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Independence - Freedom - Happiness

No: 251/2006/QD-TTg

Hanoi, October 31, 2006





Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
At the proposal of the People's Committee of Khanh Hoa province in Report No. 4650/TT-UBND of October 11, 2005, and Report No. 2314/UBND-SKHDT of May 8, 2006, and the opinions of the Ministry of Planning and Investment in Official Letter No. 5696/BKH-DT&GSDT of August 3, 2006 on the overall planning on socio-economic development of Khanh Hoa province up to 2020,


Article 1.- To approve the overall planning on socio-economic development of Khanh Hoa province up to 2020 with the following major contents:


The overall planning on socio-economic development of Khanh Hoa province up to 2020 ensures the principle of compatibility with the strategies on socio-economic development of the whole country and of Central Vietnam; aims to build Khanh Hoa into a center of southern Central Vietnam and the Central Highland; ensures the relationship between economic growth and satisfactory settlement of social issues, particularly employment, poverty rate reduction and handling of ethnic and religious affairs; between economic development and maintenance of security and defense, consolidation of political system and state administration as well as environmental protection.




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Socio-economic development is based on the promotion of the province's strengths and advantages; the maximum mobilization of internal resources in parallel with strong attraction of external resources, particularly investment capital, science and technology and market development. Economic sectors are encouraged to develop production and business.

To invest in comprehensive development in combination with the acceleration of urbanization and rural development; to gradually narrow the development gap between regions in the province.

To adopt the strategy on human development, raising people's intellectual levels and human resources' quality; to constantly improve and raise the living standards of people, particularly mountainous people and policy beneficiaries.


1. Economic development:

To maintain and accelerate the economic growth rate to be higher than the national average. The GDP growth rate achieves around 12%/year in the 2006-2010 period, about 12.5% in the 2011-2015 period and around 13%/year in the 2016-2020 period. The province's GDP (at the 1994 comparative prices) reaches VND 13,226 billion by 2010; VND 23,834 billion by 2015 and VND 43,913 billion by 2020. The per-capita GDP (at the current prices) reaches VND 19.477 million by 2010, VND 32.777 million by 2015 and VND 56.71 million by 2020.

The economy is quickly restructured in the direction of increasing the service and industrial ratios. The economic structure in 2010 will be industry-construction: 43.5%; agriculture-forestry-fishery: 13%; services: 43.5%; in 2015 it will be: industry-construction: 45%; agriculture-forestry-fishery: 8% and services: 47%; and in 2020, it will be: industry-construction: 47%; agriculture-forestry-fishery: 6% and services: 47%.

The state budget remittance rate will represent about 22% of the GDP in the 2006-2010 period; about 22-23% of the GDP in the 2011-2015 period; and about 24% of the GDP in the 2016-2020 period.

The export turnover rises 18%/year on average in the 2006-2010 period, 15-16%/year in the 2011-2020 period. To strive for an export turnover of USD 1 billion by 2010 and around USD 3.2-3.5 billion by 2020.




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2. Social development:

The population growth rate will be 1.6-1.7% in the 2006-2010 period and 1.4-1.5% in the 2011-2020 period. To create jobs and reduce the urban unemployment rate to 4.2% by 2010 and under 4% by 2020, and raise the rate of using the working time in rural areas.

To strive to achieve by 2020 the urbanization rate of 68.5-70%, the non-agricultural labor rate of around 70%; and the grade-I city standards for average per-capita income, economic structure and socio-economic infrastructure.

To step up the national cultural and medical programs, raise the quality of education, complete the lower secondary education universalization. To socialize education, increase investment in schools and classrooms and diversify training forms. To raise the quality of labor force, raising the rate of trained laborers to 40% by 2010, around 60-70% by 2020. By 2010, 80% of trained laborers are employed and the poverty rate drops to below 3%.

