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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 163/2008/QD-TTg

Hanoi, December 11, 2008





Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
Pursuant to the Governments Decree No. 92/2006/ND-CP of September 7, 2006 and Decree No. 04/2008/ND-CP of January 11, 2008, on the formulation, approval and management of socio-economic development master plans;
At the proposal of the Ca Mau province People s Committee in its Report No. 40/TTr-UBND of September 5, 2007, and Official Letter No. 4657/UBND of December 27, 2007, and the proposal of the Ministry of Planning and Investment in Official Letter No. 882/BKH-TD&GSDT of February 5, 2008, on the master plan on socio-economic development of Ca Mau province In the period up to 2020,


Article 1. To approve the master plan on socio-economic development of Ca Mau province till 2020 with the following principal contents:


1. The master plan on socio-economic development of Ca Mau province till 2020 must be in line with the national strategy on socio-economic development and the master plan on socio-economic development of Mekong river delta.




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3. To mobilize all resources for socio-economic development, aiming to tap to the utmost domestic resources while attracting to the utmost foreign resources for investment in the province, particularly capital technologies and high-quality labor.

4. To develop economy in a fast and sustainable manner, meeting international economic integration requirements; to ensure harmony between socio-economic development and environmental protection, raise human resource quality, improve and incrementally raise peoples living standards.

5. Economic development must be associated with political stability, social order and safety and peoples increasing intellectual levels; to strengthen national defense, and security; to consolidate, perfect and raise the operation quality of the political system and build a strong and sound administration.


1. General objectives:

- To sustainably develop economy at high rates, and step up investment in infrastructure construction. To strive to form the industry-service- agriculture economic structure by 2015 and build Ca Mau into a socially and economically developed province by 2020. with peoples living conditions improved and security and defense constantly maintained, thus positively contributing to the development of the Mekong river delta region and the whole country.

- To concentrate investment to vigorously develop the of marine economy in association with protecting marine resources and environment.

2. Specific objectives:

a/ Economically:




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- The economy will be further restructured in a positive manner, specifically with agriculture representing 39.7%, industry 32% and services 28.3% by 2010; then respectively 28.7%, 37.8% and 33.5% by 2015; and 19.6%, 43.5% and36.9% by 2020.

- Local state budget revenues will approximate 9% of GDP by 2010, 12% by 2015 and 15% by 2020.

- The total annual mobilized social investment will represent 38% - 40% of GDP.

- The export turnover will reach USD 1 billion by 2010; USD 1.4-1.5 billion by 2015 and USD 1.8-2 billion by 2020. The average per-capita export value will be USD 750 by 2010. USD 980-1,000 by 2015 and USD 1,200-1,300 by 2020.

- To strive for the targets that by 2010, 100% of commune centers will be accessible by motor roads; 90% of the population will be supplied with electricity, which will rise to 100% by 2020; 35-40 telephone sets for every 100 inhabitants, which will rise to 50-55 sets by 2020.

- 100% of the urban population and 89% of the rural population will have access to hygienic daily-life water by 2010 and the urban and rural populations demand for daily-life water will be basically satisfied by 2020.

b/ Socially:

- To reduce the natural population growth rate to below 1.2% by 2015 and about 1.1 % by 2020. The population will approximate 1.33 million by 2010; 1.418 million by 2015 and 1.5 million by 2020.

- By 2010, 20% of communes, wards and townships will complete junior-high education universalization which will be completed in the province by 2020.




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- By 2010, 95% of households, 85% of hamlets, 55% of commune-level units and 1-2 district-level units will reach the prescribed cultural standards; by 2020, 85%- 90% of hamlets, 70% of commune-level units and 3-4 district-level units will reach the prescribed cultural standards.

- To complete the national commune healthcare standardization program by 2010; to reduce the malnutrition rate among under-five children to below 16% by 2010, then below 10% by 2020.

