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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 46/2008/QD-TTg

Hanoi, March 31, 2008





Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
At the proposal of the People’s Committee of Lao Cai province in Document No. 109/TTr-UBND dated January 2, 2008, and opinions of the Ministry of Planning and Investment in Documents No. 583/BKH-TD&GSDT, dated January 23, 2008 and No. 1820/BKH-TD&GSDT on approval of the master plan on socio-economic development of Lao Cai province until 2020.


Article 1: - To Approve the master plan on socio-economic development of Lao Cai province until 2020, with the following principal contents:


1. To accelerate economic growth closely associated with growth quality and social progress and equity, reduce the gap in living standards and income and difficulties between various strata of the population and different areas in the province.




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3. To place Lao Cai province’s development in the context of international integration and close cooperation and association with other provinces and cities nationwide; to combine Lao Cai province’s development with the development of the northern midland and mountainous region and the renewal process of the country for the purpose of high-quality economic development.

4. To bring into play the potential and comparative advantages of the province for development; to economically and effectively utilize resources in the province, especially natural resources.

5. To associate economic development with environmental protection and ecological balance without adversely affecting and degrading natural landscape.

6. To closely combine economic development with strengthening security and defense and building strong political and administrative systems.


1. General objectives

To strive to build Lao Cai into a developed province in the northern midland and mountainous region and a relatively developed province in the whole country by 2020, turning it into a major economic hub, a modern city and an important location for international cooperation and economic exchange between the region and the country and China and other countries. To properly deal with cultural, social and environmental protection issues and preserve political stability, security, social order and safety and national sovereignty in the province.

2. Specific objectives

a/ Economic objectives




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- Annual per capita GDP will reach VND 13 million by 2010, VND 31.8 million by 2015 and VND 63.1 million by 2020;

- Economic restructuring will be directed at increasing the share of non-agricultural sectors. By 2010, industries and construction will account for 34.1 %, services 38.0%, and agriculture, forestry and fisheries 27.9% in GDP. The GDP shares of these sectors will be 40.1% - 43.6% - 16.3% and 40.7% - 49.7% by 2015 and 2020 respectively.

b/ Social objectives

- To strive to reduce the birth rate by 0.4% on average annually in order to have a stable population of around 703,600 by 2020; the annual natural population growth rate will be 1.4% from now to 2010 and 1.3% in the 2011-2020 period;

- The annual urban population growth rate will be 8.2% from now to 2010; 8.4% in the 2011-2015 period; and 8.0% in the 2016-2020 period. The proportion of urban population will reach 27.5% by 2010, 38.9% by 2015 and 53.6% by 2020;

- The poor household percentage will be reduced to below 20% by 2010, below 5% by 2015, and 0% by 2020;

An annual average of about 9,500 jobs will be created from now to 2010, and about 5,500 jobs in the 2011-2020 period;

- The trained labor percentage will reach 36% by 2010, over 55% by 2015, and over 75% by 2020;

- The child malnutrition rate will be reduced to 26% by 2010, 20% by 2015, and 15% by 2020;




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c/ Environmental protection targets:

- To plant trees on basically all uncultivated land and bare hills; to raise the quality of forests and forest coverage to 48% by 2010, 55% by 2015, and 60% by 2020;

- To ensure environmental sanitation in urban areas, border-gate economic zones, industrial parks, mining areas, etc.; to ensure a clean environment in both urban and rural areas;

- By 2010, 100% of urban dwellers and over 75% of rural dwellers will have clean water; 85% and 98% of rural dwellers will have clean by 2015 and 2020, respectively;

- By 2010, 100% of industrial parks will have a consolidated wastewater treatment system, over 75% of solid wastes will be collected treated and basically all hospital wastes will be treated; 90% and 100% of solid wastes will be collected and treated by 2015 and 2020 respectively.


1. Agriculture, forestry and fisheries

a/ Development objectives:

- The rate of increase of added value in agriculture, forestry and fisheries will reach 6.2% and the production value will increase by 6.1% on an annual average from now to 2010, in which the average annual rates of increase of added value in agriculture and forestry and in fisheries will reach 6.1% and 9.8% respectively;




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- The rate of increase of added value in agriculture, forestry and fisheries will reach 4% and the production value will increase by 4% on an annual average in the 2016-2020 period, in which the rates of increase of added value in agriculture and forestry and in fisheries will reach 4% and 3.1% on an annual average;

- Productivity in agriculture, forestry and fisheries will reach VND 8 million/person/year on average by 2010, VND 15 million by 2015, and VND 20 million by 2020.

b/ Development orientations:

To accelerate economic restructuring in agriculture toward commodity production; to reduce the share of cultivation while increasing that of husbandry and services. To develop consolidated production areas and specialized and intensive cultivation areas for plants and crops of high economic value and with stable markets. To develop the raising of cattle and aquaculture and quickly switch to industrial and semi-industrial modes. To develop forestry toward sustainability and increase the quality and economic benefits of forests, with priority given to developing economic forests and attaching importance to protecting and developing headwater protection forests and special-use forests.

c/ Land use orientations:

- Agricultural land will reach about 92,231 ha by 2010, accounting for 14.5% of total land area; by 2020, these figures will be 103,044 ha and 16.2%;

