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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 893/QD-TTg

Hanoi, June 11, 2014





Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 92/2006/ND-CP of September 7, 2006, on the formulation, approval and management of socio-economic development master plans; and the Government’s Decree No. 04/2008/ND-CP of January 11, 2008, amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 92/2006/ND-CP;

At the proposal of the People’s Committee of Binh Duong province,


Article 1. To approve the adjusted master plan on socio-economic development of Binh Duong province through 2020 and supplemented master plan through 2025 with the following principal contents:

1. Development viewpoints:

Overall viewpoints: To strive to achieve a high economic growth rate and sustainable development based on economic restructuring toward the fast growth of the service sector, faster urbanization and hi-tech development in association with the socio-economic infrastructure system of the southeastern region and the southern key economic region, and to maintain the political security, social order, defense and effective eco-environmental protection.

Viewpoint of sustainable development with breakthroughs:

- In the next 10-15 years, advantageous and high value-added sectors will be further developed to meet the domestic demand and promote export, and at the same time core enterprises’ capacity and competitiveness will be improved toward investment in other localities and foreign countries.

- To anticipate the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement and the ASEAN Community in the coming time so as to adopt mechanisms and policies to effectively tap opportunities and advantages as soon as possible in the planning period.

- To continue the economic structuring toward higher proportions of industry and service and lower proportion of agriculture. To attach importance to agriculture’s role in the economy to serve the industrialization and urbanization with orientations to develop an urban hi-tech agriculture.

- To concentrate resources for development of a synchronous infrastructure system into an industrialized and modernized one to create a development breakthrough.

- To prioritize the development of a number of important works for human use in education, training and health care in order to create major changes in social security in the locality.

- To develop economy in synchrony with social development and defense-security in order to ensure stable and sustainable development.

2. Adjustment of development objectives:

Overall objectives: To build Binh Duong into a civilized and modem urban center and one of socio-economic development urban centers of the southern key economic region with strong and large spillover effects on neighboring provinces and regions; a centrally-run urban center before 2020 with industrial development toward diversity of hi-tech, clean-tech, environmentally-friendly products with a high localization rate without intensive labor; its trade and service infrastructure will be modernized; its tourism will develop toward diversity of ecological, historical, cultural services with the conservation of natural resources and biodiversity in green, civilized and modem urban centers; and its urban agriculture will be associated with biotechnology and transfer of biotechnology.

Specific objectives:

a/ During 2011-2015: To implement the socio-economic development plan of Binh Duong province for the 2011 -2015 period (the 11-15 master plan).

Economic objectives:

The economic growth rate in the 2011-2015 period will be adjusted from 14.9%/year under the 2007 master plan to 13.5%/year under the 11-15 plan in which the industry-construction sector will be adjusted from 14.5%/year under the 2007 master plan to 9%/year under the 11-15 plan; the service sector will be adjusted from 16.5%/year to 22%/year; the agriculture-forestry sector will be adjusted from 3.4%/year to 2%.

The economic structure will continue to shift toward higher proportions of services, from 30% (under the 2007 master plan) to 38% (under the 11-15 plan). The industry-construction sector will be adjusted from 62.9% to 59%. The agriculture-forestry sector will be adjusted from 3.4% to 3%.

The total population will reach 2.043 million by 2015 (1.6 million under the 2007 master plan). The average population growth rate will be adjusted from 5.9%/year (under the 2007 master plan) to 4.8%/year (under the 11-15 plan).

Import-export turnover: To adjust export turnover from USD 14 billion (under the 2007 master plan) to USD 23.55 billion (under the 11 -15 plan). To adjust import turnover from USD 10 billion (under the 2007 master plan) to USD 16.05 billion (under the 11-15 plan).

To develop technical and social infrastructure to reach the standards of grade-I urban centers: To concentrate on the construction of radial, transversal and outbound arterial routes. To complete a number of axes connected with economic centers, deep-water ports and international airports in the southeastern region, southern key economic region and Ho Chi Minh City.

Social objectives:

To adjust the urbanization rate from 50% (of the 2007 master plan) to 70%.

To adjust the per-capita GDP from VND 52 million (under the 2007 master plan) to VND 63.2 million (equivalent to USD 3,000).

The annual rate of poor households under the province’s criteria will down to below 1% by 20151.

The number of employed laborers will be 44,000.

The rate of trained laborers will make up 70% of the workforce.

The malnutrition rate among under-5 children (by weight) will be lower than 11%.

To reduce the mortality rate among under-1 children to below 8%0.

The rate of above-standard teachers at all levels will be 45%.

The rate of schools up to national standards will be 65%.

The rate of communes, wards and townships meeting the national criteria set for communal health will be over 90%.

The rate of communes, wards and townships having medical doctors will be 100%.

There will be 41 medical workers for every 10,000 people.

There will be eight medical doctors for every 10,000 people.

There will be 27 patient beds for every 10,000 people.

The rate of communes and wards, and districts and towns having cultural institutions will be 60% and 100%, respectively.

The rate of communes meeting the new countryside standards will be 40%.

The telephone subscription rate will be 35/100 people.

All communes, hamlets and street quarters will have access to the Internet and specialized data transmission lines for state agencies.

The rate of people doing regular physical exercises and sports will reach 33%.

The rate of households doing physical exercises and sports will reach 23.5%.

The per-capita average housing area will be 24 m2.

The rate of households having access to electricity will be 99.86%.

The rate of urban population having access to clean water will be 99%.

The rate of rural population having access to hygienic water will be 98%.

Environmental objectives:

The rate of green coverage, forest and perennial industrial trees will be 57%.

The rate of solid waste collected and treated will reach 90%.

All medical solid waste will be collected and treated.

All industrial parks and industrial clusters will have centralized wastewater treatment systems up to environmental standards.

b/ Binh Duong will become a centrally-run urban center in the 2016-2020 period.

