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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 197/2007/QD-TTg

Hanoi, December 28, 2007





Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
At the proposal of Nghe An province People’s Committee in Report No. 519/TTr-UBND dated January 25, 2007, and Document No. 6296/UBND-TH dated October 1, 2007, and the Ministry of Planning and investment’s opinions in Official Letter No. 8583/ BKH-TD&GSDT dated November 22, 2007, on the master plan on socio-economic development of Nghe An province till 2020,


Article 1.

To approve the master plan on socio-economic development of Nghe An province till 2020 with the following major contents:





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2. To concentrate resources, creating growth poles, key regions and zones and strongly developing a number of breakthrough fields and products in order to create an impetus for fast economic growth and economic restructuring towards industrialization and modernization.

3. To quickly develop tourist, trade, transport, post and telecommunications, educational, health, financial, banking and insurance services; such industries with competitive edges in industrial parks and complexes and economic zones as building materials-manufacturing industry, agro-forestry-aquatic product-processing industry, food industry, electronic industry, information technology, mechanical engineering industry, etc. To build a diverse agricultural-forestry-fishery sector in association with the protection of natural resources and ecological environment.

4. To simultaneously achieve three economic, social and environmental targets in development. To closely combine economic development with the maintenance of defense and security, the consolidation of political system and strong administration.

5. To attach importance to the development of infrastructure systems and the development of human resources for attraction of investment, tapping provincial and external resources.


1. General objectives

To strive to bring Nghe An out of the poverty and under development status by 2010; make it basically an industrial province by 2020; to be determined to make Nghe An one of the top provinces in the country soon. To build Nghe An into an industrial, tourist, commercial, educational, health, cultural and scientific-technological center of the northern central region, with comprehensive infrastructures, higher and higher material and cultural life for the people and a healthy culture imbued with Nghe An’s identily, strong strong defense and security and the assured social order and safety.

2. Specific objectives

a/ Economic objectives




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The average annual GDP growth rate will reach 12-13% in the 2006-2010 period, 12-12.5% in the 2011-2015 period, and ll.5-12% in the 2016-2020 period.

The economy will be restructured towards increasing the non-agricultural sectors; especially boosting the fast growth of the service sector in the post-2010 period. The industry-construction ratio in the GDP will reach 39%; the service ratio, 37% and the agriculture-forestry-fishery ratio, about 24% by 2010, which will respectively be 41.4%, 40.4% and 18.2% by 2015, then 43%, 43% and 14% by 2020.

To strongly develop external economy. To formulate a number of key export products. To strive to achieve the export turnover of over USD 350 million by 2010, USD 850 million by 2015, and around USD l,900 million by 2020.

To strive to annually increase the local budget revenue at the current prices by around 24-25% on average in the whole 2006-2020 period, achieving about VND 5,000-5,500 billion by 2010, accounting for 11.5% of the GDP; about VND 15,600 billion by 2015, accounting for 14.6% of the GDP, and about VND 47,400 billion by 2020, accounting for 18.4% of the GDR

b/ Social objectives

To reduce the average annual birth rate to 0.02- 0.03% for a stable population size of around 3.5 million people by 2020; the average annual population growth rate will be 0.97% for the whole period.

To annually create jobs for about 30,000-32,000 laborers on average in the 2006-2010 period and 28,000-30,000 laborers in ten subsequent years. To ensure that 85-86% of laborers of working a age are employed by 2010, which will rise to 89-90% by 2020. The rate of trained laborers will reach over 40% by 2010 (including 25-27% professional trainees) and 65-70% by 2020.

The poverty rate will drop to (around 11-12% by 2010 and around 5% by 2020. Annually, the rate of disadvantaged children taken care of will rise 15-20%.

To completely universalize general education for 95% of pupils in cities, provincial towns and 85% of pupils in mountainous communes meeting with difficulties (including professional training, professional education, general education and complementary general education). To build all solid school buildings and classrooms.




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95% of the local population will be covered by television broadcasts and 100% by radio broadcasts by 2010, which will both be 100% by 2020.

To substantially improve infrastructures, including communication, electricity supply and systems. By 2010, to complete the construction of roads to communal centers not yet accessible to automobiles, and upgrade roads to communal centers accessible to automobiles only in one season in a year. To ensure that at least 90% of local households will be supplied with clean water and 98% of the local households with electricity by 2010, which will reach 100% by 2020.

The urbanization rate will be 17% by 2010 and 37% by 2020.

The housing space in urban areas will reach 10m2/person by 2010, 12m2/person by 2015 and 18-20m2/person by 2020.

To maintain social order and safety, national defense and security. To well attain the ''three-reduction and three-stability'' target in the locality. To minimize social vices, especially drug addiction and traffic accidents; to ensure that 100% drug addicts will be detected, managed and detoxicated and the rate of addiction relapse will drop.

c/ Environmental protection objectives

To basically green bare land, hills and mountains; to raire the forest canopy rate and canopy quality to 53% by 2010 and 60% by 2020.

