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Đang tải nội dung, vui lòng chờ giây lát...


Independence - Freedom – Happiness


No.: 1474/QD-TTg

Ha Noi, October 5, 2012





Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government dated December 25, 2001;

Pursuant to Decision No. 2139/QD-TTg dated December 5, 2011 of the Prime Minister approving the National Strategy on Climate Change;

At the proposal of the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment,


Article 1. Issuing with this Decision the national action plan on climate change for the period 2012 – 2020.

Article 2. This Decision shall take effect on the date of issuance.

Article 3. The Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of governmental agencies. Chairman of People's Committee of centrally-affiliated provinces and cities are liable to execute this Decision.





Nguyen Tan Dung



PERIOD 2012 – 2020

(Issued together with the Decision No. 1474/QD-TTg dated October 5, 2012 of the Prime Minister)

Climate change is one of the biggest challenges for mankind in the 21st century, Vietnam is considered as one of the countries most strongly affected by climate change, especially in the Mekong River. The Prime Minister has approved the National Strategy on Climate Change (hereinafter referred to as the National Strategy) showing all policies, efforts and commitment of Vietnam in coping with change climate.

To implement the National Strategy on climate change, step by step to achieve the goals and tasks set out in the National Strategy, the Prime Minister issues a national action plan on climate change period 2012 - 2020 (hereinafter referred to as the National Action Plan) with the following contents:


1. Strengthening capacity of climate monitoring, early warning of natural disasters

- Developing and putting into operation the monitoring system of climate change and sea level rise with modern technology, high accuracy (especially in monitoring of sea level rise), ensuring to provide information for climates of Vietnam, serving the making of policy from the central to local levels.

- Strengthening the capacity of forecasting, early warning of extreme climate conditions increasing due to climate change in service of social economic development and efficient disaster prevention.

- Developing map of climate, climate change, map of zoning and warning of types of natural disasters such as flash floods, landslides, floods, etc. ..

2. Ensuring food security, water security

- Proposing mechanisms and policies to maintain agricultural land fund for agriculture reasonably and sustainably in the areas and localities to ensure food security in the condition of climate change.

- Researching the plant and animals restructuring in line with condition of climate change and sea level rise to proactively prevent diseases; developing and applying biotechnology, applying advanced manufacturing processes in direction to a modern agriculture, adaptation to climate change; enhancing the system of insurance, share of risk in agriculture.

- Making the general management planning of water resources for large river basins; researching program of Mekong Delta and Red River Delta on water resource management and adaptation to climate change.

3. Proactively responding to natural disasters; preventing flooding for large cities; consolidating river and sea dikes and reservoir safety.

- Implementing the overall solutions from assessment, zoning of natural disaster risk, developing map of zoning and warning of types of natural disasters such as floods, landslides, floods, etc. ..

- Adjusting planning, plans, regulations and building technical instruction in the regions frequently affected by disasters in line with the conditions of climate change and sea level rise.

- Strengthening management, sustainable forest development, conservation and development of mangrove forests.

- Upgrading and building works for flood control in large cities and for the prevention of natural disasters (floods, hurricanes, landslides, drought, salt water intrusion) in order to proactively respond to the disaster situation increasing due to climate change and improve the capacity to cope with the emergency disaster situations.

4. Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, developing economy in the direction of low carbon.

- Taking measures to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions for the production activities in accordance with the conditions of Vietnam, step by step implementing the transfer of climate-friendly technologies in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Deploying projects that mitigate greenhouse gas emissions appropriately with the international financial and technological support. Forming the carbon market in the country and participating in the global carbon market.

- Developing and implementing programs to reduce greenhouse gases through efforts to limit deforestation and forest degradation, sustainable forest management and enhance carbon sequestration of forests.

- Synchronously developing and effectively using energy sources, researching the application of energy production technology from renewable energy sources and new energy.

- Applying modern technologies to treat waste materials and waste.

