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Independence – Freedom – Happiness


No. 03/2008/NQ-CP

Hanoi, January 11, 2008




Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
Pursuant to the Resolution of the XIIth National Assembly at its first session;
At the proposal of the Minister of Planning and Investment,


Article 1. To promulgate together with this Resolution the action program of the Government of the 2007-2011 tenure.

Article 2. This Resolution takes effect 15 days after its publication in “ CONG BAO.”

Article 3. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, and presidents of the People’s Committees of provinces and centrally run cities shall implement this Resolution.





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(Promulgated together with the Government’s Resolution No. 03/2008/NQ-CP of January 11, 2008)

The Government’s 2007-2011 tenure has begun in the context where domestic and international situations witness many great opportunities as well as difficulties and challenges to the cause of national development. Our country is embarking upon an extremely important period in the process of national renewal, socio-economic development and international economic integration.

The action program of the Government of the 2007-2011 tenure has been formulated on the basis of the Resolution of the Xth Party Congress, resolutions of the Party Central Committee’s plenums and resolutions of the Xllth National Assembly, on the ten-year (2001-2010) socio-economic development strategy, the five-year (2006-2010) socio-economic development plan and the new development stage’s requirements, first of all to accelerate economic growth and narrow the development gap with countries in the region and the world.

This action program aims to successfully attain the objectives of the five-year (2006-2010) socio-economic development plan, creating conditions and prerequisites for implementation of the five-year (2011-2015) socio-economic development plan and the ten-year (2011 -2020) socio-economic development strategy. It comprises the fol lowing contents:

Part I


On the basis of organizing the materialization of Resolution No. 25/2006/NQ-CP of October 9, 2006, promulgating the Government’s action program for realization of the Resolution of the Xth Party Congress and the Resolutions of the XIth National Assembly on the five-year (2006-2010) socio-economic development plan, together with the continued direction of implementation of various action programs in various domains, which have been recently promulgated, in its 2007-2011 tenure, the Government concentrates on directing the realization of the following five major groups of tasks:




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To focus on perfecting the legal systems and policy mechanisms suitable to the committed international economic integration requirements, contributing to creating a favorable environment to attract resources of various economic sectors within and without the country for development investment

To materialize the resolution of the 6th plenum of the Party Central Committee (of the Xth Congress) on further improvement of the institutions on socialist-oriented market economy in international economic integration. To synchronously develop and efficiently manage various markets, particularly the real estate market, the capital market, the services market, the labor market and the science-technology market.

To apply measures to further build up and perfect the law-ruled socialist state of the people, by the people and for the people.

2. To focus on tapping all resources, to adopt comprehensive measures and policies to create breakthroughs, accelerate economic growth, ensure efficiency, sustainability and competitiveness; to build an independent and sovereign economy in association with active international economic integration

All branches, levels and grassroots units shall strive with high determination to basically achieve between one and two years ahead of time the objectives set by the Xth National Party Congress, particularly the economic growth and poverty reduction objectives; and at the same time actively prepare conditions for higher growth rates in subsequent periods, step by step narrowing the development gap with countries in the region and the world.

a/ To mobilize and efficiently use capital, natural resources, technology, and labor resources for fast and sustainable economic development, to invest in large-scale infrastructure works of strategic significance

To work out specific policies to encourage the mobilization of domestic and foreign resources for development investment, including direct investment and indirect investment through the development of the capital market and monetary market. To promulgate incentive policies and guidance on investment in branches and domains of comparative edge, great development potential and of high economic efficiency. To strive for a total social investment representing 41-42% or more of GDP in the four coming years.

To avail ourselves of the opportunities created when Vietnam is a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in order to attract foreign capital sources for development investment; to adopt appropriate mechanisms to encourage foreign investors to invest in economic and social infrastructure works and projects capable of capital recovery.

To focus on directing the investment preparation in order to soon deploy large-scale infrastructure works and projects of strategic significance such as the North-South expressway, expressways in economic-corridors, expressways in key economic regions; mass transit routes in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City; Ho Chi Minh road, second stage to 2010 and the 2010-2020 stage; big bridges; Hanoi-Ho Chi Minh city express railroad; Lao Cai-Hanoi-Haiphong railroad and Hanoi-Dong Dang railroad; international container entrepot port of Van Phong; Lach Huyen port; channels for high-tonnage ships to enter Hau river; the international airports of Long Thanh and Noi Bai, and other important works.




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To renew the management and use of state capital sources for development investment on the principles of efficiency, publicity, transparency and non-closure; to resolutely do away with the ask-and-give mechanism; at the same time to intensify inspection, examination and supervision in order to redress the problems of inefficient or unplanned investment, loss,waste and corruption in investment. To raise the efficiency of the use of state budget investment capital sources; to direct the acceleration of unplementation of projects using sources of ODA capital, government bond capital, education bond capital and investment credit capital of the State.

b/ To boost the growth of branches and economic regions with high quality and sustainability

To accelerate the growth and raise the quality and competitiveness of the industrial sector. To concentrate resources on the development of industries with comparative edge and competitiveness; at the same time, to adopt synchronous mechanisms and policies in order to raise the industrial content, added value and competitiveness of industrial products; to prioritize, encourage and support the fnvestment in infrastructures in service of production, particularly in big provinces and cities, industrial parks and economic zones.

