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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No. 112/NQ-CP

Ha Noi, October 4, 2013




The Government on September 29, 2013 convened its regular meeting to discuss and decide the following issues:

Reports on socio-economic performance in September and the first nine months of 2013, the implementation of the Resolution No. 01/NQ-CP and Resolution No. 02/NQ-CP dated on January 7, 2013, which were presented by the Minster of Planning and Investment; the realization of Resolutions adopted at the Government’s meetings and its working program in the third quarter of 2013, presented by the Minister-Chairman of the Government Office; the inspection and settlements of complaints and denunciations, and anti-corruption in the third quarter, presented by the Government Chief Inspector; the administrative reform in the third quarter, presented by the Minister of Home Affairs; the formulation and promulgation of legal documents on detailed implementation of laws and ordinances in the third quarter, presented by the Minister of Justice.

The Government agreed that: in September and the first nine months, the socio-economic performance continued to be positive. The national economy has gradually recovered with the GDP expanding from 4.76% in the first quarter to 5% in second quarter, 5.54% in the third quarter; and 5.14% on average in January-September period. The macro-economy was stable and inflation was put under control; interest rates were on the decline; foreign exchange rate and foreign currency market were stable. Exports maintained growth pace, higher than the preset target, posting a year-on-year increase 15.7%. Imports kept increasing and trade deficit was low. Registered and disbursed foreign direct investment (FDI) was high in the first nine months, standing at US$15 billion and US $8.62 billion or up 36.1% and 6.4%, respectively, against the same period last year. Industrial and agricultural production has shown signs of recovery, with the industrial production index rising 5.4% and agricultural-forest-aquaculture production value climbing 2.7% in the first nine months. Tourism and service sectors obtained satisfactory results. In the first nine months, the number of international tourists visiting Viet Nam reached 5.5 million or up 9.9%. Total retail sale of goods and services was estimated to increase 12.5% against the same period last year. Social security and welfare, particularly the enforcement of policies to back people with meritorious contributions to the revolutions and policy beneficiaries, were basically guaranteed. The sectors such as information-communication, culture-sports, science, technology, education and training received due attention. The administrative reform, settlement of complaints and denunciations, anti-corruption, thrift practice and anti-wastefulness were continually strengthened. Traffic jam in big cities was basically solved; traffic accidents under control against the same period last year. Social evil prevention was strengthened and offenders were strictly punished. The rate of HIV carriers reduced remarkably against the same period last year. Political security and social order and safety were maintained. The prevention and fighting of crimes were strengthened. Foreign affairs obtained many outstanding achievements.

Nevertheless, there remain difficulties and challenges to the socio-economic performance, including unstable macro-economy. Inflation pressure still remains huge for the rest of the year. Non-performing loans of credit organizations were slowly addressed. Credit growth was low. Businesses still faced with many difficulties. Budget collection was lower than schedule. Tax revenue loss occurred commonly. Life of a proportion of people still was still difficult. Natural disasters and epidemics occurred complicatedly. The realization of Government’s issued mechanisms and policies remained slow.

The Government tasks ministries, agencies and localities to persistently pursue the preset goals of economic stabilization and inflation curbing while focusing on realizing tasks and measures enshrined in the Resolution No. 01/NQ-CP and Resolution No. 02/NQ-CP dated on January 7, 2013, resolutions adopted at Government’s regular meetings and regulatory documents promulgated by the Government and the Prime Minister, and quickly realize the following tasks and measures:

- Ministries and agencies shall take concrete measures to timely solve difficulties against enterprises and support them to expand consumption market.




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

- The Ministry of Finance shall take the prime responsibility and collaborate with other ministries, agencies and localities to effectively implement Prime Minister’s Directive No. 09/CT-TTg, dated May 24, 2013 on strengthening the direction and management in implementing State budget – financial tasks in 2013; strengthen management over budget collection, review and inspect enterprises’ tax declaration and payment in order to avoid tax revenue losses; strictly deal with tax evasion, value added tax declaration and refund cheats; strictly control regular expenses; cut down unnecessary and non-urgent expenditure items, ensure the top targets of inflation control, macro-economic stabilization and State-budget balance; strictly control prices of milk powder in accordance with regulations of the Law on Pricing; put prices of petrol and oil in operation under the market rules and in accordance with the happenings of the world petrol and oil price.

- The Ministry of Planning and Investment (MoPI) shall take prime responsibility and coordinate with other ministries, agencies and localities to push up the mobilization of domestic and foreign resources for investment and socio-economic development; focus on reviewing to select effective ODA programs and projects in accordance with development targets; prioritize corresponding capital for ODA and PPP (Public Private Partnership) programs and projects; quickly recommend the Government to issue Decree on medium-term investment as the legal foundation for orientation, allocation, management and use of public investment capital.

- The Ministry of Industry and Trade shall chair and collaborate with other ministries, agencies and localities to boost trade promotion, consolidate and expand export markets; speed up the signing of trade agreements which are under negotiation with partners; design plans on providing information regarding the contents and roadmaps undertaken by Viet Nam side, particularly impacts upon Viet Nam’s joining in Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP); enhance imported goods inspection and control, prevent smuggling and trade fraud, counterfeit and disqualified goods; strengthen the application of technical measures to protect the market and support domestic enterprises; actively prepare plans of fully supplying necessary goods, particularly food and foodstuff to avoid price increase at the year-end and meet consumption demand during the coming Lunar New Year.

