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Independence – Freedom - Happiness

No.: 89/NQ-CP

Hanoi, December 05, 2014





Pursuant to the Law on Government organization dated December 25, 2001;

Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No.08/2012/NĐ-CP dated February 16, 2012 promulgating the Government’s statutes of working;

Based on the discussions taking place among the Government’s members and conclusions given by the Prime Minister in the meeting of November 2014 held in December 01, 2014,


1. Socio-economic situations in the period of November and 11 months of 2014; Implementation of the Resolution No. 01/NQ-CP dated January 02, 2014 of the Government on duties and key measures for the implementation of the socio-economic development plan and state budget estimates in 2014.




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

In addition to positive outcomes, socio-economic situation still faces such constraints and difficulties as smuggling, counterfeits, rampant trade frauds which impose some difficulty on production and business activities, distorting the market; lives of people from remote ethnic minority and mountainous areas, and natural catastrophe hit areas are still difficult. Debauchery, crimes, fire and explosion, forest fire and illegal deforestation are still taking place in a complicated manner. On the other hand, economic situations in the world and in the region still show signs of much instability. Significant drop in global crude oil price and forecast downward trends from now to end of 2015 shall affect the Vietnam’s economic development.

To achieve the targets proposed for the year 2014 in the socio-economic development plan with highest results, creating a premise for achievement of the objectives set in 2015, the Government has ordered the ministries, competent agencies and local authorities to keep concentrating on the performance of tasks and implementation of measures given under the Resolution No. 01/NQ-CP dated January 02, 2014 and Resolutions of the Government’s regular meetings, quickly execute the Resolution ratified in the 8th meeting of the Third National Assembly on socio-economic development and state budget estimates in 2015, of which the following duties shall be focused:

- The State Bank of Vietnam shall regulate currency policies flexibly and in accordance with macroeconomic balances of the economy; continue to consider cutting midterm and long-term interest rates, enable enterprises to have access to source of loan capital. Ensure sufficient reserve of foreign currencies and punctually meet demands for foreign currencies at year’s end, quickly compile and submit the draft Resolution on amending and supplementing the Resolution No.53/2013/NĐ-CP dated May 18, 2013 to the Government to innovate financial mechanism and enhance capabilities of Vietnam Asset Management Company (VAMC). Keep restructuring the banking system in strict compliance with the law in a transparent way.

- The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall speed up the disbursement of investment and development capital for plan 2014, including disbursement of ODA projects, concessional loans and FDI is included, strive to accomplish the investment and development plan for state budget and Government bonds according to the proposed plan. Improve the effectiveness of resource mobilization measures, promote social investment and contribute to the increase of overall demand for the economy.  Assess results of national programs, the 2011-2015 programs and propose the number of programs for the 2016-2020 period and report to the Prime Minster according to the provisions of law.

- The Ministry of Finance shall concentrate on guiding the collection for state budget revenues, strive to exceed state budget estimates in 2014; study and assess the plan for ensuring source of income and budget balance in 2015 in case of continued drop in crude oil price; take comprehensive measures to avoid loss of tax revenue; impose strict penalties on tax evasion, frauds and tax appropriating. Tighten management and use of state budget, minimize expenditure arising beyond the estimated plan; disclose the use of the state budget for overseas business trips taken by officials from the ministries, competent agencies and local authorities. Reinforce guiding management of prices, taxes and fees, especially with respect to essential goods and services consumed in lunar new year’s vacations. Actively coordinate prevention and control of smuggling, trade frauds, counterfeits and poor quality goods.

- The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall direct the improvement of productivity and quality of products with high added value and export turnover value; ensuring balance of supply and demands, especially primary commodities serving demands at year-end vacations, Do not allow scarcity of goods and sharp rise in prices; enhance inspection of quality, invoices and origins of goods; instruct market surveillance forces to punish severely acts of trading illegal products, counterfeits, or goods without obvious origins; actively carry out domestic market development program; . Study and adjust plan for crude oil extraction guaranteeing economic efficiency in case of falling price of crude oil; take charge and cooperate with the Ministry of Finance in constructing a plan for adjusting electricity and gas prices and send a report to the Prime Minister in December 2014.

