Hệ thống pháp luật


Independence - Freedom – Happiness


Hanoi, January 10, 2011




Pursuant to the June. 23, 1994 Labor Code; the April 2, 2002 Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Labor Code; and the June 29, 2006 Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Labor Code;

Pursuant to the Governments Decree No. 06/ CP of January 20, 1995, detailing a number of articles of the Labor Code regarding labor safety and sanitation; and Decree No. 110/2002/ ND-CP of December 27, 2002, amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 06/CP;

After consulting the Vietnam Genera! Confederation of Labor; the Ministry of Finance and concerned agencies, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs and the Ministry of Health jointly guide the organization of labor safety and sanitation work in labor-employing establishments as follows:

Chapter I


Article 1. Scope of regulation

This Circular provides for organization of the apparatus in charge of labor safety and sanitation work, assignment of responsibilities for, planning. self-inspection, making of statistics and reports on, and review of this work in labor-employing establishments.

Article 2. Subjects of applications

This Circular applies to all agencies, enterprises and establishments which employ labor (below referred to as labor-employing establishments) operating ir; the Vietnamese territory, except state administrative agencies, socio-political organizations, socio-professional organizations and other non-governmental organizations based in Vietnam.

Article 3. Funding

Funds for labor safety and sanitation work shall be accounted as regular operation expenses or production and business expenses of labor-employing establishments and as reasonable expenses for enterprise income tax calculation and payment by these establishments under the current law on enterprise income tax.

Chapter II


Article 4. Organization of labor safety and sanitation units

1. A labor-employing establishment shall set up a labor safety and sanitation unit according to the following minimal regulations:

a/ If the establishment employs under 300 direct workers, it shall appoint at least 1 part-lime labor safety and sanitation officer;

b/ If the establishment employs between 300 and 1.000 direct workers, it shall appoint at least 1 full-time labor safety and sanitation officer;

c/ If the establishment employs more than 1,000 direct workers, it shall set up a labor safety and sanitation office or section or appoint at least 2 full-time labor safety and sanitation officers.

2. A labor safety and sanitation officer must satisfy the following conditions:

a/ Having professional knowledge and skills in safety, lire and explosion prevention and fighting, labor environment and sanitation techniques;

b/ Being knowledgeable about practical production, business or service provision operations of his/her establishment.

3. In case a labor-employing establishment cannot set up a labor safety and sanitation unit satisfying the conditions specified in Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article, it shall sign a contract with a capable organization to discharge the labor safety and sanitation tasks specified in Clause 2, Article 5 of this Circular.

Article 5. Functions and tasks of a labor safety and sanitation unit

1. Functions:

A labor safety and sanitation unit shall function to advise and assist the employer in organizing the performance, inspection and supervision of labor safety and sanitation activities.

2. Tasks:

a/ To coordinate with relevant units in the labor-employing establishment in:

- Elaborating internal rules, regulations, processes and measures to assure labor safety and sanitation, prevent and fight fire and explosion in the establishment;

- Managing and monitoring the registration and inspection of machines, equipment, supplies and substances subject to stringent labor safety and sanitation requirements;

- Working out annual labor safety and sanitation plans and urging and supervising the implementation of these plans; assessing risks and working out emergency response and rescue plans;

- Disseminating the State's and the labor-employing establishment's regulations on labor safety and sanitation within the establishment;

- Organizing labor safety and sanitation training for employees;

- Conducting labor safety and sanitation examination at least once a month in production units and places in which heavy, noxious or dangerous jobs are performed;

- Checking the labor environment and food safety (if the establishment provides industrial shift meals for employees); following the situation of occupational injuries and diseases; and proposing the employer to take measures to manage and care for labor health.

b/ To propose and take part in inspecting the observance of labor safety and sanitation regulations by the labor-employing establishment under Article 17 of this Circular;

c/ To propose to the employer measures to address labor safety and sanitation problems.

Article 6. Powers of a labor safety and sanitation unit

1. To request heads of production units to stop the performance of a job or decide to suspend the performance of a job (in case of emergency) upon detecting risks of labor accident for taking measures to assure labor safety and concurrently reporting these risks to the employer.

2. To stop the operation of a machine or equipment which it finds unsafe or outdated.

3. To lake part in investigating into, making statistics on. reporting on and managing labor accidents under current laws.

4. To attend production briefings and meetings to preliminarily or finally review practical production or business operations and appraise the implementation of labor safely and sanitation plans.

5. To give its opinions on labor safely and sanitation at meetings to work out production or business plans, in making and approving designs and construction and takeover-test plans. or in receiving and pulling into use workshops, machines and equipment.

6. To summarize and propose to the employer solutions to recommendations or requests of inspection or examination teams, subordinate units or employees.

7. To contribute its opinions to emulation and commendation work: to summarize and propose commendation and rewarding or disciplining of collectives or individuals for their labor protection, safety and sanitation work.

