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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 01/NQ-CP

Ha Noi, January 02, 2014





Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government dated December 25, 2001;

Pursuant to Resolution No. 53/2013/QH13 dated November 11, 2013 approved by the National Assembly on the socio-economic development plan in 2014;

Pursuant to Resolution No. 57/2013/QH13 dated November 12, 2013 approved by the National Assembly on State budget estimate in 2014;

Pursuant to Decree No. 08/2012/ND-CP dated February 16, 2012 promulgating the Working Regulation of the Government;

Based on the discussion of Cabinet members and local leaders and the conclusion of the Prime Minister at an online conference between the Government and localities held on December 23-24, 2013:




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

The overall socio-economic development plan in 2014 ratified by the National Assembly aims to stabilize the macro-economy, control inflation, keep reasonable growth rate and increase the quality, effectiveness and competitiveness of the economy by boosting up the implementation of the three strategic breakthroughs in accordance with renewing the growth model and restructuring the economy; guaranteeing social security and welfare; improving people’s lives; reasonably and effectively using natural resources, protecting the environment, and actively coping with climate change; accelerating administrative reform, anti-corruption and anti-wastefulness; improving business environment; ensuring national defense, political security and social order; expanding and improving the efficiency of external relations and international integration.

The targets set in the plan include a gross domestic products (GDP) growth rate of 5.8%, an export turnover increase of 10%, a trade deficit accounting for 6% of export, a consumption price index (CPI) rise of 7%, investment for social development accounting for 30% of GDP, State budget overspending making up 5.3% of GDP, a reduction of 1.7%-2% in poor households, a decline of 4% poverty in poor communes, 1.6 million laborers landing jobs, unemployment rate in urban areas under 4% , 52% of workers getting trained, malnourished under-five children under 15.5%; a rate of 22.5 sick-beds (excluding sick-beds at communal medical stations) out of ten thousands of people, 85% of factories causing serious pollution to be handled, 80% of industrial parks and export processing zones having standard waste treatment system and a forest coverage rate of 41.5%.

In 2014, the situation in the world continues with complicated developments. The global economy shows signs of recovery but risks still remain. Domestically, the socio-politic situation is stable, the economy moves with active changes and on the right track but there remain difficulties, shortcomings and weaknesses. To achieve the goals and missions enshrined in the National Assembly’s Resolutions on socio-economic development plan and state budget estimate in 2014, the Government asked ministries, agencies and the People’s Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities to organize the implementation of the following tasks and solutions:

Part I



1. Realizing flexible monetary policies in an effective manner

The State Bank of Viet Nam plays as the main implementer, in collaboration with ministries, agencies and localities to:

Monitor tools of monetary policy proactively and flexibly in close combination with fiscal policy to tame inflation, stabilize the macro-economy and support reasonable growth rate, and guarantee the liquidity of credit organizations and the economy.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

Realize solutions to expand credit in accordance with controlling and improving the quality of credit; focus on dealing with bad debts, setting risk provisions, restructuring the debts, and managing the bad debts from rising; strengthen supervision and inspection and make public and transparent the operation of credit organizations.

2. Executing tight fiscal policies and thrift practice

a) The Ministry of Finance collaborates with ministries, agencies and localities to:

Launch synchronously and effectively measures on State budget operation and guarantee budget collection and spending in accordance with the plan approved by the National Assembly, strengthen financial rules; make neither issuance of new policies nor changes to existing policies that reduce State budget collection and increase State budget spending, affecting State balance sheet and national finance security; monitor the overspending of State budget as planned; in case that State budget collection is higher than the estimate, the Ministry of Finance will submit to the Government a plan to use a part of the amount to reduce the overspending of State budget.

Organize the implementation of the amended and supplemented tax laws and State budget collection missions in line with the National Assembly’s Resolution; strengthen the management of State budget collection and fully tap resources generating income for the State budget, including those from pecuniary penalty from administrative violations; launch measures to prevent State budget collection loss, counter transfer pricing, control closely value- added tax refund, deal with overdue debts, reduce overdue debts; increasingly supervise, check and handle violations of legal regulations on budget collection; work with the Ministry of Justice to adjust the auction of State assets, including the auction of land use rights, and guarantee the implementation as regulated; check budget collection policies, adjust tax policy to be suitable with the roadmap of reducing tax as pledged in international commitments.

Check and monitor State budget spending within the approved estimate; practice maximum thrift in the State management and public agencies, minimize expenses for meetings, conferences, overseas business trips, festivals, celebrations, groundbreaking and inaugural ceremonies and other unnecessary expenditures; stop buying public cars (excluding cars used for special purposes as regulated by law); minimize the transfer of expenditures transferred from the previous year’s budget to the following year’s budget, step by step deal with the amount of money still owed by the State budget, work out solutions to overcome overlapping, wasteful and ineffective situations in budget allocation and the realization of programs, projects and tasks using State budget from central to local levels.

Issue Government bonds in line with disbursement rate of projects, market capacity, macro-economic performance, with closer regard to the implementation of the monetary policy, especially the control of credit growth rate and total means of payment properly in accordance with the goal of curbing inflation; monitor closely the use of investment capital sourced from the State budget and Government bonds in compliance with the purposes set forth, ensuring the effectiveness and regulation compliance.

Launch synchronously measures to monitor public debts, especially using effectively loans, manage middle-term loans and a fund used to pay debts, manage and promptly deal with risks, control closely the granting of the Government's guaranty; reinforce the use of risk-sharing mechanism to the Government's foreign loans which are re-lent to control public debts, Government debts and national foreign debts at safe level.

Check and evaluate the operations of public financial funds not funded by State budget to report to the Prime Minister in the second quarter of 2014.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

Implement stringently the Prime Minister’s Directive No. 14/CT-TTg on strengthening investment management and settling overdue capital construction debts from the State budget and Government bonds; check, supervise and propose measures to timely handle violations in allocating and using State budget and Government bonds committed by of ministries, agencies and localities.

Review investment contents, cut down unnecessary expenditures and investment areas while still maintaining the goals of the projects; on the basis of the ability to balance budget, arrange the project priority order and cancel projects that are not really urgent and ineffective, and steer capital towards urgent and highly efficient projects.

Continue concentrating on implementing 16 national target programs in the direction of integrating and reducing targets and expenditures, ensuring the close management and effective use of capital, and overcome obstacles and shortcomings in the process of implementation.

c) Ministries, agencies and localities monitor State budget spending within the approved estimate, ensure thrift practice and incorporate policies applied from the phase of allocating the estimate to the phase of realizing the estimate.

3. Developing market, guaranteeing supply and demand of goods, strengthening market and price management

a) The Ministry of Industry and Trade takes prime responsibility and cooperates with other ministries, agencies and localities to closely follow market developments, takes measures to timely adjust and guarantee the supply and demand of goods, prevent the shortage of goods and price hike, especially during the Lunar New Year holiday, festivals and at localities that are affected by natural calamities and diseases; issue and launch the National program on countering smuggling, counterfeit goods and trade frauds, realize the Prime Minister's Directive No. 25/CT-TTg on enhancing price stabilization and management and ensuring social order and safety during the Lunar New Year festival 2014.

b)The Ministries of Finance, Industry and Trade and other relevant ministries, agencies and localities, follow their assigned functions and tasks to:

Continue to apply market price mechanism to energy commodities including electricity, coal, oil and gas and necessary public services such as health care and education in an appropriate roadmap and coordinate in implementing synchronously relevant policies on curbing inflation, change some types of fees to be suitable with market mechanism.