- The Ministry of Transport shall enhance inspection, supervision and management of and seriously punish overloaded vehicles, contributing to the protection of traffic works; supply drastic guidance to ensure the schedule of key traffic projects. The People’s Committees of provinces and cities shall focus on removing difficulties, speeding up site clearance for key traffic projects.

- The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall collaborate with the People’s Committees of provinces and cities to seize damages caused by natural disasters, quickly help victims stabilize their life and production activities; strengthen natural disaster forecasts and response; well prevent animal and plant diseases; collaborate with ministries, agencies and localities to introduce policies to stabilize life of people who freely have migrated to the Central Highlands; effectively carry out the Project on restructuring agriculture, focusing on high value-added sectors and products to speed up growth and concurrently increase employment and income of farmers; step up the implementation of the Program on building new rural model; introduce reasonable assistance policies for production, farming and breeding; ensure supply of livestock and poultry in the last months of the year.

- The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs shall collaborate with other ministries, agencies and localities continues to synchronously and effectively implement policies on social security and social welfare, and national target programs on poverty reduction and job generation; boost cooperation of labor export to traditional markets such as the Republic of Korea and Japan while seeking new labor markets; timely introduce assistance policies in order to avoid the happening of poverty to people in remote and difficult areas, minority ethnic groups and areas damaged by natural disasters.

- The Ministry of Health, the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee, the Ha Noi People’s Committee and relevant agencies shall focus on realizing the Prime Minister’s guidance at Notice No. 346/TB-VPCP to reduce hospital overload while improving the quality of medical examination and treatment; strictly control prices of medicines and healthcare services; further preventive medicine and check food hygiene and safety, particularly imported food.

- The Ministry of Home Affairs shall work with other ministries, ministerial-level agencies, provinces and centrally-run cities to speed up, supervise and inspect the implementation of tasks enshrined in the issued plans for administrative reform and reform of public duty and civil servant regimes; publicize administrative reform index in 2012 of ministries, ministerial- level agencies and People’s Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities.

- The Government Inspectorate and local leaders under their competence shall focus on solving outstanding and prolonged complaints and denunciations and newly-arisen cases; well organize citizen reception, well handle petitions, claims and accusations in accordance with legal regulations; monitor and inspect the implementation of decisions on solving complaints and denunciations; further inspect, seize and detect corruptive behaviors.




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

- The Ministry of Information and Communications shall direct information dissemination in accordance with the guidelines and policies of the Party and State in order to build social consensus and promote strength of the whole political system in the implementation of the set targets. State authorities at all levels shall be active in providing accurate, timely and objective information on related issues while exchanging and receiving public feedback for proper explanations or adjustments.

2. Regarding the proposed orientations for Government bonds issuance and use in the 2014-2016 period and proposed plan for 2014, presented by the Minister of Planning and Investment.

The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall chair and collaborate with the Ministry of Finance and relevant agencies, on the basis of the Politburo’s Conclusion on the guideline of Government bonds issuance, to summarize the Cabinet members’ ideas and finalize a Report on orientations for Government bonds issuance and use in the 2014-2016 period and plan for 2014 while preparing detailed allocation plan in the compliance with principles of management and decentralization of State budget and Government bonds as set forth in Directive No. 1792/CT-TTg dated on October 15, 2011, then report to the Prime Minister before submitting to the National Assembly.

The Ministry of Finance shall chair and collaborate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment to collect the Cabinet members’ ideas, finalize the Report on evaluation of State budget performance in 2013 and budget estimate in 2014 in the direction that total development investment capital sourced from State budget and Government bonds for 2014 shall not be lower than the estimated volume for 2013 and public debt shall not exceed safe limit. The Minister of Finance, authorized by the Prime Minister and on behalf of the Government, shall submit it to the 6th session of the 13th National Assembly.

3. Regarding the implementation of Master Plan on Economic Restructuring, presented by the Minister of Planning and Investment

The Government agreed that restructuring the economy in combination with transformation of growth model is a long-term process which has been carried out in many recent years.

Particularly, since the Master Plan on Economic Restructuring was approved by the Prime Minister, three key sectors of economic restructuring, namely public investment, State-owned groups and corporations, and credit organizations have achieved initial important results. The implementation of this plan should be further sped up in the coming time. However, this task is complicated, long term and requires suitable steps.

The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall chair and work with other ministries and relevant agencies to collect ideas of the Cabinet members and base on the conclusion issued at the 11th Party Central Committee’s 8th Plenum on evaluation of the implementation of Resolution of 11th National Party Congress, then finalize the Report. The Minister of Planning and Investment, authorized by the Prime Minister and on behalf of the Government, shall submit it to the 6th session of the 13th National Assembly.

4. Regarding registration fee for automobiles bearing diplomatic and foreign registration plates that are transferred to domestic organizations and individuals, presented by the Minister of Finance.




Bạn phải đăng nhập hoặc đăng ký Thành Viên TVPL Pro để sử dụng được đầy đủ các tiện ích gia tăng liên quan đến nội dung TCVN.

Mọi chi tiết xin liên hệ: ĐT: (028) 3930 3279 DĐ: 0906 22 99 66

The Ministry of Public Security shall guide the withdrawal of expired diplomatic and foreign registration plates./.




Nguyen Tan Dung