- Forest land will reach about 306,000 ha by 2010, accounting for 48.1% of total land area; by 2020, these figures will be 353,658.2 ha and 55.6%;

- Residential land will reach about 5,407 ha by 2010, accounting for 0.9% of total land area; by 2020, these figures will be 7,951 ha and 1.25%;

- Special-use land will reach about 54,703 ha by 2010, accounting for 8.6% of total land area; by 2020, these figures will be 130,396 ha and 20.5%;




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d/ Major tasks and solutions:

- To zone and manage the use of land and arrange reasonable land use plans in communes, wards and townships with key projects;

- To formulate key programs and projects to effectively tap and use and bring into play the potential and comparative advantages in the province's agricultural production;

- To build a system of cross-breeding, selection and production of saplings and breeder animals of high yield; to preserve and develop animal and plant species with rare and precious gene sources such as black chicken, Muong Khuong pig, Si Ma Cai yellow cow, Bao Yen buffalo, Sen Cu rice, Khau Nam Xit rice, Tau Bay rice, Muong Khuong yellow soybean, etc.;

- To invest in developing infrastructure works to serve the development of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, with priority given to irrigation, plant and animal species, post processing and preservation of products development of rural trades;

- To reorganize and strengthen the state management apparatus in charge of agriculture, forestry and fisheries;

- To transform and set up agricultural cooperatives, develop household economy and farm economy;

- To step up agricultural and forestry extension activities.

2. Industries and construction




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The rate of increase of added value in industries and construction will reach over 20.7% on an annual average from now to 2010; the rate of increase in industrial production value will reach over 14.3% on an annual average;

- The rate of increase of added value in industries and construction will reach over 16.5% in the 2010-2015 period; and the rate of increase in industrial production value will reach over 13.4% on an annual average;

- The rate of increase of added value in industries and construction will reach over 13% in the 2016-2020 period; and the rate of industrial production value will reach over 10.5% on an annual average;

- Productivity in industries will reach VND 22 million/person/year on average by 2010; VND 30 million by 2015, and VND 45 million by 2020.

b/ Development orientations:

To prioritize the development of mineral exploitation and processing, production of construction materials, hydropower, fertilizer and chemical industries. To attach importance developing support industries linked with industrial parks, clusters and spots. To form small- and medium-sized industrial spots and clusters. To develop industries in association with the process of urbanization. To develop trades and cottage industries and trade and cottage industry villages. To effectively exploit factories with competitive capacity. To prioritize technology renewal to raise products' added value.

c/ Major tasks and solutions:

- To invest in developing traditional brocade textile, garment and embroidery in trade villages in Sa Pa, Bac Ha, Van Ban, etc.; to encourage in-depth investment, technology renewal and mechanization of some production stages and processes in order to increase productivity and product quality; to build brand names for certain products such as corn liquor (Bac Ha), San Lung liquor (Bat Xat) and traditional textile, garment and embroidery products for tourist and export purposes;

- To focus on managing, exploiting and deeply processing minerals to increase their economic value, ensure adequate supply of materials for industrial production establishments inside and outside the province and for export;




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- To step up the development of mechanical engineering, metallurgy, agricultural and forestry product processing, construction materials, power and water industries, and a number of technologies and products with a high brain content.

3. Services

a/ Development objectives:

- The rate of increase of added value in services will reach 13% on an annual average from now to 2010; in which business services will reach 16.23%, non-business services will reach 16.5%, and public services 7.5%;

- The rate of increase of added value in services will reach 18.1% on annual average in the 2011-2015 period; in which business services will reach 19.74%, non-business services 17%, and public services 7%;

- The rate of increase of added value in services will reach 14.8% on annual average in the 2016-2020 period; in which business services will reach 15.24%, non-business services 15.2%, and public services 6.5%;

- Productivity in services will reach VND 18 million/person/year on average by 2010; VND 25 million by 2015, and VND 40 million by 2020.

b/ Development orientations:

To diversify, and improve the quality of, services; to vigorously restructure services. To give precedence to developing breakthrough services that serve the development of foreign trade and border-gate economy such as import and export, trade, tourism, information and communication, finance, education, legal counseling, business consultancy, notary public, survey, property auction and Internet. From now through 2010, to concentrate on developing services to support the development of industries and society, such as transportation, import and export, trade and information and communication. In the 2011-2020 period, to concentrate on developing key services which have development opportunities and an competitive edge in the areas of trade exchange, border-gate economy, information and communication technologies, science and technology, and tourism.




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- Trade

+ Development objectives:

In the period from now to 2010, total retail volume of goods and social services will increase by 23.5% on an annual average and reach VND 4,309 billion by 2010; total import and export value will increase by 22.5% on an annual average, in which export value will increase by 24.5% on annual average to reach US$ 299 million by 2010.

In the 2011-2015 period, total retail volume of goods and social services will increase by 24.2% on an annual average and reach VND 12,736 billion by 2015; total import and export value will increase by 23.4% on an annual average, in which export value will increase by 25,1% on annual average to reach US$ 917 million by 2015.

In the 2016-2020 period, total retail volume of goods and social services will increase by 15.4% on an annual average and reach VND 26,065 billion by 2020; total import and export value will increase by 16.2% on an annual average, in which export value will increase by 15.5% on an annual average to reach US$ 1,884 million by 2020.