To ensure clean environment for both urban and rural areas: 100% production and business establishments are up to environmental standards; 80% of garbage is collected and treated in the period up to 2010 and 95-100% by 2020.





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- To develop high-quality human resources and scientific and technological potential meeting the development requirements.

- To synchronously develop infrastructures in both urban rural areas.

- To concentrate investment on the formation of systems of key products in branches and domains with competitive edges (particularly the service branch) in order to create posture and forces for long-term development of the province.

- To step up reforms, particularly administrative reform, to renew mechanisms and policies with a view to trongly attracting domestic and foreign investment capital sources.

- To speed up urbanization; to develop central towns, outlying towns and rural population spots with a view to creating a new population distribution picture.


1. Industry and construction

- To prioritize the development of industries with comparative edge and stable outlets; to attach importance to the development of hi-tech industries in order to create breakthroughs for the province's growth.

- The average annual industrial-construction growth rate will be 18.9-20.7% in the 2006-2010 period; 14-14.5% in the 2011-2015 period; and 12-12.5% in the 2016-2020 period.




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- To develop the following major industries:

+ To develop the building materials- manufacturing industry into a key one of the province, encouraging the development of new products, the use of advanced and modem technologies to satisfy domestic demands and proceed to export.

+ To focus on the development of the agricultural, forestry, fishery product and food processing industry with the province's advantages.

+ To focus on tin exploitation and refinery; white stone exploitation and processing.

+ To direct attention to the development of mechanical engineering, petro-chemical, electronic-information -telecommunications, information and communication, new materials, automation equipment-manufacturing industries, biological technology, etc., into important ones, with great growth value in the province's industrial production.

+ To develop garment and textile, leather and shoe industries. To build Nghe An into a garment and textile center of the northern central region. To step by step form garment and textile complexes in Vinh city and nearby districts, mountainous areas (in Phu Quy and Anh Son industrial parks).

+ To develop economic zones, industrial parks, industrial-handicraft complexes and craft villages: To materialize the scheme on southeastern Nghe An economic zone with a view to creating breakthroughs in the province's industrial production. To complete

the construction of infrastructures of the industrial parks of Nam Cam, Hoang Mai and Phu Quy, to study the establishment of more industrial parks in Hung Nguyen, Nghi Loc, Do Luong, Anh Son and Thanh Chuong.

To concentrate investment on the construction of complete industrial complexes and craft villages in districts.




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To develop services at a fast and sustainable rate, with the growth rate higher than the GDP growth rate of the province’s entire of the province's entire economy in the post-2010 period. To further raise the service sector's role of supporting and boosting the development of branches and sectors in the economy. To build Vinh city into a great service center.

The average annual service growth rate will reach 10.9-11.5% in the 2006-2010 period, 13.5-14% in the 2011-2015 period, and 13.5-14% in the 2016-2020 period. To restructure the service sector towards fast increase of key services; to form service sub-sectors and products of high added value in conformity with the province's advantages; gradual increase of high-class and high-quality services and increase of the private sector ratio.

To develop key service sub-sectors:

- Tourism:

To develop Nghe An tourism into an important economic branch of the province. The average annual arrivals growth rate is expected to reach 12.9% in the 2006-2010 period, about 13% in the 2022-2020 period. To strive for two tourist towns (Vinh and Cua Lo) in Nghe An; and one national tourist resort (Kim Lien-Nam Dan).

To diversify forms of tourism and tourist products such as ecological tourism, rest and rest recreation tourism, medical treatment tourism, sea bath, cultural-historical tourism, nature exploring tourism, high-class recreation tourism, mixed tourism with key localities such as Nam Dan and its vicinities; Vinh city and Cua Lo town, Pu Mat national garden and its vicinities; hot mineral water areas of Giang Son – Do Luong, Quy Chau, Quan Phong, the coastal tourist areas of Quynh Luu, Dien Chau and Nghe An.

- Trade:

To quickly develop the domestic market in order to Satisfy the people's production and consumption demands, creating conditions for trade development in rural and mountainous areas. To build Vinh – Cua Lo area into a big commercial center of the northern central region. To strongly develop border-gate trade with a view to formulating and developing a number of key export products for fast increase of export turnover to USD 350 million by 2010, USD 850 million by 2015, and about USD 1,900 by 2020. The total retail goods and social services expected to averagely grow 15.7%/year in the 2006-2010 period and about 10%/year in the 2011-2020 period.

To perfect the goods and service-wholesaling and -retailing networks towards civilization and modernization.




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To create and guarantee conditions for credit institutions to operate and do business, to attract big domestic and foreign banks and securities companies to set up branches in the province. To incrementally raise the proportion of medium-term and long-term loans for key programs and projects of the province. To develop and diversify banking service products, develop the securities and insurance markets. To adopt preferential mechanisms to encourage the development of insurance in service of agricultural, forestry and fishery development.

