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Independence - Freedom – Happiness

No. 84/1998/ND-CP

Hanoi, October 12, 1998





Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government of September 30, 1992;
Pursuant to the Law No. 05/1998/QH10 of May 20, 1998 on Special Consumption Tax;
At the proposal of the Minister of Finance,


Chapter I


Article 1.- Subject to the special consumption tax are the following goods and services, except for cases stipulated in Article 3 of this Decree.




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a/ Cigarettes, cigars;

b/ Liquors;

c/ Beers;

d/ Under-24-seat cars;

e/ Gasoline of various kinds, naphtha, reformade components and other components for mixing gasoline;

f/ Air conditioners with a capacity of 90,000 BTU or less;

g/ Playing cards;

h/ Votive gilt papers, votive objects.

2. Services:




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b/ Casinos, jackpot games;

c/ Horse or car race bet ticket selling;

d/ Golf business: sale of membership cards, golf playing tickets.

Article 2.- Special consumption tax payers include organizations and individuals (collectively referred to as establishments) that produce and/or import goods and/or provide services, which are subject to the special consumption tax as defined in Article 1 of this Decree.

Establishments producing goods subject to the special consumption tax shall only have to pay the special consumption tax thereon at the production stage.

Establishments importing goods subject to the special consumption tax shall have to pay the special consumption tax thereon at the stage of their import;

Establishments providing services subject to the special consumption tax shall have to pay the special consumption tax on the services provided for users.

Article 3.- Goods defined in Clause 1, Article 1 of this Decree shall not be liable to the special consumption tax in the following cases:

1. Goods which are directly exported to foreign countries, sold or consigned to export business establishments for export, by production and/or processing establishments;




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2. Goods imported in the following cases:

a/ The import goods are:

- Humanitarian or non-refundable aids;

- Gifts from foreign organizations and/or individuals for State agencies, political organizations, socio-political organizations, social organizations, socio-professional organizations and armed forces units. Such gifts shall be fixed within the limits prescribed by the Government;

- Belongings of foreign organizations and/or individuals that enjoy diplomatic immunities, stipulated by the Vietnamese Government in accordance with the international agreements which Vietnam has signed or acceded to;

- Personal effects within the import duty-free luggage limit;

b/ Goods which are transshipped, transited or transported through Vietnam's border gates in the following forms:

- Goods transported directly from the exporter's port to the importer's port without arriving at a port of Vietnam;

- Goods transported to Vietnam's port(s) without filling the procedures for import into Vietnam, then transported directly to the importer's port.




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- Goods transited and/or transported through the borders and/or border gates of Vietnam according to the agreements signed between the Vietnamese Government and the concerned foreign government or between branches and/or local administrations of the two countries, as permitted by the Prime Minister;

c/ Goods temporarily imported for re-export or temporarily exported for re-import during the export-import duty-free period, as prescribed by the Law on Import and Export Taxes;

d/ Goods imported for duty-free sale to foreign agencies and foreigners in Vietnam, that are entitled to the diplomatic immunities and are exempt from import tax under the prescribed regulations;

Goods imported for duty-free sale in duty-free shops at international airports, seaports, railway stations and border-gates.

Establishments importing goods which are not subject to special consumption tax under the provisions of Clause 2 of this Article but used for other purposes shall have to make the special consumption tax payment declaration within 3 days from the date such import goods are used for other purposes.

Chapter II


Article 4.- Bases for special consumption tax calculation shall be the tax calculation prices of taxable goods and services and tax rates.

Article 5.- The price for special consumption tax calculation, defined in Article 6 of the Law on Special Consumption Tax are specified as follows:




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For bottled liquors, the price for special consumption tax calculation shall not include the bottle prices.

2. For imported goods, it is the import tax calculation price plus (+) the import tax. In cases where the imported goods are entitled to the import tax exemption or reduction, the tax calculation price shall not include the import tax exemption or reduction amount.

3. For processed goods, it is the tax calculation price of the product of the same or equivalent type at the same time of goods delivery. In cases where the price of the product of the same or equivalent type is not available, the tax agency shall base itself on the market prices to determine the tax calculation price.

4. For goods sold by the mode of payment in installments, it is the lump-sum selling price (excluding the installment interests) of those goods, not yet including the special consumption tax.

5. For services, it is the service provision price, not yet including the special consumption tax.

The service provision price serving as a basis for the determination of sans-special consumption tax price for a number of activities is stipulated as follows:

- For golf business, it is the selling prices of membership cards and golf playing tickets.