To promulgate mechanisms and policies suitable to domestic conditions and international regulations and commitments in order to encourage investment in the development of electricity industry, the production of important raw materials and materials, high technologies (especially information technology, bio-technology, automation technology, new materials technology), support technology, the construction of infrastructures in service of industrialization and modernization; at the same time, to attach importance to the development of industries manufacturing import substitutes.

To strongly develop the service sector, ensuring that the service growth rate is higher than the economic growth rate; to prioritize the development of services with great potential and high competitiveness; to continue expanding and raising the quality of transport, commercial, tourist, post and telecommunication services; to pay particular attention to financial, banking, scientific and technological services; to attach importance to expanding new services, particularly high-grade services, high intellectual-content services and business support services. To develop the securities market towards safety, transparency and efficiency in order to attract investment capital for national economic development. To develop systems of modem, diverse and multi-utility banking services meeting the requirements of the economy.

To substantially renew the mechanisms for management and mode of provision of public services by units in the direction of autonomy, accountability and higher service quality, ensuring compatibility with the roadmap of socialization of public services and socialist-oriented market mechanisms and well implementing the social policies of the Party and the State. To create strong improvements in agricultural production, rural economy, job creation and poverty reduction, raising the farmers’ living standards; to narrow the development, income and living standard gaps between rural and urban areas.

To synchronously apply measures, mechanisms and policies with a view to creating qualitative improvements in agricultural, forestry and fishery production: to prioritize investment to raise the productivity, quality and competitiveness.of agricultural products. To review and adjust plannings on agricultural production branches; to formulate and develop consolidated raw-materials zones in association with the development of the processing industry; to step up the intensive farming of crops and animals with comparative edge in association with the development of the post-harvest preservation technology and quickly raise the quality of the processing industry through applying scientific and technological advances. To strongly develop husbandry, fishery and forestry. To intensify agricultural, forestry and fishery promotion, market information, to step up the application of scientific and technological advances to agricultural production, developing plant varieties and animal breeds of high yield and high quality. To adopt policies of supporting the sustainable development of traditional trades, craft villages in rural areas and services in direct support of farmers’ production and life, in association with environmental protection, job creation and poverty reduction. To focus on the strong development of the agricultural product-processing industry, particularly in production regions.

To efficiently carry out programs on investment in the construction of rural socio-economic infrastructure through target programs, production developments support policies; to step up agricultural and rural industrialization and modernization; to accelerate the process of restructuring agriculture and rural economy. To exempt, reduce charges and fees for farmers.

To mobilize and concentrate resources for development of key economic regions, big economic, commercial and financial centers nationwide, economic corridors and belts; at the same time to adopt priority policies on investment in regions hit by difficult economic conditions, particularly border regions, islands, the Central Highlands, western South Vietnam and the northwestern region, with a view to gradually narrowing the development and living standard gaps between regions throughout the country.




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To quickly review, amend, supplement and perfect regional and branch plannings in order to well attain the socio-economic development objectives under the resolutions of the Political Bureau and the Government; to raise the efficacy of implementation of regional plannings, to formulate policies, programs and plans for mobilization and efficient use of investment capital of various economic sectors in order to bring into full play regional potential and comparative edge, raising socio-economic efficiency in association with environmental protection.

To renew and raise the effect and efficacy of planning work and socio-economic development plans under the market economy conditions. To formulate and submit to the National Assembly for adoption a Law-on Planning, putting socio-economic development under planning. To intensify the monitoring and assessment of the implementation of socio-economic development plans and big programs and projects, well ensuring the attainment of set socio-economic development targets and orientations. To enhance the inspection of the implementation of plannings and plans, particularly compulsory ones.

Alongside the acceleration of economic growth, to continue directing and administering national financial and.monetary policies, applying measures to maintain macro-economic stability; to balance export and import, budget revenue and expenditure, stabilize market prices, curb inflation at a rational rate; to stabilize and raise the convertibility of Vietnamese currency.

c/ To intensify external activities, combining external politics with external economy, further heightening Vietnam’s position on the international arena; to raise the efficiency of external economic activities, actively integrating into the international economy for development

To actively carry out bilateral and multi-lateral external activities, heightening Vietnam’s role and position in the international arena, fulfill its responsibilities as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, contributing to the maintenance of world peace and security.

Based on the Government’s action program for materialization of the resolution of the 4th plenum of the Party Central Committee of the Xth Congress on a number of big undertakings and policies to ensure fast and sustainable economic development in the context that Vietnam is a full member of WTO, the Government focuses on directing branches and levels to fulfill Vietnam’s admission commitments and other obligations in the WTO, particularly commitments on tax, investment, trade, services and intellectual property. To expeditiously formulate and apply appropriate measures to handle in time existing problems in the process of fulfilling international commitments in general and WTO commitments in particular for each branch, each domain and each specific product. To adopt production protection policies and solutions suitable to domestic conditions and international commitments. To materialize bilateral commitments, particularly with countries having great potential in trade and investment cooperation, such as the Bilateral Trade Agreement (BTA) with the United States and the New Cooperation Agreement with the European Union. To continue negotiating on bilateral and multi-lateral agreements and actively study and consider the possibility of participation in negotiations on new agreements in order to expand and “develop markets and further attract investment; to actively mobilize countries to soon recognize the existence of a market economy in Vietnam and early conclude the agreement on economic partnership with Japan,..

