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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 50/2005/QD-TTg

Hanoi, March 11, 2005





Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
Pursuant to the Political Bureau’s conclusions in the Party Central Committee’s Notice No. 155-TB/TW of September 9, 2004;
At the proposal of the Minister of Planning and Investment,


Article 1.- To establish Dung Quat economic zone on the basis of Dung Quat industrial zone, Quang Ngai province.  

Article 2.- To promulgate together with this Decision the Regulation on operation of Dung Quat economic zone.

Article 3.- This Decision takes effect 15 days after its publication in the Official Gazette. All previous stipulations which are contrary to this Decision are hereby annulled.




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Phan Van Khai




(Promulgated together with the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 50/2005/QD-TTg of March 11, 2005)

Chapter I





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Article 2.-

1. Dung Quat EZ is a zone having its definite geographical boundaries within the national territory and under the national sovereignty but having a separate economic space with a favorable and equal investment and business environment, which is composed of functional quarters, socio-technical infrastructures, public service and utility works with preferential, incentive, stable and long-term policies and open management mechanism which create favorable conditions for domestic and foreign investors to feel secured in investing in development of goods production and trading and/or service provision within the current legal framework which is furthered improved.

2. Dung Quat EZ has the land area of around 10,300 hectares in Quang Ngai province, encompassing Binh Chanh, Binh Thanh, Binh Dong, Binh Thuan, Binh Tri and Binh Hai communes and some land areas of Binh Phuoc, Binh Hoa and Binh Phu communes of Binh Son district, with its geographical boundaries determined as follows:

a/ To the East, it borders on the East Sea;

b/ To the West, it borders on Binh Nguyen commune, Binh Son district, Quang Ngai province;

c/ To the North, it borders on Nui Thanh district, Quang Nam province;

d/ To the South, it borders on Binh Long, Binh Hiep and Binh Phu communes, Binh Son district, Quang Ngai province.

Article 3.- Major development objectives of Dung Quat EZ;

1. To build and develop Dung Quat EZ into a general, multi-branch and multi-sector economic zone, focusing on the development of oil refinery – petrochemical – chemical industry and large-scale industries, including: mechanical engineering, seagoing ship building and repair, steel working and rolling, cement production, container manufacture, and industries of consumer goods production, processing and export; and associate them with the development and efficient exploitation of Dung Quat deep-water seaport, Chu Lai international airport, and Van Tuong and Doc Soi industrial-service urban centers.




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3. To generate jobs, promote trainings and raise the quality of human resources in the region; to contribute to creating products with prestigious trademarks, high quality and competitiveness.

4. To efficiently tap advantages in natural conditions, geographical, economic and political positions in international and domestic trade and services, with a view to boosting regional economic development; to create a good radial impact on the vicinities and proceed to narrow the development gap between the region and other regions throughout the country.

Article 4.- The Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam encourages and protects Vietnamese organizations and individuals of all economic sectors, overseas Vietnamese and foreign organizations and individuals to participate in investing and business activities in Dung Quat EZ in the domains of investment in business operation of infrastructures and urban centers, development of industries, commercial business, finance, banking, service, tourism, transport, insurance, entertainment, recreation, education-training, healthcare, housing, seaports, goods export and import and other production and business activities according to provisions of Vietnamese law and international agreements which Vietnam has signed or acceded to.

Article 5.-

1. Rights of economic organizations, households, individuals, overseas Vietnamese, foreign organizations and individuals, foreign-invested enterprises, parties to business cooperation contracts under the Law on Foreign Investment in Vietnam, that conduct activities of producing and trading in goods or providing services in Dung Quat EZ are:

a/ To receive rights to use, lease or sublease land within Dung Quat EZ, on which technical infrastructures have been built, from enterprises investing in construction and commercial operation of infrastructures according to relevant provisions of land legislation for building workshops and architectural works in service of goods production and trading or service provision;

b/ To rent or purchase workshops, warehouses or storing yards already built in Dung Quat EZ in service of goods production and trading and/or service provision under contracts signed with enterprises investing in construction and commercial operation of infrastructures;

c/ To use with payment of use levy technical infrastructure works, service and public-utility works in Dung Quat EZ, including: the system of traffic roads, seaports, electricity supply, water supply and drainage, information and communications, wastewater and waste matter treatment, etc., and other common services in Dung Quat EZ under contracts signed with enterprises investing in construction and commercial operation of infrastructures;

d/ To enjoy investment preference policies provided for in this Regulation;