- For casino, jackpot games, horse and car race bet ticket selling, it is the turnover from such activities, excluding the sum of prize money already paid to customers.

6. For goods and/or services used for exchange, internal consumption, gift or donation, it is the special consumption tax calculation price of the goods and services of the same or equivalent type at the time such activities are conducted.




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The Ministry of Finance shall provide detailed guidance for the determination of sans-special consumption tax prices which shall serve as bases for calculating tax on taxable goods and services in accordance with the provisions of this Article.

Article 6.- The special consumption tax rates for goods and services are specified in the following special consumption tax index:



Goods and services

Tax rates (%)







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Cigarettes, cigars



a/ Filter cigarettes produced mainly from imported raw materials, cigars



b/ Filter cigarettes produced mainly from domestic raw materials






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a/ Of over 40% proof



b/ Of from 30% to 40% proof




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c/ Of from 20% to under 30% proof



d/ Of under 20% proof, including fruit-wines



e/ Medicated liquors





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a/ Bottled beer, fresh beer



b/ Canned beer






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- Of 5 seats or less



- Of from 6 to 15 seats




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- Of from 16 to under 24 seats



Gasoline of various kinds, naphtha, reformade components and

other components for mixing gasoline



Air conditioners with a capacity of 90,000 BTU or less




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Playing cards



Votive gilt papers, votive objects








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Dancing halls, massage parlors, karaoke bars;



Casinos, jackpot games



Horse or car race bet ticket selling






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Hereunder are the specific provisions on the application of the special consumption tax rates to a number of goods and services:

1. For goods subject to the special consumption tax, the special consumption tax rates shall apply regardless of whether they are import goods or home-made goods.

2. Filter cigarettes produced mainly from imported raw materials are those produced with the imported raw materials accounting for 51% or more of the total volume of shred tobacco raw materials used therefor.

3. For medicated liquors, the tax rates shall apply irrespective of their alcoholic strength. A medicated liquor production establishment must obtain the medicated liquor production permit as well as the certificate of registration of the names, trade marks, labels and quality of its medicated liquor products, issued by the medical agency or the competent agency. As for the import medicated liquors, they must be examined and certified by the medical agency or the competent agency. If failing to obtain all the above-said papers, the establishment shall have to pay the special consumption tax at the tax rate set for the liquor of the same alcoholic strength.

4. Automobiles under the heading with tax rate of 30% shall include: cars of from 16 to under 24 seats, cars designed for the transportation of both men and goods that correspond to those of from 16 to under 24 seats and three-wheeled mopeds of different types.

5. For votive objects subject to the special consumption tax, they shall not include those being children toys and those used for decoration.

6. For goods items subject to the special consumption tax under heading "Gasoline of various kinds, naphtha, reformade components and other components for mixing gasoline", the Ministry of Finance shall coordinate with the concerned branches to provide detailed guidance therefor.

Chapter III




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Article 7.-

Establishments which produce goods and/or provide services, which are liable to the special consumption tax shall have to register the tax payment with the tax authority of the locality where they conduct production and/or service activities under the tax registration regulations and guidance of the tax authority.

The time-limit for tax registration is ten days from the date an establishment is granted the business registration certificate.

In case of a merger, amalgamation, division, splitting, dissolution, bankruptcy or change in its business line or business suspension, the production and/or business establishment shall have to make a declaration thereof with the tax authority within 5 days before such change occurs.

Article 8.- Establishments which produce goods items subject to the special consumption tax and use trademarks therefor shall have to register such trademarks with the tax authority of the locality where they conduct production or business activities within 5 days from the date such trademarks are used. When changing trademarks, establishments shall have to notify the tax authority within 5 days from the date of changing the trademarks.

Article 9.- Establishments which produce and/or import goods and/or provide services subject to the special consumption tax shall have to make special consumption tax declaration according to the following regulations:

1. Establishments producing goods and/or providing services subject to the special consumption tax shall have to make monthly special consumption tax declaration when selling the goods and/or providing services and submit the tax declaration to the tax agency within the first ten days of the following month. For a production and/or business establishment with a large payable special consumption tax amount, the special consumption tax declaration shall be made once every five days or every ten days according to the regulations of the tax authority.

Even if there is no payable special consumption tax in the month, a production and/or business establishment shall have to make its tax declaration and submit it to the tax authority.

2. Establishments importing goods shall have to make and submit the special consumption tax declaration upon each importation together with the import tax declaration to the import tax collecting agency.