Economic objectives:

The annual average economic growth rate will be maintained at 13% under the 2007 master plan but there will be adjustments in each economic sector with the industry-construction sector being reduced from 12.3%/year (under the 2007 master plan) to 10%/year; the service sector increased from 16.1%/year (under the 2007 master plan) to 16.63%/year; and the agriculture-forestry sector reduced from 3.6% (under the 2007 master plan) to 2.3%/year.

There will be adjustments in the industry-service-agriculture economic structure of the 2007 master plan. The proportions of the industry-construction sector will further decline from 59% (under the 2007 master plan) to 50.44%; the service sector will further increase from 42.2% (under the 2007 master plan) to 47.59%. The agriculture-forestry sector will be adjusted from 2.3%/year (under the 2007 master plan) to 1.97%.

The total population will be adjusted from 2 million (under the 2007 master plan) to 2.5 million. The average population growth rate will be adjusted from 4.6% (under the 2007 master plan) to 4.12%.

Import-export: To adjust export revenues from USD 25 billion (under the 2007 master plan) to USD 68.95 billion. To adjust import turnover from USD 10 billion (under the 2007 master plan) to USD 32.3 billion.

To basically complete the socio-economic infrastructure system up to the standards of centrally-run urban centers.

Social objectives:

To adjust the urbanization rate from 75% (of the 2007 master plan) to 80%.

To adjust the per-capita GDP from VND 89.6 million (under the 2007 master plan) to VND 135.8 million (equivalent to USD 6,170).

The annual rate of poor households under the province’s criteria will be below 0.8%.

The number of employed laborers will be 40,000.

The rate of trained laborers will make up 80% of the workforce.

The malnutrition rate among under-5 children (by weight) will be below 8%.

The rate of communes, wards and townships meeting the national criteria set of communal health will reach over 90%.

To cut the mortality rate among under-1 children to below 6%0.

There will be 52 medical workers for every 10,000 people by 2020.

There will be nine medical doctors for every 10,000 people.

There will be 30 patient beds for every 10,000 people.

The rate of above-standard teachers will reach 65%.

The rate of schools satisfying the national standards will be 75%.

All communes, wards and townships will meet the new countryside criteria.

The telephone subscription rate will be 55/100 people.

The rate of people doing regular physical exercises and sports will reach 40%.

The rate of households doing physical exercises and sports will reach 35%.

The per-capita average housing area will be 30 m2.

The rate of households having access to electricity will be 99.9%.

All urban population will have access to clean water.

The rate of rural population having access to hygienic water will be 99.5%.

Environmental objectives:

The rate of green coverage, forest and perennial trees will reach 60%.

Environmental pollution in industrial parks and urban centers will be under control.

All industrial parks and industrial clusters will have centralized wastewater treatment systems up to the environmental standards.

c/ Planning supplementation for the 2021-2025 period: Binh Duong will be an urban center of developed industries and services and sustainable urban agriculture.

The annual average economic growth rate will be 13.7% in the 2006-2025 period, including an annual average of 13.6% in the 2021-2025 period. The industry-construction, service and agriculture-forestry sectors will record annual growth rate of 10.81 %, 15.61 % and 2.5%, respectively.

The industry-construction sector will make up 49.03%, service sector will represent 49% and agriculture-forestry sector will account for 1.97% of the economic restructure.

The province’s export turnover will reach USD 186 billion, and import turnover will reach USD 63 billion.

The total population will be 3 million.

The average per-capita GDP will reach VND 264 million (equivalent to USD 12,000).

The urbanization rate will reach 83-85%.

The province will have a synchronous and modern socio-economic infrastructure system, a civilized society, a modem and advance urban center and sustainable development rural area.

3. Adjustment of economic objectives:

To adjust the economic growth rate: A high economic growth rate to boost the economic scale and increase average income per capita constitutes one of the important conditions for improving living conditions and making reinvestment.

The 2016-2020 period: The growth rate under the selected plan will be similar to that of the 2007 master plan: 13%/year. However, that of each sector will be different from that of the 2007 master plan. In particular, the industry-construction sector will increase 10%/year (12.3%/year under the 2007 master plan); the agriculture-forestry sector, 2.3%/year (3.6%/year under the 2007 master plan); and the service sector, 16.1%/year (16.2%/year under the 2007 master plan).

The general growth rate of the 2021-2025 period will be higher than that of the 2016-2020 period with an annual increase of 13.6% in which the industry-construction sector will record an average annual increase of 10.56%; the service sector, 16%; and the agriculture-forestry sector, 2.5%.

To adjust the province’s economic scale: After 10 years, its economic scale by 2020 will increase around 2.4 times against 2010 and by 2025, around 2.5 times against 2015. To adjust the average per-capita GDP from VND 89.6 million (under the 2007 master plan) to VND 135.8 million (equivalent to USD 6,170) by 2020 and reach VND 264 million (equivalent to USD 12,000) by 2025.

To adjust the economic structure for sustainable development: By 2020, the industry-construction sector will be adjusted to make up 50.44% of the economy (55.5% under the 2007 master plan); the service sector, 47.59% (42.2% under the 2007 master plan); and the agriculture-forestry sector, 1.97% (2.3% under the 2007 master plan). By 2025, the proportion of the service sector (49%) will approximate to that of the industry-construction sector (49.03%).

The reduction in the proportion of the industry-construction sector and the increase in the proportion of the service sector reflect the stability and sustainability of the economic shifting process and after 2025, Binh Duong’s economy will shift to service-industry and agriculture in a more stable manner.

