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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No: 161/2006/QD-TTg

Hanoi, July 10, 2006





Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
At the proposal of the People's Committee of Dak Nong province in Report No. 1697/TTr-UBND of August 31, 2005, and Report No. 26/TTr-UBND of January 6, 2006;
At the proposal of the Planning and Investment Ministry in Official Letter No. 1533/BKH-TD&GSDT of March 10, 2006, on the master plan on socio-economic development of Dak Nong province up to 2020,


Article 1.- To approve the master plan on socio-economic development of Dak Nong province up to 2020, with the following principal contents:


The master plan on socio-economic development of Dak Nong province up to 2020 shall conform with the national socio-economic development strategy; ensure the relationship between economic growth and proper settlement of social problems, especially hunger eradication and poverty reduction, assurance of social justice and national unity; between production development and outlet expansion; between economic development and security and defense maintenance; and between sustainable development and environmental protection.




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To encourage all economic sectors to develop production and business, mobilize to the utmost internal resources and attract external resources.

To invest in comprehensively developing and basically completing the important socio-economic infrastructures in the province in the planned period.

To raise the quality of human resources. To develop education, elevate the people's intellectual standards, and intensify professional, technical and job training for laborers.


1. Economically:

- To strive for the average annual GDP growth rate of 15.63% in the 2006-2010 period (of which industry-construction will grow 45.22%; agriculture, 5.67% and service, 17%); 16% in the 2011-2015 period (of which industry-construction will grow 25%; agriculture, 5.0% and service, 17.66%); and 15.6% in the 2016-2020 period (of which industry-construction will grow 20%; agriculture, 4.5% and service, 15.68%).

- The economy shall be vigorously restructured in the direction of increasing the industry and service ratio. By 2015, the province's economic structure shall be industry-service-agriculture and forestry. The ratio of industry in GDP shall increase from 17.8% in 2005 to 48.6% by 2010, 60.3% by 2015 and 66.3% by 2020. The service ratio shall reach 22.5% by 2010, 22.8% by 2015 and 23.8% by 2020. The agriculture ratio in GDP shall be 28.9% by 2010, 16.9% by 2015 and around 9.9% by 2020.

- Average per-capita GDP shall reach VND 14.3 million by 2010, VND 30.4 million by 2015 and VND 66 million by 2020. The per-capita GDP gap between the province and the whole country shall be narrowed down with the province's per-capita GDP equal to 58% of that of the whole country in 2005, 90% by 2010 and 163% by 2020.

b/ Socially:




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- The rate of poor households shall be reduced to 15-16% by 2010 and equal to the national average by 2020. To bring the rate of poor households in ethnic minority areas down to the province's average.

- By 2010, to reduce the rate of malnourished children to 22%; 85% of the population shall have access to clean water and every 10,000 people shall have 6 medical doctors. By 2020, the rate of malnourished children shall drop to 10%, 100% of the population shall have access to clean water and every 10,000 people shall have 8 medical doctors.

- By 2010, to complete the universalization of lower secondary education, 30% of school-age children shall be enrolled in higher secondary schools and 50% of primary schools shall attain national standards. By 2020, 75% of school-age children shall be enrolled in higher secondary schools and 80% of primary schools shall attain national standards.

- By 2010, 80% of the families; 60% of the villages and hamlets; 90% of the agencies and units and 30% of the communes, wards and townships shall meet the cultural standards. By 2020, 100% of the families, 80% of the villages and hamlets, 100% of the agencies and units, and 60% of the communes, wards and townships shall meet the cultural standards.

- To consolidate the defense system, continue building and consolidating the all-people defense and the people's security disposition, ensure the social order and safety, and uphold the socialist legislation.


1. Agriculture, forestry and fishery

To develop agriculture in the direction of commodity production, combining the planning on specialized and concentrated production areas with the increasing use of drought-resistant plant varieties which require little watering, thus ensuring sufficient supply of raw materials for processing industry and export. To concentrate on developing such plants as rubber, cashew, pepper, fruit trees, hybrid maize, and some other plants, including cacao, cotton, sugarcane, cassava, soybean and silkworm mulberry.