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4. Establishments that produce and/or deal in different kinds of goods and/or services subject to the special consumption tax with different tax rates shall have to declare the special consumption tax according to the tax rate applicable to each kind of goods or services; if they fail to determine payable tax amount according to each tax rate, they shall have to calculate and pay tax at the highest rate applicable to a certain kind of goods or services they produce and/or deal in.

The Ministry of Finance shall set the tax declaration form and guide the declaration.

Article 10.- The special consumption tax shall be paid into the State budget according to the following regulations:

1. Establishments producing goods and/or providing services subject to the special consumption tax shall have to pay the special consumption tax to the State budget at their places of production and/or business according to the tax payment notices issued by the tax authorities.

The deadline for tax payment for a month shall be stated in the tax notice but not later than the 20th of the following month; in cases where a production and/or business establishment has to pay a large amount of special consumption tax, it shall pay the special consumption tax once every five days or every ten days according to the tax payment notice issued by the tax authority.

For individuals and/or households producing goods and/or providing services subject to the special consumption tax, that are far away from the State Treasury, the tax authorities shall organize tax collection and remittance into the State budget. The time-limit for the tax authorities to remit the collected tax amounts into the State budget shall not exceed 3 days after such tax amounts are collected.

2. Establishments importing goods subject to the special consumption tax shall have to pay the special consumption tax upon each importation at the place of tax declaration. The deadline for issuing a notice and the deadline for payment of the special consumption tax on imported goods shall be the deadlines for the import tax notice and payment.

3. The special consumption tax shall be paid into the State budget in Vietnam dong. In cases where production and/or business establishments purchase, sell goods and/or provide services in foreign currency(ies), they shall have to convert such foreign currency(ies) into Vietnam dong according to the average exchange rates on the inter-bank market as announced by the State Bank at the time the turnover is generated for the determination of the special consumption tax amount to be paid in Vietnam dong.

Article 11.- Establishments producing goods and/or providing services subject to the special consumption tax shall have to make final settlement of the special consumption tax according to the following regulations:




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2. In case of a merger, amalgamation, division, splitting, dissolution, bankruptcy or change in its business line, an establishment shall have to make the tax final settlement and submit a report thereon to the tax authority within 45 days after the decision on such merger, amalgamation, division, splitting, dissolution or bankruptcy is issued, and fully pay the outstanding tax amount into the State budget within ten days from the date of submitting the final settlement report; in case of overpayment, the overpaid amount shall be deducted from the payable tax amount of the following period or reimbursed in accordance with Article 13 of the Law on Special Consumption Tax and Article 12 of this Decree.

Article 12.- Establishments producing and/or importing goods subject to the special consumption tax shall have their paid special consumption tax amounts reimbursed in the following cases where:

1. The goods are temporarily imported for re-export;

2. The goods are raw materials imported for the production or processing of export goods under the goods production and/or processing contracts with foreign parties;

3. They have an overpaid tax amount in the tax final settlement upon the merger, amalgamation, division, splitting, dissolution or bankruptcy;

4. They acquire tax reimbursement decisions issued by the competent agency as prescribed by law.

Cases mentioned in Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article shall be entitled to the special consumption tax reimbursement only for the actually exported goods.

The Ministry of Finance shall specify the procedures and competence for deciding tax reimbursement as prescribed in this Article.

Article 13.- Establishments producing, importing goods and/or providing services subject to the special consumption tax shall have the responsibility:




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- To strictly abide by the regulations on accounting, vouchers and invoices when buying, selling and/or transporting goods, and/or providing services, which are subject to the special consumption tax, as prescribed by law;

- To fully supply dossiers, materials and data as well as bases related to the tax calculation, payment, final settlement and requests for special consumption tax reimbursement to the tax authority.

Article 14.- The tax authority shall have the following tasks, powers and responsibilities:

1. To guide the tax payers in implementing the regulations on tax registration, declaration and payment as prescribed by law;

2. To send the tax payers notices on the payable tax amounts and the tax payment deadlines as prescribed; to issue another notice on the payable tax amount and fine for late tax payment under Clauses 2 and 3, Article 17 of the Law on Special Consumption Tax if past the deadline stated in the first notice, a tax payer fails to pay tax; if such tax payer still fails to fully pay tax and fine for late tax payment stated in the second notice, the handling measures prescribed in Clause 4, Article 17 of the Law on Special Consumption Tax shall be applied to guarantee the full collection of tax and fine; if such tax payer still fails to pay full amount of tax and fine even after such measures are applied, the dossier of the case shall be transferred to the competent State agency for handling according to law.

