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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 537/QD-TTg

Hanoi, April 4, 2016





Pursuant to the June 19, 2015 Law on Organization of the Government;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 92/2006/ND-CP of September 7, 2006, on the elaboration, approval and management of socio-economic development master plans; and Decree No. 04/2008/ND-CP of January 11, 2008, amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 92/2006/ND-CP;

At the proposal of the People’s Committee of Ca Mau province,


Article 1: To approve the adjusted master plan on socio-economic development of Ca Mau province through 2020, with orientations toward 2030 (below referred to as the master plan), with the following principal contents:


1. The master plan must conform to the national socio-economic development strategy, the master plan on socio-economic development of the Mekong River delta and the master plan on the development of the Mekong River delta key economic region, and must be in line with sectoral master plans, ensure the linkage and promote general coordination activities among regional localities.

2. To bring into fullest play the province’s potential, advantages and development opportunities, restructure its economy toward raising the quality, efficiency and competitiveness, focusing on development of the province’s sectors of competitive edge such as fisheries, agriculture and forestry, processing industry associated with material sources, eco-tourism, sea tourism and marine economic services; to develop tourism into a spearhead economic sector with focus on Nam Can national tourist zone.

3. To closely combine economic development with socio-cultural development, ensuring social security and environmental protection. To focus on training and developing human resources to satisfy socio-economic development requirements.

4. To build a new countryside which constitutes a prime task of the political system and the entire society during the planning period so as to mobilize and attract internal sources for rural socio-economic development and improve the people’s material and spiritual lives.

5. To incorporate climate change and sea level rise adaptation in the socio-economic development master plan to suit each sector or field and ensure multi-purpose efficiency and sustainable development.

6. To combine economic development with political stability, ensure social order, consolidate national defense and security; to consolidate, intensify and improve the quality of the political system’s operations and build a strong administration.


1. General objectives

To bring into play the potential and advantages of Ca Mau to build the province into one with a high regional socio-economic development level; to step up its economic restructuring, renew the growth model into a deeper and larger one; to actively respond to climate change, manage natural resources and protect the environment; to focus on building infrastructure, urban centers and new countryside; to improve human resources’ quality, develop culture, realize social progress and justice, ensure social security and improve the people’s life; to maintain national defense and security, social order and safety.

2. Specific targets

a/ Economically:

- The average annual growth rate of the gross regional domestic product (GRDP) will reach 7-7.5% in the 2016-2020 period; 7% in the 2021-2025 period; and 6.9% in the 2026-2030 period.

- The per-capita GRDP will reach about USD 3,000 by 2020; around USD 4,400-4,500 by 2025 and around USD 6,800-6,900 by 2030.

- Economic structure (%):





+ Services




+ Construction-industry




+ Fisheries-agriculture-forestry




+ Import duty, product duty




- The total annual social investment will represent around 30% of GRDP in the 2016- 2020 period, approximate 28% of GRDP in the 2021-2025 period, around 26-27% of GRDP in the 2026-2030 period.

- Local state budget revenues will increase 17% annually or reach around VND 32.7 trillion in the 2016-2020 period.

- The export turnover will reach around USD 1.7 billion by 2020 (around USD 7.5 billion in the 2016-2020 period); USD 1.9 billion by 2025 and around USD 2.2 billion by 2030.

- The urbanization rate will reach 37% by 2010, 42% by 2025, and 50% by 2030.

- The rate of communes satisfying the new-countryside criteria will be 50% by 2020 and 80% by 2025 and the new countryside building program will be basically completed by 2030.

b/ Socially:

- The natural population growth rate will drop to around 1%.

- The agricultural labor proportion will drop to 60% by 2020, around 50% by 2025; and around 40% by 2030.

- The rate of trained labor (excluding re-trained labor and self-trained labor in traditional crafts) will reach 50% by 2020, around 60-65% by 2025; and around 80% by 2030.

- To annually generate jobs for around 38,000 people in the 2016-2020 period, around 45,000 people in the 2021-2025 period, and around 50,000 people in the 2026-2030 period.

- The rate of poor households will decrease 1.5% per year, that of ethnic minority people 2-3% per year (by the poverty line in each period).