To vigorously develop the raising of such cattle as buffaloes, cows and goats. To step by step develop farms for industrialized and concentrated husbandry. To encourage all economic sectors to revamp ponds, lakes and other water surface areas for aquaculture.




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To prioritize and intensify investment in irrigation, build more reservoirs and dams to ensure proactive and sufficient supply of water for agricultural production and heighten the land use coefficient.

To develop handicraft and cottage industries and assorted services for agricultural production.

To attach importance to the search and expansion of outlets for farm produce. To encourage the contractual sale of farm produce and stabilize areas producing raw materials for farm produce-processing factories. To build up close links between farmers, scientists, entrepreneurs and the State.

By 2010, the ratio of cultivation in the value structure of agricultural production shall be reduced to 84.5%, while husbandry and service shall rise to 10.2% and 5.3% respectively. By 2020, the above-said ratios shall be 77.8%, 16.3% and 5.9%, respectively.

To protect and properly develop the existing forest areas, especially strategic protective forests, Nam Nung and Ta Dung nature conservation zones, and Dray Sap scenic place. To combine forest protection with forest zoning and regeneration and enrichment of natural forests.

To step up forestation and concentrate on developing raw material forests. To convert poor and depleted forest and inefficient production forest areas into areas for perennial industrial plants and fruit trees, and increase the forest coverage to 61% by 2020.

2. Industry, cottage industry and handicraft

To concentrate investment in selective development of the province's industries with advantages, which can meet the market demands and environmental protection requirements. To maintain a high industrial growth rate in parallel with higher product quality and production efficiency. In the immediate future, to concentrate on developing industries of processing agricultural and forest products for the domestic market and export; to develop the production of construction materials and accelerate the construction progress of hydropower plants.

To organize the execution of investment projects on extraction of bauxite ore and processing of aluminous ore, thus creating a breakthrough in the province's industrial and socio-economic development.




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To formulate and perfect mechanisms and policies to mobilize all resources at home and abroad for industrial development investment.

To promote the development of medium- and small-sized industrial establishments, develop cottage industry and handicrafts and rural trade villages, especially traditional trade villages in ethnic minority areas. To form industrial spots and trade villages in townships and commune centers.

3. Trade and service

- Trade: To develop trade in the direction of fully tapping and well serving the province's market and in combination with boosting the goods circulation and economic exchange with other provinces throughout the country, especially with provinces in the South and Central Vietnam. To intensify trade promotion activities to expand the export market, striving for an annual export value increase of over 10%.

To concentrate on vigorously developing trade infrastructures, attaching importance to upgrading and expanding the network of rural marketplaces, step by step building and solidifying trade and service centers in district, commune cluster and sub-regional centers. In the immediate future, to build Gia Nghia market into a modern trade and service center of the province.

To vigorously develop border-gate economy. To form two border-gate economic zones of Bu Prang and Dak Per as planned.

- Service

To raise the quality of financial, banking, post and telecommunications and transport services. To promote technology transfer, agriculture and forestry extension services.

To promote investment in raising transport capacity in terms of scale and quality. To satisfy the people's travel needs and the economy's cargo transport demand.




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- Tourism

To associate tourist development with the province's folk culture and natural landscapes and the formation of tourist routes linking to the Central Highlands and Central Vietnam provinces. To study the opening of Phnom Penh ' Dak Nong ' Ho Chi Minh City international tourist route.

To concentrate on investment in the development of products of ecological, cultural and landscape tourism; to build cultural and tourist villages of M'Nong and Ma people; to research into the fine traditional rituals and festivals in the province for conservation and promotion.

To build traffic, power and water supply infrastructures in service of tourism. To build accommodations-providing establishments, restaurants and hotels.