- Transport, storage:

To diversely develop forms of transportation, making full use of land, railway, sea and air transportation; creating breakthroughs in sea transport, developing maritime services and air passenger transportation. To step by step raise the transport technology and service quality. To create conditions for all economic sectors to participate in the provision of transport services.

- To develop post and telecommunications into a spearhead service, playing an active role in socio-economic development and making greater and greater contributions to GDP.

- To quickly develop scientific and technological, property dealing and investment consultancy services, personal and community services.

3. Agriculture-forestry-fishery

The average annual agricultural-forestry-fishery growth rate will reach 5.3% in the 2006-2010 period, 5.2% in the 2011-2015 period, and 4.9% in the 2016-2020 period.

To speed up agricultural development on the basis of application of scientific and technical advances, restructuring and formation of a number of large-scale zones for such short-term and long-term industrial crops as sugar cane, groundnut, sesame, tea, coffee, rubber and fruit trees as orange, pineapple, in association with processing establishments.

To strongly develop the rearing of buffaloes, cows, pigs and poultry, making husbandry a main production branch representing 50% of the agricultural production value in the post-2010 period. To invest in the formation and development of pastures for cattle raising.




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To develop fishery in a comprehensive manner, including fishing and aquaculture, attaching importance to the expansion of aquaculture on sea; to quickly put water surface areas of big reservoirs under aquaculture. To couple the aquaculture expansion with investment in the intensive farming of breeds of high economic value and stable outlets.

To expand types of agricultural, forestry and fishery production services.

4. Social domains

Education and training: To build Nghe An into a tertiary education and training center of the northern central region. To invest in upgrading Vinh university into one of international standard.

To upgrade and supplement vocational-training school networks, meeting the requirements of developing human resources of high skills for the province and the northern central region.

To strive to develop pre-school education and general education to the advanced level in the whole country. To raise the rate of kindergarteners among children in the eligible age group to 25% by 2010 and 50% by 2020. To achieve the national standards on senior high-school education universalization by 2010 in Vinh city, Cua Lo provincial town and a number of plain and coastal districts; proceed to the completion of senior high-school education

invervalization in the whole province by 2020.

The rate of primary, junior-high and senior high-schools up to national standards will reach around 60% by 2010 and around 90% by 2020.

To step up the socialization of education.




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- Culture and information: To build an advanced culture imbued with national identities, to preserve and develop Nghe An culture. To establish a healthy cultural environment. To basically complete the restoration and renovation of historical and cultural relics. To build and modernize the material foundations of the culture and Information sector.

- Physical training and sports: To build Nghe An into a strong physical training and sport center of the whole country. To develop high-achievement sports so that Nghe An will always be among the top 10 provinces or cities in the country. To adopt specific orientations and make satisfactory investment in the advantageous sports of the province.

- Science and technology: To prioritize the transfer and application of scientific and technological achievements to production and life; to enhance scientific and technological potential. To strongly renew the science and technology management mechanisms towards socialization and operation under the market mechanism. To effect assignment and strong decentralization of science management, creating autonomy in research and operation.

- Labor and employment: To create a favorable environment and conditions for various economic sectors to develop, creating more jobs and raising incomes for laborers; to develop vocational training in order to increase employment opportunities for laborers. To step up the formation and development of the labor market. To promote labor restructuring towards reducing agricultural labor an increasing non-agricultural labor. To step up labor export.

- Defense and security: To closely combine economic development with defense and security maintenance. To build the all-people defense posture in association with the people security posture, to build a number of defense works in key areas in the province.

- Environment and natural disaster prevention, fighting and reduction: To protect environment, minimize harms caused by smoke dusts, wastes and toxic gases. To well prevent and reduce natural disasters.

5. Infrastructure development

a/ Communications

To upgrade and perfect the communications infrastructure systems, creating conditions for strong development of transport services.




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+ To build Vinh - Hanoi expressway, to expand Vinh - Quan Hanh section, build railway flyovers at key points.

+ To upgrade Ho Chi Minh road section through Nghe An with 4-6 motor lanes.

+ To expand highway 1A at sections running through Cau Giat and Hoang Mai township, Nam Can industrial parks, etc.

+ To build a coastal National highway from Nghi Son (Thanh Hoa) to Quynh Luu, Dien Chau and Nghi Loc for connection with the existing road in Cua Lo.

+ To build Ben Thuy 2 bridge, linking the road bypassing Vinh city at Hung Loi commune, and a bridge spanning Lam river at Cua Hoi to Nghi Xuan (Ha Tinh).

+ To upgrade and perfect highways 7,48,46, 15A; to complete the planning on both sides of Ho Chi Minh road running through the province, 132 km long; to extend highway 48 from Que Phong district to Thong Thu border-gate, 40 km long; to build highway ~ bypassing Vinh city from Quan Banh, cutting highway 1A, bypassing Vinh city to Nam Dan, with 6 motor lanes.