- The rate of malnourished under-five children will drop to 12% by 2020 and 11 % by 2030.

- The number of medical doctors for every 10,000 people will reach 12 by 2020, 14 by 2025 and 16 by 2030.

- The number of patient beds for every 10,000 people will be 26 by 2020, 33 by 2025 and 40 by 2030.

- Eighty percent of the local population will be covered by health insurance by 2020, which will reach 85% by 2025 and 90% by 2030.

- To maintain the recognized lower secondary education universalization standard; to step-by-step universalize upper secondary education in places where conditions permit.

- Seventy percent of schools will meet national standards by 2020, which will reach 90% by 2025 and 100% by 2030.

- The rate of communes and wards reaching the cultural standards will be 50% by 2020, 60-65% by 2025 and 75-80% by 2030.

- Permanent houses will account for 55% of the total by 2020 and 75% by 2030; the rate of makeshift houses will be reduced to 1% by 2020 and there will be no makeshift houses by 2030.

c/ Environmentally:

- The forest and scattered tree coverage will reach 26% by 2020.

- Ninety percent of the rural population will have access to hygienic water by 2020, which will reach 95% by 2025 and 100% by 2030.

- Eighty five percent of waste in urban centers and industrial parks and clusters will be collected and treated by 2020, which will reach 90% by 2025 and more than 95% by 2030.

- By 2020, all large-sized production and business establishments and Ca Mau city and by 2025, grade-IV urban centers will have wastewater treatment systems.


1. Fisheries-agriculture-forestry and building of a new countryside

To step up agricultural restructuring toward higher efficiency and competitiveness, and added value and sustainable development; to focus on developing products with provincial advantages, especially aquatic and marine products combined with processing and sale thereof, in order to sustainably raise farmers’ income; to further implement a national target program on building a new countryside - the entire political system’s task and the entire population’s cause.

- Fisheries: To develop aquaculture largely by rearing shrimps in various forms for sustainable development, quickly expand advanced extensive shrimp and ecological shrimp rearing areas; to develop areas for industrial shrimp rearing suitable to investment capital and expected efficiency; to experimentally develop hi-tech shrimp rearing; to concurrently develop rearing of other aquatic and marine species and promote marine aquaculture in coastal and island surface water areas. To renew marine fishing methods and gears associated with protection of aquatic resources, encourage investment in offshore fishing associated with protection of sea and island sovereignty. The total aquatic product output will reach around 600,000 tons by 2020, including 240,000 tons of shrimp; around 700,000 tons by 2025, including 280,000 tons of shrimp; around 780,000 tons by 2020, including 320,000 tons of shrimp.

- Agriculture: Rice will be the main crop and rice cultivation areas will be stably maintained in desalinated regions in Tran Van Thoi district and some areas in Thoi Binh and U Minh districts; to develop organic rice and specialty summer-autumn rice crops and continue the rotation of rice farming on shrimp-breeding areas for sustainable development. The total rice farming area will reach around 131,500 ha by 2020 with a yield of 5.32 ton/ha and a total output of around 630,000-635,000 tons which will be stably increased to around 600,000 tons by 2030. To cultivate banana, sugarcane, coconut, vegetables and other efficient crops in the high-quality intensive farming model and encourage intercropping and rotation of vegetables on rice farming areas. To develop husbandry in large farms, pursuing safe breeding and ensuring food hygiene and safety from around 550,000 pigs and 4.5 million poultry animals by 2020 and around 600,000 pigs and 4.8-5 million poultry animals by 2030. To encourage captive breeding of wild animals of high economic value.

- Forestry: To well manage and protect the existing forest areas, especially protective and special-use forests; to step up the allocation of forests to family households for management, care and protection; to further arrange, renovate, develop and raise the efficiency of forestry companies’ activities; to exploit the forest environment for eco-tourism development. To restore and develop coastal and riparian protective forests under a target program to respond to climate change; to promote investment in intensive afforestation of high economic value associated with investment in forest product processing. By 2020, the total dense forest acreage will reach 105,000 hectares and the rate of forest and scattered tree coverage will make up 26% of the province’s total land area by 2020.

