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SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Independence - Freedom – Happiness

No. 67/2000/QD-TTg

Hanoi, June 15, 2000





- Pursuant to the Law on the Organization of Government issued on 30th September 1992;
- Pursuant to the Law on Water Resources adopted on 20th May 1998;
- Pursuant to Decree No. 179/1999/ND/CP dated 30th December 1999 on the implementation of the Law on Water Resources;
- After considering the requests by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Minister - Head of Personnel & Organization Board of the Government;


Article 1. The National Water Resources Council shall be established to advise the Government on important decisions on water resources within the tasks, powers of the Government.

Article 2. The National Water Resources Council shall advise the Government before the Government makes decisions on:

1. Strategies and policies on national water resources,




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3. Plans for major inter-basin diversions,

4. Projects for protection, exploitation and utilization of water resources and projects for flood control and overcoming the adverse effects caused by water where such projects require Cabinet approval,

5. Management, protection, exploitation and utilization of international water sources and settlement of any disputes,

6. Resolution of conflicts regarding water resources between ministries and agencies, between ministries & provinces, cities directly under the central control.

Article 3. The National Water Resources Council has its own seal. The Office of the Council is located within MARD. Operation fund of the Council and its Office is supplied from the State budget through the annual fund of MARD. Members of the Office shall be assigned from the personnel of MARD.

Article 4. Members of the National Water Resources Council include:

- Chairman of the National Water Resources Council: Vice Prime Minister;

- Standing member: Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development;

- Other members:




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+ Non-permanent members are those who represent central and local agencies with regards to specific issues and will be appointed by the Chairman of NWRC at each session of the Council.

Article 5. The appointment of the NWRC's Chairman and Standing member; regulations on organization and operation of the National Water Resources Council are decided by The Prime Minister.

Every year, if member changes are required, the Chairman of NWRC will consult and agree with related Ministries and agencies to make decision.

Article 6. This Decision shall come into effect after 15 days from the signing date.

Article 7. The Chairman and members of the National Water Resources Council, Ministers, Heads of agencies equivalent to ministries, Leaders of agencies of the Government, Chairmen of provincial People's Committees, cities directly under the central control shall be responsible to implement this Decision.




Phan Van Khai





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(attached with the Decision No 67/ TTG dated 15 June 2000 issued by the Prime Minister)

1. Mr. Nguyen Cong Tan, Vice Prime Minister, Chairman

2. Mr. Le Huy Ngo, Standing Member, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Standing Member

3. Mr. Nguyen Dinh Thinh, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Ministry, Member

4. Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Hong, Deputy Minister of Fisheries Ministry, Member
5. Mr. Pham Khoi Nguyen, Deputy Minister of Science, Technology and Environment Ministry, Member

6. Mr. Nguyen Xuan Thao, Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment Ministry, Member

7. Mr. Vu Van Ninh, Deputy Minister of Finance Ministry, Member

8. Mr. Nguyen Huy Hieu, Deputy Minister of National Defence, Member

9. Mr. Nguyen Tan Van, Deputy Minister of Ministry of Construction, Member




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11. Mr. Do Hai Dung, Deputy Minister of Ministry of Industry, Member

12. Mr. Nguyen Van Thuong, Deputy Minister of Ministry of Public Health, Member

13. Mr. Nguyen Cong Thanh, Head of General Department of Hydro-meteorology, Member

14. Mr. Ngo Chi Hoat, Chairman of the NWRC Office, Member

15. Mr. Nguyen An Nien, Scientist, Southern Institute for Water Resources Research, Member

16. Mr. Nguyen Truong Cuu, General, Head of Department of Science, Technology and Environment, Ministry of National Defence, Member

17. Mr. Vu Van Tuan, Scientist, Vice Director of the Institute of Hydro-meteorology, General Department of Hydro-meteorology, Member

18. Mr. Vu Huy Thu, Vice Director of Fisheries Resources and Environment Conservation Department, Ministry of Fisheries, Member.