+ Major development orientations and tasks:

To plan and invest in the development of trade services from the province to commune centers. To effectively exploit the potential and advantages in foreign trade. To promote economic cooperation with China’s Yunnan, Szechuan, Kweichow and southwestern provinces. To increase the quality of border-gate service. To invest in building, renovating and upgrading material foundations of Lao Cao – Ha Khau international border gate; build Muong Khuong – Kieu Dau national border gate and auxiliary border gates that have potential of exchanging goods with China, such as Bat Xat and Na Mo border gates. To build Kim Thanh trade and industrial zone within Lao Cai border-gate economic zone into a special economic zone. To promote trade, service and investment promotion activities, to seek product outlets and register product brands and trademarks.

- Tourism

+ Development objectives:




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In the 2011-2015 period, the hotel room occupancy rate will reach 80%; total number of tourist arrivals will increase 8.3% on an annual average to reach l,163,000 by 2015, in which the number of domestic tourist arrivals will increase 7.5%, the number of international tourist arrivals will increase by 9.5% and tourism turnover will increase by 18.5% on an annual average.

In the 2016-2020 period, the hotel room occupancy rate will reach 90%; total number of tourist arrivals will increase 5.2% on an annual average to reach over 1.5 million by 2020, in which the number of domestic tourist arrival will increase 3,5%, the number of international tourist arrivals will increase by 7.6% and tourism turnover will increase by 8.5% on an annual average.

+ Development orientations:

To develop tourism into a spearhead economic sector with the following typical products; vocation, mountain climbing, ethnic minority culture, traditional festival and ecological tourism. To enhance the state management of tourism. To vigorously develop tourism in combination with protecting and embellishing historical and cultural relics and nature reserves. To increase the quality of human resources for tourist activities. To attach importance to investment in developing tourist routes, spots and resorts and tourist services. To promote domestic and international cooperation in tourism.

- Transportation, information and communication

From now to 2010, the rate of increase of added value will reach 14.1% on an annual average to reach VND 143 billion by 2010; in the 2010-2015 period, the rate of increase of added value will reach 18.2% on an annual average to reach VND 330 billion by 2015; and in the 2016-2020 period, the rate of increase of added value will reach 15.2% on an annual average to reach VND 669 billion by 2020.

- Finance-banking

From now to 2010, the rate of increase of added value will reach 26.9% on an annual average to reach VND 198 billion by 2010; in the 2011-2015 period, the rate of increase of added value will reach 25.8% on an annual average to reach VND 623 billion by 2015; and in the 2016-2020 period, the rate of increase of added value will reach 16.6% on an annual average to reach VND 1,343 billion by 2020;

- Science and technique:




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- To improve environmental sanitation, clean water and other public services.

4. Social domains

a/ Education and training

- Development objectives:

+ The rate of school attendance among children aged between 6-14 years will reach 99.5% by 2010 and 100% by 2015;

+ 30% of preschools, 25% of primary schools, 20% of lower secondary schools and 20% of upper secondary schools will reach national standards by 2010; these figures will be 60%, 55%, 50% and 50% by 2015, and 80%, 85%, 85% and 85% by 2020 respectively;

+ There will be sufficient teachers for all subjects, with over 10% of preschool teachers, 30% of primary teachers, 20% of lower secondary teachers and 5% of upper secondary teachers obtaining qualifications above standards by 2010; these targets will be 40%, 60%, 75% and 45% by 2015 and 85%, 90%, 90% and 90% by 2020 respectively;

+ The rate of students completing lower secondary education and continuing study at the 10th grade and in vocational training schools will reach 70% by 2010, 85% by 2015, and 98% by 2020;

+ Over 20%, 30% and 50% of under-3 children will attend nurseries and daycare centers by 2010, 2015 and 2020 respectively. The rate of kindergarten attendance among five-year children will reach 95% by 2010, 99% by 2015 and 100% by 2020. To strive to reduce the malnutrition rate among preschool children to below 12% by 2010, below l0% by 2015 and below 5% by 2020;




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- Orientation orientations:

To mobilize all resources for and step up socialization of education in order to ensure adequate schools, classrooms and teachers. To complete the program on building permanent schools and classrooms. To develop the network of preschools and community learning centers in all communes (communes, wards and townships). To consolidate boarding schools for ethnic minority students, to encourage the development of semi-boarding schools for ethnic minority students. To promote vocational training; to diversify forms of training and expand the scale and forms of training at professional schools in trades and occupations in response to production development demand in the province. To build a community university in Lao Cai city.

b/ Health and community healthcare

- Development objectives:

+ By 2010, the mortality rate of under-1 children will be reduced to below 29.7%o; the annual rate of full immunization among under-1 children will reach 95%; the malnutrition rate of under-5 children will drop to 26%; the annual number of health checks-up will be more than 2, per person, over 70% of food processing and trading establishments will reach food hygiene and safety standards. These targets will reach 27%, 98%; 22%; 2.6 per person and 90% by 2015 and 25%; l00%; 18%; 3 per person, and 95% by 2020.

+ By 2010, district-level hospitals will have over 80 patient beds each; 60% of local general clinics and commune health stations will have adequate material foundations, equipment and health workers; 60% of communes will reach national standards of commune health service. By 2015, 100% of communes will reach these national standards.