- The rate of trained labor will reach 30% by 2010, and about 60% by 2020. The agricultural labor proportion will drop to 35%-40% by 2020.

- The poverty rate will be below 10% by 2010, and under 3% by 2020; permanent and semi-permanent houses will represent 70% by 2010; and there will be no leaf houses by 2020.

c/ Environmentally:

- The forest and scattered tree canopy will reach 24% by 2010 and 2S% by 2020.

- 80%, of solid wastes will be collected and treated by 2010, which will reach 100% by 2020.

- By 2010, 100% of medical wastes will be treated according to regulations.





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- To develop fishery, agriculture and forestry towards commodity production, ensure raw materials for export processing, step up scientific and technological application to production in order to raise the economic efficiency and combine fishery, agricultural and forestry production for sustainable development. The average agricultural production value will reach VND45 million/ha by 2010 and VND 60 million/ha by 2020.

- To develop aquaculture chiefly by rearing shrimps together with other aquatic and marine species in appropriate rearing forms. To reorganize sea fishing trades and equipment in association with the protection of aquatic and marine resources.

- To produce rice and other crops by intensive farming on the basis of prioritizing investment in irrigation, stepping up the use of new high-yield varieties and developing cattle and poultry raising.

- To restore, protect and develop submerged forests parks cajeput forests, concentrating on the national parks of Mui Ca Mau and U Minh Ha; to reorganize production and redistribute population in production forests and develop integrated economic activities in forests and on forest land.

2. Industry, cottage industry and handicrafts:

- To develop the aquatic, agricultural and forestry processing industry towards raising the rate of refined products, to develop the energy industry on the basis of Ca Mau gas-electricity-nitrogenous fertilizer complex, while developing new industries of hi-tech contents. To encourage the development of rural industries, cottage industry, and handicraft and craft villages.

- To step by step build the industrial parks or complexes of Khanh An, Hoa Trung, Nam Can and Song Doc in order to attract investment.

- The development of industries, cottage industry and handicrafts should be associated with treatment of environmental pollution, ensuring high and sustainable economic development.

3. Services:




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- To develop eco-tourism, sea and island tourism, associating the development of domestic tourism with international tourism. To attract investment in building tourist resorts, general entertainment and recreation zones and accommodation establishments, diversifying tourist forms and products.

- To quickly develop services of high added value which are capable of promoting production sectors and other services such as transport, telecommunications and information technology, scientific and technological services, consultancy, financial, banking and insurance services and training, healthcare, cultural and sport services.

4. Social domains:

a/ Population:

To reduce the natural population growth rate to 1.2% by 2010, and to 1.1% by 2020; the population will stand at 1.33 million by 2010 and 1.5 million by 2015. The urban- rural population structure will be 25%-75% by 2010 and 40%-60% by 2020.

b/ Education and training:

- To step up education-training development, increasing investment in school construction and equipment, diversifying types of schools and classes and standardizing professional qualifications of teachers and educational administrators.

- By 2010, 10% of preschools, 15% of primary schools and 10% of junior- and senior-high schools will reach the national standards; by 2020, 50%-60% of schools at different levels will reach the national standards; by 2010, 100% of teachers will reach the prescribed standards; to strive for the completion of senior-high education universalization by 2020.

- To quickly develop professional education, building a community college and a medical college. To step up vocational education, building intermediate vocational training schools or vocational training centers in districts, encouraging organizations and enterprises to provide vocational training for laborers; the rate of trained laborers will reach 30% by 2010 and 60% by 2020.




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- To raise the effectiveness of national target programs on healthcare, step up the socialization of peoples health protection and care. To effectively prevent and control epidemics, ensuring that all people will be provided with basic healthcare services and have access to high-quality healthcare services.

