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Independence – Freedom – Happiness

Resolution No. 124/2020/QH14

Hanoi, November 11, 2020





Pursuant to Constitutions of Socialist Republic of Vietnam;

On the basis of reports of the Government, Supreme People’s Court, People’s Supreme Procuracy, agencies of the National Assembly, relevant agencies and remarks of deputies of the National Assembly;


Article 1. General objectives

2021 plays a special role as it’s the year of the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party, election for the 15th National Assembly and election for People's Councils of all levels and the first year for implementing the 5-year socio-economic plans for 2021 – 2025 period according to Resolution of the Communist Party and National Assembly.  National and international situations forecast advantages and disadvantages, among which, the Covid-19 epidemic continues to negatively impact various aspects of the world economy and Vietnam economy. Given such premise, general objectives set forth for 2021 are:




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

Article 2. Primary criteria

1. Gross domestic product (GDP) increases by approximately 6%.

2. GDP per capita reaches approximately USD 3,700.

3. Average consumer price index (CPI) growth rate reaches approximately 4%.

4. Percentage of contribution of total-factor productivity (TFP) to growth reaches approximately 45-47%.

5. Social labor productivity growth rate reaches approximately 4.8%.

6. Percentage of trained labors reaches approximately 66% with approximately 25.5% among which are trained labors with degrees and/or certificates.

7. Percentage of population participating in health insurance reaches approximately 91%.

8. Percentage of poor households (according to multi-dimensional poverty standard) reduces by 1-1.5 percentage.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

10. Percentage of solid municipal wastes collected and treated exceeds 87%.

11. Percentage of active industrial parks, export-processing zones obtaining concentrated water treatment system satisfactory to environmental standard reaches approximately 91%.

12. Percentage of forest coverage reaches approximately 42%.

Article 3. Primary tasks and measures

The National Assembly essentially approves tasks and measures proposed by the Government, Supreme People’s Court, People’s Supreme Procuracy and agencies of the National Assembly in specialized assessment, supervision reports while requesting the Government and relevant agencies to successfully implement following primary tasks and measures:

1. Simultaneously and effectively implement proposed programs and plans to successfully organize the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party, election for the 15th National Assembly and election for People's Councils of all levels for the 2021 – 2026 period. Closely monitor, focus on analyzing, assessing, forecasting international and national situations to actively prepare measures, scenarios, solutions and response policies on a timely and effective manner for major changes and new issues. Focus on extensively, simultaneously and effectively developing, implementing Resolution on the 13th National Congress, Resolution on the 13th Meeting of the 12th Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party and resolutions on the Communist Party and National Assembly on socio-economic and state budget.

2. Continue to effectively implement measures for preventing and reducing impact from Covid-19 epidemic and other diseases. Publicize epidemic management and refrain from overconfidence during epidemic; continue to take charge extensively while recovering, developing socio-economic and staying ready for epidemic management in all sectors, agencies, organizations, enterprises and community. Control entrants and effectively prevent disease infiltration.

Promote research and international cooperation in vaccine production and develop measures to allow the general public to access Covid-19 vaccine as soon as possible. Actively allocate resources and adopt appropriate and timely measures within their competence (including all measures regarding to credit, state finance – budget, tax, fees, charges, etc.) to deal with difficulties of enterprises and people who are severely affected by the Covid-19 epidemic, especially those in industry, service, tourism, aviation, etc. sectors and employees who lose jobs, lack jobs, suffer drastic income reduction. For cases that exceed competence, report to National Assembly.

3. Promote completion of market economy aiming towards socialist republic orientation, recover and promote rapid, sustainable development on the basis of maintaining macroeconomic stability, controlling inflation and guaranteeing major balances of the economy; implement appropriate fiscal and monetary measures to promote general demands, deal with difficulties in business operations in important sectors.  Improve effectiveness of developing and stringently complying with regulations and law; reviewing amendment to polices, regulations and law, especially those in tax, land, resources, environment, investment, construction, commerce, market administration, etc. to further finalize and rectify all current drawbacks, ensure consistency of law system and create a clear, convenient investment and business environment. Develop appropriate polices and measures to increase capital accessibility of the general public and enterprises, prevent black credit and loan shark.