Article 7. Organization of health units in labor-employing establishments

1. A labor-employing establishment shall set up a health unit according to the following minimal regulations:

a/ If the establishment employs between 500 and 1.000 direct workers, it must have at least 1 health worker possessing an intermediate medicine degree;

b/ If the establishment employs more than 1.000 direct workers working together in the same place, it shall organize a health station or unit or an infirmary staffed with at least 1 assistant medical doctor or general medical doctor.

2. In case a labor-employing establishment cannot set up a health unit under Clause I of this Article or employs under 500 direct workers, it shall sign a healthcare contract with any of the following local health establishments:

a/ Health station of commune, ward or township:

b/ Regional general clinic;

c/ Hospital of district or provincial city (below collectively referred to as district) or district-level health center.

Article 8. Functions and tasks of a health unit

1. Functions: A health unit shall function to advise and assist the employer in managing employee health and to directly perform the management of employee health.

2. Tasks:

a/ To provide ordinary medical examination and treatment services in the establishment and provide first aid and intensive care for labor accident victims;

b/ To manage employee health, covering providing regular health checks and medical examinations to detect occupational diseases; keeping and monitoring health records for recruitment, regular health check records and occupational disease records (if any);

c/ To manage medical equipment and instruments and medicines supplied for first aid and intensive care purposes for each production shift (if any) or each workshop;

d/ To elaborate internal rules on labor sanitation and elements likely to cause occupational diseases and contingency measures for employees to prevent occupational diseases;

e/ To work out practical scenarios requiring first aid and intensive care in the labor-employing establishment; to prepare labor accident response plans and scenarios in the establishment in order to assure effective first aid and intensive care when labor incidents or accidents occur;

f/ To inspect the observance of sanitation and epidemic prevention and control rules, assuring food safety and hygiene for employees of the establishment; to coordinate with the labor safety and sanitation unit in organizing the measurement, examination and supervision of dangerous elements in the labor environment, and to guide workshops and employees in taking labor sanitation measures;

g/ To work out plans on convalescence and functional rehabilitation for employees who perform heavy or hazardous jobs or whose health is graded IV or V through regular health checks or who have contracted an occupational disease;

h/ To annually train employees in understanding the impacts of the labor environment's elements which are harmful to their health, contingency measures to prevent occupational element-related diseases, and actions to be taken to provide first aid and intensive care for victims of common labor accidents in workplaces;

i/ To conduct annual examination and supervision of the labor environment; to manage the establishment's labor sanitation dossier; to make recommendations and propose measures to improve working conditions and health for employees;

j/ To guide and organize the provision of allowances in kind (quantities and method of providing allowances) for employees working in hazardous conditions;

k/ To take part in improving procedures for assessment of health problems and injuries of employees suffering occupational diseases or

labor accidents;

l/ To collaborate and comply with instructions of the health agencies of the locality, ministry and sector (if any) in managing employee health; to receive and fully follow professional instructions of these health agencies;

m/ To send periodical reports on management of employee health and occupational diseases to the health agencies of the locality, ministry and sector (if any).

Article 9. Powers of a health unit

1. To attend briefings on production and meetings to review production or business operations and appraise the implementation of labor safely and sanitation plans:

2. To attend meetings to elaborate production or business plans, make and approve designs and plans on construction, takeover test and operation of workshops, machines and equipment so as to give opinions on labor safety and sanitation;

3. To request heads of production units to order the termination of a job or to decide on suspension of a job (in case of emergency) upon detecting signs of violation or risks of health damage, disease or illness for employees, and concurrently to report these problems to the employer.

4. To stop the use of substances unconformable with labor sanitation regulations;

5. To take part in summarizing and proposing for commendation or disciplining collectives or individuals in labor protection, safety and sanitation work;

6. To participate in meetings, conferences and relations with the health agencies of the locality, ministry and sector for raising of professional skills and work coordination.

Article 10. Organization of a network of safety and sanitation workers

1. Each professional department or section of a medical examination and treatment establishment or each production unit of an enterprise or a production or business establishment must have at least one part-time safety and sanitation worker.

2. A safety and sanitation worker must be a direct worker who is professional!)' knowledgeable (about labor safety and sanitation knowledge and techniques). enthusiastic and exemplary in observing labor safety and sanitation regulations and elected by employees of a working team.

3. Safety and sanitation workers shall work under the management and guidance by the grassroots trade union executive board or the representative of the labor collective and the employer-issued operation regulation of the network of safety and sanitation workers.

Article 11. Tasks of a safety and sanitation worker

1. To urge, remind and guide employees in his/her working team, section or department to strictly observe regulations on labor safety and sanitation, preservation of safety and personal protection devices; to remind the team or section head and department dean to observe labor safety and sanitation regulations.

2. To supervise the observance of standards, regulations, processes and internal rules on labor safety and sanitation, to detect labor safety and sanitation mistakes and violations of employees in his/her team, section or department; to detect unsafe machines or equipment.

3. To take part in working out labor safety and sanitation plans, working measures and plans to assure labor safety and sanitation within his/her team, section or department; to take part in guiding safe working methods for new employees in his/her team, section or department.

4. To request the team head or his/her superior to fully observe labor protection regulations and take adequate measures to assure labor safety and sanitation and promptly address unsafe and unsanitary problems of machines and equipment in the workplace.

