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Independence Freedom Happiness


No. 53/2007/NQ-CP

Hanoi, November 7, 2007





Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
Pursuant to Resolution No. 17-NQ/TW of August 1, 2007, of the fifth plenum of the Party Central Committee, Xth Congress, on accelerating administrative reform and raising management effectiveness and efficiency of the state apparatus;
Pursuant to the Governments Resolution No. 51/2007/NQ-CP of October 9, 2007, on the Governments September 2007 regular meeting;
At the proposal of the Minister of Home Affairs,


Article 1. To promulgate together with this Resolution the Governments program of action for implementation of the Resolution of the fifth plenum of the Party Central Committee, Xth Congress, on accelerating administrative reform and raising management effectiveness and efficiency of the state apparatus.

Article 2. This Resolution takes effect 15 days alter its publication in CONG BAO.

Article 3. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government attached agencies and presidents of Peoples Committees of provinces and centrally run cities shall implement this Resolution.




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Nguyen Tan Dung



(Promulgated together with the Governments Resolution No. 53/2007/NQ-CP of November 7, 2007)


To identify major tasks of state administrative agencies at the central and local levels in implementing the Resolution of the Party Central Committee so as to further build and improve a socialist state ruled by law; build a democratic, clean, strong and incrementally modernized administration; a contingent of qualified and capable cadres and civil servants; a system of state agencies operating effectively and efficiently, meeting the requirement of fast and sustainable national development.


Based on their state management functions, tasks and powers in the assigned domains, in the coming time, ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies and Peoples Committees of provinces and centrally run cities shall concentrate on directing the performance of the following major tasks:

1. To enhance the Partys leadership of administrative reform




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2. To carry out administrative reform and legislative and judicial reforms in a coordinated manner

To improve the mechanism of coordination between the National Assembly Standing Committee, the Nationalities Council, other Committees of the National Assembly, and the Government.

3. To further build and perfect the institutional system

a/ To concentrate on directing the acceleration of the building and perfection of the institutional system, particularly institutions of the socialist-oriented market economy and institutions of a socialist state ruled by law, organizational structures, public employees, public duty, decentralization and public finance.

b/ To elaborate long-term and short-term legislative programs. To identify necessary legal documents to meet requirements of the socialist-oriented market economy and international economic integration; every domain or branch does not necessarily have its own law.

c/ To continue renovating and improving the law-making process, raising the quality of legal normative documents, identifying guiding viewpoints for every legal document to be promulgated. To promulgate documents providing sufficient and explicit guidance in a timely manner according to regulations.

d/ To perfect the mechanism for people to contribute opinions in the law-making process, especially for those governed by to be-promulgated legal documents.

4. To further speed up the reform of administrative procedures - a breakthrough in administrative reform

a/ To concentrate on directing the review and vigorous renovation of administrative procedures to create the most favorable environment for enterprises production and business and satisfy the peoples legitimate demands, especially in the key areas such as establishment, dissolution and bankruptcy of enterprises; business registration and investment certification; investment in the construction of works, projects and dwelling houses; land use rights and property ownership rights; import and export; tax payment; civil status and household registration, peoples identity card, passport and visa; notary and authentication; inspection and supervision of enterprises, etc.




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c/ To heighten responsibilities of heads of state administrative agencies in administrative reform.

d/ To publicize administrative formalities (papers, forms) and procedures for settling affairs, settlement time, charges and fees under regulations for organizations and citizens to know and follow conveniently.

dd/ To further promote the effective implementation of the one-stop shop mechanism and the inter-agency one-stop shop mechanism at state administrative agencies and expand their application to public non-business service units such as hospitals and schools.

e/ The Government and the Prime Minister shall expeditiously review their regulations and take responsibility for identifying shortcomings in administrative procedures provided for in laws or ordinances, and submit them to the National Assembly, the National Assembly Standing Committee for consideration and amendment.

g/ To draft a law on administrative procedures.

