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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No: 669/2000/QD-BTM

Hanoi, May 21, 2000





Pursuant to the Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents of November 12, 1996;
Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No.95/CP of December 4, 1993 defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Trade;
Pursuant to the Prime Minister’s Decision No.355/TTg of May 28, 1997 on the establishment of the Government’s Steering Committee for General Revision and Systematization of Legal Documents;
At proposal of the Director of the Legal Department,


Article 1.- To promulgate the list of 387 legal documents, which were promulgated by the Ministry of Trade and ceased to be effective as of April 15, 2000.

Article 2.- This Decision takes effect 15 days after its signing.

Article 3.- The ministries, the ministerial-level agencies, the agencies attached to the Government, the People’s Committees of the provinces and centrally-run cities and the units attached to the Ministry of Trade shall have to implement this Decision.




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Mai Van Dau



(Promulgated together with the Minister of Trade’s Decision No. 669/2000/QD-BTM
of April 21, 2000)

Ordinal Form of Serial number, Date of Content number documents code promulgation


1 Decision 107/NT-QD1 August 31, 1976 Defining the functions, tasks and powers of inspectorates at grade-I companies under the Ministry of Home Trade

2 Joint Circular 01/NT January 3, 1980 Jointly issued by the Ministry of Home Trade and the Vietnam Trade Service’s Union organization, guiding the organization and operation of Labor Inspection Boards in the Home Trade Service




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4 Directive 78/NgT-TTr May 26, 1984 Directing units in the Foreign Trade service to intensify their inspection activities

5 Circular 13/NT October 8, 1988 Guiding the organization and operation of Labor Inspection Boards in the Home Trade Service

6 Directive 12/KTDN-TTr August 21, 1989 Directing units in reviewing the implementation of the Ordinance on Consideration and Settlement of Citizens’ Complaints and Denunciations

7 Directive 02/TN-TTr May 24, 1990 Directing units in carrying out the campaign for inspection of the performance of business and management organization tasks by units of the Trade Service


8 Circular 04/BNgT/TCCB January 12, 1980 Defining functions and tasks of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Foreign Trade Ministry

9 Official 956/BVT May 28, 1981 Temporarily prescribing the remuneration for Dispatch scientific and technical information activities

10 Circular 688/BVT May 5, 1987 Guiding the setting up and use of the centralized fund for scientific and technical development

11 Decision 136-VT/QD April 4, 1990 Promulgating branch standard of "Process of managing and using cisterns for transport of concentrated sulfuric acid (H2SO4) mounted on trucks" (TCN 12-1990)




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13 Decision 139-VT/QD April 4, 1990 Promulgating branch standard of "Process of importing, exporting, preserving and transporting inflammable and explosible chemicals"(TCN 09-1990)

14 Decision 140-VT/QD April 4, 1990 Promulgating branch standard of "Process of importing, exporting, preserving and transporting corrosive chemicals" (TCN 08-1990)

15 Decision 190-TN/QD June 1st, 1990 Promulgating branch standard of Calcium grease

16 Decision 1064/TN/QD Nov. 19, 1990 Setting up and promulgating the Regulation on the Trade Ministry’s Scientific and Technical Council

17 Decision 1021-TN/QD Dec. 3, 1990 Promulgating branch standard of starting lead accumulators - regulations on delivery, reception, transportation and preservation thereof

18 Decision 85/XD-QD May 30, 1991 Promulgating branch standard of sodium - calcium grease

19 Decision 96/XD-QD May 30, 1991 Promulgating branch standard of petrol and oil resistant rubber pipes

20 Decision 452/TM-KH May 6, 1994 Promulgating branch standard concerning "Fake monosodium glutamate - methods for quick detection of fake goods" (TCN 28-1994)

21 Decision 452/TM-KH May 6, 1994 Promulgating branch standard concerning fake tea made of tea refuse




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23 Circular 860 Bngth/VP 1980 Interpreting and guiding the implementation of Decree No.40/CP on policies and measures for development of export goods production

24 Circular 1675 Bngth July 20, 1981 On ratio of foreign currencies that localities may use for their export goods

25 Official 1060 Bngth/ May 12, 1983 Separating freight for export and import goodsDispatch GCNH

26 Circular 1961 (NT/KH) 1977 Guiding the observance of the economic contract regime

27 Circular 2075 (NT/KH) 1983 On the supply of goods for the army

28 Circular 2131 (NT/KH) 1986 Guiding the implementation of the Council of Ministers’ Decision on the right to autonomy of grassroots socialist economic trade units in the planning domain

29 Official 2136 (NT/KH) 1986 On the assignment of plan quotas to units Dispatch

30 Official 2150 (NT/KH) 1986 On the assignment of plan quotas to localities Dispatch




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32 Official 2153 (NT/KH) 1986 On the handling of consumer goods through Dispatch export and import

33 Official 2319 TN/KH 1990 On the repayment of debts to Czechoslovakia Dispatch with preferential money

34 Official 2674 TN/KH 1990 On the additional delivery of jute carpets Dispatch to the USSR

35 Official 2677 TN/KH 1990 On the export of footwear to Bulgaria Dispatch

36 Decision 266 TM/KH April 3, 1992 On the establishment of the Management Board of the project for the planning of Haiphong city

37 Decision 267 TM/KH April 3, 1992 On the establishment of the Planning Board

38 Decision 268 TM/KH April 3, 1992 On the establishment of the Management Board of the project for the planning of Ho Chi Minh City

39 Decision 269 TM/KH April 3, 1992 On the establishment of the Management Board of the project for the planning of Quang Nam-Da Nang

40 Decision 482 TM/KH June 2, 1992 On the establishment of the Inventory Steering Board of the Ministry




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42 Directive 05 TM/KH April 10, 1993 On the storm and flood combat

