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Independence - Freedom - Happiness


Ha Noi, December 28, 2015




Circular No. 63/2014/TT-BGTVT dated November 07, 2014 by the Minister of Transport providing for operation and management of automobile transport and supporting services to road transport is amended by:

Circular No. 60/2015/TT-BGTVT dated November 02, 2015 by the Minister of Transport amending a number of articles of Circular No. 63/2014/TT-BGTVT dated November 07, 2014 by the Minister of Transport providing for operation and management of automobile transport and supporting services to road transport.

Pursuant to the the Law on Road traffic dated November 13, 2008;

Pursuant to the Decree No. 86/2014/ND-CP dated September 10, 2014 by the Government providing for the business and conditions for the business of automobile transport;

Pursuant to the Decree No. 107/2012/ND-CP dated December 20, 2012 by the Government defining the functions, tasks, entitlements and organizational structure of the Ministry of Transport.

At the request of the Director of the Department of Transport and the Director of Directorate for Roads of Vietnam,




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Chapter I


Article 1. Scope of regulation

This Circular provides for the operation and management of the transport of passengers and/or goods by automobile and supporting services to road transport.

Article 2. Regulated entities

This Circular applies to the agencies, organizations, and individuals related to the automobile transport and auxiliary road transport services.

Article 3. Interpretation of terms

In this Circular, these terms can be construed as follows:

1. “Transport itinerary” is determined by the place of departure, place of arrival, routes, pick-up place, drop-off place and rest stops (if any) that a vehicle passes by.




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3. “Transport schedule” means a collection of itineraries and transport timetables of different trips within a certain cycle time.

4. “Departure schedule” means a collection of departure time of different trips within a certain cycle time.

5. “Coach stops” are roadside works on the transport itinerary for fixed-route passenger transport vehicles to stop so that passengers can get into or get off the vehicles.

6. “Bus stops” are roadside works for buses to pick up and drop off passengers.

7. “Parking lot” is a road transport infrastructural construction where vehicles are parked.

8. “Vehicle safekeeping service” means an auxiliary road transport service in which an organization/individual performs the safekeeping activities and collects fees.

9. “Transport agency service” means an auxiliary road transport service in which an organization/individual is authorized to carry out one or multiple tasks of the transport process other than the transporting task.

10. “Functional days” are days on which a vehicle is in a satisfactory conditions for operating in public road.

11. “Business days” are days on which a vehicle is used for transport, regardless of distance.




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Chapter II



Article 4. Requirements for transport companies

1. Any transport companies wishing to provide automobile transport service that is compelled to have a license shall obtain a License for automobile transport. The application form for the License for automobile transport is provided in Annex 1 of this Circular, the templet of the License to provide automobile transport service is provided in Annex 2 of this Circular.

2. Any transport companies shall formulate and comply with the business plan for providing transport service involving the registered vehicles as prescribed in Annex 3 of this Circular.

3. Management of automobile vehicles involved in transport service

The transport company shall:

a) Ensure the number of functional days at least equivalent to 110% of the business days according to the plan (only applicable to fixed-route transport and transport by bus);




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c) Build up Vehicle record or vehicle management software to monitor the operation and mainternance of vehicles using the form in Annex 4 of this Circular;

d) Since July 01, 2015, double-decker sleeper coaches are not allowed on level-5 and level-6 mountain passes;

dd) Since July 01, 2016, luggage compartments of vehicles involved in fixed-route automobile passenger transport, contractual passenger transport and tourist transport shall be divided into parts as prescribed by the Minister of Transport so that not any luggage is displaced to ensure the safety during the transport process.

4. Management of automobile vehicle drivers

The transport company shall:

a) Collect and update sufficiently information about the working process of drivers to the Driver record or driver management software using the form in Annex 5 of this Circular;

b) Carry out medical examination in the recruitment process, carry out periodically medical examination for drivers and use only drivers with conformable health conditions as prescribed by the Ministry of Health; must not employ or assign drivers using drugs;

c) Transport companies shall assign only drivers who have at least 2 years’ experience of operating coaches with capacity of 30 passengers to operate a double-decker sleeper coach.

5. Establishment and application of service quality standard




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b) Any organization/cooperative providing fixed-route passenger transport service or bus/taxi service must register the service quality with the Services of Transport issuing badges using the form in Annex 6 of this Circular.

c) Any organization/cooperative providing fixed-route passenger transport services that wishes to operate on a route shall register service quality on such route using the form in Annex 7 of this Circular and notify to the terminuses before providing transport.

6. Relevant documents during the management and operation of transport shall be retained for at least 03 years so as for the inspection and examination.

Article 5. Divisions in charge of management and supervision of traffic safety conditions

Any organization/cooperative providing fixed-route passenger transport service or bus/taxi service shall assign a division to manage and supervise the traffic safety conditions who shall:

1. Draw up and carry out the plan on traffic safety in the transport activities of the company using the form in Annex 8a of this Circular; reckon up, analyze traffic accidents, help driver staff and administrative officers to learn from such experience; update information to the drivers’ record database or the driver management software.

2. Build up and carry out traffic safety procedures according to the form in Annex 8b of this Circular.

3. Examine the conditions for technical safety and environmental protection of vehicles before they are used; expedite and supervise the implementation of technical examination and maintenance and repair of vehicles; examine and supervise strictly the technical conditions of vehicles.

4. Manage and supervise the compulsory information from the vehicle-tracking devices to promptly warn about and prevent violations; use the information from the vehicle-tracking devices for the management and provide the competent State agency with compulsory information about each vehicle on request; supervise, propose measures for prompt maintenance and replacement for broken vehicle-tracking devices; periodically make violation reports of driver staff.




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Article 6. Installation, management and use of information from vehicle-tracking devices

1. Vehicle-tracking devices shall be conformable, ensuring to record and transmit sufficiently and consistently to the host computer of the transport company in charge or the data processing service provider (in case the transportation company authorize a service provider through an applicable contract) the compulsory information including: transport itinerary, driving speed, time of uninterrupted driving, total of driver’s working time in a day.

2. It is strictly prohibited to use technical measures and peripherals to intervene in the operation of the device or to jam or scramble the Global Positioning System (GPS) or the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM).

3. Responsibilities of transportation companies

a) Install vehicle-tracking devices on the vehicles belonging to the company as prescribed the regulations.

b) Keeping good technical condition, ensure to transmit and provide sufficiently, effectively and consistently the compulsory information about the vehicle from vehicle-tracking devices during the transport.

c) Provide user name and password for accessing to program processing data software from vehicle-tracking device for a regulatory body.

d) Update and retain systematically the compulsory information for at least 01 year.

Article 7. Regulations on professional training and regulations on transport




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2. Training content: according to material and framework program promulgated by Directorate for Roads of Vietnam.

3. Time of traininig

a) Before such entities provide the transportation service or take on the transport operation.

b) Periodically not exceeding 03 years from the latest training.

4. Any trainer shall satisfy at least one of the following criteria:

a) Be a teacher of transportation major of a 2-year college or higher that educates on road transportation.

b) Regarding training for drivers and attendants: any trainer shall have at least an intermediate degree in transport or a college degree in another discipline and has at least 03 years’ experience of managing and/or operating road transport activities.

c) Regarding training for transportation operators: any trainers shall have at least a college degree in transport or a university degree in another discipline and has at least 03 years’ experience of managing and/or operating road transport activities.

5. Training oganizers:




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b) Vietnam’s Automobile transport association and local automobile transport association are eligible to provide training for transport operators.

6. Before the training, the training organizer shall report the plan on training including location and list of trainers and trainees to local Services of Transport for monitoring.

7. The training organizer shall issue Licenses to people who completed the training using the form in Annex 9 of this Circular and retain documents about the training and the training results for at least 03 years.