4. Protection of ecological environment and prevention and combat of natural disasters

To enhance the environmental management and protection; to encourage the use of preparations and production technologies that cause little pollution. To properly treat waste and improve the population's awareness of forest fire prevention and fight, and build green, clean and beautiful urban centers. To prevent and mitigate natural disasters with the building of regulatory works combined with other solutions. To concentrate on protection of land, forest, water and mineral resources and natural beauty spots and scenic places for tourism.

5. Orientations for development of social domains

a/ Population, labor, employment and poverty reduction

To well implement the national program on population growth and family planning, reducing the annual birth rate by 0.1-0.11%. To gradually redistribute population in geographical areas for economic development associated with defense and border security maintenance. To increase the working time use rate in rural areas to 85-90%.




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To continue implementing the hunger eradication and poverty reduction programs. To gradually elevate living standards of households which have gotten out of poverty and keep them from falling back into poverty. To strive for an annual poverty reduction rate of 5- 7%.

b/ Education and training

By 2010, to perfect the system of pre-school education establishments in all communes; 100% of the schools shall be solidly built; to sustain the universalization of primary education and fight the relapse into illiteracy across the province.

To step up the socialization of education and training, and encourage the establishment of non-public educational institutions. To establish a community college, professional intermediate schools and a number of job-training establishments.

c/ Health and people's health care

By 2010, to strive for the targets that 80% of the communes shall attain the national health standards, every 10,000 people shall have 6 medical doctors and 15 patient beds; and expanded vaccination shall be provided to 100% of children of the targeted age group.

By 2020, every 10,000 people shall have 8 medical doctors and 18 patient beds and 100% of the communes shall attain the national health standards.

To step up the socialization of health care, encourage the opening of private hospitals and clinics, in-house doctors and high-class medical examination and treatment establishments. To promote the development and raise the quality of medical insurance. To step by step switch public hospitals to operate under the mechanism of service provision.

d/ Culture, information, communication, physical training and sports




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To develop the information, radio, television and press network to communes, townships, villages and hamlets. To intensify investment in infrastructures for the province's culture and information sector, radio and television stations. To strive for the target that by 2010, 100% of the communes shall have their public-address stations and be covered with radio and television waves.

To launch and develop the physical training and sport movement to the grassroots and boost the mass physical training and sport movement. To plan and build places for cultural and sport activities as well as stadiums in the province. To build the provincial sport center in Gia Nghia town.

6. Defense and security

To firmly safeguard the sovereignty and territorial integrity, ensure political stability, maintain social order and safety, contributing to successful performance of the socio-economic development tasks. To continue consolidating the all-people defense and people's security disposition.

To build a borderline of peace, friendship, cooperation and long-term stability with Mondulkiri province (the Kingdom of Cambodia). To plan and build infrastructures associated with the redistribution of population in the direction of combining the socio-economic development with defense and security maintenance along the borderline.

7. Development of infrastructures

a/ Communication network

By 2020, to complete the construction of an interconnected communication network convenient for cargo transportation and people's travel.

- To build and upgrade national-highway sections running through the province: Ho Chi Minh Road (phase II); national highways 14, 14 C and 28.




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To upgrade the roads leading to Bu Prang and Dal Per border-gates and other provincial roads leading to the border. To form transversal roads linking national highways 14, 14C, 27 and 28. To open a number of roads running through new districts, linking the province's districts with neighboring areas.

- Commune roads: By 2020, motorways accessible all year round to all communes shall have been built. To asphalt or concrete roads to commune centers.

- Urban communication: To concentrate investment in planning and building the communication network in Gia Nghia town. By 2010, to asphalt 100% of the town's roads with complete pavements and water drainage systems. Sections of national highways and provincial roads running through district townships shall be broadened to four motor lanes. To build passenger car and truck terminals, and plan public car parks.

b/ Power supply network

To expand the power supply network, especially to rural areas. To build a number of hydropower plants. By 2020, 100% of households shall be supplied with electricity. To invest in building medium-voltage transformer stations in districts. To renovate the power grids of Gia Nghia town and district capitals, and build the urban lighting system.