+ To upgrade and complete provincial roads and intra-raw material zone road systems in service of tourism, industrial parks, roads leading to communal centers, economic-cum-defense roads, border patrol roads, border traffic and intra-municipal traffic systems, including:

To complete the construction of roads along Lam river banks, 60 km long.

To invest in building main axis roads for tea raw materials zones of Anh Son, Thanh Chuong, sugar cane raw materials zones, second stage, of Tan Ky, Anh Son, Con Cuong, Dinh Lat and Lat – Cay Chanh roads, Sen - So road, roads on the left bank of Lam river.




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To build system of bridges spanning Lam, Hieu and other rivers in the districts of Do Luong, Thanh Chuong, Anh Son, Con Cuong, Tuong Duong, Ky Son, Quy Chau, Que Phong, etc. and the system of roads on their left banks, about 120 km long.

To complete the construction of roads linking western districts of Nghe An: The road linking highway 7 with highway 48, 123 km long (running though three districts of Tuong Duong, Con Cuong and Quy Hop); the Chau Thon - Tan Xuan road (starting at the western Nghe An road and ending at Ho Chi Minh road), 127 km long, running through 4 districts of Que Phong, Quy Chau, Quy Hop and Tan Ky); the Xieng Thu – Yen Tinh road (running through 2 districts of Ky Son and Tuong Duong).

To build western Nghe An road: The main road is 233 km long, from Muong Xen (Ky Son) to Ban Pang (Que Phong), a number of branches leading to communal centers and a number of border-guard posts, with a total length of 47 km.

To continue asphalting Muong Xen - Khe Hien road, with a length of about 100 km).

To build roads leading to communal centers not yet accessible to automobiles. To upgrade roads to communes accessible to automobiles only in one season of a year.

To upgrade and build thoroughfares in Vinh city, Cua Lo provincial town and new urban centers according to planning. To build and install automatic traffic control systems in Vinh city, Cua Lo provincial town and other urban centers.

To build some car terminals in Vinh city.

- Railways:

To build Vinh - Hanoi express railway line; to restore the Quan Hanh – Cua Lo railroad, to upgrade Nghia Dan – Cau Giay railroad and open the new Do Luong – Quan Hanh railroad. To upgrade Vinh railway station into grade-I station, separating the current cargo station from the passenger station; to upgrade secondary stations and restore Dien Chau station.




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To upgrade Vinh airport into 4C airport (accoding to ICAO standards) and a grade-II military airfield. To open some new air routes from Vinh to Vientiane (Laos), from Vinh to northeastern Thai Lan and from Vinh to Hainan (China).


+ To upgrade Cua Lo port: To dredge channels for easy entry and departure by ships. To raise the port's capacity to 6-8 million tons by 2020, in combination with the formation and development of the southeastern Nghe An economic zone. To build Cua Lo tourist wharf.

+ To upgrade or build the ports of Cua Hoi, Ben Thuy, Lach Quen, Lach Thoi, Cua Van, etc. in service of sea product exploitation and cargo transportation

+ To study the construction of a new special-use port of Dong Hoi in Quynh Luu in service of a coal fired thermo-electric power plant of l,800 MW in the future.

+ To reform, upgrade and dredge channels in the river ways traffic system.

b/ Irrigation

- To regularly maintain, upgrade and build reservoirs in order to ensure safety in flood seasons and water supply for production and people's daily-life activities.

- To continue upgrading the northern and southern irrigation systems in order to ensure stable water supply for 70,000 ha of cultivated land. To continue with the program on embankment of canals, particularly grade-I and grade-II canals.




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- To improve the systems of sea dykes and river dykes against landslides along the coast and riverbanks.

- To build big irrigation works such as Ban Mong (Quy Hop), Thac Muoi (Thanh Chuong), electric power-cum irrigation works of Khe Bo (Tuong Duong), Nam Viec, Sao Va (Que Phong); to repair and upgrade other irrigation works in districts; to build an irrigation system serving salt-making zones.

c/ Electricity supply system

- 220 KV transmission lines: To build the Ban Ve – Do Luong – Hung Dong closed circuit hydro-electric power transmission line of 168 km; the one-circuit Hung Dong - Nghi Son transmission line of 75 km.

- 110 KV transmission lines: To build double-circuit and single-circuit transmission lines an reform the double-circuit system for connection of medium and small-sized hydroelectric power plants into the system and additional charge power supply. To build new double-circuit and single-circuit transmission lines to communes, economic zones, industrial parks and complexes.

- To build or reform the networks of medium voltage transmission lines (22 KV, 35 KV). To further develop and renovate power grids and transformer stations in urban centers, industrial parks and rural areas.

To build 220 KV and 110 KV transformer stations in compatibility with the transmission of electricity from power generation plants and consumption places.