- The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development lead the collaboration with other ministries, regulatory bodies and local authorities on carrying out plans of preventing and fighting flooding, storm and minimizing losses caused by catastrophes; reinforce prevention and control over cattle and poultry epidemics. Actively collaborate with the ministries and relevant bodies on drafting the Government’s decree on policies on promoting foreign investment in agriculture and farming, proposing the formation of a steering committee in charge of agriculture restructuring plan; check and foster the restructuring of forestry branch as well as the reduction of poverty in the most remote ethic minority and mountainous regions.

- The Ministry of Transport shall continue to carry out comprehensive and drastic measures to foster the development of traffic infrastructure, focus on facilitating progress of projects and major traffic works; collaborate with the Ministry of Public Security, local authorities on directing tasks of ensuring traffic safety and order, especially during public holidays and New year vacations; carry out plans aimed at ensuring sufficiency of transport vehicles to meet demands for traveling in New Year vacations; conduct a campaign against transport of illegal and banned goods across the sector.

- The Ministry of Labor – Invalids and Social Affairs leads the collaboration with the ministries, departments and local authorities on implementing policies on labor, jobs, and social welfare, especially for people of merits to the revolution or relatives of merited people; continues handling left-over records of people of merits to the revolution; reinforces investigation and imposing severe penalties on acts in violation of the merited people related field.




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

- The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism shall provide a specific plan for managing cultural activities, services and festivals; honors moral values and good traditional cultures of the nation; directs reinforcement of promotion of tourism; ensures security and order, environmental sanitation and civilized lifestyles in festivals and tourist areas.

- Ministry of Home Affairs, ministries, sectors and localities are fully aware of strict compliance with the Government’s policies, not increasing the number of officials and civil servants in 2015, including formation or addition of new entities or posts (except expansion of schools, hospitals initiated by competent authorities without self-balance of payroll, the Ministry of Home Affairs shall actively collaborate with the Ministry of Education and Training, the Ministry of Health on carrying out appraisal and making submission to the Prime Minister for consideration); proportion of new recruits should not exceed 50% of the retired and laid-off workforce, the remaining 50% shall be recalled into payroll limit assigned in 2015 by competent authorities; Actively collaborate, supervise and speed up the ministries, sectors and localities to accelerate construction of the plan for determining positions, standards of regular public servants and professional titles for punctual, comprehensive and uniform promulgation. Speed up central-affiliated cities and provinces to carry out appraisal of established records for granting Title “Vietnamese Heroic Mother”, one of the national honorable titles and make submission to the Prime Minister in December 2014.

- The Ministry of Public Security directs drastic fighting and repression against criminals; prevention and control of drug-related crimes; punctually detect and prevent social disturbances and threats to social safety. Reinforce control over fire safety tasks, especially in major cities and populous areas.  Collaborate with local authorities on propagating, educating and enhancing traffic rules awareness among people, direct implementation of comprehensive measures to ensure traffic safety and take drastic actions to reduce traffic accidents from all three fronts. Concentrate on investigating and cracking smuggling ring, production of counterfeits and other tycoons...

- The Ministry of Information and Communications shall direct press agencies to early provide information about the Communist Party’s policies as well as the State’s legislation, directives enacted by the Government and the Prime Minister. The ministries, agencies and local authorities shall proactively provide information, adequate and early explanation about issues of public interests to create uniformity in the society.

- The ministries, agencies and local authorities speed up construction of crucial measures for directing plan of socio-economic development and state budget estimates in 2015 in all levels, sectors and localities;  complete the report of 2016-2020 socio-economic development plan; develop the construction of a 2016-2020 public investment plan.

- Ministers, Heads of ministerial-level agencies shall direct the implementation of resolutions ratified in the 8th Meeting of the 13th National Assembly; handle petitions from voters and strictly comply with commitments made before the National Assembly; concentrate on directing the construction of regulatory documents detailing the implementation of the Laws, Ordinances ratified by the National Assembly, ensuring progress, quality and feasibility.