43 Decision 2740 TM/KH August 28, 1995 On the establishment of the Council for Inspection of Project VIE 87/007

44 Official 3394 TM/KH 1996 Readjusting plans of petrol and oil depot H84 Dispatch

45 Decision 3864 TM/KH 1996 On the investment in mechanical engineering group projects without managing boards of the Petrol and Oil Corporation

46 Decision 3917 TM/KH 1996 On the formulation of economic development plans

47 Decision 529 TM May 15, 1993 On the improvement and expansion of Cat Lai - Thu Duc general petrol and oil depot, Ho Chi Minh City

48 Decision 186/VT-QD May 11, 1988 Promulgating the regime of supplies sale agency

49 Decision 175/VT-QD April 3, 1987 Readjusting the task of managing supplies

50 Decision 101/VT-QD March 20, 1987 Promulgating the Regulation on assignment and delegation of responsibilities for final settlement of supplies




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52 Decision 101/VT-QD March 20, 1987 Promulgating the Regulation on assignment and delegation of responsibilities for final settlement of supplies

53 Directive 744/VT-KH May 6, 1981 Elaboration of rational norms of supplies in stock, dealing with supplies in excess of the set norms and uncirculated in the business system

54 Directive 3946/VT-KH Dec. 29, 1984 Enhancing and perfecting the statistics of supplies

55 Directive 08/1999/CT-BTM April 15, 1999 On the natural calamity reduction work


56 Directive 20/NT Nov. 10, 1976 On the provision and use of working attire of trade personnel at State-run stores

57 Directive 13/NT June 10, 1977 On the distribution and consumption of silk fabrics

58 Circular 109/NT-KD March 2, 1978 On the improvement of cigarette distribution and the readjustment of retail prices of cigarettes

59 Directive 10/NT April 11, 1978 On the deduction and remittance of profits from trading cooperatives in communes and wards, which shall be later added to the operation funds of the trading cooperative sector




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61 Circular 473/NT June 10, 1978 Guiding the management of circulation of goods on the market of the southern provinces and cities

62 Circular 491/NT June 16, 1978 Guiding the building and development of the socialist trading sector in the southern provinces and cities

63 Directive 13/NT June 10, 1978 On the distribution and consumption of fabrics and silk

64 Directive 44/NT February 26, 1979 On the reorganization and betterment of consumer goods distribution and retail sale in order to actively serve production, combat and people’s life

65 Directive 45/NT February 28, 1979 On intensifying the collection, purchase and grasp of sources of goods, with a view to ensuring that almost all social goods and products are placed under the State’s control so as to actively serve production, combat and people’s life

66 Decision 16/NT-QD April 4, 1979 Dealing with expired goods purchase tickets

67 Circular 25/NT Dec. 31, 1979 Guiding the trading of farm produce and foods at negotiable prices

68 Circular 26/NT Dec. 31, 1979 Guiding the implementation of the Government Council’s Resolution No.279/CP on the policy of encouraging the production and circulation of goods items not subject to the State’s management and supply of production materials, goods items made from local materials as well as from waste and scrap

69 Directive 17/NT October 25, 1980 On the study of a network of freezing equipment for food preservation and storing




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71 Circular 21/NT Nov. 1st, 1980 Guiding the implementation of the policy on stabilized obligation to sell porkers or beef cattle to the State

72 Directive 18/NT Nov. 1st, 1980 On the organization and mode of consumer goods distribution

73 Directive 22/NT Nov. 1st, 1980 Vegetable trading

74 Directive 24/NT Nov. 1st, 1980 Expansion of the public food-drink catering and service business

75 Directive 25/NT Nov. 1st, 1980 Strengthening organization and expanding operation of trading cooperatives, thus contributing to well implementing Resolution No.26 of the Political Bureau

76 Circular 23/NT Nov. 6, 1980 Strict observance of the business registration regulation and provisions of Directive No.260/CT that must be complied with in trading and service business

77 Circular 26/NT Nov. 1st, 1980 Guiding the work of collecting, purchasing and grasping sources of industrial consumer goods

78 Directive 28/NT Nov. 26, 1980 Strictly prohibiting the distribution and use of supplies and goods in contravention of the prescribed principles, policies and regimes

79 Directive 60/NT May 5, 1981 On transport of goods to the northern border provinces before the rain and flood season




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81 Circular 11/NT June 25, 1981 Provisionally stipulating the transaction prices applicable within and without the home trade service and the norms of trading discount surplus

82 Circular 12/NT July 3, 1981 Guiding the collection and offsetting of price differences in the home trade service

83 Joint Circular 24/TT-LB Nov. 6, 1981 On the management and direction of export and NT-NG/T import business of home trade export- import companies and cooperatives

84 Circular 27/NT Nov. 21, 1981 Guiding the implementation of the Ministers Council’s Decision No.95/HDBT on collecting and purchasing prices of agricultural products and selling prices of agricultural production means

85 Decision 98/NT-QD1 Dec. 8, 1981 Promulgating the regulation on supply shops

86 Circular 32/NT Dec. 28, 1981 Guiding the supply of goods to dependents of workers and State employees

87 Circular 10/NT July 16, 1982 On the eligible subjects and criteria for and modes of goods supply

88 Circular 11/NT July 20, 1982 Guiding the expansion of public food and drink catering business

89 Directive 12/NT July 20, 1982 On vegetable growing and animal raising and side business lines at collective kitchens




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91 Circular 15/NT Sept. 23, 1982 Guiding the signing of product consumption contracts between trade enterprises and production enterprises under the Ministers Council’s Decision No. 146/HDBT

