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Độc lập - Tự do - Hạnh phúc

Số: 08/2016/TB-LPQT

Hà Nội, ngày 18 tháng 02 năm 2016




Thực hiện quy định tại khoản 3 Điều 47 của Luật Ký kết, gia nhập và thực hiện điều ước quốc tế năm 2005, Bộ Ngoại giao trân trọng thông báo:

Kế hoạch hành động triển khai quan hệ đối tác chiến lược giữa Chính phủ nước Cộng hòa xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam và Chính phủ nước Cộng hòa I-ta-li-a giai đoạn 2015-2016 ký tại Hà Nội ngày 06 tháng 11 năm 2015, có hiệu lực kể từ ngày 06 tháng 11 năm 2015.

Bộ Ngoại giao trân trọng gửi Bản sao Kế hoạch theo quy định tại Điều 68 của Luật nêu trên./.



Nơi nhận:
- Ủy ban Đối ngoại Quốc hội (để báo cáo);
- Văn phòng Chủ tịch nước (để báo cáo);
- Văn phòng Chính phủ (để báo cáo);
- Phòng Công báo, Văn phòng Chính phủ;
- Bộ Công an;
- Bộ Công Thương;
- Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo;
- Bộ Giao thông vận tải;
- Bộ Kế hoạch và Đầu tư;
- Bộ Khoa học-Công nghệ;
- Bộ Lao động-Thương binh và Xã hội;
- Bộ Nội vụ;
- Bộ Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn;
- Bộ Quốc phòng;
- Bộ Tài chính;
- Bộ Tài nguyên - Môi trường;
- Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông;
- Bộ Tư pháp;
- Bộ Văn hóa, Thể thao và Du lịch;
- Bộ Xây dựng;
- Bộ Y tế;
- Ngân hàng Nhà nước Việt Nam;
- Đài Truyền hình Việt Nam;
- Phòng Thương mại và Công nghiệp Việt Nam;
- Đại sứ quán Việt Nam tại I-ta-li-a;
- Bộ Ngoại giao: Câu, ASEAN, TCQT, THKT, LS, CNV, HVNG, TCCB;
- Lưu: LPQT.


Nguyễn Văn Ngự




Following the Joint Declaration on the establishment of a Strategic Partnership between the Socialist republic of Viet Nam and the Italian Republic (hereinafter referred to as “Joint Declaration”), signed in Rome by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the two Countries on January 21, 2013, on the occasion of the State visit to Italy paid by the Secretary General of the Communist Party of Viet Nam, H.E. Mr. Nguyen Phu Trong, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations and following the success of the Action plan for the implementation of the Strategic Partnership between the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam and the Italian Republic for 2013 - 2014:

The Socialist Republic of Viet Nam and the Italian Republic (hereinafter referred to as “the Parties”) intend to give effect to the Joint Declaration through this Action Plan. The activities envisaged in this Plan will be implemented by the Parties under their exclusive competence and in accordance with their respective national laws and international obligations and, as far as the Italian party is concerned, in accordance with the obligations deriving from being member of the European Union.

1. Political and diplomatic cooperation

The Parties agree to maintain high level visits. The President of the Italian Republic has paid a State visit to the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam upon Vietnamese invitation. The Vietnamese side is happy to invite the President of the Italian Senate of the Republic and the speaker of the Chamber of Deputies to pay an official visit to Viet Nam during 2015 - 2016. The Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation has invited Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh to pay an official visit to Italy during 2015 - 2016.

In order to further strengthen the political dialogue on international and regional issue of mutual interest, the Parties will continue to exchange views in the framework of the Next Strategic Dialogue, to be held in Viet Nam. When the Parties deem it appropriate, representatives of ministries and other institutions will be invited to participate in the meeting, according to the items of the agenda. The agenda of the meeting will be agreed upon through diplomatic channels. In the spirit of mutual trust and full cooperation, the Parties agree to discuss topics of mutual interest such as, cooperation and mutual support for candidacies in international and regional fora, promotion of peace, security and stability at the regional and international level, promotion and respect of human rights, development of specific forms of dialogue between State authorities and ministries of the two Countries.