To formulate and publicize the whole tax reduction roadmap already committed for exports and imports so that enterprises can take the initiative in formulating their investment and business strategies and plans in the course of international economic integration.

To create conditions for and encourage enterprises of all economic sectors to make intensive investment, apply technical advances, further renew technologies, raise productivity, quality and efficiency, reduce costs, thereby raising their competitiveness and developing domestic and foreign markets.

To raise the quality of export products, commodities and services; to further control and narrow trade deficit; to quickly increase the export ratio of processed products with high added value, technological contents and competitiveness. To diversify export markets; to attach importance to the expansion and development of new and potential markets.




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d/ To create a favorable environment for enterprises of all economic sectors to develop: to heighten the business administration and competitiveness of enterprises

To continue ensuring macro-economic stability, creating favorable conditions for enterprises of all economic sectors to operate and develop under the market mechanism; to eliminate business privileges of state enterprises. To encourage the development of small- and medium-sized enterprises in synchronism with the development of collective economy and in combination with the implementation of policies on job creation and poverty reduction.

To strictly follow the roadmap on reorganization and renewal of state enterprises, including the equitization of a number of economic groups, corporations and state-run commercial banks which are holding a dominant role in the economy, ensuring strictness and efficiency; at the same time, to broaden forms of ownership conversion with a view to raising the efficiency and competitiveness of state enterprises. To strive to basically complete the transformation of state companies into one-member limited liability companies or joint-stock companies by the end of 2009. To consolidate and develop a number of big economic groups in order to contribute to raising the competitiveness of the economy in the course of opening up the market. To renew the state management and raise the efficiency of administration of enterprises with 100% state capital and enterprises where the State holds dominant shares in the integration period.

To perfect the legal framework for new-type cooperatives to develop, particularly in the agricultural domain. To definitely dissolve cooperatives which have not yet been transformed or have already transformed but without business registration and operated inefficiently. To efficiently implement policies to support the development of cooperatives; increase the state support in risk handling and financial assistance (agricultural, forestry and fishery product insurance, credit guarantee fund,...) for collective economy.

3. To strongly develop education, training, sciences and technologies, raising the quality of-human resources; to attach importance to healthcare for people; to intensify job creation and poverty reduction; to pay particular attention to the environmental protection

To formulate and perfect mechanisms for the development of education, sciences and technologies, health, culture, physical training and sports... in the direction of further enhancing the state management, increasing state investment in order to well implement social policies, at the same time stepping up socialization, mobilizing all resources of the society for the development of these domains so as to meet the increasing demands of people.

To step up the implementation of the 2001-2010 strategy on education and formulate an education strategy till 2020. Coupled with the continued application of measures against negative phenomena and “achievement-lust” disease in education, it is necessary to supplement and perfect legal bases, mechanisms and policies and apply coordinated measures to comprehensively renew and raise the quality of education and training in order to achieve the objectives of heightening people’s intellectual levels, training human resources and fostering talents for the cause of national industrialization and modernization and step by step develop a knowledge-based economy.

To perfect the system of national education. To focus on the extensive and intensive development of vocational training, graduate training and post-graduate training, to invest in the construction of key schools of high quality, striving for the target that 50% of laborers shall have been trained by 2010.

To further renew financial mechanisms and scholarship and tuition policies for education, training and vocational training; to step up the socialization of education, training and vocational training; to perfect mechanisms and policies to encourage investment in the development of education and training; to enhance the association between education, training and science, and technology, between research and study and production, and business, stepping up training according to social demands; to efficiently implement the policies of providing loans for study. To formulate and implement a human resources strategy till 2020.




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To focus on development of scientific and technological resources, particularly high technologies and new technologies; to develop and expand the technology market and encourage enterprises to strongly invest in technology renewal and development of science-technology enterprises, applying the mechanism on autonomy at science-technology units; to renew more substantially, quickly and strongly science and technology management mechanisms: to continue developing scientific and technological human resources, to treasure and employ science talents, and attract overseas Vietnamese intellectuals to participate in the development of state science and technology.

To formulate and apply systems of national standards and norms compliant with WTO regulations; to strive to raise the rate of the national standards systems’ harmony with international standards to between 35 and 45% by 2010 with particular priority given to those related to safety, hygiene, health and environment.