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Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

Maintain transparency in electricity price, gasoline price and price of other essential commodities and services which affect production and consumption of the general public. Enhance price inspection combining with tax administration to prevent and stringently deal with unreasonable price gouging, especially important materials and essential consumer products; inspect and prevent trade frauds, origin frauds and hoarding. Issue list of non-profitable public services utilizing state budget, economic and technical norms to serve as the basis for determining price of non-profitable public services.

4. Promote restructuring of the economy together with renewing models of growing, improving capacity, quality, effectiveness, adaptability and competiveness of the economy on the basis of science, technology and renovation. Prioritize improving effectiveness of investment capital, especially public investment capital in a manner that focuses resources on restructuring the economy and renewing growth models. Improving quality of investment preparation, cooperation between governments, ministries; promptly deal with difficulties, actively report to competent authorities to revise mid-term, annual public investment plans to promote disbursement and improve investment effectiveness.

Continue to promote resolution for bad debt, restructure credit institutions, especially underperforming commercial institutions, guarantee system safety and apply science and technology, especially digital technology in banking sector. Review and finalize mechanisms, policies on promoting rearranging, equitizing, depreciating state capital in enterprises and equitizing eligible public service providers.  Improve effectiveness in cooperation between Commissions for Management of State Capital at Enterprises (CMSC) in enterprises with ministries. Develop and apply enterprise administration framework depending on international standards in corporations, groups and state enterprises. Stringently comply with discipline and regulations on managing and using state capital and assets in enterprises in order to guarantee transparency as per market mechanism. Focus on thoroughly dealing with underperforming projects, especially projects within industry and commerce sections.

Develop innovative policies and mechanisms for attracting non-state resources, effectively implement investment in form of public-private partnerships, promote industrialization, modernization and restructuring of sectors together with converting growth model on the basis of science, technology, renovation and achievements of the 4th industrial revolution.

Promote restructuring of agriculture depending on regions, develop rural economy together with developing new rural areas. Promote large-scale agricultural development depending on market demands, apply hi-tech together with preserving, processing and consuming by value chains; cover plants and domestic animals appropriately depending on climate change, ensure effectiveness and sustainable food security; closely monitor epidemic, natural disaster development to actively develop effective preventive measures; invest in fishery infrastructure, improve fishery production, cultivation and extraction capacity. Focus on restructuring and developing industrial production, small handicraft production and craft village, create national and competitive products.  Restructuring industries by increasing processing industries, manufacturing industries and improving added value, reducing percentage of toll manufacturing and assembly for industrial products domestically produced. Extensively develop supporting industries by choosing industries that directly serve industrial production, improve capacity in participating in value chains and global manufacturing network such as in mechanical, chemical, telecommunication sectors; form specialized industrial parks, industrial connection chains, manufacturing network, industry value chains for industries prioritized for compliance with commodity origin principles according to FTA commitments.  Promote progress of key industrial projects, especially energy, processing and manufacturing sectors.

Increase application of science, technology, digitalize and improve quality and competitiveness of potential, advantages services; prioritize development of multimodal transport, logistics services and science, technology services. Develop e-commerce, new business models and methods, night economy, shared economy, circular economy, etc. Effectively and sustainably develop tourism, utilize the role as key economic sector to promote socio-economic development. Simultaneously implement domestic tourism promotion policies; continue to finalize policies on immigration together with stringently implementing health examination for international customers. Increase epidemic management in crowded tourist attractions.

Promote total digitalization, develop experimental policies for new products, solutions, services, business models and technologies. Encourage key enterprises in information technology in expanding to digital industries and services; continue to finalize legal framework and implement major programs and schemes regarding extensively developing science, technology and implementing renovation. Promote national creative start-up ecosystem and connection, interaction between universities, research institutes and industrial areas, enterprises to promote commercialization of research results in business operations.