- To focus on mobilizing internal sources for rural economic development, building a new civilized and prosperous countryside with fairly complete infrastructure facilities, ensuring social order, preserving and bringing into play traditional values; to take appropriate steps in each criteria suitable to local conditions and resources. By 2020, 50% of total communes will satisfy the new countryside criteria and the rate will be around 80% by 2025. To strive to complete a national target program on building a new countryside by 2030.

2. Industry, cottage industry and handicrafts: To further develop aquatic, agricultural and forest product processing industry toward raising the proportion of refined products; to restore and develop mechanical engineering for ship repair; to develop energy and chemical industries on the basis of Ca Mau gas-electricity-nitrogenous fertilizer complex, attract investment in wind mills, solar power and biomass power plants, prioritizing clean energy development; to develop industry, cottage industry and handicrafts, and rural craft villages for job generation and rural labor restructuring. To continue investing in and rationally phasing investment in Khanh An, Hoa Trung, and Song Doc industrial parks, Nam Can economic zone and industrial clusters under the approved master plan so as to attract investment. Industrial development shall be combined with enhanced management of environmental protection. The total industrial production value will increase around 10-12%/year; enterprises’ expansion of production shall be associated with market solutions in order to raise the product consumption index and production and business efficiency.

3. Services:

To strongly develop service economy, focusing on potential sectors and those of high added value; to attract investment of economic sectors in service provision, step up socialized investment in cultural, educational, healthcare and sport and physical training services; to transform non-business units into service providers under the market mechanism, meeting diverse social needs. The average growth rate of the service sector will be around 10%/year.

- To develop a wide trade network, to develop a traditional distribution system and a modem business system; to intensify the fight against smuggling and trade fraud; to strictly manage goods subject to conditional trading. The goods retail value will annually increase 10-12%. To further conduct trade promotion and expand export outlets for aquatic products and a number of new products such as processed timber, organic rice and handicraft items. The export turnover will reach around USD 1.7 billion by 2020 (mainly from aquatic exports), USD 1.9 billion by 2025 and around USD 2.2 billion by 2030.

- To focus on developing eco-tourism and sea-island tourism, combining the development of domestic and international tours; to encourage and support the development of sustainable community-based eco-tourism. To attract investment in tourist sites, effectively exploit tourist routes and sites under the province’s tourism development master plan; to focus on building and developing the Nam Can national tourist zone. To welcome 1.7 million domestic tourists and 50,000 international tourists by 2020; around 2.8 million tourists by 2030, including around 110,000 international tourists.

- To quickly develop services of high added value that helps promote other production and service sectors such as transport, telecommunications and information technology, consultancy services, finance, banking, insurance, construction services, real estate, training service, healthcare, culture, sports, labor and job placement services, notarization and authentication services, property auction, judicial expert examination, commercial arbitration and legalcounseling. To gradually develop logistics services on the basis of developing and exploiting the Ca Mau port system, Nam Can economic zone and Hon Khoai seaport.

4. Science and technology: To step up scientific and technological activities, focus on the transfer of scientific and technological applications in service of economic development and life; to renew the science-technology management mechanism, quickly shift to the mechanism of service provision on order, and gradually form a science and technology market. To enhance the management of measurement and quality control and intellectual property.

5. Education and training:

- To develop the education and training cause toward a fundamental and comprehensive renewal to improve quality of human resources; to further invest in physical foundations in order to quickly increase the number of schools attaining the national standards, by 2020, over 70% of schools will reach the national standards, which will rise to over 90% by 2025 and 100% by 2030. To step up the socialization in education and training, bringing into play the role of education councils at all levels, strengthening the relationship between schools, families and the society in the educational development cause; to develop professional training schools and improve quality of vocational training associated with post-training job placement.

6. Medicine and public healthcare: To enhance preventive medicine, effectively implement target programs on healthcare; to step up the socialization of people’s health protection and care; to effectively prevent and control epidemics. To synchronously build a medical examination and treatment network from the provincial level to grassroots level, and gradually modernize physical foundations and medical equipment; to complete the construction of a functional rehabilitation and convalescent hospital, regional and district general hospitals and medical centers; to build a new tuberculosis and lung disease hospital and a traditional medicine hospital. To train and foster medical workers in order to improve their professional qualifications and ethics. To strive for the target of 26 hospital beds and 12 medical doctors for every 10,000 inhabitants by 2010, then 33 hospital beds and 14 medical doctors by 2025, and 40 hospital beds and 16 medical doctors by 2030. To intensify the public communication and mobilization of the entire population to participate in health insurance to achieve the target that 80% of the population will be covered by health insurance by 2020, which will reach 85% by 2025 and over 90% by 2030.