To complete the construction of hydroelectric power plants according to planning (Ban Ve, Khe Bo, Hua Na, Sao Va, Ban Coc, Nhan Hac, etc.). To call for investment in the construction of a coal-fired thermo-power plant (of 1,800 MW) in Quynh Luu.

d/ Post and telecommunications and information technology:




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e/ Water supply and drainage

To plan water sources for supply to urban centers and rural areas, particularly key economic zones and water-scarce regions. To re-assess underground and surface water sources for efficient management and use. To mobilize all resources for investment in water supply facilities. To build more water plants in service of the southeastern Nghe An economic zone, industrial parks and urban centers; to raise the capacity of existing water plants to meet water demands for production and daily-life activities. To apply combined measures to supply clean water for rural population, including construction of water plants, connection from water plants in urban centers, water well digging or drilling, self-running water supply, etc.

To concentrate investment on upgrading and building rain water and waster water drainage systems for urban centers, economic zones, industrial parks. For rural areas, to work out plans for proper waste water treatment in order to minimize adverse impacts on the environment and people's health.


1. Urban development

- To plan the system of urban centers of the province, to step by step build a comprehensive system of urban centers with modern socio-economic and technical infrastructures, clean environment, which are rationally distributed in the province, ensuring the stable, balanced and sustainable development of urban centers.

- To strive to achieve the urbanization rate of 17% by 2010; 26% by 2015; and about 37% by 2020.

- To develop Vinh city into a grade-I city, being an economic and cultural center of the northern central region.

- To build urban centers of the provincial level: Hoang Mai, Thai Hoa, Con Cuong, Dien Chau, Do Luong.




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2. Rural development

- To restructure agriculture and rural economy towards higher efficiency and technological level. To develop rural industries, cottage industries an handicrafts in light of the province's advantages an market conditions. To restore and consolidate ancient craft villages and formate new ones.

- To comprehensively develop all social domains; to attach importance to educational universalization, prophylactic medicine; to upgrade education medical, cultural and information and sport establishments in the countryside.

- To build the countryside towards civilization greenery, cleanness and beauty, with modern infrastructures and in association with urbanization. To invest in hunger elimination and poverty reduction, first of all for highland, deep-lying and remote regions and areas inhabited by ethnic minorities. To adopt policies to ensure the supply of strains and production materials at reasonable prices for deep-lying and remote areas.

- To widely develop rural and mountainous trade networks.

- To well study and forecast market information for farmers and enterprises.

3. Economic space development

a/ The mountainous region (comprising l0 districts)

- To concentrate investment on the development of such short-term and long-term industrial crops as, sugar cane, tea, coffee, beef rubber and fruit trees as orange and pine apple; to develop the raising of buffaloes and beef cows; to develop trees of various kinds on forestry land in service of manufacture of wood furniture, paper pulp and paper.




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- To develop ecological tourism in association with natural landscapes (Pu Mat, Pu Huong, Pu Hoat national gardens, etc). To develop the border-gate economy in association with the existing and to be-built border-gates such as Nam Can (Ky Son), Thanh Thuy (Thanh Chuong), Thong Thu (Que Phong).

b/ The delta and coastal regions

- To develop food crops, particularly rice, form areas for the production of high-quality rice; short-term industrial crops and fruit trees such as groundnut, sesame, pine apple; cattle and poultry rearing: pigs, beef cows, chicken; fishing and aquaculture.

- To develop the building materials-manufacturing industry: Cement (Quynh Luu and Do Luong); bricks and roofing tiles (including traditional products and new materials); man-made flooring stones; high-grade pottery and porcelain; chemicals (sodium); petro-chemicals (in Hoang Mai industrial park); coal-fired thermo-power plant (Quynh Luu); mechanical, electrical, electronic products, information technology, soft wares (in Vinh city and its vicinities, the southeastern Nghe An economic zone); ships (in coastal districts); processing of agricultural, forestry and aquatic products (pine apple, frozen sea products and traditional fishery products; cattle and poultry meat; paper and paper pulp, high-grade wood furniture, fine-art handicraft articles).

- To further develop tourism (marine tourism, historical and cultural relics tourism) and transport, post and telecommunications, finance and banking, educational-training, health services, etc.


1. To build strong administrations at all levels

To speed up the process of administrative reform, raising the capabilities of the contingent of public servants and clearly defining the competence among agencies of different levels, enhancing administrative discipline, combating red tape, corruption and waste while ensuring the people’s mastery; thereby raising the efficiency of socio-economic management by administrations at all levels, creating a favorable environment to attract resources for development investment.

2. Mobilization of investment capital sources




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- To intensify the propagation and introduction of the province's potentials and advantages overseas. To step up the reform of administrative procedures, minimizing contact stops. To diversify forms of investment capital mobilization.

- To encourage and create conditions for various economic sectors to participate in infrastructure investment; to mobilize to the utmost capital sources from land funds for development of infrastructures in urban centers and industrial parks; to step up the socialization in the domains of education, health, culture and sport; the state budget shall be prioritized for investment in key infrastructure works connecting regions.

3. Human resource development

To regularly train and foster the contingent of public servants in order to raise their professional qualifications; to adopt incentive policies for laborers with high professional qualifications and skills. To attract talented experts and skilled laborers into priority domains which still lack local personnel.