92 Circular 19/NT October 5, 1982 Guiding the implementation of the Ministers Council’s Decision No.134/HDBT on a number of regimes of preferential treatment to workers and State employees in the coming period

93 Directive 05/NT April 15, 1983 Expansion of public service business (daily-life services and home appliance repair services)

94 Decision 46/NT-QD1 May 24, 1984 Purchasing prices of porkers in the southern provinces

95 Decision 48/NT-QD1 May 24, 1984 Incentive purchasing prices of unshelled groundnuts, green peas, soya beans, rush and tea in the southern provinces

96 Decision 100/NT-QD1 July 5, 1984 Purchasing prices of porkers in the northern provinces

97 Decision 156/NT-QD1 October 8, 1984 Commercial selling prices of frame structures of warehouses, each of 360 m2 in Mekong River delta provinces

98 Decision 157/NT-QD1 October 9, 1984 Selling prices of undervests of processing enterprise 4 under Hong Cam Textile Union

99 Decision 158/NT-QD1 October 9, 1984 Selling prices of home-made sewing machines




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101 Decision 162/NT-QD1 October 11, 1984 Commercial selling price of Hong Kong white flint

102 Decision 163/NT-QD1 October 11, 1984 Commercial selling price of Hai Phong enameled iron articles

103 Decision 165/NT-QD1 October 11, 1984 Commercial selling price of porcelain articles manufactured by Hai Duong Porcelain Factory

104 Decision 167/NT-QD1 October 13, 1984 Commercial selling price of plastic rainsheets

105 Decision 168/NT-QD1 October 13, 1984 Delivery price of battery chicken eggs of Huu Nghi company to TBP/525 in Hanoi

106 Decision 169/NT-QD1 October 13, 1984 Delivery prices of some kinds of vegetables and fruits of Huu Nghi company in service of TBP/525 in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City

107 Decision 170/NT-QD1 October 13, 1984 Commercial selling price of bicycles

108 Decision 171/NT-QD1 October 13, 1984 Commercial selling prices of Haiphong and imported aluminum articles

109 Decision 172/NT-QD1 October 13, 1984 Readjusting commercial selling prices of liquors and spirits of all kinds produced in the North and bottled beer of various kinds




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111 Decision 174/NT-QD1 October 13, 1984 Commercial selling price of bicycles

112 Decision 175/NT-QD1 October 13, 1984 Delivery prices of various food items of Central Foodstuff Company II to Huu Nghi company in service of TBP/525 in Ho Chi Minh City

113 Decision 176/NT-QD1 October 13, 1984 Enterprise wholesale prices of export processed foodstuffs delivered by the Foreign Trade service’s Export Foodstuff Enterprise (under the Central Foodstuff Company) to Huu Nghi company in service of TBP/525

114 Decision 183/NT-QD1 Nov. 6, 1984 Prices of products manufactured by the Home Trade services Mechanical Engineering Plant

115 Decision 184/NT-QD1 Nov. 7, 1984 Delivery price of battery chicken eggs of Huu Nghi company to TBP/525 in Hanoi

116 Decision 185/NT-QD1 Nov. 7, 1984 Commercial selling prices of uncovered cotton blankets of various kinds

117 Decision 186/NT-QD1 Nov. 8, 1984 Commercial selling prices of fabrics

118 Decision 187/NT-QD1 Nov. 8, 1984 Retail prices of paper and notebooks in service of working requirements of agencies, enterprises and cooperatives

119 Decision 194/NT-QD1 Nov. 15, 1984 Commercial prices of prefabricated concrete slabs in Mekong River delta




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121 Decision 197/NT-QD1 Nov. 17, 1984 Commercial selling prices of assorted wool fibers and fibers for hand-knitting

122 Decision 198/NT-QD1 Nov. 20, 1984 Commercial retail price of oil paper

123 Decision 203/NT-QD1 Nov. 27, 1984 Retail prices of assorted confectionery produced by United Milk-Coffee-Confectionery Enterprise under the Ministry of Foodstuff Industry

124 Decision 200/NT-QD1 Nov. 24, 1984 Commercial selling prices of a number of fabric articles

125 Decision 201/NT-QD1 Nov. 24, 1984 Commercial prices of blankets of various kinds produced by Binh Loi Blanket Factory

126 Decision 204/NT-QD1 Dec. 1st, 1984 Commercial selling prices of a number of home-made silk articles

127 Decision 205/NT-QD1 Dec. 1st, 1984 Commercial selling prices of fragrant tea

128 Decision 206/NT-QD1 Dec. 1st, 1984 Commercial retail prices of electric bulbs

129 Decision 207/NT-QD1 Dec. 1st, 1984 Commercial prices of bicycle inner tubes, tires, chains and cog-wheels




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131 Decision 209/NT-QD1 Dec. 10, 1984 Prices of assorted bicycle parts manufactured in the South

132 Decision 212/NT-QD1 Dec. 5, 1984 Commercial prices of assorted sewing threads

133 Decision 213/NT-QD1 Dec. 6, 1984 Commercial selling prices of electric wires of all kinds

134 Decision 214/NT-QD1 Dec. 6, 1984 Retail prices of a number of kinds of packed cigarette manufactured by United Tobacco Factory I

135 Decision 215/NT-QD1 Dec. 6, 1984 Commercial prices of socks

136 Decision 216/NT-QD1 Dec. 6, 1984 Commercial selling prices of handkerchiefs

137 Decision 221/NT-QD1 Dec. 10, 1984 Commercial prices of imported and home-made iron sheets

138 Decision 222/NT-QD1 Dec. 10, 1984 Retail prices of packed cigarettes "SKDA84"

139 Decision 223/NT-QD1 Dec. 10, 1984 Commercial prices of electrically-operated sewing machines made in the USSR




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141 Decision 227/NT-QD1 Dec. 12, 1984 Subsidized selling prices of common wood furniture manufactured by forest product companies