The Parties agree to strengthen the cooperation between the research institutes of both sides and to promote bilateral cooperation in the field of training for their diplomatic officials through the exchange of practices and courses. The Parties welcome the opening of the Consulate General of Italy in Ho Chi Minh City and encourage its activities as a tool for strengthening economic and cultural cooperation, with specific regard to the increase of bilateral trade, investment and industrial partnership with the central and southern Provinces of Viet Nam.

The Parties agree to enhance the cooperation between their two legislative bodies, including by seeking mutual support in the framework of parliamentary regional and international fora (such as IPU Assembly, Asia-Europe Parliamentary Partnership Meeting).

The two sides welcome the excellent current cooperation between respective regions, specifically the duos Hanoi - Lazio/Roma, Hai Phong - Liguria/Genova, Vinh Phuc - Toseana, Binh Duong - Emilia Romagna, Hue/Quang Ninh - Veneto/Venezia. The two sides agree to facilitate and further encourage region to region relations. The two sides welcome the signature of a friendship and cooperation agreement between Ho Chi Minh City and the City of Turin and agree to facilitate and further encourage region to region and cities to cities relations.

2. Global and regional issues

The parties welcome the mutual support agreement reached on their respective candidatures to the United Nations Security Council. They therefore will continue to support each other in international fora and to explore possibilities of further mutual support agreements concerning their participation to multilateral institutions.

With the objective of promotion cooperation in global and regional issues in the framework of international fora, the Parties commit to increase exchange of information, mutual cooperation and support on issues of mutual interest, especially with regard to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and UN reforms, the post 2015 Development Agenda, peace and security, energy security, maritime security, climate change, environmental protection, sustainable development, food security, water resources management, connectivity, infrastructure, human resources and youth labour development.

The Parties agree to enhance EU-ASEAN and ASEM dialogue for the further understanding and cooperation between the two regions. They also acknowledge their cooperation in the context of the two Fora including mutual co-sponsorships of initiatives and seminars.

Italy supports Vietnam’s goal to strengthen its comprehensive cooperation with the EU, in particular by: a) the early completion of the ratification process of the Partnership and Co-operation Agreement (PCA); b) the early conclusion of the Viet Nam-EU Free Trade Agreement, and its expedite ratification and implementation.

Viet Nam supports the strengthening of Italy - ASEAN relations, including Italy’s participation in the Shangri-la Dialogue and the EU’s interest in furthering engagement with the region through all ASEAN-led processes.

3. Economic Cooperation

The Parties reaffirm their commitment to expand and support bilateral trade and investments on the basis of equality, transparency, non-discrimination and mutual benefit through close cooperation, talking into account the differences between the two Countries, in order to tap the full potential of their mutual relations. They encourage efforts to enhance the bilateral trade relations through various means aiming at mutual benefits for both Parties. In this regard, the Parties reaffirm the importance of the forthcoming implementation of the Free Trade Agreement between the European Union and Viet Nam as a key instrument to further deepen bilateral Strategic partnership between Viet Nam and Italy.

The Parties cooperate for and early recognition of the market economy status for Viet Nam by the EU, according to the 5 criteria set by the EU.

The Parties will strive to strengthen and facilitate economic cooperation, trade and investment, by committing to:

- Implement the cooperation agreements concluded during the first and second meeting of the Joint Commission on Economic Cooperation between the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Viet Nam and Ministry of Economic Development of Italy established by the Joint Declaration:

- Arrange, upon request of the Embassy of Italy in Hanoi and of the Embassy of Vietnam in Rome, the organization of meetings with the relevant Vietnamese and Italian authorities aimed at reviewing difficult or critical situations the each other’s companies may face operating in the respective Countries.