c/ Irrigation system

To concentrate on building reservoirs on rivers and streams for proactive water regulation, and build pumping stations along big rivers. To prioritize the building of the group of reservoirs in the center of Gia Nghia town, Dak Ro-Krong No and Dak Dier-Cu Jut irrigation systems, small-sized irrigation works in the basin of Da Nong stream, and Krong No-Cu Jut inter-district small-sized irrigation works. To strive for the target that by 2010 and 2020, 60% and over 80% of land areas requiring irrigation shall be sufficiently supplied with water.

d/ Expansion of the clean water supply system

To strive for the target that by 2020, 100% of the population shall be supplied with clean water. To raise the output of the water plant in Gia Nghia town to 25,000 m3 per day. To build a number of water plants for district capitals where exist no water plants. With regard to rural daily-life water, to install a water exploitation and treatment system for supply of water up to clean water standard.




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To intensify investment in information technology infrastructures in the direction of making "a short-cut to development." To prepare necessary conditions for the realization of an e-Government and e-commercial transactions.

To modernize the post and telecommunications network. To step by step automate, digitalize and synchronize the communication network and diversify types of service. To develop the post and telecommunications network to all areas in the province. To strive for the target that by 2010, 100% of the communes shall have post offices and every 100 people shall have 7-8 telephone sets; and by 2020, every 100 people shall have around 15 telephone sets.


1. Orientations for planning of administrative boundaries

- Before 2010:

+ To divide Dak R'Lap district into Dak R'Lap district and Tuy Duc district.

- After 2010:

+ To divide Krong No district into Krong No district and Duc Xuyen district (including also Quang Son commune of Dak GLong district).

+ To divide Dak Mil district into Duc Lap provincial town and Dak Mil district.




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+ By 2020, Gia Nghia town shall become a grade-III provincial city.

2. Orientations for urban development

By 2020, the urban network of Dak Nong province shall consist of 13 urban centers, including 1 city being the provincial capital, 2 provincial towns being sub-regional centers and 10 townships (8 townships being district capitals and 2 townships being commune cluster centers).

- To concentrate investment in perfecting infrastructures of Gia Nghia town commensurate with its status as a provincial city, with its architecture compatible with the local landscape and culture and developed after the model of a green, clean, beautiful and civilized urban center.

- To invest in expanding the existing district capitals such as Ea T'linh, Dak Mam, Dak Mil, Dak Song and Kien Duc. To upgrade and perfect infrastructures of townships in order to develop them into urban centers of sub-regions.

- To form and build a number of new townships being centers of newly divided districts and commune clusters.

3. Development of sub-regions

- The northern sub-region which consists of Duc Lap town, Dak Mil, Cu Jut, Krong No and Duc Xuyen districts (new districts).

Development orientations: To practice the intensive wet-rice farming and form the province's key food crop area. To develop short-term and perennial industrial plants. To intensify tourist activities and promote trade and service activities. To invest in exploiting Dak Per border-gate, and expand economic cooperation with the districts bordering on Cambodia. To plan Duc Lap town as the center of the sub-region.




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Development orientations: To invest in strongly developing industry. To intensify the investment in building infrastructures of industrial parks. To build Gia Nghia trade center and develop Gia Nghia town into the province's key tourist site.

- The southern (western) sub-region which consists of Kien Duc town and Dak R'Lap and Tuy Duc districts.

Development orientations: To step up the efficient exploitation and use of land and forests. To develop agriculture in the direction of commodity production. To attract resources for developing agricultural and forest product processing industries, mechanical engineering for machinery repair, quarrying, and building hydropower plants; to develop trade and services.


- To make a positive change of breakthrough nature in the efficient exploitation and use of agricultural and forestry land; to accelerate the assignment of land and forests to people; to organize the agriculture and forestry extension and provide supports to local people for stabilizing production.

- To promote the development of bauxite extraction and aluminous ore processing industries. To build hydropower plants. To develop construction material production and wood processing industries. To strongly develop the border-gate economy.

- To develop high-quality human resources and build up scientific and technological potentials.