- Development orientations:

To increase investment in building and upgrading healthcare establishments and the system of preventive medicine; to basically complete the healthcare system at all levels according to the health sector’s plan. To step up socialization of people's healthcare activities. To raise professional and management qualifications and medical ethics for health workers at all levels.

c/ Culture, information, physical training and sports




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+ By 2010, to strive for the targets that 80% of families will reach the standard of cultured family, including 85% of families in urban areas, 75% of families in low-lying rural areas and 65% of families in mountain areas. These rates will reach 90%, 95%, 85% and 75% by 2020 respectively.

+ By 2010, to strive to achieve the targets that the rate of cultured villages and hamlets will reach 40% and the rate of cultured street population groups will reach 75%. By 2020, these rates will be 55% and 85% respectively.

+ By 2010, to strive to achieve the targets that 35% of villages and hamlets will have cultures with adequate facilities, in which this rate will be 20% in border and difficulty stricken areas. By 2020, these rates will be 65% and 35% respectively.

+ By 2010, 95% of communes will have land funds for the construction of physical training and sports facilities; and 50% of communes and have physical training and sports points. These rates will be 98% and 80% by 2020.

- Development orientations:

To build cultural institutions. To promote ethnic minority traits. To build cultured villages (village and hamlets) and cultured families. To regard ethnic minority traits and cultural diversity as a development resource. To build sports facilities in Lao Cai city: competition halls, swimming pools, stadiums and a sports training complex in Sa Pa. To build Lao Cai into a sports center of the northwestern region in which international sports can occur.

d/ Radio, television and press:

- Development objectives:

+ By 2010, to strive to achieve the targets that 95% of households will have access to radio broadcast and 90% of households will have access to television broadcast; by 2020, these rates will reach 100%.




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- Development orientations:

To continue increasing the time of relaying and transmitting programs of Vietnam Television Station and Voice of Vietnam Radio Station; to develop cable and satellite-digital and terrestrial-digital television services to expand television coverage to different areas in the province.

5. Infrastructure development

a/ Development of the transport network

- Roads

+ To invest in building Lao Cai - Noi Bai expressway and Kim Thanh bridge linking Lao Cai city (Vietnam) with Ha Khau township (China).

+To develop ring roads: 1A (border ring), which will basically run in the same direction with the border corridor road running from Ha Giang town along national highway 4 to Muong Khuong, further running along national highway 4D to Ban Phiet – running along national highway 70 to Lao Cai city, further running along national highway 4D to the top of Tram Ton (Sa Pa) into Lai Chau province. From 2010, to invest in upgrading and connecting all national highways 4C, 4D... into a ring road of national highway 4, which then be uniformly managed and upgraded to grade-IV road; ring road 1B close to the border line: starting from Lao Cai city (from the end of national highway 4E), running along provincial highway 156 through Bat Xat town to Ban Vuoc – Trinh Tuong – A Mu Sung – Y Ty – Den Sang into Phong Tho district (Lai Chau). Because of the importance of this road, which will be close to the border line and serve both as a corridor road and a ring road, with many sections to be used for border patrol purposes, it should be invested and upgraded soon. To study and transform this road into national highway 4E running through Lao Cai and Lai Chau provinces and upgrade it to facilitate investment, construction and management.

+ To develop intra-provincial roads: To upgrade provincial highways, build Coc Ly bridge linking provincial highway 153 (Bac Ngam – Bac Ha road) with provincial highway 154 (Hoang Lien Son 2 road); to upgrade provincial highway 155 (O Quy Ho - Ban Xeo road); to upgrade the remaining section of provincial highway 153 (Bac Ngam - Bac Ha - Si Ma Cai); to build road D2 (Lao Cai city) into grade-II urban road; to upgrade provincial highway 151 (road 79). By 2010, to complete the program on investment in roads leading to the centers of communes in which roads are not available yet, and complete the building of border patrol paths.

- Railway




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- Airway

From now to 2010, to study, invest and build a taxi airport and complete preparatory work so as to build in the 2011-2015 period Lao Cai airport (terminal and take-off and landing runways) for ATR72/F70 aircraft with 2 flights/week.

- Waterway

The waterway from Lao Cal city to the boundary of Yen Bai province will be invested and upgraded; a dry lock will be built for the operation of barges of more than 100 tons; to build a river port in the area of Lao Cai city.

b/ Development of the irrigation network

To upgrade and consolidate existing irrigation works; to step up the embankment of channels and canals and other irrigation works, build small and medium reservoirs. To continue investment in upgrading Co Ly irrigation works in Bac Ha district, and the existing network channels and canals. To build Van Ban, Sa Pa, Bao Thang, Muong Khuong, Bao Yen and Tay Bat Xat irrigation works. To prioritize investment in clean water supply works for the whole province, especially inhabited highland and limestone mountain areas and areas facing shortage of water in the dry season, such as Muong Khuong, Bac Ha, etc. To embank border rivers to prevent landslide and ensure and ensure safety for the national boundaries as well as people’s production and life.

c/ Development of the electricity network

- To build a 220 kV electricity grid and a 110-220 kV transformer station according to electricity plan VI (approved by the Prime Minister in Decision No. 110/2007/QD-TTg dated July 18, 2007).