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2. Obligations of economic organizations, households, individuals, overseas Vietnamese, foreign organizations and individuals, foreign-invested enterprises, parties to business cooperation contracts under the Law on Foreign Investment in Vietnam, that conduct activities of producing and trading in goods or providing services in Dung Quat EZ are:

a/ To comply with the provisions of this Regulation, detailed planning on functional areas already approved by competent State agencies and stipulations in investment registration certificates, investment preference certificates or investment licenses, business registration certificates, or charters of enterprises; to use land for the right purposes for which land is assigned, leased or subleased;

b/ To create conditions for enterprises investing in construction and business operation of infrastructures to conduct the maintenance, regular repairs or upgrading of infrastructure works in functional areas, technical infrastructure works as well as service and public-utility works in land areas used by organizations and individuals in Dung Quat EZ;

c/ To pay land rents; workshop, warehouse or storing yard rents or purchase amounts, levy for use of infrastructure works in functional areas, infrastructure works and service and public-utility works in Dung Quat EZ to enterprises investing in construction and commercial operation of infrastructures under signed contracts;

d/ Domestic economic organizations, households and individuals investing in production and business in Dung Quat EZ shall register their operations with Dung Quat EZ’s Management Board;

e/ To observe the regime of reporting on operations on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis to Dung Quat EZ’s Management Board;

f/ To fulfill tax obligations, customs duties, environmental protection obligations and other obligations according to the provisions of law.

Article 6.-

1. Economic organizations, overseas Vietnamese, foreign organizations and individuals, foreign-invested enterprises investing in construction and commercial operation of infrastructures in functional areas, technical infrastructure works, service and public-utility works in Dung Quat EZ (collectively called enterprises investing in construction and commercial operation of infrastructures) have the rights:




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b/ To transfer rights to use, lease or sublease land in Dung Quat EZ on which technical infrastructures have been built to domestic organizations and individuals, overseas Vietnamese, foreign organizations and individuals, foreign-invested enterprises, parties to business cooperation contracts under the Law on Foreign Investment in Vietnam for investing in goods production and trading and/or service provision in Dung Quat EZ according to relevant provisions of land legislation;

c/ To collect levy for use of infrastructure works in functional areas, technical infrastructure works, service and public-utility works in Dung Quat EZ, invested by enterprises investing in construction and commercial operation of infrastructures under contracts signed with lessors;

d/ To build workshops, warehouses and storing yards in Dung Quat EZ for sale or lease;

e/ To set rent rates of leased or subleased land on which technical infrastructures have been built, levy rates for use of technical infrastructures, service and public-utility works in Dung Quat EZ with consents of Dung Quat EZ’s Management Board; to set rent rates or selling prices of workshops, warehouses or storing yards and service charges;

f/ To lease or sublease to economic organizations, overseas Vietnamese, foreign organizations and individuals; or foreign-invested enterprises with financial capability and experiences in calling for investment capital parts or whole of unleased land areas for sublease or calling for investment capital according to relevant provisions of land legislation;

g/ To enjoy other legitimate interests according to law provisions.

2. Enterprises investing in construction and commercial operation of infrastructures in Dung Quat EZ have the obligations: 

a/ To construct infrastructures in functional areas, technical infrastructure works, service and public-utility works in Dung Quat EZ in strict compliance with the already approved detailed planning, designs and schedules;

In cases where land had been reassigned with collection of land use levy, reassigned without collection of land use levy or leased by Dung Quat EZ’s Management Board according to relevant provisions of land legislation for execution of projects on investment in construction and commercial operation of infrastructures in functional areas, technical infrastructure works, service and public-utility works in Dung Quat EZ, but has not been used for 12 consecutive months or the land use progress is 24 months later than the schedules inscribed in investment projects as from the date such land is handed over on site and the land use duration is not permitted for extension by Dung Quat EZ’s Management Board, Dung Quat EZ’s Management Board shall decide to recover the land without land compensations.




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c/ To comply with the provisions of this Regulation, the detailed planning on functional areas already approved by competent agencies; to use land for the right purposes for which such land has been assigned or leased;

d/ To observe the regime of monthly, quarterly or annual reporting to Dung Quat EZ’s Management Board;

c/ To fulfill tax obligations, customs duties and other obligations according to provisions of law.

