sources.

- Capital of enterprises and units.

- Capital contributed by people; capital donated by foreign organizations and individuals.

The Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Ministry of Finance shall coordinate with the functional agencies in apportioning annual capital within the State budget’s capability; the Ministry of Culture and Information shall work out solutions on mechanisms and policies to mobilize resources for the implementation of the program according to the set tempo.

Article 2.- On the basis of this program, the Ministry of Culture and Information shall direct the formulation of specific projects and submit them to the competent authorities for approval according to the current regulations.

With regard to the objectives of modernizing the film production, archival and dissemination technologies, basing itself on the cinematographic development planning already approved by the Government, the program should concentrate first of all on the film dissemination and archival stages; large projects should be separated for independent investment, and shall not be included into the program.

The conservation of the nation’ typical cultural heritages is particularly important and urgent. The Ministry of Culture and Information shall base itself on the importance and degradation danger of each monument to include them into the program’s list of works to be given priority for investment and conservation.




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1. To assign the Ministry of Culture and Information to manage and administer the program, to assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the concerned ministries and branches as well as localities in organizing the implementation of the program’s projects; in the course of implementation, to efficiently integrate them into other economic and cultural-social development programs in the localities.

2. The mechanism for management and administration of the national target programs on culture shall be as prescribed in the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 42/2002/QD-TTg of March 19, 2002 on management and administration of the national programs.

Article 4.- This Decision takes implementation effect 15 days after its signing.

The ministers, the heads of the ministerial-level agencies, the heads of the agencies attached to the Government, and the presidents of the People’s Committees of the provinces and centrally-run cities shall have to implement this Decision.




Phan Van Khai