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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 05/NQ-CP

Ha Noi, March 04, 2015





Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government dated December 25, 2001;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree 08/2012/ND-CP , dated February 16, 2012 promulgating the Working regulation of the Government;

Based on the discussions among the Cabinet members and the conclusion of the Prime Minister at the Government’s regular meeting held on March 3, 2015.


1. Regarding socio-economic situation in February and the first two months of 2015; realization of Resolution 01/NQ-CP dated January 3, 2015 of the Government on major tasks and solutions guiding the implementation of socio-economic development and budget estimates for 2015.

The Government unanimously agreed: All levels, sectors, localities, mass organizations and businesses actively deployed the Resolutions adopted by the Party Central Committee, the National Assembly and the Government regarding socio-economic development tasks while seriously following instructions of the Party Secretariat, the Government and the Prime Minister on organizing the Lunar New Year holiday. Over the past two months, socio - economic situation was positively. People enjoyed a joyful, warm, healthy, safe and economical Lunar New Year holiday. Marco-economy was stable, consumer price index fell and aggregate demand increased. Industrial and agricultural production picked up. Service sector grew fairly. The number of domestic and international arrivals rose. Disbursement of official development assistance and foreign direct investment went up, the number of newly- established enterprises climbed up. Social security policies in support of people with meritorious service to the revolution and other beneficiaries, including poor households were implemented with practical outcomes. Cultural, artistic, sport and communication activities were plentiful. Public healthcare, preventive medicine and guarantee of food hygiene and safety were enhanced. National defense and security, social order and safety were maintained. Diplomatic activities brought back numerous important results.

However, adverse weather conditions affected the schedule of rice plantation in the Northern provinces. Deforestation, forest fires, environmental pollution, crimes and social evils were complicated. Some festivals, which were organized over the past time, revealed unsound customs. Traffic accidents dropped in all three criteria but the death toll was higher over the nine days of the Lunar New Year holiday compared to the same period last year.

The Government asked ministries, agencies and localities to promptly and drastically implement the tasks and solutions enshrined in the Government’s Resolution 01/NQ-CP dated January 3, 2015, Resolution 04/NQ-CP dated February 4, 2015, Public Telegraph 269/CD-TTg dated February 24, 2015, striving to fulfill and outperform the set norms, focusing on the following key missions:

Each ministry, agency and locality need to continue taking concrete and practical measures to ease difficulties against and create the most favorable conditions for production and business activities, especially the review and improvement of market economy institutions, administrative procedure reform in the fields of tax, customs, social insurance, land, construction, electricity access, business establishment and dissolution, etc; improve the effectiveness of coordination among State agencies in carrying out the approved Master Plan for Economic Restructuring and other sectoral plans, particularly the acceleration of restructuring State-owned enterprises in the 2014-2015 period, focusing on equitization, divestment, and corporate performance.

- The State Bank of Viet Nam shall continue pursuing an active and flexible monetary policy in close combination with fiscal policy to ensure macro-economic stability, support production and export and foster economic growth; prioritize credit capital to beef up production and business; continue to speed up the restructuring of credit organizations, resolutely re-arrange weak ones; strive to lower the bad debt rate down to less than 3% by the end of this year; coordinate with the Ministries of Finance, Planning and Investment, Transport to consider a credit package for infrastructure development.

- The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall take prime responsibility and coordinate with ministries, agencies and localities to organize the implementation of the Law on Public Investment; speed up public-private partnership model and other non-State investment models in order to fully mobilize resources for socio-economic development; work with the Ministry of Finance, State Bank of Viet Nam to propose solutions to supply additional corresponding capital for ODA projects and report them to the Prime Minister for consideration in March 2015; submit a supplementary capital plan for ODA projects to the Prime Minister for consideration before presenting it to the National Assembly Standing Committee for approval.

- The Ministry of Finance shall effectively realize budget collection tasks; enhance management of budget revenues, drastically deploy measures to counter budget losses, transfer pricing, and tax fraud; strictly mange budget spending, minimize unplanned spending; coordinate with ministries, agencies and localities to drastically carry out price management of essential goods and commodities priced by the State in accordance the market rules and State control; strengthen coordination among competent forces in countering smuggling, fake goods and trade fraud.

- The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall take synchronous measures to foster export; design market solutions, promote trade, and fully exploit the existing markets, develop new and potential ones to increase the niche of high value-added and key exports; take prime responsibility and coordinate with relevant ministries, agencies and localities to expand E5 bio-fuel distribution system and strictly cotrol its quality to protect consumers’ rights.

- The Ministry of Transport shall accelerate the progress of key transport works; seriously implement measures to ensure traffic order and safety, especially at places where festivals are organized; examine transportation business activities in terms of technical safety, vehicle load, service quality; collaborate with competent agencies to strictly handle violations.

- The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall take prime responsibility and coordinate with ministries, agencies and localities to buy rice for temporary storage in accordance with the Prime Minister’s decision; provide instructions to localities to shift cultivated crops and domestic animal structures; expand intercrop model for ineffective rice cultivation areas; focus on high-quality rice production in accordance with market demand; foster the implementation of the National target program on building new style rural areas; take measures to prevent domestic animal and cultivated crop diseases; strengthen forest protection, fire prevention and forest development.

- The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall strengthen inspection and supervision of companies in observing environmental protection regulations as they carry out energy and natural resource- consuming projects; resolutely handle establishments that cause serious environmental pollution.