- To build and upgrade hospitals, early completing the construction of a provincial general hospital and building specialized hospitals. To build or upgrade district- and commune-level healthcare systems up to national standards; to increase health workers, particularly for rural areas, striving for the targets of 6 physicians and 22 hospital beds for every 10,000 inhabitants by 2010, then 10 physicians and 25 hospitals beds by 2020; the under-five children’s malnutrition rate of below 16% by 2010 and 10% by 2020; the under-one children’s mortality rate of around 1% and the under-five children’s mortality rate of below 2%.

d/ Culture, information, physical training and sports:

- To closely associate cultural development with socio-economic development, raising the peoples spiritual life; to increase investment in cultural and sport institutions, based on accelerated socialization. To constantly raise the quality of cultural and information activities; develop mass media activities with radio and television stations as the core; to qualitatively develop the campaign entire population unite to build a cultured life; to conserve, embellish, and promote the value of, historical relics, develop various forms of physical training and sports, expand the mass movement for physical exercise and sports, and participate in competitions in a number of high-achievement sports.

- By 2010, 95% of households, 85% of hamlets, 55% of commune-level units and 1-2 district-level units will reach the prescribed cultural standards. By 2020.85%-90% of hamlets, 70% of commune-level units and 3-4 district-level units will reach the prescribed cultural standards.

dd/ Poverty reduction, employment and social security:

- To properly associate poverty reduction with minimizing of poverty relapse, strive to reduce the poverty rate to below 10% by 2010 and the poverty rate under the USD 2/person/day standards to below 10% by 2020.

- To step up employment generation on the basis of vocational training and guidance and credit supports, to restructure the workforce in order to quickly raise the industrial and service labor proportions and strongly develop forms of business, particularly the model of agricultural enterprises and farms.

- To properly implement policies towards policy families, people with meritorious services to the revolution, and ethnic minority people.




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To mobilize resources for quick socio-economic infrastructure development, step by step build in a synchronous manner road, irrigation and power grid networks, urban infrastructure and industrial park and complex infrastructure.

a/ Transport:

To step up the development of technical infrastructure in terms of roads, waterways, sea routes and airways, capable for intra-regional then inter-regional transportation, to be worthy of a national gateway for seawards development.

- Roads: To invest in the construction of southern coastal corridor roads. Ho Chi Minh road (Nam Can-Dat Mui section), national highway 1A bypass, national highway 63 bypass, eastern coastal road (from Nam Can to Ganh Hao), western coastal road (from Tieu Dua to Dam Cung); to invest in upgrading national highway 63. To invest in the construction and upgrading of roads connecting to marine-economic centers, including Tac Thu- Song Doc road, Cai Nuoc-Cai Doi Vam road, Tac Thu-U Minh-Khanh Hoi road, Dam Doi-Tan Thuan road. To build belt roads of Ca Mau city and trunk roads from industrial parks and complexes to main roads. To build or upgrade roads under urban planning; to build and upgrade rural roads, ensuring that 100% of communes will have motor roads to commune centers.

- Waterways: To upgrade Ca Mau-Ho Chi Minh City and Ca Mau-Kien Giang waterways up to grade-1 inland waterway standards, Ca Mau-Song Doc and Ca Mau-Nam Can waterways (centrally managed) up to grade-II inland waterway standards; to upgrade provincial-level waterways to grade-rv standards and district-level waterways to grade-V standards.

- Sea routes: To invest in the upgrading and expansion of Nam Can port and dredge Bo De port to meet the sea transport requirements.

- Airways: To expand and upgrade Ca Mau airport, for the landing and take-off of medium-sized aircraft; to restore and upgrade Nam Can airport to serve tourism, petroleum services and marine economy.

- To invest in the construction of a system of waterway-land transport wharves meeting cargo and passenger transportation demands and socio-economic development requirements.

b/ Irrigation:




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c/ Information and communication;

To further modernize and expand networks in couple with, the application of modern technologies to the post and telecommunication sector, and quickly develop information technology services.

d/ Electricity supply:

To build and safely operate Ca Mau gas-electricity- nitrogenous fertilizer complex to supply electricity for Ca Mau and other provinces in the region. To develop transmission and distribution grids according to planning, ensuring safe and non-interrupted power supply and reducing electric energy loss.

e/ Water supply and drainage:

To invest in the construction, upgrading and expansion of water supply systems in urban centers and population quarters, incrementally meeting peoples daily-life water demand. To build water drainage and waste water treatment systems in urban centers, industrial parks and complexes.