- To concentrate on investment in building electricity grids in communes without and electricity grid, complete the building of electricity systems in urban centers, industrial parks and commercial zones. To invest in and effectively exploit small and medium hydropower projects.




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To closely combine socio-economic development with strengthening the all-people defense disposition and the people's security disposition. To build permanent border stations and posts; to build border ring roads and border patrol paths, consolidate and develop comprehensively the economic-defense zone in Bat Xat district; to firmly build provincial and district defense areas in the province. To step by step border communes and wards which are strong in economy and firm in security defense. To maintain social order, discipline and safety, reduce crimes and social evils; to promptly settle citizens' complaints and denunciations; to create a stable social environment.


1. Orientations for organizing and developing economic centers and dynamic economic development axes and lines.

a/ The central area serving as a driving force for socio-economic development in the province, covering Lao Cai city, the border-gate economic, Kim Thanh trade center and Lao Cai airport.

b/ A corridor of urban centers of industry, trade service and tourism: Lao Cai city, and Bac Ngam, Bao Ha, Pho Lu and Pho Rang townships.

c/ An axis of development of tourism, agriculture, forestry and processing industries, including: Lao Cai city – Sa Pa, Bao Thang (Pho Lu, Tang Loong) - Bac Ha.

d/ An axis of economic development combined with security and defense, including Bat Xat - Lao Cai city - Muong Khuong – Si Ma Cai.

2. Development of urban centers, population redistribution, rural areas.

a/ Orientations for development of a system of urban centers by 2020: Lao Cai city will be upgraded into a grade-II urban center – the center of the province and the Vietnam- China border region.




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c/ To build centers of commune clusters and commune areas, especially border communes, in association with redistributing population in the process of industrialization and modernization.

d/ From now to 2010, to further step up the redistribution of population in highland, border and extreme difficulty-stricken communes. To invest in developing rural infrastructure: roads, irrigation, electricity supply, clean water supply, etc.

3. Planning on industrial development space

a/ From now to 2010, to concentrate on investment in infrastructure and increase the occupancy rate in Dong Pho Moi and Bac Duyen Hai industrial clusters and Tang Loong industrial park.

b/ In the 2011-2020 period, to plan industrial clusters and parks in conjunction with such main roads as national highways 70 and 4D and the Lao Cai – Hanoi motorway.

4. Orientations for organization of the trade sector space

a/ By 2020, to build a goods exchange of a medium size, with a floor area of 5,000- 10,000 m2, to serve transactions of 200 parties per transaction session.

b/ From now to 2010, to concentrate on effectively exploiting Lao Cai international border-gate trade center and Kim Thanh trade center; in the 2011-2020 period, to develop two more trade centers in the new Lao Cai – Cam Duong urban center and Sa Pa township.

c/ Supermarkets: From now to 2010, to renovate and upgrade existing supermarkets, develop new ones in urban centers (Lao Cai and some district centers); in the 2011-2020 period, to strive for the target that all district townships and industrial park townships will have standard supermarkets.




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e/ To plan the building of cattle and poultry slaughterhouses in the suburbs of Lao Cai and townships; to plan a network of petrol a oil entrepots and stations.

5. Orientations for organization of tourism development space

a/ Organization of space for dynamic tourism development zones:

- Zone 1: Lao Cai city - a dynamic zone and a gathering place for tourists to visit other tourist places and spots;

Zone 2: the northwestern area, covering Sa Pa district and Bat Xat, a mountainous area belonging to Hoang Lien Son mountainous range with cool climate and diversified primary fauna and flora favorable for development of high-quality resorts and eco-tourist and cultural tourist places;

Zone 3: the northeastern area, covering Bac Ha, Si Ma Cai and Muong Khuong

- Zone 4: the southwestern area, covering Bao Yen, Bao Thang and Van Ban districts. In this zone, eco-tourism and visits to historical relics will be mostly developed.

b/ Planning on tourist routes and spots:

- To develop the Sa Pa tourist center. To plan the development of Sa Pa into a tourist town, a grade-IV urban center of Lao Cai. To plan the building of a national tourist center in Sa Pa, the building of international tourist resorts and a training and health restoration center for athletes of Vietnamese and international sports teams; and a national convention center;




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- To plan the development of inter-provincial Lao Cai - Yen Bai – Phu Tho – Hanoi – Hai Phong - Quang Ninh route; and Lao Cai -

Yen Bai - Phu Tho - Hanoi - Ho Chi Minh - Tien Giang - Hai Phong - Quang Ninh – Lao Cai route;

- To plan the development of international tourist routes: Lao Cai - Yunnan and southwestern provinces of China.

