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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 72/NQ-CP

Ha Noi, October 07, 2015





Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government dated December 25, 2001;

Pursuant to the Decree No. 08/2012/ND-CP of the Government dated February 16, 2012 promulgating the working regulation of the Government;

Based on the discussion of the Cabinet’s members and the conclusion of the Prime Minister at the Government’s regular meeting in September 2015 held on September 30 and October 01, 2015,


1. Regarding the socio-economic performance in September and the first nine months of 2015; the implementation of the Resolution No. 01/NQ-CP dated January 03, 2015 of the Government.

The Government agreed that: The socio-economic performance in September and the first nine months achieved many positive results. Macroeconomy remained stable: consumer price index was low, credit growth achieved decent results, overall balance of payments registered a surplus, foreign exchange reserves increased, exchange rates remained stable, interest rates showed decrease tendency. Exports maintained growth momentum; trade deficit remained under control. Aggregate demand and purchasing power increased; total retail sales of merchandise and consumption services increased. State budget revenues rose. Business climate and global competitiveness index saw remarkable improvement. Gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate in nine months was 6.5%, the highest level compared with the same period over the last four years. Industrial production, especially manufacturing and processing industries, marked high growth. Agricultural production developed at a stable rate. Registered and implemented foreign investment capital (FDI) was relatively high. Fields including education, healthcare, culture, science and technology, environmental resources received due attention and direction. Social security and social welfare were well implemented. Public administrative reforms, especially reform of administrative procedures related to the business environment, observed many changes. The inspection, settlement of complaints and denunciations as well as anticorruption received high attention. National defense was enhanced; political security, social order and safety were guaranteed. The maintenance of traffic order and safety was drastically implemented; traffic accidents dropped in all three criteria. The prevention and combat against smuggling and commercial fraud were fortified. Foreign affairs and international integration achieved many important results and position of Viet Nam increasingly improved.

However, the socio-economic situation of our country still faced many difficulties and challenges: the export value of agricultural and fishery products declined due to lower export prices and sluggish consumption; results of economic restructuring associated with renovation of the growth model remained limited; the implementation of solutions to improve the business environment was still unsatisfactory; progress of reorganization and equitization of SOEs was slow; life of a part of people faced plenty of difficulties.

The Government requests ministries, agencies and localities to continue promoting achievements, taking favorable advantages, actively proposing concrete solutions and overcoming difficulties; and at the same time synchronously and effectively implementing tasks and solutions set in the Resolutions of the Party, National Assembly and Government, strive to meet and exceed the goals and targets of the socio-economic development plan in 2015, in which focusing on the following key tasks:

- The State Bank of Viet Nam shall closely monitor market changes, govern monetary policy flexibly, efficiently, in close coordination with fiscal policy, ensure stable monetary market, exchange rates, and promote export; implement measures to promote credit growth associated with quality assurance and reasonable credit structure; accelerate the restructuring process of weak credit institutions and strengthen control and settlement of bad debts.

- The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall coordinate with ministries, agencies and localities to enhance the mobilization of resources for development investment; develop and synthesize the mid-term public investment plan for five years 2016 - 2020 in accordance with the Law on Public Investment, Conclusion of the Political Bureau, Resolution of the National Assembly Standing Committee and Decision of the Prime Minister; balance and consider allocating budget funds to social housing projects under Decisions of the Prime Minister; concentrate on removing difficulties and obstacles, accelerating implementation and disbursement of funds, especially for key and urgent programs and projects using ODA capital and preferential loans; coordinate with the Ministry of Construction to study and supplement additional indicators of social housing development in the system of social-economic development index for five years from 2016 to 2020 consistent with the Law on Housing.

- The Ministry of Finance shall coordinate with ministries, agencies and localities to strengthen the drastic implementation of tasks on State budget and finance in the last months of 2015; strictly control the use of loans; synchronously implement solutions to closely manage public debt; promote the prevention of and fight against smuggling and trade fraud, counterfeiting, inferior quality goods, especially at the end of the year.

- The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall promote the deployment of solutions connecting domestic and international markets; forecast, assess and provide timely information on market demand to boost consumption of commodities, especially agricultural and fishery products; strengthen communication on opportunities and challenges in the context of Viet Nam joining bilateral and multilateral free trade agreements.

- The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall develop suitable mechanisms and policies to encourage enterprises to invest in agriculture and rural development; promote the development of value chains connecting production, distribution and consumption of products; study to identify opportunities to expand export markets of agricultural and fishery products; focus on promoting the restructuring of the livestock sector; actively prepare food supply to meet consumption demand in late months of the year; strengthen coordination in examination of food safety and hygiene, prevent smuggling of cattle and poultry; direct the implementation of the Program on building new countryside to achieve substantial and effective development.

