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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No: 97/2006/ND-CP

Hanoi, September 15, 2006





Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
Pursuant to the April 28, 2000 Ordinance on Entry, Exit and Residence of Foreigners in Vietnam;
Pursuant to the July 2, 2002 Ordinance on Handling of Administrative Violations;
At the proposal of the Minister of Public Security,


Chapter I


Article 1.- Governing scope




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2. Expulsion under administrative procedures means compelling foreigners who have committed violations of law to leave the territory of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam according to legal provisions on handling of administrative violations.

Article 2.- Subjects of application

1. This Decree applies to foreigners who have intentionally or unintentionally committed acts of violating Vietnamese law and, therefore, are subject to expulsion in accordance with legal provisions on handling of administrative violations.

2. Foreigners who commit crimes and are sentenced to expulsion by the court shall not be governed by this Decree but comply with the provisions of the Government's Decree No. 54/2001/ND-CP of August 23, 2001.

3. In case where treaties to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a contracting party contain provisions different from those of this Decree, the provisions of such treaties shall apply.

Article 3.- Principles of application

1. The sanction of expulsion must be applied to proper subjects in accordance with the procedures, competence and time limits prescribed in the Ordinance on Handling of Administrative Violations, this Decree and other provisions of law.

2. All acts of infringing upon the life, health, honor, dignity or property of the expellees are strictly prohibited.

Article 4.- Funds




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2. Expenses for accommodation and meals at places of compulsory stay, medical examination and treatment, and means of exit shall be paid by the expellees. In special cases where the expellees are incapable of paying these expenses, the Entry and Exit Management Agency under the Ministry of Public Security (hereinafter referred to as the Entry and Exit Management Agency) shall request the diplomatic missions or consulates of the countries of which such persons are citizens or the agencies, organizations or individuals that have invited such persons into Vietnam to pay these expenses. If this request cannot be executed, the Entry and Exit Management Agency or provincial/municipal Police Authorities (hereinafter referred to as provincial-level Police Authorities), which have compiled dossiers and managed such persons, shall pay these expenses with the state budget source.

Chapter II


Article 5.- Competence to apply the sanction of expulsion

The Minister of Public Security shall have the competence to decide on the application of the sanction of expulsion under administrative procedures.

Article 6.- Order of and procedures for compilation of dossiers of request for application of the sanction of expulsion

1. If deeming that foreigners who commit acts of violation of law are fully subject to the sanction of expulsion, the agencies that have detected such violations shall have to send dossiers of the cases to provincial-level Police Authorities of localities where such foreigners register their temporary residence or permanent residence or where the violations are committed for the latter to compile dossiers of request for application of the sanction of expulsion.

2. Within seven days after receiving dossiers of the violations, directors of provincial-level Police Authorities shall have to complete the dossiers of request for application of the sanction of expulsion. Such a dossier shall comprise:

a/ A summary of the personal details and violation of the person subject to expulsion;




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c/ Handing measures already applied (for cases of committing violations repeatedly or recidivism);

d/ The written request for expulsion.

3. Dossiers of request for application of the sanction of expulsion shall be sent to the Entry and Exit Management Agency for consideration before submission to the Minister of Public Security for decision.

4. Within five days after receiving dossiers of request for application of the sanction of expulsion from directors of provincial-level Police Authorities, the Entry and Exit Management Agency shall have to verify such dossiers and propose the Minister of Public Security to issue expulsion decisions, if the conditions prescribed for the application of the sanction of expulsion are fully met, or notify agencies that have detected violations and provincial-level Police Authorities which have compiled dossiers, if such conditions are not satisfied.

Article 7.- Expulsion decisions

1. Within three days after receiving the Entry and Exit Management Agency's proposal for expulsion, the Minister of Public Security shall consider and issue decisions on the expulsion of foreigners who have committed administrative violations.