Chapter II


Article 7.-

1. Dung Quat EZ consists of the tax suspension area and other functional areas such as industrial zone, export processing zone, port and port logistic service area, population quarters, urban area, tourist-service area and administrative area (hereinafter referred to as other functional areas).

Size and position of each functional area are determined in the general planning on construction of Dung Quat EZ, approved by the Prime Minister.

2. In order to ensure the quality of the long-term development planning up to the international economic integration requirements, Dung Quat EZ’s Management Board is permitted to hire foreign consultancy companies to join in the formulation of Dung Quat EZ’s development planning and the detailed planning on the functional areas such as urban area, tourist – service area and tax suspension area.




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1. The tax suspension area in Dung Quat EZ is an area determined in the general planning on construction of Dung Quat EZ and the land use detailed planning.

2. Tax suspension area is segregated from other functional areas in Dung Quat EZ and inland Vietnam by a system of walls and fences, with entrance and exit gates and doors, thus ensuring the control by relevant functional agencies. In the tax suspension area, there exist customs offices for supervising, inspecting and carrying out customs procedures for goods on entry or exit. There are no people (including foreigners) permanently or temporarily residing in the tax suspension area.

3. Operations of the tax suspension area cover the following major production and business lines:

a/ Production, processing, recycling or assembly of export goods, import goods and goods for on-spot consumption;

b/ Commodity commerce (including export, import, border-gate shift, temporary import for re-export, distribution, retail shops and supermarkets, duty-free shops and supermarkets);

c/ Service commerce (classification, packaging, transportation, forwarding of transited goods, preservation, warehousing, bonded warehouses, post, telecommunications, finance, banking, transport, insurance, entertainment, recreation, restaurants);

d/ Trade promotion (trade fairs and exhibitions, showrooms, branches and representative offices of domestic and foreign companies and financial-banking institutions) and other commercial activities.

Article 9.-

1. The relationship of goods and service exchange between the tax suspension area and foreign countries as well as among economic organizations in the tax suspension area shall be considered the exchange relationships among foreign countries and not be subject to customs procedures. Economic organizations operating in the tax suspension area are permitted to export to foreign countries and import from foreign countries all goods and services not banned from export or import by Vietnamese law.




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Article 10.-

1. Goods and service exchange relationship between the tax suspension area and other functional areas (other than the export processing zone) in Dung Quat EZ and inland Vietnam shall be considered the exchange relationship between foreign countries and Vietnam and comply with the current provisions of law on customs, export tax and import tax. Relationship of goods and service exchange between the tax suspension area and the export processing zone in Dung Quat EZ shall be considered the exchange relationships among foreign countries.

2. Domestic or foreign organizations and individuals conducting goods production and trading and/or service provision in other functional areas in Dung Quat EZ and inland Vietnam may only import from the tax suspension area goods and services not banned or restricted by Vietnam from import and sell into the tax suspension area goods and services not banned by Vietnam from export.

Article 11.-

1. Export goods, import goods shall not be subject to export tax or import tax in the following cases:

a/ Goods imported from foreign countries into the tax suspension area;

b/ Goods exported from the tax suspension area to foreign countries;

c/ Goods transferred or sold from the tax suspension area to the export processing zone or export processing enterprises in the Vietnamese territory;

d/ Goods not subject to export tax, originating from inland Vietnam and brought into the tax suspension area (other than those defined in Clause 2 of this Article).




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3. For goods originating from foreign countries, not on the list of goods banned or restricted from import, and imported from the tax suspension area into other functional areas (other than the export processing zone) in Dung Quat EZ and inland Vietnam, the import tax shall be paid and the import procedures shall be carried out, and such goods shall be subject to the customs inspection and supervision.

4. For goods manufactured, processed, recycled or assembled in the tax suspension area with the use of raw materials and components imported from foreign countries, when being imported into other functional areas (other than export processing zone) in Dung Quat EZ and inland Vietnam, the import tax shall be paid only for portions of raw materials and components imported from foreign countries constituting such products or goods, the import procedures shall be carried out according to current regulations, and such goods shall be subject to customs inspection and supervision.

5. Goods and services produced, provided and consumed within the tax suspension area and those imported from foreign countries into the tax suspension area shall not be subject to value added tax. Goods and services brought from inland Vietnam and other functional areas in Dung Quat EZ into the tax suspension area shall enjoy the value added tax rate of 0%. Goods and services brought from the tax suspension area into inland Vietnam and other functional areas (other than export processing zone) in Dung Quat EZ shall be subject to value added tax at the currently prescribed rates.

