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Independence - Freedom – Happiness

No. 1349/QD-TTg

Hanoi, August 09, 2011




Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;

Pursuant to the November 26, 2003 Fisheries Law;

At the proposal of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development (in Report No. 1291/TTr-BNN-TCTS of May 12, 2011).


Article 1. To approve the adjusted master plan on storm-sheltering anchorage zones for fishing ships through 2020, with orientations toward 2030, with the following principal contents:


1. The master plan on storm-sheltering anchorage zones for fishing ships must conform to the national fisheries development strategy through 2020 and local socio-economic development master plans and take into account the impacts of climate change and sea level rise.

2. Storm-sheltering anchorage zones for fishing ships shall be built into a system on the basis of making the fullest use of locations endowed with favorable natural conditions and situated close to fishing grounds or sea areas with high storm frequency and taking into account fishermen's practices to ensure safety for fishermen and fishing ships and minimize the damage caused by storms.

3. Importance shall be attached to building storm-sheltering anchorage zones for fishing ships at islands, particularly outpost islands and islands occupying an important position in offshore fishing logistic services, in close combination with the implementation of the master plan on the system of fishing ports and wharves through 2020, with orientations toward 2030, and the master plan on development of Vietnam's island economy through 2020, the master plan on defense and security infrastructure facilities on seas and islands to serve socio-economic development of coastal localities, contributing to the implementation of Vietnam's sea strategy toward 2020 and the maintenance of defense and security in sea and island areas.


1. To complete the system of storm- sheltering anchorage zones for fishing ships along the coast and at islands and river mouths endowed with favorable natural conditions to meet the fishing ships' needs for storm sheltering anchorage and logistic services.

2. To step by step concentrate investment on the construction of new storm-sheltering anchorage zones occupying important positions along the coast and at islands while focusing on upgrading and completing the existing ones, in association with fishing ports and wharves and logistic service areas in coastal and island areas to ensure higher use effectiveness of (he storm-shelter system whether storms appear or not.


1. Storm-sheltering anchorage zones for fishing ships shall be planned and built in coastal provinces and cities and at a number of islands.

2. The master plan's period: through 2020 and with orientations toward 2030.


Based on the natural characteristics and fishermen's practices, storm-sheltering anchorage zones for fishing ships shall be classified according to the following criteria:

1. Regional-level storm-sheltering anchorage zones, which must fully satisfy the following conditions:

a/ Being located near key fishing grounds where operate fishing ships of many provinces.

b/ Being located in a sea area with high storm frequency:

c/ Being endowed with favorable natural conditions, ensuring safety for fishing ships taking shelter:

d/ Being capable of accommodating 800 -1.000 fishing ships of various types (including those of up to 1.000 CV and foreign fishing ships).

2. Provincial-level storm-sheltering anchorage zones, which must fully satisfy the following conditions:

a/ Being located near local traditional fishing grounds, ensuring the shortest time for fishing ships to move into for shelter;

b/ Being endowed with favorable natural conditions, ensuring safety for fishing ships taking shelter:

c/ Being capable of accommodating fishing ships of the locality and other localities to take shelter.


1. Criteria-based planning

By 2020, there will be 131 storm-sheltering anchorage zones for fishing ships, which are capable of accommodating 84,200 fishing ships, including:

a/ 115 storm-sheltering anchorage zones along the coast, being capable of accommodating 75.650 fishing ships, including 12 regional-level and 103 provincial-level ones;

b/ 16 storm-sheltering anchorage zones at islands, being capable of accommodating 8,550 fishing ships, including 5 regional-level and 11 provincial-level ones.

2. Sea area-based planning

a/ The Tonkin Gulf sea area: 35 anchorage zones, including 32 coastal ones and 3 at islands (Co To- Thanh Lan. Cat Ba and Bach Long Vy islands);

b/ The central sea area: 57 anchorage zones, including 52 coastal ones and 5 at islands (Con Co. Cu Lao Cham, Ly Son, Da Tay and Phu Quy);

c/ The eastern South Vietnam sea area: 23 anchorage zones, including 21 coastal ones and 2 at islands (Con Dao and Hon Khoai):

d/ The western South Vietnam sea area: 16 anchorage zones, including 9 coastal ones and 7 at islands (Nam Du and Hon Tre islands and 5 zones ai Phu Quoc island: An Thoi. Mui Ganh Dau, Vung Trau Nam. Duong Dong estuary and Cau Sau).


The projected accommodating capacity of all storm-sheltering anchorage zones will he the same as that of 2020.

To form a system of storm-sheltering anchorage zones with synchronous and modern infrastructure facilities, including anchorage-supporting structures, landing facilities and logistic service facilities associated with anchorage zones: information and communication systems in these zones will be automated and computerized up to the modem level of regional advanced countries.

Most storm-sheltering anchorage zone facilities in combination with fishing ports will be synchronous fishery logistic service centers. Storm-sheltering anchorage zones associated with grade-I fishing ports will be fishery industrial centers.