- Strengthen bilateral investment cooperation through investment promotion activities in order to increase the awareness of the business circle of each country’s investment opportunities and environment, such as through seminars, working visits Viet Nam’s contact point for foreign investment promotion is the Foreign Investment Department, Ministry of Planning and Investment; in Italy such activity is carried out by an interministerial Committee based in the Ministry of Economic Development.

- Enhance cooperation in financial and monetary sectors by encouraging regular round tables between institutions and banks of both countries to exchange views and experiences;

- Develop the mechanism to assist the respective most relevant investors and businessmen operating in the other Party’s Country;

- Identify strategic projects in the infrastructural sector in Viet Nam, with specific regard to transportation and logistics and capacity building particularly in the railways sector. In this regard the Italian Ministry of Infrastructures and Transports in considering a visit to Viet Nam tentatively in the upcoming months;

- Strengthen cooperation in the fields of maritime transportation infrastructure, through the organization of meetings and conferences;

- Support proposals and contributions for projects in the architectonic and urban planning fields in Viet Nam;

- Promote the intensification of the cooperation in the production and supply of material and spare parts in sectors concerning mechanical engineering, automobile, electricity, textile and leather shoes;

- Italy and Viet Nam encourage the cooperation between Italian and Vietnamese companies, aimed at improving the quality of human resources and providing technology transfer;

- Promote cooperation in the energy sector in Viet Nam, with specific regard to hydropower, thermoelectric, wind-powered and solar-powered plants, as well as to distribution and transmission. Particular attention will be given as well to renewable energy and energy efficiency, with the possible contribution of Italian techniques, expertise and equipment, and to the safety and commissioning for future nuclear power plants.

- Support the strategic partnership between ENI and Petro Viet Nam, as per the cooperation established by the MoU signed in 2013, the projects assigned for the exploration of 6 blocks offshore, the “Technical Study Agreement to evaluate the potential of unconventional hydrocarbons in Viet Nam” signed in 2013 and the agreement on the joint study on the gas need in Viet Nam;

- Carry out in the agro-food sector:

+ Italy congratulates Viet Nam for the successful participation in Milan Expo 2015 and in particular for the organization of the National Day on October 17th;

+ the quick start of mechanisms of regular exchanges (of both expertise and inspectors’ visits) and cooperation in order to clarify and facilitate the authorizations and procedures for the import/export of their respective products;

+ joint projects with regard to safety regulations, also through cooperation between universities and scientific centers’;

- Support:

+ possible contributions by Italian companies in agricultural mechanization, irrigation, transport, storage refrigerating systems, first processing of products and packaging.

+ assistance by Vietnamese operators towards a more extensive presence of Italian products in Vietnamese distribution, together with the assistance by Italian companies in the fields of wholesale, retail and franchising;

+ organization of events of food and wines promotion and tasting to be held in both Countries;

- The Parties welcome the participation of Italy as a Country of Honor at Vietnam Foodexpo- Vietnam Foodtech 2016 as a fruitful occasion to further explore the potential of cooperation in the field.

- The participation of each other’s companies to tenders in Viet Nam and Italy, in key investment areas such as the abovementioned sector, as well as health, biomedical, and in the following sectors;

+ electronic industry, with specific regard to Finmeccanica’s interests such as: Finmeccanica Agusta Westland helicopters; Finmeccanica/Selex ES systems for air traffic control for Vietnam’s airports; Surveillance and Protection Systems for Critical Infrastructures such as Port and Airport; Proposal from Telespazio for a Ground Receiving Station linked to Earth Observation Satellites Constellation; Finmeccanica Alenia Aermacchi Medium Lift Transport Aircraft.