5. To clearly define functions and tasks of the Government and state administrative agencies

a/ To continue improving functions, tasks and powers of the Government, ministries, ministerial-level agencies and government-attached agencies;

b/ To organize multi-line management ministries, ensuring their streamlined structure; to scrutinize and rationally reorganize major units within ministries, ministerial-level agencies and government-attached agencies;

c/ To elaborate the Governments work regulation; to clearly define tasks of the Government, the Prime Minister, deputy prime ministers and each cabinet member, ensuring full embracement of all functions, tasks and powers of the Government;




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dd/ To decentralize more strongly and appropriately tasks of the Government, ministries and branches to local authorities;

e/ To formulate a mechanism of authorization in state management;

g/ To study and improve the process of issuing administrative decisions of state administrative agencies;

h/ To accelerate the restructuring and renewal of state enterprises, including corporations and economic groups, focusing on equitization, in order to narrow down and proceed to eliminate the function of ministries and provincial/municipal Peoples Committees as ownership representatives of state enterprises.

i/ To vigorously step up the reform of non-business public service units;

k/ To work out and implement a master plan on administrative units at all levels;

l/ To consolidate the unified system of specialized agencies at all administration levels;

m/ To pilot the non-establishment of Peoples Councils at district and ward levels;

n/ To pilot the peoples direct election of presidents of commune-level Peoples Committees;




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p/ To specify commune official titles in the direction of ensuring the stability and professional specialization of these titles on the basis of functions and tasks of the commune-level administration;

qp/ To study the establishment of administrative tribunals.

6. To continue the reform of public duty and civil servant regimes

a/ To draft a law on public duty;

b/ To perfect cadre and civil servant criteria and titles;

c/ To organize the structure of cadres and civil servants;

d/ To renew the recruitment and management of cadres and civil servants;

dd/ To improve the Regulation on assessment and classification of cadres and civil servants;

e/ To organize recruitment examinations for a number of leading positions in charge of professional and specialized affairs in the state administrative apparatus and non-business units;




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h/ To formulate a public duty-allowance regime for administrative cadres and civil servants, including those in Party and mass organizations within the political system.

i/ To study and formulate appropriate policies and regulations on public duty houses for cadres and civil servants;

k/ To study policies on the building and use of public duty houses in the political system;

l/ To renew the training and retraining of cadres and civil servants; to apply the mechanism of pre-service training and annual obligatory in-service training and retraining; to organize pre-appointment training and retraining.

m/To enhance administrative discipline and order; to formulate and apply the regime of public duty inspection and supervision at all levels, even with regard to responsibilities of heads of agencies and units.

7. Public financial reform

a/ To pilot the mechanism of budget allocation based on performance results of state administrative agencies and non-business public service units;

b/ To accelerate the reform of non-business public service units in the direction of increasing their autonomy and accountability for all their activities instead of providing them with regular budget support, and concentrate state budget funds on the development of key and priority domains according to projects and programs already approved by competent authorities;

c/ To implement the Governments Decree No. 130/2005/ND-CP of October 17, 2005, on autonomy in and accountability for the use of administrative payrolls and management funds of state agencies; Decree No. 43/2006/ND-CP of April 25, 2006, defining the autonomy in and accountability for task performance, organizational apparatus, payroll and finance of non-business public units; and Decree No. 115/2005/ND-CP of September 5, 2005, providing for the mechanism of autonomy and accountability of public science and technology institutions;




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dd/ To study and formulate a mechanism for conversion of some non-business public units which are currently able to assure all or most of their regular operation funds into state enterprises (one-member limited liability companies). To concurrently study and formulate a mechanism for management of converted non-business units;

e/ To elaborate regulations on organization and operation of internal audit sections of agencies and organizations managing and using state budget, money and property;

8. To modernize administration

a/ To speed up the application of information technology to the operation of state administrative agencies;

b/ To continue applying the quality control system according to TCVN 9001-2000 standards to the operation of state administrative agencies;

c/ To strive by 2010 that there will be no communes where administrations have no working offices or have working offices which fail to meet the requirements of their operation.