3. Environmental protection:

To efficiently prevent environmental pollution, preserving the marine and coastal environment in order to develop tourism. To improve the environment quality, ensuring hygienic water sources and by 2010, around 96% of the population are supplied with clean water, 100% of daily-life waste are collected and treated and 100% of hazardous industrial waste and medical waste are managed and treated. To conserve and rationally use natural resources and protect biodiversity. To strengthen education, raise people's awareness of environmental protection. To enhance the environment management capability.


1. Tourist development

To develop tourism into an economic branch with important contributions to the province's economic development. To maintain the average tourist revenue growth rate of 16%/year and the average growth of 10%/year in the number of arrivals.




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2. To develop services: To mobilize all capabilities and resources for development of services. The average service growth rate achieves 13.8%/year in the 2006-2010 period; 13.1%/year in the 2011-2015 period and 12.8%/year in the 2016-2020 period, focusing on the development of the following key services:

- Transport service: To invest in construction of Van Phong international entrepot port, which can receive container ships of 4,000-6,000 TEU. The volume of cargo to be handled at the port reaches 500,000 TEU in the period before 2010, one million TEU in the period from 2010 on and around 4.5 million TEU by 2020. To expand and upgrade Cam Ranh airport into an international airport which can receive one million arrivals by 2010 and around 2 million arrivals by 2020.

- Commerce and export-import business: To develop commerce, to step by step conduct the modernization, ensure fast, convenient goods circulation, stimulating production to develop. To concentrate on consolidation of regional commercial network. To encourage all economic sectors to do business under market mechanism and law. To build modern trade-service centers in Nha Trang and Cam Ranh. To perfect the network of marketplaces, particularly the central marketplaces in Nha Trang city and districts. To form a wholesale market west of Nha Trang city. To build in each district 1-2 central and regional marketplaces, perfect the rural marketplace system. To restructure export in the direction of increasing the processed products of high added value. To study the planning on construction of an international commercial transaction center in Nha Trang city.

- Other services such as financial, banking, insurance, consultancy services, information and software technology, research into and transfer of scientific and technical advances, provision of technical supplies in service of agricultural production, etc.

3. To develop industries

To develop industries at high rates and in a stable manner. The annual average growth rate is 14% in the 2006-2010 period and 14.6% in the 2011-2020 period. Industries will be restructured in the direction of concentrating on strong development of 8 production lines: aquatic product processing; farm produce processing; forest product processing and production of handicraft fine-art articles; minerals exploitation and processing, production of building materials; textile and garment, garment accessories and footwear; production of beer and mineral water; mechanical engineering, electronics, sea-going ship building and repair; information technology and other industries. To strongly develop rural industries, traditional handicraft and cottage industry. To encourage enterprises to renew technologies, raise the managerial level, quickly raise the ratio of processed industrial products, raise the value of products.

From now till 2010, to form 5 industrial parks in the locality: Suoi Dau, Ninh Thuy, southern Cam Ranh, northern Cam Ranh and Van Ninh. To form a number of medium- or small-sized industrial parks of 40-50 ha each such as northern Hon Ong fishery logistical service zone and Dac Loc industrial park in Nha Trang city, Dien Phu industrial park in Dien Khanh district, Ninh Xuan industrial park in Ninh Hoa district, Song Cau industrial park in Khanh Vinh district.

4. Agriculture-forestry-fishery and natural disaster prevention and combat

- Agriculture: To invest in agricultural development in the direction of diversification of crops and animal husbandry; to combine it with processing industry and the outlets, suitable to the local practical conditions. To restructure the agricultural economy in the direction of raising the ratio of husbandry product value and increasing kinds of advantageous commodity farm produce of the province. To meet the food and foodstuff demands of local consumers and tourists.




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- Fishery: To continue investing in development of aquaculture and offshore fishing; to accelerate the investment in construction of fishery infrastructure. To tend and closely combine fishing development with aquatic resources protection. By 2010, the fishing output reaches 100,000- 110,000 tons and the aquaculture output reaches 30,000-35,000 tons. The total aquaculture area reaches around 5,000-5,500 ha.