- To build Gia Nghia town into a provincial city by 2020; to upgrade national highways 14, 14C and 28, provincial roads and rural roads, and build irrigation works, clean water supply works, tourist infrastructures and industrial parks.

- Projects prioritized for investment (see attached Appendix).




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1. Building strong administrations at all levels:

To accelerate the administrative reform, raise the capability of the contingent of cadres and civil servants, clearly define powers of agencies, enhance the administrative discipline, combat authoritarianism and corruption and assure the people's mastery. This is an extremely important solution to raising the effectiveness of socio-economic management by administrations at all levels, and creating a favorable environment for attracting resources for development investment.

2. Mobilizing investment capital:

- The state budget capital sources: Apart from capital sources invested in centrally-run projects in the province, the province shall use capital sources allocated by the central budget as supports for building infrastructures, irrigation works and daily-life water supply works, and expanding rural road networks and power grids.

- Other capital sources: These capital sources shall be concentrated on developing production and executing projects on development of spearhead and key industries turning out commodity products.

- External capital sources: To get access to assistance of domestic and foreign organizations for investment in key programs and projects, with priority given to rural infrastructures, especially for poor communes and areas with exceptionally difficult conditions.

- To adopt mechanisms and policies to mobilize and encourage all economic sectors to invest their capital in economic development, especially development of production and business in rural areas.

- To step up the socialization of education and training, health care, culture and information, physical training and sport domains in order to mobilize all social resources for investment in the development of such domains.

3. Planning solution:




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4. Renewing, reorganizing and developing all economic sectors:

To well implement the Enterprise Law; to solve financial difficulties of enterprises; to reorganize the production of state-run forestry farms. To study and promulgate a number of preferential policies for development of some key industries; to perfect the industrial development policies, create a favorable environment for attracting investors. To encourage private enterprises to develop.

5. Adopting scientific and technological development and environmental protection policies:

To intensify the application of scientific and technological advances to industrial and agricultural production, construction and service provision; to raise the quality of technology training and transfer, and efficiently employ the contingent of scientific and technical personnel. To attach importance to environmental protection and ecological balance maintenance, thus ensuring sustainable socio-economic development.

6. Adopting human resource development policies:

To attach importance to the cause of education, training and raising of people's intellectual standards; to work out plans on training workforce in line with orientations for development of production and business lines; to raise the efficiency of human employment and create motive forces for humans to bring into play their strengths and intellects in their work. To elaborate planning and plans on training and retraining of the contingent of state officials and civil servants in order to step by step raise its quality.

7. Enhancing cooperation with other provinces and expanding markets

To enhance economic cooperation with other localities throughout the country, especially with Ho Chi Minh City, and formulate specific mechanisms to call for investment in Dak Nong; to elaborate programs on mobilization of ODA and FDI capital sources for prioritized investment in the development of urban and rural infrastructures, health care, education, hunger eradication and poverty reduction.

To pay attention to expanding markets inside and outside the province. To raise the quality and diversify the models of products, enhance competitiveness and expand markets in a stable manner. To intensify the advertisement and branding of export products.




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Article 3.- The People's Committee of Dak Nong province shall base itself on the province's socio-economic development objectives, tasks and orientations stated in the master plan to assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned ministries and branches in, directing the elaboration, submission for approval and implementation of the following contents according to regulations:

- Elaborating a planning on socio-economic development of districts and towns, a planning on development of the system of urban centers and population quarters, a construction planning, land use planning and plan, branch and domain development plannings, with a view to ensuring comprehensive and coordinated development.

- Studying, formulating, promulgating or submitting to competent state agencies for promulgation a number of mechanisms and policies in compliance with the province's development requirements in each period in order to attract and mobilize resources for the implementation of the master plan.

- Drawing up long-term, medium-term and short-term plans, key development programs and specific projects for concentrated investment or incremental and reasonable priority investment.

- Submitting to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision amendments to this master plan which are timely and suitable to the province's socio-economic development in each plan period.