Article 8. Criteria for formulation of transport routes

1. Availability of road system declared to be in operation during the transport itinerary.

2. Availability of terminuses declared to be in operation by a competent agency.

Article 9. Coach stops

1. Requirements for coach stops




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b) Coach stops shall be large enough for vehicle to pick up and drop out passenger without obstruction to other vehicles.

c) There shall be the 434a signs conformable to National technical regulation on road signs and signals (QCVN41:2012/BGTVT) at coach stops with secondary signs displaying the phrase “DIỂM DÓN, TRẢ KHÁCH TUYẾN CỐ ĐỊNH" (passenger picking-up and dropping-off place for fixed-route transport).

d) The distance between two coach stops or between a coach stop and a rest stop or between two terminuses shall be at least 05 kilometres.

2. Traffic organization at coach stops

a) A coach stop shall be used only for fixed-route automobile transport and must not be used for any other activities.

b) At a coach stop, a vehicle shall stop for not exceeding 03 minutes.

3. Determination, approval, development, management and operation of coach stops.

a) Local Services of Transport shall determine the location of coach stops for fixed-route transport (any coach stop located by the roadside of a highway shall be approved by a road management authority) and request provincial People’s Committees to approve.

b) Provincial People’s Committees shall be responsible for organizing, managing and ensuring traffic safety, public order and environment sanitation at coach stops in local areas.




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d) The Services of Transport shall issue notifications of whether to utilize or close the stops being used in fixed-route transport.

Article 10. Notice

1. These following information shall be display on the web portal of each Service of Transport: a list of routes according to planning (when the competent agencies have announced the planning); a list of routes in use; maximum trips using a route in a unit of time and total trips that are registered; a list of transport companies operating on the route; hotline of the Service of Transport.

2. These following information shall be displayed at the station: a list of routes and departures of vehicles in the station; a list of transport companies operating on each route; hotlines of transport companies and of local Service of Transport.

3. These following information shall be displayed at the ticket counters: name of transport companies, route names, ticket prices, departure schedule of each trip, services in each trip, amount of baggage that is free of charge.

4. Notices on vehicles

a) Notices on the front glasses: the departure and the arrival terminals of the trip.

b) Notices on two sides of vehicles or on doors of vehicles: name and contact number of the transport company.

c) Notices inside vehicles shal include: license plate, ticket price, transport itinerary, services for passengers, amount of free-of-charge baggage, hotline of the owner company and the Service of Transport issuing the badge. Notice at a noticeable place with the slogan “Tính mạng con người là trên hết” (Life comes first) according to the model in Annex 10 of this Circular.




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6. Notices at ticket counters and on vehicles may be displayed in various forms. Transport companies and stations are encouraged to issue notices via electronic devices. Enterprises and cooperatives shall provide the relevant stations with information that is requested to be displayed at stations.

Section 11. Regulations applicable to vehicles involved in fixed-route passenger transport

1. Notices shall be displayed according to regulations in clause 4 Article 10 of this Circular.

2. Quantity, quality, arrangement of seats/beds in vehicles shall conform with the design and shall be numbered from the front to the rear of vehicles.

3. Vehicles shall be equipped with emergency tools and fire extinguisher conformable to the regulations.

4. There shall be badges “XE CHẠY TUYẾN CỐ ĐỊNH" (“fixed-route vehicles”) using the sample in Annex 11 of this Circular.

5. At the same time, a vehicle may register and operates on not exceeding 02 fixed routes, these such routes may be successive (the departure terminal of the next route is the arrival terminal of the previous route).

6. Vehicles shall be at the station at least 10 minutes before the departure time to receive technical safety examination and other professional activities at the station according to procedures for traffic safety prescribed in clause 2 Article 5 of this Circular.

Article 12. Regulations applicable to passenger transit vehicles




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2. Vehicles shall have badges “XE TRUNG CHUYỂN" (“transit vehicle”) using the sample in Annex 12 of this Circular.

3. The capacity of any vehicle shall not exceed 16 seats (including those of drivers) and shall be within the lawful ownership of the enterprise/cooperative.

4. Vehicles shall be equipped with emergency tools and fire extinguisher conformable to the regulations.

5. Passenger transit vehicles shall be used only for transport of passengers (on a fixed-route specified by the company) to the stations and the stops on routes and vice versa. Passengers do not have to pay any fees other than the price printed on the ticket according to the regulations.

6. Vehicles with badges “XE TRUNG CHUYỂN” must not be used for the transportation in which fares are directly collected and shall not be counted as vehicles of the companies as prescribed in clause 4 Article 15 of the Decree No. 86/2014/ND-CP dated September 10, 2014 by the Government.

Article 13. Route network planning

1. Route network planning for fixed-route transport:

a) Regarding route network planning for interprovincial fixed-route passenger transport: the Ministry of Transport shall approve and announce the orientation planning before December 30, 2014 and the detailed planning before June 30, 2015.

b) Regarding route network planning for provincial fixed-route passenger transport network: provincial People’s Committees shall approve and announce the provincial planning before June 30, 2015.




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3. Any Services of Transport shall be responsible for managing, supervising, inspecting and carrying out the route network planning for provincial fixed-route passenger transport network.

4. Based on the condition of socio-economic development and other factors affecting the transport using fixed-routes, Directorate for Roads of Vietnam or the Services of Transport shall request the Ministry of Transport or provincial People’s Committees to adjust the planning within their competence as prescribed in clause 1 of this Article.

Article 14. Application for operating on a route

1. Enterprises/cooperatives having the License to provide fixed-route automobile transport service may apply for operating on a route.

2. Pursuant to detailed planning of fixed passenger transport route approved by n authority, local Service of Transport (applicable to provincial routes) and Services of Transport of the areas where the departure and the arrival terminals are located (applicable to interprovincial routes) shall agree and post on their web portals the Transport schedules of specific routes under their management using the form in Annexes 1a and 1b enclosed with this Circular.3. Time limit for publishing the Transport schedules on web portals of Services of Transport

a) Initial publication: before January 01, 2016;

b) Periodic publication: on the 01st of the first month of every quarter;

c) Irregular publication, in case of modification of detailed fixed-route passenger transport planning: within 30 days from the day on which the Decision on modification is issued.

4. Procedures for application for operating on a route




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b) The Services of Transport shall receive the application for operating the route and post on its web portal the following information: name of the enterprise/cooperative, the route, transport time and time of application. Within 05 working days, the Service of Transport shall check documents in the application and within the next 02 working days, the result of the application shall be publicly posted on its web portal. If the application is rejected, the Service of Transport shall send the applicant a written response containing explanatioon. The Service of Transport receiving the application for operating the route shall send the information related to the application to the Service of Transport of the other terminal (departure or arrival terminal) for online publication.

Within 05 working days from the day on which the application is received, if 02 or more enterprises/cooperatives (regardless of either of the terminal) apply for operating the same route for the same transport time, within 02 next working days, the Services of Transport of both terminals shall publicly post on their web portals and send such enterprises/cooperaives written notification of the selection of the opertor of the route according to regulations of the Minister of Transport;

c) In case there is only 01 enterprise/cooeprative applying for operating the route and the application is approved, within 60 days from the day on which the successful application is posted on the web portal of the Service of Transport, the enterprise/cooperative shall send an application for issuance of a badge to the Service of Transport. Pass such time limit, if the enterprise/cooperative fails to submit an application, such enterprise/cooeprative shall be considered cancelling its application for operating a route. The Service of Transport shall update and publish the available transport time (which has not been carried by any operator) to its web portal.

5. Any enterprise/cooperative operating on a route outside the route network planning declared by an authority may continue operating on such route according to the approved planning for not exceeding 24 months from the day on which the planning is declared.

02 months before the time limit mentioned above, the Service of Transport shall send a written notification of the termination of the operation on the route to the enterprise/cooperative and the management units of the terminals so that the enterprise/cooperative terminate the operation on the route conformably.