6. Organization of space for agriculture, forestry and fisheries.

a/ To plan the expansion of the production of fruit trees and industrial plants of high economic value, such as high-quality tea in Bao Thang, Muong Khuong, Bac Ha and Bat Xat districts and Lao Cai city; the growing of tobaco in Muong Khuong, Si Ma Cai, Bat Xat and Bac Ha districts; and the production and supply of hybrid rice strain in Bat Xat and Bao Thang districts.

b/ To plan a cultivation area of about 1,500 ha for renovation and development of the raising of yellow cows in highland areas in Bac Ha, Si Ma Cai, Muong Khuong, Bat Xat and Sa Pa districts; to develop Zebu cross-bred cow herds in lowland areas in Bao Thang, Bat Xat, Bao Yen and Van Ban districts; to develop buffalo herds in 8 districts (excluding Lao Cai city).

c/ To develop areas under aquaculture to 1,500 ha by 2010, including areas currently under ineffective rice cultivation. To tap advantages in the development of specialty aquatic species such as salmon and sturgeon.

d/ To strongly develop forests of three types (protection forests, economic-production forests and special-use forests). To invest in establishments engaged in processing forest products such as timber, ivory bamboo, forest specialties, .etc. To conserve and promote rare and precious gene sources in Hoang Lien Son national garden and Hoang Lien Son –Van Ban nature reserve.





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It is projected that total investment capital needed for the implementation of the master plan will be much greater than the province's available resources and the central government's support. Therefore, to meet this investment capital need, the province should have a system of active fund-raising measures, including mobilization of internal resources, with the raising of funds from land funds as a major measure; adopting appropriate mechanisms and policies for attracting capital from non-public economic sectors; stepping up socialization in the health, education, cultural, sports and other domains, concentrating on the following major measures:

a/ State budget capital (from the central and local budgets) will be mainly used for investment in developing economic and social infrastructure works.

b/ To continue creating additional funding sources from land funds, implement the mechanism of auctioning land use rights to attract capital from different sources for building infrastructure, new urban centers, industrial parks, etc.; to use land funds for raising capital for building essential infrastructure in service of industrial development. To scrutinize and recover land areas which are left unused or are used for improper purposes.

c/ To continue studying, promulgate, or propose the promulgation of, mechanisms and policies to promote enterprises in the province to develop more strongly in both quantity and quality; to create conditions for enterprises in the province to issue and stocks their stocks on the securities market; to implement the guideline "the State and people join efforts" in embanking channels and canals and building permanent rural roads.

d/ To accelerate administrative reform, formulate incentive policies and mechanisms to create a favorable investment environment and actively conduct investment promotion to attract domestic and foreign investments into the province.

e/ To mobilize and effectively use foreign official development assistance (ODA) capital.

2. Development of human resources

To elaborate and implement a strategy on development of human resources in the province. To plan, actively support and expand new training and retraining of entrepreneurs and business managers. To adopt appropriate policies to attract people with economic, scientific and technical expertise, outstanding specialists, skilled workers and artisans to work in the province. To expand cooperation and association with prestigious training institutions inside and outside the province in training skilled workers. To encourage enterprises to contribute capital and equipment to improving training quality or to conduct joint training. To build training establishments to meet practical conditions and requirements. To step up education socialization in order to mobilize all resources in society for education development.

3. Scientific and technological development and environmental protection




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4. Raising of the effect and effectiveness of state management

To further improving mechanisms and policies; to accelerate administrative reform, with a focus on administrative procedures; to promote the direction and management of the implementation of plans.

5. Labor, employment and social policies

To effectively implement programs (poverty reduction program 135's state II, etc.), policies and measures to support economic development and help the poor have access to social services. To study, elaborate and promulgate policies to encourage and develop vocational training for laborers, and increase the trained labor percentage. To properly implement social policies such as care for people with meritorious services to the country, social relief, prevention and combat of social evils, and so on, along the of socialization.

6. Development of external economy

To expand economic cooperation association with other provinces in the northern midland and mountains region and key economic regions for development. To build Lao Cai city into an open international economic center. To promote cooperation in building infrastructure and developing urban centers and coordination in drawing up plans on industrial parks and clusters, provision of services, sources of raw materials and market. To cooperate on information exchange and trade promotion and organization of fairs and exhibitions. To seek product outlets, increase product competitiveness and ensure proactive integration in the region and the world. To create and open environment to attract foreign investments and aid. To maintain and expand export markets in China, to take the initiative in seeking new international markets. To supply in time economic information, especially on mechanisms and policies, to facilitate social and economic activities of all economic sectors. To create conditions for enterprises to access information, enter and expand markets.

7. Assurance of security and defense

To continue implementing defense and security strategies and building a provincial defense zone. To launch mass movements to involve the people in protecting national security. To closely combine socio-economic development tasks with security and defense assurance. To promote law propaganda among state employees and the people and enhance the state management of security and order in the province; to resolutely suppress and punish crime. To intensify the collection of information on the grassroots situation, the settlement of citizens' complaints and denunciations in order to build confidence and maintain a safe and clean social environment.





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a/ To publicize and disseminate the master plan on socio-economic development of Lao Cai province from now to 2020 among all Party committees and administrations at all levels, branches, mass organizations, enterprises and the people in the province.

b/ To widely introduce the potential, advantages and priontized investment projects at investment calling and promotion events to investors outside the province to attract their investments in the province.