6. Science and technology:

To step up the scientific and technological application in service of socio-economic development, encourage the application of new technologies, renew the science-technology management mechanism, quickly shift to the mechanism of service provision on order; to enhance scientific-technological cooperation with domestic and foreign organizations as well as individuals on the basis of developing the science and technology market.

7. Environment:




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8. Defense and security:

To closely combine socio-economic development with defense and security maintenance, building the all-people defense disposition in association with the peoples security disposition; to build firm defense zones; to build up a modem regular army, to attach importance to building the militia, self-defense and reserve forces. To build the peoples police forces strong and clean, raise the effectiveness of preventing and combating crimes, creating steady improvements in social order and safety.


1. The inland economic zone: which embraces Thoi Binh and Cai Nuoc districts and Ca Mau city, with an area of 130,721 ha and a population of around 600,000-650,000 by 2020. The average economic growth rate is expected to reach 13% and the per-capita GDP around USD 2,600, and the industry-service-agriculture economic structure will be 45%-40%-15% by 2020.

2. The sea and coastal economic zone: which embraces 6 coastal districts and territorial waters, and island groups, with an area of 402,195 ha and a population of about 850,000-900.000 by 2020. This is a driving economic zone of the province, with its projected economic growth rate of 1.2-1.3 times the general growth rate of the province and average per-capita GDP of USD 3,300 by 2020; with its industry-service-agriculture economic structure of 42.7%-35.2%-22.1% by 2020.


Urban development aims to accelerate industrialization and modernization, creating a motive force for socio-economic development based on industry and services. To develop urban infrastructure towards modernization and civilization. The urbanization rate is expected to reach 25% by 2010 and 40% by 2020. Following are major urban centers:

- Ca Mau city, the heart of the province, and Ca Mau peninsula, which constitutes a marine economic center of western South Vietnam. To concentrate efforts on building Ca Mau city into a grade-II urban center.

- Nam Can district town, which serves as a driving urban center of the province and a center for seawards development via Nam Can port, with its oriented development into a grade-IV urban center.




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- For rural areas, to upgrade the existing townships and form some new ones according to planning.


- In the 2008-2010 period, to study the adjustment of administrative boundaries of Ca Mau city, Thoi Binh district and communes and wards, to establish a new district (Chau Thanh). District-level administrative units will include 1 city and 9 districts with 108 commune-level administrative units bearing their local socio-economic development characters and conditions.

- In the post-2010 period, to study the adjustment of boundaries of the districts of Tran Van Thoi, Dam Doi and Nam Can; to establish a new district (Vam Dam) and 2 towns (Nam Can and Song Doc). District-level administrative units will include I city, 2 towns and 9 districts with 157 commune-level administrative units.



1. Capital mobilization:

In order to meet the investment capital demands, a system of active capital mobilization solutions is required, of which promotion of internal resources is the key. To exploit and use capital sources from the land fund while attaching importance to attracting investment capital from various economic sectors and stepping up the socialization of services, healthcare, education and sports.

Capital will be used as follows: State budget capital or state budget-originated capital will be used for investment in such principal domains and items as transport infrastructure, seaports, water drainage and supply, reservoirs, waste water and solid waste treatment and works of social significance. In addition, efforts will be concentrated on mobilization of credit capital, capital from domestic enterprises and investors and foreign capital for investment in infrastructure facilities in industrial parks and tourist resorts and other infrastructure works.




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To step up professional training, diversifying forms of vocational training and adopting preferential policies for agricultural laborers shifting to other occupations; to provide incentives and favorable working conditions in order to attract science workers, technicians and managers to work in the province. To train and re-train managers and business administrators who meet the international economic integration requirements.