7. Culture, physical training and sports:

a/ Culture: To conserve and bring into play traditional and community cultural value; to further effectively implement the “All people unite to build a cultured life” movement associated with the building of a new countryside and civilized street quarters; to increase investment in cultural institutions on the basis of stepping up the mobilization of all social resources; to effectively conserve, embellish and promote the value of local historical relics;

b/ Physical training and sports: To develop the mass movement for physical and sports training, effectively implement the movement “All people do physical exercise following the example of great Uncle Ho”, intensify the physical education in schools and the armed forces in order to achieve the target that 30% of local people will regularly do physical exercise by 2020, which will be 35-40% by 2025 and 45-50% by 2030. To concentrate investment on high-achievement sports, training of athletes for local sport teams; to provide professional retraining courses to coaches in order to improve their professional skills; and to step up the socialization of sports and physical training activities.

8. Social affairs

- Population and family planning work: To further effectively perform population and family planning work, reduce the natural population growth rate to around 1% in order to maintain the replacement fertility rate and ensure gender balance; and to improve the population’s physical and mental health quality.

- Labor and employment: To intensify job placement services and combine vocational training with labor markets, increase the number of employed laborers with priority given to job generation within the province. To annually generate jobs for 39,000 people in the 20 lb- 2020 period, around 45,000 people in the 2021-2025 period, and around 50,000 people in the 2026-2030 period.

- Poverty reduction: To mobilize various resources for achieving the poverty reduction target, regularly review and adopt appropriate support solutions for sustainable poverty reduction, help poor households to get rid of poverty on their own. To reduce the poor household rate by at least 1.5% annually (according to the poverty line applicable for each period of implementation toward multidimensional poverty approach: income, job, education, housing and property).

- To further effectively implement regimes and policies for people who rendered meritorious service to the country’s revolution and ethnic minority people and other social security policy beneficiaries; to protect and take care of children; to prevent and combat social vices; to realize gender equality and the policies on freedom of religion and belief in couple with youth development.


To mobilize to the utmost investment resources for comprehensive investment in the socio-economic infrastructure system, focusing on essential fields such as transport, irrigation, water supply and drainage systems, with transport infrastructure regarded as a development breakthrough.

1. Transport: To develop transport infrastructure facilities, including roads, waterways, sea routes and airways to serve socio-economic development, maintain national defense and security, concentrating investment on inter-regional works.

- Roads: To invest in the second phase of southern coastal roads through the province; national highway 1 bypass through inner Ca Mau city; to complete the upgrading and expansion of national highway 63; to upgrade and expand national highway 1; to invest in Can Tho-Ca Mau expressway in the period after 2020, etc. To upgrade roads linking the provincial center with district centers as well as other provincial roads, prioritizing investment in roads connecting the provincial center to the coastal economic centers such as Rau Dua-Rach Sang-Song Doc (Song Doc southern bank road), Ca Mau-Dam Doi, Tac Thu-Da Bac, Tan Bang-U Minh-Khanh Hoi, Sau Dong canal road (Tan Thuan-Dam Doi-Rau Dua); to build a coastal road system; to build and upgrade bridge systems, bus stations and parking lots. To build and upgrade ring roads of Ca Mau city, urban roads and rural road systems, ensuring that all communes will have motor roads to their centers.

- Waterways: To renovate and upgrade centrally managed waterways to attain the prescribed inland waterway standards; to effectively operate Duyen Hai-Ca Mau, Ho Chi Minh City-Ca Mau and Rach Gia-Ca Mau waterway routes; to open Ca Mau city bypass via Cai Xu canal, transfer the waterways through urban centers to Ca Mau province for management. To restore and upgrade provincially managed waterways to attain the prescribed waterway standards. To upgrade passenger ship landings, cargo loading and unloading wharves and a number of cross-river passenger ship landings.