To raise the efficiency of enforcement of the law oh intellectual property through consolidating the system of agencies performing the state management of intellectual property, and ensuring quick and simple procedures for establishment of rights; to raise the capability of intellectual property protection bodies; to support enterprises in developing intellectual property

To step up the building up of cultured lifestyles, cultured families, social awareness and civic responsibilities. To strongly develop culture, information and communication; to attach importance to investing in the development of cultural, information and communication networks in ethnic minority areas, deep-lying and remote regions in order to raise the cultural and spiritual life of ethnic minority people in these regions; to study the revision of the Press Law, to scrutinize, rationally adjust the planning on development of various types of information and communication and enhance the management of culture, information and press to ensure their healthy development; to formulate management mechanisms suitable to types of electronic information and press; to develop and raise the quality of information technology with a view to satisfying development and integration requirements. To attach importance to the development of physical training ami sports, including mass physical training and spurts and high-achievement sports, contributing to raising the physical strength and statute of Vietnamese. To formulate a strategy on development of high-achievement sports till 2015 with orientations towards 2020. To step up the socialization of physical training and sport activities in order to create resources for the development of this domain while creating conditions for everyone in the society to participate therein.

To finalize the planning on development of the health system nationwide; to formulate programs and plans on mobilization of resources for investment in the construction and upgrading of health establishments in order to raise the quality of medical examination and treatment as well as care for people’s health. To issue the 2008-2010 government bonds for investment in the construction of general hospitals at district and inter-district levels and a number of provincial-level general hospitals for newly separated provinces and provinces still meeting with difficulties in 2008. To further improve the mechanism for management of public hospitals towards autonomy; to expeditiously finalize plannings and specifie policies with a view to encouraging domestic and foreign investors to invest in the construction of medical establishments; to promulgate policies to encourage and support investment in deep-lying and remote areast, ethnic minority regions and those facing difficult socio-economic conditions. To strongly develop the pharmaceutical industry, raising its competitiveness; at the same time to stronglv develop drug supply networks, controlling the curative andjjreventive medicine market.

To further consolidate and develop grassroots medical networks, carrying out primary healthcare for people. To perfect policies on medical examination and treatment; to amend policies on new hospital charges towards proper calculation and full collection of expenses for medical examination and treatment, while enhancing the policies to support poor people, social policy beneficiaries, ethnic minority people and near-poor people in medical examination and treatment. To train, employ and adopt policies of preferential treatment towards health workers, especially in deep-lying and remote areas and difficulty-hit regions; to give priority to training health workers who are ethnic minority people. To improve the health insurance policies and system; to work out and well implement a roadmap for all-people health insurance by 2015. To continue implementing in a uniform and efficient manner population and family planning policies.

To raise social awareness of food hygiene and safety; to perfect the organizational system and mechanisms for food hygiene and safety management; to intensify the management, inspection and supervision of the implementation of regulations on food safety, taking strict sanctioning measures against violating organizations and individuals.

To adopt policies of encouraging production development, job creation and self-employment. To synchronously develop labor market elements, networks of job-recommending organizations, forms of information on domestic and foreign labor markets. To concentrate capital sources of the National Fund in Support of Job Creation on projects generating many new jobs. To raise productivity, increase incomes and step by step improve the working conditions, for laborers. To step up the “youths-make-a-living” movement, providing vocational training for rural youths and farmers in localities where agricultural land has been used for industrial production and service activities. To enhance the management of, and expand labor export markets and raise the quality of laborers working overseas.

To continue with the reform of wage and social insurance policies, aiming to step by step improve the living conditions of cadres and public employees, pensioners, people with meritorious services to the country and other social policy beneficiaries. To expand social insurance forms and subjects. To renew the operation mechanism and financial mechanism, including the wage mechanism for the public non-business sector, to suit the socialist-oriented market economy.




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To strengthen the social welfare network through consolidation of various funds of the society and mass organizations. To build up a social welfare system for the poor and people facing risks in life. To perfect policies on state support for disadvantaged people; to perfect the policy on child protection and care, particularly for disadvantaged children. To step up the social evil prevention and fight, proceeding to curb and repe] drug addiction and prostitution.

To well implement policies on ground clearance compensation for people in areas where the land use purposes are changed.

To well organize the implementation of the national strategy on environmental protection till 2010, with orientations towards 2020 and the strategic orientations for sustainable development in Vietnam (Vietnam’s Agenda 21); to encourage and apply measures to widely popularize good sustainable development models; to incorporate environmental and natural resource protection tasks in socio-economic development strategies, plannings and plans, in the implementation of projects and activities of every enterprise. To work out appropriate policies and solutions for the strict management and control of wastes, particularly toxic wastes; to encourage investment in environmental protection, waste collection, treatment and recycling in order to better protect the living environment.

To intensify propagation and dissemination of information on the harms caused by environmental pollution, destruction of natural resources and the living environment, raising social awareness and responsibility for the necessity and importance of environmental protection for sustainable development.

To promulgate or amend, supplement mechanisms and policies to enhance the efficacy and efficiency of the state management of the environment at all levels and in all branches; to effectively apply economic tools in environment management; to step up propagation and dissemination in order to raise social awareness and responsibility in the strict implementation of legal provisions on environmental protection charges.

To raise the efficiency of activities of specialized environmental protection forces (environment police, environment inspectorates...). To resolutely handle environment-polluting or -destroying acts, particularly activities of producing chemicals or using toxic chemicals in industrial parks, cities, populated areas and craft villages.