- To diversity forms of training suitable to managerial cadres and specialists, entrepreneurs and technical workers.

4. Scientific and technological development

- To build and develop scientific and technological potential: Enhancing and speeding up the transfer of technologies, particularly those in service of production of key products of the province. To invest in equipment, material and technical foundations, promptly satisfying research and development requirements. To create conditions for attracting talented specialists to participate in scientific and technological programs of the province.

- To enhance the capacity for scientific and technological application to production sectors and domain.

- To formulate appropriate orientations for selection of technologies for a number of important production sectors.




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5. Mechanism and policy solutions

a/ To renew the investment mechanism and policies.

- To create an attractive investment environment though preferential mechanisms and incentive policies in land lease and land use for project execution, with partial state subsidies for land compensation and ground clearance; to adopt specific mechanisms for coordination in land use planning, ensuring the harmony between defense and economic development.

- To intensify investment promotion in order to attract investment sources outside the province, ODA and FDI capital sources. To promulgate appropriate mechanisms of investment incentives for some geographical areas.

- To promulgate demand-stimulating policies in order to encourage various economic sectors to invest in development of infrastructures.

b/ To support the development of branches

To further apply a number of measures to support agricultural production, such as support for agricultural promotion, application of scientific and technical advances to production, supply of information, infrastructures in service of agricultural production; support for the development of rural industries.

To support the formation and development of new industries and branches which may create breakthroughs in socio-economic development of the province, particularly the electronic and information technology and communication industry and other hi-tech domains.

c/ To consolidate and develop product outlets




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d/ To intensify cooperation with provinces and countries in the region

To enhance cooperation with Hanoi on tourism and export-oriented industries such as garment and textile industry and electronic industry. To step up cooperation with Thanh Hoa on the petro-chemical industry after the commission of Nghi Son oil refinery complex. To study the possibility of cooperation with Ha Tinh on development of mechanical engineering and manufacturing industries with the use of exploitation and metallurgical industries of Ha Tinh. To develop support industries, supplying semi- finished products for a number of provinces in the central key economic region.

To step up cooperation on training of human resources for regional provinces, including tertiary, collegial and vocational training.

To intensify cooperation on tourism and sea shipping with Laos and Thailand.

6. Projected list of projects prioritized for investment study (see the enclosed Appendix).


- After the master plan is approved, to widely publicize, propagate and advertise it in order to attract attention of people, domestic and foreign investors for participation in the materialization of the master plan.

- To formulate plans on development of branches and domains, detailed plans and master plans on socio-economic development of districts, cities and provincial towns.

- To materialize the master plan through five-year and annual socio-economic development plans. Annual plans must adhere to the master plan's objectives already approved and targets set for each period.




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Article 2.

- To assign the Nghe An People’s Committee, based on the province's socio-economic development objectives, tasks and orientations stated in the approved master plan, to coordinate with concerned ministries and branches in directing the formulation, submission for approval and implementation of the following contents:

1.. District-level master plans on socio economic development; plans on development of systems of urban centers and population quarters; the construction planning; the land use plannings and plan; plannings on development of branches, domains and key products, etc., in the locality in order to ensure comprehensive and synchronous development.

2. Five-year and annual plans; key programs on economic, cultural and social development, specific projects for concentration of investment and arrangement of investment priority in a rational manner.

3. A number of mechanisms and policies suitable to the development requirements of the province and compliant with state law in each period, with a view to attracting and mobilizing resources for materialization of the master plan, which will be formulated and promulgated according to its competence, or proposed by it to competent state bodies for promulgation.

Article 3.

- To assign concerned ministries and centrally run branches to support, according to their respective functions and tasks, the Nghe An People’s Committee in studying the formulation of the above-said plannings; the formulation and submission to competent state bodies for promulgation of a number of mechanisms and policies suitable to the socio-economic development requirements of the province in each period, aiming to mobilize and efficiently use resources, to encourage and attract investment for the attainment of objectives, fulfillment of tasks and realization of orientations for socio-economic development of the province, as stated in the master plan. To speed up investment in, and execution of, important regional-scale works and projects for the development of Nghe An province, in which investment has been decided. To study and consider adjustments and supplements to branch development plannings, plans on investment in relevant works and projects stated in the master plan.

Article 4.

This Decision takes effect 15 days after its publication in "CONG BAO".




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The president of Nghe An People's Committee, ministers, heads of ministerial level agencies, and heads of government-attached agencies shall implement this Decision.