- Natural disaster prevention and combat: To increase investment in material foundations and equipment in order to well perform the task of natural disaster forecasts and warning, modernize search and rescue equipment and overcome disaster consequences. To invest in planting of submerged forests, sand-shielding forests, in the construction of river and sea dykes and flood drainage systems.

5. Infrastructure construction

- Traffic:

+ Maritime and inland waterway: To build Van Phong international container entrepot port in Dam Mon lagoon area; to upgrade and expand Ba Ngoi port; to develop inland waterway ports and landing stages; to develop sea and inland waterway transport fleets.

+ Roads: To renovate and upgrade the national highway 1A section running through the province to grade-I delta technical standards. To expand the road from the foot of Co Ma pass to Dam Mon lagoon into a four-lane road. To divert the national highway 1A section in Cam Ranh provincial town to the west of the town. To build routes linking Cam Ranh provincial town with Cam Ranh peninsular and linking Cam Ranh airport with Nha Trang city (04 routes). To renovate and upgrade the national highway 26 section running through the province up to the grade-I delta road standards. To upgrade and renovate provincial roads 1A, 1B, 2, 3, 4, 4B, 5, 6, 7, 8B and 9 up to grade-IV road standards. To connect a number of district and communal roads into inter-district and inter-communal roads. To develop a modern urban traffic network in parallel with the development of rural traffic network. To build car terminals in district centers and urban areas.

+ Railways: To renovate and upgrade the Thong Nhat (North-South) railway route and stations in the locality. To conduct study in the direction that the existing Nha Trang station is used in service of passenger transportation and a new station will be built in Vinh Luong (Nha Trang) in service of cargo transportation. To build the railway route linking Van Phong international entrepot port to the Thong Nhat railway route, and build the train formation station in Tu Bong and a new station in Van Gia. To renovate and upgrade the railway route from Ba Ngoi to Nga Ba station, linking with the Thong Nhat railway route. To study the construction of a new station on the Thong Nhat railway section in Cam Nghia commune.

+ Airways: To continue constructing and upgrading Cam Ranh airport into an international airport.

- Electricity supply:




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- Water supply and drainage, garbage treatment and environmental sanitation:

To concentrate on the definite completion of works being under construction; to repair, upgrade and solidify the existing ones. To build new works, paying attention to linking water reservoirs with spillways and pumping stations in order to make the fullest use of natural water sources, raise the use efficiency of water sources. To complete and gradually solidify canal systems. To build water drainage systems and anti-salt water dykes and embankments.

To invest in the construction of the systems of water supply from Hoa Son reservoir to Van Phong gulf, from Suoi Dau and Cam Ranh reservoirs to Nha Trang and northern Cam Ranh provincial town; to consider the plan on cooperation with Phu Yen province in creating a large-scale water supply source from Ba river basin.

Daily-life water supply: By 2010, to reach the clean water standards for Nha Trang city: 150 liters/person/day; Cam Ranh provincial town: 120 liters/person/day; district towns: 100 liters/person/day; rural population areas: 60-80 liters/person/day. To upgrade Vo Canh water plant to reach an output of 100,000 m3/day.

+ For the region of northern districts: To invest in the construction of a number of key irrigation and water supply works such as Hoa Son, Tien Du, Ta Ruc, Song Can, Dong Dien Nam water reservoirs; post-hydroelectricity irrigating system of Ekrongru.

+ For Nha Trang and Dien Khanh areas: To complete the construction of Suoi Dau reservoir, continue building Dac Loc reservoir.

+ For the region of southern districts: To invest in upgrading and renovating the existing Cam Ranh water plant to reach an output of 6,000 m3/day. To build upper Cam Ranh reservoir and water plant No. 2 with the capacity of around 24,000 m3/day.

+ To develop rural clean water supply; by 2010, 100% of the urban population and 90% of the rural population are supplied with clean water.

- Water drainage and garbage collection and treatment:




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+ Garbage will be treated at hygienic burial sites with separate garbage treatment solutions taken by regions, depending on their respective characteristics.

