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Independence - Freedom – Happiness

No.: 10790/BTC-CST
V/v Implementing Resolution No.08/2011/QH13 of the National Assembly

Hanoi, August 12, 2011


To: The People's Committees of provinces and cities under central authority.

On August 6, 2011, The National Assembly passed the Resolution No.08/2011/QH13 on the issuance of some additional tax measures to solve difficulties for enterprises and individuals contributing to the economic development in 2011 (Resolution 08/2011/QH13 attached).

Organizing the implementation of the National Assembly’s Resolution, the Ministry of Finance is immediately coordinating with concerned agencies in submission to the Government for issuing the Decree detailing the implementation and issuing the Circular for guiding.

In order to implement the National Assembly’s Resolution with practical significance, instantly coming to life, while waiting for issuing the guidelines, the Finance Ministry proposes the People's Committees (PPC) of the provinces and cities under central authority to pay attention to and direct the implementation of the following tasks:

1. To direct the Tax Departments to coordinate with the People's Committees at all levels, the Party organizations, local associations to promote mobilization, propaganda to the organizations, enterprises, accommodation business household, children-care household and (or) individual, catering for workers, laborers, students, ... to stabilize prices for accommodation, meals, child-care fees at the price of the end of 2010; to implement a reduction of 50% presumptive tax rate from August 01, 2011.

2. The Tax Department notices to enterprises, households and individuals to implement the following tasks:

- Not to deduct; suspend the collection of personal income tax (PIT) for the cases of dividends paid to individuals from the date of August 01, 2011 (except dividends paid to individuals by joint stock banks, financial investment funds, credit institutions).

- From August, 2011: To temporarily deduct at the rate of 0.05% for securities traded on stock exchange (replacing the previous rate of 0.1%).




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3. The reduction of 30% enterprise income tax shall follow the guidelines of the Government and the Ministry of Finance.

Ministry of Finance announces to the People's Committees for information, and coordination of implementation. /.





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