Nguyen Tan Dung



(Attached to the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 197/2007/QD-TTg dated December 28, 2007)

Ordinal number

Programs and projects




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Agricultural-forestry-fishery projects



Tea, coffee, rubber, orange, pine apple growing and processing

Mountainous districts and some delta districts with mountains and hills


Specialized growing and production of safe vegetables

A number of delta districts and utskirts of urban centers




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Projects on buffalo, cow (beef cow and milch cow), pig and poultry raising

The whole province


Raw materials forest planting

The whole province


Growing bamboo shoots for export

Mountainous districts





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Dien Chau, Quynh Luu, Nghi Loc, Vinh city


Caged fish rearing on sea

Quynh Luu, Cua Lo


Industrial projects



Production of super-fine white stone for export




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Natural granite stone production

Tan Ky, Anh Son, Con Cuong


Construction of the cement plants of Anh Son, Tan Ky, Do Luong and Nghia Dan

Anh Son, Tan Ky, Do Luong, Nghia Dan


Raising the capacity of Hoang Mai cement plant

Hoang Mai




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Flooring tiles plants

Nam Cam and Anh Son industrial parks


Nam Cam and Ru Muou beer factories

Nam Cam and Hung Nguyen industrial parks


Tan Ky pine apple factory

Tan Ky





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Quynh Loc or Nghia Dan


Meat canneries

Nam Cam, Phu Quy and Anh Son industrial parks


Aquatic product-processing plants

Nam Cam, Hoang Mai industrial parks


Paper and pulp factory (by 2010 to build a pulp factory which will produce paper after 2010)




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Plank board factory

Anh Son


High-grade wood furniture processing establishments

Industrial parks


Aquatic animal feed factory

Nam Cam industrial park




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Animal feed factories

Nam Cam and Anh Son industrial parks


Garment and textile complexes

Vinh city, Nghi Loc, Cua Lo, the industrial parks of Phu Quy and Anh Son


Car manufacturing and assembling factory

Northern Vinh industrial park





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Nam Cam and Hung Tay industrial parks, Cua Lo provincial town


Stell-rolling mill

Nam Cam industrial park


Steel billet factory

Hoang Mai industrial park


Leather goods factory




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Sodium factory

Dien Chau


Telecommunication terminal-equipment manufacturing and assembling factory

Nam Cam industrial park



Cua Lo, Quynh Luu, Nghi Loc




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Construction of hydropower plants (Ban Ve, Ban Coc, Nhan Hac, Khe Bo, Hua Na, etc).

Mountainous districts


Nghe An thermo-electric power plant

Quynh Luu


Construction of water plants in service of urban centers, economic zones, industrial parks and population quarters

Urban centers and concentrated population quarters





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Nghe An trade promotion, exhibition and fair center

Vinh city


Nam Can international trade zone

Ky Son


Thanh Thuy, Thong Phu border-gates




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Construction of infrastructure of Pu Mat national garden in association with tourism development

Con Cuong


Quynh Bang, Quynh Phuong and Quynh Lap tourist resorts

Quynh Luu


Nghi Thiet, Bai Lu, Den Cuong – Cua Hien tourist resorts

Nghi Loc, Dien Chau




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Bua cave – Tham Om, Sao Va pass tourist resorts

Quy Chau, Que Phong


Giang Son hot spa tourist resort

Do Luong


Project on Quyet Mountain eco-tourism resort

Vinh city





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Vinh city


Construction of southwestern ecological park

Con Cuong


Golf course, hotel and villa complex

Cua Lo


Investment projects on construction of high-grade entertainment and recreation areas (car race lanes, horse race courses, etc.)




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Technical infrastructure projects






North-South express way, Hanoi – Vinh section

In the province




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The Nghi Son (Thanh Hoa)-Quynh Luu – Dien Chau – Nghi Loc – Cua Lo coastal highway

Quynh Luu, Dien Chau, Nghi Loc, Cua Lo


Upgrading Ho Chi Minh road, the section running through Nghe An province (4-6 lanes)

In the province


Upgrading and expanding Highway 1A, the Quan Hanh – Quan Banh, Hoang Mai, Giat, Nam Cam sections

Vinh city, Nghi Loc, Quynh Luu





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Vinh city


Upgrading highway 7, the Km 0 – Km 36 section

Dien Chau – Do Luong


Expanding old highway 46, the Ro – Do Luong section

Thanh Chuong – Do Luong


Building highway 46, the section bypassing Vinh city (stage 1: Quan Banh – highway 1A bypassing Vinh city; stage 2: highway 1A – Nam Giang)




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Upgading and expanding highway 48

Dien Chau, Nghia Dan, Quy Hop, Quy Chau, Que Phong


Upgrading highway 15A, the Do Luong – Tan Ky section

Do Luong – Tan Ky


Nghi Hai (Cua Hoi) – Nghi Xuan (Ha Tinh) bridge spanning Lam river and connecting with coastal highway

Cua Hoi – Nghi Xuan




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Nghi Thiet bridge connecting with coastal highway

Nghi Loc


Ben Thuy 2 bridge (connecting with North –South expressway)

Hung Nguyen –Nghi Xuan


Road transport service zone, south of Vinh city (car terminal, trade services, filling stations)