Article 15. Authority in charge of managing routes and selecting an enterprise/cooperative to operate on a route

1. Services of Transport shall be in charge of fixed passenger transport routes in their provincial areas; Services of Transport issuing the badges shall preside over and cooeprate with relevant Services of Transport in managing interprovincial fixed passenger transport routes and solving issues related to the vehicles obtaining badges from them.

2. Services of Transport shall carry out the selection of enterprises/cooperatives for operating on fixed routes involving automobiles as prescribed by the Minister of Transport.

Article 16. Application for operating on a route




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2. An application for operating on a route shall comprise:

a) An application form for operating on route using the form in Annex 2a enclosed with this Circular;

b) A plan on operation on route involving automobiles using the form in Annex 15 enclosed with this Circular;

c) An application form for registration of fixed-route transport service quality using the form in Annex 7 of this Circular.

Article 17. Supplement and replacement of vehicles

1. Supplement and replacement of vehicles

An enterprise/cooperative may replace or supplement vehicles if such replacement/supplement does not increase the trip frequency. Such enterprise/copperative shall sent a written notification using the form in Annex 16 of this Circular to the departure and the arrival terminals as well as the Services of Transport of the local area where such terminals are located for cooperation in conduct.

2. Irregular replacement of vehicles

a) If a vehicle faces a technical problem or meets with an accident during the transport process, the owner enterprise/cooperative may replace it by another vehicle within their ownership.




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Article 18. Termination of operation on a route, decrease of trip frequency

1. Termination of operation on route

a) At least 15 days before the date of termination, the enterprise/copperative shall sent a written notification using the form in Annex 16 of this Circular to the departure and the arrival terminals as well as the Services of Transport of the local area where such terminals are located.

b) 02 days after the day on which the notification of termination of operation on route is received, the departure terminal and arrival terminal shall publish such information at the station.

c) 05 working days from the termination of operation on route, the enterprise/cooperative shall return the badges to the issuing Services of Transport. The route management agency shall make a public announcement so that another enterprise/cooperative can register to operate on the route.

2. Decree of trip frequency on a route

a) At least 10 days before the date of decrease of trip frequency, the enterprise/copperative shall sent a written notification to the Service of Transport issuing badges using the form in Annex 3a enclosed with this Circular.  The Service of Transport shall update the decree of trip frequency on routes to the transport schedule and publish the schedule to its web portal.

b) (annulled)

c) Within 05 working days after the day on which the decrease of trip frequency is carried out, the enterprise/cooperative shall return the badges of the vehicles being cut down to the issuing Service of Transport.




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Article 19. Regulations on supplementary vehicles

1. Fixed-route vehicles, buses, contractual passenger transport vehicles, tourist vehicles, transit vehicles and vehicles for internal passenger transport may be used as supplementary vehicles during festivals, holidays and college enrollments.

2. At least 07 days before a festival, holiday or college enrollment, Services of Transport shall preside over and cooperate with relevant companies in drawing and implementing plans on supplementing vehicles (including a list of supplementary vehicles and their drivers).

3. During the time when vehicles are used for the supplementation, the Service of Transport of the area where the departure/arrival terminal is located shall preside over and cooperate with the Service of Transport of the area where the arrival/departure terminal is located, relevant stations and the owner companies of the supplementary vehicles in monitoring, supervising and managing the vehicles and drivers according to the regulations on the management of fixed-route passenger transport.

4. The provisions of Article 16 of this Circular are inapplicable in this period.

Article 20. Procedures for traffic safety and for the departure/arrival of vehicles

Procedures for traffic safety and for the departure/arrival of vehicles shall be in accordance with the provisions of Annex 35 of this Circular.

Article 21. Transport orders

1. Transport orders shall be printed by enterprises/cooperatives using the form in Annex 17 of this Circular. Apart from the compulsory provisions of Annex 17, enterprises/cooperatives may add other provisions according to their own management programs.




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Article 22. Responsibilities of transport enterprises/cooperatives

1. Take measures to comply with the approved plan on the operation on route of passenger transport by automobile.

2. File records for supervising and managing the use of the badges and transport orders of company; issue transport orders to drivers according to the regulations on transport management; retain Transport orders according to the provision of clause 2 Article 21 of this Circular.

3. Refund at least 90% of the ticker price for passengers who have paid for tickets and cancel the trip at least 02 hours before the departure; refund at least 70% of the ticker price for passengers who have paid for tickets and cancel the trip at least 30 minutes before the departure.

4. Take responsibility for the overload of vehicles.

5. If an enterprise/cooperative is requested to transport a consignment by a fixed-route vehicle (not accompanied by the sender), such company shall request the sender to provide sufficiently and exactly the information about the consignment and name, address and contact number of the sender and the receiver; must not transport forbidden or flammable goods or live animals.

6. Provide uniforms and staff cards for drivers and attendants; staff cards shall include their photos bearing the seal of the enterprise/cooperative, their names and the manager company.

7. Refuse to transport passengers damaging the public security and safety or obstructing the drivers or attendants, fare-dodgers or passengers suffering from a dangerous disease.

8. Exercise other rights and obligations according to relevant law provisions.




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1. Report their regulations on entitlements, responsibilities of people assigned to conduct examination and grant verification for Transport orders and a list of such people.

2. Periodically, before the 20th of every month, gather information about cases in which vehicles are unpermitted to carry out the passenger transport and the traffic safety conditions at the stations then send a written report to the Services of Transport for solution according to regulations.

3. Implement other regulations on coach stations as prescribed in the National technical regulation on coach stations promulgated by the Minister of Transport.

Article 24. Entitlements and responsibilities of drivers and attendants

1. Wear staff card and uniform conformable with the model that the enterprise/cooperative has provided and bring Transport order.

2. Comply with the Transport order granted by enterprise/cooperative; ensure public order on the vehicle; pick up and drop off passengers at conformable places and conform with the itinerary.

3. Comply with the capacity of passenger. Total amount of passenger and goods shall not exceed the allowable amount indicated in the Certificate of technical safety and environmental protection; luggage and goods shall be placed evenly in the luggage compartment, ensuring that luggage and goods are not displaced during the transport. Must not transport forbidden or flammable goods or live animals.

4. Ensure that tickets are provided for every passengers on the vehicle; guide and arrange passengers to take the right seats according to the information on tickets; introduce the trip rules, assist passengers (especially the disabled, the old, pregnant women and children); remain polite to passengers.

5. Request the staff of the station to certify the information in the Transport order before the departure.




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7. Refuse to transport passengers damaging the public security and safety or obstructing the drivers or attendants, fare-dodgers or passengers suffering from a dangerous disease.

8. Refuse to operate the vehicle if identify that such vehicle is not conformable to the conditions for safety, not carrying a vehicle-tracking device or the vehicle-tracking device is out of order.

9. Keep the vehicle tidy, must not take technical measures or use peripherals to intervene in the operation of vehicle-tracking device or to jam or scramble the GPS, GSM.

10. Exercise other rights and obligations according to relevant law regulations.

Section 25. Entitlements and responsibilities of passengers

1. Request the enterprise/cooperative to provide services according to the service quality standard that have been registered and announced.

2. Request the attendants to sell the exact type of ticket. Passengers shall keep the ticket during the trip and present it to competent persons on request.

3. Receive the refund prescribed in clause 3 Article 22 of this Circular.4. Passengers may make complaint, petition and reflection on the violations against regulations on the management of the transport companies, drivers or attendants and claim compensation for damages they suffered (if any).

5. Comply with the trip rules to ensure the safety and order on vehicles; get in and get off the vehicle at the terminals or at the stops according to the regulations.




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Article 26. Requirements for buses

1. Any bus in service shall fully satisfy regulations in National technical regulation on technical safety quality and environmental sanitation, applicable to inner-city passenger transport automobiles; quantity of seats and standing area and their positions must conform to the design.