Strengthen market and price management, check and supervise behaviors to limit competitiveness, control prices of essential items; strictly deal with unreasonable price adjustments, especially energy products, animal feed, agricultural materials, powdered milk for children, and medicines; promptly bring to light behaviors infringing the law on competitiveness and investigate and seriously deal with them in line with law.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

Organize effective implementation of legal regulations on price management; strengthen supervision and inspection of observance of the law on price along with supervising and inspecting the implementation of the legal regulations on tax and fees; timely prevent and deal with behaviors infringing the law; implement measures to stabilize the markets and prices suitable with local situations; strengthen measures to check and monitor the market to guarantee the balance of supply and demand, prevent speculation, smuggling, fake commodities and trade frauds to protect the rights of consumers; boost the realization of the campaign “Vietnamese people use locally-made products” practically and effectively.

Cooperate with the Ministries of Finance, Health, Education and Training and other ministries and agencies to develop plans on levels and timing of adjusting prices of a number of goods and services that are priced by the State in accordance with the goals of controlling inflation and stabilizing the macro-economy.

4. Accelerating export, controlling import

a) The Ministry of Industry and Trade takes prime responsibility and works with other ministries, agencies and localities to:

Continue to realize measures to boost export and control import of products that are not encouraged to be imported or goods that are made domestically.

Check, amend and supplement policies to implement and exploit effectively chances and advantages offered in international commitments; diversify foreign markets and exploit fully the markets having free trade agreements; strengthen efforts to campaign partners to soon recognize Viet Nam as a market economy.

Research and evaluate the effects of signing and launching free trade agreements, especially in the economic sector, businesses and State budget collection in order to establish specific action plans for effective realization of the agreements, grasping opportunities and responding promptly to difficulties and challenges.

Give priorities to trade promotion programs, especially those targeting the key exports such as rice, coffee, rubber, shrimp, fish and fruits to crucial and potential markets along with improving the quality of these products and setting up trademarks; increase the effectiveness of Viet Nam’s representative agencies overseas and trade promotion information work.

Encourage rice exporters to cooperate with producers; adopt suitable policies to push up the connection between production and sale of other main agricultural products.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

b) The Ministries of Agriculture and Rural Development, Science and Technology, Industry and Trade and other ministries and agencies follow their assigned functions and tasks to:

Check key markets importing crucial agricultural, forestry and aquatic products, systemize requirements for quality, standards and technical criteria to promptly disseminate them among exporters and producers; accelerate efforts to reach agreements on mutual recognition on goods quality with importers; focus on improving the awareness of localities, businesses and laborers on using protection measures on geographical indications, rules of origin, an-trade fraud and prevention of international trade law infringements.

Establish and announce in the second quarter of 2014 the list of exported and imported products meeting requirements for quality, technical criteria, food safety before making custom clearance and direct the supervision and recognition of the quality of exported and imported products.


1. Creating favorable conditions for businesses, co-operatives and household producers to get access to loans

a) The State Bank of Viet Nam takes prime responsibility and works with other ministries, agencies and localities to:

Speed up the settlement of bad debts under the approved project and create favorable conditions for businesses, co-operatives and household producers to get access to credit, maintain proper lending interest rates; direct and guide credit organizations to classify loans and borrowers; restructure debts, including debt freezing based on the financial capacity of credit organizations; highlight responsibilities of credit organizations and accelerate the operations of Vietnamese credit organizations’ asset management Company in dealing with bad debts.

Cooperate with the Ministry of Justice and relevant agencies to amend and supplement regulations on secured transactions and relevant regulations on asset auction, guaranty assets and develop a debt trading market to facilitate the handling of assets to guarantee borrowings and debt recovery.

Continue to prioritize credit for agriculture and rural development, production of exports, small and medium sized enterprises, the auxiliary industry and the application of high technology; direct credit organizations to balance their capital sources to timely serve the Agriculture Restructuring Project ratified by the Prime Minister.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

Report to the Prime Minister in March, 2014 on the situation and results of the implementation of solutions designed to remove bottlenecks for the real estate market, as well as arising obstacles and solutions.

Complete and launch effectively policies suitable for the real estate market; continue to implement the National Assembly’s Resolution on piloting the purchase and ownership of houses by foreign organizations and individuals in Viet Nam until the Housing Law (amended) is approved by the National Assembly and comes into effect; study the expansion of the rights for leasing and transferring houses for foreign organizations and individuals.

c) The Ministry of Finance takes prime responsibility and cooperates with other ministries, agencies and localities to:

Screen and remove difficulties and bottlenecks in administrative procedures and realize effectively incentives on tax and customs; push up tax registration, tax declaration and service provision for taxpayers online.

Carry out effectively State preferential policies on land use and rent fee collection, investment credit and export credit; complete policies and mechanisms on credit guaranty and accelerate credit guaranty for small and medium sized businesses; due to difficulties in finance and trading activities those investors of real estate projects who are allocated with land by the State will have their deadline for paying land use fees extended for a maximum duration of 24 months, since the date of the first announcement of the tax agency or the competent State organ; based on the balance capacity of local budget, the provincial People’s Committees will consider and decide the time to extend the deadline for paying land use fees for each project after reporting to the People’s Councils.

Consider extending the deadline for households and individuals to pay back the money they got from selling houses owned by the State.

d) The Ministry of Justice takes prime responsibility and works with other ministries, agencies and localities to speed up the progress of tackling civil judgments related to credit activities and banking to reduce bad debts and expand credits; continue to renew and enhance the effectiveness of the enforcement of civil judgments to protect the rights of lenders and recover debts of credit organizations; finalize and submit to the National Assembly the Law on Notary (amended); cooperates with the State Bank of Viet Nam and the Ministries of Natural Resources and Environment, Construction to complete a mechanism to untie bottlenecks in notary operation and registration of secured transactions and processing of collateral.

2. Reviewing, amending, supplementing and implementing effectively preferential policies and incentives to promote production

a) The Ministries of Industry and Trade, Agriculture and Rural Development and Health take prime responsibility and cooperate with other ministries, agencies and localities to:




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

Design policies encouraging the development of a distribution system, especially in rural, remote and disadvantaged areas and set up trade marks for businesses and products; accelerate the industrial, agricultural, forestry and aquaculture promotion programs.

b) The Ministry of Planning and Investment takes prime responsibility and coordinates with other ministers and agencies to:

Step up the implementation of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) development plan and operate the SMEs development fund; enhance the capacity of agencies in charge of supporting the development of SMEs; form an information network to support and encourage SMEs to develop the auxiliary industry together with programs to connect sectors and regions and join the value chain to guarantee interests for participating entities; prepare capital to realize effectively the project to support SMEs operating in the support industry; establish a cooperative support development program in 2015-2020 and some other crucial co-operative role models.

Supplement and complete policies to encourage businesses to invest in agriculture and rural areas; encourage mechanization in agriculture, mobilize resources and businesses, economic organizations and citizens to contribute to realizing the new rural construction program.

c) The Ministry of Finance takes prime responsibility and cooperates with other ministries, agencies and localities to exempt value added tax, personal income tax and corporate income tax for individuals and households running the business of renting accommodations and houses to workers, laborers, students and pupils; households and individuals looking after children and providing food rations for workers pursuant to the National Assembly’s Resolution.

d) Ministries, agencies and localities follow their assigned functions and tasks to remove difficulties and bottlenecks, simplify administrative procedures, launch effectively preferential policies relating to capital, land, construction, establishment and dissolution of businesses; create favorable conditions, shorten time and save production costs for businesses.


1. Speeding up the effective implementation of three strategic breakthroughs

a) Beefing up institutional reform




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

+The Ministry of Justice takes prime responsibility and cooperates with other ministries, agencies and localities to:

Focus on popularizing and organizing the implementation the Constitution amended in 2013, check and list legal documents needed to be made, amended and supplemented in accordance with the Constitution; complete a legal basis for the defense of legal ownership on capital and assets of economic organizations, investors and citizens; continue to complete laws on civil and penal issues and issue legal and administrative documents in compliance with principles of the law-governed socialist State and the goal of completing the socialist oriented market economy.