2. An expulsion decision must contain the following contents:

a/ The date of issue of the expulsion decision;

b/ The full name and position of the person issuing the expulsion decision;




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d/ Acts of administrative violation committed by the expellee;

e/ Applicable legal provision; the principal sanctioning form, additional sanctioning forms and remedies (if any);

f/ The time for execution of the expulsion decision;

g/ The place to which the expellee will be expelled;

h/ The border gate of execution of the expulsion decision;

i/ The agency in charge of execution of the expulsion decision;

j/ The signature of the person issuing the expulsion decision.

3. Expulsion decisions shall be sent to the expellees and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs before execution.

Chapter III




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Article 8.- Rights and obligations of the expellees

1. Rights of the expellees

a/ To be informed of the violations for which they are expelled. To receive expulsion decisions at least 24 hours before the execution of such decisions;

b/ To contact the diplomatic missions or consulates of the countries of which they are citizens for protection and/or assistance;

c/ To carry their lawful property when leaving Vietnam;

d/ To lodge complaints and denunciations according to legal provisions on settlement of complaints and denunciations.

2. Obligations of the expellees:

a/ To fully comply with the expulsion decisions;

b/ To produce their personal identification papers at the request of the Entry and Exit Management Agency;




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d/ To quickly fulfill civil, administrative and economic obligations (if any) according to the provisions of law. If they refuse to voluntarily perform these obligations, coercive measures shall be applied under Article 66 of the 2002 Ordinance on Handling of Administrative Violations;

e/ To carry out necessary procedures for leaving the Vietnamese territory.

3. Expellees who refuse to voluntarily abide by regulations and decisions of police authorities shall be subject to the following coercive measures:

a/ Being escorted to the place of compulsory stay during the period of completion of expulsion procedures;

b/ Being subject to management and supervision at the place of compulsory stay;

c/ Being escorted to the border gate and forced to leave the Vietnamese territory.

Article 9.- Suspension of execution of expulsion decisions

1. Expellees shall be entitled to suspension of the execution of expulsion decisions in the following cases:

a/ They are seriously ill and under emergency care or cannot execute expulsion decisions for the reason of health, which is certified by a hospital or medical center of district or higher level, or for other force majeure reasons;




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2. On the basis of the proposal of the Entry and Exit Management Agency, the Minister of Public Security shall consider and issue decisions to suspend the execution of expulsion decisions.

3. When the conditions for suspension no longer exist, the expulsion decisions shall be executed.

Article 10.- Places of compulsory stay of foreigners during the period of completion of expulsion procedures

1. The head of the Entry and Exit Management Agency or directors of provincial-level Police Authorities shall decide on a case-by-case basis on the places of compulsory stay of foreigners during the period of completion of expulsion procedures.

2. It is not permitted to use criminal detention houses, detention camps or prisons for management of foreigners during the period of completion of expulsion procedures.

Article 11.- Measures for managing foreigners during the period of completion of expulsion procedures and grounds for application of management measures

1. Grounds for application of management measures

The head of the Entry and Exit Management Agency or directors of provincial-level Police Authorities (which have compiled dossiers of request for application of expulsion) may decide on the application of measures to manage foreigners during the period of completion of expulsion procedures in the following cases:

a/ There are grounds to believe that unless necessary management measures are applied, the expellees shall escape or obstruct the execution of expulsion decisions;




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2. Management measures:

a/ Restriction of travel and contact with other persons;

b/ Determination of the places of compulsory stay;

c/ Temporary seizure of the passport or other passport-substituting personal identification papers.

Article 12.- Cases where expellees get sick or die during the period of completion of expulsion procedures

1. Foreigners who get sick during the period of completion of expulsion procedures shall receive medical treatment at the places of management. If the foreigner is seriously ill, the Entry and Exit Management Agency or provincial-level Police Authorities shall have to take him/her to a medical establishment for treatment; and at the same time, notify such to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for notification to the diplomatic mission or consulate of the country of which such person is a citizen.

2. In case foreigners die during the period of completion of expulsion procedures, the head of the Entry and Exit Management Agency or directors of provincial-level Police Authorities which have compiled dossiers of request for application of expulsion shall have to immediately report thereon to competent investigation agencies and procuracies, and at the same time, notify such to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for notification to the diplomatic missions or consulates of the countries of which such persons are citizens for coordinated settlement.