6. For goods and services subject to special consumption tax, produced, provided and consumed in the tax suspension area or imported from foreign countries into the tax suspension area, the special consumption tax shall not be paid.

7. For goods and services subject to special consumption tax, and brought from the tax suspension area into other functional areas (other than the export processing zone) in Dung Quat EZ and inland Vietnam, the special consumption tax shall be paid.

8. Production raw materials, supplies and goods imported from foreign countries by domestic or foreign organizations and individuals conducting goods production and trading and/or service provision in the tax suspension area but not yet used up, and faulty products with remaining commercial value shall be allowed for sale into other functional areas (other than the export processing zone) in Dung Quat EZ and inland Vietnam after the customs procedures are completed and import tax is paid according to current regulations.

9. Investment projects on production of export goods and transportation of transited goods shall comply with the general regulations.

Chapter III





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Article 13.- Investment projects in Dung Quat EZ shall enjoy the preferences applicable to geographical areas with particularly difficult socio-economic conditions and economic zones defined in the Law on Foreign Investment in Vietnam, the Domestic Investment Promotion Law, the Enterprise Income Tax Law and other tax laws.

Article 14.-

1. All investment projects of domestic or foreign organizations and individuals in Dung Quat EZ shall enjoy the enterprise income tax rate of 10% for 15 years after the commencement of business operation of such projects, enterprise income tax exemption for 4 years after taxable incomes are generated, and a 50% reduction of payable tax amounts for 9 subsequent years. They shall also enjoy other tax preferences applicable to geographical areas with particularly difficult socio-economic conditions according to provisions of the Law on Foreign Investment in Vietnam, the Law on Domestic Investment Promotion, other tax laws and other preferences provided for by international agreements which Vietnam has signed or acceded to.

2. Projects on investment in production in Dung Quat EZ of domestic or foreign organizations and individuals shall be exempt from import tax on production raw materials, supplies, components and semi-finished products, which cannot be produced at home or can be produced at home but not up to the quality standards, for 5 years after the production commences.

3. A 50% income tax reduction shall be given to high income earners, including Vietnamese and foreigners working in Dung Quat EZ.

4. Apart from the preferences they are entitled to according to the provisions of this Regulation, investment projects of domestic or foreign organizations and individuals in Dung Quat EZ in hi-tech domains, which satisfy the provisions of Clause 2, Article 5 of the Government’s Decree No. 99/2003/ND-CP of August 28, 2003 promulgating the Regulation on hi-tech parks, shall enjoy the enterprise income tax rate of 10% throughout the project execution duration.

5. Apart from the preferences they are entitled to according to the provisions of this Regulation, investment projects of domestic or foreign organizations and individuals in Dung Quat EZ, which are of large scale and importance for branch or sector development or regional socio-economic development, shall enjoy the enterprise income tax rate of 10% throughout the project execution duration after being approved by the Prime Minister.

Article 15.- Domestic enterprises of all economic sectors having production or business investment projects in Dung Quat EZ and eligible to enjoy various preferential credits of the State shall comply with current provisions of law on the State’s development investment credit.

Article 16.- Economic organizations, overseas Vietnamese, foreigners permanently residing in Vietnam, foreign-invested enterprises, foreign organizations and individuals are allowed to invest in building dwelling houses for sale or lease; to invest in building infrastructures in functional quarters for lease, sub-lease or transfer  of the right to use land on which infrastructures have been built in Dung Quat EZ according to relevant provisions of land legislation. Overseas Vietnamese are allowed to purchase dwelling houses associated with the right to use land in Dung Quat EZ. Foreigners permanently residing in Vietnam and foreign investors are allowed to purchase dwelling houses and rent residential land in Dung Quat EZ.




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Chapter IV


Article 18.-

1. The whole land and water surface areas reserved for investment in construction and development of the industrial zone, export processing zone, port and port logistic service areas and tax suspension area in Dung Quat EZ, which have been determined in the general planning on construction of Dung Quat EZ already approved by the Prime Minister and the land use detailed planning approved by the People’s Committee of Quang Ngai province, shall all be assigned at a time by the People’s Committee of Quang Ngai province to Dung Quat EZ’s Management Board for organization of construction and development. The People’s Committee of Quang Ngai province shall direct the recovery of land areas planned for construction of the industrial zone, export processing zone, port and port logistic service areas and tax suspension area in Dung Quat EZ.