2. Vehicles shall be equipped with emergency tools and fire extinguishers conformable to regulations.

3. Buses shall have the “XE BUÝT" (Bus) badge using the model in Annex 18 of this Circular.

4. Notice:

a) Notice on the body of the vehicle:

On front glasses and back glasses: route number, indication of departure and arrival terminals;

On right side of vehicle: route number; ticket price and contact phone number of the management enterprise/cooperative.




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c) Notices on vehicle may be displayed in various forms. Transport companies are encouraged to provide notice by electronic devices.

Article 27. Registration of typical painting colors

1. Before the bus is in operation, the enterprise/cooperative shall register a typical painting color using the form provided in Annex 19 of this Circular.

2. The registration form shall be sent to the Services of Transport where the head office or the branch office of the enterprise/cooperative is located. The Services of Transport shall publish the typical painting color of registered enterprise on the website of the Services of Transport.

3. If the local government of a province/city lays down a typical painting color for buses, transport companies shall comply with the regulations on painting color prescribed by such local government.

Article 28. Departure, arrival, bus stop and bus shelter

1. The departure and the arrival of a bus route shalla) Have enough space for buses to make a U-turn or park in a way that ensures the traffic order and safety.

b) Be equipped with information boards displaying: route name; route number; itinerary; trip frequency; daily schedule of specific route; telephone number of route management authority and enterprises/cooperatives using the route; responsibilities of passengers, drivers and attendants.

c) Be equipped with shelters for passengers.




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a) There shall be signs and markings at the bus stop according to regulations; each sign shall include route number, route name (the departure and arrival terminuses).

b) There shall be bus shelters at bus stops in city that has the kerb being 05 m or more in width and in outskirts that has the kerb being 2.5 m or more in width.

c) Services of Transport are in charge of prescribing model of bus stop in their local areas.

3. There shall be bus stations at coach stations, train stations, airports, ports, inland wharves and seaports so as to make a connection with other means of transport.

4. Bus shelters

a) Services of Transport are in charge of prescribing model of bus shelters in their local areas.

b) In every bus shelter, there shall be a notice about: route name; route number; transport itinerary; trip frequency; daily schedule on a route; telephone number of route management agencies and enterprises, maps of bus routes.

5. Bus terminals, bus stops and bus shelters shall be accessible to the disabled.

Section 29. Investment in infrastructure serving passenger transport bus services




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2. The construction of infrastructure system serving passenger transport bus service is funded by the State budget or private sector involvement capitals.

3. Services of Transport are responsible for managing and maintaining the infrastructure system serving passenger transport bus services in their local areas.

Section 30. Announcement about the addition of bus routes

1. The Service of Transport shall declare the addition to bus routes in its local area according to the routes planning approved by the provincial People’s Committee. If a bus route passes multiple provinces, the declaration about the addition to bus routes shall be made by the Service of Transport of the province where the head office or the branch office of the owner enterprise/cooperative is located in accordance with the route planning approved by relevant Services of Transport. If a bus route having the departure or arrival terminal located in an airport area, the People’s Committee of province shall negotiate an agreement with the Ministry of Transport.

2. The declaration about the addition to bus routes shall contain:

a) Information about the enterprise/cooperative operating on the route.

b) Route number; route’s distance; the itinerary (departure point, arrival point, bus stops).

c) Trip schedule, operating time of the route (at least 12 hours per day).

d) Brand and capacity of a vehicle on the route.




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3. Services of Transport shall post on their web portals information specified in clause 2 of this Article within 10 working days before the day on which the transport on such bus route is operated.

Section 31. Management of passenger transport bus service

1. The Services of Transport shall organize biddings or place orders for the operation on bus routes according to regulations on manufacture and supply of public products and services.

2. An enterprise/cooperative with the license to provide passenger transport bus service may apply for biddings or may be ordered to operate on a bus route.

3. The local Service of Transport shall sign a contract with the enterprise/cooperative winning the bidding or being ordered for operating the bus route. The plan on operation of bus route shall be specified in a contract, including: route name, route number, brand of vehicle, capacity of vehicle, ticket price, trip arrangement and duration of of contract.

4. The Service of Transport is entitled to adjust partially or completely the trip schedule of an inner-provincial bus route; the enterprise/cooperative shall adjust the plan on route operation according to the new trip schedule; the Service of Transport and enterprise/cooperative shall sign and affix seal to confirm that the new operation plan is a part of the contract on operation on the route.

5. If a bus route passes multiple provinces, the adjustment of trip schedule shall be carried out by the Service of Transport of the province where the head office or the branch office of owner enterprise/cooperative is located after receiving written approval of relevant Services of Transport.

6. The decision on adjustment of trip schedule shall be published by means of mass media not later than 10 days before the new route is operated.

7. From July 01, 2016, any enterprise/cooperative providing automobile transport service shall satisfy the requirements pertaining to the quantity of vehicles as prescribed in clause 4 Article 16 of Decree No. 86/2014/ND-CP dated September 10, 2014 by the Government on the operation and requirements for operation of automobile transport.




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1. Any enterprise/cooperative wishing to terminate the operation on a route shall submit an application to a Service of Transport and shall terminate the operation only when such application has been approved by the Service of Transport. Within 08 working days from the day on which the application is received, the Service of Transport shall issue the approval containining the specification of time of termination. After such period, if the Service of Transport does not issue any response, the termination shalll be considered approved.

3. If the termination of operation on a route of enterprise/cooperative leads to a change of trip frequency on the route or the closure of the route, then the Service of Transport shall declare a new transport frequency or declare the closure of routes on means of mass media not later than 10 working days before the date of approval.The declaration about the closure of a route shall be issued in case the route has been declared but there is no enterprise/cooperative operates on it.

Article 33. Supplement and replacement of vehicles

1. With regard to the inner-provincial routes, any Service of Transport has the entitlement to the supplement and replacement of vehicles serving passenger transport bus services according to the proposal of enterprise/cooperative.

2. With regard to bus routes passing multiple provinces, within 10 working days, the Service of Transport of the area where the head office or the branch office of the owner enterprise/cooperative is located shall agree with the Services of Transport of the areas where the route passes on the itinerary before approving the application for supplement and replacement of vehicles submitted by the enterprise/cooperative.

Article 34. Responsibilities of enterprises/cooperatives providing transport services

Any enterprise/cooperative providing transport services shall

1. Apply measures to organize the trips according to the trip schedule and the operation plan as written on the signed contract.

2. Register the model of staff card and uniform of drivers and attendants with the Service of Transport of the area where its head office or branch office is located. Supply uniforms and staff cards (which contain photo, ful name and name of manager company) to drivers and attendants.




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Article 35. Entitlements and responsibilities of drivers and attendants on buses

Any drivers/attendants shall have the following entitlements and resonsibilities:

1. Wear staff card and uniform conformable with the models that enterprise/cooperative has registered with the Service of Transport.

2. Comply with the approved trip schedule.

3. Provide sufficient information about the route itinerary and bus stops on the route (on request of passenger); guide and assist passenger (especially the disabled, the old, pregnant women and children) to get on and off the bus; be polite to passengers.

4. Refuse to transport passengers who damage the security and safety on bus; refuse to transport forbidden and inflammable goods or live animals.

5. Refuse to operate the vehicle in case indentifying that such vehicle is not conformable to the conditions for safety, does not carry a vehicle-tracking device or the vehicle-tracking device is out of order.

6. Keep the vehicle tidy, must not take technical measures or use peripherals to intervene in the operation of vehicle-tracking device or to jam or scramble the GPS, GSM.

Section 36. Entitlements and responsibilities of passengers




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2. Passengers shall comply with regulations on bus transport service and the guidance of drivers and attendants.

3. Any passenger shall request the attendants to sell the exact type of ticket. He/she keep his/her ticket during the trip and present it to compentent persons on request.

4. Passengers may make a complaint, petition or reflection on a violation against regulations on transport management of a transport company, on drivers or attendants and claim compensation for damages they suffered (if any).