- The ministries, agencies and local authorities shall direct comprehensive and effective implementation of administrative reforms in favor of people and enterprises; at the same time reorganize the implementation and impose severe punishment on officials and public servants’ abuses of power to cause harassment to people and enterprises; practice sense of thrift and minimize overseas business trips paid by the state budget; take actions against extravagance, smuggling, trade frauds in the administrative division; promptly propose a list of basic data relating to people within their agencies’ state management and make submission to the Ministry of Planning and Investment for serving the construction of the Government’s database of the population

2. Concerning swap of weekly days off, public holidays and new year holidays in 2015 with respect to officials and civil servants.

The Government has reached an agreement with the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs on the swap of weekly days off, public holidays and New Year holidays in 2015 with respect to officials and civil servants as follows:




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

- Lunar New Year holidays: 09 days, from February 15 – 23, 2015 (from December 27 (Year of the Horse) to end of January 05 (Year of the Goat) in lunar calendar); Saturday, February 14, 2015 shall be the compensatory work day.

- “Gio to Hung Vuong” holidays, Reunification Day (April 30), May Day: 6 days, from April 28 to end of May 03, 2015; Saturday, April 25, 2015 shall be the compensatory work day.

Agencies and organizations that applied the schedule above should appoint officials and civil servants to be on watch on holidays to ensure continuous workflow meeting demands of the people and enterprises; seriousness and productivity must be maintained during compensatory work days.

Agencies and organizations whose weekly days off are not Saturdays and Sundays   shall arrange/decide their own days off in a suitable and lawful manner.

The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs shall announce the swap of days off and compensatory work days in 2015 through the mass media.

3. Concerning the Draft Resolution of the Government on reinforcing prevention, fighting and control of drug addiction and detoxification in a rapidly changing time.

The Government shall agree to ratify the Draft Resolution and assign the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs to actively collaborate with Office of the Government, the Ministry of Justice on taking opinions from the Government’s members, relevant agencies and local authorities to make a submission of completed Resolution to the Prime Minister for promulgation in December 2014.

4. Concerning the construction of a Law on administrative decisions

A bill on administrative decisions is an important, complicated and extensively governing draft relating to relationship between regulatory agencies and citizens in the implementation of the laws in the areas subject to state management. Studying and drafting the bill should thoroughly entail adequate institutionalization of viewpoints, policies of the Communist Party and regulations of the Constitution in 2013 on constructing the Law Governed Socialist State of Vietnam, respecting and protecting human rights and fundamental rights of the people; create a mechanism for controlling the promulgation of administrative decisions to protect constitutionality, legality, sensibility and feasibility of the administrative decisions; reinforce transparency and responsibility of regulatory agencies for promulgating and executing such administrative decisions.




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

The Ministry of Justice shall lead the collaboration with Office of the Government and relevant agencies on taking opinions from the Government’s members, studying and drafting the bill ensuring quality, feasibility and schedule.

5. Concerning a bill of statistics (amended)

Basically, the Government shall agree on the bill of statistics (amended) submitted by the Ministry of Planning and Investment. Whereby, General Statistics Office of Vietnam shall make a decision and take responsibility for announcing national system of statistical indicators, national statistical data to reinforce independence and responsibility of statistics agencies, ensuring statistical criteria and data are accurate, highly practical and in accordance with international practice, effectively serve the planning and management of the Government’s policies.

The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall lead the collaboration with the Ministry of Justice, relevant agencies on taking opinions from the Government’s members to complete and report the bill to the Prime Minister for decision before it is submitted to the National Assembly.

6. Concerning the Government’s decree stipulating in detail the implementation of some articles of the Law on Notarization

The Government shall agree with the draft decree submitted by the Ministry of Justice of which conversion of Notary office into Private Notary Office should ensure lawful rights and interests of staff working in the private notary office and suitability for practical working conditions in individual localities.

Concerning the formation of National Notary Association of Vietnam, it is required to follow principles of self-management, self-responsibility for facilities and workforce.

The Ministry of Justice shall lead the collaboration with Office of the Government and relevant agencies on taking opinions from the Government’s members to complete and report the draft decree of the Government stipulating in detail the implementation of the Law on Notarization to the Prime Minister for promulgation.





Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66


Nguyen Tan Dung