5. Enhancing management capacity and improving mechanism and policies on climate change.

- Determining strategic solutions of Vietnam before the impacts of the global operation in response to climate change.

- Improving organization, institution and appropriate mechanisms for control of climate change and enhancing the participation of the entire political system to respond effectively to climate change.

- Developing mechanisms of management and use of investment capital for climate change and mobilizing international support in order to enlist the support of the international community and to promote the bilateral and multilateral capital sources effectively.

- Completing sets of evaluation criteria for priority projects adapting to climate change.

6. Mobilizing the participation of the economic sectors, scientific, political - social - professional organizations, and non-governmental organizations in response to climate change; building community in effective adaptation to climate change

- Developing the mechanisms and policies to attract and mobilize the participation of society in response to climate change; experimenting community model adapting to climate change.

- Upgrading the system of public health care in order to gradually meet the increasing requirements on prevention of diseases and new diseases which may arise due to the effects of climate change.

7. Raising awareness, human resource development

- Raising awareness and knowledge of disaster prevention, climate change, pushing up research and application of indigenous knowledge in disaster prevention and response to climate change.

- Developing and strengthening the staff with capacity and qualification in response to climate change.

8. Developing science and technology as the basis for policy development, impact assessment, determination of adaptation measures and mitigation of climate change.

- Implementing the national science and technology Program on climate change to identify it more clearly and assess the impact of climate change and sea level rise to each area of life, economy and society. Continuing research to update the scenarios of climate change and sea level rise.

- Surveying and researching basic science and applying new technologies to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change, researching and transferring modern technology, using new fuel and materials towards developing the low-carbon development and green growth.

9. Internationally cooperating and raising the position and role of Vietnam in international activities on climate change

- Promoting cooperation with other countries and international organizations; reviewing and supplementing legal systems, mechanisms and policies in accordance with the laws and agreements, international agreements on climate change; cooperating to share information in cross-border issues of natural resources and water environment and climate change in order to harmonize the interests of the country.

- Forming a team of key staff with capacity to participate in negotiations and international activities on climate change.

10. Mobilizing resources and finance to respond to climate change

Proactively investing from the State budget, enhancing mobilization of international support for climate change activities; developing and applying domestic financial mechanism in accordance with the international policies on climate change; actively participate in international programs to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions in order to take advantage of financial and technological assistance; effectively using of financial resources to respond to climate change in the direction of focal investment with high efficiency. Encouraging and mobilizing organizations and individuals, domestic and foreign enterprises to provide financial investment to cope with climate change.



1. Developing the monitoring system for climate change and sea level rise (under the National Target Program to respond to climate change).

- Target: Developing the monitoring systems for climate change, sea level rise with modern technology, high precision (especially in the monitoring of sea level rise), associated with geographic information system, remote sensing to ensure to the supply of information about the climates of Vietnam and meet the requirements on developing flood map, disaster and climate risk map under scenarios of climate change - sea level rise in service of policy making from central to local levels.

- Bộ Tài nguyên và Môi trường.

Implementing Agency: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.

- Implementation period: 2013 - 2015.

2. Modernizing hydro-meteorological monitoring system, hydro-meteorological forecasting systems and system of supply and application of hydro-meteorological information and climate change (under the 2015 and 2020 plan of development strategy of the hydrometeorology).

- Target: Ensuring the synchronization of monitoring network; improving climate forecasting, early warning of extreme climate phenomenon increasing due to climate change for social and economic development and disaster prevention.

- Implementing Agency: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.

- Implementation period: 2012 - 2015.

3. Developing Atlas of climate and climate change for Vietnam,

- Implementing Agency: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.

- Implementation period: 2013 - 2020.

- Surveying, assessing and mapping the zone of warning the risk of flash floods, landslides rock the mountainous regions of Vietnam (performing the scheme approved by the Prime Minister).