142 Decision 229/NT-QD1 Dec. 14, 1984 Selling price of P/300 cement manufactured by Thung Dot Cement Factory under Home Trade Construction and Installation Union I

143 Decision 232/NT-QD1 Dec. 17, 1984 Commercial selling prices of common wood furniture (standardized articles)

144 Decision 235/NT-QD1 Dec. 18, 1984 Selling prices of mobile goods vending carts (without parasol) of the Home Trade Mechanical Engineering Factory

145 Decision 236/NT-QD1 Dec. 20, 1984 Commercial selling prices of desk clocks assembled by Hanoi Clock Enterprise

146 Decision 239/NT-QD1 Dec. 22, 1984 Prices of soya bean and unshelled groundnut to be consumed by provinces

147 Decision 240/NT-QD1 Dec. 24, 1984 Retail price of packed cigarettes "SKDA84" printed with a football shape

148 Decision 241/NT-QD1 Dec. 26, 1984 Industrial wholesale prices of products manufactured by the Home Trade Mechanical Engineering Factory

149 Decision 242/NT-QD1 Dec. 26, 1984 Selling prices of products of the Home Trade Mechanical Engineering Factory




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151 Decision 14/NT-QD1 January 30, 1985 Commercial retail prices of electric bulbs and fans

152 Directive 02/NT February 12, 1985 Enhancing the management of trade business in the home trade service

153 Decision 22/NT-QD1 February 12, 1985 Commercial selling prices of home-made and imported soaps and synthetic cleansing substances

154 Decision 24/NT-QD1 February 28, 1985 Commercial selling prices of "Hong Ha" and "Hoa Binh" fountain pens

155 Circular 05/NT March 12, 1985 Guiding the implementation of Decision No.04/HDBT of the Council of Ministers on the policy of collecting and purchasing porkers and beef cattle

156 Decision 36/NT-QD1 March 26, 1985 Commercial retail prices of ceiling fans manufactured by Hai Phong Electric Engineering Factory

157 Decision 43/NT-QD1 April 2, 1985 Selling prices of clock and watch parts for repair

158 Decision 45/NT-QD1 April 4, 1985 Commercial selling prices of imported razor blades

159 Decision 46/NT-QD1 April 4, 1985 Retail prices of porcelain articles manufactured by Bat Trang Porcelain Factory, Hanoi




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161 Decision 59/NT-QD1 April 29, 1985 Commercial selling prices of imported hand- stitch needles

162 Decision 95/NT-QD1 May 14, 1985 Commercial prices of imported motorbike inner tubes and tires

163 Decision 96/NT-QD1 May 14, 1985 Prices of hoes, shovels, spades and trowels

164 Decision 101/NT-QD1 May 21, 1985 Commercial selling prices of wrapping paper, color paperboard, typewriting paper and drawing paper manufactured by Viet Tri, Hoang Van Thu and Hoa Binh paper mills

165 Decision 102/NT-QD1 May 27, 1985 Commercial prices of nails, water hoses and pliers

166 Decision 103/NT-QD1 May 27, 1985 Commercial prices of home-made spring balances of all kinds

167 Decision 110/NT-QD1 June 11, 1985 Commercial prices of white flint imported from Hong Kong

168 Decision 111/NT-QD1 June 11, 1985 Commercial prices of notebook paper for use by agencies, enterprises and cooperatives

169 Decision 112/NT-QD1 June 11, 1985 Retail prices of porcelain articles made in Dong Trieu district, Quang Ninh province




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171 Decision 119/NT-QD1 June 18, 1985 Commercial selling prices of photographic films made in the USSR

172 Decision 121/NT-QD1 June 22, 1985 Commercial selling prices of fabric articles

173 Decision 122/NT-QD1 June 22, 1985 Commercial prices of improved cart, models No. 5 and No. 7

174 Decision 125/NT-QD1 June 24, 1985 Commercial selling prices of German typewriters, Czechoslovak transparent paper and German accordions

175 Decision 126/NT-QD1 June 24, 1985 Commercial selling prices of "Cuu Long" blue and black inks and pupils’ fountain pen steel nibs

176 Circular 11/NT July 3, 1985 Employing private traders as goods sale agents for socialist trade service

177 Decision 170/NT-QD1 August 16, 1985 Commercial selling prices of batteries of all kinds

178 Decision 172/NT-QD1 August 19, 1985 Commercial selling prices of porcelain articles of Dong Trieu district, Quang Ninh province

179 Decision 177/NT-QD1 August 30, 1985 Unit prices of Saturn transistor radio and television receivers




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181 Decision 182/NT-QD1 Sept. 23, 1985 Retail prices of electric bulbs of all kinds

182 Decision 183/NT-QD1 Sept. 23, 1985 Retail prices of electric fans of all kinds

183 Decision 184/NT-QD1 Sept. 23, 1985 Retail prices of home-made and imported plastic rain sheets

184 Decision 186/NT-QD1 Sept. 23, 1985 Retail prices of soaps and synthetic cleansing substances

185 Decision 188/NT-QD1 Sept. 23, 1985 Retail prices of imported and home-made silk

186 Decision 190/NT-QD1 Sept. 23, 1985 Retail prices of porcelain articles manufactured by Hai Duong Porcelain Factory

187 Decision 191/NT-QD1 Sept. 23, 1985 Unified retail prices of enameled iron articles manufactured by Hai Phong Aluminum Enameled Iron Factory