Strictly implement the laws, ordinances and resolutions of the National Assembly and the National Assembly’s Standing Committee and issue documents on detailed implementation (of the aforesaid laws, ordinances and resolutions) based on the Law on promulgating Legal Documents and the National Assembly’s Resolution; strengthen supervision and inspection of the composition and implementation of legal documents detailing the implementation of the laws, ordinances and resolutions; update information about the implementation on the Viet Nam Government Portal and report at the Government regular meetings; review and clarify the responsibilities of organizations, individuals and agencies, especially those leaders who are late in issuing legal documents on detailed implementation of the laws that now become unconstitutional, illegal and inconsistent with the legal framework and unsuitable and unfeasible.

+ The Ministries of Planning and Investment, Finance, Construction, Justice and the State Bank of Viet Nam take prime responsibility and cooperate with other ministries, agencies and localities to:

Totalize and evaluate the implementation of the Resolution adopted at the 6th Plenum of the 10th Party Central Committee on improving the socialist oriented market economy institution, focusing on realizing tasks and measures to strengthen market economy institution in the context of deeply and widely integrating into the world’s economy.

Complete the drafts on the Law on Public Investment, State Budget Law (amended), Law on Enterprises (amended), Law on Construction, Housing Law, Law on Real Estate Business, Law on use of State owned capital for investment and Law on legal document promulgation and other drafts and ordinances based on the law and ordinance making Program in 2014 to submit to the National Assembly for approval and issue guidance documents; make the draft Planning Law to submit to the National Assembly by 2015.

Review and amend the legal framework, mechanisms and policies related to the mobilization of non-state resources for building economic-social infrastructure, the provision of public services in the form of public - private partnership (PPP), foreign direct investment, the criteria for granting investment certificates, and the decentralized mechanism to issue certificates of investment; develop industrial parks and economic zones; accelerate support for the development of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Keep on simplifying the procedures involving operation of enterprises, administrative formalities in the implementation of investment projects, especially for land-using projects. Stimulate the implementation of electronic business registration.

Complete the legal framework for the stock market's activities, regulations on tax, fees, accounting, audit, and a management regime for foreign exchange activities carried out by foreign investors. Research, propose solutions to increase the ownership percentage of foreign investors in accordance with each sector and industry; construct projects and regulations on organizing, operating the derivative securities market.

+ Ministries, agencies follow assigned functions and missions to:




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

Continue to complete the legal framework and organize commodity, service, finance, labor, science-technology, and real estate, etc. markets towards increasing transparency, reducing risks and costs, facilitating business- production activities and the environment of justice and equality in access to production factors of the economic components.

Ensure funding, improve the capacity of the apparatus of building and enforcing policies and laws at the central and local levels; clearly define tasks and competence of the involving agencies, organizations and individuals. Build up, train, cultivate and improve political theoretical capacity, professional proficiency, and practice for officials and civil servants working in the legal and legislative field.

- Promote administrative reforms:

+The Ministry of Home Affairs takes prime responsibility and coordinates with other ministries, agencies, and localities to:

Accelerate the deployment of the Master Program for Public Administration Reform (PAR MP). Implement effectively the Project on reform of public duty and civil servant regimes. Concentrate on building and promulgating mechanisms and policies on improving the quality of cadres and civil servants, downsizing the payroll, and attracting talents; strengthening openness and transparency; giving prominence to accountability, leaders' responsibility and discipline in performing the assigned duties. Complete the institution of assessing cadres, civil servants, and public employees; consider opinions from citizens and businesses as a basis for evaluating staff; strictly deal with wrongdoings, harassment, and law violations. Pilot the apprenticeship and probation of leadership and management; innovate and improve the quality of examinations for entrance, officials' ranking promotion and test review. Pilot competitive examinations for head-directors of local and central departments, or those holding equivalent positions.

Actively deploy the implementation of the Conclusion of the Party on keeping renovation and completion of the political system from the central to local level. Summarize and assess the implementation of the Government's Resolution 08/2004/NQ-CP on further decentralization of State management between the Government and provinces, centrally-run cities; propose decentralized content for the next stage. Review and improve the functions, missions, competence and structural organization of ministries, agencies and localities. Direct the construction of a project to pilot new urban administration models for Ho Chi Minh City and Da Nang; sum up the piloting program to not organize the district People's Council; study the model of island governance and special economic and administrative zone.

From now until 2016, basically keep the total payroll unchanged; review, rearrange the current contingent of cadres according to employment positions in accordance with the market economy institution and the course of building the law-governed socialist State, downsize the payroll and issue policies and solutions for settling redundant officials, civil servants, and public employees.

Publicize the administrative reform index of ministries, agencies and localities in 2013 and 2014. Fruitfully realize the National program on information technology application; step up the application of information technology in administrative agencies from central to local level.

+ The Ministry of Justice, other ministries, agencies and localities follow assigned functions and missions:




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

Implement effectively the task of controlling administrative procedures which is conducted from the progress of drafting, assessing, and promulgating legal documents; combine law building and examination of legal documents, law enforcement supervision, and administrative procedure control. Promote the role of the advisory Council for administrative procedures reform.

Construct, submit to the Prime Minister the inter-Scheme of birth registration procedures, family registration and issuance of medical insurance cards for children under 6 years; and the inter-Scheme for piloting performing notarial formalities, registration of right to use land and asset related to land and tax.

+ The Ministries of: Finance, Education & Training, Science &Technology, Health, Culture, Sports & Tourism, Information & Communications and other Ministries, agencies and localities following assigned functions and missions construct, submit to competent authorities for approval and deployment of the implementation of regulations on renovating operational mechanism, financial and salary mechanism in combination with the performance of public service units according to the Plan to implement the Conclusions 63- KL/TW of the XI Party Central Committee's 7th conference about “Some issues of wage policy reform, social security, subsidies and reform orientations till 2020”; promulgate plans of action of each ministry, agency and locality.

b) Improving the quality of human resources:

- Improving the quality of education and training:

+ The Ministries: Education and Training, Planning and Investment, Finance following assigned functions and missions take prime responsibility and coordinate with other ministries, agencies and localities to:

Implement the Resolution of the 8th Plenum of the 11th Party Central Committee's on comprehensive reform of education and training to meet the requirements of industrialization and modernization in context of the socialist-oriented market economy and international integration. In 2014, focus on renovating methods of testing, evaluation and examination (high school graduation, university and college admission). Reform the management mechanism, financial mechanism for education and training associated with increasing autonomy and self-responsibility for training facilities. Accelerate moral education and lifestyle for students. Actively prepare necessary conditions to implement reform programs, high school textbooks after 2015 to meet the targets of developing student capacity and quality.

Develop education and training in order to enhance the people's education level, human resources training, talents cultivation associated with the need of economic and social development and national defense, and science and technological innovations. Renovate the education system towards openness, flexibility and inter-connection among education levels and training methods. Develop harmoniously between public and private education and between regions; prioritize investments on education development in the areas of extremely poor socioeconomic conditions, ethnic minorities areas and beneficiaries of social welfare.

Continue to implement effectively the strategies and planning schemes for human resources development for the country, ministries, agencies and localities, which identify the need for qualified human power in accordance with the requirements of socioeconomic development and the labor market. Continue to improve the training quality of universities, colleges and vocational training schools; renovate training programs, diversifying the training forms and methods; make rational adjustment of jobs structure, step up training according to the needs of the professions, localities, businesses, and industrial parks. Solutions are required for forming collaborative connections between research and development institutions, universities and businesses to improve the quality of human resources. Speed up proactively international integration for the development of education and vocational training.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

+ The Ministries: Labor, Invalids, and Social Welfare and Planning and Investment coordinate with other ministries, agencies and localities to:

Actively pursue vocational training development strategy, review, amend and supplement legal regulations, enhance training effectiveness, especially for laborers in rural areas. Focus investments on the development of vocational training institutions according as planned. And among those institutions, there are ones that meet the national, regional and international standards. Merge vocational training centers, centers for continuing education and career centers at district level. Enhance the training of human resources to meet the requirements of agricultural restructuring and new-style rural area construction.