- Directing agency: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

- Implementation period: 2012 – 2020 (Particularly from 2012 – 2015 implemented ​​in the northern and north central mountainous provinces).

5. Deploying the building of lockout alarm system of tsunami warning for high risk areas (integrated into coastal disaster alarming tower system) under the scheme approved by the Prime Minister.

- Directing agency: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

- Implementation period: 2013 – 2016 (Particularly from 2013 – 2014 implemented ​​in the coastal localities from Da Nang to Ninh Thuan).

6. Researching the restructure of plants and animals in accordance with conditions of climate change and sea level rise, the ecological characteristics of the areas and localities; developing biotechnological applications and applying advanced manufacturing processes towards a modern agriculture.

- Directing agency: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

- Implementation period: 2012 - 2015.

7. Developing system of control and prevention of diseases of plants and animals under conditions of climate change.

- Directing agency: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

- Implementation period: 2016 - 2018.

8. Developing mechanisms and policies to strengthen the system of insurance, risk sharing in agriculture.

- Implementing agency: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

- Implementation period: 2013 - 2015.

9. Adjusting the planning, conserving and developing forests, coastal mangrove forests, restoring headwater forest protection, strengthening the management, protection and prevention of forest fire (under the Vietnam Forestry Development Strategy for the period 2006-2020).

- Directing agency: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

- Implementation period: 2012 - 2020.

10. Developing Mekong Delta program on management of water resources and adaptation to climate change.

- Implementing Agency: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall assume the prime responsibilities and coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Construction, Transport, People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City.

- Implementation time: 2012 - 2013.

11. Developing Red river program on management of water resources and adaptation to climate change.

- Implementing Agency: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall assume the prime responsibilities and coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Construction, Transport, People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City.

- Implementation time:  2013 - 2014.

12. Planning the general management of water resources for large river basins; protecting, exploiting and using water resources thriftily, efficiently.

- Implementing Agency: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall assume the prime responsibilities and coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and relevant agencies

- Implementation time:  2013 - 2015.

13. Reviewing regulations on construction, guiding works construction techniques in disaster prone areas.

- Implementing agency: Ministry of Construction shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with relevant agencies.

- Implementation time: 2013 - 2015.

14. Improving safety conditions of housing for the poor households in disaster prone areas (in the Mekong Delta and Central Region) under the program approved by the Prime Minister.

- Implementing agency: Ministry of Construction shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with relevant agencies.

- Implementation time: 2012 - 2014.

15. Reviewing and reorganizing residents in areas frequently affected by natural disasters, proactively relocating residents out of the dangerous areas.

- Implementing agency: Ministry of Construction shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with relevant agencies.

- Implementation time: 2012-2015.

16. Reviewing and adjusting irrigation planning in the Mekong Delta, the Red River delta, the central region in terms of climate change and sea level rise.

- Directing agency: the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

- Implementation time: 2011 - 2012.

17. Building storm shelter and anchorage for boats (compliance with Decision No. 1349/QĐ-TTg dated August 09, 2011 of the Prime Minister).

- Directing agency: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

- Implementation time: 2012 - 2020.

18. Solutions to prevent floods, erosion, sliding, flooding prevention at some sections of national highways, key railways and mountainous area adapting to climate change.

- Directing agency: Ministry of Transport.

- Implementation time: 2012 - 2015.

19. Consolidating and upgrading the Red River – Thai Binh river dyke system and the North Central region; upgrading sea dike system from Quang Ninh to Quang Nam, from Quang Ngai to Kien Giang (implementation of projects under the program approved by the Prime Minister in Decision No. 58/2006/QD-TTg dated March 14, 2006, No. 667/QD-TTg dated May 27, 2009 and No.2068/QD-TTg dated December 9, 2009 ).

- Directing agency: the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

- Implementation time: 2012 - 2020.

20. Researching the construction of works at the estuary in response to sea level rise, salt water intrusion.

- Directing agency: the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

- Implementation time: 2018 - 2020.