- Upon planning on construction of urban centers and population areas, to reserve satisfactory land funds for expansion or construction of cemeteries and graveyards.

- Post and telecommunications, radio and television:

To modernize the provincial postal networks; to perfect the coastal and island information and communication networks. By 2010, to reach the average of 32-35 telephone sets/100 inhabitants; by 2020, to reach the average of 50 telephone sets/100 inhabitants. To invest in upgrading telephone switchboards. To develop new service forms. To modernize radio-television technology. By 2010, 100% of the communes are covered with radio-television broadcasts and 100% of the communes and wards have their own public-address systems.

6. Development of branches and social domains

- Population and labor:

+ Population development: To continue stepping up the population- family planning work. To combine rational population redistribution with economic restructuring; to raise the urban population rate to 59-60% by 2010 and 68.5-70% by 2020.

+ To actively settle the question of employment for urban and rural laborers, paying attention to trained laborers.

- Education and training:




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By 2010, informatics is taught at 40% of the general education schools with Internet connection, which will rise to 80% by 2020.

+ To invest in development of the systems of schools at different educational levels; to solidify schools and classrooms, upgrade and modernize material foundations and equipment up to the national standards. To invest in expansion of provincial- and district-level technical centers for vocational guidance practice in order to provide vocational education to upper secondary school pupils. To consolidate provincial boarding schools for ethnic minority pupils. To make full use of school material foundations to open classes, creating conditions for ethnic minority children in remote areas and difficulty-hit regions to further their schoolings. To renovate and build more continuing education centers. To set up community-based study centers of wards and communes, achieving the target that by 2010, 50% of the communes and wards have such centers.

+ To intensify investment in, and expand the scale of, vocational training. The rate of trained laborers will reach 35% by 2010 and 50-55% by 2020. And around 80% of the trained laborers will be employed by 2010.

+ By 2010, 80% of the public employees are trained and fostered to raise their professional qualifications. Annually, 20-30% of the grassroots administration officials are trained and fostered to raise their political theoretical levels as well as state management, legal, professional and informatics knowledge.

+ To upgrade the technical and professional secondary school into Khanh Hoa technology college. To invest in equipment and material foundations for medical, economic, cultural and art secondary schools. To establish the technical workers' school in Cam Ranh, the Khanh Hoa industrial secondary school. To invest in upgrading vocational training centers in districts and provincial towns. To form employment service centers. To intensify the socialization in the education and training domain.

- Healthcare and protection of people's health:

+ To consolidate and perfect the grassroots healthcare networks, creating conditions for everyone to access and be provided with the healthcare services. By 2010, 100% of the cities, districts and provincial towns will have their healthcare centers upgraded or newly built with appropriate scale; 100% of the commune clusters will have regional consultation clinics solidly built and fully equipped for medical examination and treatment; 100% of the communes and wards have health stations built up to the national standards; 100% of the villages, hamlets and street quarters have their own medical personnel.

+ By 2010, every 10,000 inhabitants will have 8 medical doctors and 1.5 pharmacist; the rate of malnourished under-5 children will be under 10%; the number of hospital beds will reach 24 beds/10,000 inhabitants. To reduce the rates of morbidity and mortality due to contagious diseases; to control epidemics to the lowest level. To efficiently prevent and control social diseases, occupational diseases and accidents.

+ To invest in construction of a provincial hospital of 700 beds; to study the investment in construction of obstetric, pediatric, traditional medicine and ophthalmologic hospitals and Bai dai tourist hospital; an international quarantine center, an environmental health and occupational disease center; to invest in upgrading the skin disease, tuberculosis, mental hospitals, Cam Ranh hospital, Ninh Hoa hospital; to upgrade provincial specialized hospitals; to study the construction of provincial medical school, upgrade the university of medicine and pharmacy. At the district level, 100% of the districts will have preventive medicine teams and teams for protection of mothers' and children's health and for family planning, furnished with necessary equipment. To enhance the socialization in the medical domain.




