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No: 77/NQ-CP

Hanoi, April 03, 2011




On March 30, 2011, the Government held regular meeting in March 2011, to discuss and decide on the following issues:

1.Reports: Socio-Economic situation of March and quarter I, 2011 and the implementation situation of Resolution No.11/NQ-CP on difficulty subsidy policy for low-income objects, poor households; delaying time of the payment of corporate revenue tax for production-business enterprises, priority to small and medium-sized enterprises; the income situation and profit of commercial banks, proposing appropriate and necessary measure to ensure a reasonable correlation on income between the banks and other production-business sectors;  the implementation situation of the Resolution on Government’s meeting in February, the working program of the Government in March 2011; operation of inspection, handling claims, denunciations and fighting against corruption in March 2011; administrative reform operation in March 2011; the implementation situation of international commitments of Vietnam in the quarter I in 2011 by the Minister of Planning and Investment, the Minister of Finance, the Governor of  State Bank of Vietnam, Minister-Head of the Governmental Office, General Inspector of Government, Minister of the Interior and Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Government praises and appreciates efforts and determination of the levels and branches, enterprise community and the whole people agreed to implement comprehensively and effectively the January 9, 2011, Resolution No.02/NQ-CP of Government on key measures in direction and operation of implementing socio-economic development plans and state budget in 2011; the January 24, 2011  Resolution No. 11/NQ-CP on main solutions focusing on inflatation domination inflation control, macroeconomic stability, ensuring social welfare. The above efforts promoted effective; the socio-economic development of March and quarter I, 2011 achieved positive initial results. Macro-economy continues to be steady: the management of monetary, credit, interest rate, gold - foreign exchange market, are going to stabilize; measures regard to tightening budget expenditures, reducing public investment are implemented seriously by all both levels, sectors, enterprises and create obvious changes; budget collecting achieves higher, exports increased 3 times compared to plan target, the trade gap tends to decrease.

In conditions of focusing on inflation control, GDP growth speed in quarter I, 2011 compares with  the same period in 2010 still reached 5.43% (less than 0.4%), industrial production value in quarter I, 2011 increased 14.1%, higher than the plan target in 2011, the production value of agriculture, forestry and fishery incresed 3.5%, total retail sales of goods and services increased 22.6%. Social welfare continued to be cared and promoted. People's lives, especially the poor, the lonely elderly, the disabled, the credit families have been taking care, especially in the Tan Mao Lunar Year. Cultural activities, sports, health, education, job services… continue to being special regarded. Foreign relations and economic cooperation between Vietnam and other countries continue to developing. Administrative reform has been promoted. The handling operation of claims, denunciations and the fight against corruption are attached special importance. Defense and security are strengthened, politicl and social contunue stability, the social order and safety are kept in steady.

In the following months, economy of our country continues to face many difficulties and big challenges: global economic in in recovery slowly and unsteadily, the price of crude oil and basic materials, food, ration prices continues to increasing with the risk of inflation in many countries around the world cause the pressure of increasing domestic price index. Political crisis in North Africa and the Middle East, especially the war in Libya; heavy damages by earthquakes and tsunamis in Japan affect the stability and political socio-economic development regionally and globally. In country, the price index increased in the condition to implement the policy of adjusting fuel prices, electricity prices made it become difficult for aims controling inflation; interest rate plan is high; the electricity supplying is difficult; natural disasters, disease happen complicatedly ... all had a big influence on production, business, destabilized the macro economy and make difficulties for people's lives, especially the poor. A number of social issues, which have not unresolved yet well such as traffic congestion and accidents, environmental pollution, food safety and sanitation, social vices and crime increasing, also cause pressing.

Before this situation, to achieve the objectives of the 2011 plan, the Government requests the ministries, agencies and localities continue to grasp thoroughly and perform positively, comprehensively and effectively regard to conclusions of Politburo on the socio-economic situation in 2011; the January 09, 2011 Resolution No. 02/NQ - CP and especially the January 24, 2011 Resolution No. 11/NQ - CP of the Government on main measures to focus on controlling inflation, stabilizing macroeconomic, ensuring social welfare, in which need to pay attention to some important content as follows:




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

- Ministry of Finance determines and announces specific the number of saving money when save more of 10% expenditures; has measures to strive for reducing the state budget over-expenditure in 2011 below 5%; keeps presiding over and coordinates with the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, the relevant agencies and People's Committees of centrally-affiliated cities and provinces to direct management price well, especially for essential commodities, to set up interdisciplinary teams to enhance controling of prices and market, prohibiting of speculation and rising prices; coordinates with the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, keep operating the petrol price in accordance with the September 15, 2009 Decree No. 84/2009/ND-CP on the petroleum business, concurrently,  implement controling and stabilization the price under laws; completes and submits to the Prime Minister for signing the decision on delaying of collecting enterprise income tax, to unbind difficulties for enterprises, thus to contribute to impulsing development of 2011 economic.