- The Ministry of Education and Training shall continue focusing on the implementation of the Resolution adopted at the 8th Plenary session of the 11th Party Central Committee and Resolution 44/NQ-CP dated on June 9, 2014 of the Government on basic and comprehensive reform of education and training to meet requirements of industrialization and modernization in a socialist-oriented market economy and international integration; provide clear instructions for effective realization of the Regulations of the upper secondary school final examination, college and u niversity entrance exams in 2015.

- The Ministry of Health shall focus on implementing Resolution 93/NQ-CP dated December 15, 2014 of the Government on some mechanisms and policies for health development; accelerate the mechanism of autonomy for hospitals in terms of finance, investment and workforce; improve the quality of medical examination and treatment, enhance the transfer of scientific and technological advances; continue effective implementation of the project to reduce hospital overload and the roadmap for universal health insurance coverage; strengthen preventive medicine work, actively cope with and prevent the spread of epidemic diseases; beef up inspection in order to ensure food hygiene and safety and prevent food poison, supervise food safety, especially at tourism business entities and during festivals.

- The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, ministries, agencies and localities shall speed up the implementation of Public Telegraph 229/CD-TTg dated February 12, 2015 of the Prime Minister on management and organization of festivals; enhance inspection, detect and strictly deal with wrongdoings during festivals and at tourist destinations; effectively carry out Resolution 92/NQ-CP dated December 8, 2014 of the Government on some solutions to accelerate Viet Nam tourism development in the new stage.

- The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs shall continue realizing effectively social security policies and the National target program on sustainable poverty reduction; coordinate with localities to take measures to ensure manpower supply for companies, especially those located at industrial parks; keep close watch on rural residents during between-crop period to timely design relief measures.

- The Ministry of Home Affairs shall collaborate with ministries, agencies ad localities to continue beefing up the implementation of the Master program on administration reform, especially administrative procedures; effectively deploy the Project to reform public duty and civil servant regimes; identify and make public indexes of public administration (in 2014) of ministries, agencies and localities; promptly finalize the description of working positions and rank structures of civil servants as well as working positions, criteria and titles of public employees; study the model of provincial administrative service centers and put forth and report to the Prime Minister a plan to spread the model.

- The Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Public Security shall continue their collaboration in building all- people defense in association with all-people security posture in key zones; intensify the evaluation of real situation and actively deploy measures to prevent and fight against all sabotage activities to ensure national defense and security and maintain social order and safety in all circumstances. The Ministry of Public Security shall continue to carry out the plan to crack down on crimes; deploy measures to prevent fires and explosions, especially at places where festivals are organized; intensify inspection and strictly deal with motobikers who do not wear safety hamlet, drink bear and wine or carry more passengers than regulated; coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to conduct investigation and strictly handle the use of banned chemicals in producing and preserving farm produce.

- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall coordinate with relevant ministries and agencies to actively deploy the Government’s Action program to realize Resolution 22/NQ-CP of the Politburo dated April 10, 2013 on international integration; further speed up partnership relations, particularly with neighboring countries, ASEAN, strategic and comprehensive partners among others; strengthen diplomatic activities in favor of socio-economic development.

- The Ministry of Information and Communications shall direct press agencies to accelerate propagation activities to celebrate major national-level festivals and Party congresses at all levels, enhance popularization of examples of good people and good deeds and fine traditional cultural features; praise the sense of passion for work; cheer and encourage all people to stay united and resolute in fulfilling socio-economic development tasks set for 2015.

2. Regarding the draft Decree of the Government to continue pursuing major tasks and solutions to improve business environment and national competitiveness in 2015

Over the past time, many ministries, agencies and localities have actively carried out Resolution 19/NQ-CP dated March 18, 2014 of the Government on major tasks and solutions to improve business environment and national competitiveness with initial outcomes. However, there remain a number of inadequacies and inconveniences. To further improve business environment and national competitiveness, the Government basically agreed with the draft content of the Resolution.

The Office of Government is assigned to take prime responsibility and coordinate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment and relevant agencies to collect comments of the Cabinet members, then finalize the Resolution and submit it to the Prime Minister for issuance in March this year.

3. Regarding draft law on charges and fees

The Ministry of Finance is assigned to take prime responsibility and coordinate with the Ministry of Justice, Office of Government and other relevant agencies to collect comments of the Cabinet members, correct, edit and finalize the bill. The Minister of Finance shall be authorized by the Prime Minister and act of behalf of the Government to submit the bill to the National Assembly.

4. Regarding amendments to the Penal Code

The Ministry of Justice shall take prime responsibility and coordinate with the Office of Government and relevant agencies to collect comments of the Cabinet members, study, correct, edit and finalize the bill, especially crime- related content and report to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision before submitting it to the National Assembly.

5. Regarding the Ministry of Justice’s report on correcting the Law on promulgation of legal documents

The Government agreed to maintain the scope of the law and rename the Law as the Law on promulgation of legal normative documents as proposed by the Ministry of Justice. The Minister of Justice shall be authorized by the Prime Minister and act on behalf of the Government to submit the amendments to the National Assembly.

6. Regarding the draft Law on Hydrometeorology

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment is assigned to take prime responsibility and coordinate with the Ministry of Justice, Office of Government and relevant agencies to collect comments of the Cabinet members, correct, edit and finalize the bill. The Minister of Natural Resources and Environment shall be authorized by the Prime Minister and act on behalf of the Government to submit the bill to the National Assembly./.




Nguyen Tan Dung