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+ To develop the grassroots cultural movements, well implementing the movement "All people unite together in building cultural life," expanding forms of cultural services. To diversify forms of cultural and information activities. To realize the program on television coverage of the whole province. To increase time volume for television broadcasts and raise the quality of programs of Khanh Hoa radio-television station.

By 2010, 95% of the agencies achieve the cultural standards, 100% of the population areas are covered with radio and television broadcasts; 60% of the villages and hamlets have their own cultural and information houses up to the national standards; 80% of the communes, wards, district townships have their own cultural and information houses up to the national standards. By 2020, 100% of the villages, hamlets, communes, wards, district townships have their own cultural and information houses up to the national standards. By 2010, a culture, information and trade fair center will be built in Nha Trang; To enhance the socialization in the culture-information domain.

+ To develop mass physical training and sports. To build and develop sports bearing the province's particular characters, to step by step invest in the training and development of high-achievement sports. To plan the development of material foundations and infrastructures in service of physical training and sports. To enhance the socialization in the physical training-sport domain.

- Science and technology, environmental protection:

+ To bring into full play and efficiently apply scientific-technological programs, apply technical advances and transfer technologies. To formulate mechanisms and policies to encourage scientific research, application of scientific advances and transfer of new technologies. To widely apply technology, equipment, electronic system, informatics to managerial work, education and training. To form and develop branches manufacturing, dealing in, or providing services on, a number of products in the domains of informatics, new materials, new energy, biotechnology, etc.

+ To sustainably develop the ecological agriculture. To protect and enrich the existing natural forests, to plant new forests and scattered trees. The expansion of aquaculture area must be in line with the province's general economic development plan. To control the use and treatment of chemicals containing environment pollutants in agriculture, forestry and fishery. To work out a general plan on rational use of water resources. To regularly and strictly supervise wastewater, waste and garbage treatment measures. To develop the enclosed VAC (garden-pond-animal stable) and RAC (field-pond-animal stable) production model; to attach importance to the treatment of agricultural waste. To enhance the management of environment and protection of biodiversity. To inherit and promote the outcome of the pilot Vietnam sea conservation zone project - Hon Mun project.

- To combine economic development with defense and security maintenance as well as political system consolidation:

To closely combine socio-economic development with defense- security maintenance as well as external activities, building the all-people defense posture and people security posture, people border-guard posture. To ensure close and synchronous coordination between defense, border-guard, police offices and provincial departments, services, branches, Front Committees and entire people, creating the integrated strength and building a political firm, economically rich, defense-security strong province. To concentrate on building a firm and strong political system, increasing the socio-economic, cultural, defense and security potentials.





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2. To invest in focal development.

- The Nha Trang city and its vicinity region.

- The Van Phong international entrepot port and general economic zone.

- The Cam Ranh economic zone.

3. The socio-economic development in mountainous region.


(See the enclosed appendix)


1. To build strong administrations at all levels




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2. Mobilization of investment capital

The province's investment capital demand in the 2006-2020 period is extremely great compared to its resources and balancing capability and the support from the central government. Therefore, the province should propose capital mobilization plan for each period, arrange and select projects with investment study priority, rationally phase out the investment and work out specific and practical solutions to the attraction of investment capital, ensuring the attainment of the set objectives.

- For the budget capital source: Apart from the sources of investment capital for centrally run projects in the locality, the province uses the source of central budget capital support for construction of essential socio-economic infrastructures, including irrigation works, daily-life water supply works, expansion of rural traffic networks and power grids.

- Within the framework of the land law, to take appropriate measures for the maximum mobilization of capital sources from land fund for development of urban centers, industries, handicrafts and cottage industry.

- For external capital sources: In parallel with the attraction of foreign direct investment capital, ODA capital sources should be mobilized for investment in key programs and projects, giving priority to rural infrastructure, attaching importance to investment in poor communes and difficulty-hit regions.

- To adopt mechanisms and policies to mobilize and encourage various economic sectors to invest capital in economic development, particularly production and business development in rural areas.