5. Prioritize resources to promote development of national planning, regional planning and provincial planning in 2021 – 2030 and request competent authorities to approve as per Law on Planning, ensure timely fulfillment of development and investment demands.

Promote progress of key energy projects; complete underperforming electricity projects; prevent electricity shortage. Ensure electricity growth suitable with economic growth and country development demands. Encourage extensive participation of non-state economic sectors, diversify development of energy supply and guarantee effectiveness and sustainability. Implement measures to reduce electricity loss, programs on efficiency and effective use of electricity in manufacturing, transmission and distribution. Complete electricity development planning for 2021- 2030 period, review small and medium hydroelectricity plants, and ensure reasonable structuring between electricity sources and environmental protection issues.




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

Develop effective measures for investing, increasing connection between regions and local administrative divisions, rapid and sustainable development of key economic zones and major urban areas. Enhance urban management, extensively deal with traffic, environment and municipal waste issues. Allocate appropriate resources for development of new rural areas. Extensively develop sea economy, ensure people’s life together with protecting island sovereignty, develop and upgrade coastal roads that connect coastal regions, economic zones and major urban areas.  Develop national sea ports, international ports in key economic zones, invest in infrastructure of coastal economic zones prioritized for development.

Extensively develop private economy, group economy and individual business households. Develop typical cooperative models with large scale and connection. Encourage development of medium and large scale sole proprietorships, develop brands of Vietnamese enterprises; harmoniously integrate economy effectiveness with social responsibilities, protect resources, environment, and connect domestic enterprises and foreign-invested enterprises.

6. Simultaneously implement policies, mechanisms and solutions for developing personnel, especially high quality personnel in major sectors; improve personnel quality together with rapidly shifting labor structure, especially in rural areas.  Diversify methods of linking labor demands and supply, effectively implement the Labor Code. Develop appropriate mechanisms for selecting, improving and utilizing great personnel, develop teams of intellectuals in modern time.

Continue to effectively renew education and training fundamentally and comprehensively; decentralize for management and execution of autonomy and accountability for education institutions; effectively implement development policies and mechanisms for vocational education and skilled personnel, and satisfy labor market demands. Guarantee implementation effectiveness and progress regarding renewing formal education programs and textbooks according to Resolution No. 88/2014/QH13 and Resolution No. 51/2017/QH14 of the National Assembly. Improve education on moral, lifestyle, skills, school safety, physical education for students, learners; improve quality and effectiveness in implementation of formal education in order to develop student capacity and attributes; prepare eligibility for effective implementation of new formal education programs.

7. Prioritize resources for renovation, restoration and utilization of cultural heritage value. Rectify drawbacks, further implement policies on persons having rendered meritorious services, social protection, and reduction in multi-dimensional poverty; effectively implement national target programs while prioritizing national target program for socio-economic development in ethnic minorities and mountainous regions for 2021-2030 period. Keep improving general public protection, care and health improvement affairs and population quality; develop local medical network satisfactory to task requirements in modern time; reinforce and improve effectiveness of preventive medicine affairs; develop regulations and law on health - population, increase private sector involvement in health sector and autonomy of hospitals. Continue to expand coverage of social insurance, unemployment insurance and health insurance. Successfully implement policies on ethnic groups, religion, care for the elderly, youth, gender equality, woman and child protection; extensively develop physical education and improve prevention against social vices.