188 Decision 192/NT-QD1 Sept. 23, 1985 Retail prices of electro-mechanical appliances and metalware products

189 Decision 193/NT-QD1 Sept. 23, 1985 Retail prices of imported and home-made iron sheets




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191 Decision 196/NT-QD1 Sept. 25, 1985 Retail prices of assorted apparel

192 Circular 16/NT Sept. 30, 1985 Guiding the classification of trade organizations

193 Decision 206/NT-QD1 October 30, 1985 Retail prices of fabrics of all kinds

194 Directive 19/NT Nov. 22, 1985 Reorganizing the process of retail sale, expanding the retail network and improving retail-sale professional skills and techniques

195 Circular 20/NT Nov. 22, 1985 Guiding the mode of selling goods after the realization of the wage regime reforms under the Ministers Council’s Decree No.235/HDBT of September 18, 1985

196 Decision 217/NT-QD1 Nov. 23, 1985 Retail prices of bath towels

197 Directive 21/NT Nov. 25, 1985 Expanding and improving the farm produce and foodstuff trading

198 Decision 88/NT-QD1 Nov. 28, 1985 Prices of match boxes of all kinds

199 Decision 90/NT-VG Nov. 28, 1985 Retail prices of 3-band radio receivers, mark VIETTRONIC, manufactured by the General Department of Electronics




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201 Decision 226/NT-QD1 Nov. 30, 1985 Retail prices of socks

202 Decision 93/NT-QD1 Dec. 3, 1985 Retail prices of electric fans

203 Decision 92/NT-QD1 Dec. 4, 1985 Retail prices of ready-made apparel

204 Decision 234/NT-QD1 Dec. 7, 1985 Retail prices of electric wires of all kinds

205 Directive 22/NT Dec. 14, 1985 Organizing the collection, purchase and wholesale of industrial consumer goods

206 Circular 02/NT April 15, 1986 Guiding the sale of goods to laborers and State employees according to the Ministers Council’s Resolution No.31/HDBT

207 Circular 13/NT Nov. 4, 1986 Guiding the procedures for registering trading and service business on the domestic market

208 Decision 53/NT-QD1 May 21, 1987 Retail prices of packed cigarettes manufactured in the North

209 Decision 54/NT-QD1 May 28, 1987 Retail prices of transistor television receivers, mark "Saturn" 24, model Tesla 4278A




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211 Decision 56/NT-QD1 May 28, 1987 Delivery prices of assorted sugar of the Industrial Foodstuff Company to its outlets

212 Decision 57/NT-QD1 May 28, 1987 Retail price of children bicycles made in the USSR

213 Decision 58/NT-QD1 June 1st, 1987 Retail prices of household utensils

214 Decision 60/NT-QD1 June 3, 1987 Retail prices of fabrics and silk imported from the socialist countries

215 Decision 61/NT-QD1 June 5, 1987 Retail price of imported sewing machines

216 Decision 62/NT-QD1 June 5, 1987 Retail price of radio receivers

217 Decision 63/NT-QD1 June 5, 1987 Retail prices of imported goods

218 Decision 64/NT-QD1 June 5, 1987 Retail prices of imported silk fabrics

219 Decision 65/NT-QD1 June 5, 1987 Retail prices of home-made synthetic-fiber fabrics of various kinds




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221 Directive 10/NT Sept. 26, 1987 Reorganizing the system of business organization and management of trading cooperatives to materialize the Resolution of the Party Central Committee’s second plenum and conclusions of the Political Bureau (the 3rd PCC plenum)

222 Decision 85/NT-QD1 June 17, 1988 A number of essential common industrial consumer goods items

223 Decision 91/NT-QD1 July 5, 1988 Commercial prices of a number of essential common industrial consumer goods items

224 Decision 104/NT-QD1 August 8, 1988 Retail prices of writing paper and pupils’ notebooks

225 Circular 17/NT Dec. 26, 1988 Guiding the price management and pricing direction in the home trade service

226 Decision 19/NT-QD1 March 30, 1989 Retail price of petroleum

227 Circular 05/NT June 22, 1989 Guiding the transformation of food-drink catering service business of the State-run trade service along the new guideline

228 Circular 01/NT-TT March 4, 1989 Guiding the implementation of the Ministers Council’s Decision No.194/HDBT on operation characteristics of Vietnamese trading cooperatives

229 Circular 02/NT-TT April 8, 1989 Guiding the implementation of Decision No.193/HDBT on trade-service business




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231 Decision 04/NT-QD1 February 15, 1990 Retail price of kerosene

232 Decision 358/QD-TMDL April 28, 1992 Delivery price of petroleum

233 Directive 4832-TM/KD May 9, 1994 On the organization of implementation of Official Dispatch No.1960/KTTH

234 Decision 252/QD March 31, 1994 Selling price of flax canvas imported from the Russian Federation

235 Circular 01/TT-TM January 16, 1995 Guiding the organization of the production and supply of iodized salt to meet the entire population’s demand

236 Circular 13/TM-KD June 21, 1995 Guiding the application scope and object of Decree No.02/CP and the order and procedures for granting business qualification certificates

237 Decision 747/TM-KD Sept. 7, 1995 Promulgating the Regulation on popular food and drink catering and inn business

238 Decision 636/TM-QLCL July 26, 1996 On the Regulation on product labels applicable to goods circulated on market

239 Circular 11/TM-KD June 22, 1996 Guiding the conditions for petrol and oil trading




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241 Official 1360/TM- April 3, 1999 On the implementation of the Government’s Dispatch CSTNTN Decree No.11/1999/ND-CP and granting of business certificates according to Decree No.66/HDBT of March 2, 1992