- To step up the socialization in the domains of education and training, healthcare, culture-information, physical training-sport, aiming to mobilize all social resources for investment in the development of these domains.

3. Planning solutions

To put the planning work in order, making it a powerful tool of the State in economic management. To decentralize the formulation, evaluation, approval, implementation and supervision of the planning. To invest according to planning and in suitability to the capability to balance capital and other resources.




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To well implement the Enterprise Law; remove difficulties for enterprises; to reorganize, renew the production and business activities of state enterprises. To study and promulgate a number of preferential policies on the development of a number of key branches, branches with advantage; to perfect the policy on industrial development, creating favorable and attractive environment for investment. To encourage and support non-state enterprises to develop particularly through ensuring the favorable legal environment and equality for them.

5. Science-technology and environmental protection policies

To step up the application of scientific and technical progress to industrial and agricultural production, construction and service sectors; to raise the quality of training, technology transfer, to efficiently employ the contingent of science and technical workers. To attach importance to environmental protection and ecological balance maintenance, sustainable socio-economic development.

6. Human resource development policies

To attach importance to education and training, raising the people's intellectual level; to work out plans on training of labor force suitable with orientations for development of production and business branches; to create motivation to encourage laborers to bring into full play their strength and intellect to raise the labor efficiency. To formulate planning and plans on training and fostering in order to step by step raise the quality of the contingent of cadres and civil servants. To work out policies to attract high-quality labor forces from other localities to the province.

7. To enhance cooperation with other provinces and expand markets

To enhance economic cooperation with other localities throughout the country, particularly Ho Chi Minh City and Central and Central Highland provinces, formulating specific mechanisms in accordance with the provisions of law in order to call on investors to come to Khanh Hoa; to work out programs on mobilization of ODA capital and FDI for prioritized investment in development of urban and rural infrastructures, healthcare, education, hunger elimination and poverty alleviation.

To attach importance to expanding the domestic and overseas markets. To raise the quality and renew the patterns of products, increasing their competitiveness and develop the markets in a sustainable manner; to further attach importance to building up and advertising the brands of products, commodity and services with development potentials.

8. Organization of implementation




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Article 2.- This planning serves as orientations and bases for the formulation, approval and implementation of specialized plannings and investment projects in the province according to regulations.

Article 3.- The People's Committee of Khanh Hoa province shall, based on the province's socio-economic development objectives tasks and orientations stated in the planning, assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the concerned ministries and branches in, directing the formulation, submission for approval, and implementation of the following according to regulations:

- The socio-economic development plannings of districts, provincial towns; the plannings on development of urban centers and population quarters; the construction planning; the land use planning and plan; the plannings on development of branches and domains, in order to ensure the comprehensive and synchronized development.

- A number of mechanisms and policies suitable to the requirements of the province's development and the state law in each period with a view to attracting and mobilizing various resources for implementation of the planning.

- Long-term, medium-term and short-term plans; key development programs and specific projects for concentrated investment or rational priority investment.

- Timely adjustments and supplements to this planning, suitable to the socio-economic development situation of the province and the whole country in each planning period, which will be submitted to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision.

Article 4.- To assign the concerned ministries and central branches to support the People's Committee of Khanh Hoa province in studying and elaborating the above-said plannings; studying and elaborating a number of mechanisms and policies suitable to the province's socio-economic development requirements in each period, to be submitted to competent state bodies for promulgation; in stepping up the investment in, and construction of, large-scale works and projects of inter-regional impacts and important significance for the province's development, for which the investment has been already decided; in studying for submission to competent authorities for approval the adjustments and supplements to branch development plannings and plans on investment in works and projects stated in the planning; and to support the province in seeking and arranging domestic and foreign investment capital sources for implementation of the planning.

Article 5.- This Decision takes effect 15 days after its publication in "CONG BAO."

Article 6.- The president of the People's Committee of Khanh Hoa province, ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies and heads of government-attached agencies shall implement this Decision.