4. Adjustment of important orientation solutions to achieve objectives

a/ Industrial development:

By 2020, Binh Duong will become one of the major industrial centers in the region; its industrial production value will record an annual increase of 16.1% during 2016-2020 with an annual average growth rate of 20%. To strive to change utilities of a number of southern industrial parks and invest in hi-tech development in the north; to attach importance to developing technologies with a high localization rate; allied industries and processing export industries, thus gradually raising the competitiveness of industrially processed products on the international market. To associate the industrial development with the urbanization. To develop a modem, civilized and efficient urban industry-service network. To form and arrange industrial clusters closely associated with promotion of efficient operations of small- and medium-sized enterprises. To associate the industrial development with the environmental protection and security and defense assurance in the industrial sector. To attract high-quality laborers and minimize labor-intensive industries.

To develop a number of export industries such as the export timber processing, textile and garment, leather and footwear, rubber processing, food and beverage, mechanical, handicraft, building material and ceramic industries.

To develop industrial parks and clusters: To strive to raise the proportions of allied, clean, electricity, electronic, processing and other industries of industrial parks and clusters to 30-32% of the province’s industrial production value. To complete the infrastructure system inside and outside industrial parks.

Industrial parks: By 2020, the province is expected to have 35 industrial parks covering around 13,764.8 ha. To attract enterprises to fill 16 industrial parks in Di An town, Thuan An town and Thu Dau Mot city. To continue building and completing infrastructure of, and attracting investment in, northern industrial parks.

Industrial clusters: By 2025,18 industrial clusters covering around 1,190.2 ha, including around 830.6 ha in Tan Uyen, around 184.6 ha in Phu Giao, around 175 ha in Dau Tieng will be formed and commissioned. Around 647.2 ha will be built in the 2011 -2015 period; around 275 ha, in the 2016-2020 period; and around 268 ha, in the 2021-2025 period.

b/ Service development:

For immediate future, to focus on raising export turnover of industrial products; and at the same time to promote on-the-spot export based on raising the competitiveness of major exports, expanding export outlets and speeding up the allied industries for foreign companies’ export products and on-the-spot services for foreigners.

To develop transport and logistics services in line with the Prime Minister-Approved master plan to bring into play the strongly developed infrastructure system.

To develop the finance-banking services to satisfy development requirements.

To develop the human resource training services for the province and the southeastern and southern key economic regions, gradually training human resources for other regions and export.

To effectively tap four forms of housing services: luxury urban houses with villas, eco-cultural houses representing each nation; urban houses for high-income earners in big urban centers in Binh Duong with high-class houses; houses for middle- and low-income earners with high-rise condominiums and houses for lease; and social houses for low-income earners.

To pay attention to planning land areas along the Sai Gon river, maintain Lai Thieu orchards for tourism attraction, convalescence and conferences. Houses in this area will follow the alternation of the high-rise and ecological style and traditional houses to attract tourists for sightseeing, tourism and convalescence and increase the on-the-spot export value of Lai Thieu brand name. To develop housing in Phu Tho, Chanh Nghía, and Ba Lua, An Son, Tan An, and An Tay ports in the 2016-2020 period; and in Dau Tieng reservoir in the 2021-2025 period.

Trade services: To build an inter-regional trade center in Thu Dau Mot city and a regional-level trade center in the southern Binh Duong urban center in Thuan An and Di An towns. To build modem trade centers in the southern Ben Cat and southern Tan Uyen urban centers. To build district-level trade centers up to regional standards in Dau Tieng and Phu Giao. To develop supermarkets serving industrial parks and open more trading cooperatives in rural areas.

Import-export: The province’s import-export turnover growth rate will record a year-on-year rise of 20.7% in the 2016-2020 period, including an annual average increase of 24% in exports and 15% in imports. The growth rate is forecast to remain high in the 2021-2025 period but lower than the previous period.

The total import-export turnover will be adjusted to USD 39.6 billion by 2015, including USD 23.55 billion from exports and USD 16.05 billion from imports. The total import-export turnover will be adjusted to USD 101.25 billion by 2020, including USD 68.95 billion from exports and the USD 32.3 billion from imports. It is estimated to reach USD 249 billion by 2025, including USD 186 billion from exports and USD 123 billion from imports.

To promote export of industrial and handicraft products and industrially processed farm produce which will make up 80-85% of the export turnover. To step-by-step raise the proportion of on-the-spot exports in housing, healthcare, finance, banking and tourism services.

To develop tourist services: The tourist turnover will be adjusted to record an annual increase of 20% in the 2016-2020 period and is forecast to increase by 25%/year in the 2021-2025 period. To attach importance to exploiting its strengths and raising the efficiency of potentials with immediate need to preserve land areas for the province’s typial ecological tourism. To attract foreign investment in luxurious services.

The tourism sector must closely cooperate with tourism sector of the southeastern region and the southern key economic region and integrate into that of other Southeast Asian nations to create diverse tourist products up to international standards churning out high socio-economic efficiency.

To attract the participation of economic sectors, especially FDI capital, in tourism development. To train a civilized and courteous tourism staff with good cultural and historical understandings and foreign language skills.

Types of tourism: Tourism form of the combination of the meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions (MICE), shopping tourism, eco-tourism, high-class sport tourism, traditional cultural tourism.

To form typical tourism clusters in the south, comprising Thu Dau Mot city, Thuan An town, Di An town and part of southern Ben Cat with products like orchard tourism, craft village and entertainment tours, historical and cultural relic tours; in the northwest, including Cau mountain and Sai Gon river corridor (Ben Cat, Dau Tieng) and the east along the Dong Nai and Be rivers, including Tan Uyen and Phu Giao with eco-tourist products and historical relic tours.

To develop transport services: Goods transport will record an annual growth rate of around 39.1% by 2015 and around 36.3% in the 2020-2030 period. Passenger transport will record an annual growth rate of around 35-40% in the 2016-2025 period. To develop mass transit (rapid bus, metro, etc.) toward modernity, suitability and high efficiency; to upgrade normal buses with civilized services, thus meeting over 35% of travel demand by 2020 and just over 40% by 2030. To synchronize and link modes of transportation such as aviation, roads, railways, waterways and rapid buses. To fast develop railway and waterways transport and logistics.