242 Notice 7789/TN May 28, 1990 On the settlement of debts

243 Decision 13/TCTN June 21, 1990 Foreign trade surplus

244 Notice 816/TN July 26, 1990 Teaching of accounting regime at schools

245 Official 2821/TM April 4, 1991 Guiding entrusted petrol and oil expenses Dispatch

246 Decision 22/TM-TCKT May 29, 1995 Petroleum discount


247 Decision 1815-BNgT/ August 6, 1981 On the export and import luggage limits of VP-HQ Vietnamese officials, workers and drivers frequently traveling across Vietnam-Laos and Vietnam-Cambodia borders; of Vietnamese officers and crew members working aboard on Vietnamese ships cruising on international sealines; and of Vietnamese pilots and employees working on Vietnamese airplanes operating on international flights




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249 Decision 169/CT June 23, 1983 On the assignment of tasks of inspecting and granting certificates of quality of aquatic products before they are exported

250 Circular 20-BNgT/XNK Dec. 10, 1986 Guiding the implementation of the provisional regulation on the autonomy of grassroots economic units in the field of producing export goods and import goods issued together with Decision No.76/HDBT of June 26, 1986

251 Decision 668/BNgT- Dec. 29, 1986 Promulgating the Regulation on the TCCB responsibility for ensuring the export goods quality and the operation of the section for inspection of local export goods quality

252 Circular 9/TCNT February 4, 1987 Guiding the implementation of the incentive regime for export goods production and delivery, with bonuses in Vietnamese currency

253 Circular 10/KTTDN- August 7, 1989 Guiding the implementation of Decree XNK No.64/HDBT of June 10, 1989 of the Council of Ministers

254 Circular 21/KTDN-VP October 23, 1989 Guiding the implementation of Decision No.276/CT of October 6, 1989 of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers

255 Official 4285/KTDN-KH Nov. 16, 1989 Guiding the implementation of Decision Dispatch No.288/CT of November 16, 1989 of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers

256 Regulation 1267/TN-XNK June 23, 1990 Collection of export and import permit granting fee

257 Decision 725/TN-XNK Sept. 28, 1990 Granting of goods export and import business permits




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259 Decision 339/TN-XNK April 1st, 1991 Setting up 6 bureaus for granting goods export and import permits

260 Official 1713/TN-XNK April 2, 1991 Readjusting and supplementing a number of Dispatch points in the Regulation on granting of goods export and import business permits, promulgated together with Decision No.725/TN-XNK

261 Notice 2061/TN-XNK April 15, 1991 Vietnamese economic units permitted to exchange goods with and/or undertake entrusted export and import for Cambodia

262 Decision 431/TN-XNK April 30, 1991 The list of goods items banned from export and/or import, suspended from export and/or import; or subject to quotaed export and/or import

263 Official 2658/TN-XNK May 11, 1991 Operation of branches attached to units Dispatch conducting export and import business

264 Official 2659/TN-XNK May 11, 1991 Reimbursement of over-paid fees to units Dispatch conducting export and import business

265 Official 3296-TN/XNK June 1st, 1991 Guiding the registration of branches Dispatch

266 Official 4796/TN-XNK July 31, 1991 A number of measures to facilitate and promote Dispatch export

267 Official 83/TN- July 31, 1991 Continued implementation of Directive Dispatch QLTTTW No.278/CT on prohibiting the import and circulation of foreign-made cigarettes




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269 Official 4795/TN- July 31, 1991 Provisional regulation on provision of services Dispatch XNK of carrying out the procedures for goods on transit through Vietnamese territory

270 Official 4797-TN/XNK July 31, 1991 Provisional regulation on business mode of Dispatch temporary import for re-export

271 Official 5001/TN-XNK August 8, 1991 Provisionally guiding the provision of services Dispatch of importing goods for Chinese economic units

272 Official 5161/TN-XNK August 14, 1991 Guiding the implementation of Document Dispatch No.4795/TN-XNK

273 Official 4914-TN-XNK August 31, 1991 Provisional regulation on business mode of Dispatch border-gate transshipment

274 Official 5026/TN-XNK August 9, 1991 Services of exporting and importing goods with Dispatch Laos

275 Regulation 294/TMDL-XNK April 9, 1992 List of goods permitted for export and/or import and goods that need to be exported and/or imported

276 Official 295/TMDL-XNK April 9, 1992 The export and import of goods which are Dispatch regulated by quotas; the quota application form

277 Official 296/TMDL-XNK April 9, 1992 On the granting of export and import business Dispatch permits, form of application for export and import business




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279 Official 298/TMDL-XNK April 9, 1992 On the management of prices in foreign trading Dispatch List of goods items of which prices are fixed or method of fixing prices in foreign trading

280 Circular 03/TMDL-XNK April 9, 1992 Guiding the designation of a number of State enterprises to conduct the business export and import of a number of essential goods items

281 Decision 405/TM-XNK April 13, 1993 List of goods to be exported and imported through Vietnamese border-gates

282 Official 5556-TM/XNK June 24, 1993 Further detailing the code numbers of textile Dispatch and garment products exported to the EC

283 Decision 238/TM-XNK March 24, 1994 List of goods banned from export and import

284 Official 2923/TM-XNK March 28, 1994 On processing activities of foreign-invested Dispatch enterprises

285 Circular 04/TM-XNK April 4, 1994 Guiding the implementation of Decision No.78/ TTg of February 28, 1994

286 Circular 06/TM-XNK May 16, 1994 Further guiding the implementation of Decision No.78/TTg of February 28, 1994

287 Official 8469-TM/XNK July 27, 1994 Guiding the import of used goods Dispatch




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289 Decision 1172/TM-XNK Sept. 22, 1994 Promulgating the Regulation on entrusted export and import between domestic legal persons

290 Decision 1343/TM-PC Nov. 7, 1994 Promulgating the Regulation on assessment of export goods

291 Notice 13715/TM-XNK Nov. 15, 1994 On the application of the goods classification system according to the harmonized system (HS) in export-import permits