- To continue building Nam Can port, attract investment in Hon Khoai seaport, Ong Doc river port to meet the sea shipping requirements; to invest in Ca Mau, Nam Can and Ong Doc passenger ports and Ca Mau gas-electricity-nitrogenous fertilizer specialized port.

- Ca Mau airport: By 2020, to preserve the existing landing and take-off and runway and apron system, ensuring parking positions for two ATR72 airplanes or equivalent airplanes; in the post-2020 period, to renovate the landing and take-off lanes and build a new runway and a new apron in order to provide parking positions for three A320/A321 airplanes and one helicopter apron, and build a new grade-4C terminal capable of receiving 500,000 passengers annually. For a long term, to consider a plan to relocate Ca Mau airport out of the inner Ca Mau city, facilitating urban development and ensuring safe flights.

2. Irrigation: To invest in multi-purpose irrigation works for fisheries, agricultural and forestry production in combination with rural transport development, prevention and control of natural disasters and response to climate change. To further invest in irrigation works in production zones and review solutions of building irrigation works to ensure water supply and drainage for shrimp rearing areas, prevent salt water intrusion for concentrated rice farming areas; to invest in building the system of irrigation works associated with the management of the works’ operation in accordance with the people’s consensus. To upgrade and reinforce western sea dikes and build eastern sea dikes and the river estuary dike system under the government’s sea dike program. To build a number of reservoirs for fire prevention and fighting, additionally supply water for residential use to reduce the pressure of ground water exploitation; and to build irrigation works to prevent inundation in Ca Mau city.

3. Water supply and drainage: to effectively manage and exploit water supply systems in urban centers, industrial parks and clusters and residential water in rural areas in couple with the protection of ground water sources and encourage the economical use of residential water. To coordinate in commissioning an inter-provincial water supply system using Hau river water source under the master plan on water supply for the Mekong River delta key economic region. To attract investment in a surface water source treatment plant for residential water supply.

To invest in renovating and building urban wastewater treatment and water drainage systems, complete as soon as possible the Ca Mau city water drainage project, invest in the wastewater treatment and water drainage system of Song Doc and Nam Can urban centers, urban centers in the heart of the districts and industrial parks and clusters.

4. To invest in developing telecommunication and information technology infrastructure equipped with modem technologies and ensured network security, meeting socio-economic development requirements.

5. Trade infrastructure: To build a modem commodity distribution system consisting of trade centers, shopping malls, general and specialized supermarkets and convenience stores with advanced and modem business methods and professional management associated with the maintenance and development of traditional markets to serve rural inhabitants; to develop logistics service centers in places where conditions permit.

6. Electricity infrastructure: To develop the electricity transmission and distribution network under the electricity master plan, ensuring safe and non-interrupted power supply for industrial load, agricultural production, services and residemtial use with backup electricity sources accounting for 10-20% of the total output; to reduce electricity wastage. To focus on implementing the rural electricity supply program, quickly reduce the rate of households using unsafe electricity; and ensure all households in the province will have access to electricity by 2020.

7. Social infrastructure development: to continue building physical foundations of schools, health establishments, culture and sports centers suitable to local conditions; to step up the socialized investment in provincial social infrastructure.

8. Environmental protection and adaption to climate change: To enhance the environmental management and protection and treat environmental pollution; to effectively carry out the national strategy for green growth and sustainable development; to protect and recover biodiversity in wetland areas, focusing on Ca Mau Cape biosphere reserve, actively preventing and combating natural disasters, adapting to climate change and incorporating the climate change adaptation in the province's socio-economic development master plan and plans for active implementation. To properly implement the environmental protection solutions according to the master plan’s strategic environmental assessment.

9. National defense and security: To closely combine socio-economic development with national defense and security maintenance, build the all-people national defense combined with people’s security posture, build firm defense zones, firmly maintain political security and social order and safety in any circumstances. To build a regular, crack and incrementally modernized army; to focus on building the militia, self-defense and reserve forces. To build the clean and strong people’s public security force, raise the effectiveness of crime prevention and combat, making a steady improvement in social order and safety.


1. Economic zone division: To further develop 2 economic zones under the Prime Minister-approved plan in Decision No. 163/2008/QD-TTG of December 11, 2008.