Article 12. Powers of a safety and sanitation worker

1. To devote some of his/her working time to performing his/her tasks as a safely and sanitation worker: particularly, safety and sanitation workers in production teams are salaried for their performance of tasks as safely and sanitation workers and entitled to a responsibility allowance like production team heads.

2. To request employees in his/her working team to slop working and take measures lo assure labor safely and sanitation upon detecting risks of an imminent incident or labor accident.

3. To study or receive training provided by the employer in coordination with the trade union for raising professional skills or improving operation methods.

Article 13. Organization of labor protection councils

1. Any labor-employing establishment which employs over 1.000 direct workers shall set up a labor protection council. Other labor- employing establishments may set up a labor protection council when finding it necessary and having sufficient conditions for the operation of such council.

2. Labor protection councils function to coordinate and advise on labor safety and sanitation activities in their labor-employing establishments and to guarantee the trade union's right to take part in and inspect and supervise labor protection, safety and sanitation activities.

3. The membership of a labor protection council depends on the number of employees and the size of its establishment and complies with the following regulations:

a/ The representative of the employer acts as chairman of the council:

b/ The representative of the grassroots trade union executive board or employees in an establishment without trade union organization acts as vice chairman of the council:

c/ The head of the labor safety and sanitation unit or the labor safety and sanitation officer of the establishment acts as standing member-cum-secretary of the council. If the labor safety and sanitation officer is hired under a contract from another organization, the standing member-cum-secretary of the council shall be appointed by the employer.

Depending on the characteristics and practical conditions of each labor-employing establishment, a labor protection council may have other related members, provided the total number of its members must not exceed 9.

Article 14. Tasks and powers of a labor protection council

1. To join and give advices to the employer and coordinate activities in the elaboration of regulations on management of. programs of action for. and plans on labor safety and sanitation and measures to assure labor safety and sanitation, improve labor conditions, and prevent labor accidents and occupational diseases in its labor-employing establishment.

2. To inspect labor safety and sanitation work in the labor-employing establishment on a biannual and annual basis. Through the inspection, if detecting a risk of unsafety, to request the employer lo take measures to address such risk.

Chapter III


Article 15. Elaboration of labor safety and sanitation plans

1. When elaborating a plan on operation to perform its annual tasks, a labor-employing establishment shall concurrently elaborate a labor safety and sanitation plan, for jobs arising in a plan year, it shall elaborate an additional labor safety and sanitation plan suitable to these jobs.

2. Labor safety and sanitation plans shall be worked out by production teams, sections and divisions upwards and concurrently announced to all employees for comment.

3. The elaboration of a labor safety and sanitation plan must be based on:

a/ Expenses for labor safely and sanitation work in the last year; tasks and orientations of production and business plans and practical information on employees in the plan year;

b/ Shortcomings and problems in labor safety and sanitation work drawn from incidents, labor accidents, fires, explosions and occupational diseases and labor safety and sanitation work review reports in the last year;

c/ Proposals and petitions of employees, the trade union organization and inspection or examination teams:

d/ Current regulations on labor safety. sanitation and protection.

4. A labor safety and sanitation plan must indicate specific activities together with measures, expenses. deadlines and responsibilities to perform these activities. A labor safety and sanitation plan must have at least the following information:

a/ Technical measures for safety and Tire and explosion prevention and fighting;

b/ Technical measures for labor sanitation and improvement of working conditions; installation of ventilation, dust and toxic gas hoovering and lighting systems, sound-proof partitions, anti-vibration system; isolation of harmful microorganisms; renovation of bathrooms and restrooms; gauge and inspection of the labor environment, etc.;

c/ Equipping of personal protection devices for employees;

d/ Healthcare for employees to prevent occupational diseases;

e/ Labor safety and sanitation communication, education and training.

5. Depending on the practical situation and conditions, labor-employing establishments shall elaborate annual detailed labor safety and sanitation plans under the guidance provided in Appendix 2 to this Circular (not printed herein).

Article 16. Implementation of labor safety and sanitation plans

1. Right after a labor safety and sanitation plan is approved, officers, sections and divisions assigned by the employer shall coordinate with the labor safety and sanitation unit and the health unit in implementing that plan and concurrently urge and inspect the implementation.

2. The employer shall organize periodical reviews and assessments of the implementation of labor safety and sanitation plans and notify implementation results to employees in the labor-employing establishment.

Chapter IV


Article 17. Labor safety and sanitation self-inspection

1. Employers shall prescribe and organize labor safety and sanitation self-inspection in their establishments.

2. Employers shall decide on self-inspection activities, forms and schedule; under the guidance in Appendix 3 lo this Circular (not printed herein), provided that comprehensive inspection shall be conducted at least once every 6 months in the whole establishments and at least once every 3 months in workshops and production teams or groups.

3. For a group of companies operating under the Law on Enterprises, self-inspection regulations are applicable to each company in the group.