5. Passengers shall have other rights and obligations according to relevant law provisions.


Article 37. Requirements for taxis

1. Notices:

a) On the doors: Information about the owner enterprise/cooperative (name, phone number, logo).

b) Inside the vehicle: Taxi fare, charge for waiting time and other charges that passenger must pay (if any). There shall be a notice at a place where the driver can see easily when operating the vehicle displaying the slogan “TÍNH MẠNG CON NGƯỜI LÀ TRÊN HẾT” according to the model in Annex 10 of this Circular.




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3. Badges and taxi lightboxes

a) Any taxi shall carry a badge prescribed by provincial People’s Committees, applicable to taxis under the ownership of transport companies under management of local government or according to the model prescribed in Annex 20 of this Circular.

A peculiar badge shall carry an anti-counterfeit stamp and its size shall be consistent and conformable to the model specified in Annex 20. Each local government shall publish the model of the peculiar badget itself and notify to the Directorate for Roads of Vietnam before putting it into use.

b) Each taxi shall be equipped with a lightbox displaying the phrase “TAXI” which is placed on its hood. Such lightbox shall be turned off when it is carrying passengers, otherwise it shall be turned on.

4. There shall be a fare counter verified and lead-sealed up by a competent agency. From July 01, 2016, there shall be a receipt printer connected with the fare counter.

Article 38. Registration of logos

1. Before the operation, enterprise/cooperative shall register the logo and telephone number which shall be displayed on its vehicles, using the form in Annex 19 of this Circular.

2. Applications for registration shall be submitted to the Service of Transport of the local area where the head office or the branch office of such enterprise/cooperative is located. The Service of Transport shall grant approval for the logo of the operation company if such logo does not coincide with the registered logo of another enterprise/cooperative and shall publish such logo of enterprise/cooperative on its web portal.

Article 39. Documents about the installation of communications equipment




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1. A copy enclosed with the original (for comparison) or a certified true copy of the License to use communication frequency bank of a competent State agency.

2. A copy enclosed with the original (for comparison) or a certified true copy of the Acceptance record of communication equipment installation.

Article 40. Places for picking-up and/or dropping-off and taxi parkings

1. Taxis are allowed to pick up or drop off at places outside the no-parking areas.

2. Depending on the reality, Services of Transport shall propose the provincial People’s Committees to allow the construction of places for picking-up and dropping-off passengers for taxis at traffic hubs, residential areas, cultural, sport and tourism centers, shopping malls, resorts, medicine centers and inner-city and inner-town areas.

3. Place for picking-up and/or dropping-off passengers for taxis shall be conformable with the regulation on traffic safety and shall be noticed with signs and markings according to regulations.

4. Taxi parkings

a) There are 2 types of taxi parkings: parking under the management of an enterprise/cooperative and public parking under the management of a local regulatory body.

b) Requirements for taxi parkings: ensure the traffic safety and avoid causing traffic jam; satisfy the requirements for fire prevention and fighting and environment sanitation.




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Article 41. Responsibilities of enterprises/cooperatives providing transport service

1. Register the model of staff card and uniform of drivers and attendants with the Service of Transport of the area where the head office or the agency office of enterprise/cooperative is located. Supply uniforms and staff cards (displaying photo, full name and name of the manager company) to drivers and attendants.

2. Take responsibility for the overload of vehicles.

Section 42. Entitlements and responsibilities of drivers

1. Wear staff card and uniform conformable with the model that the enterprise/cooperative has registered with the Service of Transport.

2. Collect fares according to the number displayed on the counter; provide a receipt for the passenger when he/she has paid enough money.

3. Keep the vehicle tidy, must not apply technical measures or peripherals to intervene in the operation of vehicle-tracking device or to jam or scramble the GPS, GSM signal.

4. Provide sufficient information about the route (on request of the passenger); guide and assist the passenger (especially disabled, old people, pregnant women and children) to get into and off the taxi.

5. Refuse to transport a passenger who damages the security and safety on taxi and who suffers a disease; refuse to transport forbidden goods, inflammable goods or animals.




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Section 43. Entitlements and responsibilities of passengers

1. Passenger may request the driver to provide information about the itinerary of vehicle.

2. Passenger shall pay taxi fares according to the number on counters and receive the receipt conformable with the money he/she has paid.

3. Passengers shall comply with the regulation on transport by taxi and the guidance of the driver.

4. Passengers may make complaint, petition or reflection on the violations against the regulation on management of the transport companies, drivers and attendants and claim compensation for damage (if any).

5. Other rights and obligations according to relevant law provisions.


Section 44. Requirements for vehicles involved in contractual passenger transport

1. Notice: name and contact number of transport company on two sides of head part of vehicles or on doors of vehicles.




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2. Quantity, quality and arrangement of seats shall be conformable to the design.

3. Any vehicle shall be equipped with emergency tools and fire extinguishers conformable to regulations.

4. Any vehicle shall carry a badge displaying the phrase “XE HỢP ĐỒNG" (contractual transport vehicle) according to the model in Annex 21 of this Circular.

Section 45. Organization and management of contractual passenger transport

1. Company providing contractual passenger transport service shall pick up and drop off passengers at places specified in the contract and collect transport fare according to the signed contract; must not sell tickets, collect money, accept booking of any passenger in any shape or form.

2. A passenger transport contract is signed between a transport company and an organization/individual who wishes to hire a whole trip of the vehicle. The transport company shall sign only 01 passenger transport contract for a trip.

A passenger transport contract shall specify: time of contract, address of terminals; the itineraries of the two directions (departure/arrival), indicating the departure place, itinerary, the coach stops, the arrival place; quantity of passengers; money shall be paid for the contract; benefits for passengers and other services for passengers during the trip.

A contract for the transport of students or employees shall specify the date and time of the trip.

3. From July 01, 2015, if a transport company uses an automobile vehicle whose payload in design is 10 passengers or more for carrying out a transport contract, then before carrying out the contract, such company shall notify the itinerary (the departure place, the route, the stops and the arrival place), the duration of contract and the quantity of passengers to the Service of Transport issuing the License for transport by email or via website or transport management software of the Service of Transport using the form in Annex 34 of this Cirular. The distance of a trip is determined by the departure and arrival terminals of it.




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4. When carrying out a contractual transport, drivers shall bring with him/her the transport contract and the list of passengers using the form in Annex 22 of this Circular (inapplicable to vehicles serving wedding, engagement party, funeral or vehicles serving security and national defense).


Section 46. Requirements for automobile vehicles involved in passenger transport

1. Notice: name and contact number of transport company on two sides of head part of vehicles or on doors of vehicles.

Notice at a place where the driver can see easily when he/she is operating a vehicle with slogan “TÍNH MẠNG CON NGƯỜI LÀ TRÊN HẾT” according to the model in Annex 10 of this Circular.

2. Quantity, quality and arrangement of seats shall be conformable to the design.

3. Any vehicle shall be equipped with emergency tools and fire extinguishers conformable to regulations.

4. There shall be signboard displaying the phrase “XE VẬN TẢI KHÁCH DU LỊCH” (tourist vehicle) according to the regulations.

Section 47. Organization and management of passenger transport




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2. A passenger transport contract is signed between a transport company and an organization/individual who wishes to hire a whole trip of the vehicle. The transport company shall sign only 01 passenger transport contract for a trip.

A passenger transport contract shall specify: time for carrying out the contract, address of terminals; the itinerary (indicating the departure place, the itinerary, the stops, the arrival place); the number of passengers; the amount of money to be paid for the contract; rights of the passengers and other services for passenger during the trip.

3. From July 01, 2015, before carrying out the contract, the transport company shall notify the itinerary (the departure place, the route, the stops and the terminals), the duration of contract and the number of passengers to the Service of Transport issuing the License for transport by email or via website or transport management software of the Service of Transport using the form in Annex 34 of this Circular. The distance of a trip is determined by its departure and arrival terminals.

4. When transporting tourists, drivers shal bring with him/her the tourism transport contract; tour schedule and the list of tourists using the form in Annex 22 of this Circular.