+ ICT, with specific regard to Ibas-RAIway Consortium’s project for the transition from analog to digital broadcasting in partnership with VTV (Viet Nam television);

- The establishment of high-tech industrial zones for Italian companies in Viet Nam;

- Cooperation between Italian and Vietnamese companies especially SMEs. Particular efforts will be put in the exchange of visits, organization of road shows, participation to trade fairs, seminars and exhibitions in fields where Italian enterprises have renown experience, such as “Milano Tutto Food” (agro-food), HOMI (lifestyle), Lineapelle (leather), Cersaie (ceramic and tiles), and SAIE (smart house). The priority sectors include textiles, footwear, machinery, wood processing, furniture and agro-food. Special attention will be paid to supporting industries in Viet Nam Further instruments are detailed in the development cooperation section;

- The implementation of the Agreement on cooperation in the tourism sector signed in 2009, with specific regard to the support of respective destinations and products and to exchange of information and assistance regarding management, training, marketing, strategies, conservation and restoration of archaeological sites. In the tourism sector, Milan Expo 2015, has provided opportunities to the visibility of Vietnamese goods;

- The completion of internal procedures for the entry into force of the bilateral Aviation Agreement signed in 2013, and to consider the possible opening of a direct flight route between the two Countries;

- Possible projects through Italian technologies and expertise, for development of Viet Nam’s chemical, mining and plastic sectors;

- The sharing of information on the protection of intellectual property rights and the fight against counterfeits goods, with particular attention to issues affecting SMEs;

- The set-up of appropriate financial support packages between banks and insurances of both Countries, and well as to favor equitable solutions to disputes of commercial nature or concerning aspects related to the protection of intellectual property;

- Cooperation in the financial sector and encourage the development of a more structured collaboration between both Countries’s Stock Exchanges, by organizing study visits to Italy, inviting Italian experts to workshops and seminars;

- In the customs sector:

+ both Parities welcome the signature of the Agreement on cooperation and mutual administrative assistance in customs matters that follows the MoU on Cooperation and Mutual Administrative Assistance signed in 2013;

+ trade facilitation by sharing experience in risk management and customs controls, implementing customs legislation and fighting against counterfeiting and under-invoicing;

+ exchange of information, direct communication and the study of effective methodologies to identify reliable companies, in order to facilitate legitimate trade and repression of offenses against economic, fiscal, social and cultural rights.

4. Development Cooperation

The Parties commit to finalize the ongoing activities agreed upon in the bilateral Development Cooperation Agreement for 2010-2012, and express their wish to a smooth implementation of the Debt Swap Agreement, after the recent finalization of the related technical agreement.

Over the period 2015-2016, Italian development cooperation in Viet Nam will focus on three main initiatives in priority sectors, as already discussed and shared with the Vietnamese side. Namely, the initiatives include:

- Supporting the development process of Vietnamese SEMs through a multifaceted programme eligible to be financed through a specific credit line. The program would provide Vietnamese SMEs with high-level training, technical assistance and exchange of know-how of Italian origin, with the aim of improving their competitiveness on local as well as international markets, developing SMEs’ clusters and facilitating partnerships with Italian industrial clusters. The program would also consider the possibility of establishment training and service Centres in Viet Nam, equipped with cutting-edge Italian technologies, following the Letter of Intent signed in Rome on January 21, 2013;

- Improving the management of water resources in the central region of Viet Nam which would capitalize on the positive achievements of two initiatives of the Italian Development Cooperation: the project for the management of the Red River water resources and the project to improve flood forecasting and warning system;

- Improving the integrated cross-border assistance to migrant children victims of sexual abuse through a multilateral regional grant program, targeting Viet Nam, Cambodia and Laos. The program envisages strengthening the capacity of public institutions and civil society.

5. Cooperation in the fields of culture, education, science and technology

The Italian side commits to continue supporting the Vietnamese side in the organization of cultural initiative in the framework of the “Viet Nam Days in Italy” and of music and art festivals in Italy.

Bearing in mid the Executive Program for Bilateral Cooperation in the Education sector for 2013 -2016 signed in 2013 and the Executive Program for Bilateral Cooperation in the cultural sector for 2013-2016, the Parties commit to promote activities in such areas.

The Parties welcome the contribution made by Uni-Italia office in Viet Nam for the growth of academic relations between the two Countries. They particularly welcome the increasing number of Vietnamese students in Italy and agreements between universities and encourage Uni-Italia to continue its activities, in accordance with Vietnamese laws.

The Parties express the wish to improve dialogue opportunities between their academic authorities and associations of Principals, also through the establishment of a bilateral Conference of Rectors.

The Parties agree to foster university cooperation with the aim of supporting business partnership between Italian and Vietnamese SMEs with highly specialized human resources, particularly in the following areas: engineering and mechatronics, architecture and design, textile and garments, fashion and luxury goods, economics, food safety and agro-industry. The Parties acknowledge the projects for the establishment of a Footwear Technological. Training and Service Center in Ho Chi Minh City Industry and Trade College implemented by ASSOMAC - the National Association of Italian Manufacturers of Footwear, Leathergoods, Tannery Machines and Accessories - and the local partner LEFASO - Viet Nam Leather, Footwear and Handbag Association - as well as the Technology Training Center in the field of textile machinery industry implemented by ACIMIT - the Association of Italian Textile Machine Manufacturers and the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, with the support of the Italian Trade Agency ICE and the Ministry of Economic Development. The two sides also welcome the signature of MoUs among Italian universities, Vietnamese universities and Italian companies operating in Viet Nam in the field of engineering education and research.

Acknowledging the success of the event “Italian Days of Higher Education” held in Hanoi in 2014, the Parties agree to regularly organize such an event in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City and to promote academic exchanges and the establishment of new academic joint degree programs.

With reference to “Casa Italia” and considering the MoU signed in 2013, Italy commits to carry out a promotional program in culture, culinary, fashion, language and Italian brands to the Vietnamese consumers. Each initiative will take place in full compliance with Vietnamese relevant regulations. Viet Nam commits to supports the activities of Casa Italia under the technical, legal and administrative point of view.

In the Information and Communication sector, the Parties agree to strengthen the introduction of each country’s culture, people and identity through mass media.

The Parties welcome the progress registered in the cooperation between the two countries’ Universities and Research Centers, within the Executive Program for Scientific and Technological Cooperation for the years 2014 - 2016 and agree to continue supporting the projects and initiatives between the two Countries in the upcoming years and further develop the bilateral cooperation between Vietnam and Italy in the field of science, technology and innovation, with particular regard to the existing and new thematic areas of such as physics and outer space, biotechnology and nanotechnology for medicine and environmental applications. The parties welcome the nomination of a Scientific Attaché at the Italian Embassy in Hanoi.

The Parties, with the aim of strengthening and facilitating bilateral Cooperation in this field, commit to:

- present funding mechanism financed in the framework of EU projects that can be usefully mobilized for international co-operation between the two Countries; explore in particular the funding opportunities offered by the EU Programs Horizon 2020 in order to support Viet Nam - Italy joint research projects;

- hold the mid-term review of the Executive Protocol on Scientific and Technological co-operation to be held in Viet Nam in early 2016;

- update their mutual knowledge of the respective University systems and their evolution with the aim of a more correct comparative evaluation of the respective certificates;

- highlight Italian capabilities and possible co-operation in the field of physics, space and satellite technology and applications, with particular attention to land and water monitoring and to maritime surveillance;

- disseminate the experience of NAVIS center based in Hanoi as a good practice in the field of scientific and technological cooperation and support the activities of NAVIS;

- seek and enhance opportunities to promote constructive cooperation with the IPR authorities;

- start bilateral talks aimed at convening the Viet Nam - Italy Rector Conference in 2016.

6. Cooperation in Defense, Security and Justice

On the basis of the Joint Statement, the Parties agree to continue to carry out the Viet Nam - Italy Defense and Security Dialogue at Deputy Ministers of Defense level.

The Vietnamese side welcomes the visit of the Italian Defense Minister to Viet Nam possibly in 2015 - 2016.