Chapter V


Article 18. Statistics and reports

1. Labor-employing establishments shall compile a book of" statistics on issues to be reported under current regulations. Statistical data must be kept for at least 5 years for workshops and at least 10 years for labor- employing establishments to serve as a basis for monitoring, analyzing and devising labor safety and sanitation policies and measures in their establishments.

2. Labor-employing establishments, including their subsidiaries and representative offices based in a locality, and units conducting construction in a locality shall report on labor safely and sanitation work twice a year (biannual and annual reports, made according to the form provided in Appendix 4 to this Circular, not printed herein) to the superior agency directly managing them, the provincial-level Labor. War Invalids and Social Affairs Department and Health Department and the local labor confederation. Biannual reports must be sent before July 5. while annual reports must be sent before January 10 of the next year.

3. Provincial-level Labor. War Invalids and Social Affairs Departments shall summarize the performance of labor safety and sanitation work by labor-employing establishments in their localities and send reports thereon, made according to the form provided in Appendix 5 to this Circular (not printed herein), to the Ministry of Labor. War Invalids and Social Affairs before January 30 every year.

Article 19. Preliminary and final reviews

1. Biannually and annually, labor-employing establishments shall review the labor safety and sanitation work, covering analysis of results, shortcomings, problems and lessons; commendation of units and individuals that have well performed labor safety and sanitation work in the establishments; and launching of emulation movements to assure labor safety and sanitation.

2. Preliminary and final reviews shall be conducted from workshops and production teams to labor-employing establishments.

Chapter VI


Article 20. Responsibilities of employers for labor safety and sanitation

1. To lake responsibility before law for the observance of labor safety and sanitation regulations, labor accidents and occupational diseases in their labor-employing establishments.

2. To issue decisions to assign responsibilities and powers for labor safety and sanitation to managers, professional units and affiliated units, taking into account to production or business characteristics of their labor- employing establishments. Employers may provide additional personnel, responsibilities and powers to these units when conditions of their establishments permit but shall assure that such additional provision is made within their competence and compliant with current laws. The assignment of responsibilities for labor safety and sanitation complies with the guidance in Appendix 1 to this Circular (nut printed herein).

3. To direct affiliated units and individuals under their management in properly implementing labor safety and sanitation programs and plans.

4. To fulfill their obligations in labor safety and sanitation work under current regulations, specifically as follows:

a/ Annually, when elaborating production or business plans for their establishments, to devise and approve labor safety and sanitation plans and measures and to improve working conditions;

b/ To equip sufficient personal protection devices and implement other regulations on labor protection, safety and sanitation for their employees;

c/ To appoint persons to supervise and inspect the implementation of labor safety and sanitation regulations, internal rules and measures in their establishments; to coordinate with grassroots trade union organizations in establishing and maintaining the operation of the network of safety and sanitation workers;

d/ To develop and revise labor safety and sanitation internal rules and processes. emergency response plans suitable to each type of machines, equipment and supplies (also in cases of renewal of technologies, machines, equipment and supplies) and workplaces;

e/ To organize training in and guide labor safety and sanitation standards, regulations and measures for employees;

f/ To provide regular health checks or medical examinations to detect occupational diseases (if any) for employees;

g/ To organize the assessment of labor accidents and occupational diseases for employees after their health conditions become stable;

h/ To make declarations, surveys, statistics and reports on labor accidents and occupational diseases; to make statistics and reports on the performance of labor safety and sanitation work, training, registration and inspection.

5. To coordinate with grassroots trade union executive boards in launching mass movements for labor safety and sanitation and environmental protection in their establishments.

Article 21. Tasks of grassroots trade union organizations in labor safety and sanitation

1. To take part on behalf of employees in elaborating and signing collective labor accords which contain labor safety and sanitation terms.

2. To disseminate among and educate employees and employers about labor safety and sanitation regulations and mobilize them to properly implement these regulations; to observe regulations, standards and measures for safe work and promptly detect signs of inadequate safety and sanitation in production and combat irresponsible and careless performance and breaches of technical safety processes.

3. To consult labor collectives upon performing the following jobs: elaboration of internal rules, regulations on labor safely and sanitation management; elaboration of labor safety and sanitation plans; assessment of the implementation of labor protection regulations and policies, measures to assure employee safely and health; review for drawing experience from their labor safely and sanitation activities for sharing with employers.

4. To coordinate with employers in organizing activities to step up the labor safety and sanitation movement; to encourage employees lo innovate equipment, machines and technologies in order to better the working environment and mitigate labor.

5. To coordinate with employers in organizing training courses in labor protection professional skills for trade union cadres and labor safety and sanitation workers.

Article 22. Powers of grassroots trade union organizations for labor safety and sanitation

1. To join employers in elaborating regulations and internal rules on labor safely and sanitation management.

2. To organize independent inspection teams or join self-inspection teams organized by labor-employing establishments to inspect the implementation of labor safety and sanitation plans, regulations and policies and measures to assure employee safety and health.

3. To propose employers to take measures to assure labor safety and sanitation and prevent labor accidents and occupational diseases under law.