Section 48. Requirements for automobile vehicles involving internal passenger transport

Any automobile involved in internal passenger transport whose capacity is at least 16 seats shall satisfy the following requirements:

1. From January 01, 2016, vehicles involved in internal passenger transport shall carry the badge displaying the phrase “XE NỘI BỘ” according to the model in Annex 23 of this Circular.

2. Any vehicle shall be equipped with emergency tools and fire extinguishers conformable to regulations.




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Section 49. Requirements for organizations owning automobile vehicles involved in internal passenger transport

1. Shall use such vehicles only for the transport of employees or students of their organizations.

2. Must not use vehicles carrying the “XE NỘI BỘ” (internal-use vehicles) badge for transporting passengers in form of transport business.

3. Build up a plan on maintenance of vehicles to ensure that vehicles are maintained according to regulations.

4. Build up the Vehicle record to monitor the operation and maintenance of vehicles using the form in Annex 4 of this Circular.

5. Conduct medical examination for drivers and assign only drivers satisfying the requirements for health according to the regulations of the Ministry of Health to operate the vehicle.

Chapter III


Article 50. Requirements for companies providing goods transport service without direct collection of money that must have a Business license




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a) Uses vehicles for transporting hazadous goods specified by the Government on list of dangerous goods and provisions regarding transport of hazardous goods and competence to issue License for transport of hazardous goods.

b) Uses vehicles for transporting oversize/overweight goods according to regulations on vehicular weight and dimensional limits of road, use of overloaded vehicles, vehicles exceeding the dimensional limits, tracked vehicles on road, transport of oversized/overweight cargo, limits on goods loaded on road vehicles running on public roads.

c) Owns at least 05 vehicles.

d) Uses a vehicle that has carrier capacity of 10 tonnes or more for transporting goods.

2. The transport itinerary shall be in accordance with the provisions of clause 2 Article 20 of the Decree No. 86/2014/ND-CP dated September 10, 2014 by the Government.

Section 51. Requirements for automobile involved in goods transport

1. There shall be a notice displaying the information specified in Annex 26 of this Circular.

2. Position of the notice

a) For trucks and tractors: notice shall be displayed on the outer side of doors of the cabin part.




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c) For trailers and semi-trailers without containers: the notice shall be displayed on a metal board and attached to the trailer at a noticeable position.

3. The container of an automobile vehicle for transport of goods shall be in accordance with the License of technical safety and environment sanitation.

4. Vehicles shall be equipped with fire extinguishers conformable to regulations.

5. Automobile vehicles involved in goods transport using containers shall carry a badge displaying the phrase “XE CÔNG-TEN-NƠ” (container tractor) using the sample in Annex 27a of this Circular.

6. Automobile vehicles for goods transport shall have a badge containing “XE TẢI" (truck) according to the sample in Appendix 27b of this Circular; trailer-tractor/semi-trailer tractor involved in goods transport shall carry a badge displaying the phrase "XE DẦU KÉO" using the form in Annex 4a of this Circular.

7. Vehicles carrying the badge displaying the phrase “XE CÔNG-TEN-NƠ” may transport containers and other kinds of goods. Vehicles carrying the badge displaying the phrase “XE TẢI” must not transport containers.

Article 52. Transport contracts, transport records

1. A transport contract shall include: name of the transport company; name of the company or individual requesting the transport; type and amount of goods; the itinerary; address and time of delivery; transport charges; form of payment; agreed provisions for the delivery, the indemnity, the provision of documents relating to goods and other maters relating to the transport.

2. Transport record




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b) The transport record shall bear the seal of the transport company and shall be issued to the driver who shall carry it during the transport of goods. For case of business households, the households owner shall append his signature and full name on the transport record.

c) After loading goods onto vehicles and before performing the transport, the goods owner (or the person authorized by the goods owner), or representative of the company or individual loading goods onto vehicles shall countersign the conformity of the loading on the Transport record according to the form in Annex 28 of this Circular.

Article 53. Requirements for goods transport companies and drivers

1. Any goods transport company shall be responsible for introducing drivers to the implementation of the regulations on payload of vehicles participating in traffic; must not transport goods exceeding the allowable amount prescribed by law; take charge if a vehicle that is under its management is illegally changed in technical parameter or transport exceeding the allowable amount of goods.

2. Any goods transport company shall manage goods transport vehicles as follows:

a) Install vehicle-tracking device according to Article 6 of this Circular.

b) Build up and carry out a plan on maintenance of vehicles to ensure that vehicles are maintained according to regulations.

c) Build up Vehicle record or software for management of its vehicles to monitor the operation and mainternance of vehicles using the form in Annex 4 of this Circular.

3. Any goods transport company shall be responsible for managing drivers according to regulations in clause 4 Article 4 of this Circular.




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a) Obtain a License for goods transport by automobile vehicles. The application form for the License for automobile transport is prescribed in Annex 1 of this Circular; the sample of the License for automobile transport business is prescribed in Annex 2 of this Circular.

b) Formulate and conduct a plan on automobile transport service using the form in Annex 3 of this Circular.

c) Build up and adopt management procedures for traffic safety using the form in Annex 8b of this Circular.

d) Comply with regulations on professional training for transport managers and drivers according to regulations in Article 7 of this Circular.

dd) Relevant documents during the management and operation of transport shall be retained for at least 03 years so as for the inspection and examination.

5. Enterprises/cooperatives providing the goods transport by container shall have a division in charge of managing and supervising traffic safety conditions to carry out the tasks prescribed in Article 5 of this Circular.

6. During the transport, drivers shall bring with him/her the Transport record and other papers relevant to drivers and vehicles according to laws.

7. Drivers shall not transport goods exceeding the allowable amount prescribed by laws.

8. Before performing the transport, drivers shall request the person who is responsible for loading goods onto vehicles to countersign on the Transport record and shall refuse to conduct the transport if goods are loaded unconformably to laws.




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10. Drivers shall exercise other rights and responsibilities prescribed by laws.

Chapter IV


Article 54. General regulations on management and use of badges and signboards

1. Badges and signboards shall be placed at a noticeable position on the windscreen, to the right of the driver. Information displayed on the badge/signboard shal not be erased or changed.

2. Duration of badges

a) The badges “XE CHẠY TUYẾN CỐ ĐỊNH”, “XE BUÝT”, “XE TAXI”, “XE HỢP ĐỒNG”, “XE CÔNG-TEN-NƠ”, “XE TẢI”, “XE TRUNG CHUYỂN” shall be in effect according to the effect of the License of transport and within the service life of the vehicle.

b) The badges “XE NỘI BỘ” are in effect for 07 years and within the service life of the vehicle.

c) The effect of badges “XE CHẠY TUYẾN CỐ ĐỊNH” that are issued to supplementary vehicles to provide additional capacity during important holidays and festivals and during the college enrollmentination is specified as follow: for Tet Holiday: not exceeding 30 days; for Festivals, New Year Holiday or college enrollmentination: not exceeding 10 days.




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1. If an enterprise has the License for passenger transport by automobile vehicles and documents proving that such enterprise satisfies the conditions for tourist transport imposed by the Services of Culture, Sports and Tourism, then the Services of Transport shall issue signboard enabling automobile vehicles of such enterprise to transport tourist according to the regulations.

2. If an enterprise providing passenger transport taxis service, contractual transport service, goods transport involving containers, trailer tractors or semi trailer-tractors or goods transport vehicles has the License for automobile transport, then the Services of Transport shall issue badges to vehicles on the list submitted by such enterprise according to clause 5 oft his Article.

3. Any enterprise/cooperative providing fixed-route automobile transport service which has obtained a written approval for use of route; a notification of replacement or supplement of vehicles without increase of transport frequency or whose issued badges are expired, lost or damaged shall be issued with badges according to the provisions of clause 5 of this Article.