- The inland economic zone which embraces Ca Mau city and Thoi Binh and Cai Nuoc districts.

- The sea and coastal economic zone which embraces coastal districts of u Minh, Tran Van Thoi, Phu Tan, Nam Can, Ngoc Hien and Dam Doi.

2. Urban development: To raise the urbanization rate to 37% by 2020, 42% by 2025 and 50% by 2030. To expand and upgrade the existing urban centers, build a number of commune centers and economic clusters which have the potential of establishing a number of new urban centers in places where conditions permit with a spill-over effect. To prioritize investment in building three dynamic urban centers in the province, namely Ca Mau city, Nam Can and Song Doc urban centers. To strive to build Ca Mau city into a grade-I urban center; to improve Song Doc and Nam Can urban centers up to grade-IV urban center standards; to upgrade Cai Nuoc, Dam Doi, Rach Goc, Thoi Binh, Tran Van Thoi and u Minh townships to reach grade-IV urban center standards. To enhance the urban management work, ensuring the development connection under the master plan between Ca Mau city and other urban centers in the province like Cai Nuoc and Thoi Binh.



1. Capital mobilization and efficient utilization of investment capital

The total demand for investment capital to implement the master plan is estimated at VND 570 trillion, including around VND 96 trillion for the 2016-2020 period, around VND 186 trillion for the 2021-2025 period, and around VND 288 trillion for the 2026-2030 period. To meet such demand, it is necessary to focus on the following specific solutions:

- For state budget capital:

+ To prioritize investment in infrastructure projects for which social sources cannot be mobilized. To increase growth quality to raise the economy’s accumulation rate, creating sources for development investment.

+ To increase state budget revenues and cut unnecessary regular expenditures for increasing development investment spending and ensuring the performance of urgent investment tasks.

+ To exploit the land fund through land use rights auction, rationally zone off urban centers and relocate state offices, prioritize locations with trade advantages for organizing land use rights auctions for investors, thereby creating development investment capital.

To take advantage of the central budget’s support for investment in the province’s major projects and support investment capital for target programs and national target programs, as well as ODA and government bond sources.

- For capital of state enterprises, state groups and corporations:

+ To encourage and facilitate investment and expansion of production and business scale of state enterprises, state groups and corporations operating in the province, build production and business establishments to take advantage of benefits from free trade agreements which the country have signed with international organizations and foreign countries.

- For domestic enterprises’ investment capital and foreign direct investment capital:

+ To further improve the investment and business environment and investment promotion methods. To actively attract investment, particularly in large and hi-tech projects in Nam Can economic zone and industrial parks and clusters in the province.

+ To encourage, create opportunities and favorable conditions for, private investment, regardless of whether it is made inside and outside the province. To step up the mobilization of all social resources for investment in building infrastructure in various forms such as public- private partnership (PPP) and for investment in education and training, healthcare, culture, sports and physical training, environmental protection.

- For the population’s investment: To create the most favorable conditions for local people to increase their spending on investment, housing construction and production development.

2. Training and human resources development:

To continue implementing the province’s human resources development planning, focusing on improving the quality of professional training, and vocational training for laborers, especially rural laborers shifting to work in non-agricultural sectors and expanding additional occupations; to attach importance to matching vocational training and labor market demands of enterprises and the economy.

To implement incentive policies to attract scientists, technologists and professional and capable managers to work in the province, train and foster young talents before sending them to work at grassroots level. To train and foster personnel of state agencies at all levels and enterprises meeting the international economic integration requirements; and to step up the socialization of education.

3. Scientific and technological development:

To increase budget spending on, and renew the mechanism for, scientific and technological activities, and step by step form the scientific and technological market. To intensify the dissemination of scientific and technological information and the application and transfer of scientific and technological advances, develop demonstration models and review for multiplication, thus strongly promoting the application of scientific and technological achievements, especially in bio-technology, material technology and information technology, in order to solve essential issues in socio-economic development and environmental protection.

To encourage and support enterprises of all economic sectors to renew technologies and manufacture products of hi-tech contents, contributing to increase commodity product value; to implement enterprise support programs in terms of science and technology such as training support; scientific, technological and market information, facilitation of enterprises’ participation in implementing scientific and technological projects.