4. To lake part in investigations into labor accidents; to attend meetings ol inspection and examination teams to make conclusions on labor safety and sanitation in their establishments.

Chapter VII


Article 23. Effect

This Circular takes effect on March 1, 2011.

To annul Joint Circular No. 14/1998/TTLT-BLDT13XH-13YT-TLDLDVN of October 31, 1998, of the Ministry of Labor War Invalids and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Health and the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor. guiding labor protection work in enterprises and production or business establishments.

Any problems arising in the course of implementation should be reported to the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs and the Ministry of Health for consideration and settlement.



Trinh Quan Huan


Bui Hong Linh



(Together with Joint Circular No.01/2011/TTLT-BLDTBXH-BYT dated January 10, 2011 of the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs)

1. Responsibilities of the workshop manager or equivalent departments (hereinafter referred to as the workshop manager)

a) To organize training to instruct employees newly recruited or newly transferred to work at the workshop on the safe working measures prior to assigning works for them;

b) To allocate the employees for proper works as trained, coached and examined satisfactorily for knowledge on safety and occupational sanitision;

c) Not to let the employees work if they do not implement measures to ensure safety - occupational sanitation and do not use adequate safety equipment, personal protective equipment equipped with;

d) To implement, inspect and urge the heads of production teams and all employees under their management to perform standards, regulations, procedures, measures for safe and hygienic working;

đ) To implement fully the contents of plan of safety - occupational sanitation, timely handle the missing through the inspection, the recommendations of the production teams, the delegation of inspection or examination relating to the responsibilities of the workshop and report to superiors the matters beyond the resolution ability of the workshop;

e) To declare and promptly report all occupational accidents occurred in the workshop as prescribed;

g) To coordinate with the unit’s Chairman of Trade Union for periodical organizations of self- inspection on safety - occupational sanitation at the labor establishment and create conditions for the net of safety and sanitation doing persons in the workshop to work efficiently;

h) Workshop manager may refuse to accept the employees who are not qualified and temporarily suspend the work for employees committing again the provisions of ensuring safety - occupational sanitation, fire and explosion prevention and fighting.

2. Rights and responsibilities of the head of production team (or equivalent positions)

a) To guide and inspect and urge regularly employees under their management authority to comply with processes, measures for safe working; to manage, use well the personal protective means, safe devices and equipment for medical emergencies;

b) To organize workplace of ensuring safey - occupational sanitation; combine with safe – hygienic doing workers to perform well the self-inspection for detection and timely treatment of threats to the safety and health arising in the course of labor and production;

c) To promptly report to the superiors all phenomena that is lack of safety - occupational sanitation in the production that team cannot be settled and the case of happening occupational accidents, equipment break down for taking timely remedies;

d) To review and assess the status of safety - occupational sanitation and the observance of regulations on safety - occupational sanitation in the meeting session for self-review of the situation of the labor and production of the team;

đ) The Head of production team has the right to refuse the acceptance of the persons who are not qualified and qualification on technique of safety - occupational sanitation to work; to refuse the acceptance of the job or suspension of the work of the team if there is any dangers to life and health of their members and report promptly to the superiors for handling.

3. Duties of the Departments or Boards of planning or the persons who are in charge of planning

a) To synthesize requirements for materials, manpower and funding of the plan of safety - occupational sanitation and to put into the production and business plan (or the work plan) of the labor establishment and organize the implementation;

b) To coordinate with department of safety - occupational sanitation for monitoring, urging, and evaluating the implementation of the contents of the works set out in the plan of safety - occupational sanitation and ensure that plans are fully implemented in compliance with schedule.

4. Duties of the department or board of technology and the electrical mechanism or engineer and electrical mechanism staffs.

a) To research the improvement of facilities, rationalization of production and technical measures of safety and hygiene to put into the plan of safety - occupational sanitation; to guide and monitor the implementation of technical measures of safety, sanitation and improvement of working conditions;

b) To compile, amend and complete the procedures and measures of working safely for the machinery, equipment, chemicals, and each job, the emergency response plans in case of incidents; participate in the compilation of teaching materials on safety - occupational sanitation for the employees and coordinate with department of safety - occupational sanitation for training the workers in the labor base.

c) To participate in periodic inspection of safety - occupational sanitation and participate in the investigation of occupational accidents related to safety technique;

d) To coordinate with department of safety - occupational sanitation to supervise the management, registration and inspection of machinery, equipment, materials and substances with strict requirements for safety - occupational sanitation.

5. Responsibilities of the department or board of organization or persons who are in charge of labor organization

a) To advise and recommend the composition of the council of occupational protection,   staffs who are in charge of occupational protection, fire and prevention and fighting team ... consistent with the scale and characteristics of the unit of occupational protection.

b) To coordinate with the workshops and the departments related to organization and training of forces for prevention and fighting of accidents and incidents in the production consistent with characteristics of the labor base.

c) To coordinate with department of safety - occupational sanitation and the workshops to implement the labor protection modes: training and skill improvement combined with safety training and occupational sanitation; equip with personal protective facilities, working time, rest time, allowances in kind, compensation, allowance for occupational accidents, occupational disease, social security ...;

d) To ensure the provision of adequate manpower to carry out the contents and measures set out in the plan of safety - occupational sanitation.