To promote investment by economic sectors in transport development. The private economic sector will increase investment in goods and passenger transportation. To reduce outdated and unsafe vehicles and replace them with safer new generation vehicles to prevent environmental pollution.

c/ Development of agriculture, forestry and fisheries:

To develop a sustainable and high-productivity agriculture. To apply biotechnology and transfer of high-yield and high-quality plant varieties and animal breeds. To invest in development of zones specialized in perennial industrial trees such as rubber, fruit trees, vegetables, ornamental trees, and cattle and poultry breeding. To develop forestry in the direction of forest zoning and protection; to plant scattered trees and conserve biodiversity. To develop fisheries in the direction of planning zones for aquaculture, closely combining culture, preservation, processing and environmental protection.

Agriculture: To restructure agriculture toward less cultivation and more husbandry and agricultural services. The proportion of cultivation will be reduced to 66%, 60% and 53% by 2015, 2020 and 2025 respectively. The proportion of husbandry will be 31.5%, 36% and 42% by 2015, 2020 and 2025 respectively. The proportion of agricultural services will rise to 2.5%, 4% and 5% of the agricultural production value by 2015, 2020 and 2025 respectively.

To restructure agriculture toward higher annual value of agricultural production per hectare, reaching VND 50-70 million/ha and VND 80-100 million/ha by 2015 and 2020 respectively, mainly from industrial trees, fruit trees, safe organic vegetables, flowers, ornamental trees, and pig, dairy cow and poultry farming.

To reorganize and rearrange cultivation, livestock and other forms of agricultural production in line with the socio-economic development master plan, under each sub-regional ecological conditions. To develop specialty fruit trees along Dong Nai and Sai Gon rivers for ecotourism. To develop concentrated orchards in the northern districts in combination with processing industry and in Thuan An for ecotourism. To further develop husbandly toward high technology, freedom from epidemics and environmental protection. To build synchronous and modem slaughterhouses and processing plants, ensuring food hygiene up to export standards. To form hi-tech agricultural processing establishments up to international standards with a view to creating a agricultural brand name of the province based on effective cooperation among scientists, farmers and enterprises.

d/ Protection of environment and natural resources:

To seriously implement the Program on Environmental Protection during 2011-2015 and through 2020. To attach importance to integrating environmental protection into development master plans, plans and projects in sectors, localities, industrial parks and clusters. To prioritize attraction of advanced and environment-friendly technologies, develop technical infrastructure associated with systems of waste and wastewater collection and treatment. To improve the environmental quality by thoroughly handling polluting establishments, gradually relocating these establishments from population quarters. To encourage transformation of these establishments into service-providing ones. To renovate and upgrade technical infrastructure of existing industrial clusters. To build new industrial clusters up to environmental standards. To accelerate the implementation of water drainage and wastewater treatment projects in urban centers, population quarters, industrial parks and centralized medical establishments in Di An, Thuan An, Tan Uyen, Ben Cat and Thu Dau Mot. To protect and develop forest resources and scattered trees in order to ensure green urban areas. To build entertainment and green parks for conservation of special biodiversity of each ecological zone.

To regularly ensure readiness to respond to climate change and sea level rise and to carry out natural disaster mitigation in the locality. To step up measures to prevent, combat and limit adverse impacts of high tides, flood, inundation and salt water infiltration due to sea level rise.

dd/ National defense and security:

To enhance the leadership of the Party and effectiveness of the management of the State and local administrations in the consolidation of national defense and security combined with socio-economic development; to associate socio-economic development with the tasks of maintenance of defense, political security and social order and safety, thereby creating a firm foundation for sustainable socio-economic development. To locate national defense and security works in line with the socio-economic development master plan and sectoral master plans. To regularly make adjustments and supplementation to socio-economic development master plans, plans and projects.

To improve awareness about and knowledge of national defense and security and socio-economic development among cadres and people through regular dissemination and education.

To regularly consolidate and strengthen the role of specialized agencies in charge of national defense and security advice for leaders.

e/ Adjustment of development of human resources:

To adjust the population and urban population: To adjust the population to 2,043,000, 2,500,000 and 3,000,000 by 2015, 2020 and 2025 respectively. The urban population will be 1,430,000 (instead of 800,000 under 2007 master plan and 1,226,000 under the 2015 plan), accounting for 70% of the total population, 2,000,000, accounting 80% and 2,500,000, accounting for 83.3% by 2015, 2020 and 2025 respectively.

Adjustment of the labor force: The labor supply and demand will be 1,281,000 and 1,264,000, 1,541,000 and 1,529,000, and 1,912,000 and 1,900,000 people by 2015, 2020 and 2025.

Employment: From now to 2015, jobs will be additionally created for around 17,000 every year; during 2020-2025, jobs will be additionally created for around 12,000 people.

Therefore, there must be first of all policies to prioritize the employment of on-the-spot laborers, employing those currently working in the province; (1) paying attention to job training for these laborers; (2) adopting priority policies to attract trained and highly-skilled workers to work in the province; (3) closely managing unskilled laborers from other localities who are professionally unqualified with administrative management measures.

Labor restructuring: In agriculture, the labor force will be adjusted to account for 10% (instead of 8% under the 2007 master plan) and 6.4% by 2020 and 2025 respectively. The labor force in industry will account for 56.9% (instead of 45% under the 2007 master plan) and 54.4% by 2020 and 2025 respectively. In service sector, the figures will be 35% (instead of 45%) and 39.2% by 2020 and 2025 respectively.

In order to ensure human resources to meet development requirements, the province strives to achieve the objectives set for the southeastern region and the southern key economic region that 90% and 85% of the labor force will be trained, respectively.