3. The families of foreigners who die during the period of completion of expulsion procedures or the diplomatic missions or consulates of the countries of which such persons are citizens shall take charge of sending the corpses of such persons to their countries and bear burial and relevant expenses. In case such measures cannot be implemented, the Entry and Exit Management Agency or provincial-level Police Authorities which have compiled the dossiers shall take charge of implementation.

Article 13.- Responsibilities of the Entry and Exit Management Agency




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a/ The expulsion decision of the Minister of Public Security;

b/ A copy of the passport or other passport-substituting personal identification papers of the expellee;

c/ Papers proving the fulfillment of other obligations (if any);

d/ Other relevant documents.

2. To send expulsion decisions to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the latter to notify such to the diplomatic missions or consulates of the countries of which the expellees are citizens; and at the same time, to send the expulsion decisions to the expellees for compliance.

3. To collect and receive information and documents necessary for the organization of the execution of expulsion decisions.

4. To coordinate with concerned agencies in ensuring that expellees can discharge their rights and obligations.

5. To organize the expulsion according to decisions.

Article 14.- Responsibilities of provincial-level Police Authorities which have compiled dossiers of request for expulsion




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2. To hand over the expellees to the Entry and Exit Management Agency when so requested.

3. To coordinate with the Entry and Exit Management Agency in executing expulsion decisions.

4. To coordinate with concerned agencies to ensure that expellees can discharge their rights and obligations.

Article 15.- Responsibilities of agencies, organizations and individuals that have invited foreigners into Vietnam or applied for visa extension for foreigners subject to expulsion

1. To coordinate and cooperate with functional agencies in applying the sanction of expulsion.

2. To pay all expenses or provide financial guarantee for the expellees who, with their available sources, are incapable of paying expenses as prescribed by Vietnamese law.

Chapter IV


Article 16.- Responsibilities of the Ministry of Public Security




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1. To promulgate legal documents guiding the application of the sanction of expulsion.

2. To issue expulsion decisions.

3. To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries, branches and provincial/municipal People's Committees in, organizing the execution of expulsion decisions.

4. To make statistics on the application of expulsion and execution of expulsion decisions.

5. To examine, inspect and settle complaints and denunciations on the execution of expulsion decisions; to further monitor and supervise the expellees to prevent their illegal return to Vietnam.

Article 17.- Responsibilities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall have to clear external relation procedures related to the execution of expulsion decisions and exchange and supply relevant information to competent foreign bodies, diplomatic missions and consulates of countries of which the expellees are citizens.

Article 18.- Responsibilities of the Ministry of Finance

The Ministry of Finance shall have to ensure funds for the application of the sanction of expulsion according to the assigned plan in the annual budget estimates of the Ministry of Public Security.




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The Ministry of Health shall have to direct and guide its attached medical bodies and hospitals in organizing medical examination, treatment and expertise and granting health certificates to the expellees when they are seriously ill and under medical treatment according to the provisions of Point a, Clause 1, Article 9 of this Decree.

Article 20.- Responsibilities of provincial/municipal People's Committees

Provincial/municipal People's Committees shall, based on their state management functions and tasks prescribed by law, have to coordinate with concerned ministries and branches in directing local functional agencies in applying the sanction of expulsion.

Chapter V


Article 21.- Complaints and denunciations

Those who are subject to the application of the sanction of expulsion under administrative procedures may lodge complaints and denunciations according to the provisions of Vietnamese law on complaints and denunciations.

Pending the settlement of their complaints or denunciations, the expellees shall still have to observe the expulsion decisions.

Article 22.- Handling of violations




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Article 23.- Effect of the Decree

This Decree shall take effect 15 days after its publication in "CONG BAO."

Article 24.- Responsibilities for implementation of the Decree

1. The Ministry of Public Security shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Health in, guiding the implementation of this Decree.

2. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies and government-attached agencies, presidents of provincial/municipal People's Committees shall have to implement this Decree.