292 Official 16076/TM-CNK Dec. 31, 1994 On the management of coffee export business Dispatch

293 Decision 96-TM/XNK February 14, 1995 List of goods banned from export and/or import

294 Circular 05/TM-XNK February 25, 1995 Guiding the implementation of the Prime Minister’s Decision No.390/TTg of August 1st, 1994 promulgating the Regulation on trade fairs and exhibitions

295 Official 4522-TM/XNK April 10, 1995 Guiding the import of consumer goods under Dispatch Circular No.07-TM/XNK

296 Decision 555/TM-XNK June 28, 1995 On supplements to the Regulation on business mode of "temporary import for re-export" promulgated together with Decision No.1064/TM-PC of August 18, 1994

297 Official 1787/TM-XNK Sept. 1st, 1995 On the export and import entrustment in foreign Dispatch currencies




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299 Official 1502/TM-XNK February 6, 1996 Interpreting Point 7.2 of Inter-ministerial Dispatch Circular No.01/TM-TCHQ of January 20, 1996 that guides the implementation of the Government’s Decree No.89/CP of December 15, 1995 on canceling the procedures for granting shipment export-import permits

300 Official 1948/TM-XNK February 29, 1996 Further guiding the implementation of the Dispatch Agreement on trading in textile and garment articles with the EU

301 Official 1029/TM-DT March 5, 1996 On the management and monitoring of the Dispatch export goods processing activities

302 Official 1301/TM-DT March 20, 1996 On the export goods processing Dispatch

303 Official 4806/TM-XNK April 17, 1996 On the import of toxic chemicals Dispatch

304 Official 5229/TM-XNK April 26, 1996 Correcting to Inter-ministerial Circular No.07/ Dispatch TM-TCHQ of April 13, 1996

305 Official 1931/TM-DT April 27, 1996 Guiding the implementation of Circular No.07/ Dispatch TM-TCHQ of April 13, 1996

306 Official 3609-TM/XNK April 2, 1996 On the processing of export wood products Dispatch

307 Decision 381/TM-XNK May 6, 1996 Amending and supplementing the Regulation on entrusted export and import promulgated together with Decision No.1172/TM-XNK of September 22, 1994




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309 Official 6494/TM-XNK June 1st, 1996 On the import of special-use steel in 1996 Dispatch

310 Official 7020/TM-XNK June 22, 1996 On dealing with cases of import in excess of Dispatch the plans

311 Official 3722/TM-DT August 15, 1996 Guiding the management of processing Dispatch activities for foreign countries

312 Official 9685/TM-XNK August 30, 1996 Guiding the paper import Dispatch

313 Official 4258/TM-DT Sept. 18, 1996 Guiding in detail the management of export Dispatch goods processing under Circular No.77/TM-TCHQ of July 29, 1996

314 Official 10303/TM-XNK Sept. 20, 1996 On the import of base oil and additives Dispatch

315 Official 10401/TM-XNK Sept. 23, 1996 On the procedures for importing base oil and Dispatch additives

316 Official 11051/TM-XNK October 16, 1996 Supplementing Official Dispatch No.10401/ Dispatch TM-XNK on the import of base oil and additives

317 Circular 01/TM-XNK January 24, 1997 Guiding the implementation of Decision No.28/TTg of January 13, 1997




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319 Circular 03/TM-CSTTTN March 11, 1997 Guiding activities of trading in, exporting, importing, processing and fashioning gemstones

320 Official 2757/TM-XNK March 22, 1997 Reply to Official Dispatch No.771/TCHQ- Dispatch GSQL (automobiles)

321 Official 3820/TM-XNK April 11, 1997 On the import of animal products that may Dispatch cause hoof-and-mouth disease

322 Official 5071/TM-XNK May 9, 1997 Announcing the temporary halt of import of a Dispatch number of goods items

323 Official 5945/TM-XNK June 4, 1997 Supplementing Circular No.02/TM-XNK Dispatch regarding construction steel and glass

324 Official 6131/TM-XNK June 10, 1997 On the delivery of quota textiles and garments Dispatch at undesignated ports

325 Official 2929/TM-DT July 3, 1997 Guiding processing activities for foreign Dispatch countries

326 Circular 01/1998/TM- February 14, 1998 Guiding Decisions No.11/1998/QD-TTg and XNK No.12/1998/QD-TTg of January 23, 1998 on the 1998 export and import mechanism

327 Circular 03/1998/TT-BTM February 24, 1998 Guiding the granting of permits for import of raw material timber of Cambodian origin




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329 Circular 05/1998/TT-BTM March 18, 1998 Guiding the implementation of Decision No.55/1998/QD-TTg

330 Circular 06/1998/TT-BTM March 26, 1998 Provisional Regulation on the 1998 liquor import

331 Official 2298/TM-DT April 6, 1998 On the import of production raw materials and Dispatch materials by foreign-invested enterprises

332 Circular 08/1998/TT-BTM April 28, 1998 Guiding the import of used automobile engines

333 Official 4019/TM-DT June 18, 1998 On the list of construction materials which Dispatch can be domestically produced (applicable to foreign investment)

334 Official 4147/TM-DT June 22, 1998 On import tax on automobiles imported by Dispatch foreign-invested enterprises

335 Circular 09/1998/TT-BTM July 18, 1998 Guiding the duty-free import by investment projects according to provisions of Decree No.07/1998/ND-CP of January 15, 1998

336 Official 4308/TM-XNK August 7, 1998 On the halt of import of used automobile Dispatch engines of a capacity of 30 horse powers or under