21. Performing the repair and upgrading program to ensure reservoir safety.

- Directing agency: the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

- Implementation time: 2012 - 2020.

22. Implementing projects under the irrigation plan against flooding for Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi and Can Tho.

- Directing agency: the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

- Implementation time: 2012 - 2020.

23. Reviewing the planning, strengthening the search and rescue network, organizing exercises in response to natural disasters in terms of climate change.

- Directing agency: National Committee for Search and Rescue, the Ministry of Public Security

- Implementation time: 2012 - 2015.

24. Preventing river bank and sea coast erosion (priority is given to protection of dike, concentrated residential area, critical infrastructure), enhanced drainage dredging.

- Directing agency: the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

- Implementation time: 2012 - 2020.

25. Developing strategies for green growth in Vietnam with economic growth model towards low carbon, green lifestyle and sustainable consumption.

- Implementing Agency: Ministry of Planning and Investment.

- Implementation time: 2012.

26. Developing policies to take advantage of growth opportunities in Vietnam due to the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions.

- Implementing Agency: Ministry of Planning and Investment.

- Implementation time: 2012-2013.

27. Developing processes and methods of greenhouse gas inventory and greenhouse gas emissions standards in the areas.

- Implementing agency: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with ministries, sectors and localities concerned.

- Implementation time: 2012 - 2013.

28. Making plans for mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions for energy production establishments and large energy consumption establishments in accordance with the conditions of Vietnam.

- Implementing agency: Ministry of Industry and Trade.

- Implementation time: 2013 - 2014.

29. Assessing the needs and implementing plan for the transfer of climate-friendly technologies in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change on Climate Change.

- Implementing agency: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with ministries, sectors and localities concerned.

- Implementation time: 2013 - 2014.

30. Developing plan for elimination of ineffective, climate unfriendly technology in agriculture, industry, energy and transportation and a list of alternative technologies with appropriate emission criteria.

- Implementing Agency: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Construction shall assume the prime responsibilities (within each area), in collaboration with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.

- Implementation time: 2013 - 2015.

31. Developing process of assessment of mitigation project of voluntary greenhouse gas emissions in a manner that may be " measurable, re- portable and verifiable - MRV", building and implementing mitigation projects of voluntary greenhouse gas emissions and projects with international financial and technological support, in accordance with the conditions and orientation of sustainable development of Vietnam.

- Implementing agency: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with ministries, sectors and localities concerned.

- Implementation time: 2014 - 2015.

32. Determining the conditions and legal grounds for forming carbon market in the country and participating in the global carbon market.

- Implementing Agency: Ministry of Finance.

- Implementation time: 2016 - 2020.

33. Experimenting models of green urban areas, green residential areas which consume energy and raw materials thriftily and are climate-friendly.

- Implementing Agency: Ministry of Construction shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with other Ministries, sectors and localities

- Implementation time: 2014 - 2016.

34. Program of greenhouse gas reduction through efforts of deforestation and forest degradation, forestry development.

- Objective: To make the most of the opportunities offered by the REDD + mechanism, particularly focusing on the program of plantation and restoration of mangrove forests, coastal sand forests and national protection forests.

- Implementing agency: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

- Implementation time: 2012 - 2015.

35. Experimenting some climate-friendly solution in agricultural production.

- Objective: Contributing to ensure food security, mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and take advantage of the positive elements of climate change: Changing methods of agricultural cultivation, use of water, fertilizer and appropriate feed, management and processing of animal waste, development of biogas use as fuel, limiting and gradually removing energy-consuming backward agricultural machines.

- Implementing agency: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

- Implementation time: 2016 - 2020.

36. National target program on energy use and efficiency

- Implementing agency: Ministry of Industry and Trade

- Implementation time: 2012 - 2020.

37. The strategy of cleaner production in industry until 2020 (according to the scheme approved by the Prime Minister in Decision No. 1419/QD-TTg).