To attach importance to development of high-quality human resources for the urban management in a modem and civilized manner so that the province will become a centrally run grade-I urban center by 2020.

g/ Development of education and training:

To develop education and training on the basis of stepping up the planning and elaboration of suitable roadmaps and plans to improve the network of pre-school and primary education up to the national standards and expand the network of continuing education establishments; to diversify types of school and allocate land for upgrading or building of tertiary education establishments.

To develop the education cause: To develop education to meet the requirements of people’s higher intellectual standards, training of human resources and fostering of talents.

To build a learning society and creating conditions for every citizen to study and improve his educational level and professional knowledge. To build physical foundations of schools to ensure that all schools will attain the national standards at different times. To ensure the proper realization of the program of action on education, training, science and technology. To ensure all newly built schools will be synchronously furnished with national-standard equipment.

To develop the training cause: To increase the scale of professional secondary training, expand collegial and university training in a rational manner in order to meet the demand for human resources for socio-economic development.

People trained at professional secondary, collegial and university levels will account for 31% and 45.1% of the total trained labor force by 2015 and 2020.

To this end, it is necessary to synchronously develop the network of job framing. During 2011-2015: By 2015, there will be 67 vocational training establishments up to prescribed standards, including 9 colleges, 13 professional secondary schools and 45 primary vocational training and professional retraining schools, of which 2 vocational training schools will attain international standards, 10 schools will attain high-quality standards, and other vocational training schools will attain standards. During 2016-2020, the whole province will have 82 vocational training establishments, including 12 colleges (5 non-public colleges), 20 professional secondary schools (10 non-public schools) and 50 primary vocational training and professional refraining establishments (40 non-public establishments), of which 3 vocational framing schools will attain international standards and 20 schools will attain high-quality standards. To concentrate on developing high-quality universities such as Thu Dau Mot University, Viet-Duc University and Mien Dong International University;

- To improve the infrastructure system of Cong Xanh university urban area to attract investment from prestigious domestic and foreign universities;

- To form and develop 2-3 large-scale vocational training centers up to standards to meet the demand of the province, southeastern region and southern key economic region.

h/ Development of health care:

To consolidate preventive health establishments with simplified administrative procedures and compact units. To step by step integrate provincial-level centers and units performing the preventive health function for establishing an epidemic control agency and provincial hospitals on the basis of merging provincial-level units having the same function of preventive health after 2016.

To expand existing hospitals and build new hospitals to meet the province’s demand. To establish a modem international hospital to meet the regional demand.

To develop medicine and health care on the basis of synchronous development of the system of health infrastructure at all levels, in industrial parks, new urban centers, and renovate and upgrade the existing health infrastructure facilities. To upgrade the province’s general hospital; to build the traditional medicine department in general hospitals and clinics; to build specialized hospitals. To establish more regional general clinics in industrial parks.

The provincial-level medical examination and treatment network: To upgrade the province’s general hospital into a grade-I hospital with 1,500 patient beds; preventive health centers, social disease prevention and control centers and population and family planning sub-departments. To complete the second phase of building pediatrics, tuberculosis and mental disease hospitals. To permit the opening of a number hospitals with social resources to meet the demand of local people, regional population and foreigners.

District- and commune-level health care: To establish district-level general medical centers. To renovate and upgrade medical centers and build new ones in Thuan An town, Tan Uyen and Ben Cat districts. By 2020, every district will have 1-2 medical centers.

Regional health care: To build 5 regional general clinics and 18 general clinics in industrial parks.

Commune and ward health care: By 2020, every communes or ward will have 2 health stations with medical equipment up to standards of the Ministry of Health.

i/ Development of culture, physical training and sports:

Development of culture: To form 1-2 cultural and sports centers for national and international competitions to serve as tools for cultural and sports promotion and exchange and make Binh Duong a modem and civilized centrally run city imbued with national identity.

To invest in complete physical facilities for development of culture and sports. To conserve and promote traditional arts, dramatic and music arts. To promote conservation and museum activities and embellish relics and scenic places with a view to maintain and promote the national cultural identity. To build monuments and renovate historical relics.

Physical training and sports: To maintain and develop the mass physical framing and sports movement. To develop high-achievement sports and strive for high achievements at the national and international level in some sports in which the province has advantages. To organize the complete training of athletes and coaches. To supply more training equipment and build one sports facility up to the international and regional standards.

k/ Development of science and technology:

To step by step apply new, advanced and modem sciences and technologies. To support the development of “technological incubators”; to form research and development institutions in universities and industrial parks. To develop high-quality scientific and technological human resources qualified for research and application in all sectors; to give priority to biotechnology, clean technologies and environment-friendly technologies. To promote investment in technological renewal and application of new technologies to the manufacture of major export products in order to improve their competitiveness in the global value chain.

To effectively implement approved key science and technology schemes, programs and projects.

To form and develop a science and technology market; to organize consultancy and technology transfer services; to create conditions for enterprises to select advanced technologies suitable to their development. To step up the mobilization of social resources for scientific and technological activities.

l/ Adjustment and supplementation of urban development planning:

To build Binh Duong into a civilized, modem and green city, taking the lead in the process of development, recording a high growth rate and vigorous economic restructuring and serving as a driving force for economic restructuring toward industrialization and modernization for other sub-regions.

Urban development must suit the urban population growth rate. By 2020, the urban population will reach some 2 million, accounting for 80% of the total population of the province (higher than the average of the southeastern region of 75%). By 2025, the province’s urban population will reach 2.5 million, accounting for 83.3% of the total population of the province. The urban population growth rate will be 6.9% and 4.5% during 2016-2020 and 2021-2025 respectively.