- Ministry of Construction presides over and coordinates with other agencies and localities to strengthen strict control of the real estate market; to urgently study and propose mechanisms and policies to manage the real estate market to operate healthy, anti-speculation and price manipulation in this field.

Ministry of Planning and Investment presides over and coordinates with relevant agencies in determining the list of projects using state budget funds, government bonds in fields of transportation, irrigation, hospitals, solidification of schools, student dormitorys which are incomplete, capital need to be priority to complete in 2011, submits the Prime Minister for consideration and decision. Ministries, agencies, localities, corporations, state general company promptly send official report on checking of austerity program, suspending and transferring 2011 plan capital in order to the Ministry of Planning and Investment collect, propose settlement solutions, submit to the Government at regular meeting in April 2011.

Ministry of Industry and Commerce presides over and coordinates with relevant agencies to direct the application of measures on export promotion and encouragement, import restriction and controling, particularly non-essential, luxury consumer goods, ensuring that trade gap is not exceed 16% of total exports turn-over; coordinates with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Ministry of Finance to manage the food export towards exploiting the market well, ensuring rights of producers and kepping domestic food prices stabilize, directs to ensure adequate petroleum resources supplying for demand of domestic production and consumption; controls plan of electricity supplying in 2011 for production and life strictly, directs to implement making of the electricity-saving programs, strives for saving 10% electricity spending; coordinates with Vietnam Fatherland Front, with the active participation of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, the Vietnam Women's Union with the power industry in order to guide and create movement of electricity saving competitive for agencies, households, with specify electricity-saving targets for each objects.

Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs presides over and coordinates with the Ministry of Finance implement well policies of supporting the electricity price for the poor households and deploy immediately implementation of difficulties allowance policy for low-income objects according to the March 30, 2011 Decision No. 471/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister, ensuring timely, right object;  coordinates with ministries, agencies and localities to concern stabilizing life of workers in economic zones, industrial parks, places that have many employees gather together; early studys and proposes mechanisms and supporting policies for keeping the employees’s mind on production, ensuring life in prices high increasing conditions, submits to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision.

Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Public Security coordinates with localities concentrate on directing   the drastic implementation of measures to curb, reduce traffic accidents; operate the preliminary of four years implementing the June 29, 2007 Resolution No.32/2007/NQ-CP of the Government on curbing traffic accidents and congestion, proposing urgent measures, which concentrating on opposing using wine, beer,  alcohol as joining traffic

Ministry of Information and Communication presides over and coordinates with the ministries, relevant agencies and localities to focus on directing the news, press agencies to strengthen information and propaganda duty on the policy of inflation control, macroeconomic stability, social security, take them as regular centre subject of information and propaganda operations. Ministries, agencies and localities are responsible for supplying adequately timely specific official information on the guidelines, policies and measures of the Party and State for people to understand, agree and share general difficulties of country, avoiding panic, anxiety psychological or exploiting increasing of prices to make market troubled.

The ministries, agencies and localities continue to focus on guiding the policy implementation of social welfare assurance effectively issued; the heads of ministries, agencies and localities assume responsibility to guide drastically implementation of saving in procurement, openning conferences, seminars, working abroad; promotes strongly the role of social organizations and unions, agglomerations in campaigning and encouraging spending economy all power resources in production, activities and life; attract amounts of inhabitant saving into the banking system and into production and business operations.

The ministries, ministerial-level agencies strengthen directing the quality preparation of documents guiding the implementation of laws and ordinances have been effective in ecxact time provided. Ministries, agencies and localities focus on good preparing of works in concerned with service for the election of the XIII National Assembly delegates and of People's Councils delegates at all levels tenure 2011 - 2016; continues to focus on promoting administrative reform, the task of fighting against corruption, and inspection task, adjustment task of claims and denunciations.




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

The Government requests members of the Government to take part in consulting on the draft of Government’s resolution on continuing to promote and improve the effectiveness of international economic integration period 2011 - 2015 and the Vision to 2020; assigns Ministry of Planning and Investment to receive comments from government’s members, experts and scientists, to finalize the draft of resolution, submit to the Government at the regular meeting in April 2011.

3. The Government has comments on the draft of the 2012 law and ordinance making program and adjusts the 2011 laws and ordinances making program of the XIII National Assembly submited by the Minister of Justice.

Assigning to The Minister of Justice to receive comments from Government’s members, to correct and improve the draft of the proposal of the Government on making laws and ordinances program in 2012 and adjusts the laws and ordinances making program in 2011; reporting to the Prime Minister before submitting the National Assembly for the proposal of the Government on this program. /.




Nguyen Tan Dung