- Implementing agency: Ministry of Industry and Trade

- Implementation time: 2012 - 2020.

38. Developing mechanisms and policies to encourage the use of energy-saving means of transport energy, gradually removing the energy-consuming means of transport, developing public transport from urban areas, controlling the increase in individual means of transport individuals; transferring bus, taxis to use compressed natural gas fuel, liquefied petroleum gas.

- Directing agency: Ministry of Transportation.

- Implementation time: 2013 - 2015.

39. Applying new technologies of less greenhouse gas emissions in industrial production, researching innovation and high-tech applications in key industries, developing and applying technical standards and regulations, equipment with efficient use of energy in production of materials and construction works.

- Directing agency: Ministry of Industry and Trade shall assume the prime responsibility and in coordination with the Ministry of Construction.

- Implementation time: 2013 - 2020.

40. Planning the waste management, enhancing capacity of management, waste reduction, reuse, recycling of waste to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

- Directing agency: Ministry of Construction

- Implementation time: 2013 - 2015.

41. Applying advanced technology in waste treatment, landfill techniques to recover methane gas; applying modern technology for waste disposal in urban rural areas.

- Directing agency: Ministry of Construction

- Implementation time: 2013 - 2020.

42. Reviewing and supplementing legal documents, mechanisms and policies on climate change. Completing the set of criteria to determine priority projects adapting to climate change; developing the set of criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the response to climate change, processes and procedures for the construction, appraisal, approval and monitoring of the project in response to climate change.

- Implementing Agency: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministry of Finance and other Ministries and sectors.

- Implementation time: 2012 - 2014.

43. Determining the strategic solutions of Vietnam before the impact of the global operations in response to climate change.

- Implementing Agency: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the relevant Ministries and sectors.

- Implementation time: 2013 - 2014.

44. Strengthening the state management organization machine on climate change, developing and perfecting the mechanism of action and coordination among state management agencies in response to climate change.

- Implementing Agency: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the Ministry of Home Affairs and relevant agencies.

- Implementation time: 2012 -2014.

45. Developing financial mechanisms, management and use of investment capital for climate change in accordance with the international financial mechanism, international financial support and mobilization mechanisms and technology transfer to effectively promote the bilateral and multilateral international funds for response to climate change.

- Implementing Agency: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and Ministry of Finance shall coordinate with the relevant agencies.

- Implementation time: 2012 - 2015.

46. Developing guidelines, procedures for integrating climate change issues into strategies, programs, planning and plans of Ministries, sectors and localities.

- Implementing agency: Ministry of Planning and Investment.

- Implementation time: 2012 - 2013.

47. Adjusting and supplementing, technical standards and regulations on works and infrastructure design based on climate change scenarios.

- Implementing agency: Ministry of Construction shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the relevant agencies.

- Implementation time: 2013 - 2014.

48. Developing mechanisms and policies to promote the participation of all economic sectors, political - social - professional organizations and non-governmental organizations in response to climate change.

- Implementing Agency: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the Ministry of Finance and other relevant agencies.

- Implementation time: 2013 - 2015.

49. Upgrading community healthcare system under the conditions of climate change, strengthening disease surveillance systems in order to reduce the risk and scale of new diseases appearance and ensure food hygiene and safety.

- Implementing Agency: Ministry of Health

- Implementation time: 2013 -2015.

50. Developing community model to adapt to climate change, priority is given in the inhabited islands and coastal areas.

- Implementing agency: Ministry of Labour - Invalids and Social Affairs shall assume the prime responsibility and in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Institute of Science and Technology of Vietnam.

- Implementation time: 2013 - 2015.

51. Developing social - economic development Program for inhabited islands in effective response to climate change and sea level rise.

- Implementing agency: Ministry of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the concerned agencies.

- Implementation time: 2014-2015.

52. Developing and implementing programs to develop human resources, staff and professionals working in the field of climate change.

