- 1 Decision No. 24/2009/QD-TTg of February 17, 2009, promulgating the regulation on trading in duty-free goods
- 2 Decision 44/2013/QD-TTg of July 19, 2013, on amending and supplementing a number of articles of the regulation on trading in duty-free goods promulgated together with the Decision No. 24/2009/QD-TTg
No. 39/2015/QD-TTg | Hanoi, September 11, 2015 |
Pursuant to the Law on Government organization dated December 25, 2001;
At the request of the Minister of Finance;
The Prime Minister promulgates the Decision on amendments and supplements to the Statute on trading duty-free goods enclosed with the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 24/2009/QD-TTG dated February 17, 2009 and Decision No. 44/2013/QD-TTG dated July 19, 2013.
Article 1. Amendments and supplements to the Statute on trading duty-free goods enclosed with the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 24/2009/QD-TTG dated February 17, 2009 and Decision No. 44/2013/QD-TTG dated July 19, 2013 as follows:
1. Amendments and supplements to Clause 3, Article 3 of the Statute enclosed with Decision No. 24/2009/QD-TTg as follows:
“3. Duty-free goods may be sold to outbound and inbound passengers aboard international flights of airlines established and operating under Vietnam's law”
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
“2. Passengers aboard international flights of airlines set up and operating under Vietnam's laws may purchase duty-free goods sold on outbound and inbound airplanes.”
3. Amendments and supplements to Clause 3, Article 1 of Decision No. 44/2013/QD-TTG as follows:
“5. Passengers or entry passengers aboard international flights to Vietnam may purchase duty-free goods sold onboard;
a) Entry passengers may purchase duty-free goods at international checkpoints of airports of entry after procedures of entry are fulfilled; and no longer entitled to purchase duty-free goods after getting out of the areas under management and control of customs authority at international checkpoints of entry airports;
b) Entry passengers must present passports with entry stamps on and the boarding pass; Duty-free shop must keep copy of one of these documents".
c) Passengers purchasing duty-free goods sold onboard international flights to Vietnam must present passports and boarding pass; Flight attendants must fully record information such as name of passengers purchasing the goods (duty-free goods purchasers), passport number, flight number and seat number.
After entry procedures are completed, flight attendant team shall carry out compilation of vouchers and information related to duty-free goods purchasers and transfer to enterprises selling duty-free goods for entering data into the intranet management software system connected with customs authority.
4. Amendments and supplements to Clause 4, Article 1 of Decision No. 44/2013/QD-TTg as follows:
“4. Entry passengers or passengers aboard international flights to Vietnam may purchase duty-free goods within the limit of duty excemption as prescribed in the Prime Minister's Decision No. 31/2015/QD-TTg dated August 04, 2015 on limits of luggage, movables, gifts, donations and sample goods eligible for tax exemption, tax exemption consideration and non-taxable status”.
Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66
The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Industry and Trade shall be responsible for providing guidance on the execution of this Decision.
Article 3. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of governmental agencies, presidents of People’s committees of central-affiliated cities and relevant organizations and individuals shall be responsible for executing this Decision. /.
Nguyen Tan Dung
- 1 Decision No. 24/2009/QD-TTg of February 17, 2009, promulgating the regulation on trading in duty-free goods
- 2 Decision 44/2013/QD-TTg of July 19, 2013, on amending and supplementing a number of articles of the regulation on trading in duty-free goods promulgated together with the Decision No. 24/2009/QD-TTg
- 3 Decree No. 167/2016/ND-CP dated December 27, 2016,
- 4 Decree No. 167/2016/ND-CP dated December 27, 2016,
- 1 Decision No. 31/2015/QD-TTg dated August 4, 2015, allowance of baggage, movables, gifts, donations and sample goods that qualifies for tax exemption, tax exemption consideration and non-taxable status
- 2 Circular No. 148/2013/TT-BTC of October 25, 2013, providing guidance on the regulation on selling duty-free goods promulgated together with the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 24/2009/QĐ-TTG and the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 44/2013/QĐ-TTg, on amendments to the regulation on selling duty-free goods promulgated together with the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 24/2009/QĐ-TTg
- 3 Circular No. 120/2009/TT-BTC of June 16, 2009, guiding the regulation on sale of duty-free goods promulgated together with the Prime Minister''s Decision no. 24/2009/QD-TTg of February 17, 2009
- 4 Law No. 32/2001/QH10 of December 25, 2001 on organization of the Government
- 1 Circular No. 148/2013/TT-BTC of October 25, 2013, providing guidance on the regulation on selling duty-free goods promulgated together with the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 24/2009/QĐ-TTG and the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 44/2013/QĐ-TTg, on amendments to the regulation on selling duty-free goods promulgated together with the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 24/2009/QĐ-TTg
- 2 Circular No. 120/2009/TT-BTC of June 16, 2009, guiding the regulation on sale of duty-free goods promulgated together with the Prime Minister''s Decision no. 24/2009/QD-TTg of February 17, 2009