2. The People’s Committee of Quang Ngai province shall direct the recovery of land and water surface areas used for the other functional quarters and other purposes in Dung Quat EZ under the approved land use detailed planning for subsequent assignment to Dung Quat EZ’s Management Board under the annual and five-year land use detailed plannings of Dung Quat EZ, already approved for organization of construction and development of Dung Quat EZ.

3. Dung Quat EZ’s Management Board shall have to coordinate with the People’s Committee of Quang Ngai province in making compensations for clearance of land or water surface areas already recovered by competent State agencies for assignment to Dung Quat EZ’s Management Board for reassignment of land with the collection of land use levy, reassignment of land without the collection of land use levy, lease of land to persons with land use demands, and resettlement of households having their land recovered according to the provisions of land legislation. Dung Quat EZ’s Management Board shall manage the assigned land and water surface area fund and take responsibility for the efficient use of such land and water surface area fund and land use purposes, ensuring the strict compliance with the general planning on construction of Dung Quat EZ already approved by the Prime Minister and the land use detailed planning and plans already approved by the People’s Committee of Quang Ngai province.

4. For case of land reassignment or land lease not through land use right auctions or land-using project biddings: Basing itself on land prices and land use levy exemption or reduction levels or land rent exemption or reduction levels prescribed by the People’s Committee of Quang Ngai province and the provisions of domestic investment promotion and foreign investment legislations, Dung Quat EZ’s Management Board shall decide on land and water surface use levy levels, land and water surface rents; land and water surface use levy or rent exemption or reduction levels applicable to each investment project in order to ensure investment promotion.

5. For case of land reassignment with the collection of land use levy or land lease through land use right auctions or land-using project biddings: Basing itself on financial and price plans agreed upon by the People’s Committee of Quang Ngai province, Dung Quat EZ’s Management Board shall decide to reassign and lease land for which ground clearance compensations have been paid, to persons with land use demands according to the provisions of land legislation.

6. Domestic organizations and individuals, and overseas Vietnamese shall be assigned or leased land; foreign organizations and individuals, foreign-invested enterprises and parties to business cooperation contracts under the Law on Foreign Investment in Vietnam shall be entitled to rent land for execution of their investment projects in Dung Quat EZ and have the rights and obligations corresponding to the land assignment or lease forms according to the provisions of land legislation.




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Article 20.-

1. Domestic or foreign organizations and individuals, before constructing works in service of production and/or business, infrastructure works in functional areas, technical infrastructure works, and service and public-utility works in Dung Quat EZ, must file dossiers of application for permission of Dung Quat EZ’s Management Board according to the provisions of construction legislation. The time limit for consideration and decision by Dung Quat EZ’s Management Board shall be 7 working days after receiving complete and valid dossiers.

2. The management of construction of works in service of production and/or business, infrastructure works in functional areas, technical infrastructure works, and service and public-utility works in Dung Quat EZ shall comply with the provisions of construction legislation.

Chapter V


Article 21.-

1. The State earmarks adequate investment capital from the State budget and preferential credits to support the investment in and development of the system of socio-technical infrastructures and important service and public-utility works necessary for the operation and development of Dung Quat EZ.

2. The expenditures for investment in capital construction for socio-technical infrastructures and important service and public-utility works necessary for the operation and development of Dung Quat EZ specified in Clause 1 of this Article shall be managed by the central government and allocated from the central budget’s development investment spending tasks under target programs and according to the provisions of the State Budget Law.

3. To allow the application of the following modes of capital mobilization for investment in and development of Dung Quat EZ:




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b/ To issue government bonds for large-scale infrastructure construction investment projects, which are key to the development of Dung Quat EZ, according to the regulations on issuance of government bonds for investment capital mobilization;

c/ To prioritize the use of ODA capital sources and preferential investment credits for the construction of socio-technical infrastructure works, necessary service and public-utility works of Dung Quat EZ and other technical assistances;

d/ To allow the attraction of investment capital in forms of BOT, BT, BTO and other forms in compliance with current regulations;

e/ To allow mobilization of capital from the land fund according to the provisions of land legislation for investment in development of socio-technical infrastructures in common service of Dung Quat EZ;

f/ To mobilize direct investment capital of domestic organizations and individuals; advanced capital of subjects with infrastructure use demands, capital of enterprises with function of building and commercially operating of technical infrastructures. To expand the form of co-financing credit of credit institutions, and mobilize all capital sources in other forms in compliance with provisions of law.         