Prioritize vocational training, intensify employment solution for people with agricultural land withdrawn, and support ethnic minorities and poor households in areas with special difficulties with new job training. Promote training and retraining human resources for small and medium businesses; focus on improving corporate governance capability, supplement intensive training forms and training via the Internet. Ensure that training and vocational training programs are closely associated with reality and the needs of enterprises; research the development of training model with the participation of donor agencies; inspect the training quality of the State, vocational training schools, enterprises and workers.

Strengthen communication campaigns in order to change social perceptions of job training, career start-up, vocational-training activities information, training results, counseling, and vocational guidance in schools.

+ The Ministry of Justice takes prime responsibility and coordinates with other ministries and relevant agencies to effectively implement the project of building key schools training legal staff and judicial positions; promote the training of intermediate law staff to timely supplement judiciary staff for areas with insufficient law and justice human resources.

+ The Ministries: Education and Training, Science and Technology and Industry and Trade, according to their functions and tasks, take prime responsibility and coordinate with relevant ministries, agencies and localities to actively prepare human resources for the development of nuclear power.

- Developing science and technology:

+ The Ministry of Science and Technology takes prime responsibility and coordinates with other ministries, agencies and localities to:

Implement effectively the Resolution adopted at the 6th Plenum of the 11th Party Central Committee and the Strategy for science and technology development. Continue to review, amend, supplement and complete the legislation on science and technology. Promulgate documents guiding the ordering mechanism, mechanisms of exchanging and purchasing products of science and technology. Thrive services of consulting, assessment, evaluation, promotion of the science and technology market. Complete the management apparatus, and enhance measuring and standardizing activities. Support local businesses in the establishment, protection and exploitation of intellectual property rights.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

Continue to improve policies to encourage enterprises to invest in scientific research and technological innovation. Implement the programs of supporting, disseminating, and applying advanced technology to small and medium sized enterprises, encourage cooperation and technology sharing. Promote the role of funds supporting science and technology development. Encourage import of advanced technology, decoding, acknowledging and localizing imported technologies; connect and encourage cooperation between enterprises, research institutes and universities in technological innovation. Establish incubation centers for technology, science and technology businesses in universities, research institutes, and high-tech zones.

Accelerate the implementation of national programs for science and technology, implement policies and mechanisms to foster improving productivity, goods' quality, intensify the competitiveness of enterprises, focus on science and technology enterprises, small and medium enterprises. Actively implement the Project for the realization of the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade.

Diversify and enhance the mobilization of social investment capital in science and technology, effective use of investment capital from the state budget for science and technology. Deploy effectively the Project on international integration in science and technology.

c) Focusing resources on infrastructure system development:

- The Ministry of Planning and Investment takes prime responsibility and coordinates with other ministries, agencies and localities to:

Concentrate resources for the development of important economic and social infrastructure. Synchronously implement solutions for mobilization and quick disbursement of ODA. Effectively exploit and use preferential commercial loans. Enhance the mobilization of social capital for investment in infrastructure development; select some pilot investment projects in the form of public-private partnership (PPP); adopt appropriate mechanisms and policies to attract domestic and foreign investors to participate in infrastructure development.

Review and adjust the development plan of the country’s industrial zones by 2020, ensure economical and efficient land usage, resolutely remove the industrial zones with low implementation capacity, or inability to implement feasibly from the planning. Focus on investing in infrastructure of coastal economic zones, border-gate economic zones that are entitled to preferential support from the central budget in accordance with the approved schemes. Effectively implement the provisions of the Government and the Prime Minister about industrial parks, economic zones and export processing zones. Review and supplement the central budget-sourced support mechanisms for compensation of site clearance, construct central sewage treatment facilities and a number of other essential technical infrastructure in industrial zones; review and supplement mechanisms for infrastructure development outside the fences of industrial parks for localities with difficult economic - social conditions. Have appropriate solutions to the shortage of labor housing and essential social infrastructure in the industrial parks. Evaluate and deliver to the competent authority to consider and approve a number of projects of establishing special administrative - economic regions.

- The Ministry of Finance takes prime responsibility and coordinates with the Ministry of Planning and Investment, other ministries, agencies and localities to urgently guide and implement effectively regulations on financial mechanisms and policies for the border - gate economic zones.

- The Ministry of Transport takes prime responsibility and coordinates with other ministries, agencies and localities to accelerate the implementation of major transport projects, especially projects to renovate and expand the National Highway 1A, Ho Chi Minh Highway - a section running through West Central Highlands (National Highway 14), Nhat Tan Bridge and the road connecting Nhat Tan Bridge and Noi Bai airport, Noi Bai terminal 2, expressways Noi Bai - Lao Cai, Ha Noi - Thai Nguyen, Ha Noi - Hai Phong, Ho Chi Minh City - Long Thanh - Dau Giay, Ben Luc - Long Thanh, Da Nang - Quang Ngai, Vinh Thinh Bridge, lanes for large-tonnage ships to go into the Hau river ...




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Review technical standards, specifications related to electricity prices; announce publicly and transparently electricity prices.

Implement the roadmap of electricity price adjustment in accordance with market price mechanism and socio-economic development conditions to attract investment into the stage of power generation, step up the formation and development of a competitive wholesale electricity market, adopt proper policies to support policy beneficiaries and poor households.

Continue to implement measures to deal with difficulties and obstacles, accelerate power plants and projects, complete and put into operation the Hai Phong Thermal Power Plant 2, Nghi Son 1, Vung Ang 1, Vinh Tan 2; commission 500kV Pleiku - My Phuoc - Cau Bong Line and some urgent power grid-related works, and prevent power shortages locally in the Southern region. Focus investment on developing power sources and transmission and supply power systems. Balance power for production and consumption. Implement effective measures to save electricity, enhance communications campaigns and encourage businesses and residents to save electricity.

- Ministries, agencies and localities according to their assigned functions and missions focus on solving problems and accelerate clearing the ground, focus investment on early completion of urgent projects in traffic, irrigation, energy, information and communication, disaster prevention, response to climate change. Strengthen management, inspection, monitoring, quality assurance and progress of infrastructure projects.

2. Accelerating economic restructuring associated with the transformation of growth pattern

Ministries, agencies, localities, economic groups, State corporations and enterprises accelerate the implementation of the Master plan on economic restructuring and the Directive 11/CT-TTg of the Prime Minister on several tasks to implement the Master plan in the period from 2013 to 2015, and planning schemes and projects on restructuring sectors, industries and regions that have been approved; have specific plans and targets, ensuring synchronism with the key focus and timely review and supplement.

a) Regarding investment restructuring, especially public investment:

- The Ministry of Planning and Investment monitors and coordinates with other ministries, agencies and localities to:

Complete the Law on Public Investment to submit to the 13th National Assembly at its 7th session for approval. Submit to the Government to timely promulgate documents detailing the implementation of the Law on Public Investment after it is approved by the National Assembly. Continue to implement the medium-term investment plans, improve the efficiency of public investment, and overcome diffused and wasteful investment according to Directive 1792/CT-TTg of the Prime Minister. Converge resources for investment in vital, important projects having pervasive influence, stimulate economic restructuring and attract a number of investment capital sources from society. Improve the decentralized mechanism of investment management; clearly define responsibilities of those who make investment decisions and investors.