To increase the alignment with scientific centers, research institutes and universities in technological innovation, intensive investment and new technology transfer, aiming to raise productivity and quality and lower product prices or turn out new products, and meet social consumption demands.

To bring into play the role of the province’s Union of Science and Technology Associations, and increase consultative service, criticism and social assessment activities.

4. Environmental protection and active response to climate change and sea level rise

To enhance the state management of environmental protection; to mobilize financial sources and step up socialization of environmental protection. To effectively implement the national strategy for climate change and the Party Central Committee’s Resolution No. 24-NQ/TW of June 3, 2013, on active response to climate change, enhanced management of natural resources and environmental protection; to effectively implement environmental protection solutions under the master plan’s strategic environmental assessment.

5. Administrative reform and building of the state apparatus at all levels

To step up administrative reform, raise the state management and law enforcement effectiveness. To actively implement solutions to improve the provincial competitiveness index; to implement synchronous solutions to ensure the effective implementation of the state administrative reform program.

6. Expansion of cooperation and alignment for regional development and international integration

To increase the province’s participation in coordinating the development of the Mekong River delta key economic region, coordinate with the regional provinces in playing the role arid performing the tasks of the key economic region under the general coordination, especially in inter-regional and -provincial projects. To enter into development cooperation with other Mekong River delta provinces and Ho Chi Minh City, exploiting the comparative advantages of each locality, promoting economic and cultural cooperation with the localities in the region, the country and abroad, and actively entering into cooperation in the fields where the province has demands and potential.

7. Firm maintenance of national defense and security

To improve the effectiveness of the state management by administrations at all levels in combining the socio-economic development with the maintenance of national defense and security in the new period; to consolidate and bring into play the advisory role of defense and security specialized agencies at all levels.

Article 2. Organization of the master plan implementation

The adjusted master plan on socio-economic development of Ca Mau province through 2020, with orientations toward 2030, serves as a basis for formulating, appraising, approving and implementing sectoral and territorial master plans (construction master plan, land use master plan and plans; sectoral and district development master plans and other related plans) as well as investment projects in the province.

1. To assign the People’s Committee of Ca Mau province to:

- Publicize the adjusted master plan on socio-economic development of Ca Mau province through 2020, with orientations toward 2030, to Party Committees and local administrations at all levels, sectors, mass organizations, enterprises, investors and people in the province. Based on the contents of the master plan, formulate a specific action program for effective implementation of the master plan.

- Increase investment promotion activities, introduce local potential and advantages to investors; introduce programs and projects prioritized for investment, attaching importance to calling investment in key projects turning out key products.

- Concretize this master plan’s objectives into those of 5-year and annual plans for implementation and assess their results, and on that basis, review this master plan and submit to competent authorities for timely adjustment or supplementation to suit local socio-economic development tasks in each period.

- All levels, sectors, localities, socio-political organizations and people shall examine and supervise the implementation of this master plan.

- Based on the approved contents of the master plan, guide the formulation, approval and implementation of the following contents:

+ Adjusting sectoral and district socio-economic development master plans; and construction master plan, land use master plans and plans in line with socio-economic development tasks associated with the maintenance of national defense and security.

+ Formulating long-, medium- and short-term plans associated with specific projects in order to work out a rational investment capital allocation plan.

+ Studying, formulating and promulgating or submitting to competent authorities for promulgation (if beyond the competence) mechanisms and policies suitable to the province’s socio-economic development requirements.

2. Related ministries and sectors shall;

- Guide and assist the People’s Committee of Ca Mau province in the implementation of this master plan.

- Coordinate with the People’s Committee of Ca Mau province in reviewing, adjusting or supplementing sectoral masterplans to ensure their conformity with this master plan; and assist the province in mobilizing domestic and foreign investment capital sources for implementation of this master plan.

Article 3. This Decision replaces the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 163/2008/QD-TTg of December 11, 2008, approving the master plan on socio-economic development of Ca Mau province through 2020. This Decision takes effect on the date of its signing.

Article 4. The chairperson of the People’s Committee of Ca Mau province, ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies and heads of government-attached agencies shall implement this Decision.-




Nguyen Tan Dung