Article 22.- To permit State commercial banks, joint-stock commercial banks, joint-venture banks, foreign banks and other credit institutions established and operating under the Law on Credit Institutions to open branches in Dung Quat EZ for performing the function of providing credits in Vietnam dong and foreign currencies for economic activities in Dung Quat EZ according to current regulations.

Article 23.-

1. Foreigners, overseas Vietnamese working or conducting investment or business activities in Dung Quat EZ and their families’ members shall be granted multiple entry and exit visas with duration suitable to their working, investment or business activities in Dung Quat EZ, and shall be permitted to reside or temporarily stay for definite time in Dung Quat EZ.

The Public Security Ministry shall guide the police office of Quang Ngai province in implementing this Clause.




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The Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs Ministry shall guide Dung Quat EZ’s Management Board in implementing this Clause.

Article 24.-

1. The People’s Committee of Quang Ngai province shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with Dung Quat EZ’s Management Board in, well organizing the materialization of resettlement, sedentary farming policies and other social policies, and ensuring the employment and stable life of people, as well as the living and working conditions of laborers in Dung Quat EZ, as follows:

a/ Dung Quat EZ’s Management Board shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the People’s Committee of Quang Ngai province in, planning and investing in the construction of resettlement quarters in association with the investment in essential socio-technical infrastructures;

b/ The People’s Committee of Quang Ngai province shall have to create new land fund and provide technical assistance for ensuring a better and stable life of resettled households for a long term, with the coordination of Dung Quat EZ’s Management Board;

c/ The People’s Committee of Quang Ngai province shall have to direct and create conditions for the construction of condominiums for lease to or purchase by specialists, officials and laborers working or conducting investment or business activities in Dung Quat EZ, with the coordination of Dung Quat EZ’s Management Board;

d/ The People’s Committee of Quang Ngai province shall have to ensure conditions on employment, accommodation, daily-life needs, study and healthcare of laborers and residents in Dung Quat EZ.

2. The State supports the promotion of investment in Dung Quat EZ and propagates investment environment in Dung Quat EZ to potential domestic and foreign investors.

3. Dung Quat EZ’s Management Board and concerned State agencies shall reform administrative procedures related to the domains of investment, land, construction, bidding, taxation, customs, labor and enterprise management in Dung Quat EZ.




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Article 25.- Organizations and individuals that record merits in mobilizing official development assistance capital sources, calling for foreign direct investment projects and domestic investment projects in Dung Quat EZ shall be commended  or rewarded according to the Regulation promulgated by Dung Quat EZ’s Management Board with the Finance Ministry’s consent.

Chapter VI


Article 26.-

1. The Prime Minister shall concentrate on the direction of construction investment and develop-ment of Dung Quat EZ, solve problems arising in the course of construction and development of Dung Quat EZ, and promulgate mechanisms and policies falling under his deciding competence, in order to accelerate the tempo of the construction and development of Dung Quat EZ.

2. The Planning and Investment Ministry, the Finance Ministry, the Trade Ministry, the Construction Ministry, the Transport Ministry, the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry and the concerned agencies shall, within the ambit of their functions, tasks and powers, promulgate regulations guiding the operation of functional areas in Dung Quat EZ.

3. The People’s Committee of Quang Ngai province and Dung Quat EZ’s Management Board shall jointly formulate and promulgate the Regulation on joint coordination in such domains as the management of planning and plans on investment in construction and development of Dung Quat EZ, management of land (order and procedures for land assignment, compensation, ground clearance), resettlement and  sedentarization, management of activities of domestic or foreign organizations and individuals conducting goods production and trading and service provision in Dung Quat EZ.

Article 27.-

1. Dung Quat EZ’s Management Board shall be established under the Prime Minister’s decision on the basis of restructuring the organizational apparatus of Dung Quat industrial zone’s Management Board, and shall be adjusted and supplemented to be compatible with the management model of Dung Quat EZ.




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3. Dung Quat EZ’s Management Board is a planning and budgetary unit under the central government (grade-I budget estimation unit), and is allowed to decide on budget revenues and expenditures in the development investment, administrative and non-business domains, target programs and other domains assigned by the Prime Minister.

4. The Minister of Home Affairs shall submit to the Prime Minister for decision the establishment and definition of functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of Dung Quat EZ’s Management Board.