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Give priority to investment capital from the State budget and Government bonds for crucial and urgent projects, reciprocal capital for ODA projects, capital for ground clearance, construction of new-style countryside, support program to respond to climate Change (SP - RCC), capital for participation in the projects of public-private partnership (PPP). Intensify the mobilization and efficient use of domestic and foreign resources for investing in social-economic infrastructure development, meeting the needs of economic development and international integration. Attract and accelerate the disbursement of ODA, preferential loans and FDI, prioritize use of non-refundable ODA to support poverty reduction, development of the social sector, complete the institution, and improve the quality of human resources. Expeditiously complete a decree on investment in the form of public - private partnership (PPP) and submit to the Government for promulgation.

- Ministries, agencies and localities prioritize the allocation of capital for uncompleted basic construction projects; review and sort the entire list of works and projects for 2015 to basically to complete constructions still in progress. Examine, review designs and estimates of projects and works for removal of unnecessary items or expensive, wasteful items that irrationally increase the total investment. Review in-progress BT projects to balance feasible capitals or stop, reschedule the progress done when capitals haven't been balanced yet. Terminate the construction of new projects in the form of BT using State funding. Enterprises are not required to pre-pay for implementing investment projects using the State budget if investment capital sources are not identified or balanced. Strictly control and limit the construction of administrative offices, keep building necessary communes' head offices.

b) Restructuring the system of credit institutions and the financial market:

- The State Bank of Viet Nam takes prime responsibility and coordinates with ministries, agencies and localities to continue directing the implementation of a comprehensive restructuring of credit institutions, especially weak joint- stock commercial banks. Submit to the Prime Minister the mechanism of encouraging merger between credit institutions. Improve management capacity and operational efficiency of credit institutions; enhance the competitiveness of the State-owned commercial banks. Strengthen monitoring, examining, inspection and guarantee systemic safety. Examine, review and give solutions step by step to effectively handle cross-ownership situation that has negative impacts to the market in the fields of banking, securities, insurance, gold trading.

- Ministry of Finance takes prime responsibility and coordinates with the State Bank of Viet Nam and other ministries, agencies and localities to implement synchronous measures to develop the capital market and stock market. Expeditiously research, complete the legal environment to promote the development of a healthy and safe financial market. Implement synchronously solutions according to the Plan on stock market restructuring, the Project for stock market development through 2020, the Scheme for forming and developing voluntary pension Fund. Enhance the ability of mobilizing capital through the stock market, developing investment funds. Promote efficiently capital mobilization channel through issuing stocks and corporate bonds, and having the road map of reducing borrowing rate from commercial banking system. Sort, inspect, examine, and restructure securities business organizations; strengthen the management and supervision of the securities market and strictly handle violations according to the regulations.

c) Restructuring State enterprises, especially economic groups and corporations

- The Ministries of: Finance, Planning and Investment, the National Steering Committee for Enterprise Reform and Development and other ministries, agencies, localities follow assigned functions and missions to:

Continue restructuring State-owned enterprises under the approved plan. Concentrate on implementing solutions to overcome the shortcomings and weaknesses, improve operational efficiency, especially that of economic groups and corporations. Reorganize some economic groups and State corporations in accordance with the situation and their required tasks. Effectively implement the restructuring of state enterprises of industries and business sectors irrespective of management levels and agencies.

Step up privatization, withdrawing non-core investments. Reduce and sell all State capitals in enterprises in which the State does not need to hold dominant shares in accordance with market principles and the approved route. Strengthen the personnel mission and enhance business management capacity. Separate business tasks from the political and public tasks. Continue to complete models of organizing and performing the functions of representing the owner. Strengthen the Party's leadership over State-owned enterprises. Make the performance of State-owned enterprises public and transparent in line with law.




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Take appropriate solutions so that State-owned enterprises are able to save land, buildings, business and production costs, increase revenues for the State budget and contribute to improving the business environment, ensuring equal competition.

- The Ministry of Planning and Investment takes prime responsibility and coordinates with other ministries, agencies and localities to continue to improve policies on managing activities and promoting the restructuring of State enterprises, the management mechanism of the State owners to perform better monitoring and warning functions and management mechanism for State enterprises by professions and business lines.

- The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development takes prime responsibility and coordinates with other ministries, agencies and localities to expeditiously submit to the authorities for approval: the plans, action programs and schemes implementing the Political Bureau's Resolution on arranging, reforming and developing agro-forestry companies. Continue restructuring, reforming, and enhancing the operational efficiency of enterprises in the field of agriculture and forestry.

- The economic groups, corporations, and State enterprises accelerate the comprehensive restructuring according to the approved schemes, ranging from models of organizing and management, to human resources, business lines, development and investment strategies, and markets and products. Invest in training, researching and mastering the key technologies to improve production capacity, competitiveness, promote the production of high-tech, high added-value products.

d) Agricultural restructuring associated with building of new-style Countryside

- The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development takes prime responsibilities and coordinates with other ministries, agencies and localities to:

Recapitulate the implementation the Resolution adopted at the 7th Plenum of the 10th Party Central Committee on agriculture, farmers and rural areas. Promote the implementation of the restructuring plan towards improving agricultural added value and sustainable development associated with the construction of new-style countryside. Continue to improve agricultural production planning, restructuring crops, domestic animals, and products on geographical areas, regions, and the whole country associated with the domestic and international markets. Complete mechanisms and policies, especially for the decentralized management to protect and effectively use rice farming land. Encourage the development of specialized, large- scale production areas, and high-tech agricultural zones, shape large material supply areas highly competitive in the domestic and international markets. Popularize effective and practical production and management models, especially the large-scale rice field model. To promote the connections between enterprises and peasants, at first, focusing on regions where large- scale agricultural production has been developed. Encourage cooperation and linkages from production, storage, processing to consumption, and harmonize stakeholders’ interests.

Review and supplement measures in support of consumption of key agricultural products, take measures to encourage and support modern scientific and technological applications, research and establishment of national crop varieties and livestock breeds; promote added value to and popularize brand names for rice, coffee, rubber, shrimp, fish and fruits. Finalize catfish management regulations. Improve competitiveness of and make full use of opportunities to boost agro-forestry and fishery exports and take measures to mitigate negative sides as Viet Nam joins the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement and other free trade agreements.

Prioritize resources for and mobilize the whole society to engage in realizing the program on building new rural areas. Effectively implement preferential investment policies for agriculture and rural development in accordance with the Government’s Decree (No. 61/2010/ND-CP on incentive policies for enterprises to invest in agriculture and rural development); encourage investment in labor-intensive sectors, agricultural processing and storage industry, handicrafts, and services in rural areas.




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Review and supplement the strategies and plans on natural disaster prevention and mitigation. Proactively deploy measures to prevent and mitigate damages, and timely overcome disaster consequences; repair important dykes and dams to ensure safety, particularly in storm seasons.

Accelerate the implementation of the Viet Nam’s Sea Strategy to 2020 and fruitfully develop marine economies. Conduct preferential policies to encourage aquaculture cultivation and support offshore fishing. Rearrange fishing methods and fishery logistics services. Develop fishing teams. Build high-capacity steel-covered vessels in a pilot program for offshore fishing and protection of sovereignty over the sea and islands. Speed up negotiations and signing of fishery cooperation agreements with other regional countries. Cooperate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, and related ministries, agencies, and localities to enhance dissemination of information of the sovereignty over the sea and islands, popularize legal regulations on fishery activities for fishermen.

- The Ministry of Finance takes prime responsibility and cooperates with other ministries, agencies and localities to sum up and evaluate the implementation of Prime Minister’s Decision 315/ND-TTg on the pilot provision of agricultural insurance in the 2011-2013 period and propose appropriate measures in the coming time.

dd) Industrial restructuring

The Ministry of Industry and Trade takes prime responsibility and works with the Ministry of Science and Technology and ministries, agencies and localities to:

Continue finalizing industrial development mechanisms and policies in accordance with the real conditions of each region and market. Review, amend and supplement strategies and planning schemes for the development of important industries. Speed up the restructuring of industries towards shifting from processing to production and deeper integration into the global value chain.