6. Responsibilities of the department or board of finance or persons who are in charge of the labor base

a) To estimate the cost of the plans of safety - occupational sanitation in total general cost estimates of the labor facilities in the business period.

b) To ensure timely delivery, full funding for the safety - occupational sanitation at the labor facility.

c) To make settlement of funding for implementing the plan of occupational safety, occupational sanitation in accordance with the provisions of current law.



(Together with Joint Circular No.01/2011/TTLT-BLDTBXH-BYT dated January 10, 2011 of the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids, and Social Affairs)

1. The measures on technical safety and prevention and fighting of fire and explosion

a) Manufacture, repair and procurement of equipment, parts, tools aim to shield, brake, stop and start the machine, equipment, parts, works, hazardous areas which are in danger of troubles, occupational incidents;

b) The racks for putting raw materials, finished products;

c) System of lightning protection, anti-leakage (electricity);

d) The alarm device with color, light, noise...

dd) Placing signs;

e) Procurement, manufacture of equipment, equipment of fire protection and fighting;

g) Reorganization of the workplace in accordance with the employees;

h) Movement of the production departments, storage of flammable, toxic substances, away from the place where many people pass;

i) Inspection of machinery, equipment and supplies having strict requirements for safety - occupational sanitation;

k) Other measures in accordance with the actual situation of the establishment.

2. The measures of technique of occupational sanitation for hazardous prevention and combat, improving working conditions, environmental protection:

a) Installation of system of ventilation, vacuum cleaner, toxic smoke absorbing machine;

b) Upgrading, perfecting the factories for them to be aerated, anti-temperature, noise and the spread of harmful elements;

c) Construction, renovation of bathrooms;

d) Installation of washing machines, bleaching machines of toxic substances;

dd) Measurement of working environment factors;

e) Handling of hazardous waste;

g) Rest rooms;

h) Other measures in accordance with the actual situation of the establishment.

3. Procurement of personal protective equipment:

a) Safety belts; respirators; anti-cooling socks; electro-acid resistant boots; hair-caps, helmets against brain injury; dust mask; anti-noise ear covers; clothes of radiation protection, anti-magnetism, warm clothing, heat protective clothing etc ....

b) The other equipment in accordance with the actual situation of the establishment.

4. Health care for employees:

a) Medical examination in the recruitments;

b) Periodic health examination;

c) Examination for the detection of occupational diseases;

d) Allowances in kind;

dd) Nursing and rehabilitation for employees;...

5. Carrying out of education and training on safety - occupational sanitation:

a) Organization of training courses on safety - occupational sanitation for employers and employees;

b) Screening films, visiting exhibitions on safety - occupational sanitation;

c) Organization of the contest on the good safe, sanitary workers;

d) Organization of the writing, drawing contests and proposal of measures to enhance safety - occupational sanitation;

dd) Drawing panels, posters and pictures on occupational safety; purchase of materials, magazine on safety - occupational sanitation;

e) Broadcasting news on safety - occupational sanitation on the mass media of the employment establishment.

g) The other measures, propaganda forms of education and training on safety - occupational sanitation consistent with the actual situation of the establishment.



(Together with Joint Circular No.01/2011/TTLT-BLDTBXH-BYT dated January 10, 2011 of the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs)

1. Content of inspection

a) The implementation of regulations on safety - occupational sanitation such as physical examination, examination for detection of occupational diseases, working hours, rest time, allowances in kind, declaration, investigation, statistics of occupational accidents ...;

b) Records, books, internal rules, procedures and safety measures, book recording inspection reports, record of proposals;

c) The implementation of standards, regulations, safety measures which have been issued;

d) The state of safety and hygiene of the machine, equipment, factories, warehouses and workplaces such as shields in dangerous positions, reliability of the safe structure, temperature-resistant, anti-dust, lighting, ventilation, drainage ...;

đ) The use, protection of equipment, personal protective means, technical means of fire protection and fighting, medical facilities for first aid;

e) The implementation of contents of the plan on safety - occupational sanitation;

g) The implementation of the recommendations of the inspection or examination delegations;

h) The management, equipment, materials, and substances with strict requirements on occupational safety and control of harmful, dangerous factors;

i) Knowledge of safety - occupational sanitation, ability to handle incidents and first aid of laborers.

k) The organization for meals, health care for laborers;

l) Self-inspection activities of inferiors, the settlement of proposals and recommendations on safety - occupational sanitation of laborers;

m) Responsibilities for managing the safety - occupational sanitation and mass movements on safety - occupational sanitation.

n) Other contents in accordance with the actual situation of the establishment.

2. Form of inspection

a) Overall inspection of the contents of safety - occupational sanitation related to powers of the inspection authorities;

b) Special subject inspection of content of the plan on safety - occupational sanitation; c) Inspection after the long suspension of production;

d) Inspection before or after the rainy season, storms;

đ) Inspection after the incident, the overhaul;

e) Periodical inspection to remind or mark points for appraisal of emulation;

g) Other inspection form consistent with the actual situation of the establishment.