The urban development in Binh Duong will be staged in 3 urban areas: The central urban center (Thu Dau Mot, southern Tan Uyen and southern Ben Cat); the southern urban center (Thuan An and Di An towns) and the northern urban center (Dau Tieng, Phu Giao, northern Ben Cat and northern Tan Uyen).

m/ Rural development:

To build rural areas of Binh Duong province into those with sustainable agricultural production, ensuring sufficient supply of food for the city, towns, townships and industrial parks; to supply raw materials for processing industry and export, and at the same time produce food to meet part of the demand. To step up investment in rural areas from all sources; to development the private economy, rationally restructure the economy, apply science and technology to production, reduce input costs and intermediary costs, and raise competitiveness of agricultural products.

To build a rational economic structure in rural areas. To attach importance to development of processing industry, handicraft and cottage industries, traditional trades and services for development of agriculture, forestry and fisheries and handicraft products in rural areas.

To form stable specialized farming zones and food vegetable zones in Ben Cat, Tan Uyen and Dau Tieng; zones of ornamental trees in Thuan An and Thu Dau Mot; rubber tree zones in the north of the province (Dau Tieng, Ben Cat and Phu Giao); fruit tree zone in Tan Uyen and Ben Cat. To strongly develop husbandry, form husbandry households and farms, dairy cow farms in Ben Cat and Tan Uyen, industrial clean chicken farms in Dau Tieng, Tan Uyen, Ben Cat and Phu Giao. In addition, to develop handicraft and cottage industries and traditional services in rural areas, produce products with high skilled labor and technical products, in the agricultural-industrial-urban relations.

To properly implement the program on development of new countryside, meeting all new countryside criteria and objectives.

n/ Roadmap of development of administrative organizations:

By the end of 2015, the province will have 10 provincial administrative units (1 city, 5 towns and 4 districts), covering 51 communes, 49 wards and 11 townships.

By 2020, the province will have 10 administrative units (1 city, 5 towns and 4 districts), covering 40 communes, 60 wards and 13 townships.

o/ Infrastructure development:

The transport system: Transport must be prioritized to facilitate development. For the province to become a centrally run city, the transport development must be the most important domain from now to 2020. To prioritize the development of a modem transport system connected to Tan Son Nhat and Long Thanh international airports, Saigon seaports, Thi Vai-Vung Tau deep-water ports and other technical infrastructure systems in the southeastern region from now to 2020 and 2025 in conformity with approved sectoral master plans. To connect with urban centers in the southeastern region and southern key economic region: Ho Chi Minh City, Bien Hoa, Ba Ria-Vung Tau, Dong Xoai, Tay Ninh, Tan An, My Tho with the province’s urban centers: Thu Dau Mot, southern Ben Cat and southern Tan Uyen along radial and transversal axes.

To build a civilized and modem transport system within urban centers. To invest in urban thoroughfares linking outbound routes with urban centers and industrial parks in the locality. To develop the rural transport system and asphalt all roads.

To develop outbound North-South and East-West transport axes, enhance the connection between urban centers in the province and new Binh Duong city’s downtown and the southeastern region and southern key economic region and trans-southeastem Asian route (through Cambodia) linking the belt road in the northeastern region of Thailand and Cambodia through Moc Bai border gate on roads and Hoa Lu border gate (Binh Phuoc) on roads and railways.

The road system: To develop the road transport in the province toward synchrony, interconnection and effective combination of different transport modes: Between the centrally managed road system and the provincial road system managed by the province and districts, and between rural roads and urban roads to reach all territorial spaces in a quick, convenient and effective manner.

The national road system: The province will have 7 important national road routes. To concentrate on upgrading and building a number of expressways in the locality connected with Ho Chi Minh City (under the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 568/QD-TTg of April 8,2013, on adjustment of the master plan on transport development of Ho Chi Minh City through 2020 with a vision afterward) and other provinces in the southern key economic region.

The road system managed by the province: The system of provincial road connected with the radial and transversal transport axes leading to industrial parks and clusters, urban centers and concentrated agricultural production zones.

The urban road system: To build an urban road system up to modem standards. In the north, roads will be connected with the central and adjacent urban centers. To develop the complete system of district-and commune-level roads connected with the urban road system as well as outbound and belt roads in order to improve the efficiency of the transport system. The system of works to serve road transport, such as terminals, inland cargo depots, stopovers and public parking lots will be built in a synchronous manner in order to improve the performance of the transport system.

To build some new inland cargo depots: Phu Hoa in Binh Duong industrial-service-urban complex on an area of around 250,000 m2, Vinh Tan in Tan Uyen industrial park and urban center on an area of around 250,000 m2, An Dien in An Tay industrial park (Ben Cat) on an area of around 300,000 m2, Bau Bang in Bau Bang industrial park (Ben Cat) on an area of around 200,000 m2, and Thanh Phuoc in Thanh Phuoc port on an area of around 200,000 m2.

Waterway system: To finalize the master plan on the system of river ports and inland landing stages in the province to have 11 ports and port clusters, including Binh Duong, Thanh Phuoc, Thuong Tan, An Son, Rach Bap, An Tay, Ben Sue, Thanh An, Phu An, Ba Lua and Thai Hoa.

Railway system: The province has a north-south section of the national railway system and Di An - Loc Ninh railway. In the future, there will be also Ho Chi Minh City - My Tho - Can Tho - Ca Mau railway. All these railways will run through 6 administrative units of the province (except Dau Tieng).

Urban railway system: The objective of the development of urban railways is to provide public passenger transportation. Therefore, to build urban railways in radial direction from Thu Dau Mot to Binh Duong new urban center and to Dau Tieng, with 6 overhead routes and one terrestrial route as follows:

Route 1: Connecting the new urban center with Suoi Tien station (the final station of the metro route No. 1 in Ho Chi Minh City) from Ben Thanh to Suoi Tien under construction and expected to be completed by 2018. Route No. 1 of Binh Duong will be overhead one. This route will be completed before 2020 to connect with Suoi Tien from the new urban center and running through the areas in the south of the province and heading to Ho Chi Minh City.