Article 28.- The People’s Committee of Quang Ngai province has the responsibilities:

1. To perform the function of State administrative management over Dung Quat EZ in its locality and take part in the management over Dung Quat EZ by directing the provincial services, departments and branches to perform on the spot jobs within the ambit of functions and tasks of the provincial People’s Committee according to their respective competence.

2. To coordinate with Dung Quat EZ’s Management Board in working out the general planning on construction of, and long-term development investment in, Dung Quat EZ and drawing up a list of long-term investment projects, then submitting them to the competent State agency for approval and organizing the implementation thereof.

3. To approve the detailed planning and plans on the use of land in Dung Quat EZ; recover and assign land to Dung Quat EZ’s Management Board for organizing the construction and development of Dung Quat EZ according to the provisions of Clauses 1 and 2, Article 18 of this Regulation;

4. To set land prices and land use levy exemption and reduction levels; land rent exemption and reduction levels for land in Dung Quat EZ for cases of land reassignment or land lease not through land use right auctions or land-using project biddings, and agree upon financial and price plans for cases of land use right auctions or land-using project biddings;

5. To direct and organize the coordination between local administrations of all levels and functional agencies of the province and Dung Quat EZ’s Management Board in performing the compensation and ground clearance; decentralize responsibilities, work out action program and assign sections to monitor and manage each geographical area and each domain in Dung Quat EZ;

6. To promulgate specific preferential and promotion policies in compliance with current regulations in order to effect the priority recruitment and employment of local laborers; to support job training for local labor force; to create conditions for local laborers to be employed by enterprises in Dung Quat EZ; to encourage and attract laborers with high professional skills from other localities to work in Dung Quat EZ; to support the building of dwelling houses for laborers; to support the construction of resettlement quarters; to support the investment –trade promotion; to support the compensation and ground clearance so as to accelerate the process of investment and development of Dung Quat EZ;




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Article 29.- The Planning and Investment Ministry shall assist the Prime Minister in monitoring the construction and development of Dung Quat EZ according to its operation regulation, planning, plans and schedule already approved by competent State agencies and promptly submitting to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision proposals of Dung Quat EZ’s Management Board.

Article 30.-

1. The ministries, ministerial-level agencies, Government-attached agencies and the People’s Committee of Quang Ngai province shall, within the ambit of their respective functions, tasks and powers, perform the tasks of State management regarding branches, domains and administrative territories over Dung Quat EZ; authorize and guide Dung Quat EZ’s Management Board to perform a number of State management tasks in the domains of construction investment, planning, management of natural resources and environment, urban management and development, management of land, labor, export and import, and some other domains according to provisions of law and this Regulation on the “one door, on spot” principle, in order to create favorable conditions for investment, production and business activities of domestic or foreign organizations and individuals in Dung Quat EZ and satisfy development investment requirements of Dung Quat EZ.

2. In domains for which responsibilities and powers are not decentralized or vested to Dung Quat EZ’s Management Board, the ministries, ministerial-level agencies and the People’s Committee of Quang Ngai province shall perform the function of State management over Dung Quat EZ by organizing their attached units in Dung Quat EZ and adopting regulations on coordination with Dung Quat EZ’s Management Board in exercising their vested powers.

Chapter VII


Article 31.- Other provisions on activities, rights and obligations of domestic or foreign organizations and individuals that conduct goods production and trading and service provision in Dung Quat EZ not provided for in this Regulation shall comply with relevant provisions of the Law on Foreign Investment in Vietnam, the Domestic Investment Promotion Law, the Enterprise Law, the State Enterprise Law, the Cooperative Law, the Customs Law, the Land Law, the Commercial Law, other tax laws, other relevant legal documents and international agreements which Vietnam has signed or acceded to.

Article 32.- The preferences for domestic or foreign organizations and individuals that conduct goods production and trading and service provision in Dung Quat EZ under this Regulation shall also apply to domestic or foreign organizations and individuals that had conducted goods production and trading and service provision in Dung Quat EZ before the date of promulgation of this Regulation for the remaining preference duration as from the effective date of this Regulation. Domestic or foreign organizations and individuals that conduct goods production and trading and service provision in Dung Quat EZ after the expiration of the investment preference duration according to the provisions of domestic investment promotion, foreign investment and tax legislations shall not enjoy the investment preferences provided for in this Regulation.