2. Contents of a plan of action and investment promotion:

a/ After the master plan is approved by the Prime Minister, on the basis of its objectives, to make a plan of action to step by step achieve the master plan's objectives. In the coming time, to make detailed plans to achieve the objectives set forth in the resolution of the XIIIth Party Congress of Lao Cai province.

b/ To promote investment promotion activities, attach importance to key projects to turn out main products which are decisive to the successful achievement of the master plan's objectives.

c/ To build a number of programs on main products of the province and organize the strict implementation of these programs, creating a new motive force for the people's production and business development. At the same time, to adopt policies to provide practical market-, capital- and land-related incentives and preferences for the development of the production and trading of these main products.

d/ To concretize planning work and implement annual and 5-year plans. Depending on changes in the situation of socio-economic development in each period, to review, adjust and supplement the master plan in time to suit the development process.

e/ Local administrations at all levels, branches and the people in the province shall examine and supervise the implementation of the master plan.

Article 2. - To assign the People’s Committee of Lao Cai province to base themselves on the province's socio-economic development objectives, tasks and orientations laid down in the approved master plan, in coordination with concerned ministries and branches, to direct the elaboration, submission for approval and implementation of the following:




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2. Five-year and annual plans; key economic, cultural and social development programs; specific projects for making concentrated and prioritized investment in a rational manner.

3. To study, elaborate and promulgate or submit to competent state agencies for promulgation (for issues beyond the province's competence) mechanisms and policies meeting the province's development requirements in each period with a view to attracting and mobilizing resources for the implementation of the master plan.

Article 3.

- To assign concerned ministries and central agencies, depending on their respective functions and tasks, to assist the People's Committee of Lao Cai province in studying and making the above plans; to study, elaborate and submit to competent state agencies for promulgation mechanisms and policies meeting the province's socio economic development requirements in each period, in order to mobilize and effectively utilize resources to encourage and attract investments for the fulfillment of the province’s socio-economic development objectives, tasks and orientations specified in the mater plan. To speed up the investment in and implementation of works and projects of a size and nature significant to the province's development in which investment has been decided. To study and consider adjustments and supplements to branch development master plans investment plans to cover works and projects expected to be invested under the master plan.

Article 4.

This Decision takes effect 15 days after its publication in ''CONG BAO".

Article 5.

- The president of the People’s Committee of Lao Cai province, ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies and heads of government-attached agencies shall implement this Decision.





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Nguyen Tan Dung



(Promulgated together with the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 46/2008/QD-TTg dated March 31, 2008)









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Project on increasing the capacity of Tang Loong apatite ore sorting plant, phase II, and building sorting plants of Bac Nhac Son, Lang Phung, etc.

Bao Thang district, Lao Cai city


Project on building Lao Cai iron and steel plant

Bao Thang district


Project on exploitation and processing iron ores from Quy Sa mine

Van Ban district




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Project on building a copper refining plant

Bat Xa district


Project on building a reverter furnace cement plant

Bao Thang district


Project on building a non-baked brick plant

Bao Thang district





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Bao Thang district


Project on building a DAP and base chemical plant

Lao Cai city, Bao Thang district


Project on building an inland container depot in Dong Phu Moi zone

Lao Cai city


Project on building infrastructure of Tang Loong industrial cluster




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Project on building 220 kV electricity transmission line from Yen Bai to Lao Cai

Lao Cai – Yen Bai


Project on building a 110 kV electricity transmission line

Across the province


Project on building a 220/110/35 kV- 125 MVA transformer station

Lao Cai city




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Project on supplying electricity for Lao Cai New urban center, Dong Pho Moi industrial park and Kim Thanh industrial – trade zone

Lao Cai city


Project on building 220 kV electricity transmission line from Bac Ha to Lao Cai

Bac Ha – Lao Cai


Project on building ore transportation roads 151 and 156

Van Ban, Bao Thang and Bat Xat districts





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Project on building small mineral exploitation and processing establishments



Project on building medium- and low-voltage electricity grids



Project on use and development of electric power in highland communes




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Project on processing timber from forest plantations



Project on preservation and process of agricultural products: corn, bean, soybean and tobacco



Project on building a refined tea processing plant

Phong Hai (Bao Thang district)




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Project on restoration and development of some traditional trade villages






Project on renovating Hanoi – Lao Cai railway (the section in the territory of Lao Cai)

Lao Cai – Yen Bai





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Hanoi-Lao Cai


Project on renovating national highway 70, section km 109 – km 188

Lao Cai – Yen Bai


Project on building Lao Cai airport

Lao Cai city


Project on building Giang Dong bridge




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Project on building Red River port

Lao Cai city


Project on building Lang Giang bridge

Bao Thang district


Project on renovating and upgrading Ba Ha – Si Ma Cai road

Bac Ha – Si Ma Cai




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Project on building Muong Hum – Y Ty – Coc My – Ban Vuoc road

Bat Xat district


Project on building national highway 4E, section km 0 – km 36

Lao Cai city


Project on building national highway 4D, section km 89 – km 103

Lao Cai city





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Bao Yen – Van Ban


Project on building Coc Leu bridge (upgrading and renovation)

Lao Cai city


Building 12 provincial roads



Building roads running to commune centers and linking communes




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Building 6 roads running to the borderline



Building 11 border patrol roads



Project on building and upgrading roads linking villages (570 villages and hamlets)





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Building and upgrading 242 irrigation works



Project on supplying rural clean water






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Project on building infrastructure of centers of commune clusters



Project on building rural marketplaces



Project on building plant variety multiplication, animal raising and aquaculture establishments




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Project on building infrastructure for population redistribution