8. Continue to complete and effectively implement mechanisms, policies, regulations and law on managing, extracting and using natural resources effectively and sustainably, preventing natural disasters, responding to climate change, protecting environment, protecting and developing forest. Develop and implement programs for sustainable forestry development, improve coverage percentage, forest quality, biodiversity and forestry economy. Conduct research, develop and finalize strategies, planning and plans for actively responding to climate change; prevent and reduce natural disasters, river bank, coastal erosion, storms, drought, salt-water intrusion, fresh water shortage in key areas, especially in Northern Highlands, Central Vietnam, Central Highlands and the Mekong Delta; reinforce primary embankment systems; allocate appropriate resources from state budget and promote mobilization of social sources to implement. Enhance natural disaster forecast, warning and supervision affairs, and guarantee timeliness and credibility; mobilize, distribute and effectively utilize support resources, assist the general public to remediate natural disaster consequences in Central Vietnam provinces. Assign the Government to develop Scheme for assurance of water source security and embankment, reservoir safety during 2021-2030 and vision to 2045, request the National Assembly to consider in the meeting in late 2021; allocate within mid-term public investment plans of the 2021-2025 period to implement various key tasks in the early stage of the Scheme; improve tap water supply for people in rural areas, and ethnic minorities.

9. Continue to effectively implement Resolutions of the Communist Party and National Assembly to complete organizational structure, downsize, promote administrative reform, improve effectiveness of state management and quality of personnel and officials, promote digitalization in agencies of the Communist Party, Government, Vietnamese Fatherland Front and socio-economic organizations. Reform administrative procedures in a more practical manner, promote resolution of administrative procedures using single-window mechanisms and applying information technology, continue to reduce business conditions, conduct specialized inspection, reduce cost for the general public and enterprises. Rapidly complete national database on population and land. Issue strategies and promote development progress of e-Government aiming towards digital Government, digital economy and digital society. Stringently comply with regulations and law on anti-corruption, practice efficiency and prevent wasteful behaviors; take strict actions against corruption cases, serious economy cases, complicated cases and widely concerned cases; continue to develop anti-corruption mechanisms. Focus on examining, inspecting, auditing and dealing with stagnant, socially oppressing issues.  Improve citizen reception affairs, accusation and complaint resolution, and enforcement of judgments, especially administrative judgments.

10. Reinforce national defense and security, maintain political security, social order and safety, improve effectiveness of foreign affairs, international integration, and maintain peaceful, stable and convenient environment for national development. Continue to monitor, acknowledge situations, steadfastly fight for national sovereignty and territorial integrity; flexibly and effectively deal with complicated cases at sea. Increase resources for implementing modernization of the military, ensure national defense and security together with developing economy, culture and society, especially in border areas, islands, strategic and key administrative divisions. Promote prevention and suppression of criminals, create positive shifts in social order and safety, and create peaceful lives for the general public. Promote and enrich relationship with other countries and partners. Promote international integration, improve local foreign affairs; actively and responsibly participate in international and regional forums. Continue to effectively act as a non-permanent member of United Nations Security Council and play a positive, leading role in ASEAN. Enhance international cooperation in responding to Covid-19 epidemic; effectively implement citizen protection affairs.

11. Improve civil services; effectively implement local democracy, further implement the role of Vietnamese Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations, people’s unions and create social consensus. Focus on communicating policies of the Communist Party, regulations and law of the Government and major events, especially the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party, election for the National Assembly and People's Councils of all levels. Prioritize publicizing and encouraging people with good merits, leading role models, people having positive impact and people promoting patriotism, nationalism and national development ambition.  Promptly rebut deviant ideologies and prevent opposing forces; effectively prevent bad, toxic information and take strict actions against violations.




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

Central to local governments, Supreme People’s Court, People’s Supreme Procuracy and State Audit Office of Vietnam, within their assigned tasks and functions, shall organize successful implementation of Resolutions of the National Assembly.

Standing Committee of the National Assembly, Ethnic Minorities Council, committees of the National Assembly, National Assembly delegates shall supervise implementation hereof.

Central Committee of Vietnamese Fatherland Front and member organizations thereof shall supervise and motivate people from all social strata to implement Resolution of the National Assembly.

The National Assembly hereby requests Vietnamese nationals and soldiers to highlight patriotism, unite, take advantage to overcome difficulties, effectively implement Socio-economic development plan in 2021, enable implementation of 5-year socio-economic development plan for 2021 – 2025.

This Resolution is approved in the 10th session of the 14th National Assembly of Socialist Republic of Vietnam in November 11, 2020.




Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan