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Independence – Freedom – Happiness

No: 1264/QD-TTg

Hanoi, October 01 2019





Pursuant to Law on the Government organization dated June 19, 2015;

Pursuant to Law on Electricity dated December 03, 2004 and the Law on amendments thereto dated November 20, 2012;

Pursuant to Law on Planning dated November 24 2017;

Pursuant to Law on amendments to some articles of 11 laws concerning planning dated June 15 2018;

Pursuant to Decree No. 137/2013/ND-CP dated October 21 2013 by the Government detailing the implementation of Law on Electricity and Law on amendments thereto;

Pursuant to Decree No. 37/2019/ND-CP dated May 07,2019 by the Government detailing the implementation of some articles of Law on Planning;

At the request of the Minister of Industry and Trade in Report No. 5566/TTr-BCT dated August 02, 2019; Appraisal Report No. 97/BC-BCT dated August 02, 2019,


Article 1. Approval for the National Power Development Master Plan for 2021-2030 period with vision towards 2045 with the following contents:

1. Name, period, scope of the master plan.

a) Name of the planning: National Power Development Master Plan for 2021-2030 period with vision towards 2045 (hereinafter referred to as “NPDMP VIII”).

b) The period: NPDMP VIII is established for the 2021-2030 period with vision towards 2045.

c) Scope: development of power sources and power transmission grids with the voltage of 220 kV and above in Vietnam in during 2021 - 2030 with vision towards 2045, including the interconnected power grids with the neighboring countries

2. Viewpoints, objectives and principles of the master plan


- Power development shall be in one step ahead in order to ensure adequate power supply, thus satisfying the requirements for socio-economic development, national security and defense.

- Participation of various economic sectors, especially the private sector, in power development must be ensured;

- The master plan shall have openness and specify national power sources, a list of power transmission grids with the voltage of 220 kV and above and projects to be executed during 2021 - 2030; the orientation of developing power sources by geographical area, the structure of power sources in the 2031-2045 period and the orientation of developing power transmission grids with the voltage of 220 kV and above in the 2031-2045 period.

b) Objectives

- Forecast the power demand in the 2021 - 2030 period with vision towards 2045.

- Study solutions for developing power plants and grids; select projects with high economic-technical indicators and high feasibility to ensure safe and reliable power supply for socio-economic development and national defense.

- Assess environmental impacts and prepare strategic environmental reports during power development;

- Study and propose mechanisms, policies for development of the power sector, implementation of the master plan to ensure the sustainable development of the power sector.

c) Rules for formulation of the master plan

- Ensure balanced development among regions, and the balance between the sources and load;

- Focus on rational development of renewable energy sources.

- Use electricity economically and efficiently.

- Develop modern and smart power grids and interconnected power grids with the neighboring countries;

- Develop the electricity market; encourage various economic sectors to invest in power development.

- Ensure climate change adaptation during power development; ensure sustainable development and conformity with national strategy on green growth.

3. Contents and methods of planning

NPDMP VIII is divided into 03 volumes as follows:

- Volume I: General description, including:

Chapter I: Current state of the national electricity

Chapter II: Results of the National Power Development Master Plan for the 2011-2020 period.

Chapter III: Vietnam socio-economic overview

Chapter IV: Criteria and input for planning

Chapter V: Economic and efficient use of electricity in power development.

Chapter VI: Forecast of power demand

Chapter VII: Primary energy for electricity generation

Chapter VIII: Renewable energy for electricity generation

Chapter IX: Program for power development

Chapter IX: Program for power grid development

Chapter XI: Regional grid connection

Chapter XII: Orientation of power development in rural areas

Chapter XIII: Load dispatch and information about the power system of Vietnam

Chapter XIV: National program for investment in national power development

Chapter XV: Assessment of socio-economic effects of the national power development program

Chapter XVI: Mechanism for environmental protection and sustainable development in national power development

Chapter XVII: Land for power works
Chapter XVIII: Mechanism and solutions for execution of the master plan

Conclusion and proposals

- Volume II: Appendices that contain inputs, forecast of load; estimated result of power development program, power grid development program and financial assessment.

- Volume III: Geographical drawings of the national power system during the planning period.

b) Planning method: Combine power development with other national development master plans, the national marine space planning and regional planning; combine estimates with professional methods; combine power development with environmental protection and sustainable development.

4. Time limit for planning

Within 12 months starting from the date on which NPDMP VIII is approved and the consulting unit is selected.

5. Composition, quantity, standards and format of master plan documentation

- NPDMP VIII consists of 03 volumes: Volume I: General description, Volume II: Appendices, Volume III: drawings, geographic diagrams

- Quantity: 20 copies

- The standard and format: The physical copies shall be printed on both sides of A4 papers in accordance with regulations. Digital copies shall be created by word processing programs (Word, Excel etc.)

6. Planning costs

- The costs of formulating the NPDMP VIII shall be covered by the public investment capital of the Ministry of Industry and Trade approved by competent authority in accordance with regulations.

- The Minister of Industry and Trade shall decide the specific costs of formulating the NPDMP VIII in accordance with the guidance of the Ministry of Planning and Investment on quotas for planning, regulations of law on public investment and other related laws.

Article 2. Organization of planning formulation

1. The Ministry of Industry and Trade is the authority organizing the formulation of NPDMP VIII and shall ensure that the implement of the formulation complies with the regulations of law on planning and relevant laws.

2. Ministries and People’s Committees of provinces shall cooperate with the Ministry of Industry and Trade during formulation of the master plan in accordance with regulations of law.

Article 3. Entry in force

1. This Decision takes effect from the day on which it is signed.

2. Ministers, Heads of ministerial-level agencies, Heads of agencies affiliated to the Government, Chairmen of People’s Committee of provinces and centrally-run cities, the Chairman of the Board of Members, the General Director of Vietnam Electricity Corporation and other relevant agencies shall implement this Decision.




Trinh Dinh Dung