4. To step up administrative reform, raising the operation effect and efficacy of the state administrative apparatus and intensifying the corruption prevention and combat thrift practice and waste combat

To well implement the Government’s action program for materialization of the resolution of the 5th plenum of the Party Central Committee of the Xth Congress on stepping up administrative reform, raising the management effect and efficacy of the state apparatus in order to further build up and consolidate the law-ruled socialist state; to build up a democratic, clean, strong and incrementally modern administration; a contingent of fully qualified and capable cadres and public employees; a system of state bodies operating effectively and efficiently in compatibility with the socialist-oriented market economic mechanism and international economic integration.

To those ends, efforts should be concentrated on performing the following tasks:




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To step up the formation of bills and draft ordinances in the legislative program of the XIIth National Assembly. To promptly promulgate documents guiding laws or ordinances once they are passed by the National Assembly or the National Assembly Standing Committee. To associate law making with law enforcement; to further urge and inspect the implementation of promulgated legal documents, early detecting difficulties, problems and mishaps for timely direction.

On the basis of the organizational renewal and re-arrangement of the Government’s apparatus, to continue reorganizing local administrations at all levels towards multi-branch or multi-sector management, streamlining and efficiency in the spirit of the Resolutions of the Xth Party Congress, plenum resolutions, resolutions of the National Assembly and the Government. To apply the single-leader regime in administrative agencies; to clearly define the responsibilities of heads and leadership collectives at all levels.

To step up the reform of administrative procedures - a breakthrough of administrative reform - above all procedures related to investment, establishment and operation of enterprises; land use rights and property ownership; access to credit sources; import and export; tax payment; civil status, household registration, people’s identify cards, passports, entry visas; notarization and authentication; examination and inspection of enterprises.... Administrative agencies at all levels shall scrutinize administrative procedures in order to actively annul, amend or supplement according to their respective competence or submit them to competent bodies for consideration and decision; to continue effecting the one-stop shop mechanism with efficiency, the inter-agency one-stop shop mechanism at state administrative agencies and expand the application thereof to such public service non-business units as hospitals, schools; to scrutinize and assess the efficiency of application of the one-stop shop mechanism to particular activities for appropriate adjustment.

To modernize the state administration to meet the state management requirements in the integration context; to incrementally deploy and materialize an e-govemment in association with renewing the mode of administration by the administrative system and in conformity with the process of applying information technology to state management activities.

To strictly adhere to the principles of publicity and transparency in the activities of state management bodies at all levels, to widely disseminate and post up procedures and processes for settlement of affairs, the settlement duration, charges and fees according to regulations so that organizations and people know and follow them with convenience.

To continue with the reform of the regimes on official duties and public employees, including the management of cadres, wage regimes and other regimes and policies. To renew the training and retraining of cadres and public employees, attaching importance to moral education and political qualification for public employees, in association with the campaign “Learn and Follow the moral example of Ho Chi Minh.”

On the reform of public finance, to further decentralize the budget management on the principle, of ensuring institutional uniformity and the leading role of the central budget; to separate state management activities from public service- providing activities; to efficiently effect the mechanism of autonomy and accountability of public non-business units. At the same time, to experiment the budget estimation, observation, accounting, settlement and implementation assessment according to output results.

To perfect inspection and examination regimes, aiming to enhance administrative discipline for state cadres and employees; to heighten the state cadres’ and employees’ morality, responsibility and sense of serving the people, first of all heads of agencies or units. To well implement the Regulation on grassroots democracy; promote the supervisory role of the people and the Vietnam Fatherland Front over activities of state bodies, officials and employees.

To intensify corruption prevention and fighting; to curb and step by step repel corruption in all aspects of socio-economic life. To heighten the sense of responsibility of all levels, branches, agencies, organizations, units, officials and employees in corruption prevention and fighting. To heighten the responsibilities of heads of agencies or units in corruption prevention and fighting while strictly handling those who let corruption take place in their respective agencies or units.




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To expeditiously perfect the legal system on corruption prevention and fighting; to synchronously deploy and implement the Anti-Corruption Law, and the Law on Thrift Practice and Waste Combat.

To closely combine the implementation of action programs for corruption prevention and fighting with action programs for thrift practice and waste combat, particularly in the domains of land, capital construction investment, state budget revenue and expenditure, public-finance management and personnel work. To enhance the management and supervision of incomes of cadres and public employees, particularly those with positions and powers. To well implement the transfer and rotation of cadres and working positions of cadres and public employees. To review the system of legal documents on economic management in order to detect inadequacies which can be easily taken advantage of to commit corruption, for amendment or supplementation.

To organize internal audit at agencies, units and organizations managing or using state budget, money and assets in order to safely protect these assets; to assess the quality and reliability of economic and financial information; to inspect the observance of law, regimes and policies of the state as well as internal regulations of units in order to contribute to thrift practice, corruption fighting and higher efficiency of the use of state budget, money and assets.

To effectively the decentralization linked to the powers and responsibilities of each level, each branch and each unit, particularly heads of agencies.