Route 2: From Thu Dau Mot city to Ho Chi Minh City, which is a light metro. This route will be built overhead along national highway 13 through Vinh Binh (Binh Duong) and connect with metro route No. 3 (Ho Chi Minh City) at Binh Phuoc intersections. This route will be 24.2 km long and built after 2020.

Route 3: Thu Dau Mot new city - My Phuoc - Bau Bang - Long Nguyen. This route will be 32.3 km long, built overhead after 2020 to connect the new urban center with the southern Ben Cat center.

Route 4: From the central station in the new city - Uyen Hung - Tan Thanh. The route will be 22.3 km long, built overhead after 2020 to connect the center to the east.

Route 5: From Vinh Phu (Thuan An) - Ong Cu temple. This route will be used to transport workers in industrial parks and connect with metro No. 4 in Ho Chi Minh City, and built overhead after 2020.

Route 6: From the new city to Vinh Phuoc. This route will be 29.6 km long and built overhead after 2020.

Route 7: From My Phuoc to Dau Tieng. This route will be 38.8 km long and built overhead after 2020.

Power supply: To supply power with complete sources, grid and load system in the locality. The average annual power demand growth rate will be 13-15%. The commercial power output will reach 9,586 million kWh and 16,679 million kWh by 2015 and 2020.

To develop the distribution network: To distribute power in synchrony with the transformation of voltage for 7 load areas toward larger cross-section of transmission lines; to hook to the main-axe power grid and new transmission lines and transformer stations; to ensure sufficient supply of power to meet the existing and future load demand for socio-economic development in the province.

In addition, to develop renewable energies, including small hydropower, biogas, solar energy, to add to the national grid power source.

Information and communications: To modernize the information and communications system to the level of the provinces in the southeastern region and southern key economic region. To automate, digitalize, mobilize, publicize and synchronize the information network and diversify services; to improve the competitiveness and mobilize and efficiently use resources; to invest in new services and diversify products. To ensure uninterrupted information and communication connected with the whole southeastern region and southern key economic region.

During 2016-2025: The rate of fixed and mobile broadband Internet subscribers will reach 65-70 per 100 people. The rate of Internet users will be 55-60% of population. The mobile service coverage will serve 100% of the local population. To complete the transformation of the transmission and broadcasting system from analog to digital mode by 2016.

Water supply system: The water demand will be around 1,011 m3/day and 1,445 m3/day by 2020 and 2030. To meet this demand, water will be taken from Phuoc Hoa reservoir in a flow of 15m3/second to be supplied to the urban centers and industrial parks in the province.

Wastewater drainage and environmental sanitation system: The province has had a master plan on the wastewater drainage and environmental sanitation system through 2020. Accordingly, the whole system of wastewater sewers from urban centers and industrial parks has been planned within the common sewer system for treatment of wastewater before discharged into the environment.

To attach importance to the planning of the solid waste management system. To collect and sort recyclable non-hazardous solid waste and hazardous solid waste which must be recycled.

The form of solid waste treatment in the initial period will still be burial. However, for the long term, solid waste must be treated in plants. By 2020, the province will need 6 new facilities for collection and treatment in addition to 3 existing facilities and some 100 dumping vehicles. Solid waste will be treated in 3 concentrated facilities and 1 hazardous waste incinerator.

Irrigation system: To invest in upgrading and repairing works for irrigation, drainage, flood and salt water infiltration combat and building new ones. To build water drainage systems in Di An, Suoi Giua, Bung Hiep-Suoi Cat, An Son-Lai Thieu and Chanh Nghia-Phu Tho dikes.

5. Adjustment of solutions to realize the master plan:

a/ Investment capital: Investment capital constitutes an important conditions for fast and sustainable development.

Investment demand: During 2011-2015: Investment in industries is the most important. The estimated total investment capital is VND 383,588 billion, in which agriculture, forestry and fisheries need VND 19,179 billion, accounting for 5%, industry and construction need VND 268,512 billion, accounting for 70%, and services need VND 95,897 billion, accounting for 25%.

During 2016-2020: To continue investing in industrial development. The estimated total investment capital is VND 470,171 billion, in which agriculture, forestry and fisheries need VND 25,859 billion, accounting for 5.5%, industry and construction need VND 305,611 billion, accounting for 65%, and services need VND 138,701 billion, accounting for 29.5%.

During 2021-2025: The estimated total investment capital will be VND 642,906 billion, in which agriculture, forestry and fisheries will need VND 41,146 billion, accounting for 6.4%, industry and construction will need VND 385,744 billion, accounting for 60%, and services will need VND 216,016 billion, accounting for 33.6%.

Mobilization of investment capital: To mobilize all resources at home and abroad, inside and outside the province and from all economic sectors.

Investment from the state budget: Estimated investment from the state budget during 2011-2015 is VND 36,441 billion, accounting for 9.5% of total social investment; during 2016-2020, VND 37,210 billion, accounting for 7.9%, and during 2021-2025, VND 38,574 billion, accounting for 6% of the total investment.

Loan capital: Estimated loan investment for 2011-2015 is VND 41,428 billion, accounting for 10.8% of total social investment; for 2016-2020, VND 51,719 billion, accounting for 11% of total; and for 2021-2025, VND 77,149 billion, accounting for 12% of the total.

Investment of enterprises and people: Investment of enterprises and people will still account for large proportion. Estimated investment capital for 2011-2015 is VND 113,925 billion, accounting for 29.7% of total social investment; for 2016-2020, VND 155,560 billion, accounting for 33.1 %; and for 2021 -2025, VND 237,875 billion, accounting for 37% of the total investment.