Hung Nguyen





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Nghi Loc


Vinh – Cua Lo lengthwise axial road

Vinh city – Cua Lo


Yen Xuan land road

Hung Nguyen – Nam Dan


Muong Xen – Tri Le – Thong Thu road




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Xieng Thu – Yen Tinh road

Ky Son, Tuong Duong


Border patrol road (western Nghe An – Thanh Hoa)

Que Phong, Tuong Duong, Ky Son


Chau Thon – Tan Xuan road

Que Phong, Quy Chau, Quy Hop, Tan Ky




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Building roads leading to communes without roads to communal centers



Upgrading roads leading to communes not accessible to automobiles in 4 seasons of a year



Upgrading Vinh airport

Nghi Loc





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Cua Lo


Building the special-use coal teke-in port of Dong Hoi

Quynh Luu


Building North-South express railway, the Hanoi – Vinh section

In the province


Building a railway cargo station




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Irrigation in service of fishery



Ban Mong irrigation and hydro-electric work

Quy Hop


Thac Muoi irrigation and hydroelectric work

Thanh Chuong




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Repairing and upgrading irrigation complexes in mountainous districts (10 districts)

Mountainous districts


Repairing and upgrading irrigation complexes in coastal delta districts, towns and townships

Coastal delta districts, towns, townships


Repairing and upgrading Ve Vung – Quan Hai reservoir key work

Yen Thanh





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Quynh Luu


Repairing and upgrading Khe La – Khe Da irrigation work

Nghia Dan, Tan Ky


Construction of Nam Viec irrigation work

Que Phong


Construction of Sao Va irrigation work




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Irrigation for tee, coffee and fruit trees

Lowland mountainous districts


Renovating and upgrading river dyke and sea dyke systems

Coastal and big-river districts


Renovating systems of rivers supplying water for aquaculture

Quynh Luu, Dien Chau, Nghi Loc, Vinh city




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Upgrading the systems of information and communication between mainland and sea: Sea rescue and rapid response center

Cua Lo


Electricity supply system



Upgrading and building power lines and transformer stations

The whole province





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Building and electronic government, equipment with hardware facilities

19 districts, towns, townships


Setting up an information technology park

Vinh city


Economic zones, industrial parks




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Infrastructure of southeastern Nghe An economic zone

Cua Lo, Nghi Loc, Dien Chau


Investing in, building and dealing in infrastructures of A and C zones of Nam Cam industrial park

Nam Cam industrial park


Investing in, building, dealing in infrastructure of Hoang Mai industrial park

Quynh Luu




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Investing in, building, dealing in infrastructures of the industrial parks of Phu Quy, Anh Son, Do Luong, Thanh Chuong, Hung Tay (Hung Nguyen), Nghi Hoa (Nghi Loc); the size of 200 – 400 ha/industrial park

Nghia Dan, Anh Son, Do Luong, Thanh Chuong, Hung Nguyen, Nghi Loc





Systems of garbage sites and solid waste treatment factories

Urban centers and districts





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Urban centers


Treating environmental pollution caused by plant protection drugs

Identified polluted locations


Socio-cultural projects



Regional convention center




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Conservation and renovation of Kim Lien historical relics in association with tourist development

Nam Dan


Building a television tower; a radio and television broadcasting center of the northern central region

Vinh city


Building a general film studio; a multi-function cinematographic center

Vinh city




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Nghe An youth-children cultural center

Vinh city


Northern central ethnology museum

Vinh city


Planning and embellishment of Truong Bon relic zone

Do Luong





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Construction of Vinh sport complex (regional level)

Vinh city


Health projects



A general hospital of 700 beds




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Construction of an obstetric hospital

Vinh city


Construction of a number of specialized hospitals for the northern central region (cardiovascular hospital, cancer hospital)

Vinh city


Construction of a center for scientific and hi-technological application to medical activities

Vinh city




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Construction of a curative medicine research and processing center

Vinh city


Construction of a prophylactic medicine center of grade II biological safety standards (of regional level)

Vinh city


Construction of a high-class general hospital

Vinh city





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Cua Lo


Education-training projects



Upgrading Vinh university to the one of the northern central region

Vinh city


Upgrading Nghe An medical college into Nghe An medical university




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Upgrading Vinh cultural and art college into Vinh cultural and art university

Vinh city


Upgrading Nghe An economic – technical college into an economic university

Vinh city


Upgrading the branch of Hanoi Construction University into Nghe An Construction University

Cua Lo




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Upgrading Nghe An Teachers Training College into Nghe An University

Vinh city


Setting up Van Xuan private university

Cua Lo


Upgrading the Vietnam – Korea industrial technique school and Vietnam – Germany technical school into technical colleges

Vinh city





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Dien Chau


Scientific and technological projects



Setting up, building a number of scientific sub-institutes of regional legal (research and aquaculture, social science and humanities, etc.)

Vinh city

* Note: The locations, sizes, land areas, total investments and investment capital sources of the above projects will be calculated, selected and specified during the stage of formulating and submitting for approval the investment projects, depending on the demands and capabilities to balance and mobilize resources in each period.