3. Organization of the inspection

For the self-inspection to be effective, avoiding forms, dealing with, it must prepare thoughly and strictly implement the following steps:

a) Establishing inspection delegation: at the enterprise level and workshop level, when organizing the self-inspection it is necessary to organize the inspection delegation, the participants must be those who is responsible for the employment establishment and of trade union, with a technical understanding of safety - occupational health;

b) Meeting the inspection delegation to assign tasks to members, determination of the inspection schedule;

c) Announcement of inspection schedule to the units or the organizations of production;

d) Implementation of examination:

- Workshop manager (if it is an inspection in the workshops) must report briefly the implementation of safety - occupational sanitation with the inspection delegation and propose the recommendations and measures to overcome existing shortcomings in addition to the self-resolution capability of the workshop; guide inspection delegation to review in reality and answer the questions, as well as receive the instructions of the inspection delegation;

- All manufacturing locations and warehouses have to be inspected.

e) Making records of inspection:

- The inspection delegation notes comments and recommendations for the units inspected; records issues of the responsibilities of the inspection authority into the inspection records of inspected units;

- Head of inspection delegation and head of the inspected department must sign in the inspection record.

e) Handling of results after the inspection:

- For the inspected units, it must plan to overcome the existing shortcomings under the unit’s the settlement scope, and send to the inspection authority for monitoring the performance;

- The inspection authority must plan the re-inspection of the proposal implementation for the employment establishments; synthesize the contents of their responsibility and competence to solve in respect of inferiors and assign the assistant departments to organize the performance.

g) Duration of self-inspection at the enterprise level and workshop level.

Depending on the nature of production and business, the employer shall prescribe the form of self-inspection and self-inspection time limit at the enterprise level and workshop level. However, wholly periodic self-inspection must be conducted for at least 6 months/once at the enterprise level and 3 months/one at the workshop level.

h) Self-inspection in the production team:

The self- inspection in the team must be conducted in the early hour every day and before starting a new work, so it needs to be implemented quickly, tidily according to the following order:

- Each individual in the team, in the early hour of every working day shall observe the condition of safety - occupational sanitation of machinery, equipment, electricity, production premises, equipment and facilities of fire protection and fighting, first aid kits, etc. .... and report to the team leader the missing or the risk of occupational accidents or harmful effect to health (if any);

- After the team leader receives information on the unsafe condition, he/she is responsible for re-examining the existing detected by members, instructing or discussing with workers in the team for the excluding measures to avoid occupational accidents;

- For the risk that the team cannot self-handle, it must take the temporary measures to prevent occupational accidents, then write into the recommendation book and report immediately to the workshop manager to be handled.

k) Making the recommendation book and book recording inspection reports on occupational safety - occupational sanitation:

- Recommendation book and book recording inspection reports on safety - occupational sanitation is original record of the self-inspection operations on safety - occupational sanitation; is the working modes of production managers at all levels to perform the functions, tasks of inspecting, urging as well as enlisting the reflection contributions of the inferiors on the condition of safety and occupational sanitation; is record of monitoring the handling of existing shortcomings. So formulation of the recommendation book and book recording inspection reports is compulsory requirement at all levels within the enterprise;

- Recommendation book and book recording inspection reports on safety - occupational sanitation must be conducted affixed seal and managed, stored according to the current document management regime for looking up when necessary;

- All cases of reflection, proposal and receiving recommendations, and proposals shall be recorded and signed for receipt into the recommendation book on safety - occupational sanitation for use as basis to determine liability.



(Together with Joint Circular No.01/2011/TTLT-BLDTBXH-BYT dated January 10, 2011 of the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs)

LOCAL: ……………

To: Department of labor- Invalids and Social Affairs of province, city ………………


Report period: ………………… Year …………..

Name1: ..............................................................................................................................

Business lines2: .........................................................................................

Type3: ............................................................................................................................

Superiority agency of direct management 4: .................................................................

Address: (number, street, urban district, rural district, township) ...................................


The targets in the report period







1.1. Total laborers



- In particular: Total women laborers



1.2. Number of direct laborers



- In particular:

+ Total women laborers




+ Laborers working in hard, hazardous or dangerous conditions (working conditions of types IV, V, VI)




Occupational accidents



- Total cases of occupation accidents



+ In particular, cases of death



- Total number of occupational accidents



+ In particular, the number of deaths due to occupational accidents



- The total costs for occupational accidents (emergency, treatment, payment of holidays, compensation, allowances …)

Million dong


- Damage to property (calculated in money)

Million dong


- Number of days off because of occupational accidents




Occupational diseases



- The total number of persons of occupational disease cumulated at the time of report



In particular, the number of persons newly got occupational diseases



- Number of days off because of occupational diseases



- Number of persons must leave before the age of retirement for occupational disease



- The total costs for persons got occupational disease arising in the year (Expenses not included in the plan of safety - occupational sanitation such as treatment, payment of holidays, compensation, allowances…)