Encourage economic sectors to develop high-tech, high value-added, and export-oriented industries, auxiliary industries, and agro-forestry and fishery processing industries; strengthen technological innovation, especially energy- saving, material-saving and renewable energy technologies.

Beef up the progress and ensure investment quality of key industrial projects. Review, finalize and implement the preferential policies on mechanical engineering industries.

e) Service restructuring




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Effectively implement the Overall Strategy on the Development of Viet Nam’s Service Sector; beef up the development of potential, advantageous and value-added services.

Fruitfully and sustainably exploit tourism potentials and advantages, improve tourism service quality and attract more foreign tourists. Effectively carry out the policy on value-added tax (VAT) refund for foreign tourists; continue proposing preferential policies to encourage foreign tourists’ more spending in Viet Nam. Take measures to ensure security and safety for tourists.

Vigorously develop telecom and Internet services coupling with provision of public telecom services for people, especially those in remote, far-reaching, border and island areas. Foster IT industry and applications among State agencies and in daily life. Develop and maintain postal and delivery networks, stabilize the national public postal network, guarantee provision of public postal services for people. Encourage the development of and improve the quality of transport, logistics, finance, banking and other supplementary services.


1. Ensuring social security and social welfare

a) The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs takes prime responsibility and works with other ministries, agencies and localities to:

Effectively realize the Resolution adopted at the 5th Plenum of the 11th Party Central Committee on some social policy issues. Complete the legal system guiding the implementation of the Labor Code and the Employment Law. Take synchronous measures to create jobs and improve income for laborers, especially rural residents. Enhance job introduction and consultancy activities and diversify employment transaction activities; continue to promote and improve the capacity of job transaction floors. Take synchronous measures to sustain and expand traditional labor export markets while ceaselessly seeking new markets especially ones which offer high incomes and ensure safety for guest workers. Build harmonious labor relations and timely resolve labor disputes. Reinforce inspection and supervision of labor and safety conditions. Closely manage foreign workers in Viet Nam.

Comprehensively review, adjust and implement policies, programs and projects on sustainable poverty reduction in a synchronous and effective manner, especially in poor districts, remote, far-reaching, ethnic minority regions, resistance safety zone (ATK region), extremely difficult communes and hamlets with high poverty rates. Gradually reduce direct assistance, provide production support via land allocation, preferential credits, vocational training, agro-forestry and fishery encouragement; better the access to fundamental social services such as healthcare, education, housing, water, information, and legal assistance. Collaborate with the Committee for Ethnic Minorities to speed up the implementation of strategy and action programs on ethnic minorities. Review and supplement specific policies in favor of ethnic minorities and extremely difficult regions, such as food, husbandry and forest planting and protection. Raise awareness and responsibilities and encourage the poor to escape from poverty.

Fully and timely carry out the preferential policies for people who rendered services to the revolution; comprehensively review the implementation of the policy in accordance with the Prime Minister’s Directive No. 23/CT-TTg dated on October 27, 2013. Fruitfully realize the Project on identifying the remains of Vietnamese war martyrs. Cooperate with the Ministry of Construction and localities to review and complete housing support for families of people who rendered services to the revolution and are living in temporary or extremely damaged houses. Promote the movements on “Showing Gratitude”, “To be grateful to one’s benefactors”, “Communes and wards take care of wounded soldiers, martyrs, and people with meritorious services to the revolution”; mobilize all social resources and join hands with the State to better care for physical and spiritual life of people with meritorious services to the revolution.




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To formulate and submit the draft Law on social insurance (amended); issue legal documents on social insurance, adjust retirement pension levels, social insurance subsidies and monthly allowances for retired commune cadres, and launch supplementary pension on a pilot basis. Expand the coverage of and effectively implement social insurance and unemployment insurance policies. Research and design assistance polices on voluntary social insurance. Strengthen supervision and impose tough sanctions to force employers to pay social insurance for their employees. Collaborate with relevant ministries and agencies to research and submit to the Government proposals on paying social insurance to laborers in enterprises of which owners decamp or temporarily suspend operation. Direct the Viet Nam Social Insurance to promptly guide the implementation of the project to streamline administrative procedures on social insurance in line with Government’s Resolution 49/NQ-CP.

b) The Ministry of Construction assumes prime responsibility to work with ministries, agencies and localities to accelerate the implementation of social housing development programs, improve houses for people with meritorious services to the revolution and those who find it difficult to have houses in urban and rural areas and industrial parks and so on. Research and craft the Project on housing support for poor households whose houses have been damaged by storms in central coastal provinces.

c) The Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development work with related ministries and agencies to review resettlement policies for people whose houses are removed for the construction of hydro-electric plants and propose measures to support and resolve difficulties for people’s better living standards and sustainable poverty reduction.

d) The State Bank of Viet Nam and the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Planning and Investment work with other ministries and agencies to finalize the legal framework and create favorable conditions in provision of preferential credit assistance, ensure capitals for credit programs in favor of the poor, near-poor households and other subjects as regulated.

dd) Based on their assigned functions and tasks, ministries, agencies and localities:

Implement production development measures through land allocation, preferential credit, vocational training, agro-forestry and fishery extension for ethnic minorities and people in border and island areas. Incorporate vocational training as part of the overall policies on residential and production land support for ethnic minorities. Pay attention to essential infrastructure development, especially in extremely difficult communes, villages, border areas, and islands.

Build and issue regulations on cooperation in the realization of social insurance policies to clearly define responsibilities of local-level departments and agencies.

Closely supervise the hunger season and damages caused by natural disasters for early emergency relief provision, surmounting consequences and stabilizing lives and production.

e) The Ministry of National Defense chairs and cooperates with other Ministries, agencies and localities to effectively search and collect martyrs’ remains.




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The Ministry of Health is responsible for cooperating with other ministries, agencies and localities:

To improve the State management efficiency, review and improve healthcare- related institutions, mechanisms and policies. To ensure preventive medicine, proactively prevent the outbreak of widespread epidemics. To safeguard food hygiene and minimize food poisoning cases. To improve quality and efficiency of drug rehab work and expand methadone treatment and other effective drug treatment methods. To fruitfully achieve the three targets of having zero new HIV infections, zero HIV/AIDS-related deaths and zero discrimination against HIV/AIDS carriers. To strengthen investigation and seriously punish infringements.

To conduct synchronous measures to better medical check-up quality and realize the approved Project on reducing hospital overload. To build more central-level hospitals. To speed up the process of and put hospital projects financed by the Government bonds and ODA capital into operation. To implement the Project on sending young volunteer doctors to work at poor districts. To enhance financial autonomy at public non-business healthcare units. To streamline administrative procedures in medical treatment and healthcare insurance. To expand healthcare insurance coverage towards universal public healthcare insurance, and introduce preventive measures to prevent and strictly deal with acts of making corrupt use of healthcare polices to gain profits. To work with the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Public Security and related agencies to design and submit to the National Assembly the amendments to the Criminal Code, including shirking social and healthcare insurance premium payment for laborers; abuse of credibility to appropriate social and healthcare insurance premiums of laborers; making of fake medical documents to steal social and healthcare insurance premiums.

To strengthen State management over medical establishments, food hygiene safety, pharmaceutical products, vaccine; comprehensively inspect medical service centers and retail drug distribution systems; closely check and supervise quality of medicines and bidding processes of medical supply at public hospitals, ensure effectiveness of medical treatment at reasonable prices. To timely correct, prevent wrongdoings and protect legitimate rights of patients and customers.