3. To examine and inspect the tax declaration, payment and final settlement by tax payers in order to ensure the strict observance of law;

4. To handle tax-related administrative violations and settle tax-related complaints;

5. To request tax payers to supply accounting books, invoices, vouchers as well as other records and documents related to the tax calculation and payment;

6. To keep and use data and documents supplied by tax payers and other subjects in accordance with the regulations.




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1. The tax authority shall be entitled to set the payable special consumption tax amount for a tax payer in the following cases where the latter:

a/ Fails to implement or has improperly implemented the regulations on accounting, invoices and vouchers;

b/ Fails to declare tax or to submit the tax declaration within the notified time-limit; or has submitted the tax declaration but falsely declared the bases for determining the special consumption tax amount;

c/ Refuses to produce accounting books, invoices, vouchers and necessary documents related to the special consumption tax calculation;

d/ Is found having conducted business without any business registration.

2. The tax authority shall base itself on documents related to the investigation of production and business activities of the concerned tax payers or on the tax amounts to be paid by other production and/or business establishments with the same business line and scale to determine the payable tax amounts for cases stipulated in Clause 1 of this Article.

Chapter IV


Article 16.- The special consumption tax reduction and exemption stipulated in Article 16 of the Law on Special Consumption Tax are detailed as follows:




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2. Small-scale beer-producing establishments with capacity of 10 million liters/year or less, which have been set up and operating before January 1st, 1999 and which, after having fully paid tax according to the tax rates prescribed in the Special Consumption Tax Law, still suffer from losses, shall be considered for special consumption tax reduction corresponding to the loss amount. The tax reduction duration shall be annually calculated according to the calendar year but shall not exceed 5 years from January 1st, 1999.

3. Automobile assembling and/or manufacturing establishments shall be entitled to the 95% reduction of the tax rate specified in the special consumption tax index for the first 5 years, from January 1st, 1999 till the end of December 31st, 2003.

If after five years' enjoying the tax reduction as mentioned above, an automobile assembly and/or manufacture establishment still suffers from losses, it shall be considered for further tax reduction for from 1 to 5 more years. The tax reduction levels shall be specified by the Government according to the practical situation.

4. A golf business establishment shall be entitled to the 30% reduction of the tax rate specified in the special consumption tax index as prescribed in Article 7 of the Law on Special Consumption Tax for three years after the Law on Special Consumption Tax takes effect.

5. Other cases of tax exemption or reduction according to law shall be decided by the Government on a case-by-case basis at the proposal of the Ministry of Finance.

The Ministry of Finance shall guide the procedures, order and competence for the consideration of tax reduction and exemption as prescribed in this Article.

Chapter V


Article 17.- Tax payers, tax officials and other individuals who violate the Law on Special Consumption Tax shall, depending on their acts and the seriousness of their violations, be sanctioned in accordance with the provisions of Articles 17 and 19 of the Law on Special Consumption Tax. In cases where the concrete levels of sanctions are not provided for in the Law on Special Consumption Tax, the levels of sanctions stipulated in other legal documents on the handling of tax-related administrative violations shall apply.




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Chapter VI


Article 19.- This Decree takes effect from January 1st, 1999. To annul Decree No.97/CP of December 27, 1995 as well as the provisions on the special consumption tax in other legal documents from the date this Decree takes effect.

The settlement of tax-related problems, tax final settlement, tax exemption and/or reduction or tax preferences as well as the handling of special consumption tax-related violations before January 1st, 1999 shall comply with the corresponding provisions of the Law on Special Consumption Tax, the Law on the Amendments and Supplements to a Number of Articles of the Law on Special Consumption Tax and the provisions on the special consumption tax in legal documents that are still effective at that time.

Article 20.- In cases where an international agreement which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam has signed or acceded to contains provision(s) different from those of the Law on Special Consumption Tax, the special consumption tax shall be applied in accordance with the provision(s) of such international agreement.

Article 21.- The special consumption tax collection is stipulated as follows:

1. The General Department of Taxation shall have to organize the special consumption tax collection from establishments which produce goods and/or provide services subject to the special consumption tax.

2. The General Department of Customs shall have to organize the special consumption tax collection from establishments which import goods subject to the special consumption tax.

3. The General Department of Taxation and the General Department of Customs shall have to coordinate with each other in the management of the special consumption tax collection nationwide.




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Article 22.- The Minister of Finance shall guide the implementation of this Decree.

The ministers, the heads of the ministerial-level agencies, the heads of the agencies attached to the Government, the presidents of the People's Committees of the provinces and centrally-run cities shall have to implement this Decree.




Phan Van Khai