Article 4.- The concerned ministries and central branches are hereby assigned to assist the People's Committee of Dak Nong province in studying and formulating the above-said plannings; study, formulate and submit to competent authorities mechanisms and policies in response to the province's socio-economic development requirements in each period. To step up investment in and execution of projects which are of inter-regional impact and significant to the province's development for which investment decisions have been made. To study and submit to competent authorities for approval adjustments and amendments to branch development plannings and investment plans of investment projects stated in the master plan. To assist the province in seeking and arranging domestic and foreign investment capital for implementing the master plan.

Article 5.- This Decision takes effect 15 days after its publication in "CONG BAO."

Article 6.- The president of the People's Committee of Dak Nong province, ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, and heads of Government-attached agencies shall have to implement this Decision.





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(Promulgated together with the Prime Ministers Decision No. 161/2006/QD-TTg of July 10, 2006)


1. Bauxite extraction (Dak RLap district);

2. Tau Srah hydropower plant (Krong No district);

3. Dak RTih hydropower plant (Dak RLap district);

4. Duc Xuyen hydropower plant (Krong No district);




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6. Attraction of industrial projects into Dak Ha-Dak Nia industrial complex;

7. Attraction of industrial projects into Tam Thang industrial park;

8. Attraction of industrial projects into district industrial complexes.


1. Project on high-yield rice area (Krong No district);

2. Project on concentrated coffee area (Dak Mil and Dak RLap districts);

3. Project on concentrated rubber area (Dak RLap district);

4. Project on planting of raw material cashew (Dak Mil and Dak RLap districts);

5. Project on concentrated cow farming (Dak Nong and Dak RLap districts);




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1. Construction programs and projects:

a/ Building of administrative quarters of the province, Gia Nghia town and newly divided or newly established districts;

b/ Building of technical infrastructures of the northeastern urban population quarter in Gia Nghia town;

c/ Building of Sung Duc urban population quarter in Gia Nghia town;

d/ Building of technical infrastructures of Tam Thang, Nhan Co and Dak Ha industrial parks (Cu Jut and Dak RLap districts).

2. Irrigation programs and projects:

a/ Building of a reservoir at the center of Gia Nghia urban center (Gia Nghia town);

b/ Building of Dak Ro irrigation reservoir (Krong No district);




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3. Communication programs and projects:

a/ Upgrading of national highway 28 (phase II the section running through the province);

b/ Ho Chi Minh Road (phase II the section running through the province);

c/ Renovation and upgrading of axial roads in Gia Nghia urban center (Gia Nghia town);

d/ Renovation and upgrading of provincial road 4;

e/ Building of a road linking national highway 28 with provincial road 4;

f/ Building of roads leading to Bu Prang and Dak Per border-gates and roads along the border;

g/ Building of rural roads;

h/ Building of Dak Nong-Chon Thanh-Di An-Thi Vai railway.




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1. Building of the provinces trade center (Gia Nghia town);

2. Building of Dak Per border-gate economic zone (Dak Mil district);

3. Building of Bu Prang border-gate market (Dak RLap district);

4. Building of Dak NTao eco-tourist resort (Dak Song district);

5. Building of a cultural village of Mnong people (Dak Song district);

6. Building of Lieng Nung ecological-cultural tourist resort;

7. Building of an eco-tourist resort in Gau and Gam waterfalls RBout highland;

8. Building of an eco-tourist resort in Dray Sap, Gia Long and Trinh Nu waterfalls (Cu Jut and Krong No districts);

9. Building of a tourist resort in Ea SNo lake (Krong No district);




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11. Building of an eco-tourist resort in Dak RLung waterfall (Dak RLap district);

12. Building of Ho Tay tourist resort (Dak Mil district).


1. Development of rural infrastructures, poverty reduction and job generation;

2. Program on health care development;

3. Program on education and training development;

4. Program on water supply and drainage and environmental hygiene;

5. Public-utility works.

* Note: The locations, land areas and total capital amounts of the above-listed projects will be calculated, selected and specifically determined at the stage of formulation and submission for approval of investment projects, depending on the demands for and capabilities of balancing and mobilizing investment capital in each period.