No: 12/2003/ND-CP | Hanoi, February 12, 2003 |
Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government of December 25, 2001;
Pursuant to the 1989 Law on Protection of People’s Health;
Pursuant to Article 63 of the 2000 Law on Marriages and Families;
At the proposal of the Minister of Health,
Article 3.- In this Decree, the following terms and phrases shall be construed as follows:
1. Childbirth by scientific methods means childbirth effected with the application of reproduction-supporting techniques such as artificial fertilization and in vitro fertilization.
2. Artificial fertilization means the technique of injecting the husbands’ or sperm donors’ sperm into the wombs of the women wishing to give birth to children for embryogenesis.
3. In vitro fertilization means the combination of ovum and sperm in test tubes for embryogenesis.
4. Infertile couples mean couples who live together continuously and do not apply any contraceptive methods but the conception does not occur after one year.
5. Ovum means ovum cell.
6. Embryo means the product of the combination of ovum and sperm.
Article 4.- Principles for the application of reproduction-supporting techniques:
1. Infertile couples and single women shall be entitled to give birth to children by reproduction-supporting techniques on the prescription of specialized doctors.
3. The implementation of reproduction-supporting techniques; the ovum donation and reception; sperm donation and reception as well as embryo donation and reception must be conducted on the principle of voluntariness.
4. The sperm as well as embryo donation and reception shall be conducted on the principle of confidentiality.
2. The ovum donation and reception; sperm donation and reception as well as embryo donation and reception shall not apply to foreigners.
Article 6.- The following acts are strictly prohibited:
1. Surrogacy.
2. Human cloning.
Article 7.- Sperm and ovum donors must satisfy the following conditions:
1. Age:
a) Being aged between full 20 and 55 for sperm donors.
b) Being aged between full 18 and 35 for ovum donors.
2. Being physically fit, not infected with sexually-transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS, mental diseases, contagious diseases and other hereditary diseases.
3. To voluntarily donate their sperms, ova or embryos.
4. Not to inquire into the names, ages, addresses and images of recipients.
1. Being aged between full 20 and 45.
3. Not to inquire into the names, ages, addresses and images of donors.
2. The ova of a donor shall be used for only one recipient. The ovum recipients must be the wives of couples being under infertility treatment with the causes for infertility resting with the wives who wish to give birth to children but have no ova or their ova are unqualified for conception.
3. The embryo of a donor shall be used for only one recipient. The embryo recipients must be the wives of couples being under infertility treatment with the causes of infertility resting with both the wives and the husbands.
Article 10.- Medical officials shall have to:
1. Consider the psychological states of the sperm as well as ovum donors and recipients.
2. Give full advice on risks which may occur in the process of taking sperms or ova.
3. Check the health of, and make all tests for, sperm donors and recipients, ovum donors and recipients as well as embryo donors and recipients.
5. Strictly observe the process of reproduction-supporting techniques, as provided for by the Health Ministry.
6. Keep secret all information on the names, ages, addresses and images of sperm as well as ovum donors and recipients.
2. Medical establishments shall be permitted to use embryos only for the performance of reproduction-supporting techniques under the provisions in Clause 1 of this Article.
3. The Professional Councils for Reproduction-Supporting Techniques of medical establishments shall have to advise the medical establishments’ heads on permitting the use of embryos according to the provisions in Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article.
2. The Health Ministry shall specify the technical process for artificial fertilization and in vitro fertilization; as well as the conditions for medical establishments to perform the reproduction-supporting techniques.
2. The Health Ministry shall expertise and recognize the qualification for the performance of artificial fertilization techniques by medical establishments under the Health Ministry as well as other ministries and branches.
3. The provincial/municipal Health Services shall, with the participation of regional or central obstetrics hospitals, expertise and recognize the locally-run medical establishments’ qualification for the performance of artificial fertilization techniques.
a) The written application for the performance of reproduction-supporting techniques.
b) The dossiers of determining the infertility of the couples named in the application for the performance of reproduction-supporting techniques.
2. In case where the persons enjoying the application of reproduction-supporting techniques meet with exceptional difficulties, medical officials may propose the medical establishments’ directors, through the Professional Councils for Reproduction-Supporting Techniques, to consider the exemption and reduction of payment for the application of reproduction-supporting techniques.
3. Funding for exemption and reduction of payment for the application of reproduction-supporting techniques shall be partially deducted from the collected hospital fee amounts and other humanitarian aid sources (if any).
2. The Health Ministry’s Professional Council for Reproduction-Supporting Techniques shall function to advise the Health Minister on professional and technical matters, medical and biological ethics and other matters related to reproduction-supporting techniques nationwide.
3. The medical establishments’ Professional Councils for Reproduction-Supporting Techniques shall function to advise the medical establishments’ directors on professional and technical matters, medical and biological ethics and other matters related to reproduction-supporting techniques within such medical establishments.
4. The Health Ministry shall prescribe the organization and operation of the Professional Councils for Reproduction-Supporting Techniques.
2. Sperms and embryos shall be stored during the process of applying reproduction-supporting techniques to the infertile couples.
3. After the successful performance of reproduction-supporting techniques, if the sperm or embryo depositors no longer wish to use their sperms or embryos and donate them to medical establishments, such medical establishments may use such sperms or embryos for the application of reproduction-supporting techniques for the others. The medical establishments’ Professional Councils for Reproduction-Supporting Techniques shall have to advise the medical establishments’ directors on the use of donors’ embryos according to the provisions in Article 8 and Clause 3, Article 9 of this Decree.
1. The sperm deposit shall be carried out in the following cases:
a) The husbands of couples being under infertility treatment.
b) Those who deposit sperms at personal will.
3. For sperm and embryo depositors who later wish to donate their sperms, the storing establishments shall have to apply methods to encode information on these donors.
2. Persons defined in Clause 1 of this Article shall be determined as fathers and mothers of children born by reproduction-supporting techniques.
Article 25.- The Minister of Health shall have to guide the implementation of this Decree.
- 1 Circular No. 57/2015/TT-BYT dated December 30th, 2015, detailing Decree No. 10/2015/ND-CP for chilbirth by in vitro fertilisation and conditions for surrogacy for humanitarian reasons
- 2 Law No. 32/2001/QH10 of December 25, 2001 on organization of the Government
- 3 Law No. 22/2000/QH10, on the Marriage and Family, passed by the National Assembly
- 4 Law No. 21-LCT/HDNN8 of June 30, 1989, of people’s health