Any enterprise/cooperative wishing to use its vehicles which are involved in fixed-route passenger transport to performing contractual passenger transport shall send an application for the “XE HỢP ĐỒNG” badge and a written undertaking to comply with the plan on operation on fixed route to the Services of Transport.

Any enterprise/cooperative wishing to use its vehicles which are involved in an activity in the fixed-route passenger transport to performing contractual passenger transport shall send an application for the “XE HỢP ĐỒNG” badge.

4. Any enterprise/cooperative providing passenger transport by bus which has obtained a written approval for transport on route; approval for modification of transport frequency; a notification of vehicle replacement/supplement or whose issued badges are expired, lost or damaged shall be issued with the badges according to the provisions of clause 5 of this Article.

5. The automobile transport company shall submit directly or by post 01 application for the badge to the Service of Transport where its head office or branch office is located. The application shall include:

a) An application form for badge using the form in Annex 24 of this Circular;

b) A copy enclosed with the original or a certified true copy of the Certificate of technical safety and environmetal protection, Certificate of automobile vehicle registration and the contract for lease of vehicles with organizations and individuals leasing finance or property, the contract for lease of vehicles between the cooperative and its members (applicable to vehicles outside the ownership of the transport company). With regard to the vehicles with the license number of another province, the Service of Transport receiving the application shall request the confirmation of the conditions of such vehicles from the Service of Transport issuing license number to such vehicles as prescribed in clause 12 of this Article.




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6. Issuance of the “XE NỘI BỘ” badge

The automobile transport company shall submit directly or by post 01 application for badge to the Services of Transport where its head office or branch office is located. The application shall comprise:

a) An application form for badge using the form in Annex 24 of this Circular.

b) A copy enclosed with the original or a certified true copy of the Certificate of Business registration (or the Certificate of enterprise registration), a Certificate of automobile vehicle registration, a Certificate of technical safety and environmental protection.

7. Issuance of the “XE TRUNG CHUYỂN” badge

The “XE TRUNG CHUYỂN” badge shall be issued to enterprises/cooperatives providing fixed-route transport service in local area. The application shall comprise:

a) An application form for badge using the form in Annex 24 of this Circular.

b) A copy enclosed with the original or a certified true copy of the Certificate of automobile vehicle registration and the Certificate of technical safety and environmental protection.

c) (annulled)




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Any automobile vehicle subject to installation of vehicle-tracking devices shall be issued with a badge only when such vehicle fully satisfies regulations regarding vehicle-tracking device.

9. Badges/signboards that are expired, lost or damaged will be reissued. Transport companies shall apply for reissuance of badges/signboards at least 10 days before they are expired. The reissuance of badges/signboards shall be in accordance with the provisions of clauses 5, 6, 7 and 8 of this Article.

10. The transport company shall return to the Services of Transport the badges issued to supplementary vehicles immediately when such badges have been expired.

11. Any Service of Transport shall

a) Supervise the fulfillment of business requirements, the report activity of transport company and the compliance with regulations relating to the installation and supply of vehicle-tracking devices and the transmission of data from vehicle-tracking devices.

b) Conduct the destruction of badges/signboards that are revoked or damaged and returned by transport companies.

12. Procedures for verification of conditions of the vehicles involved in the transport

a) Within 02 working days from the day on which the satisfactory application is received, the receiving Service of Transport shall sent a written request for the verification of conditions of the vehicle using the form in Annex 25 of this Circular to the Services of Transport of the local government issuing the license number to such vehicle.

b) Within 03 working days from the day on which the written request is received, the Service of Transport of the local government issuing the license number to the vehicle shall verify and send to the requesting Services of Transport the verification by fax, email or by post. If the request is rejected, the Service of Transport shall make a written response containing the explanation. After confirming, the Service of Transport of the local government issuing license number to the vehicle shall remove the information about such vehicle from the information system from the vehicle-tracking device of the Directorate for Roads of Vietnam; the Service of Transport issuing badge shall update the information about such vehicle since the bagde/signboard is issued.




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Article 56. Regulations on parking lot

1. Requirements for parking lot

a) Ensure the public order; satisfy the requirements for fire safety and environmental sanitary;

b) The entrances and exits shall ensure the safety and avoid traffic jam.

2. Services at the parking lot:

a) Vehicle safekeeping service.

b) Vehicle maintenance service.

c) Other services according to laws.




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a) Ensure the public order; satisfy the requirements for fire safety and environmental protection at parking lot.

b) Publish the regulations, prices of services, name and contact number of the regulatory body where the customers can make complaints.

c) Indemnify the customers for the loss or damage of the parked vehicles.

d) Facilitate the examination and supervision by regulatory agencies.

dd) Provide the services specified in clause 2 of this Article.

e) Collect parking fees.

g) Prevent the transport vehicle from picking up or dropping off passengers in parking area.

h) Refuse to serve customers who fail to comply with the regulations on parking lot.

4. Responsibilities and entitlements of vehicle’s owners or drivers at parking lot




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b) Offer a service at the parking lot.

c) Make complaints to competent agencies if the staff at parking lot commit violations.

5. Provincial People’s Committees shall detailedly provide for the organization, management and the operation of parking lots in local areas.

Article 57. Regulations on freight stations

1. Technical requirements for freight stations



Unit of measurement





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Total area (minimum)




Minimum area of closed warehouse


On request


Equipment for mechanical handling




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Parking area (minimum)




Office and auxiliary works (minimum)


2- 4 % of the total area




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The entrance and the exit


Separate or combined


Water disposal system


Available and effectual, avoiding water stagnacy


Fire fighting system




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Available and conformable with the regulation on fire safety

2. Services at freight stations

a) Service of loading, unloading, packing and storing of goods.

b) Vehicle safekeeping service.

c) Other services according to laws.

3. Regulations applicable to company managing and trading freight stations

a) Ensure the public order; satisfy the requirements for fire safety and environmental sanitary at the station.

b) Publish regulations, prices of services, name and contact number of the local the Services of Transport where the customer can give complaints.

c) Conduct the inspection of traffic safety conditions of vehicles, drivers and goods before such vehicles depart the station to punctually determine forbidden goods; supervise the vehicles and drivers in parking area.




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dd) Disallow a vehicle to load goods if: the license number or driver is unconformable with the information in the transport contract or the Transport record; the vehicle does not satisfy the provisions of Article 53 of this Circular; the driver is founded using alcohol or drugs; the driver does not wear uniform or staff card according to regulations; papers related to the vehicle or the driver are not carried sufficiently.

e) Provide indemnity for customers for any loss or damage of goods during the course of service provision.

g) Faciliate the examination and supervision by regulatory agencies.

h) Provide the services specified in clause 2 of this Article.

i) Collect parking fees.

k) Prevent the transport vehicle from picking up or dropping off passengers in parking area.

l) Refuse to serve customers who fail to comply with the regulations on parking lot.

m) Periodically, before the 20th of every month, gather information about cases in which vehicles are disallowed to depart prescribed in point dd of this clause and the traffic safety conditions at parking lot then make a written report and send to the Services of Transport for handling.

4. Entitlement to make an announcement




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5. Application for a declaration of operation of a freight station

a) An application form for a declaration of the operation of goods station using the form in Annex 29 of this Circular.

b) The site plan of the freight station.

c) The acceptance record according to the technical requirements for freight stations according as prescribed in laws.

d) A written approval for the route to the entrance and the exit of the freight station issued by a competent agency.

6. Processing of the application

a) Any company trading freight stations shall submit 01 application to the Service of Transport of the area where the station is located.

b) If the application is not conformable to the provisions of clause 5 of this Article, within 02 working days from the day on which the application is received, the Service of Transport shall send a notification directly or in writing containing the contents subject to modification to the applicant.

c) Within 15 working days from the day on which the application is received, the Service of Transport shall conduct an inspection and make an inspection record according to the criteria in clause 1 of this Article then issue a decision on declaration of the operation of the freight stations. The decision shall conform with the form in Annex 30 of this Circular and shall be sent to the Directorate for Roads of Vietnam for the cooperation in management.