- The Ministry of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs shall focus on beefing up the implementation of policies on vocational training for rural labor while addressing employment; urgently develop and submit to the Prime Minister to promulgate the multidimensional poverty line for the period 2016 - 2020 while ensuring appropriateness and feasibility.

- The Ministry of Information and Communications shall direct the enhancement of information and communication of results and achievements to create spirit, strengthen trust and solidarity among people, and promote socio-economic development.

- Ministries, agencies and localities shall promote the implementation of the Master plan on economic restructuring and Schemes on restructuring fields and sectors approved by the competent authorities; expeditiously and effectively implement solutions to improve the business and investment environment; focus on accelerating the privatization and divestment of State owned enterprises; promote socialization of public service provision.

- The Cabinet members shall actively follow up with issues of public and electors’ interest, actively provide explanation and answers to voters’ comments and questions of members of the National Assembly; review, direct and supervise the implementation of the contents committed before the National Assembly.

- Ministries and agencies shall develop specific plans and strictly implement those plans to address pending documents; focus on drastic direction to the drafting and submission of documents to the Government and the Prime Minister for promulgation or issue under their authority documents on detailed implementation of laws and ordinances already in effect.

The Ministry of Justice and the Government Office shall strengthen the monitoring, supervision and examination of the drafting and submission of laws, ordinances, and documents on detailed implementation of laws and ordinances; actively coordinate with drafting agencies to make proposals to the Government and the Prime Minister on measures to timely address difficulties and obstacles.

2. Regarding the Socio-economic development plan in five years 2016 - 2020 and the Report on the three-year implementation (2013-2015) of the Master plan on economic restructuring associated with renovation of growth model

The Ministry of Planning and Investment is assigned to preside and coordinate with the Ministry of Finance, the Government Office and other relevant ministries and agencies to collect comments from the Cabinet members, finalize the Socio-economic development plan in five years 2016 - 2020 and the Report on the three-year implementation of the Master plan on economic restructuring associated with renovation of growth model. The Minister of Planning and Investment, authorized by the Prime Minister, shall represent the Government to report to the National Assembly.

3. Regarding the Report assessing the implementation of the state budget in five years 2011 - 2015 and orientations for State budget balance for five years 2016 - 2020

The Ministry of Finance is assigned to preside and coordinate with the Government Office and relevant min istries and agencies to collect comments from the Cabinet members, finalize the Report. The Minister of Finance, authorized by the Prime Minister, shall represent the Government to report to the National Assembly on request.

4. Regarding the issuance of government bonds in international capital markets in 2015

The Government agrees on the plan to issue government bonds in international capital markets in 2015 as proposed by the Ministry of Finance.

The Ministry of Finance is assigned to collect comments from the Cabinet members, promptly finalize the draft Resolution of the Government, and submit to the Prime Minister for issuance.

5. Regarding duration of government bond issuance

The Government agrees to issue government bonds with all durations stipulated in the Law on Public Debt Management and Decree No. 01/2011/ND-CP dated January 05, 2011.

The Minister of Finance, authorized by the Prime Minister, shall represent the Government to report to the National Assembly for deployment permission from November 2015.

6. Regarding the Reports on: the implementation of the Resolutions adopted at the Government’s regular meetings, tasks assigned by the Government and the Prime Minister and the work program of the Government; administrative reform; inspection and settlement of complaints, denunciations and anticorruption; improvement of business environment and enhancement of national competitiveness in the third quarter of 2015

The Government Office, the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Government Inspectorate, the Ministry of Planning and Investment are assigned to collect comments from the Cabinet members to complete and promulgate reports according to authority for deployment.

7. Regarding the national high school graduation examination and university and college admission in 2015

The Government agrees with the assessment mentioned in the Report of the Ministry of Education and Training on the national high school graduation examination and university and college admission in 2015

The Ministry of Education and Training is assigned to organize a session to withdraw lessons learned, promote advantages and overcome shortcomings and limitations of the organization of university and college admission in 2015; continue to complete the plan on the national high school graduation examination and university and college admission in the next years following the education renovation roadmap enshrined in the Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW.

8. Regarding measures to promote the application and development of information technology (IT)

a) Regarding tax policy in information technology

The Government agrees with the Report of the National Commission on IT Application and on the need for tax incentives to encourage strong development of IT and IT services especially technologies related to software and software services.

The Ministry of Finance is assigned to preside and coordinate with the Government Office, the Ministry of Information and Communications, the Ministry of Justice and other relevant ministries and agencies develop and complete the draft Resolution of the Government on tax incentives to promote the IT application and development, and submit it to the Prime Minister for issuance in October 2015.

The Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Information and Communications, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs are assigned to quickly submit to the Government, the Prime Minister for promulgation or issue under their authority documents guiding the implementation in 2015. The Government Office is assigned to supervise the implementation.

b) Regarding the promotion of outsourcing of IT services in State agencies

The Government agrees to promote the deployment of IT enterprises to implement the partial or full leasing of services including: hardware, software, connection, solutions, etc. leaving State agencies with provision of e- services. To ensure information security, ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, Government agencies, Chairmen of provincial/municipal People's Committees shall be allowed to make limited tendering; decide short- term rent (under 12 months) if necessary conditions to determine a stable rent are missing.

9. Regarding the Report on status and solutions to enhance Viet Nam’s labor productivity

The Ministry of Planning and Investment is assigned to collect comments from Cabinet members, consult with experts and scientists, to make specific, objective and comprehensive analysis and assessment on the causes and current status of Viet Nam’s labor productivity; identify methodologies for calculating labor productivity consistent with practical conditions of Viet Nam, complete the Report on enhancement of Viet Nam’s labor productivity, a draft Resolution of the Government on tasks and solutions to improve Viet Nam's labor productivity, and report to the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Ministers in November 2015.

10. Regarding the inclusion of salaries in the calculation of health care service prices paid by health insurance

The Government agrees to include salaries and special allowances in the calculation of prices of examination and treatment services paid by health insurance. The State budget shall continue to provide support to health care facilities in case collection from structured service charges is not enough to cover spending for pensions as stipulated.

The Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Finance are assigned to urgently promulgate documents guiding service prices on examination and treatment for health insurance users ensuring consistency among hospitals of the same level, applied to all clinics and treatment centers which are not referred as hospitals or are hospitals but have not been categorized for implementation by the end of 2015 according to the flexible roadmap; encourage public medical facilities to ensure regular operation expenses.

The Ministry of Information and Communications shall coordinate with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Finance to popularize the adjustments in medical service prices as well as policies of the State supporting the poor, ethnic minorities, people in sea and island areas, children under six years old, near poor, middle-income people joining health insurance.

11. Regarding the proposal to suspend collection of toll road fees from motorbike owners

The Government agrees to suspend collection of toll road fees from motorbike owners from January 01, 2016.

The Ministry of Transport is assigned to preside and coordinate with other relevant ministries and agencies to develop the draft Decree amending a number of articles of the Decree No. 18/2012/ND-CP dated March 13, 2012 and Decree No. 56/2014/ND-CP dated May 30, 2014, and submit to the Government.

12. Regarding the identification of agencies to manage local health care units

The Government Office is assigned to synthesize comments and report to the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Ministers.

13. Regarding the draft Decree on the management, provision and use of radio and television services

The Government agrees on the plan to: limit the cap percentage of foreign programs out of the total number of exploited channels to 30% for paid radio and television services; not to provide additional limitation on the percentage of foreign formatted, copyrighted reality radio and television programs out of the total broadcasting time to 20% and the number of affiliated programs out of the total number of licensed channels and programs of press agencies for production to 30%; not permit linking political news programs.

The Ministry of Information and Communication is assigned to preside and coordinate with the Ministry of Justice, the Government Office and other relevant ministries and agencies to collect comments and complete the draft Decree, and submit to the Prime Minister for consideration and issuance.

14. Regarding the draft Decree on detailed implementation of a number of articles of the Law on People's Public Security Forces

The Ministry of Public Security is assigned to collect comments from the Cabinet members, complete the draft Decree, ensure conformity with the Law on People’s Public Security Forces and current legal regulations, and submit to the Government for consideration and issuance.

15. Regarding the draft Report of the Government on public consultation results on the draft Penal Code (revised) The Government agrees with the draft Report on public consultation results on the draft Penal Code (revised) by the Ministry of Justice.

The Ministry of Justice is assigned to preside and coordinate with the Government Office and other relevant ministries and agencies to collect comments from the Cabinet members, urgently revise and complete the Report. The Minister of Justice, authorized by the Prime Minister, shall represent the Government to submit to the National Assembly.

16. Regarding amendments to a number of articles of the Law on Value Added Taxes, Law on Excise Tax and Law on Tax Management

The Ministry of Finance is assigned to preside and coordinate with the Ministry of Justice, the Government Office and other relevant ministries and agencies to collect comments from the Cabinet members, revise and complete the draft law. The Minister of Finance, authorized by the Prime Minister, shall represent the Government to submit to the National Assembly.




Nguyen Tan Dung