1. Mechanisms and policies

a/ The State shall invest in the construction of infrastructure facilities in storm-sheltering anchorage zones for fishing ships:

b/ To encourage and create conditions for domestic and foreign organizations and individuals to invest in the construction of infrastructure facilities of storm-sheltering anchorage zones for fishing ships as well as production and business facilities associated with anchorage zones under the approved master plan;

c/ To study mechanisms and policies to encourage all economic sectors to participate in the management of storm-sheltering anchorage zones, aiming to raise the use effectiveness of these zones when storms are absent.

2. Scientific and technological solutions

a/ To further apply new scientific and technological achievements to the construction and maintenance of storm-sheltering anchorage zones for fishing ships. For the immediate future, to apply information technology to the management and control of fishing ships entering or leaving storm-sheltering anchorage zones;

b/ To study the formulation of standards, technical criteria and econo-technical norms for application to the management and operation of the system of storm-sheltering anchorage zones for fishing ships. The State encourages organizations and individuals to apply scientific and technical advances to the operations of storm-sheltering anchorage zones for fishing ships.

3. Environmental protection

a/ To concentrate on the application of technical solutions to the construction of water drainage and supply, wastewater and garbage collection and treatment systems:

b/ To complete legal documents on environmental protection in storm-sheltering anchorage zones for fishing ships;

c/ To intensify brief and easy-to-understand communication on environmental protection to fishermen living in storm-sheltering anchorage zones for fishing ships;

d/ To specifically divide management and coordination responsibilities among local functional authorities in directing and supervising environmental protection activities: to intensify inspection, control and administrative sanctioning of polluting acts.

4. Investment mechanisms and policies

Investment capital for the master plan implementation shall be raised from different sources: central budget, local budget, funds of domestic economic sectors and foreign investment capital and aid, of which:

a/ Central budget funds will be invested in the construction of regional-level storm-sheltering anchorage zones: and allocated as support for the construction of key items: channel dredging, construction of tide- and sand-shielding dykes and embankments, ashore moorage posts, independent moorage posts, moorage buoys and signal light systems for difficulty-hit localities:

b/ Local budget funds shall be allocated annually for the construction of provincial-level storm-sheltering anchorage zones, maintenance of infrastructure facilities of storm-sheltering anchorage zones and post-investment management.

Difficulty-hit localities will be provided with central budget supports according to regulations and stale budget limits.

c/ Funds shall be raised from all economic sectors for the construction of production and business works and the provision of fishery services under the master plan;

d/ Foreign funds shall be concentrated on the construction of storm-sheltering anchorage zones with complicated construction conditions which require high technologies and large capital amounts, and the procurement of new equipment and technologies as well as provision of technical assistance for the construction, management and environmental protection of storm-sheltering anchorage zones.

5. Total investment capital and investment phasing

a/ The total investment capital for projects on storm-sheltering anchorage zones for fishing ships through 2020 is VND 11.230 billion.

b/ Investment phasing:

- The 2010-2015 period: VND 6,393 billion.

Investment will be concentrated on the completion of 17 regional-level storm-sheltering anchorage zones as a priority and a number of provincial-level storm-sheltering anchorage zones currently under construction.

- The 2016- 2020 period: VND 4.S37 billion.

Investment will be made in the remaining storm-sheltering anchorage zones under the master plan.

Article 2. Organization of implementation

1. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall:

a/ Direct and guide the implementation of the master plan nationwide; formulate and promulgate criteria for selection, regulations on management and use of storm-sheltering anchorage zones for fishing ships: and examine and assess the implementation of the master plan:

b/ Coordinate with coastal localities in identifying specific locations for storm-sheltering anchorage zones according to the set objectives and criteria and arranging works in an investment priority order for complete construction one by one;

c/ Appraise and approve investment projects to construct regional-level storm-sheltering anchorage zones according to the set objectives and current law s. and take responsibility for its decisions:

d/ Coordinate with concerned ministries, sectors and coastal localities in conducting reviews to draw experiences on the construction of storm-sheltering anchorage zones in each period, ensuring the successful implementation of this master plan.

2. Provincial-level People's Committees shall:

a/ Appraise and approve projects on provincial-level storm-sheltering anchorage zones for fishing ships according to the set objectives and current laws, and take responsibility for their decisions;

b/ Organize the management and use of built storm-sheltering anchorage zones, ensuring long-term and effective use;

c/ Organize land use according to planning, allocate funds according lo annual and five-year plans and the progress of construction investment for the implementation of the master plans well as funds for the maintenance and management of works:

d/ Direct functional authorities to conduct public information work, notify the locations, sizes and capacities of storm-sheltering anchorage zones, and guide the movement of fishing ships for fishermen to take safe shelter; raise funds from all economic sectors for the construction of fishery logistic service establishments in places where conditions permit, raising the use effectiveness of storm-sheltering anchorage zones.

3. The Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Ministry of Finance shall balance and allocate funds according to annual and five-year plans, based on the progress of construction investment for the implementation of this master plan, ensuring concentrated efforts to complete the construction of works one by one.

Article 3. This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing and replaces Decision No. 288/2005/QD-TTg of November 8, 2005.

Article 4. The Ministers of Agricultural and Rural Development; Planning and Investment: and Finance; chairpersons of the People's Committees of coastal provinces and cities; the head of the Central Steering Committee for Flood and Storm Prevention and Combat: and the chairman of the National Search and Rescue Committee shall implement this Decision.-




Hoang Trung Hai