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dd) The receipt of the application and the notifcation of the result shall be carried out directly at the Services of Transport or via post service.

Article 58. Ticket agencies

1. Any agencies shall obtain the Certificate of business registration (or the Certificate of enterprise registration) according to laws.

2. The contract on ticket agenting with an enterprise providing fixed-route automobile passenger transport service shall include the specification of the obligations and entitlements of the parties.

3. Organizations and individuals providing ticket agency service shall send the local the Service of Transport a written notification containing: address, contact number and a copy of the Certificate of Business registration (or the Certificate of enterprise registration); a list of transport companies that have signed contracts with the ticket agency.

4. Transport companies and ticket agency service providers must not pick up or drop off passengers at the place in which the ticket agency is located, unless the location of the ticket agency is also the place of picking-up and dropping-off prescribed by the local Service of Transport.

Article 59. Goods transport agencies

1. Any agencies shall have the Certificate of business registration (or the Certificate of enterprise registration) according to laws.

2. Goods transport agencies shall be eligible for the payment for agenting the transport specified in the contract according to the agreement with goods owners.




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Article 60. Goods collection service, transport service, warehouse service

1. Any agencies shall obtain the Certificate of business registration (or the Certificate of enterprise registration) according to laws.

2. Goods shall be stored according to the request of goods owners. A contract on the collection and transport of goods or the lease of warehouse shall be signed with the goods owner.

3. Organizations and individuals providing goods collection service, goods transport service or warehouse service shall send the local Service of Transport a written notification containing: the address, the contact number and a copy of the Certificate of Business registration (or the Certificate of enterprise registration).

4. Goods that are loaded on to vehicles shall not exceed the allowable amount prescribe in the Certificate of technical safety and environmental protection.

Article 61. Roadside rescue service

1. Any organization providing roadside rescue service shall obtain the Certificate of business registration according to laws.

2. Traffic safety and labour safety shall be ensured during the rescue process.

3. Organization/individual wishing to provide roadside rescue service shall send the local the Service of Transport a written notification containing: the address, the contact number and a copy of the Certificate of Business registration (or the Certificate of enterprise registration).




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Article 62. Directorate for Roads of Vietnam

1. Manage within its competence the automobile transport and roadside rescue activities throughout Vietnam.

2. Build up and submit the planning on interprovincial fixed-route transport to the Ministry of Transport for approval.

3. Preside over and cooperate with Vietnam Automobile transport association in compiling and publishing documents for the professional training for drivers, attendants and the people who operating the transport at transport companies; provide guidance, conduct the examination and supervision of the training.

4. Print and issue consistently the License for transport, badges, signboard (except for the peculiar badge for taxis travelling in local area).

5. Establish database and web portals providing information about the management of local automobile transport. Establish regulations on route number of inter-provincial or provincial fixed-route passenger transport. Formulate and apply an automibile transport management software before January 01, 2016.

6. Apply consistently and widely information technology in the management of transport and auxiliary road transport services. Build up the transport itinerary and provide online public services to handle administrative procedures about transport activities and auxiliary road transport services.

7. Conduct inspectioon and place speed limit signboards particularly for double-decker coachs at necessary position, especially mountainous areas and at dangerous turns on highways.




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Article 63. Services of Transport

Any Service of transport shall:

1. Manage within its competence the automobile transport and roadside rescue services in local area.

2. Report to the Directorate for Roads of Vietnam the development of provincial and interprovincial fixed-route passenger transport services.

3. Request the provincial People’s Committees to grant approval for:

a) The planning of bus network, planning of provincial fixed-route network; the location of the coach stops serving the fixed-route transport on the road network in local area; the planning of the development of transport involving taxis in local area.

b) The incentive policies applicable to bus passengers and bus transport companies in local area.

c) Economical – technical norm and unit price for bus transport services.

4. Decide the approval of bus trips arrangement; open, close or modify the transport itinerary or trip frequency of bus routes.




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6. Receive, collect, analyze and use the information from vehicle-tracking device provided by the transport company (or an authorized company) and from the database of Directorate for Roads of Vietnam for the State management in term of transport.

7. Establish database and web portals to provide information about the management of local automobile transport. Provide online public services to handle administrative procedures about transport activities and auxiliary road transport services.

8. Issue the License for automobile transport to passenger transport companies and goods transport companies in local area.

9. Manage, issue and reissue badges and signboards according to regulations.

10. Direct, monitor and supervise the provision of training in professional skills and regulations on transport to the drivers and attendants; direct and supervise the propagation and education to increase the responsibilities and professional ethics of drivers that are organized by a transport company in local area or the Vietnam’s Automobile transport association and the local automobile associations according to regulations.

11. Make declaration of the availability of the coach stops for fixed-route transport in local area when the approval for such availability is approved by a provincial People’s Committee before July 01, 2015.

12. Manage the passenger transport involving double-decker coaches.

a) Supervise enterprises providing transport service involving double-decker coaches.

b) Inspect and place speed limit signs for double-decker coachs at necessary position, especially mountainous areas and at dangerous turns on routes under management of local governements.




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14. Conduct inspections, examinations and handle within competence violations against the regulations on automobile road transport and auxiliary road transport services according to laws.

Article 64. Vietnam automobile transport association

1. Propagate and expedite the enterprise/cooperative members to comply with the provisions of this Circular.

2. Cooperation with Directorate for Roads of Vietnam and the Services of Transport in providing training for transport operators, drivers and attendants.

Chapter VII


Article 65. Report activities

1. Not later than the 10th of every month, the transport company shall complete an submit the report on the transport activity in the previous month using the form in Annex 31 (applicable to passenger transport services) or Annex 32 (applicable to goods transport services) of this Circular to the Service of Transport.

2. Periodically in January, the Services of Transport shall submit the report on the transport activity in local area, using the form in Annex 33 of this Circular, to Directorate for Roads of Vietnam for reporting to the Ministry of Transport in February.




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1. This Circular comes into effect from January 01, 2015.

2. Circular No. 18/2013/TT-BGTVT dated August 6, 2013 by the Minister of Transport and Circular No. 23/2014/TT-BGTVT dated June 26, 2014 by the Minister of Transport shall be annulled by the effect of this Circular.

3. The badges prescribed in the Circular No. 18/2013/TT-BGTVT dated August 6, 2013 by the Minister of Transport are valid until the replacement of badges according to the following schedule:

a) From July 01, 2016, applicable to “XE CHẠY TUYẾN CỐ ĐỊNH” (“Fixed route”) badges.

b) From January 01, 2016, applicable to “XE TAXI” (“Taxi”) badges.

c) From January 01, 2017, applicable to “XE HỢP ĐỒNG” (“Contracted”) badges.

d) From July 01, 2017, applicable to “XE CÔNG-TEN-NƠ” (“Tractor-trailer”) badges.

dd) “XE TRUNG CHUYỂN” (“Transit”) badges and “XE NỘI BỘ” (“Internal”) badges are used since this Circular comes into effect.

e) “XE TẢI” (“Truck”) and “XE BUÝT” (“Bus”) badges are used according to the provisions of clause 4 Article 11 of the Decree No. 86/2014/ND-CP dated September 10, 2014 by the Government.




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1. The competent functional agencies affiliated to the Ministry of Transport, Directorate for Roads of Vietnam and the Services of Transport are responsible for introducing, guiding, expediting and inspecting the implementation and handling of the violations against the regulations on transport and auxiliary road transport service.

2. The Director of Directorate for Roads of Vietnam is responsible for presiding and cooperating with relevant organization of Transport in presiding over, expediting and supervising the implementation of this Circular.

3. Chiefs of the Ministry Offices, Chief Inspectors of Ministries, Heads of Departments, Directors of Services of Transport of provinces, Heads of relevant organizations and relevant individuals are responsible for implementing this Circular./.





Dinh La Thang