Project on planting 5 million ha of forests



Project on assistance for sedentarization and settlement





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Project on embanking the Red River section from Coc Leu bridge to Pho Moi bridge

Lao Cai city


Project on growing high-quality fruit trees

Sa Pa and Bac Ha districts


Project on growing safe vegetables

Sa Pa and Bac Ha districts





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Sa Pa and Bac Ha districts


Project on conserving the eco-system of Hoang Lien Son national park and Hoang Lien – Van Ban nature reserve

Sa Pa and Van Ban districts


Project on developing aquaculture







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Project on building and upgrading the post- telecommunications system

Across the province





Project on building technical infrastructure of Kim Thanh trade and industrial park

Lao Cai city




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Project on building a trade center at Lao Cai international border gate

Lao Cai city


Project on building and exhibition and trade center in Kim Thanh trade and industrial park

Lao Cai city


Project on building marketplaces for centers of commune clusters and communes






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Across the province


Project on building residential quarters in urban centers

Lao Cai city


Project on building dwelling houses for workers

Tang Loong and Dong Pho Moi industrial parks


Project on building supermarkets and shops




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Project on building Lao Cai goods quality measurement and survey center

Lao Cai city


Project on building hotels and guest houses

Lao Cai city; Sa Pa, Bac Ha and Bao Thang districts


Project on building other tourist infrastructure

Across the province




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Project on supplying clean water Lao Cai – Cam Duong new urban center, Bao Yen and Van Ban districts and Tang Loong township

Lao Cai city, Bao Yen, Van Ban and Bao Thang districts








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Lao Cai city


Project on building technical infrastructure after embanking the Red river section from Coc Leu bridge to Pho Moi bridge

Lao Cai city


Project on building an electric lighting system in Lao Cai – Cam Duong new urban center

Lao Cai city


Project on treating urban wastewater and garbage




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Project on building and information technology system for Lao Cai province’s agencies

Across the province


Project on treating wastewater of new urban centers and industrial parks

Lao Cai city; Bat Xat and Bao Thang districts




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Project on building a central park in Lao Cai – Cam Duong new urban center

Lao Cai city


Project on planting trees in Lao Cai – Cam Duong new urban center

Lao Cai city








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Lao Cai city


Culture-arts-tourism intermediate-level school

Lao Cai city


Lao Cai intermediate-level vocational training school

Lao Cai city


Lao Cai economic – technical secondary school




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Lao Cai teachers’ university

Lao Cai city


Project on building permanent school building and classrooms, stage 2 (2,000 rooms)



Project on renovating and upgrading continuing education centers

Districts and cities




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Project on building boarding schools, vocational training centers and preschools

Districts and cities


Project on training vocational training teachers in Lao Cai province

Districts and cities








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Lao Cai city


Project on building a convalescence and functional

Bac Ha district


Project on upgrading Bao Thang hospital

Bao Thang district


Project on upgrading Muong Khuong, Bat Xat, Van Ban, Bac Ha and other districts, stage 2




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Project on supplying equipment for provincial and district hospitals

Across the province


Project on building and upgrading commune health stations, clinics, etc.



Project on building and quipping commune clusters’ health stations





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Project on training village health workers and midwives in communes facing extreme difficulties



Project on controlling HIV/AIDS and acute bacterial contaminations

Districts and cities








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Lao Cai city


Project on building a cultural – museum – library center

Lao Cai city


Project on repairing, embellishing and building cultural works

Districts and cities


Project on conserving and promoting cultural identities of ethnic minority people in Lao Cai province




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Project on building cultural houses and cultural and sports centers

Districts and cities


Project on building a multi-purpose competition shall

Lao Cai city


Project on building a stadium

Lao Cai city




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Project on building an aquatic sports complex

Lao Cai city


Project on building an athletes’ training and recuperation center

Sa Pa disitrct


Project on building a Fansipan mountain top climbing path

Sa Pa district





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Lao Cai city


Project on building a system of district-level physical training and sport establishments






Project on building provincial agencies’ offices in the new urban center




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Project on building Lao Cai province’s convention center

Lao Cai city


Project on building branch offices of central agencies in the new urban center

Lao Cai city


Project on building a radio and television station in Lao Cai new urban center

Lao Cai city




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Project on building permanent offices of communes and wards

Districts and cities





Project on building television relay stations

Districts and cities





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Districts and cities





Project on building Quang Kim embankment

Bat Xat district


Project on building Trinh Tuong commune embankment




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Project on building Tung Sang 1 – A Mu Sung embankment

Bat Xat district


Project on building Tung Sang 2 – A Mu Sung embankment

Bat Xat district


Project on building Ma Co – Nam Chac embankment

Bat Xat district




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Project on building Ban Mo – Trinh Tuong embankment

Bat Xat district


Project on building Ban Trang – Coc My embankment

Bat Xat district


Project on building Na Mo – Ban Phiet embankment

Bao Thang district





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Bao Thang district


Project on building embankment in Lao Cai water plant area

Lao Cai city

* Note: The locations, sizes, land areas, total investment amounts and sources of investment capital of the above projects will be calculated, selected and identified during the process of elaboration, submission and approval of investment projects depending on the demand and capability of balancing and mobilizing resources in each period.