- Implementing Agency: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Education and Training.

- Implementation time: 2013 - 2020.

53. Developing and implementing educational and training programs on disaster and climate change prevention.

- Implementing Agency: Ministry of Education and Training shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

- Implementation time: 2013 - 2020.

54. Developing and implementing communication programs to raise public awareness on the prevention of natural disasters and climate change.

- Implementing agency: Ministry of Information and Communication shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

- Implementation time: 2012 - 2020.

55. Developing national target program in response to climate change period 2016-2020.

- Implementing agency: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the relevant Ministries and sectors.

- Implementation time: 2014 - 2015.

56. Implementing the Program of Science and Technology for the National Target Program in response to climate change for the period 2011 - 2015.

- Implementing agency: Ministry of Science and Technology shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with relevant agencies.

- Implementation time: 2011 - 2015.

57. Developing national Report on climate change in 2015 and 2020.

- Implementing agency: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with relevant Ministries and sectors.

- Implementation time: 2015 và 2020.

58. Determining the scientific ground for development of the law on climate change

- Implementing agency: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

- Implementation time: 2014 - 2015.

59. Updating scenarios of climate change and sea level rise for Vietnam to be published in 2015 and 2020.

- Implementing agency: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

- Implementation time: 2014 - 2015 and 2019 - 2020.

60. Developing the state-level key Program of Science and Technology on climate change period 2016-2020.

- Implementing agency: Ministry of Science and Technology shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with relevant Ministries, sectors and localities.

- Implementation time: 2014 - 2015.

61. Improving the legal system, mechanisms and policies of international cooperation on climate change in order to create maximally favorable conditions and efficient management of financial resources and transfer of advanced technology

- Implementing agency: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with relevant Ministries, sectors.

- Implementation time: 2013 - 2015.

62. Determining viewpoint, objective and strategy of Vietnam in international negotiation on climate change.

- Implementing agency: Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and relevant agencies.

- Implementation time: 2013 - 2015.

63. Implementing the international advocacy, calling for investment for activities on climate change.

- Implementing agency: Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.

- Implementation time: 2013 - 2020.

64. Developing international cooperation programs for training experts on climate and climate change negotiation.

- Implementing agency: Ministry of Education and Training shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

- Implementation time: 2013 - 2014.

65. Cooperating and exchanging information on climate change (particularly in the area) to take appropriate action of response, share information and cooperate in monitoring climate change and relevant transboundary issues..

- Implementing agency: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the ministries and sectors concerned.

- Implementation time: 2012 - 2015.


1. The national target program in response to climate change period 2012-2015.

2. The national technology and science on climate change.

3. Modernizing the forecasting technology and hydro meteorological observation network by 2020.

4. The Mekong river Delta and Red River Delta program on management of water resources and adaptation to climate change.

5. Scheme of inventory and monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions and management of mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions.

6. Program in response to climate change for large urban areas of Vietnam, implementation of priority projects to combat flooding in Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi and Can Tho.

7. Program to upgrade and renovate the sea dike system from Quang Ninh to Quang Nam and from Quang Ngai to Kien Giang, the river dyke system of Red river - Thai Binh river and the rivers in the North Central region under the program which has been approved by the Prime Minister in accordance with the conditions of climate change and sea level rise.

8. Scheme to upgrade the system of public health care in accordance with the conditions of climate change and sea level rise.

9. Program of social -economic development - social on inhabited islands in effective response to climate change and sea level rise.

10. Scheme of pilot development of community model in effective response to climate change.


Based on the national action plan on climate change approved, the Ministries, sectors and localities that are assigned tasks, schemes, projects, develop detailed content and cost estimates for submission to the competent authority for approval as a basis for determining and allocating funds according to the Law on state budget. In particular, clearly defining tasks, schemes and projects under the regular functions and tasks. The Ministries and sectors are responsible for allocation in the yearly budget estimates. /.