3. Scientific and technological development:

To renew scientific and technological activities, intensifying the dissemination of scientific and technical information and market and economic information; to intensify the application of scientific and technical advances, create vigorous improvements in the application of scientific and technological achievements, particularly in the fields of information technology, bio-technology and materials technology. To align with institutes, schools, centers and scientists at home and abroad in realizing scientific schemes and projects. To bring into play the role of the Union of Scientific Associations and study mechanisms to encourage the establishment and effective operation of a scientific and technological development fund in the province.

4. Administrative management capacity building:

To step up administrative reform, continuing with stronger decentralization so as to raise the state management and law enforcement effect; to further implement the regulations on democracy, publicity and transparency of information on state management for involving people in supervision and implementation activities.

5. Promotion of development cooperation:

To cooperate and align with regional provinces for development, ensuring investment in accordance with planning in order to bring into full play the provinces economic potential and intensifying cooperation with various localities at home and abroad; to prioritize cooperation in the fields requiring high professional qualifications and high technologies which Ca Mau province has no access to.

6. Organization of implementation:

Based on the approved master plan on socio-economic development, the Ca Mau province-Peoples Committee shall focus on directing branches and levels to formulate their plannings and five-year and annual plans in line with the provinces development orientations; to elaborate action programs and development programs for each period in accordance with the orientation; charted out in the master plan on socio-economic development of Ca Mau province till 2020.




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It shall promulgate and publicize the master plan to attract the attention of all people and domestic and foreign investors for their participation in the master plan implementation: coordinate with ministries, central branches and other provinces in realizing development programs and cooperating for joint development.

Article 2.

a/ This master plan provides orientations and grounds for the formulation, submission to competent authorities for approval, and implementation of specialized plannings and investment projects in the province according to regulations.

b/ The Ca Mau province Peoples Committee shall base on the provinces socio-economic development objectives, tasks and orientations set in the master plan to assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned ministries and branches in, directing the formulation, submission for approval and implementation of the following according to regulations:

- A planning on socio-economic development of districts and towns, a planning on development of the system of urban centers and population quaters construction planning, land use planning and plans and branch and domain development plannings in order to ensure comprehensive and synchronous development.

- Studying on formulating and promulgating according to competence or submitting to competent state agencies for promulgation mechanisms and policies suitable to the provinces development requirements and the state laws in each period in order to attract and mobilize resources for the master plans implementation.

- Elaborating long-term, medium-term and short-term plans; key development programs and specific projects for concentrated investment or phased investment in a rational order.

Article 3. Concerned ministries and branches shall, within the ambit of their respective functions, tasks and powers, have the responsibility:

- To guide and assist the Ca Mau province Peoples Committee in studying the formulation of the above-said plannings; promulgate according to their competence or submit to competent state agencies for promulgation mechanisms and policies suitable to the provinces socio-economic development requirements with a view to mobilizing and efficiently using resources and encouraging and attracting investment in order to contribute to properly materializing the provinces socio-economic development objectives, tasks and orientations.




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Article 4. This Decision takes effect 15 days after its publication in CONG BAO.

Article 5. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies, and the president of the Ca Mau province Peoples Committee shall implement this Decision.




Nguyen Tan Dung



(To the Prime Ministers Decision No.163/2008/QD-TTg of December 11, 2008)





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2. Urban development program;

3. Human resource development program;

4. Fishery, agricultural and forestry production restructuring program;

5. Industrial, cottage-industrial and handicraft development program;

6. Service economy development program;

7. Transport development program;

8. Nam Can economic zone establishment and development program;

9. Environmental protection and sustainable development program.





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1. Upgrading of the western sea-dyke system;