337 Circular 19/1998/TT-BTM October 10, 1998 On the ban on import of Asbestos of Amphilbole group




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339 Circular 06/1999/TT-BTM March 23, 1999 On the readjustment of Section C of Circular No.09/1998/TT-BTM of July 18, 1998

340 Circular 02/1999/TT-BTM January 12, 1999 On the re-export of log timber with lawful import origin from Cambodia

341 Circular 07/TT-BTM April 23, 1999 Guiding the foreign-invested enterprises’ export and import activities in 1999

342 Official 2459TM/XNK June 1st, 1999 On goods barter with Laos Dispatch

343 Official 2854/TM-XNK June 22, 1999 Guiding the import of foodstuffs from the EU Dispatch

344 Circular 27/1999/TT- August 30, 1999 Amending and supplementing Circular BTM No.03/1998/TT-BTM of February 24, 1998 guiding the granting of permits for import of raw material timber of Cambodian origin


345 Decision 120/NT-QD1 October 27, 1976 Setting up the private trade transformation board of the home trade service

346 Regulation 274/NT-CT January 25, 1977 Provisional Regulation on organization of the of the use of private traders as goods sale agents Ministry of for State-run stores Home Trade




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348 Circular 213/NT-CT March 29, 1978 Guiding the implementation of the Regulation on organization of the use of private traders as goods sale agents for State-run stores

349 Circular 473/NT-CT June 10, 1978 Guiding the management of circulation of goods on markets of the southern provinces and cities

350 Circular 683/NT-CT August 14, 1978 On the performance of the task of continued transformation and building of sector for trading in farm produce, bean, groundnut, sesame, jute, rush... in southern provinces and cities

351 Circular 684/NT-CT August 14, 1978 On the performance of the task of continued building and transformation of vegetable and fruit trading sector in southern provinces and cities

352 Circular 685/NT-CT August 14, 1978 On the performance of the task of continued transformation and building of meat, fish and egg trading sector in southern provinces and cities

353 Circular 687/NT-CT August 15, 1978 Guiding the performance of the task of transformation and building of public food and drink catering business in southern provinces and cities

354 Circular 23/NT Nov. 3, 1980 Guiding the enhancement of market management

355 Circular 03/NT May 7, 1982 Guiding the implementation of the Prime Minister’s Directive No.25/CT of January 24, 1981 on unifying the cigarette trading activities

356 Circular 23/NT-CT Nov. 6, 1982 Guiding the implementation of Directive No.260/CT




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358 Directive 14/NT Sept. 27, 1985 On enhancing the market management

359 Circular 24/NT Dec. 21, 1985 Guiding the implementation of the Ministers Council’s Resolution No.249/HDBT on the organization and management of market management teams

360 Circular 08/NT July 17, 1986 Guiding the use of market management badges and cards by market management teams

361 Circular 03/QLTT March 20, 1987 Guiding the implementation of Decision No.80/CT of March 11, 1987 of the Chairman of the Ministers Council

362 Circular 14/NT October 23, 1987 Guiding the registration of food-drink catering and service trading business applicable to private traders in 1988

363 Regulation 11/QLTTTW April 13, 1988 On the organization and operation of the special inspection organization under the Central Steering Board for Market Management

364 Official 25/QLTTTW July 7, 1988 Guiding the implementation of Directive Dispatch No.196/CT on the market management

365 Circular 02/NT April 8, 1989 Guiding the implementation of Decision No.193/HDBT

366 Decision 30/NT-QD1 May 31, 1989 Stipulating goods sale and purchase agents




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368 Decision 23/QLTTTW Nov. 11, 1988 Setting up the inter-branch special inspection team

369 Official 4038/QLTTTW Nov. 21, 1990 On the management of petrol and oil market Dispatch

370 Official 118/QLTT Dec. 8, 1990 On the management of confiscated petrol Dispatch and oil

371 Official 10/QLTTTW January 26, 1991 On the control of goods en route Dispatch

372 Decision 55/QD June 14, 1991 Regulation on organization and operation of the market inspection team under the Central Steering Board for Market Management

373 Official 83/QLTTTW July 31, 1991 On the continued implementation of Directive Dispatch 278/CT

374 Decision 86/QLTTTW August 2, 1991 On the setting up of inter-branch fixed inspection stations on roads to the northern border region

375 Decision 103/QLTTTW Nov. 13, 1991 Promulgating the Regulation on serial numbers and market inspection cards of market management officials

376 Official 102/QLTTTW Nov. 11, 1991 On the inspection and handling of the fake Dispatch goods production and trading




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378 Official 9/QLTTTW January 10, 1992 Guiding the organization and direction of Dispatch market management activities in localities

379 Decision 48/QLTTTW January 28, 1992 Promulgating the Regulation on organization and operation of market inspection teams of the provinces and centrally-run cities

380 Decision 126/QLTTTW April 24, 1992 Promulgating the Regulation on organization and operation of the central market inspection team

381 Official 139/QLTTTW May 5, 1992 Guiding the uniform of market inspection Dispatch officials

382 Official 307/QLTTTW Sept. 12, 1992 Guiding the hat and badge of market inspection Dispatch officials

383 Decision 210/QLTTTW June 29, 1993 On the setting up of inter-branch fixed inspection stations on a number of waterways and land roads to the border region

384 Official 1063/TM-QLTT January 24, 1995 Guiding the dealing with confiscated foreign-Dispatch made cigarettes

385 Official 331/TM-QLTT March 23, 1995 On the plan guiding the implementation of the Dispatch Regulation on the responsibilities and operation coordination relationship between State agencies in the market management work and smuggling and illegal business combat

386 Official 2245/TM-QLTT October 24, 1995 On the observance of the business registration Dispatch regime and conducting of business activities according to the registration




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