Million dong



The results of classifying the health of laborers



+Type I



+ Type II



+ Type III



+ Type IV



+ Type V




Training on safety - occupational sanitation



- The total number of the employers to be trained/ total number of the current employers

person/ person


- Total number of safety - occupational sanitary officials to be trained/ total number of current safety – occupational sanitary officials

person/ person


- Total number of safety - occupational sanitary workers/ total number of current safety – occupational sanitary workers

person/ person


- Number of workers who are provided for safety cards/ total number of laborers work the careers, jobs with strict requirements for safety - occupational sanitation

person/ person


- Total number of employees to be trained



- Total training costs (These costs are in the costs of propagation, training referred to at Point 10)

Million dong



Machinery and equipment with strict requirements on safety - occupational sanitation



- Total



- In particular: + number which has been registered

+ number which has been tested





Working time, rest time



- The average number of overtime hours per day, person



- The average number of overtime days/ 6 months (or the whole year)/1 person




Allowances in kind against toxic harm



- Total number



- Total costs (these costs are in the costs of health care under Point 10)

Million dong



The situation of working environment measurement



- Number of samples of working environment measurement



- Number of samples not obtaining standard



- Number of samples not obtaining permissible standard/total number of samples measured

+ Temperature

+ Dust

+ Noise

+ Vibration

+ Toxic gas

+ …




The cost of making the plan of safety - occupational sanitation



- The technical safety measures

Million dong


- The sanitary technical measures

Million dong


- Equipment of personal protection

Million dong


- Health care for laborers

Million dong


- Propaganda and training

Million dong


- Other expenses

Million dong




….., date … month … year ...
Head of Unit
(Sign and seal)


Instruction on the way to write:

- Name (1) and business lines (2): written by the certificate of business registration

- Type of enterprise (3): written by the subject of application of this Circular, namely

o State-owned Enterprises

o Limited Liability Company/ one member Limited Company

o Shareholding Company/ Shareholding Company  owned  by 51% of state capital

o Private Enterprise

o Enterprises with foreign investment / 100% foreign capital company

o Partnerships

o Cooperatives ...

o Others

- The direct management superior (4):

o Naming the parent company or corporation, if being member enterprises in the company team;

o Naming Corporation, if being a unit of the Corporation;

o Naming Departments and boards, branches, if attached to the Departments and boards, branches in the local;

o Naming ministries, governing ministerial-level agencies, if attached to the ministries, ministerial-level agencies;

o Not naming if not attached to the above types



(Together with Joint Circular No.01/2011/TTLT-BLDTBXH-BYT dated January 10, 2011 of the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs)




Year …………………..


(in the report period)



State-owned Enterprises

Limited Liability Company

Shareholding Company

Private Enterprise

FDI enterprise


Administrative unit



Number of units report





















2.1. Total laborers










In which:

+ Women laborers











2.2. Direct laborers











- In which:

+ Women laborers











+ Laborers working in the dangerous, toxic, hard conditions (Working condition of types IV, V, VI)











Occupational accidents










- Total number of cases:










In which, number of cases having dead persons










- Total number of persons got occupational accidents










In which, number of dead person










- Total costs for occupational accidents

Million dong









- Damage due to occupational accidents (calculated by money)

Million dong









- Number of days off because of occupational accidents











Occupational disease










- Total number of persons got occupational disease accumulated at the time of report  










In which, number of persons got new  occupational disease










- Number of days off because of occupational disease










- Number of persons required to leave before their pension ages because of  occupational disease










- Total costs for persons got occupational disease arising in year

Million dong










Result of classifying employees’ health










+ Type I










+ Type II










+ Type III










+ Type IV










+ Type V











Training on safety-occupational sanitation











- Total employees to be trained/Total current employers

persons/ persons










- Total number of safety - occupational sanitary officials to be trained/ total number of current safety – occupational sanitary officials

persons/ persons










- Total number of safety - occupational sanitary workers/ total number of current safety – occupational sanitary workers

persons/ persons










- Number of workers who are provided for safety cards/ total number of laborers work the careers, jobs with strict requirements for safety - occupational sanitation

persons/ persons










- Total number of employees to be trained











- Total training costs

Million dong










Machinery and equipment with strict requirements on safety - occupational sanitation:










- Total










- number which has been registered










- number which has been tested











Working time, rest time










- The average number of overtime hours










- The average number of overtime days/ 6 months (or the whole year)/ person











Allowances in kind against toxic harm










- Total number of persons










- Total costs

Million dong










The situation of working environment measurement










- Number of samples of working environment measurement










- Number of samples not obtaining standard










- -Number of samples not obtaining permissible standard/total number of samples measured

+ Temperature

+ Dust

+ Noise

+ …











The cost of making the plan of safety - occupational sanitation










- The technical safety measures

Million dong









- The sanitary technical measures

-same as above-









- Equipment of personal protection

- same as above -









- Health care for laborers

- same as above -









- Propaganda and training

- same as above-









- Other expenses

-as above-











………., date … month … year....
Head of Department of Labor-Invalid and Social Affairs
(Sign and seal)