Foreign investment: Foreign investment will still an important source contributing to the province’s growth. By 2015, there will be many prospective investment cooperation policies under the TPP Agreement. The province will attach importance to attraction of investment in construction of important and large-sized works of breakthrough nature. During 2011-2015, around VND 191,794 billion, accounting for 50%; during 2016-2020, around VND 225,682 billion, accounting for 48%; and during 2021-2025, around VND 289,308 billion, accounting for 45% of the total social investment.

b/ Development of human resources:

Educational development is a strategic task to develop human resources. Therefore, the national policies on educational development must be applied in the locality at all educational levels, from kindergarten, pre-school and general education. To develop vocational training schools in large numbers and different forms: In-job, short-term and long-term training. To adopt priority policies toward trained persons who stay to work in the province. To implement plans on domestic and overseas training of a contingent of qualified managerial officers. To properly realize the mechanism for mobilization of social resources in framing. To closely coordinate with employing enterprises and state organizations in providing job training to laborers.

c/ Development of science and technology:

To attract scientists by providing them with income, housing and working condition incentives. To prioritize investment in physical foundations for research and application of hi-tech products, products made of local and domestic materials; to build research and development establishments suitable to the management mechanism and qualifications of the managerial officers and local conditions. To build a contingent of capable and dynamic science and technology managers with easy access to advanced science and technology management models for practical application in the province.

d/ Market development:

To develop e-commerce in order to facilitate e-transactions by investing in equipment, and establish e-commerce centers up to national and regional standards. To facilitate online advertising of trade marks, prices, quality, warranty duration and e-payment methods.

To participate in international trade fairs with a view to expanding markets and promoting local goods and brands; to step by step find a niche for local goods in the world market.

dd/ Improvement of effectiveness of state management in the locality:

To perform the economic management under the market mechanism with state management. For overseas markets: To step up trade promotion in regional countries, with the State playing the leading role in diplomatic, bilateral and multilateral economic cooperation activities, intensify consultancy, provision of price information, and brokerage with domestic and foreign partners.

Domestic market: The State comprehensively manages functions and efficiency of business operation of each unit in each sector. To reorganize units with inefficient operation. For non-public economic units, the State shall create a favorable legal environment for their business operations.

Economic management under the mechanism of territorial unity: To attach importance to rational distribution of resources for harmonious and sustainable development of the southern and northern areas, urban and rural areas. To form and develop specialized production zones with conditions for application of advanced sciences and techniques for creating quality products. To improve the public capacity for territorial management, raise the level of territorial management in association with sectoral management at all levels. To properly implement legal documents of the central government and local administration in each sector and level.

Economic management under the mechanism of grassroots autonomy: To promote autonomy of local enterprises in the state management in accordance with law and applicable mechanisms and policies. To raise the role of administrations at all levels, further reform administrative procedures and improve the capacity of administrations for economic, urban and social management. To attach importance to promoting investment of small- and medium-sized enterprises in production, business and service provision. To improve operation effectiveness and create on-the-spot jobs for laborers.

Building of e-administration: To quickly and effectively implement the program on personnel training and equipment procurement; and organize state administration in all sectors and at all levels with application of information technology.

To perform the effective economic management under the mechanism of coordination among sectors and levels and cooperation and association among localities inside and outside the province. To regularly review and improve the province’s score and rank in provincial competition index (PCI), public administration performance index (PAPI), international economic integration capacity index and administration reform index.

6. Organization of supervision and implementation of the master plan:

a/ Announcement and dissemination of the master plan:

To organize the announcement and dissemination of the adjusted and supplemented master plan among Party Committees, administrations, sectors, mass organizations, enterprises and local people on the basis of its contents and objectives, and formulate specific programs of action to step by step achieve its objectives.

b/ Formulation of programs of action:

- After the adjusted master plan is approved by the Prime Minister, based on its contents and objectives, the province shall formulate programs of action to implement it.

- The province shall incorporate the objectives of the master plan in five-year and annual plans for effective implementation of the master plan. Annually, it shall evaluate the implementation of the master plan, thereby reviewing and proposing adjustments and supplements to the master plan to suit the practical socio-economic development of the province in each period.

- Administrations at all levels, sectors, political and social organizations and people shall supervise the implementation of the master plan.

Article 2. The adjusted and supplemented master plan serves as a basis for elaboration, approval and implementation of sectoral master plans (construction master plans, land use master plans and plans and other relevant master plans), and investment projects in the province.

Article 3. To assign the People’s Committee of Binh Duong province to base itself on the socio-economic development objectives, tasks and orientations set forth in the approved adjusted master plan to assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related ministries and sectors in, directing the formulation, approval and implementation of the following:

1. District-level socio-economic development master plans; construction master plans; land use master plans and plans; and development master plans of sectors and fields, in order to ensure systematic and synchronous socio-economic development and maintenance of national defense and security.

2. Long-, medium- and short-term plans, key socio-economic development programs and specific projects for intensive investment and prioritized and rational allocation of capital sources.

3. Elaboration and promulgation or submission to competent state agencies for promulgation of mechanisms and policies to meet development requirements of the province in each period, with a view to attracting and mobilizing resources for the implementation of the master plan.

Article 4. Within the ambit of their functions, tasks and powers, related ministries and sectors shall:

1. Guide and help the People’s Committee of Binh Duong province in implementing the master plan; formulate and promulgate or submit to competent authorities for promulgation a number of mechanisms and policies to meet socio-economic development requirements of the province in each period, with a view to efficiently utilizing resources and attracting investment according to the province’s socio-economic development objectives and tasks set forth in the master plan.

2. Coordinate with the People’s Committee of Binh Duong province in adjusting or supplementing sectoral master plans to make them conformable with the master plan; consider to support Binh Duong province in mobilizing domestic and overseas capital sources for implementation of the master plan.

Article 5. This Decision replaces the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 81/2007/QD-TTg of June 5, 2007, approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Binh Duong province through 2020. This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.

Article 6. The chairperson of the People’s Committee of Binh Duong province, ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies and heads of government-attached agencies shall implement this Decision.




Nguyen Tan Dung


(*) Công Báo Nos 619-620 (25/6/2014)

1 Under the province’s criteria for the 2011-2015 period