To strengthen medical manpower capacity, promote education and develop moral qualities of the contingent of medical staff; resolutely dismiss unqualified individuals.

3. Social cultural development

a) The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Touri sm takes prime responsibility and works with other Ministries, agencies and localities to:

Effectively implement the strategy and national target program on culture; accelerate the movement on the whole people unite to build a cultural life; ensure people's comprehensive development and develop literature and art. To mobilize resources to preserve, embellish and promote the values of cultural heritages, particularly world heritage sites.

To properly manage festivals and cultural and sport activities; minimize State budget spending on organizing and inviting of a large number of leaders to festivals. Tourism and business festivals must cover expenditures without spending State budget. To promote social engagement and diversify resources for the areas of culture and sports. To enhance international exchanges on such areas.




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1. Based on their assigned functions and tasks, the Ministry of Resources and Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of National Defense, other ministries, agencies and localities:

Promptly submit to the Government the Action Plan for implementation of the Resolution 24-NQ/TW of the Party Central Committee on active response to climate change, improvement of natural resource management and environmental protection.

Enforce the Land Law (amended) and related legal documents. Review and finalize mechanisms, policies and regulations on management, exploitation and use of resources and minerals in line with the planning schemes, ensure efficiency, anti-wastefulness and minimize export of raw resources and minerals; promote development and usage of new and renewable energies. Strengthen investment, improve forecast quality, positively respond to and mitigate damages of natural disasters and impacts of climate change and sea level rises.

Seriously implement Prime Minister’s Directive 21/CT-TTg on strengthening management and safety of water reservoirs. Review and allocate capital to upgrade and repaid unsafe water reservoirs. Reinforce investigation into the enforcement of safety regulations and responsibilities of investors in maintaining and upgrading irrigation and hydro-electric water reservoirs. Review, supplement, amend, issue and implement regulations on operation of water reservoirs and inter reservoir, ensure safety, life and assets and serve for people’s lives and production in lowland areas. Promptly guide the Government and Prime Minister’s regulations on operation and safety of dams and water reservoirs.

Finalize the draft Law on environmental protection (amended) and submit it to the 7th session of the National Assembly. Implement the Government’s Resolution 35/NQ-CP on a number of urgent environmental protection issues; efficiently fulfill national target programs on overcoming pollution and improving the environment, and responding to climate change. Strictly control sources of pollution, especially craft villages, industrial zones and complexes, river basins, and heavy-polluted sites. Absolutely resolve establishments which cause serious environmental pollution. Improve environmental quality and living standards of people; improve institutions on preservation of natural resources and biodiversity. Speed up research and applications of scientific and technological advances and complete financial mechanisms for climate change adaptation, resource management and environmental protection. Promote cooperation with international organizations and regional countries to efficiently and sustainably tap Mekong water resources.

2. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development assumes the prime responsibility and works with other ministries, agencies and localities to protect and develop forests, afforest to offset trees which were chopped down for construction of hydro-electric plants; halt the exploitation of natural woods nationwide; re-arrange forestry companies towards sustainable management, protect and develop fishery resources.

3. The Ministry of Finance assumes prime responsibility and works with ministries, agencies and localities to review and raise natural exploitation fees in accordance with pollution levels.

4. Based on their assigned functions and tasks, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and the Ministry of Public Security assume prime responsibility and work with other ministries, agencies and localities to monitor resource exploitation projects, ensure the compliance of environmental regulations before, during and after the cause of exploitation and use. Impose tough punishments on environmental infringements.




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1. Accelerating anti-corruption, thrift practice and anti-wastefulness

a) Based on their assigned functions and tasks, ministries, agencies and localities:

Continue finalizing institutions on anti-corruption in accordance with the Conclusion of the 5th Plenum of the 11th Party Central Committee and the Conclusion of the Politburo; domesticate the United Nations Convention against corruption. Speed up the dissemination and popularization of the Law on Anti-corruption, particularly the Resolution of the 4th Plenum of the 11th Party’s Central Committee, the Conclusion 21-KL/TW of the 5th Plenum of the 11th Party’s Central Committee, the amended Law on Anti-corruption and related documents, Government’s Resolution 82/NQ-CP on anti-corruption and anti-wastefulness.

Seriously enforce the Law on anti-corruption, thrift practice and anti- wastefulness. Perfect mechanisms and policies for, and manage budget, land, resources, public assets, public investment, SOEs and personnel work in a transparent and open manner. Consolidate organizational apparatus and improve the efficiency of agencies specializing in anti-corruption, ensure honesty among the contingent of officials, public servants and staff especially leaders of agencies, organizations and units, and agencies and units specializing in detecting and handling corruption. Uphold accountability in performing public assignments and responsibilities of leaders.

Strengthen measures to prevent, supervise and investigate corruption. Direct competent forces to promptly expose negative signs of wrongdoings and corruption, especially the investigation of serious cases which draw much public opinion. Strictly handle corruption behaviors and absolutely reclaim State, collective and individual assets which were arrogated.

b) The Government Inspectorate, the Ministry of Home Affairs, based on their assigned functions and tasks, take prime responsibility and collaborate with ministries, agencies and localities to speed up the inspection of public duty performance of civil servants and public employees, deal with wrongdoings and corruption committed by civil servants and public employees; conduct post-inspection supervision, evaluation and handling; timely impose punishments for violations.

2. Settlement of complaints and denunciations

a) The Government Inspectorate, ministries, agencies and localities, based on their assigned functions and tasks, enhance the settlement of complaints and denunciations; enforce the Law on Citizen Reception, Land Law (amended); hold dialogues with and receive citizens at grass-root levels, timely address complaints and denunciations, especially cases relevant to land disputes so as to prevent “hot spots” that would complicate security and social order. Reduce the lodgment of complaints to higher levels; enhance collaboration between relevant agencies and authorities at all levels in settling complaints and denunciations. Focus on organizing the implementation of effective decisions on complaints and denunciations. Continue to review, check and basically handle complicated and prolonged cases involving many people.




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1. The Ministry of National Defense is responsible for coordinating with ministries, agencies and localities to:

Effectively implement the Party Central Committee’s Resolution 28-NQ/TW on Fatherland protection strategy in the new context. To be deeply aware of opportunities and challenges, taking comprehensive measures to create peaceful environment and favorable conditions for development and firm protection of the country’s national defense and security.

Improve the aggregate strength and combat readiness of the people’s army forces. Equip key forces with modern facilities.

Further invest and use resources to ensure effective operation of competent forces responsible for managing and protecting and enforcing law at sea, clearing bombs and mines, searching and rescuing, preventing and overcoming the consequences of natural disasters.

Continue to build the entire-people defense posture, focusing on developing defensive areas, local army forces, especially in key areas. Review and identify priority order and allocate capital for building patrol roads along border lines. Coordinate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment and localities to repair, upgrade and build border river and spring embankments.

Strengthen military industry; closely combine national defense, security and socio-economic development.

2. The Ministry of Public Security takes prime responsibility to coordinates with ministries, agencies and localities to:

Realize measures to ensure the people’s security posture; improve the quality and efficiency of the “entire population protects the Fatherland's security” movement. Combat to frustrate all plots and acts of hostile and reactionary forces; firmly maintain security and order in strategic and key areas; timely and effectively address issues and cases complicated in terms of security and order cases; absolutely protect the country’s key targets and events; stop short acts of sabotage, terrorism, and disorder. Ensure internal political security, economic-financial-monetary security, information security and social security; stand ready to deal with non-traditional global security threats.




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3. The Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Public Security, based on their assigned functions and tasks, coordinate with other ministries, agencies and localities to continue taking synchronous measures to ensure traffic safety in big urban areas.