The two sides welcome the establishment of a Working group between their Ministries of Defense with the aim of defining and overseeing modalities of cooperation in the fields of defense. The Parties agree to:

- further deepen mutual understanding and expand cooperation in the defense sector;

- enhance cooperation and mutual support in the multilateral fora on defense and security issues;

- increase exchange, discussion and sharing of information between their strategic defense research institutions and between delegations at various levels, in particular high-level ones;

- promote cooperation in training of Vietnamese officials; enhance exchange and cooperation between the naval forces of the two countries; exchange information and experience, particularly with regard to preparation and participation to UN peacekeeping operations, counter proliferation, chemical and biological risk mitigation and management, mine clearance.

The Parties, with the aim to strengthen cooperation in the defense industry sector, commit to define and promote specific supplies in the framework of technical meetings to be held between delegations of the two Countries. The Italian side commits to support Viet Nam in developing the sectors of high technology, unmanned aircraft, security equipment. The Vietnamese side commits to create favourable conditions for Italian defence companies and to explore the cooperation opportunities in areas of Italian excellence such as aerospace engineering, shipbuilding, maritime transport and relevant training of highly qualified human resources in all these areas.

Italy and Viet Nam agree to promote cooperation in the implementation of multilateral treaties on the prevention of crime to which they are Parties.

Also in the technical and juridical framework of the Agreement on Cooperation in Combating Crime, the Parties agree also to increase cooperation in preventing and fighting organized crime, transnational crimes, drug trafficking, terrorism, high-tech crimes, money laundering, human trafficking and commercial fraud, by organizing study visits in Italy and inviting Italian experts to participate to related workshops and seminars.

The Parties may consider negotiations in the judicial cooperation field, in view of concluding Agreement on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters, on extradition and on transfer of sentenced persons.

The Parties envisage to enhance cooperation in the field of Justice by exchanging delegations, views and experiences on their judicial activities and reform. In this regard, the Vietnamese Minister of Justice paid an official visit to Italy in July 2015 and had a meeting with the Italian Minister of Justice, with the aim of increasing knowledge of the Italian legal system and discussing the finalization of an MoU between the two Ministries of Justice.

The Parties agree to maintain cooperation in international child adoption based on the Agreement on Child Adoption between the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam and the Italian Republic.

7. Agricultural cooperation

The Parties agree to consider the possible conclusion of a MoU in the agricultural field and of agreements of cooperation in sustainable aquaculture control and veterinary issues, in line with the main objectives of the EU Agricultural Common Policy.

The Parties agree to promote experience sharing and to support Viet Nam in water resources management food safety and security, crop production adapting to climate change, particularly in the Mekong Delta and mountainous regions in northern Viet Nam.

Italy will support Viet Nam to develop civil maritime technology for fishing purposes, aquaculture technology and fishery preservation techniques as well as to promote economic development in coastal areas.

8. Natural resources and environmental Cooperation

The Parties recognize the importance of conserving, protecting the environment and reaffirm the crucial role of integrated management of natural resources facing climate changes. Therefore, they continue to develop joint projects and activities to strengthen cooperation in hydro-meteorology, climate change, energy efficiency, integrated management of natural resources and sustainable development areas. They will develop programmes in accordance with MEAs.

In particular, they plan to:

● Elaborate national policies and special programs for coastal zone management, disaster management, impact assessment and community level mitigation and adaptation measures.

● Stimulate and disseminate the economic and technological transformation to low emission development, in ensuring energy security and creating adaptation actions and opportunities;

● foster the protection and improvement of the environment for the well-being of present and future generations;

● promote sustainable development based on cooperation and mutually supportive environmental and economic policies;

● cooperate to better conserve, protect, and enhance the environment, including water and renewable energy;

● explore possible cooperations in the fields of natural resources, environment, hydro-meteorology and water resources;

● Increase exchange and sharing of information and experience in integrated natural resources and environmental management;

Final provisions:

The content of this Action Plan can be revised and supplemented when the Parties deem it appropriate. The implementation of the activities of this Action Plan will be subject to verification by the respective Ministries of Foreign Affairs, through annual meetings.

Signed in Hanoi, on 06 November 2015, in duplicate in the English language, both texts being equally authentic.



Le Hoai Trung
Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs


Cecilia Piccioni
Ambassador of Italy