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(Promulgated together with the Prime Ministers Decision No. 251/2006/QD-TTg of October 31, 2006)


1. Van Phong international entrepot port area.

2. Van Phong general economic zone.





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2. Upgrading and renovation of Cam Ranh airport.

3. Thoroughfare system north of Cam Ranh peninsular.

4. Upgrading of Ba Ngoi port and Cam Ranh fish port.

5. Renovation and upgrading of Cam Ranh electricity supply systems.

6. Urban water drainage systems in Cam Ranh.

7. Building of fence walls, protection and relocation of military facilities north of Cam Ranh peninsular.

8. Ba Ngoi and Cam Thinh Dong industrial parks.

9. Upgrading of Ba Ngoi export marine product-processing plant.

10. Ba Ngoi ship building and repairing factory.




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12. Cam Thinh Dong shrimp and fish feed plant.

13. Export garments and leather shoes factories.

14. Cam Thinh Dong commercial concrete plant.

15. Cam Thinh Dong canned food and agricultural product processing plant.

16. Cam Ranh shipyard.

17. Cam Ranh cement plant.

18. Bai Dai marine tourist and recreation resort.

19. The international conference-trade center north of Cam Ranh peninsular.

20. Entertainment and recreation botanical garden.




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22. Improvement of sea beach at Km 4 Cam Ranh.

23. Upgrading of hot water bath services at Ba Ngoi.

24. Regional trade-service centers in Cam Ranh provincial town.

25. Tourist information center at Cam Ranh airport.

26. The tourism secondary school at Nha Trang.

27. The tariff and non-tariff trade zone in Van Phong.

28. Exhibition-trade fair-workshop center.

29. Trade center-department store.

30. The retail shop system and duty-free shops at Cam Ranh airport.




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32. Cam Loc breeding shrimp project, 1,000 ha.

33. Cam Hai Dong high-tide shrimp rearing project, 30 ha.

34. Cam Hai Dong aquaculture project, 40-50 ha.

35. Cam Thinh Dong industrial shrimp rearing project, 390 ha.

36. Offshore fishing development project.

37. Renovation and construction of vocational training schools.

38. Upgrading of general consultation clinics in new townships.

39. Renovation and construction of health stations of communes, wards.

40. Construction of new population quarters for inner city areas.




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42. Construction of central flower garden in Cam Ranh provincial town and playgrounds in communes, wards.

43. Construction of networks of regional markets and commune/ward marketplaces.


1. Traffic projects.

2. Projects on construction of new urban centers on the expanded area of Nha Trang city.

3. Urban and rural water supply projects.

4. Projects on construction of trade and service centers.

5. Social infrastructure projects.





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1. Industrial salt production plant in Ninh Diem, Ninh Hoa, of a capacity of 50,000-200,000 tons/year.

2. Motor, machine tool, mechanical part manufacture and assembly factory.

3. Childrens toys factory.

4. High-grade glass factory.

5. Medical supplies factory.

6. Textile and garment industry accessories plants.

7. Factory for production of used Nix granules from waste of Hyundai-Vinasin shipyard, in Ninh Thuy industrial park.

8. Metal consumer goods factory.




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10. Factory for processing aquatic products from bivalve mollusk.

11. Workshop for manufacture of equipment of composite materials in service of ship building and repair.

12. The micro-biological fertilizer and biological preparation plant of a capacity of 350-400 tons/day.

13. Cattle and poultry meat processing plant.

14. Artificial wood production factory.

15. Granite stone product factory.

16. International container entrepot port.

17. Computer component manufacture and assembly factory.

18. Electronic and electro-refrigerating equipment manufacture and assembly factory.




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20. Stationery and school instrument manufacture factory.

21. Factory for manufacture and assembly of light trucks in service of agriculture.

22. Calling for investment in the industrial park north of Cam Ranh.

* Note: The positions, scales, land areas, total investment amounts and investment capital sources of the listed projects will be calculated, selected and specifically identified in the period of formation and submission for approval of investment projects, depending on the demands and capability to balance and mobilize resources of each period.-