9. To properly handle the relations between state administrative agencies and people, mobilizing the peoples and societys effective participation in management activities of state administrative agencies

a/ To continue implementing the Regulation on grassroots democracy;

b/ To draft a law on state compensation;




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- Competence and responsibilities of each state administrative agency;

- Process of handling administrative affairs and procedures, charges and fees, and time for settlement of citizens and organizations affairs;

- State budget, finance and property;

- Audit results;

- Property of cadres and civil servants;

- Recruitment and appointment of cadres and civil servants.

10. To raise awareness and responsibilities of state administrative agencies at all levels and of cadres and civil servants towards administrative reform

a/ To thoroughly grasp the contents and spirit of the Resolution of the fifth plenum of the Party Central Committee, Xth Congress, on accelerating administrative reform and raising management effectiveness and efficiency of the state apparatus, concerning state administrative agencies, cadres and civil servants;

b/ Each agency shall elaborate specific programs and plans for implementation of the Party Central Committees Resolution and the Governments Program of Action.




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1. Based on the major tasks defined in the Program of Action and the attached Appendix on jobs to be done as well as their assigned functions and tasks, ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government attached agencies and presidents of provincial/municipal Peoples Committees shall personally direct the elaboration of programs of action for their respective ministries, branches or localities and report thereon to the Prime Minister before November 30, 2007; then, concretize those programs into specific tasks in their annual work plans. Tasks for which no performance schemes or programs are required must be implemented immediately to ensure the prompt and effective realization of the contents of this Program of Action.

2. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies and presidents of provincial/municipal Peoples Committees shall concentrate on directing, enhancing inspection and urging the implementation of this Program of Action; and annually report to the Prime Minister on the implementation results.

3. In the course of implementation of this Program of Action, if it is necessary to amend or supplement specific contents of the Program, ministries, branches and localities shall take the initiative in reporting thereon to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision.

4. The Minister of Home Affairs shall, based on his assigned functions, tasks and powers, monitor and urge ministries, branches and localities in the implementation of this Program of Action, and periodically report and propos implementation of the Program.



Nguyen Tan Dung



(Promulgated together with the Government's Resolution No. 53/2007/NQ-CP of November 7, 2007)




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Contents of jobs

Agencies with prime responsibility

Coordinating agencies


Completion time

1. Enhancing the Partys leadership of administrative reform


Advising the Party Committees of the same level on specific undertakings, measures, programs and plans for acceleration of administrative reform, especially reform of administrative procedures, enhancement of inspect ion, heightening of responsibilities of heads of state administrative agencies

State administrative agencies




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Directives, resolutions of Party Committees


2. Carrying out administrative reform and legislative and judicial reforms in a coordinated manner


Perfecting the mechanism of coordination between the National Assembly Standing Committee, the Nationalities Council and other Committees of the National Assembly and the Government

Government Office

National Assemblys Office, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Home Affairs

A scheme to be submitted to the Government

Quarter I, 2008




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Clearly identifying the mechanism of the National Assemblys supervision of the Government, ministries and ministerial-level agencies

Government Office

National Assemblys Office, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Home Affairs

A scheme to be submitted to the Government

Quarter I, 2008

3. Building and perfecting the institutional system


Elaborating the Governments long-term and short-term legislative programs

Ministry of Justice




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- The Governments long-term legislative program

- The Governments annual legislative program

- November 2007

- Annual


Accelerating the building and perfection of the institutional and legal system, particularly institutions of the socialist-oriented market economy and institutions of a socialist state ruled by law, regarding organizational structure, civil servants, public duty, decentralization and public finance

Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies


The Governments report




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Renewing and improving the legislation process

Ministry of Justice

Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies, provincial/municipal Peoples Committees

Draft of the Law Amending the Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents, to be submitted to the Government

Quarter IV, 2007


Formulating a mechanism to gather opinions of people, particularly those governed by to-be-promulgated legal documents

Ministry of Justice




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Government decrees

May 2008

4. Speeding up the reform of administrative procedures - a breakthrough in administrative reform


Reviewing administrative procedures and modifying or canceling them according to competence or proposing competent authorities to consider their amendment or annulment

Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies, provincial/municipal Peoples Committees


- Annulling or amending decisions of ministries, ministerial-level agencies, provincial/municipal Peoples Committees

- Regular




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- Reports to the Prime Minister for consideration of annulment or amendment of administrative procedures

- Regular


Reviewing administrative procedures in key areas:






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- Establishment, dissolution of enterprises; business registration, investment certification

- Ministry of Planning and Investment


- A scheme to he submitted to the Government

- Quarter IV, 2007


- Termination of operation of branches, representative offices




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- A scheme to he submitted to the Government

- Quarter IV, 2007


- Bankruptcy of common enterprises

- Ministry of Justice


- A scheme to he submitted to the Government

- Quarter IV, 2007




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- Bankruptcy of foreign-invested enterprises

- Ministry of Planning and Investment


- A scheme to he submitted to the Government

- Quarter IV, 2007


- Investment in construction of works, projects and dwelling houses

- Ministry of Construction





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- Quarter IV, 2007


- Laud use rights

- Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment


- A scheme to be submitted to the Government

- Quarter IV/2007


- Properly ownership right




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- A scheme to be submitted to the Government

- Quarter IV, 2007


- Import and export

- The Ministry of Industry and Trade


- A scheme to be submitted to the Government

- Quarter IV, 2007




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- Tax and customs

- Ministry of Finance


- A scheme to be submitted to the Government

- Quarter IV, 2007


- Civil status

- Ministry of Justice





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- Quarter IV, 2007


- Household registration, peoples identity cards, ordinary passports, visas

- Ministry of Public Security


- A scheme to be submitted to the Government

- Quarter IV, 2007


- Notary, authentication




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- A scheme to be submitted to the Government

- Quarter IV, 2007


- Inspection, supervision of enterprises

- Government Inspectorate


- A scheme to be submitted to the Government

- Quarter IV, 2007




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- Identifying shortcomings in administrative procedures provided for in laws and ordinances, and submitting them to the National Assembly, the National Assembly Standing Committee for consideration and amendment

Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies, provincial/municipal Peoples Committees

Government Office, Ministry of Justice

Reports to the National Assembly or the National Assembly Standing Committee on amendment of relevant laws or ordinances


- Synthesizing proposals and recommendations of ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies, provincial/municipal Peoples Committees regarding modification or cancellation of administrative procedures in legal documents of the Government, the Prime Minister, the National Assembly, the National Assembly Standing Committee

Government Office

Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government- attached agencies, provincial/municipal Peoples Committees

Reports to the Government




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Publicizing administrative procedures, papers, forms, settlement processes, settlement time, charges and fees

State administrative agencies





Implementing the one-stop shop mechanism and inter-agency one-stop shop mechanism

Provincial/municipal Peoples Committees




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Piloting the one-stop shop mechanism in 7 ministries

Ministry of Planning and Investment; Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism; Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment; Ministry of Home Affairs; Ministry of Industry and Trade; Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs; Ministry of Finance

Ministry of Home Affairs

Summary reports on pilot implementation

November 2007


Drafting a law on administrative procedures




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Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government attached agencies, provincial/municipal Peoples Committees

A draft law to be submitted to the Government

December 2007

5. Continuing improving functions, tasks, organizational apparatus and operation mechanism of the Government and state administrative agencies


Elaborating the Governments Work Regulation

Government Office

Ministry of Home Affairs, ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies, provincial/municipal Peoples Committees

Government decrees




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Elaborating work regulations of ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies and provincial/municipal Peoples Committees

Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies, provincial/municipal Peoples Committees


Decisions of ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies and provincial/municipal Peoples Committees

November 2007


Drafting a decree to replace the Governments Decree No. 86/2002/ND-CP of November 5, 2002, defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structures of ministries and ministerial-level agencies

Ministry of Home Affairs




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Government decrees

November, December 2007


Drafting decrees replacing decrees on functions, tasks, powers and organizational structures of ministries, ministerial-level agencies and government-attached agencies in line with the scheme on organizational structure of the Government of the XIIth tenure (2007-2011)

Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies

Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Government Office

Government decrees

November, December 2007





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Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies

Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Government Office

- Prime Ministers decisions

- Decisions of ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government attached agencies

- Quarter I, 2008

- Quarter I, 2008


Further decentralizing tasks from the Government, ministries and branches to local authorities through drafting a decree on functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of each ministry or ministerial-level agency

Ministries, ministerial-level agencies




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Government decrees

November, December 2007


Formulating an authorization mechanism in state management

Ministry of Justice

Ministry of Home Affairs

Government decrees

Quarter IV, 2009





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Ministry of Justice

Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies, provincial/municipal Peoples Committees

A scheme to be submitted to the Government

Quarter IV, 2009


A master plan on administrative units at all levels to 2020

Ministry of Home Affairs

Ministry of Construction, provincial/municipal Peoples Committees

A scheme to be submitted to the Government




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Arranging, organizing provincial and district-level specialized agencies

Ministry of Home Affairs

Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, provincial/municipal Peoples Committees

Government decrees

November, December 2007


Joint circulars guiding the functions, tasks and organizational structures of specialized agencies assisting local Peoples Committees in performing the state management of branches and domains

Ministries, ministerial-level agencies




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Joint circulars of ministries

Quarter I, 2008


Piloting the non-establishment of Peoples Councils in rural and urban districts and wards

Peoples Committees of Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Da Nang, Hai Phong, Can Tho and some provinces

Ministry of Home Affairs

A scheme to be submitted to the Government

Quarter II, 2008





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Ministry of Home Affairs

Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, provincial/municipal Peoples Committees

The draft Law on Organization of the Peoples Councils and Peoples Committees (amended)

According to the law- and ordinance-making program of the Government, XIIth tenure


Defining the Prime Ministers competence to appoint provincial-level Peoples Committee presidents transferred from other localities

Ministry of Home Affairs

Provincial/municipal Peoples Committees

The draft Law on Organization of Peoples Councils and Peoples Committees (amended)




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Piloting the peoples direct election of commune-level Peoples Committee presidents

Ministry of Home Affairs

Provincial/municipal Peoples Committees

Sum-up reports on pilot election

Quarter I, 2009


Formulating commune official titles; titles of administrative civil servants in charge of professional and specialized affairs in communes

Ministry of Home Affairs




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Government decrees

Quarter II, 2009


Studying the establishment of administrative tribunals

Government Inspectorate

Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, provincial/municipal Peoples Committees

A scheme to be submitted to the Government

Quarter III, 2008

6. Reforming regulations on cadres and public duty




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Drafting a law on public duty

Ministry of Home Affairs

Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, provincial/municipal Peoples Committees

The draft law to be submitted to the Government

Quarter II, 2008


Finalizing cadre and civil servant titles and criteria

Ministry of Home Affairs

Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies




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Quarter II, 2008


Building a scale of civil servant ranks and grades in state administrative agencies

Ministry of Home Affairs

Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies

Decisions of the Minister of Home Affairs

Quarter IV, 2008


Renewing recruitment and management of cadres and civil servants




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Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies

Government decrees

Quarter IV, 2009


Finalizing regulations on assessment and classification of cadres and civil servants

Ministry of Home Affairs

Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies

Prime Ministers decisions

Quarter I, 2008




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Piloting the recruitment examinations for some leading positions in charge of professional and specialized affairs in the state administrative apparatus and non-business units

Ministry of Home Affairs

Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies, provincial/municipal Peoples Committees

A scheme to be submitted to the Government

June 2008


A scheme to continue salary reform in the 2008-2012 period

Standing Board of the Steering Committee for Salary Reform

Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies




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November, December 2007





A scheme to be submitted to the 6th plenum of the Party Central Committee, Xth Congress

December 2007


Working out a mechanism of duty-allowances for administrative cadres and civil servants (including cadres and civil servants in Party and mass organizations within the political system)




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The Party Central Committees Commission for Organization, ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies

Government decrees

December 2007


Studying and adopting appropriate housing policies and mechanisms for cadres and civil servants

Ministry of Home Affairs

The Party Central Committees Commission for Organization, ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies

A scheme to be submitted to the Government

Quarter II, 2008




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Adopting policies on building and use of public-duty houses

Ministry of Finance

Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government -attached agencies, provincial/municipal Peoples Committees

A scheme to be submitted to the Government

Quarter II, 2008


Renewing contents of cadre and civil servant training and retraining programs

Ho Chi Minh National Political and Administrative Institute

Ministry of Home Affairs




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Quarter I, 2008


The compulsory annual training and retraining mechanism

Ministry of Home Affairs

Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies




Applying the mechanism of training and retraining before appointment to leading positions




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Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies

Government decrees

January 2008


Enhancing inspection and supervision of public duly performance at all levels, including duty performance by heads of agencies and units

Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies, provincial/municipal Peoples Committees







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Piloting the mechanism of budget allocation based on performance results of state administrative agencies and non-business public service units

Ministry of Finance

Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Planning and Investment

A scheme to be submitted to the Government

Quarter II, 2008


Implementing the Governments Decree No. 130/2005/ND-CP of October 17, 2005, providing for the mechanism of autonomy in and accountability for the use of administrative management payrolls and budgets of state agencies

Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies, provincial/municipal Peoples Committees




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Biannual and annual reports



Implementing the Governments Decree No. 43/2006/ND-CP of April 25, 2006, providing for the autonomy in and accountability for task performance, organizational apparatus, payrolls and finance of non-business public units

Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies, provincial/municipal Peoples Committees

Ministry of Finance

Biannual and annual reports






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Ministry of Science and Technology

Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies, provincial/municipal Peoples Committees

Monthly reports



Formulating a mechanism for equitization of non-business public units for early pilot equitizalion of those units

Ministry of Finance

Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism

A scheme to be submitted to the Government




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Formulating a mechanism for conversion of a number of non-business public units which are able to assure all or most of their regular operation funds into state enterprises (one-member limited liability companies)

Ministry of Finance

Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies, provincial/municipal Peoples Committees

A scheme to be submitted to the Government

Quarter I, 2008


Elaborating regulations on organization and operation of internal audit sections at agencies and organizations managing and using state budget, money and property

State Audit




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Government decrees

Quarter III, 2008

8. Modernization of administration


Building of an e-government

Ministry of Information and Communication

Ministry of Home Affairs, Government Office

A master plan on development of an e-government to be submitted to the Government

November 2007




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Continuing to apply the quality control system according to TCVN 9001-2000 standards to operation of state administrative agencies

Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies, provincial/municipal Peoples Committees





Building offices of commune administrations in localities where those offices are not yet available or available but not meeting the set requirements

Ministry of Planning and Investment

Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Home Affairs




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Quarter I, 2008

9. Handling the relations between state administrative agencies and people


Implementing the Regulation on grassroots democracy

State administrative agencies

Ministry of Home Affairs

Annual reports






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Ministry of Justice

Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies, provincial/municipal Peoples Committees

A draft law to be submitted to the Government

Quarter I, 2008


Formulating mechanisms for publicizing:







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- Competence and responsibilities of each state administrative agency

- Ministry of Home Affairs

Ministry of Finance

Government Decrees

Quarter I, 2008


- State budget, finance and property

- Ministry of Finance




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Government Decrees

Quarter I, 2008


- Audit results

- State Audit


Government Decrees

Quarter I, 2008

10. Raising awareness and responsibilities of state administrative agencies at all levels and cadres and civil servants for administrative reform




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Fully grasping the contents and spirit of the Resolution of the fifth plenum of the Party Central Committee, Xth Congress, on accelerating administrative reform and raising management effectiveness and efficiency of the state apparatus, concerning state administrative agencies, cadres and civil servants

State administrative agencies



Quarter IV, 2007


Every agency shall elaborate specific programs and plans for implementation of the Party Central Committees Resolution and the Governments Program of Action

State administrative agencies





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November 2007