To bring into full play the people’s mastery, closely coordinating with the Vietnam Fatherland Front, mass and social organizations and press agencies in corruption prevention and fighting, thrift practice and waste combat.

To well implement the Regulation on grassroots democracy, ensuring publicity and transparency in economic and financial activities of administrative agencies and public non-business units according to law.

To intensify and raise the quality of the inspection, examination, auditing, investigation and handling of negative practices and corrupt cases. To focus on directing the resolute and definite handling thereof according to law and publicize the results of handling the detected negative practices and corrupt cases. In the immediate future, to focus on inspection in the five key domains: capital construction investment; land use management; budget revenue and expenditure management; public property management; and equitization of state enterprises. At the same time, to inspect the performance of official duties in a number of domains of public concern.

To amend, supplement and perfect the legal system on complaints and denunciations. To enhance the direction in the settlement of complaints and denunciations; to handle in time burning issues of people, and mass complaints.

5. To enhance defense and security, firmly defending the Fatherland and maintaining political stability, social order and safety




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To well implement the strategy on national defense and the strategy on national security, closely combining defense and security with socio-economic development on the basis of bringing into full play national potential. To arrange the defense and security postures suitable to new tasks; to continue implementing programs on combining defense and security with economic, cultural and social development as well as poverty reduction in strategic regions. To strive for the basic completion of the border marker placement along the northern and southwestern borders with neighboring countries in 2008.

To further reorganize and raise the capacity of the defense industry sector; to realize the five-year (2006-2010) plan on development of the defense industry. To well implement the planning on building and development of the defense industry and the planning on development of the security industry till 2010, with visions towards 2020. To improve material and logistical conditions for the army and police forces.

To step up the prevention of and fight against crimes, drug prevention and fighting, terror prevention and fighting, women and children trafficking prevention and fighting with a view to curbing and reducing these crimes and preventing terrorism. To check and proceed to minimize traffic accidents and damage caused by traffic accidents. To apply strong measures to ensure traffic safety and combat traffic congestion; to enhance propagation and education in order to heighten the awareness of traffic commuters; to strictly handle cases of violating traffic order and safety. To well conduct search and rescue activities, overcome consequences of natural calamities, storms and floods, perform international tasks and other urgent missions.

To build up grassroots security forces for prevention and fighting of crimes and social vices, particularly in grassroots units. To settle in time and according to law conflicts and disputes right at the grassroots level, not letting complicated contradictions or mass complaints occur and destabilize security and order. To step up the building of social evil-free communes and wards. To well implement the campaign “All the people unite and build cultured life in residential quarters.”

In addition to the above-mentioned tasks to be performed for the successful attainment of development targets set in the Resolutions of the Xth Party Congress and the Resolutions of the National Assembly, the Government directs ministries, branches and localities to make active preparations for the socio-economic development strategy for the 10 subsequent years in order to make Vietnam an industrial country by 2020.

Part 2


1. Based on the tasks and major contents in this action program and their assigned functions, tasks and powers, ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, and presidents of provincial/municipal-level agencies shall personally direct the formulation of action programs of their respective ministries, branches and localities in the 2007-2011 tenure and concretize them into tasks in annual plans; continue formulating, reviewing, amending and supplementing mechanisms, policies, plannings, plans, programs, projects and schemes for submission to the Government and the Prime Minister in the whole tenure, particularly 2009 and 2010. For tasks not performed under the above-mentioned schemes or programs, they must be immediately deployed to promptly meet socio­economic development requirements of branches and localities.

2. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies and presidents of provincial/municipal People’s Committees shall focus on directing, intensifying the examination and urging of the implementation of mis action program; annually report to the Prime Minister on the implementation and concurrently to the Ministry of Planning and Invesnnent for sum-up and report to the Prime Minister.




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Nguyen Tan Dung




(Promulgated together with the Government’s Resolution No. 03/2008/NQ-CP of January: 11, 2008)


Ordinal number

Major tasks and their contents




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Completion time

1. To continue building and perfecting the socialist-oriented market economy institutions


Policies and measures to build and perfect the institutions on socialist-oriented market economy in Vietnam in the integration context

Ministry of Planning and Investment



The Government’s action program on perfection of institutions on socialist-oriented market economy under integration conditions

Ministry of Planning and Investment




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Policies and measures for development of the science and technology market

Ministry of Science and Technology



Scheme on development of the labor market in Vietnam till 2020

Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs






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Ministry of Justice


2. To focus on tapping all resources, applying solutions and policies in a coordinated manner in order to create breakthroughs, speed up economic growth, ensuring higher efficiency, sustainability and competitiveness; to build an independent and sovereign economy in association with proactive international economic integration

a/ To mobilize and efficiently use capital, natural resources, technology, and labor resources for fast and sustainable economic development, to invest in large-scale infrastructure works of strategic significance


Scheme on planning of a coastal expressway

Ministry of Transport






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Ministry of Transport



Adjustment of planning on development of Vietnamese railways till 2020

Ministry of Transport



Planning on development of Tan Son Nhat airport

Ministry of Transport




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Planning on development of expressway networks

Ministry of Transport



General planning on development of marine communication and transport till 2020

Ministry of Transport






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Ministry of Planning and Investment



2011-2020 strategy on foreign loans and debt repayment

Ministry of Planning and Investment



Mechanisms on central budget capital support for investment in development of technical and social infrastructures of economic zones

Ministry of Planning and Investment




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Assessment of the development of established economic zones; orientations for development of economic zones till 2020

Ministry of Planning and Investment



Scheme on review and adjustment of general planning on development of industrial parks

Ministry of Planning and Investment






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Ministry of Planning and Investment



Scheme on land tax against land speculation

Ministry of Finance



Scheme on socialization of some public services; organization and operation mechanism of public-service non-business units

Ministry of Finance




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Draft amended decree on issuance of government bonds, government-guaranteed bonds and local administrations’ bonds

Ministry of Finance



Planning on networks of national reserve storehouses till 2010 and orientation towards 2020

Ministry of Finance






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Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment



Planning on mineral resources survey and assessment till 2020

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment



General planning on management of water resources and river basins till 2020

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment




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Draft decree amending and supplementing Decree No. 160/2005/ND-CP, which details and guides the implementation of the Law on Minerals and the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Minerals

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment


b/ To boost branches, economic zones to grow fast with high quality and sustainability


Scheme on oversight of distribution networks to combat faked goods and protect consumers

Ministry of Industry and Trade





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Strategy on development of Vietnam’s service sector till 2020

Ministry of Planning and Investment



General planning on socio-economic development of key regions, territorial zones, economic corridors and belts, gulf areas and islands

Ministry of Planning and Investment



Policies and measures for development of types of agricultural production and business organizations in the countryside




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Investment mechanisms and policies in support of building the community-based countryside of a new type

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development



Scheme on offshore fishing till 2015

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development





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Scheme on provision of public-utility postal and telecommunications services and financial mechanisms to ensure the provision of public-utility postal and telecommunications services

Ministry of Information and Communication



Planning on development of information and communication technology till 2020

Ministry of Information and Communication



Construction planning and investment scheme on population clusters and lines, and houses in the central region frequented by storms and floods




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Adjustment of general planning on Vietnam’s building materials industry till 2020

Ministry of Construction



Urban development orientations towards 2020

Ministry of Construction





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Draft decree amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 126/2004/ND-CP on sanctions against administrative violations in construction activities, management of urban infrastructures and housing management

Ministry of Construction



The Prime Minister’s draft decision on adjustment of Vietnam’s urban water supply development orientations towards 2020, promulgated together with the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 63/1998/QD-TTg of March 18, 1998

Ministry of Construction



The Prime Minister’s draft decision on adjustment of Vietnam’s urban water drainage development orientations towards 2020, promulgated together with the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 35/1999/QD-TTg of March 5, 1999




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Draft decree amending Decree No. 72/2001/ND-CP of October 5, 2001, on classification of urban centers and urban center management levels

Ministry of Construction



Scheme on socio-economic development of mountainous and border communes in eastern South Vietnam till 2010, with orientations towards 2020

Nationalities Committee





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General strategy and policies on protection of domestic industrial production to suit international commitments and WTO regulations

Ministry of Industry and Trade



Mechanisms for coordination among ministries and branches in conducting negotiations and realizing Vietnam’s agreements within AFTA with countries and economies

Ministry of Industry and Trade and National Committee on International Economic Cooperation






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Ministry of Industry and Trade and National Committee for International Economic Cooperation



Study of integration’s impacts, WTO admission commitments and other multilateral as well as bilateral commitments; policies and measures for implementation and adaptability

Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Finance, National Committee for International Economic Cooperation, and concerned ministries and branches



Scheme on promotion of Vietnam’s role in a number of regional and international oraanizations

Ministry of Foreign Affairs




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Scheme on development of Vietnam’s relations with a number of important partners

Ministry of Foreign Affairs



Scheme on renewal of tax system to meet international economic integration requirements; realization of committed schedule in ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA), commitments after WTO admission and other international commitments

Ministry of Finance






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Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministry of Industry and Trade


d/ To create a favorable environment for enterprises of all economic sector to develop; to heighten the business administration level and competitiveness of enterprises


Policies and measures for improvement of investment and business environment

Ministry of Planning and Investment



Strategy on development of cooperatives till 2020




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Draft decree amending and supplementing the decree on support for development of small- and medium-sized enterprises

Ministry of Planning and Investment



National program on boosting productivity, quality and competitiveness of Vietnam’s products and commodities till 2015

Ministry of Science and Technology





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Scheme on efficient supervision of state enterprises’ activities

Ministry of Finance



Draft decree on financial mechanism of state enterprises

Ministry of Finance



Further reform and simplification of customs procedures in order to create favorable conditions for export and import activities in compliance with international commitments and WTO regulations




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Scheme on establishment of Cooperative Bank

State Bank of Vietnam


3. To strongly develop education and training, science and technology; to raise the quality of human resources; healthcare for people; to step up job creation and poverty reduction; to attach importance to environmental protection