2. Construction of the eastern sea-dyke system;

3. Grade-I aquatic breeding center;

4. Regional-level fishing vessels storm shelter and anchorage area;

5. Petroleum industry and service complex;

6. Construction of coastal roads;

7. Ho Chi Minh road (Nam Can-Mui Ca Mau section);

8. Southern coastal corridor road;

9. Upgrading of highway 63;




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11. Highway 63 bypass running through Ca Mau city;

12. Ganh Hao 2 bridge;

13. Dam Cung bridge;

14. Upgrading and expansion of Ca Mau airport;

15. Restoration and upgrading of Nam Can airport;

16. Improvement of national waterways in the province;

17. Upgrading and renovation of the information and communication system in the province.


1. Building of irrigated areas for agricultural and fishery production;




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3. Fish ports and fishery logistic services.

4. Provincial-level storm shelter and anchorage areas for fishing vessels;

5. Protection and development of Mui Ca Mau national park;

6. Protection and development of U Minh Ha national park;

7. Coastal protective forest restoration and protection;

8. Belt road southwest of Ca Mau city;

9. Infrastructure construction to upgrade Ca Mau town into grade-II urban center;

10. Construction of infrastructure facilities on Song Doc and Nam Can townships;

11. Infrastructure facilities on Hon Khoai island;




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13. Upgrading and expansion of Tac Thu-Rach Rang- Song Doc road;

14. Upgrading and expansion of Rau Dua-Rach Rang- Song Doc road;

15. Construction of an inter-provincial car terminal;

16. Construction of railway-car stations in district centers;

17. ChaLa bridge;

18. HoaTrung bridge;

19. Cai Keo bridge;

20. A bridge spanning Trem river at Zero canal;

21. A bridge spanning Cai Doi Vam in Phu Tan district;




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23. Vam Dam bridge;

24. Upgrading of roads leading to district centers;

25. Motor roads to commune centers;

26. Song Doc township ferry;

27. Upgrading and expansion of urban water supply systems;

28. Construction and upgrading of water drainage and waste water treatment systems in urban centers;

29. Construction of garbage sites in district centers and communes;

30. Construction of an environment observation and supervision center;

31. Provincial cultural square;




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33. Provincial museum;

34. Construction, upgrading of revolutionary and historical relics;

35. District cultural-sport centers:

36. Commune cultural-sport centers;

37. Upgrading of Ca Mau stadium;

38. Construction of a regional general hospital and district general hospitals;

39. Construction of an obstetric hospital;

40. Construction of a paediatric hospital;

41. Tuberculosis and lung disease hospital;




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43. Medical college;

44. Community college;

45. Cultural and art intermediate school;

46. Vocational training intermediate school;

47. Construction, upgrading of general education schools and preschools;

48. Upgrading of war martyrs cemeteries, war martyrs monuments;

49. Provincial administrative-political center;

50. Construction of offices of Party and State agencies at all levels, commune and district administrations;

51. Resettlement quarters;




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53. Aquatic products wholesale market;

54. Multi-purpose gymnasium;

55. Center for youth cultural activities.


1. Ca Mau nitrogenous fertilizer plant;

2. Nam Can shipyard;

3. Khanh An industrial park;

4. Hoa Trung industrial park;

5. Nam Can industrial park;




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7. Development of polyculture agricultural production areas;

8. Pig and poultry farms;

9. Large-scale shrimp rearing zones;

10. Restoration and development of freshwater fish rearing zones;

11. Reorganization of production and redistribution of population in U Minh Ha cajeput forest area;

12. Construction of new aquatic product-processing plants;

13. Export garment and textile factory;

14. Civil-use wood furniture factory;

15. MDF board factory;




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17. Development of rural market systems;

18. Construction of car parks in Ca Mau city;

19. Construction of trade and office buildings;

20. Construction of trade centers and department stores;

21. Ca Mau trade fair and exhibition center;

22. Coastal and island eco-tourism resorts and complexes;

23. Development of hotels and restaurants;

24. Ca Mau cultural and tourism park;

25. Garbage treatment and processing plant in Ca Mau city.




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