4. The Ministry of Justice takes prime responsibility and coordinates with ministries, agencies and localities to:

Effectively implement the Law on handling of administrative violations, Resolutions issued by the National Assembly and the Government on realization of the Law on handling of administrative violations and the Prime Minister’s Decision 1950/QD-TTg approving the Project on building apparatus and payrolls for synchronous management of legal enforcement on handling administrative violations of the Ministry of Justice, Ministries, Ministerial-level agencies and local-level justice authorities. Gradually develop synchronous database on handling of administrative violations in order to promote the efficiency of the State’s administrative handling tool. Properly manage and use tax items collected from sanctioning of administrative violations.

Effectively carry out the enforcement of civil judgments in accordance with the National Assembly’s Resolution on justice work, strive to fulfill the assigned tasks in 2014; actively collaborate with the People’s Committees of relevant provinces and centrally-governed cities to speed up organization and operation of bailiffs under a pilot scheme in accordance with the National Assembly’s related Resolution.

Effectively organize the implementation of the Law on Judicial Expertise; consolidate judicial expertise organizations; amend, supplement and provide instruction for the application of professional standards of judicial expertise in each field; promulgate mechanisms and policies to attract eligible people to judicial expertise organizations in order to meet requirements of proceedings, contributing to strengthening measures to prevent and fight crime.

Effectively implement the Law on amending and supplementing some articles of the Law on Lawyers. Improve legal mechanism in order to fully promote the role of socio-professional organizations in justice field. Prepare necessary documents to establish the national notarization organization.


1. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs takes prime responsibility to coordinate with Ministries, agencies and localities to:

Actively accelerate comprehensive diplomatic work. Fruitfully realize the Politburo’s Resolution on international integration with a focus on economic front. International integration in other fields must support economic integration and effectively contribute to economic development. Establish the National Steering Committee for International Integration; speed up the free trade agreement negotiations. Deepen relations with partners, especially strategic partners, neighboring countries, ASEAN members, traditional partners, and other big countries. Promote Viet Nam’s role and responsibility in ASEAN, multi-lateral organizations and forums. Actively participate in the formulation of ASEAN Economic Community by 2015.




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

2. The Ministry of National Defense is responsible for coordinating with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, other ministries, agencies and localities to have comprehensive and effective measures and take full advantage of international community’s support for the protection of the national sovereignty and interests in the East Sea, actively prepare forces to participate in UN-led peacekeeping operations.

3. The Ministry of Industry and Trade is responsible for coordinating with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, other ministries, agencies and localities to effectively realize international commitments, actively and selectively join free trade agreement negotiations with a proper roadmap to support sustainable development, particularly the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), EU-Viet Nam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), etc, with a view to ensure the compatibility with Viet Nam’s Strategy for joining free trade agreements on the basis of equality, mutual benefits and respect for national interests, and in favor of economic development. The Ministry speeds up dissemination of information relevant to the signed free trade agreements, ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) 2015 and free trade agreements under negotiations so that businesses and localities could be active in exploiting opportunities and surmounting challenges and difficulties generated from these agreements.

4. The Ministry of Justice is responsible for coordinating with other ministries and agencies to fruitfully implement the Plan to enforce Viet Nam’s rights and obligations as a member of Hague Conference on private international law in accordance with the Prime Minister’s Decision; improve legal basis for issuing legal comments on loans and foreign-funded projects, and acts as a national agency in addressing international disputes between the Government and foreign investors.


1. Ministries, agencies and localities, based on their assigned functions and tasks, effectively implement the Politburo’s Directive on information dissemination; ensure people’s diverse information demand.

Ministers, heads of Ministerial-level agencies and Governmental bodies, Chairmen of People’s Committees of provinces and centrally-governed cities must be active in supplying exact and timely information relevant to mechanisms, policies as well as regulatory work within their authority. Ministers actively join the Program “People ask, Ministers answer”. The Office of Government coordinates with the Viet Nam Television to improve the quality of this program along with well organizing other programs with the participation of Cabinet members.

Enhance the discipline of making statements. Heighten the responsibility of press agencies in providing timely, exact and unbiased information to the public in order to create social consensus in the implementation of the set targets and tasks.

Effectively implement grass-roots democracy regulations, give prominence to people’s supervision over the performance of cadres, civil servants and State agencies. Enhance dialogues and contacts with, focus on timely settling legitimate proposals of businesses and people; exchange and receive policy feedbacks, especially those on mechanisms and policies associated with people’s life and businesses.

Strengthen the leadership of the Party Committees and authorities’ management over information and communication activities. Improve online information management capacity. Heighten the responsibility of heads of press management agencies and press agencies. Strictly deal with acts of violating legal regulations, making corrupt use of the rights of freedom of speech and press freedom to damage the interests of the State, and rights and legitimate interests of organizations and individuals.




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

2. Ministries Justice, Information and Communications, Culture-Sports- Tourism quickly study and design policies and legislations in order to concretize the principles of respect for, guarantee, and protection of human rights, citizens’ basic rights like freedom of speech, press, information assess stipulated by the Constitution; accelerate legal propagation and education in order to improve sense of legal obligation and sense of social responsibility of individuals and organizations in the cause of the Fatherland protection.

Part II


1. Based on this Resolution and relevant resolutions of the Party, the National Assembly, Ministers, heads of Ministerial-level agencies and Governmental bodies and Chairmen of the People’s Committees of provinces and centrally- governed cities, within their assigned functions and competence, shall:

Quickly design, promulgate and deploy right in January their specific action programs and plans; clearly identify targets, tasks and progress, responsible units, and add them to the working programs of the Government, Ministries, agencies and localities for implementation, giving priority to composition of legal documents in order to quickly put measures enshrined in this Resolution into realities.

Focus on implementing drastically, flexibly and effectively tasks and solutions enshrined in Resolutions, orientations, policies of the Party, the National Assembly, and the Government; directly manage the realization of this Resolution and be responsible before the Government, the Prime Minister the implementation of the Resolution in fields and areas in accordance with their assigned functions and tasks.

Enhance coordination among Ministries, agencies and localities; closely work with bodies of the Party, the State, the Viet Nam Fatherland Front, mass organizations in order to successfully realize objectives and tasks set out in this Resolution; uphold the sense of collective responsibility while clearly identifying functions, tasks and responsibilities and competence of each agency, organization and individual in the implementation process.

Regularly examine and supervise the progress of the implementation of the set working programs; organize monthly information exchanges to review the implementation of the Resolution; actively deal with emerging issues or propose measures to deal with these issues within their assigned competence. Timely implement reward-and-punishment system in accordance with legal regulations and assigned missions.

Summarize, evaluate and make monthly or quarterly reports on the implementation of the Resolution, send them to the Ministry of Planning and Investment prior to the 20th day of each month and of each quarter. The Ministry of Planning and Investment takes prime responsibility to coordinate with Ministries, agencies and localities to check, supervise and keep close watch on the implementation of the Resolution, then summarizes and reports to the Government at its regular meetings.




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

3. Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, Governmental bodies, provincial and centrally-governed People’s Committees review and assess the implementation of this Resolution within their assigned functions and tasks and put forwards regulatory measures for the next year, then report them to the Prime Minister and send to the Ministry of Planning and Investment prior to November 30, 2014. The Ministry of Planning and Investment is responsible for summarizing and reporting to the Government at the Government’s regular meeting in December 2014.

4. The Government requests the Viet Nam Fatherland Front, central committees of mass organizations to propagate and mobilize their members and people from all walks of life to unify and join hands and hearts for realizing socio-economic development tasks set for 2014 in accordance with the National Assembly’s Resolutions and the Government’s Resolution.

5. The Government asks the National Assembly and local-level People’s Councils to enhance supervision over the implementation of tasks of the Government, Ministries, provincial and centrally-governed People’s Committees enshrined in this Resolution./.




Nguyen Tan Dung