Scheme on population registration and building of national population database

Ministry of Public Security




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Strategy on drug prevention and combat in the 2010-2015 period and vision towards 2020

Ministry of Public Security



Scheme on solidification of schools and classrooms and official-duty houses for teachers

Ministry of Education and Training






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Ministry of Education and Training



Strategy on human resource development till 2020

Ministry of Planning and Investment



Perfection of support policies; improvement of material and spiritual life of laborers, particularly workers in concentrated production zones in service of production development

Ministry of Planning and Investment




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Draft decree on mobilization of non-state resources for investment in cultural and social development (culture, health, education, training, physical training and sports)

Ministry of Planning and Investment



Action program for realization of National Agenda 21; mechanisms and policies in support of formulation of plans for realization of Agenda 21 of the ministries, branches and localities

Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment






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Ministry of Planning and Investment



Scheme on National Fund for Technological Renewal

Ministry of Science and Technology



Strategy on development of vocational training education, planning on vocational schools and intermediate professional schools

Ministry of Labor. War Invalids and Social Affairs




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Establishment of a system of national centers for human resource forecasts

Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs



Labor export strategy till 2020

Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs






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Ministry of Home Affairs



Inventory and assessment of national water resources

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment



Strategy on sustainable development of the natural resources and environment sector

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment




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Draft decree on determination of damage caused by environmental pollution or degeneration

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment



Draft decree amending Decree No.81/2006/ND-CP on handling of administrative violations in the field of environment

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment






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Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment



National strategy on marine resources and environment

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment



National target program on marine environment and redressing of sea water rise due to climate change

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment




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Formulation of mechanisms and policies on embellishment, preservation and promotion of historical relics, scenic places in service of socio-economic development towards expansion of socialization

Ministry of Culture. Sports and Tourism



General plannings and policies in support of development of cultural, entertainment and recreation establishments for children: scheme on commemoration of Vietnamese personalities till 2010 and vision towards 2020

Ministry of Culture. Sports and Tourism






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Ministry of Culture. Sports and Tourism



Scheme on strategy for de1. elopment of high-achievement sports tiil 2015 with orientations towards 2020

Ministry of Culture. Sports and Tourism



Scheme on strategy for development of physical training and sports in ethnic minority and mountainous regions, the 2008-2015 period

Ministry of Culture. Sports and Tourism




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Scheme on transfer of non-business physical training and sport activities to non-business organizations end social organizations

Ministry of Culture. Sports and Tourism



General planning on solid waste collection and treatment

Ministry of Construction. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment






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Ministry of Construction



The Prime Minister’s draft decision on adjustment of strategic orientations for management of development of solid wastes in urban centers and industrial parks till 2020. promulgated together with the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 152/1999/QD-TTg of July 10, 1999

Ministry of Construction



Draft decree promulgating the Border Quarantine Regulation of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Ministry of Health




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Scheme on consolidation of grassroots health networks in areas of religious ethnic minority people, medical examination and treatment by religious individuals and organizations

Ministry of Health



Scheme on hospital charge policies

Ministry of Health






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Ministry of Health



General scheme on raising population quality

Ministry of Health


4. To step up the administrative reform, to raise the effect and efficiency of operation of the state administrative apparatus and intensify the corruption prevention and fighting, thrift practice and waste combat


Continuing with the general program on state administrative reform in the 2001-2010 period




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Implementation of the program on modernization of administration and application of information technology to state management activities

Ministries, branches, localities



Program on renewal of the direction and administration of administrative reform

Government’s Steering Committee for Administrative Reform





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Continuing to deploy the operation of the Anti-Corruption Steering Committees at central, provincial and municipal levels.

Central Anti-Corruption Steering Committee, and ministries, branches and localities



Formulation and implementation of anti-corruption action programs at the central level, branches, levels, focusing on key domains: land management, capital construction investment, state budget revenue and expenditure, enterprise finance, personnel rank promotion and posting

Central Anti-Corruption Steering Committee and ministries, branches, localities



Continuing with the enforcement of the Anti-Corruption Law. the Law on Thrift Practice and Waste Combat




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Continuing to perfect the system of law on corruption prevention and righting

Central Anti-Corruption Steering Committee. Government Inspectorate, ministries, branches



Mechanism for supervision of coordination with Vietnam Fatherland Front, mass organizations, population commiinitiesin corruption prevention and fighting

Central Anti-Corruption Steering Committee. Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee and ministries, branches and localities





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Draft decree on management of wages and incomes of cadre, public employees in state agencies

Ministry no Home Affairs



Consolidation of civil judgement enforcement organizations

Ministry of-Justice



Consolidation of legal assistance organizations




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Scheme on experimental bailiff

Ministry of Justice



Scheme on formulation of mechanisms for, and experimentation of, attraction of professional agencies and organizations as well as talented experts into judiciary examination activities

Ministry of Justice





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Scheme on assurance of security in international economic integration and WTO admission

Ministry of Public Security



Scheme on terror prevention and fighting

Ministry of Public Security






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Ministry of Public Security



Planning on resistance war bases, the 2008-2015 period

Ministry of Defense